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Chapter 26
Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman
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We fly over the ocean and Correlle Kingdom with no problems. We then fly higher to fly over the Correllianne Mountains and make our descent into Angathorn Kingdom. As we get closer to the Arena, we see people and Twainor's forces hard at work in the pavilion camps getting ready for the evening repast. We see the land dragons all gathered in the fields waiting for everyone else to get to their seats.
We fly on until we get closer to Sea Gala Arena. We must be seeing about ten thousand people there. We also see some more groups flying in as well.
I don't see the sea dragons. They must be nearby waiting for the proceedings to begin.
We make our descent to be outside the Arena and appear in a flash of light on the ground. We disconnect from each other and make our way in. We don't see the star ship's crew members yet, so we start taking our seats. Then we see some people appear on the ground when they use their transporters. Some wizards are there to recite the white cleansing spell as they appear.
After a quarter-mark we see Twainor's forces coming in from the pavilions. They take their seats according to their kingdom.
Then we see some crew members appear with wizards and sorceresses in a flash of light. We smile and laugh when we hear them describing the experience.
“That's incredible. It was amazing to see a world from that point of view.”
Then we see the scout ship members appear as well. They greet each other with smiles, laughter and hugs.
Then King Dryden steps up to the platform. He shouts out loud. “Please, everyone takes your seats. We have two groups that must be kept separate on opposite sides of the arena.”
The people begin to take their seats. The ship's crew members see the centaurs, unicorns and fairies for the first time. They whisper among themselves at what they see.
Slowly everyone settles into their seats and gets quiet. Then two groups appear on
opposite sides of the arena in a flash of light. They come down with the wizards instead of using the transporters.
Once the two survivor groups see each other, they try to keep themselves under control from getting angry and causing problems for their hosts.
“Very good, now that everyone is seated, we can have the land dragons fly in to participate in this meeting.” King Dryden looks to his right and nods his head at Wizard Eldwin.
He nods his head as well. He takes out his contact crystal and recites the spell. An image of another wizard appears above it. “They can come in now.”
“Yes, Wizard Eldwin.”
The image disappears, and a little bit later we hear the flapping of wings in the air. Then more than a hundred dragons start circling and come into a landing around the open spaces near the arena.
The newcomers gasp with astonishment when they see them.
“Wow, they are big.”
“Are they going to eat us?”
“I was told they don't eat people.
“I hope so, Yisrati.”
They get quiet as King Dryden begins to speak again.
“Welcome one and all to the Grand Gala Sea Arena in Angathorn Kingdom. This is our largest arena that can accommodate the most people and our First Ones as well. We have several things to do this afternoon.”
“There is another group that will be here soon. These people are the Emissaries. They represent the Maker of the Universe. They travel about making sure everything is running smoothly. When something goes wrong and we experience the situation we had with the Nefelim, they will provide guidance and help to correct that problem. So, without further delay, I present to you the Emissaries.”
Then in a flash of light on the stage, three beings appear there.
“Thank you for that introduction, King Dryden.”
Most of the survivors look at the Emissaries with astonishment. They have never seen anything like them. To them they have a look of a regal glow that just radiates from them. They speak quietly to each other.
“Have you ever seen such a race, Evande?”
“I never have, Cols-se. The impression I'm getting is that these beings are very important. They know their place and how they interact with it. If they take orders from the Almighty, then they should not be trifled with.”
“Who is the Almighty?”
“The world you came from, have your people ever looked beyond the stars? Have they wondered why or where they fit in the Universe?”
“I was never part of the knowledge circles. It never occurred to me to seek a higher power. I was fine where I was living by farming the land and raising a family.”
“Well, that is no shame. It is important to raise crops for food. You might have to adjust your thinking a little bit.”
“It looks like I will have to, Evande. Those Emissaries are getting ready to speak again.”
“We have a story to tell that is related to the current problem about these two groups.”
The second one speaks, “Yes, when the Nefelim were just beginning their campaign of horror. One of them came upon an advanced star system. The host planet was bristling with life. They had explored their star system very well. They had colonies on moons of several different planets in their system.”
