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Chapter 47
Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman
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The adults in the room watching this are amazed at what is happening. A human being has given birth to fairies for the first time. Indeed this is a new beginning.
Sarah steps toward carefully to the bed. “King Oren, can I get some of the fluid before it is cleaned up? I need to test it. It will verify the blood sample I got from Richard earlier in the year.”
“Yes you can, Sarah.”
Sarah bends down to me with three small vials, she carefully fills them with the amniotic fluid from my womb. She puts a small black stopper on each one. “Thank you. The blood sample that I received from Richard nine months ago proved interesting.”
“What did it reveal?”
“It proved Richard is very unique, Rhiannon. His dual gender status proved it is no fluke. He is totally inter-sexual in both male and female hormones. There is a total balance in him. It is how frogs can change sex when needed.”
“Obviously he is not a frog.”
Everyone laughs and giggles at the Wizard’s remark.
“No, he is not a frog, Wizard. This is not the first time we have seen a balance of this type in humans who have both sets of organs. This fluid sample in my hand should verify the unique life of the fairies. I have a private lab that can do this and keep it confidential.”
“What did the blood test reveal?”
“It revealed several things, Anya. First of all, I know he has an Irish and Welsh background. One of his brothers had one slightly pointed ear when he was born. This came from the mother’s side.”
“That’s interesting. So there is a part of me in Richard.”
“Yes, Anya. If I took a blood sample from you and compared it, I would probably find a common DNA marker between the two. That would verify your elvish influence. The other thing I know is this. Despite Croin’s effort to move the dragon blood cells from his arms, the blood serum was still influenced by it. It is the most remarkable aspect about him. I tested the sample against various different types of viruses and colds we have. It defeated them every time.”
“Yes! That is why we don’t get the human diseases. Our blood is very strong against it. Our hot blood prevents that.” Exclaims Croin.
Everyone smiles and laughs on hearing that good news.
“The next thing I know is this. I put a small sample in an aquarium to see how the fish react to it. Each species I tested came with the same result. They swam around it and protected it from the other fish in the tank. They kept it from dispersing into the water. So that verified the animal life, whether at sea or on land, will keep Richard safe and his offspring safe as well.”
Everyone smiles and laughs again.
“So, in a sense, peace will come to Earth between the humans and the animals. The lion will lie down with the lamb.”
“That’s right, Rhiannon. When Richard’s wife gives birth to the children, I will verify that and see what is passed on. I think what will happen now, as the generations proceed, more and more people will inherit a part of Richard. If our old population shrinks and Richard’s descendants increase, there will be a shift in that new direction. I don’t know how many people will be around in a thousand years, but it shows promise that a lot of the predictions found in various scrolls, books and words handed down will come true.”
Everyone smiles and laughs again.
Queen White Dove flies in front of me and hovers near me. “Omega, we need to go into the woods and retrieve some thorns. Those needles are too big for us to use.”
“That is no problem, Queen White Dove. Anya, will you please open the back door for them.”
“Of course, Richard. Come, who need to fly into the forest. I will open the door again when you come back.”
“Thank you, Anya.” Then about twenty fairies follow Anya out of the master bedroom. She opens the door for them. The fairies fly out quickly to find the thorns they need.
Anya stays standing on the back porch until they come back. They come back in about fifteen minutes. Each fairy has two thorns in each hand. She opens the door and they fly back into the master bedroom.
The fairies use their flint knives to cut the fabrics and the threads. There are teams of ten fairies on each outfit. Some take a thread to Tiger and Tigress to measure certain lengths and parts of their bodies to make sure it will fit properly. Queen White Dove oversees the construction of the garments.
The ladies marvel at their dexterity in creating the garments.
“No way I could do that with my eyes and fingers, Anna. I would need a set of jewelers’ glasses to do that.”
“I know what you mean Sarah. It’s incredible and yet very beautiful. Barbie is way too big for them.”
The ladies giggle when they hear that remark from Anna.
“That’s a thought. Richard, have you given a thought where the fairies will stay as the numbers increase?”
“I have thought about that, Anna. This is a three-bedroom cabin. It will do fine for the children. I did think about buying doll houses of various types. They can actually use the furniture and bedrooms to use and stay in.”
“That’s a wonderful idea, Richard. How many will there be in 900 years?”
“I figured it out Anna. In nine hundred years it will be 900 pairs of fairies or a total of 1,800 from me alone.”
All of the adults do a double take on that number and look at each slowly. The fairies look at each other with smiles on their faces.
“Oh my, I guess you will have to wait until the children are grown up and moved out of the cabin or the house where you are to set up more doll houses.”
“Yes, then there is the volume problem of feeding them. I know they can fend for themselves in the woods. Isn’t that right, King Oren?”
“That is most certainly true, Omega. Once we have stayed in an area for about two months, we move onto another area to get our food. The previous area then recovers. We take only what we need to live on. The animals in the area also eat there. So they are doing the same we are in the mountains. But it is a very good balance as we do it each year.”
“Then there is the promise of the forests reclaiming the deserts and the waste places. In time, Earth will be green again.”
“We would love to see that happen. At least we get to see the beginning here.”
“The tree seeds we were given are doing fine, Omega. They are well protected for the winter this year. We have them sealed away so the squirrels and other critters won’t get to them.”
“That’s good, King Oren.”
Tiger and Tigress slowly wake up from their sleep. The fairies bring over their first set of clothes for them to wear.
“Hello Tiger and Tigress. I’m Queen White Dove and this is my soul mate King Oren. We welcome you to Earth. We have some clothes here for you to wear. It will help keep you warm.”
“Thank you, Queen White Dove.”
Tiger and Tigress put on the clothes as directed by some of the fairies. They have under clothes before the outer clothes are put on. They also have a pair of boots to put on as well. The outfit design is very beautiful. The style matches the color in their wings. There are no faux-pas in the selection of colors and patterns.
“King Oren and Queen White Dove, I have brought a gift with me. It is in the brown envelope. Amber and Cobalt, will you please get it for them.”
They smile together. “Yes, Richard.”
They fly over to the dresser top and retrieve the envelope and hand it to King Oren and Queen White Dove.
“In this envelope is more of the Omega Unicorn’s hair trimmings.”
All of the fairies cheer in excitement.
“Thank you, Omega Unicorn. This is a great gift. Now the rest of us can keep you near to us.” King Oren and Queen White Dove open the envelope. They grab a tuft of my hair and give them to each fairy in the room who didn’t get any the last time I was here. The last two tufts are given to Tiger and Tigress. They all find a way to tuck it into their clothes. They smell the hair to remember my scent.
The rest of the people smile in seeing the good gesture I made with them.
