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Diamond in the Rough-2by LynceusWhen someone tries to kill you, let alone twice, it's probably a good idea to cut your losses. Especially when some quirk of genetics turns you into a pretty girl, let alone give you superpowers. Old habits are hard to break though, and when Maddie calls, claiming she's in trouble, Lily can't help herself, and goes cross-country to help. And quickly gets in way over her head! |
I didn't pick up the phone. I mean, what would the point be? Lee Crawley was gone. Still, I listened to Maddie's message anyways. She was in trouble, she had no one else to turn to, and she was sorry.
The woman betrayed me and shot me (twice!). So why did I feel a twinge in my heart, why did I have this urge to drop everything and go to her? And even if I did, what could I do? She didn't know me, and wouldn't trust me either.
Then again, if she did get herself killed, I'd never forgive myself for ignoring her. It must be love.
I know I sound like a broken record, but fuck my life.
I packed the few possessions I felt like keeping, grabbed a stack of CD's to keep me company, and left town in my aging Chevy Silverado. I had no idea if I'd make it to Jersey in time, or what I was going to do when I got there. But I had to try.
I made as few stops as possible on my trip, mostly taking short naps in the truck. By the time I got to Atlantic City, though, it was a miracle I was still conscious. I pulled into a motel and got a room. The night clerk, some college-age girl gave my ID a second glance, but gave me my room.
I didn't even bother with a shower, I curled up on the bed and then I was out like a light.
I woke up, and for a few moments I had no idea where I was. It was dark outside, but a quick glance at the clock informed me that it was 5 A.M.. Fuck, I hadn't wanted to sleep this long, I probably missed my check-out time!
One advantage of being up so early though, was the fact that there wasn't much competition for hot water, which is good, because I like my showers hot as hell and long. From the steam rising in the tiny bathroom, I knew that a normal human would be badly burned by the heat, but to me, it felt just fine.
Stepping out of the shower, I shook my head, and drops of water slid right off my hair, leaving it only slightly damp. I have no idea what my hair is actually made out of these days. It looks normal, and feels right (at least, to me), but I'm pretty sure if someone who wasn't indestructible ran their fingers through it, they'd cut themselves.
I wipe away the condensation from the mirror, and realize why the clerk was acting oddly when I checked in. The girl in the mirror looks somewhere south of 18. It's only a few years off from my ID, so most people wouldn't be able to put their finger on what exactly is off about the photo- but I sure as hell notice!
So I was still getting younger. Just fucking great. My breasts feel a little smaller than before as well, but it could be a trick of my imagination. Well there was no point dwelling on it, although this made my job harder. The best way I had to find Maddie was to hit the casinos- most likely she'd be working at one of them.
I wouldn't blend very well wearing sweatpants and a hoodie though. I was going to have to buy something a bit more...flattering. Contrary to what you might think, I do know a thing or two about women's clothing. I've helped enough girls take off their clothes, at the very least, and I know what I like. And I've been drug into my fair share of clothing stores too.
It's just weird thinking about buying that kind of stuff for myself- the last thing I really want is guys drooling over me. The trick would be finding something in my size- most girls with my figure aren't nearly six and a half feet tall!
I'll gloss over the shopping, but in case you're curious, I found an olive green tall woven shift dress that fit me better than I could have expected, with a pair of low heels. I know, olive green, but really, if you're a redhead, some shade of green is probably your best color. Doris can pull off a pale shade of pink, but I wasn't sure I could.
If nothing else, the stares heading my way seemed appreciative enough. Or maybe a tall, leggy girl with bright red hair would look good in a burlap sack!
Wearing heels isn't as much of a pain as I'd thought it would be- the main reason I went with a pair of low heels is mostly because I'm already tall enough, thank you very much. I've heard some of my fellow men-turned-girls complain about wearing heels, so maybe I just got lucky in the natural balance department. If I got into a fight though, you better believe I'd be taking the bitches off fast!