“On the host planet, their power generation was very unique, but well maintained. The Nefelim came to the planet surface to see if they could harness that power and take it.”
“The people said not to touch it or try to remove it or consequences will happen. Well, the Nefelim disregarded their pleas. He tried to take it by force. What happened next was unthinkable.”
“The power core split into halves and exploded. This caused the host planet to lose all life, except for the colonies.”
“The colonies didn't know what happened on their home world. All they know is what happened next.”
“The blast caused a bipolar explosion. Particles streamed in two directions. One colony became charged in one direction, while the other colony on the other side of the star system became charged in another direction. It is like seeing an opposite mirror.”
“Anytime these two groups get close to each other, there is a serious reaction of electrical discharge between the two. Both accused each other that it was their fault. But it was not.”
“Then another pair of Nefelim, which would be the Supreme and the General, took some of you without realizing what happened before.”
The two survivor groups look down in humbleness, they look at each other and nod their heads up and down.
The Emissaries sees this contrition.
“That's better. Now we have a solution for you two. It will hurt. The healers and Twainor's Mystic Order will help you recover when you have been restored.”
“What are we to do?”
“There are twenty of you here. You're to alternate between each other. You won't discharge to each other. But it doesn't solve the problem yet.”
One of them speaks up, “Yes sir.”
“When you come together, then Ryujin the dragon will hover above you. Then you will focus yourselves by extending your hands upward and toward him. Then he will draw that energy from you and channel it to the Ethereal Space.”
Most of the people begin to smile when they hear that. Then Ryujin smiles widely when he hears his opportunity to do something good. So do the other dragons.
“Are you ready?”
They look at each other. “Let's begin again.”
“Yes we must.”
They approach the stage carefully. The first four alternate and walk into position. They don't discharge when they start doing that. Then the others join the circle carefully in pairs.
“That’s very good. Now extend your hands upward. Ryujin, fly into position please.”
“Yes Emissaries.” He flaps his wings and flies into position. He hovers above the circle.
Slowly we see electrical discharges appear in the middle of the circle going from person to person like a web.
“Now, focus on Ryujin!”
The twenty focus their thoughts on Ryujin and look at him. Ryujin then draws the massive electrical discharge from them. It is like a spider web lightning mesh that reaches up to Ryujin. He feels the extra surge in his body. He extends his claws and tail upward to the sky.
The twenty people scream as the power is released from their bodies. “Arrrghhh . . . !”
Ryujin roars as he releases the extra charge. “Roooarr! . . . rooaarroor . . . !” It dissipates into the Ethereal Space in a great show of lightning power and thunder. The other dragons roar as well. We put our hands to our ears. The knights with the helmets push the button to close the ear muffs.
After a few moments, we see the lightning discharge end. Then there is silence.
The twenty stand stills a little longer, then they collapse to the ground in exhaustion. Healers, wizards and sorceresses come forward and tend to the twenty. They give them a powdered drink to ease their shaking.
They accept the drink readily. After a few moments they begin to feel better. Then they stand up and look at each other.
“How did you know what to give us?”
“This drink will help restore the natural electrical balance in your body.”
“We have very strong lightning storms on Twainor.”
“Thank you.”
Then one of them shouts out loud, “We're free!”
“Yes, we have been restored!”
They start to hug each other with laughter and tears.
The rest of us begin to clap and cheer as well.
Ryujin calms down his lightning power, then flies back to be with his clan and lands near them. They congratulate him for the honor given to him.
Then King Dryden speaks up again. He raises his hands, and we all get quiet.
“Now that part is taken care of, we can focus on the next item.”
“Yes King Dryden. Where will the survivors go from here?”
“The Maker has given us a list of worlds that are inhabitable. We already downloaded it onto your computers’ Captain Dar-re. We also removed your program Richard. You still need to do something for them before they leave.”
I nod my head and smile at them.
Captain Dar-re and his original crew smile at me when they hear that.
“We will check up on you from time to time to see how are you doing. We will be discrete about it. To help start your population growth, each group will receive the blessing that the Maker gave Earth after the Great Flood.”