“Look on the wall over there, King Oren. I created a special board. Each of those little envelopes contains the mane hair from each of the twelve unicorns. Their names are under each one.”
“This is a great day to be thankful. Thank you, Omega.” Then each of the fairies flies up to touch the mane hair and get a good whiff of it. “I smell Caliber from this pair, Omega. Then that means Caliber is descended from Athena and Einhorn.”
“That is great news King Oren. I didn’t know which pair was his ancestor.”
All of the fairies have smiles of contentment on their faces. The adults take a closer look at the mane hairs. Rhiannon is smiling the widest. She recognizes the six unicorn names immediately. She touches each one carefully. Then she feels more alive that a connection has been made to another part of her past. She keeps those memories for herself.
Tiger and Tigress fly up to touch each one and smell them. “Omega, I smell each one of these on you.”
“That is right, Tiger. Before I left, each unicorn breathed on Amber, Cobalt and me one more time. Now, I need to get dressed. I need to do something for Tiger, Tigress and Rhiannon. They never had seen this. Let’s go into the living room.”
I get myself dressed to look presentable again after I get cleaned up with some help from Sarah.
We walk and fly out of the master bedroom. I stand before the fire place. Everyone is in a half-circle around me. The fairies are hovering with smiles and anticipation. Tiger, Tigress and Rhiannon wonder what is going to happen next.
“This is my proof that I’m the Omega Unicorn.” I thrust my hands to the side. Then the twelve unicorn images appear quickly, six on either side of me.
Everyone cheers and claps their hands in excitement.
“Oh my, Richard. I remember the six clearly now.” Rhiannon walks up to each one. She hesitates to touch them.
“I’ll make them more solid, Rhiannon, then you can touch them.”
“Thank you, Richard.”
I concentrate within myself. Then the twelve unicorns become solid and I can’t see through them. I move some of them to avoid hitting the furniture. Rhiannon walks up to each one and touches their heads and mane. Several tears come down her face. She has a smile on her face. I feel each touch transfer to my face. A tear comes down my face. The touch reminds me of my mom caressing me when I met her in heaven the first time.
“So, they are still alive after all this time. I get to touch them one more time.”
“Actually as you touched them, I felt your touch as well, Rhiannon.”
Everyone smiles when they hear that. “Of course, Richard. But, it is good to touch their face and mane one more time. I can feel the difference between each one.”
Then she turns to me and hugs me closely. Then we break apart. The images return to me when my hands are down by my side. “You are indeed the Omega Unicorn. You are the last one on Earth. You also represent each of the twelve as well. They are your brothers and sisters.”
“Yes, they have become my new family after I lost my own. I still get to see them when I’m asleep. Sometimes I find myself in huge flowered gardens up there. I have seen my mom, dad, Caliber and some other important people as well.”
“I’m sure you have, Richard. I already know a lot will happen with you around now.”
“When I get married some day, I will be taking a honeymoon cruise to the Mediterranean for two or three weeks. On the way back, I will visit the Isles for at least a week or two.”
“Then I will make plans to greet you then.”
“I know this a great day to give thanks. However, the Wilkersons have invited me to their house for the evening meal. I still would like to have a meal with you all before you leave.”
“We would love that, Richard. Here is a suggestion, why don’t we have it here in the cabin? We have time to get to the grocers this afternoon. Then tomorrow we’ll all be here to prepare this great feast. The fairies can be here as well while we sit at the dining table. Does that sound reasonable?”
Everyone looks at each other. Soon they are nodding their heads up and down with smiles. “It looks like we have an agreement, Rhiannon. We better get to the grocers right now. We’ll have to settle for the herb selection in the grocers, which I’m afraid to say is a bit local.”
Everyone giggles and laughs at that remark.
“I can take care of that, Richard. So, what kind of style are we looking for?”
“Let’s do it Cymry and Irish style in honor of the Omega Unicorn, Wizard.”
Everyone has a smile on their faces.
“Then it will be a combination, Rhiannon.” The wizard puts his hands out and recites a series of spells. Then all of a sudden about two dozen pots of herbs appear on the table. There is also a large turkey still wrapped up. There is a bunch of vegetables piled up on the table. A number of the vegetables and herbs are from Wales and Ireland like the leeks and potatoes
“How come we have turkey here, Wizard? I thought lamb is the traditional meal there.”
“It is, Rhiannon. However, Richard has only eaten fish and bird here in the Americas. His family had a reaction to red meat soon after he was born.”
“So, therefore, fish and bird is safe for him. That’s interesting.”
“On Twainor, they only serve up fish and bird, Rhiannon. They don’t kill the wool bearing animals there or the wild herds. They have very long birth cycles there. The men and women there will live to one hundred and seventy-five on average. To them, it is unthinkable to kill those animals. If they did eat them, they will lose the ability to do magic. All of the dragons and sea dragons eat fish from the sea instead.”
She smiles once she gets the understanding. “Now I understand Omega. I think that is one of the reasons the human life cycle is a lot shorter here.”
Then I notice something odd about the potted herbs. Those pots look familiar. “Wizard, these pots look familiar. Where did you get them from?”
He smiles, “I got them from your house.”
“Oh my, Maker. That explains the aromas in the house during the holidays. I knew they were different from the other neighbors. I think the Wilson family had the same aromas as ours did. Now why is that idea sticking in my brain?”
“Excellent, Wizard. This is great. Do you have enough utensils here, Omega?”
“There should be, Rhiannon. My mom and dad had a dinner party here one time with twelve people. The mayor was invited as well.”
“That’s great. I know some great recipes from the homeland. You might as well get reconnected to your roots, Omega.”
“Look it over quickly, Rhiannon and ladies. Is there anything else we need? The grocers will be closing at 6 P.M. today. If not, then it will have to wait until tomorrow.”
The ladies go over the selection on the table and start discussing what to do.
“There is a wood fire grill built in the back yard, Rhiannon. We can do some fire roasting and cooking out there if you like.”
“I like that a lot, Richard. We’ll use it to cook the vegetables and roast the nuts. The oven will be for the bird only. That is going to take the longest to cook properly and uninterrupted.”
“Where will everyone stay tonight? I know Sara and Anna are in the local hotel. I know the three of you came here by magic. I do have four beds here. You can have the master bedroom Rhiannon. You can mix and match however you like with the rooms.”
They all smile at hearing of the special offer to stay for the night. Then Rhiannon speaks up.
“Anya and I will share the master bedroom.”
“Then I’ll be in boys’ room.” Replies the Wizard with a smile.
“Then I get to be in my own room and that takes care of that.” I smile at them. “Then I hope you are good guests and don’t leave much behind for me to clean.”
They all giggle and laugh. “That is no problem, Omega. Since we can do magic, the clean up will be done with magic.”