One big difference with women's outfits is that concealing a weapon is a lot harder. I felt naked without a blade or a gun. I compromised with a roll of dimes stashed in the (ridiculously tiny) purse I'd bought. I know, super strong, it's not like I needed an edge. But old habits die hard, and I'd rather be accused of overkill than not being prepared.
I started at Caesar's Atlantic City, and I definitely was getting attention! Mostly the wrong kind, from anything remotely male. As for the ladies, I couldn't help but smirk seeing their jealous stares. If only they knew the truth about me!
I couldn't resist gambling a little, but I kept it low-key. I'd been tossed out of casinos before, thanks to some of my old bad habits. The kid at the poker table doesn't look much older than I do, and she's making some rookie mistakes that have me curious. Other than being cute, she doesn't seem experienced enough to be running a serious card game.
I should take it easy on her, but the other players sure aren't, and, well, it's hard to pass up a sure thing. I guess I got a little carried away, because as I rake in the pot off my last hand, I notice a pair of security goons behind me. I tip the girl with a high-value chip and stand up to face the music.
I don't think the boys realized how tall I was, sitting down, because their heads crane upwards slowly, a little bit of awe in their eyes. It's weird, but it feels good to elicit that kind of response in people. I feel like a goddess among mortals!
I better clamp down on that real quick, though, or I'll end up having another heart-to-heart with Jade, and not the good kind.
The guys ask me to come with them, and I play nice. I have to force myself not to smile when they bring me to the head of security- I know the guy! Charlie Victor was in the Corps the same time I was- we didn't serve together, but we'd met a few times. He was a short guy, about as wide as he is tall, with no neck and thick muscles. A little bit of a gut, but I knew he hadn't gone soft.
He still wore his dog tags around his neck. “Huh, you're a big bitch, ain't ya?”
I smirk at him. “Quality and quantity. So is this where you threaten me, rough me up, and kick me out the door?”
He frowned. “I don't like bullying girls. What's a kid like you doing hustling my tables anyways?” He turned to face his goon patrol. “Let me guess, Nikki's table?”
“Who else?” The taller of the two goons shrugged. “You know the grifters can't resist an easy mark.”
Damn, I fell for a trap! “I didn't do anything illegal, but if you want the money back...”
Charlie snorted. “Nothing illegal my ass. I'm going to let you off easy though- you probably need the dough, and I'd hate to see you hookin' for cash.”
I made a face. “Sell my body? Fuck that. Never happen.”
He looked me up and down. “You're too healthy to be a junkie, and I don't see no tracks. So what do you need the cash for? You a runaway?”
Jesus, how young did I look? “Not exactly. I'm in town looking for someone, that's all. Couldn't resist earning some extra green though.”
“Looking for somebody? In a casino? This I gotta hear. Who?”
“Girl by the name of Madison Jeffries.”
Charlie's eyes widened, and he looked to his subordinates. “Take a hike, boys, I need to talk to the little chica alone.”
They left, quick. Charlie gestured to a chair, and I sat down, mostly to cede him some height advantage. He got in real close, and I could smell brandy and cigar on his breath, as well as his aftershave. Thankfully, it wasn't an unpleasant combination.
“Who the hell are you, asking about Maddie?”
“Lily Crawley.”
He blinked. “Crawley? You know Lee Crawley?”
I nodded. “My uncle. He's dead, shot in a police raid. I was staying with him, because I had no place else to go. I was at his place, when she left a message on his machine. I know it sounds stupid, but he used to talk about her a lot, and, well, I figured she deserved to know. Plus, she sounded like she was in trouble.”
“Huh. Good story. You practice that one a lot? Like hell you're Lee's niece.”
I shrugged. “Ask me anything about him. Who else do you think taught me to play cards like that?”
He frowned. “Anything?”
I gave him a smile.
I won't go into what he asked me- it's not important, and nobody's reputations need to be ruined over that little incident in the desert. Suffice it to say, I passed Charlie's test, and he took me up to the bar. He had another brandy. I wanted one too, but instead I got a Coke.