Then I begin to laugh out loud when I hear that. “Hah, hah, hah . . . ”
The Emissaries smile when they see my reaction. The others around me begin to smile and laugh as well.
“Richard, please come up here to explain it.”
“Yes, Emissaries.” I walk up to the platform.
Then twenty steps down and walk over to a side of the arena.
“This blessing the Emissaries is talking about is a great blessing. On my world, after the Great Flood, a single family of two parents and their three sons with their wives started life again. They built a very large boat to save as much animal life as possible in the area where they resided. When the waters receded, the boat opened up and they all left it to start over.”
“The Maker granted long life to them and the animals. In two hundred years, the population swelled to about one hundred thousand people. By that time, the life span was being reduced each generation to one hundred and twenty years maximum. For us today, our average life span is about seventy to ninety years. After four thousand years, there are now three billion people and more than one hundred nations.”
The survivors then cheer and clap their hands when they hear that news.
“Take care as you propagate your new world. Learn the lessons from your past and your stay here on Twainor.” I pause and take a deep breath before I continue. “We still have bloodshed on Earth and wars. Some have lasted a very long time.” Then I get quiet while I look at the Emissaries with a slight smile. Then everyone else gets quiet as each one remembers their past history.
“Thank you, Richard. That is a very good point you made.” They smile at me.
“You're welcome.”
“You may return to your seat.”
Then one of the Emissaries whispers to me, “Put your mouth and eye guards into position, Richard.”
“Yes Emissaries.” I return to my seat as I push the buttons on the helmet.
I get a hug from some people around me as I sit down.
“There is a plan from the Maker that will help Earth. Part of it will be revealed before we leave.”
“Now we come to the crux of the matter, The Nefelim.”
“Wizards and Sorceresses, please wake them up and have them brought here together. Keep them bound and have them face the ocean.”
The wizards and sorceress walk over to the Nefelim. They recite the spell to wake them up. Then they use the elevation spell to lift them up and bring them into the Arena.
They start yelling and cursing when they wake up and see what is happening.
“What's the meaning of this?”
“We demand to know why were bound like this.”
Then they see the Emissaries.
Lechstar screams louder, “Curse you scum of the Maker! We'll have our revenge on everyone here!”
The Emissaries let them rant for a bit, then they cut in to stop their berating.
“Hold, Nefelim!” They shout out really loud that it echoes in the air.
Everyone gets quiet when we hear their booming voices shout at the same time.
Then one of the Emissaries speaks in a normal voice, “I want the leader here to face us now!”
“That would be me, my name is Lechstar!”
A wizard maneuvers him to face the Emissaries.
“You should not be here Lechstar. You should have died a long time ago.”
“Well, I am here and we will continue with our plans.”
“It's not going to happen. You destroyed the worlds of many people.”
“I did not. That would be my other sons here like Natachlon.”
The Nefelim look at each other with smiles and proud faces when they hear their patriarch speak.
“But you continued the horror.”
“Do you remember where you come from, Lechstar?”
“Not really, all I know is that I lived on a world that we tried to conquer. We were getting ready to declare it our new home world.”
“Your original home world was destroyed by a comet. Your world's name was Nephel, but your people escaped in time to start over.”
“I think that's the story in my archives.”
“Your people were supposed to inhabit a world that had no people on it.”
“Well, some of my elders felt it was their obligation to return the favor from the Maker by taking a world and bend it to our own liking.”
“Your world was destroyed because of your arrogance and determination to rule with an iron hand and mind.”
“Apparently that was not enough to get your people's attention.”
“Do you remember what happened when your people first arrived?”
“When we first landed, some of our animals immediately started to spread throughout the area.”
“Did one of the species speak?”
“Why yes. We were very fond of them. They were very colorful. They had wings and can walk about on two feet. They had a great love for music.”
“Avel, could it be that they deceived you mother and father?”
“It's possible, Richard.”
“What happened to them?” The Emissaries give a quick glance our way.
“Grrr . . . the Maker cursed them and forced them all to slither on the ground like worms. Their beauty was taken from them.”