Then Tiger and Tigress fly over to me and sit on my shoulders. Tiger asks me a good question.
“Can we do magic, father?”
Then King Oren and Queen White Dove fly up to be in front of them. King Oren speaks.
“Yes, you can. We’ll teach you what you can do. You can change to butterflies to hide in plain sight. You can help the other fairies and the Omega to heal faster with your touch. The Omega Unicorn can blow his breath onto you to heal you and revive you if you are weak. If the Omega becomes sad, you can sing a comforting melody to ease his emotions and well being. You can encourage him to be more thoughtful and slow down his anger if he gets mad.”
Queen White Dove speaks next, “When you are in butterfly mode, you can whisper to him and he can whisper back to you. You can be his eyes and ears if trouble should occur. You will work as a team. You can talk to the bees and the other animals to assist you and him together.”
Then Tiger and Tigress smile widely. Tigress speaks next, “When do we begin?”
“Right now, Tiger and Tigress. The first task to learn is how to change into butterflies and back again. It is a mental process in your mind. We’ll explain each step so you can visualize it.”
“Some of us will now change into butterflies. Look at how they move about in the room. When a bird thinks you are his next meal, we’ll show you some maneuvers to frustrate them.”
“Will we get flint knives to protect ourselves?”
“Yes you will, Tiger and Tigress. The first step is changing into butterflies.”
Then about a dozen fairies change into a butterfly in little flashes of lights. They flutter about the room. They avoid the people in the room with great precision. Then they change back into fairies in little flashes of lights.
“What is that flash of light I saw?”
“That is your aura and self energy combined together. The first step is to think of a butterfly that has your wings. Your wings predetermine that image. From our experience, you will both change into tiger swallowtail butterflies. You will be slightly larger than the natural ones in this area. Right now, because it is winter. The butterflies have all flown south to the warmer climate areas. They will fly back here when it starts to become warmer in March. They will mate and lay their eggs for the next generation.”
“We don’t mate and lay eggs do we, King Oren?”
“No, you don’t, Tigress. You are unique and have a very long life. Your life comes from the Omega Unicorn, your father and mother rolled into one being. Male unicorns give birth to more fairies automatically, and that is initiated by the Creator of the Universe. When a male unicorn mates with a female unicorn, then the female unicorn will produce more unicorns.”
King Oren continues Queen White Dove’s thoughts. “However, in this case, the Omega Unicorn’s mate will give birth to human beings. We are told two females and two male babies will be born with each generation. The two girls will give birth to normal children and the boys will give birth to more girls and boy unicorns.”
“That sounds like a major increase in fairy population will happen.”
“It certainly will be, Tigress. Now that is said, let’s see if you can change into butterflies and back again.”
“Visualize the image of a butterfly with your wings. Keep that picture there. Now move that image to your aura and self energy. The aura is what is around you. The self energy is within you. Combine them together, now!”
Tiger and Tigress do what they are told. They picture it in their minds. Then they combine their aura and self energy together. Then all of sudden, in a little flash of light, they become tiger swallowtail butterflies.
Everyone cheers at the success of the transformation.
“Now look at us, how we fly. We glide by keeping them still. But to change direction, you tilt the wings in this manner.”
They are shown how to dive, climb, turn right and left. Tiger and Tigress flap their wings once and take off from my shoulder. They glide across the room for a short distance. Then they flap their wings a second time. They didn’t get the angle right to climb. They keep their wings straight as they glide down to a chair arm rest.
They keep practicing until they get it right. Once they got the hang of it, they start flying around the room with the greatest of ease. Then we hear them speak. “I’m getting tired. I need some rest.”
“Then come over to this flower of this potted plant. There is some sweet nectar here for you to drink.”
“Thank you, King Oren.”
They glide and flutter to a potted flower in the room. They find the nectar quickly and start drinking it. Soon they feel their energy is restored.
“If you want solid food like fruits, seeds and nuts, you’ll need to change back into fairies.”
“How do we do that?”
“Instead of a butterfly image, you imagine your fairy form and do the same thing with the aura and self energy.”
“Okay, King Oren.”
Tigress and Tiger think about their fairy form. They have it pictured in their minds. Then they combine their aura and self energy with the fairy image. Then in two small flashes of lights, they are transformed back into fairies.
We all clap and cheer at the success of the transformation.
“I don’t know about you King Oren that took a lot of energy. I’m sure my sister and I are very tired now.”
“It is expected Tiger and Tigress. You will slowly learn how to conserve your energy for longer flights. You must always keep an eye out for flowers along the way to refill your energy stores.”
“It is the same with us Tiger and Tigress. We humans can go several days without eating or drinking. But by the fourth day we must eat and drink what we need to restore our energy. If we don’t, then our bodies will start to break down and get very weak. We will get very malnourished. Then it will take longer to recover.”
“When women get pregnant, then that changes everything. The woman must eat and drink to be healthy for the sake of the baby. It will be the same for Richard. We must try to eat three balanced meals a day. If he is in harm’s way, captured or some other predicament. It all depends on which stage the newborns are in.”
“I have been taking lessons on how to protect my womb with various defensive moves.”
“That is right, Sarah and Richard. It is the same for us, Tiger and Tigress. If we are on an emergency errand of doing a long flight, we must stop to drink some nectar along the way many times. If we don’t, then our bodies will become weakened. You will be surprised how much we eat and drink of nectar, honey water, fruits and nuts in a day. We are high burners of energy. During the next few days, we’ll show you that. Traphel and his two fairy escorts will be with Omega when he returns to Raleigh this Sunday. I have given them this charge so that we know everything is okay with our beloved Omega Unicorn.”
“Amber and Cobalt will help you along the way until you learn how to interact in Richard’s world and Earth the proper way. The majority of the people of Earth think we are myths and don’t exist at all. There are very few people that know we exist at all. We want to keep it that way as long as possible.”
The adults put the food into the fridge to keep for tomorrow. The potted herbs are put on the counter for the time being. As things are put away, Rhiannon looks at a set of cook books in a cabinet near the kitchen. She smiles when she sees a separate cook book from Wales, Ireland and Scotland. Then two other books there get her attention.
“What are these two books doing here?” She picks one up, then she feels something electric through her finger tips. She puts it down and looks at the front cover. “Oh my Creator, this can’t be it.” There is a picture on the front of the book. It shows the red dragon of Cymry. Then she reads the hand written title, “The True History of the Cymry.”
“Omega, you better come here before you go to the Wilkerson’s.”
“I’m coming, Rhiannon.” I walk up and stand beside her. I look at the book. “I’ve seen this book before. It contains the stories from Cymry.”
“But I know that hand writing like it was yesterday. It is my hand writing. You better open it, Omega. And look, there is another book here as well that looks old. I wrote that one too.” It shows the white dragon of the Scottish people.