Then he told me the story.
“Maddie came into town, and immediately got up to her old tricks. Not here, of course, she knew better than to try it. I offered her a job, but she said she was done with working for other people. How did she put it? Yeah...”
I'm through being a working stiff, Charlie. It's brought me nothing but pain.
“So anyways, she makes a lot of money fast, but what good will that do? Now everyone knows her, knows what to expect, not just us old-timers. And I guess that was the point, 'cuz next time I see her, she's on the arm of that Sharpe guy.”
“Steven Sharpe the Fifth, if you believe him. Real high-roller, but a lot of rumors, you know? I've seen him and his sister hanging with some major players.”
“So what was Maddie doing with this guy?”
Charlie sighed. “Who can say? Maybe running a con, maybe just trying to get some security. She's still a very pretty woman, but she ain't getting any younger.”
Damn her. Maddie was a smart girl, but that had always been her problem. She could never settle for what she had, she always wanted more. More than I could give her. I should let her burn, but I had to know.
“So what happened next?”
“She showed up here, looking all confused. I barely recognized her, I guess she must have had some work done or something. Took ten years off her, easy. Anyways, she starts playing craps, and she's on fire, I never seen anything like it. I was about to have my guys move in, because you know, she had to be cheating somehow, when Sharpe's sister, Rebecca, shows up and Maddie freezes. I don't know what Rebecca told her, but she led Maddie out of here like a little lost sheep. I asked her if she was ok, and all she said was...”
It doesn't matter anymore, Charlie.
“...and that was the last I saw of her.”
“So Sharpe comes here often?”
Charlie shook his head. “No way, missy. I'm putting you on a bus back home, wherever that is. Maddie's probably dead, and on the off chance you are Lee's family, I ain't letting you get killed.”
“I guess you're right, I should let it go.”
Charlie gave me a look. “Yeah, right. You sound just like Lee. Meanest son of a bitch I ever met, but he always picked the stupidest times to be the hero. Hell, there was this one time...” He trailed off and coughed. “Never mind, you're too young for that story.”
I had to hide a smirk. He had to be talking about that bar in Kuwait. We'd confiscated some contraband from the Iraqi's and we were trying to sell it back to them after we'd kicked Saddam in the balls. The black market guys were real cagey, and we'd been playing it cool. Then I saw one of them backhand his girlfriend. Charlie was one of the guys who'd had to pull me off the bastard.
Cost us a lot of money, but I know I'd do it again. I'm a sucker for a pretty girl. The irony is, now I am a pretty girl, and nothing's changed.
I managed to convince Charlie I was going to be a good little girl, but you and I know better. Rebecca Sharpe was a very pretty redhead, which, as I know from personal experience, means she stands out in a crowd. Of course, she doesn't have the curse of being quite as tall as yours truly, but the way she wears a dress is nothing short of criminal.
I'd traded in my own dress for a security guard uniform I'd 'borrowed' from the hotel. Charlie may run a tight ship, but I was MSPF*; I'd been trained to get in and out of much worse places than a luxury hotel.
*Maritime Special Purpose Force
Rebecca had a very sweet ride, a '56 Chevy Corvette, candy apple red, with the vanity plate HAZRD56. Hazard, huh? We'll see about that.
I waited in that damn garage for three hours, but I could be patient. Sure enough, she came out, not a care in the world. I came up behind her as she opened the door, and put my hand over my mouth. “Don't fight me. I can break your pretty little neck and you'll never even know why.”
She stiffened, but didn't struggle. “Good. I'm going to take my hand away from your mouth. You speak when you're spoken to, you try to scream, don't think you'll walk away from me alive.”
I removed my hand. “Now. I'm looking for Madison Jeffries. Where is she?”
In a level voice, Rebecca answered. “We have an office building in town. We're keeping th...her, there.”
“Them? As in more than one person? Fine. You're going to get me in there.”