Avel mutters quietly, “Lo . . . abba . . . imma . . . ” Some tears fall from his eyes. *** See translation at bottom ***
I hug Avel and cry into his mane. Our future was changed by an alien invasion! Maker, we need another redemption!
Then Avel and I hear a voice in our heads.
Earth's seed of redemption will soon be planted. Hold firm to your calling.
Some fairies whisper in low voices to calm us down.
Others around us put their hands onto our shoulders. Some weep with us.
We also hear the other unicorns weep as well.
Then Lechstar starts to boast and smile when he hears the weeping, “We then started to mess with the local people in their minds. It was a lot of fun to get them do things they shouldn't, especially with the other animals. The people were peaceful and plant eaters. That was boring. So we caused them to kill the animals for meat and have wars. They didn't kill each other until we showed up, heh, heh, heh, hah, hah, hah . . . ”
“Grrr . . . “
I hug onto Avel really hard when I feel him becoming tense with anger. I whisper to him. “Don't do it, Avel. Be calm please.”
“Remember the good times.” One of the fairies speaks quietly.
Avel sighs and heaves a big breath. “You're right, thank you, Richard and my fairies.”
His heart beat begins to slow down.
The anger of the other unicorns quiet down as well with the help of their fairies and friends around them.
Two survivors whisper to each other.
“What is going on, Evande? They are taking it very personally.”
“Yes they are, Traven. Could it be they know these giants?”
“It's possible.”
“After that, your ancestors intermingled with the female population and produced you.”
“Heh, heh, now I remember. Every time they gave birth, the female host died. We had to do that because our original female race was killed by those slithering beasts. It was the perfect revenge.”
I start to get mad and shake a bit.
The six unicorns get mad as well. The fairies whisper quietly to the unicorns and me.
Some friends hold onto to us to calm us down.
I whisper, “Thank you, Amber and friends.”
She whispers back, “You're welcome.”
“What happened after some time you were there?”
“We heard rumors that the Maker will cause a flood to wipe out all life where we settled around an inland sea. We also heard rumors there was a boat being made to save as much life as possible.”
“What did you want to do when you heard that?”
“We wanted to know when, so we can escape in time. Also, we wanted to destroy that large boat.”
They whisper again to each other.
“Oh, oh. They were on Richard's home world.”
“Yes, now they must pay the price.”
“But you didn't know. Isn't that right, Lechstar?”
“Grrr . . . that's right! We were caught unaware. I was the only one who escaped in time. I waited and thought of a plan for our revenge.”
“Now we see what you have done.”
“That's right. It turned out to be the best plan ever.”
“Well, the Maker has decreed to stop it. It ends now.”
“No, it won't, we'll break our bonds and start all over.”
“You won't be able to leave this planet.”
“How so?”
“This world prevents the use of electricity and electrical machinery in large amounts. They use magic to make life comfortable.”
“You would have never taken the magic with you. The magic stays here.”
The other Nefelim looks at each other with worry on their faces.
“That's right you're stuck here, but your lives end here as well.”
“That’s impossible! We'll beat them all, we're the most powerful race in the Universe!”
“Not anymore, Lechstar. You gave that up, when you started destroying other worlds for your revenge.”
“Besides Lechstar, we have a survivor and a witness to your murderous deeds.”
“Where is he so that I can kill him?”
“You won't kill him Lechstar.”
The Emissaries look in my direction. “Come witness.”
I get up and walk forward. I stand near the Emissaries.
“He accuses you of corrupting his world!”
“Let me see his face so that I can spit upon him.”
I take off my helmet and show him my face. I smile at him.
“What?!?! An Earth cockroach is here! No …. no . . . w...way! did you get here? Who . . . who are you?”
“My name is Richard Moore. I came here by magic. I'm a descendant after forty-four hundred years from the Great Flood. I have read the stories before the Great Flood and afterwards of your race. There are still murder and bloodshed on our streets because of you. The innocent dies at the hand of the guilty!”
“Did Og, my brother, survive the Great Flood?”
“He did for a short time. He had sons, but his line only survived about twelve hundred years. Eventually they were all killed off. There are no more giants like you on Earth.”