I reach for the book and place it on the counter next to the Cymry book. “I don’t remember this book.” I open to the first page of both books. There are two handwritten notes. One of them is sealed. By now the others come around me and Rhiannon. “Let’s set this on the dining table for all to see.”
I move the books to the dining table. King Oren and Queen White Dove are standing on the table walking around looking at the books.
I read the letter out loud.
To Richard, our beloved son.
Only you will understand what is written here. Your brothers had no interest in knowing their past. There is a connection between the Wilsons and our family. We are refugees from the Isles. Our great grandparents and the Wilson relatives escaped in haste with their lives with these two books and our precious heirloom. Their lives were threatened once they received threats by a group we know there. In this book from the Cymry, contain the blood lines from King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. The original records were destroyed by Mordred and his followers who had a deep hate for them. Their first and only legitimate son escaped with a faithful knight Arthur trusted right after he was born. He gave the two rings to him as well. He raised him in his family’s household in the highland moors of Wales, not in the lowland moors of the Exeter area. Our ancestors created that rumor to throw the assassins off the trail. Now you know where the Moore name comes from.
In the other book contains the blood line for the Wilson family. There is a sealed letter there for their only daughter. They are descended from the Picts and merged with the Scots. The Scots and the Picts are actually from Eire. They have elvish blood as well. The Picts have a matriarchal society going back to their first King and Queen. Guinevere has an elvish grandmother from that line as well. There was a movie that showed the exploits of William Wallace. That is where the Wilson name comes from. Several generations before this particular William was born, their entire blood line was written down before it was forgotten by a very good friend of the family. It was passed down from mother to daughter as an heirloom of their Pictish heritage. Each generation a new male or female member would get added to the lines. In the other book contains a copy of that bloodline for them.
If we know you, Richard, you will check the internet to verify the stories. You will find a Cymry version of the events. They are closer to the truth, but they are disguised to hide the truth. There is only one Guinevere. Their son’s name is hidden in there.
For a short time, the Picts, the Scots, the Eire and the Cymry people were able to thwart the invaders to the Isles. The Vikings, the Saxons, the French, the Normans and the Romans all stayed in the south lands and stayed away from the North and West. No one will admit it. The entire modern monarchy today is pieced together by them. They stole Arthur’s story for their own devices, greed and boasts saying they are descended from them. They are not. Their ancestors stole what the Creator gave to Arthur and Guinevere.
This is what we were doing while the Wilsons and we vacationed here during the summer. We had to get things in order. The royal heirloom is well hidden. Only you will be able to find them and solve the mystery for the grand prize. Let the usurpers continue with their games. The time will come when our four ancient houses will be revealed to the world. We’ll pick up the pieces when their supposed rule will crumble. There are hidden followers back in the Isles.
The symbol of our heritage is the red dragon for the Cymry. For the Wilson family, it is the white dragon, the water horse, the unicorn, the centaur and the mermaid.
Written with all of our love for you,
Robert and Allison Moore, your dad and mom.
Hugs and kisses
Then it dawns on me. I start laughing out loud. “Hah, hah, hah, I love it!”
“What’s so funny, Richard?”
“Yes, what is so funny, Omega?”
“It’s mystery of the symbols. I just met the red dragon, this past Samhain. I released him from the red jeweled ring with the Wizard’s help. I am part unicorn and part dragon. The water horse is one of the ancient ones. He or she could be a sea dragon. I thought the centaurs were confined to Italy and Greece. So, that meant a group of centaurs from there, came to the Isles to seek refuge. It all makes sense now. After the Great Flood, most of the First Ones on Noach’s boat fled here to escape the people and hide from them. On Twainor, there are dragons, sea dragons, dwarves, unicorns and centaurs.”
Then everyone starts to laugh out loud once they see the connections being made. Once everyone has calmed down, we realize something is missing.
“So where are the rings, Richard?”
“What is the grand prize?”
“I guess when the rings are found. It will point to the grand prize. Wait a second, I remember seeing a box in the master bedroom one day when I was younger.”
“Is it here or back at the house, Richard?”
“It can’t be at the house, Anna. We took the entire valuables out and put them in a bank vault for safe keeping. I think the box is here.”
Then the fairies fly about the cabin looking for a box. Then we hear one of them speak out loud. “In here, Omega, in the master bedroom.”
We walk into the master bedroom. We see some fairies pointing at a plain box with some strange symbols on top of the box and the sides. The box is 6" by 6" with a height of 3".
“There are strange symbols on the box.”
I pick up the box carefully. I bring it to the dining table. I see two symbols carved on top of the box and a single carving on each side. “These symbols are old, Rhiannon.”
“Yes they are, Richard. This is the red dragon and the white dragon on top. On the sides are the dragon, the unicorn, the water horse and the centaur.”
“I thought the unicorn was a Scottish symbol, Rhiannon.”
“It was ordered by a later king to replace the white dragon, Richard. He didn’t know the unicorn represented Caliber.”
“Didn’t I just read there is a mermaid as well?”
“Think about it, Richard. Who would be the mermaid, be?” She smiles at him.
“It is supposed to represent you as the Lady of the Lake?”
“It does, Richard. Therefore we know how old this box is now. This box was created a hundred years before William Wallace. Are you sure you want to open the box?”
“If it is empty, then someone took them. If the two rings are there, then this box must be hidden again. I don’t want them until I’ll need them. To think, I do have royalty after all. Before this year’s Spring Break, I thought I was an ordinary boy.”
“Do you remember the Wilson’s daughter, Richard?”
“I do, Queen White Dove. The Wilson family was our next door neighbor in Colombus, SC. Her name is Brianna. I haven’t seen her or her family since I was ten. That is when our families split up. I don’t know where they are now. It has been told to me, my wife will find me.”
“Then let us hope that comes true soon that you and Brianna come together.”
“Then open the box to make sure they are there. I can put it with the two minerals that you gave me, Richard.”
“What are these two minerals, Richard?”
“I’ll show you, Rhiannon.” I walk into my bedroom and pick up the stone carving and set it on the table.
“This stone carving was done by a dwarf on Twainor. I bought it just before I left there. Croin stays in the cave to get himself recharged up. This stone is very special. I didn’t know it at the time.” I turn it upside down. “This white vein is the Evenshard stone. This greenish vein is the Ethereal Space Ore. These two minerals define what Twainor is.”
“That is beautiful, Richard.”
“The Ethereal Space ore is what gives Twainor its magic. The vein here is very small. I can’t do any substantial magic with it. Earth at one time had this Ethereal Space ore. But it was removed when Atlantis sank into the waters. This is what gave them the magic that is rumored they had.”
“So, it was removed from them, because they abused it.”