“Hardly. I'm not in charge, the people who are won't just let us walk in there.”
“Now don't be like that, 'Becca. If you're useless to me, I have no reason to let you live.”
She laughed. “You're trying too hard to sound threatening. Let me guess, you're that girl who's claiming to be Lily Crawley?”
What the hell? Did Charlie sell me out? “So what if I am?”
“You're just a kid, you can't seriously think you can take these people on. What is she to you, anyways? She tried to kill your, ah, uncle. Oh she told me all about it. You owe this woman nothing.”
Her argument was logical, but annoying. “It doesn't concern you.”
“Oh I'm afraid it does, since the girl has some value to me.”
I'd lost control of this situation. Damn I'm getting soft! I grabbed her neck tightly. “Don't fuck with me. Give me the keys.”
She complied, but you would too- my hands look delicate, but I got a grip like a steel vice. “Good.” I let her go and opened the door. “Get in. Passenger side.”
She didn't even look at me as she got into the car, crawling into the other seat. I did get a good look at her rear end, and while I was never a butt man, it was very nice. Great. For weeks, my brain and my hormones have been at odds, and they pick now to come to an agreement.
Somehow, Rebecca Sharpe had done for me what Swedish lebsian porn couldn't do. I bit my tongue not to laugh. Somehow I doubt she'd appreciate the notion that she'd made a lesbian out of me!
I moved the seat back and got in. Real leather upholstery. I had to give her props. “Sweet ride.”
She buckled in, then rubbed her neck. I'd left her with a little bruise. I tried not to let that bother me. “It was my grandfather's.”
“Ok, you give me directions, and we'll drive to this office of yours.”
“And what then? You can't let me go, and if you try to take me with you, you're going to get shot. This plan is going to get you killed.”
“Won't that make you happy? Just tell me where I'm going.” I start the Corvette. God, the thing purrs like a kitten. I actually felt giddy. I still remember the first 'Vette I ever drove. Me and my friends stole it and took it for a joyride. I ended up spending a night in jail when all was said and done, but it was worth it.
The place was one of those little office buildings nobody looks twice at. A little upscale for me, I prefer warehouses, but I had to admit, it did the job, and was less likely to be flattened by a giantess!
I parked up the street. “Well I guess this is where...”
I never got to finish the sentence, because the bitch shot me! She couldn't have hidden the thing in her dress- I kid you not, she had a two-shot Derringer pistol! She must have had it stashed in the car somewhere. Being invulnerable makes a guy...girl, sloppy I guess.
The bullet doesn't quite ricochet off me, but it does bounce off and land on the floor, and it smolders on the floor. Rebecca's eyes get wide when she realizes all she's done is put a hole in the uniform coat- and piss me off.
I snatch the still-smoking gun and glare at her. “That was a stupid thing to do.”
“...oh my god. You''re one of them! Did you escape or something?”
I had no idea what she was talking about, but I figured I'd play along. “That's right.”
She shivers. “Why would you come back? Why? If I could get away...oh god. They're going to kill us. Or worse.”
“Yes. They...they can do something to your mind. Make you a slave. You'll do anything for them. You're just...happy all the time. Oh god..”
“Calm down. How did you get involved? They didn't just snatch you off the street?”
“No. They look for women with useful skills. They...they make promises. You get to be young and pretty, and more.”
I raised an eyebrow. “How old are you, anyways?”
Fuck. I'd card the bitch for a pack of smokes! “So that's how they got you. You had money, they made an offer you couldn't refuse.”
She nodded. “They needed some capital, me and my brother were able to get them the funds they needed.”
“And you couldn't resist trying the product. So you got powers?”
“Yes...I can...I'm lucky. Really lucky.”
Luck could be a superpower? Well I sure know it wasn't one I had! “And Maddie too?”