“Arrrgg..! NOOOO . . . Og . . . my brother . . . !”
The other Nefelim scream and wail as well when they hear the news.
“No! Th . . . th . . . that's n..not p..possible!”
“Wh . . . wh..what . . . are . . . w..we. to . . . do?”
I speak up really loud to be heard over their wailing. “Also we have advanced our way in technology. We have computers, rockets, large sea going vessels, etc, etc. We also built our ultimate weapon the nuclear bomb. Our population is three billion people with more than one hundred nations.”
“You mean to tell me, if we came to your world to exact our revenge, we could have been defeated there?”
“That's right, Lechstar. Moreover, one of the decedents, a young boy, discovered your weakness. He killed one of the last giants with the giant's own sword after he used his sling and tossed a stone at his forehead.”
“Nooo . . . I . . . I don't believe you. We don't have any weakness!”
The other Nefelim begin to grumble and curse Lechstar as well for his short sightedness.
“What is that stone doing on your forehead, Natachlon?”
“It's blocking my mind power.”
“Why weren't we told this?”
“Curse you, Lechstar!”
Lechstar tries to block out their complaints by ignoring them.
“Do you remember Earth before the Great Flood? Do you remember seeing other unusual life there?”
“Come to think of it, there were Emissaries. I remember flying beasts that can breathe fire. Some horses had a single horn. I saw men and women that were part horses. There were even some very small winged people as well.”
“What do you remember about their oceans?”
“They had some large sea creatures. There was not enough meat on the land masses because the population of the people was in the billions. We had to eat meat from the sea.”
“Well, there are some more accusers. Some of you come forward from the First Ones.”
Then all of the Nefelim is turned around. They see unicorns, fairies, centaurs, dwarves, and some dragons flying into view. The dwarf dragons land in the arena. They all have the look of anger on their faces.
“Th . . . th . . . that's not p.. possible.. How d...d...did they get here?”
The other Nefelim looks at them with wonderment. But they see their patriarch look very afraid.
“The Maker brought some of them here before the Great Flood to start over and preserve life.”
“Noo . . . no . . . th..that . . . c...can't be. A part of Earth w...was . . . fl . . . flooded by a meteorite that exploded into many flaming pieces and landed into an ice sheet that covered a northern continent. I saw it as I left the planet.”
Then six unicorns make a step forward.
“These six unicorns witnessed your deeds on Earth.”
“That's right, Emissaries.” Avel looks at Lechstar, “Your people corrupted the human race while you thirst for more power. You caused my brother to kill me!”
“Who . . . who. are you?”
Then above the six unicorns, appear a man, a woman and four children. They have a golden glow around the projections.
“I am Avel. The Maker put me into this unicorn body. I was the first man killed on Earth. My father is Adama and my mother is Eva. Kayin is my brother.”
“I'm Makaela. I was the first woman killed on Earth.”
“I'm Athena. I was the first female child killed on Earth.”
“I'm Einhorn. I was the first male child killed on Earth.”
“My name is Silverwind. I was the first male new born killed on Earth.”
“My name is Star Dancer. I was the first female new born killed on Earth. We were all killed in hate.”
“What?! I remember those names. I remember those faces now. No. no . . . th . . . that's . . . not possible . . . you . . . all . . . all . . . ca . . . can't be . . . here.”
Then the six projections fade and return to the six unicorns.
His face becomes ashen and drained. He looks around for help to hide somewhere.
He turns his head quickly and faces the Emissaries when one of them speaks.
“There is one more who accuses you Lechstar. It's very personal.”
“Whoo..who.. is it?” He looks very scared now as he looks at the Emissaries.
“Wizards and Sorceresses, lift the Nefelim up and bring them over the water.”
“Yes, Emissaries.”
The wizards and the sorceresses elevate them all up and move them over the water.
They look down and see nothing happening.
“I present to you the Sea Dragons of Earth!” An Emissary waves his hand toward the ocean as if introducing somebody.
“What?!?! . . . not . . . not them!!”