“That is right, Anya. However, the Eleven Magi were able to secure the last of the pure ore for themselves. I am told it increases their own natural magical powers.”
“What does the Evenshard do, Richard?”
“If you put a lighted light crystal near the stone, it will emit a natural force field that will block arrows, bullets or any object thrown at it. But it does glow white and multiple colors from the colorful streams in the Ethereal Space ore to interact with it. What that means it won’t stop a laser weapon. But, with the magic of the Ethereal Space ore and a metal object mixed with the Evenshard stone, you can absorb it, hold it and send it where you want to. The only time you can see the colorful streams on Twainor is at sunrise and sunset as it races across the landscape.”
“That’s incredible.”
“I know it is Sarah. Even the Eleven Magi were able to secure the last of this stone before it sank beneath the waters. Our Aurora Borealis is a sign that we have the Ethereal Space ore with us. However, it is intermingled with our magnetic rocks to create our poles and Van Allen belts. It is removed from us.”
“Are you going to take the Eleven Magi’s ores, Richard?”
“I will Rhiannon when the opportunity presents itself. They have used it for the wrong reasons.”
“That’s good, Richard.”
I look at the box one more time. I see it is a puzzle. “I think I need to slide the panels. It looks like a puzzle.”
I slide my fingers around the sides carefully. Then I push the two opposite sides at once in opposite directions, the dragon and the water horse together. They move one inch until I hear a ‘click’. I then move the unicorn and centaur sides in the opposite direction until I hear another ‘click’. Then the lid slides back half way by itself. There we see the two rings lying there. The inside compartment is lined with red velvet.
“Oooh . . .”
“Ahh . . . They’re grand. They must be worth millions.”
“Actually they are the grand value of the Isles put together. I saw those rings on Arthur and Guinevere’s fingers before they disappeared a year later after their wedding. To think they are here, Richard. What will you do now?”
King Arthur’s ring has the red dragon on the side, the white unicorn on the other side. Queen Guinevere’s ring has the white water horse on one side and the white dragon on the other side. They are holding the gems in between them. King Arthur’s gem is a red ruby. Queen Guenevere’s gem is a white diamond.
“Who made the rings, Rhiannon?”
“Some dwarves did, Omega.”
We all smile as we see another connection is made.
Then Croin looks at the rings. He swoops down for a closer look. “Richard, there are two dragon spirits here, there is one in each gem.”
“Should I wake them up to know who they are?”
“I think we should, Omega. Then they will know what the current situation is.”
I look around to everyone. They all smile and nod their heads up and down. I look at the rings. I blow my breath onto each one. Then each one glows its color of red and white. Then two dragons appear above the rings. However, their height is only twelve inches.
The red dragon speaks, “Who called us?”
“I did great red dragon. I’m the Omega Unicorn. I also have some of Eingana’s blood within me. I am also a descendant from Arthur and Guinevere. My given name is Richard Moore.”
They fly up to me and circle around me several times before they return above the rings.
“It is true whom you say you are. My name is Y Ddraig Goch. This is my mate, Albion. We are glad to see you. Where is your mate, Son of Arthur?”
“She has yet to find me. I hope she does within five years or so. I just discovered my heritage. Here is someone you should recognize. This is the Goddess Rhiannon.”
They look at each other as they smile. “Indeed it has been a long time Rhiannon. It is good to see you.”
“It is good to see you both as well.”
“I have some questions, Ddraig. First of all, I met your son. Ddraigmab. I just released him last Samhain.”
“That is great news, thank you, Son of Arthur.”
Rhiannon speaks up, “He is back in Cymry guarding the fairies who stayed there. This is King Oren and Queen White Dove, and they are from Caliber.”
King Oren, and Queen White Dove with the one hundred fairies bow to them quickly. “It is good to see you as well, Ddraig and Albion.”
“It is good to see you as well, fairies of Caliber. I sense Caliber is no longer on Earth.”
“He is not here. His horn was cut viciously from him after we fled from Eire. Leviathan helped us with some sea dragons to arrive on this continent to the far west of the Isles.”
Albion grumbles with anger, but then she calms down.
“I remember seeing that western continent a few times. There are some dragons still hidden in those lands.”
“We will call them when the time is right, Ddraig. I have a new question for you. I remember reading there was a battle between the red and white dragon in my history study of the Isles. They can’t mean you two?”
Rhiannon and the two dragons chuckle, giggle and laugh. “That is another tall tale, Richard. The usurpers tried to adopt and steal the heritage of the Isles. They took Albion’s image to represent them. They had hope to drive fear into the people when they said Albion represented them. But the people knew better. The people were able to defeat the invading armies with renewed vigor.”
“Did you have real bodies at one time?”
“We did, Omega. However, there were eleven magi that found a way to kill us and imprison our spirits here.”
“Sigh . . . They did the same to your son, Ddraigmab.”
“Curse those magi!” They both yell together.
“What will you do, Omega?”
“If I come across them again, Ddraig. I’ll be sure to invite you two and your son to the reunion so you can ’ahem’, express yourselves at them.” I smile at the two dragons.
They smile back. “We would love to do that, Omega. When you find the great prize, we can be full size.”
“Thank you, Ddraig and Albion. Enjoy your rest until I need you.”
“Keep up with the training. You will be a great Shaolin Dragon Master. It will be needed to find the other dragons hidden on Earth and to defend yourself.”
“That I will, great Ddraig and Albion.”
We bow to them again. Then Ddraig and Albion return to their respective gems. The glows from them then return to its ususal luster.
“What is this great or grand prize?”
“Hmm . . . The space for the rings is half the depth of this box. Let me check underneath it.” I slide the top lid but it stops an inch before closing it. I hear another ‘click’. The rings still stay inside their compartment. I turn it over and try to slide the bottom panel.
“Well, there is your symbol Rhiannon. It is on the bottom panel.”
We see the ancient mermaid symbol there. I slide the bottom panel in the opposite direction of the top lid. Then we see an aged folded up piece of paper.
I gingerly take it out and place it on the table. King Oren and Queen White Dove carefully unfold the document. We see a map of Wales. There is an “X” next to a lake that is near a square. There are other lines and markings that seem to indicate mountains and streams.
Rhiannon smiles when she sees the location. “I know what it is, Omega. It is the location of the sword.”
“What?!” Everyone exclaims.
“It was returned to me there in the lake. It is buried very deep there.”
“Hmm . . . okay, it must stay there for the time being. Out of sight, out of mind as we say here sometimes.”
“I know the phrase, Omega. Yes, it must stay there until you’re ready to claim it.”
“But, I’m not ready to be king, Rhiannon.”
“You still have a ways to go. Arthur had no training when he became King. The people around him gave him the trouble. Hopefully, you’ll be better prepared than he was. His first year as King was the only peaceful and blissful year he had.”