“No, she...her power is different. She was involved before we were. She can control plastic with her mind. Like changing casino dice so they're balanced wrong. Little stuff. They wanted to make her stronger, so they had Steven drug her and bring her back. She escaped somehow, before they were done. They sent me to get her. She was totally out of it. She told me they were going to steal her mind. Make her a little doll they could control. She told me to get out's too late.”
I realized that I was officially in way over my head. I started the car again. “I guess I need a better plan if I'm going to get her out of there.”
Rebecca looked at me. “I don't understand. Why are you doing this for her?”
“It's not just her. Not anymore. I'm doing this for all of them. You, her, anyone else they've nabbed. But I'm going to need some backup.”
I drove back to my hotel. I don't know if I could trust Rebecca, but she still seemed to be in shock. She tried to kill me, and here I was wanting to help her. I'm such a sucker for a pretty face.
And then I made what was likely the most important phone call I've ever made. A female voice answered. “Hello, can I help you?”
It wasn't a voice I recognized. The girl on the other end sounded...I don't know, British maybe? “Uh, yeah, is Doris there?”
“Afraid not, her and Lena are out of town right now.”
“Hey, who is this anyways?”
“My name is Lily, I'm...”
“Oh yeah, I remember you. The invulnerable one, right? I'm Rena, by the way. Hey..are you in some kind of trouble?”
“I..yeah. A bit.” It's not like me to admit that, but, well, like I said. I knew I was in over my head. “Water's getting a bit deep, if you know what I mean.”
I could hear her grin over the phone, I swear. “Well you're in luck, Lily, I can handle some pretty deep water.”
“I sure hope so. So can you, uh, fly? I'm in Atlantic City.”
“Fly? I wish, but I swim real fast. Just tell me where you're at, and I'll get to you as soon as I can.”
Swim? Great. I call the cavalry, and I get the superhero who probably talks to fish.
Just my luck.
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Diamond in the Rough-2
Steven Sharpe III. Father of Steven Sharpe IV and one other unnamed son. Grandfather of Steven Sharpe V (Gambler II) and Rebecca Sharpe (Hazard).
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I don't know that I ever thanked you, for providing links for those interested in who the 'guest stars' of each story are. I don't usually explain it (unless it's important to the story), preferring to leave them as 'Easter Eggs' for the few actual comic book fans out there, but I've had a few new readers message me, and apparently they really appreciate being able to read more about some of the more interesting characters.
So thanks a lot, Stanman!
Now if only I could get someone to do a timeline for me, so new readers could figure out what the order to read my humble tales is- I'm very bad about that myself!
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
Finding trouble
It does sound like Lil found trouble. Is this group creating metas and chipping them? If they are, Lil will need more help.
Sounds like-
a different group since chipping doesn't involve giving superpowers. However it might be another division using similar tech to control them. After all that was why the government was funding them to start with, looking for a way to control supers. Maybe the gambling thing was an attempt at funding?
I do love Lili's voice. Tough guy turned girl and still not all that happy about it although I liked your subtle clue's it was starting to grow on her. The Aquaman jibe at the end was funny too.
Great stuff!
hope it is not the biometal
or it could be a dominator type.
I doubt it is the biometal.
There are many other ways to brainwash someone than something so expensive. If you have a psychic on staff, for example, it'd be pretty easy. Drugs and hypnotism can also mess up a person's head too. There's also probably some magical ways as well, though I don't think that's what this group is using: it doesn't really fit the tone. I'm leaning towards a psychic in this case, which means that Lil is in trouble even if she is nigh invulnerable to physical damage.
I'm really glad to finally read this. I've been waiting ever since the first chapter for this one to come out, and now I eagerly await the next. Lil's a really interesting character that I really want to see more of. Keep em coming! :)
Biometal is also supposed to
Biometal is also supposed to be rare as well as expensive. Sort of cheapens the deal if everyone all of a sudden has access. OTOH, enslaving metas makes more sense than manufacturing sex slaves. If it is the case then Spectre, Miss Mars and really just about any other meta is likely to come barging in no holds barred.
Uh oh!