Then more than five hundred sea dragons rise up out of the water in a large circle around them, at least three deep in some rows. They are flashing their teeth and mouth in anger. They grumble a low reverberation sound, “Grrr . . . grr..grrrrrr . . . !”
Then Lechstar sees a sea dragon he knows coming near. The sea dragons make room for her.
“Hello, Lechstar. Do you remember me?”
“You . . . you’re Ein . . . Ei . . . Eingana.”
“That's right. You do remember me. You ate my children for meat. It's time for you to stand before the Maker and take responsibility for your deeds.”
“But . . . but you don't eat people.”
“No Lechstar, but these do. Look down to your doom. It's time for your race to finally sink to the cold depths.”
The Nefelim looks down and sees the water churning. Then they start seeing about a hundred heads and fins of very large meat-eating predators churning in the water.
Now all of the Nefelim is afraid of what is about to happen. They scream for mercy.
“No . . . no save us . . . !”
“Please forgive us!”
They scream some more.
Tark leans his head next to his kinsmen and whispers to him.
“They are very afraid now, Sarn.”
“Yes, Tark. We don't have to share our memories or emotions.”
“This is genuine fear.”
The rest of the people from Tark's world have smiles on their faces. They know exactly what is going on.
“Tark, I just felt a familiar spirit here.”
“Who is it, Nella?'
“I think it is one of those Outside Helpers.”
“We'll need to check it out if they are distant relatives.”
“They could be. We might have found a world where we can start over.”
“It's possible.”
They continue to focus on the judgment of the Nefelim.
We put our hands to our ears. However, the First Ones just stare at them. They understand what is about to happen. I walk over and stand with the unicorns and the other First Ones.
“You had your chance for life. But you denied life to the planets you destroyed. Now your life is taken from you!”
Another Emissary shouts out loud above the Nefelim wailing. “Remove their bonds’ Wizards and Sorceresses!”
“Yes Emissaries.” The Wizards and Sorceresses end the elevation spell and they remove the bonds from their hands, legs and the stones on their foreheads.
The Nefelim falls into the water. The Nefelim tries to fight them off, but there are too many.
Then we hear Lechstar yell one more time, “We’ll be back . . . there are two . . . no . . . Arrgh . . . !”
The sea predators begin to tear them apart and drag them down while they scream. All of the dragons, land and sea roar. All of the First Ones yell as well. Then the rest of us join with them.
“RROOaar . . . ! Arrrrgghhh! RRROaaarrr . . . ! ARRRRrrrgghh . . . !”
It takes awhile, but now the ocean is stained with blood. It is all quiet. The sea dragons are gone.
Wow, that noise sounds like what I read in a book on Earth.
It is, Richard. It's the gnashing of teeth that is promised by the Maker to separate the soul and spirit from the body of the evildoers. The soul and spirit are then judged by the Maker.
Then that means the people who can hear the Maker's Voice have the chance for
their bodies to be transformed.
That's right, Richard.
I heard Lechstar yelling there are two left.
There are more than two left, Richard. There will be one more battle with them on Earth and above it.
They are on Earth? Where could they be Emissaries?
They are frozen on Earth and another group of them are frozen on another world located in your twin galaxy. You will see them again at the Ultimate Last Battle.
Okay, I have an idea where they could be. I’ll need time to prepare Earth’s forces.
You will, Richard.
Then Chelen and Eingana appear before us.
“Thank you Emissaries for this chance of redemption.”
“You're welcome, Chelen and Eingana.”
Then Chelen speaks, “The ocean currents here will deliver the blood out to sea where it will disperse and be consumed by the scavengers. Your Sea Captains know which currents they are. Avoid them for several moons.”
“By that time, it will return to normal.”
Then everyone stands up. The ship's crew members see this. They stand up as well. They follow the actions of their hosts.
Everyone bows toward them. “Thank you, Eingana.”
“Thank you for showing your respect. Until the next time we meet.”
We all rise up together. We smile at them. Then they turn around and return to the ocean. Then we sit down together.
We breathe a sigh of relief. Just about we turn around to sit down in front of the stage, an Emissary speaks up.