The map is folded back up and put back into the box where we found it. I then start to slide the panels back where they were in reverse order. Once the last two side panels slide into place, I hear the final ‘click’.
“Here is a thought Wizard, to make it more difficult. Anyone can slide these panels if they wanted to. Let’s set a spell on the panels so it only responds to Brianna and my touch and our breaths at the same time.”
“That is a good idea, Richard. I will also harden the panels so it will withstand any magic, dragon fire, acid, ice, lightning, weapon or tool against it.”
“Yes, that is good as well, Wizard.”
I hold the box in front of me. He puts his right hand above the box. His left hand is below the box. I get the nod of his head. I blow on the box as he recites the spell. Once he gets done, the box glows a golden color then it disappears. He then takes the box from me and puts it in his coat pocket.
I look at the books. We turn the pages carefully. We see names of people we don’t even recognize until I see latest ones from my grandparents and parents. On the side of the lists we see additional notes.
“What are these notes, Rhiannon?”
“They are in the ancient Cymry tongue, Omega. You will need to study and learn that language eventually. These notes are comments of certain events in these people’s lives. Some of them mention their murderer’s name. Wait a second, Omega. I start to see a pattern with these murderers. They all belong to the same group. Even they have continued this line of assassins. They come all the way from Mordred. Do you see that symbol next to the murderer’s name?”
“I do, Rhiannon.”
“It is their symbol. I remember seeing it carved on walls and beams of homes.”
“Is any seen today?”
“I’m not sure. They would carve it on a post of the house they targeted and as a warning to others. Doors are easy to replace. You must expose them and defeat them before you have any true peace.
“It looks like I will have to, Rhiannon.”
Then we hear the telephone ring. “Ring . . . Ring . . . ring . . . !”
I walk over to the counter and pick it up. “Hello, the Moore residence.”
“Hello, Richard. It is that time. The dinner will be served in about an hour.”
“Thank you for the call, Elizabeth. I’ll be there soon.”
I look around and smile while I’m talking. They all smile back.
“That’s good, see you then.”
I hang up the phone. “Well, it is time to be with the Wilkersons. Make yourselves comfortable here. Turn on the TV, the music center or the PC if you like. You can get a fire going in the fire place if you like as well. The wood is just outside the back door near the outdoor grill. You can eat here if you like or eat out.” I go over to a picture frame and slide it open. I grab an extra house key. I slide the picture frame to close the compartment. I hand it to Anna. “This is just in case you need to get inside for an emergency, Anna.”
“Thank you, Richard.”
“I should be back by 9 P.M. the latest.”
Then Tiger and Tigress hover in front of me. “Do you need us to come with you, father?”
“Yes, please come with me, my fairies. You too, Amber and Cobalt. You will need to be in butterfly mode. There are plenty of flowers inside their house. They have two children named Marcie and CJ. Amber and Cobalt will remember them.”
“Have they seen fairies before, mother?”
“No, Tigress. But they do like to play games. You’ll see when you get there. Croin is going to be with me as well. He will reside in me. He is there for my protection and for you as well.”
“I’m glad to hear that, father.”
They all smile at me that I’m having a great conversation with them.
“But first, I need to change some clothes to look better this evening. Come into my room. You’ll see what I do to get ready.”
I walk into my room. Amber, Cobalt, Tiger and Tigress follow me inside. They land on the dresser top. They see the rest of their clothes there on the dresser top. I start undressing myself and get ready for the dinner. I put on a light T-shirt, then the light corset.”
“Why do you put on that garment, father?”
“It is to help protect my stomach and womb where you were made. I have a thicker leather one and a steel corset.”
“That’s good to know, mother.” Tigress smiles when she hears I’m being thoughtful to protect them.
I put on a nice long-sleeve flannel shirt, pants, socks and shoes. I put on my winter jacket. They change into butterflies together. I walk out to the living room to give them a quick hug and a quick hand shake to the Wizard. I walk out the front door with the fairies following me. The door gets closed behind me. As soon as I get in the car, Amber and Cobalt still see the blanket on the front passenger seat. They immediately change into fairies and get under the covers for warmth. Tiger and Tigress do the same thing as well. I turn on the engine and the heater for inside the car.
“Is everyone comfortable and warm?”
“We are father! It is very nice and warm here.”
I leave the driveway and get on the main road. It takes me about twenty minutes to drive to the Wilkerson’s house. I park the car in their driveway. The fairies change back into butterflies. I get out of the car and they follow me out quickly. Then I lock up the car. Once I’m on their porch, I push the button to ‘ring’ the door bell.
Then we hear the children screaming behind the door. “He’s here, mom and dad!” Marcie and CJ open the door to welcome me in. The butterflies fly in quickly to find some flowers in the house. They see dozens of flower arrangements all over the living room area. They fly to them and start drinking some nectar and enjoy the warm atmosphere in the house. The fireplace is blazing away in the living room adding more warmth to the family atmosphere that I miss so much now.
“You’re here, Richard! Come on inside. It is almost time to eat!”
I smile at them. “I’m coming in, Marcie and CJ.” I walk inside and get greeted by Chuck and Elizabeth.
“Welcome, Richard. Happy Thanksgiving. We are thankful you are here now.” He hugs me strong.
“Thank you, Chuck.”
He steps away, then Elizabeth hugs me. “Welcome, Richard.” Then she whispers to me. “Are these two swallowtails your children?”
I whisper back to her. “Yes, Elizabeth. I just gave birth to them a few hours ago. Their names are Tiger and Tigress.”
“That’s wonderful, Richard.”
“The other two you should recognize, they are Amber and Cobalt.”
“I recognize them. Will they be in butterfly mode while you are here?”
“I told them it is a must for CJ and Marcie’s sakes.”
“That’s good.”
We break apart. I get directed to sit on the sofa to sit down. I see plates of snack foods already put out. We munch and talk about the events of the day. Marcie and CJ tell me they are doing well in school and getting good grades in class. This goes on for about a half hour. Then we all get up. Chuck and Elizabeth with CJ and Marcie’s help get the plates and bowls of food onto the table. The table is already set up for five people. We remain standing up and hold hands around the table.
Then Chuck gives the ‘thanks’ for the food. “Creator of the Universe, we just thank you for another great year. We thank you that Richard arrived safely here. Keep him safe as he returns back to college and finishes his semester this year. Help him have the best grades ever. He is special to us. We thank you for Marcie and CJ, our children. They are the light of our lives. Keep them safe as well each day and while they go to school. I thank you for my darling wife, my support and help mate. I love her dearly ever since we met back in high school. Thank you for this food that you have provided for us. Let it give us the strength each day and to be thankful everything comes from you. Elizabeth it is your turn.” He squeezes her hand. She squeezes it back.