I don't really think it has to be a biochip establishment. It stands to reason that if you have clients for a certain service then subverting them so blatantly is bad for business. Had I been in charge I would have made sure to keep the biometal to other branches of my organisation.
However, the body alteration is indeed a similar tech. So considering this a part of a greater superstructure is possible. But, it likely didn't have any meaningful clues to the greater whole, as IIRC the story is rather early in timeline.
Still, really, changing plastic, even in small ways? Certainly a niche power, but gambling is but one of the possible ways to go with it. Like, removing the casing of devices, short-circuiting things...
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Ho hum...
It looks as though this group might have access to the biometal, but the slavery thing appears to be an insurance policy, as opposed to their main business activity, which is to use metas with suitable skills to make lots of money at casinos.
Now Rena's getting involved - goodie! It's about time someone made use of her outside the snail-like pace of updates to her main story. In case you can't remember the two stories I've posted so far, she's officially Lorena Marquez, codename AquaGirl. She's got the basic strength / speed / stamina package, plus similar abilities underwater.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
No Offense-
But it is funny to think of the Justice League getting a call, but the only hero available is Aquaman because none of the other crisis is near water. Sort of like the Maytag repairman. "Is your emergency on or near any body of water? Is any kind of aquatic life involved? NO? Darn it!" LOL
We forget that he is way stronger and faster than any normal human. Not to mention able to withstand environments that would put most six feet under in less time than it takes to say it. Additionally, remember 3/4 of the world is wet. Think of out fast the Somali Pirate threat would disappear if Aqua-chick was around? Telepathic communications with the sea-life would provide intelligence on Pirate movement, and I really don't think any bunch of pirate would have a chance of even boarding.
Personally I'd always liked Namor, because of his 'Tude, but don't dis' Arthur either!
Aqua *Man*?
Rena (Lorena) is AquaGirl. Her name, appearance and abilities based on her namesake, but I may throw in the occasional AquaMan ability. Needless to say, I've dumped everything from the comic plot, so don't expect any Atlantean references or Sub Diego.
The first two parts to her origin / training story are Born in a Watery Grave and Chicago Water Torture 1. Water Torture 2 is about ¾ done so far, and I'm currently adding about 500 words a week. Slow progress, but once this is done, WT3 (which covers her first mission) shouldn't take as long. I'll then move onto retelling Lena's kidnap and rescue from Rena's PoV. That is, if I spend a little less time reading almost every new story that appears on TopShelf and a little more time writing :)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I have the same problem!
I might actually finish my serial sequel, but I spend too much time reading all these excellent stories (and a few turkeys). 2 new Julie O. stories didn't help me at all!
In the comics, Madison could control metal. But controlling plastic sounds cool .... and more chips, only this time to control metas? Somebody better send for the heavy guns...
I like it! I like it a lot!
I just read both chapters, and I really want to read more! Maybe not so long between chapters, though. Lily is a great character, and I haven't seen much of Rena yet. Diamond Lil, to the rescue!
Well, about concealed weapons for women...
"One big difference with women's outfits is that concealing a weapon is a lot harder."
That is what purses are for. There are purses made to hide pistols in. And they are not very expensive. I have a relative that owns one.
Anyway, good chapter. I look forward to reading your next chapter.
Enjoyable chapter. Thanks!
Enjoyable chapter. Thanks!
She's Back!
I thought you'd forgotten this story. Thanks for bringing it back. I'm looking forward to reading more.
Thanks and kudos.
- Terry
Many seem worried that a biometal mind control chip might be implanted in a meta to enslave er. As I read this story, it seems to be impossible to do it to Lil. Her skin and body are superhard, made of substances like ceramics (rock) and some super-alloy for bones (metal). Aren't some of the other metas bulletproof? They'd also be very difficult to cut open.
Lynceus, thanks for getting back to Lil; cool story! It's more interesting to see an anti-hero; a bad guy trying to turn into a not-so-bad supergirl.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
I enjoy her sardonic tone