Then Elizabeth gives her thanks. It is similar to what Chuck has said, but a little more is added in keeping the family safe through the years and winters ahead. Then it moves onto Marcie and CJ. Their ‘thanks’ are a bit shorter than everyone else, but they give thanks for having great friends like me and their friends at school. Then I hear something new from Marcie.
“Thank you for letting us see the butterflies here, Creator. They are beautiful to see. Keep all of the butterflies safe while they fly south and come back here for Spring. They are pretty to see.”
The adults smile when we hear that.
Of course they give thanks for the food that we are about to eat. Then I’m given the last word to give ‘thanks’.
“Thank you, Creator and Maker of the Heavens and the Universe. I thank you for having such great friends here in Mt. Blanc. They have helped me tremendously. They are indeed my extended family. I hope my families in heaven are having a wonderful time.”
Everyone I know in Heaven is gathering around before an image screen. They have great smiles on their faces. There is even a crowd of my ancestors behind them as well. They are glad another step has taken place that their hard work will finally come to fruition.
“I thank you Maker, again for all of your wonderful blessings. Keep the Wilkerson family safe. Keep Sarah and Anna safe. Keep my new friends safe as well. Keep the Wilsons safe until I see them again. Keep everyone I know or have met in my life safe. Thank you for this food you have provided for us. Thank you, Creator and Maker of the Universe.”
Everyone responds “Thank you, Creator.”
I even hear my fairies respond as well with a whisper.
We start passing the food around and enjoying eating a great meal. It is a traditional Thanksgiving meal here. There are turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, fresh cranberries, fresh Cherokee corn, cucumbers, zucchini and squash from their garden. The spices are typical here for this type of American fare. After a second helping by everyone, we start to slow down and get ready for the deserts.
We enjoy making the small talk while we eat.
“So, what are your plans after the last final exam this semester, Richard?”
“I haven’t given much thought, Chuck. This will be new to me as well. In fact, this is this first year without them. I usually go to Charlottesville to be home with family. Sometimes we had Christmas at the cabin here.”
“Well, you are invited to be here for Christmas. You know that.”
“I know that, Chuck. Tomorrow I will be having a second Thanksgiving dinner with Sarah and Anna at the cabin along with some other friends I know. I will let you know before I leave town Sunday.”
“That’s good. Your current semester ends in about two or three weeks from now does it?”
“It does, Chuck. Then it is about three weeks until the next semester starts after the first of the year.”
The plates are picked up and stacked near the sink. Once the left over food is put away into the fridge, we sit in the living room area enjoying the family gathering. We all play some board games together as a family. We play a round of Chutes and Ladders, Parcheesi and Uno. It was great to do that. It also gave us the time to have the dinner settle down in our stomachs. We don’t even have the TV on at all to watch any football games or parades.
Once we got done with the Uno game, we get ready to have desserts. There is pumpkin pie, apple pie and pecan pie. Elizabeth even made her chocolate upside down cake with pecans. It is oozing with sorghum syrup all over the plate and very warm. The pecans are on the bottom with a cherry on top. We eat it at the dining table again.
Everyone raves about the deserts. Everyone has at least one slice of each desert. The left overs are covered and put into the fridge to keep for the next day. Once we get done, the kids and I thank mom and dad for a great dinner. I hug them all one more time. As I get ready to leave, the butterflies hover above me before I open the door.
“I’ll call you before I leave Sunday. I’ll be stopping by the gas station to get filled up at least.”
“That’s fine Richard. Have a great day with your guests tomorrow.”
I open the door, the butterflies fly out quickly and I follow them. I walk out to my car and open the door. They fly in quickly and change back into fairies and get under the blanket. I get in and turn on the engine and the heater to warm up the air in the car. It is now about 8:30 P.M.. It takes me about twenty minutes to get back to the cabin.
“You know we missed the evening sunset, Richard.”
“I know Amber. Hopefully we’ll see it tomorrow night.”
“What’s so special about seeing the sunset, father?”
“We get another chance to say ‘thank you’ to the Creator for another day on Earth. Sometimes we’ll see the clouds change colors as the sun sets. Then we see the stars and the moon come to shine brightly in the night sky.”
“That sounds nice, mother.”
“It is, Tiger and Tigress.”
I arrive back at the cabin safely. I see the chimney smoking into the night air. I get out and my fairies get out after they change into butterflies. After locking the door, I walk up to the door and unlock it. The butterflies fly quickly into the cabin. I turn around and look down the driveway. All of a sudden my horse sense kicks in.
What is it Richard?
I think someone is watching me, Croin. I don’t know who it is.
Do you want me to find out? I can stay invisible.
Yes, go and check it out.
Croin flies out of me quickly. He searches the property very quickly. He then comes back and enters in me.
There is a man with a camera. He is dressed in a light blue uniform. From checking your memories, he is Air Force.
Okay, let them be tonight. No, wait a second I have something better. I whisper to the slightly open door. “King Oren, can you hear me?”
He whispers back, “Yes, Omega I hear you.”
“We have a military spy, I think it is Air Force. He is taking pictures of me right now.”
“Do you want me to send some gnats and wasps to drop his camera and break it?”
“Yes, that should do it.”
“I’m on it.”
Thirty seconds later, about fifty butterflies fly out the back door of the cabin. They fly into the woods to find the gnats and wasps. Another minute later we hear some screams.
“Ahhh!! Get away from me!!”
Then we hear a camera crash and a curse.
“Rats. I dropped the camera on a rock. The colonel isn’t going to like this one bit. I need to get out of here now.”
Then we hear some scrambling through the woods. A car engine gets turned on. I see it speed away down the road into town. All of the fairies are now with me on the porch hovering around me. They have some big smiles on their faces. They are giggling and laughing at what just happened.
“That was great King Oren and Queen White Dove. Thank you very much.”
“You’re welcome, Omega. Even Amber, Cobalt, Tiger and Tigress came along to see how we do it. It was good learning experience for them.”
“Let’s go inside. My guests need to know what happened.”
We all go inside and close the door behind us.
“Did I hear right, Richard? We had a spy out there?”
“We did Anna. From the way Croin described it, it is an Air Force member. He is wearing a light blue uniform. He is reporting to his Colonel right now. We’ll probably see them some time tomorrow.”
“Why are they interested in you?”
They intercepted your transmissions to Twainor and the Wizard, Richard. They also got a blip on the radar when you came back.
Now I remember that last conversation we had, Creator.
“I just had a talk with the Maker. The Air Force picked up my communication with Twainor and you Wizard with my contact crystal. They also picked up a blip on the radar when I returned from Twainor.”
“Hmm . . . that’s interesting Richard. We’re going have to change your crystal frequency and transport frequency so that won’t happen again. I’ll come up with a solution for that before I leave. Do you know when this colonel will show up and what his questions will be?”
“He’s probably just information gathering right now. He’s trying to determine if there is a new threat somewhere.”
“You’re probably right, Richard. We’ll have to take this slow.”
“I could shake his hand first. If we get a positive result that he can hear the Creator, all the best for us.”
“That’s very true, Omega. Then let us hope that is true tomorrow.”
The fairies fly quickly into the forest to find their clothes for the night and their trip south to warm Florida. Needless to say they are glad they are flying south once this week is over with before the first snow storm comes next week. They know of several thick forests along the way that will keep them warm during the trip south.
Anna and Sarah leave the cabin and drive back to the hotel to get their sleep for the night. They will arrive here at the cabin at 8 A.M. to begin the day.
In case you are wondering readers. How do the fairies carry their clothes and extra food with them if they are in butterfly mode? The secret is this. Once it is packed into their satchel bags and carried on their shoulders, it appears their bodies are plumper as they change into butterflies.
Everyone goes to their respective bedrooms. Most of the fairies sleep in the living room with the fire still blazing away. Some of them come into each of the bedrooms with the adult’s permission. They find a comfortable place to stay. The fairies in the boys room gets to be under the covers there. The Wizard smiles that he has some company.
Rhiannon and Anna get themselves ready quickly as well. They bring their night clothes in with magic. Some of the fairies sleep in the dresser drawers where the clothes are.
In my room, something new begins there.
“Well, this is your first night with me, Tiger and Tigress. You get to sleep near my head. Amber and Cobalt are sleeping on the pillow in that chair over there. King Oren and Queen White Dove are under the covers on the other chair in my room. I usually sleep on my back. I don’t want to roll over onto you and hurt you during the night.”
They smile widely. “We understand, father. We can put some of your fresh laundered cotton and wool socks on the shelf behind you. We’ll be very comfortable there.”
“That’s good, my fairies.” I go to my dresser drawer. I retrieve several pair of fresh socks. They take them and arrange them on a large empty spot on the shelf.
“We’ll get some more pillows and appropriate covers later in the week. It will be needed back at the apartment in Raleigh.”
“That sounds fine, mother.”
Once everyone has settled in the cabin and change into their night clothes, I walk about the cabin and turn off the lights. I manage to make it back to my bed safely without stubbing my toes. I get under the covers and rest my head on the pillow.
We are soon all fast asleep. We all have wonderful dreams during the night. The thought of the military doesn’t enter our sleep during the night.
In a hotel room, that is 30 miles away in the next town from Mt. Blanc. Two men are speaking quietly to each other.
“So what did you find out, Lieutenant?”
“It was strange sir. I tried to get as close as possible. I think he has some sort of sonic field around the cabin. I keep hearing sounds of gun fights, animals roaring and other horrible noises I couldn’t describe. I swallowed my fear as best I can to get closer.”
“That’s interesting. He has a sonic field. Go on, Lieutenant.”
“I got several pictures of Richard there standing on the front porch. I was about take two more when all of a sudden I got attacked by a bunch of gnats and wasps. I dropped the camera on a stone nearby. It broke the lens. I’m sorry, sir.” The Lieutenant shows him the broken digital camera.
“Hmm . . . download what you can on the memory card. See if there are any usable images. Our investigation leads us here. Hopefully this Richard can provide some answers why these deep space transmissions come from here and in Raleigh.”
“But it was that transmission in Raleigh that pointed us to Richard, sir. I don’t see how a college student is connected to the deep space transmissions we got earlier in the year.”
“I don’t either. It looks like we’ll be crashing his Thanksgiving plans this week. He just had a dinner with the Wilkersons a little while ago. It is possible he’ll have another one tomorrow.”
“Yes, sir. Let’s hope we can get some good answers tomorrow. At what time are we to be there, sir?”
“We’ll arrive there at 10 A.M. in the morning.”
“That’s fine sir. I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast on the first floor.”
“Good night, Lieutenant.”
“Good night, Colonel.”
The Lieutenant leaves the room and closes the door as he leaves. The Colonel gets up from the table and gets ready for bed himself. “What is going on here? We need to get some good answers tomorrow. I hope to make a good report to the general on the base.”
Can you hear me, Harold T. Lawson?
Is that you, Creator?
It is me.
It has been awhile since we last talked.
I know, Harold. The man you will meet tomorrow is very important to me. I know you are persistent in protecting your country. That is one of your best traits. You’ll need it as the years go on.
Thank you, Creator. The last time, or I should say, the first time I heard you was in church back on the base a month ago.
Yes it was, Harold. You were seeking answers to your questions about life in general and what the deep space transmission means you got earlier in the year. Then the pastor got your attention on a good message.
Yes, he did, Creator. He said we need to have an open mind to believe in the impossible. It is what helps us leap forward in faith. When it happens, then we are rewarded with another revelation from you. Then my ears opened to you when I shook his hand.
That is right, Harold. I don’t want to tell you everything tonight. I must warn you first. He is very smart in computers and other subjects. He has plans that will improve your network so it won’t be hacked again. I will give you two more clues about tomorrow’s meeting that he is telling the truth. One, he has an inner strength that is times twelve. The second clue he is very good in the martial arts.
I know that already from what I learned at the Raleigh Police Department a month ago.
That’s right, Harold. What is new about this is how he puts on his armor when he needs to in a hurry.
Hmm . . . I don’t know what that means. But I will wait until tomorrow. Good night Creator.
Good night Harold. Have a great night of sleep.
Harold finishes getting ready for bed and gets under the covers and lays his head on the pillow. He turns off the light nearby. He soon falls asleep. He has some flying dreams. They remind him of his days when he was a pilot. But somehow the perspective is different this time. He lets it go and continues on with his sleep.
Later in the night, Harold sees in his dreams flying dragons, centaurs, unicorns and fairies. He thinks about them for a moment, but the scene changes to a familiar memory from his past.
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The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 2 Summer Vacation Ch. 47
Seems to me that the SRU Wizard could easily make a sewing machine or even Fairy sized clothing for the fairies so that they could wear what ever clothing they wish and copy any fun clothing so that they could dress as any character that they'd want to or even alter their clothing. And are they dressed like Peter Pan and Tinkerbell?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Omega Unicorn
I was wondering when the USAF was going to investigate. It will be an interesting meeting tomarrow.
I figured that Richards mate would be Brianna. I so like how you have explianed the relation, and why the family had to move.
Looking forward to the next chapter
Thank you
P.S. I did not wonder where the Fairy clothes went in butterfly mode. I figured "Hey thier Fairies it's magic"