“Hold unicorns and Richard. There are two more items to do before we leave.”
We hold still and look at them.
“The twelve unicorns, please come here for a moment.”
The unicorns step closer to the Emissaries. They gather around and whisper to each other. I step back to make room for them.
One of the unicorns speaks up, “We understand now. It will be done.”
Then they break apart and form a circle all facing inward.
“Richard, please step in the center of the circle.”
I walk into the center of the unicorn circle. I look at the Emissaries.
“Richard, we know of your pain and what you have gone through. Especially when you lost your family.”
“You were chosen for a reason. What is one of the things that is special about you physically?”
“Physically?” I think really hard.
“Please be brave, Richard. The Maker told us.”
“I guess, it is because I am dual gender. I have both male and female sex organs.”
Some people whisper among themselves when they hear the revelation.
“That's right Richard. However, there is a reason why you're dual gender.”
“Do you know how fairies born?”
“There are some tall tales that I have read Emissaries.”
“What are some of them?”
“The first one is when a baby laughs for the first time, a fairy is born in a flower.”
We hear all of the fairies giggle.
“The other is they are children of the moon. When the moon light shoots forth a ray of light in the sky, a fairy is born.”
We hear some more fairies giggle. But more people titter, giggle and chuckle along with them. I smile.
“Another is that fairies are born when it rains.”
Then everyone begins to giggle and laugh.
I raise my hands to quiet the people. “This means there are many different stories from each part of the world. It is hard to tell which story is right.”
“That's right Richard. Those different stories helped keep the mystery of the fairies alive and well. What do you know about unicorns?”
“That's a big subject. The last unicorn drawing was about a thousand years ago. It showed only the horn in the drawing on a dining table. They attribute great power to it. It can stop any poison that it comes in contact with. However, I think there is no power in the horns, except to give the unicorns life. The horn that is in the drawing probably belonged to a narwhal, a type of whale in our oceans.”
“You're right, Richard. Go on.”
“Then I just made the connection here with these unicorns. When I heard Avel's story how some were able to be on the Noach's boat, it made sense what happened afterwards.”
“That's right Richard. There were two unicorns hidden on the boat. They lived as long as possible. They gave birth to unicorns as often as they can. However, the last one was killed about one thousand seven-hundred years ago. Your spires and towers are actually memorials to them. That includes the great tower before the Maker brought division to your speech.”
“But this caused a problem for the fairies on earth. Their lives are tied with the unicorns.”
“Wh . . . what . . . happened?”
“Their lives became shortened and be unable transform back into their true selves.”
“How many fairies are left on Earth?”
“I know what you mean by that question Richard. When we say shortened, it means they can't live forever after a unicorn is killed.”
“The number of fairies on Earth is still there after the last unicorn was killed.”
“As long as there is a unicorn, you will always have fairies.”
“I understand that part. When a female gives birth, it gives birth to a male or female of it's species.”
“That's right, the male couples with the female.”
“Richard, fairies come from male unicorns. Unicorns come from the female unicorns when mated.”
“Wha . . . wha . . . you . . . . . . mean . . . to . . . tell . . . me . . . tha . . . that . . . ”
“Richard, look at me.”
I turn and face Avel.
“Richard, I am the first unicorn or the Alpha Unicorn.”
“Y...yes..” A tear starts to come forth near my eye.
“You're the Omega Unicorn or the last unicorn on Earth.”
“Huh? ... oh . . . my . . . Maker . . . ,” I collapse to the ground and sit there. I look up at the twelve but I don't faint. I look down at the ground and get really quiet when I look at a single blade of grass. Several tears come down my face. Why me Maker? Then I hear a voice in my head.
Because I chose you from the beginning. You have the heart, soul, spirit and understanding to do the Maker's Will. I could have chosen another. But the others were not ready when Renard contacted you for the first time.
Who said that?
Me, the Creator of theUniverse.
I look between the unicorns to look at the Emissaries. They nod their heads up and down while they smile.
As soon as it sinks in the minds of the people and the First Ones of Twainor, they all shout with a loud cheer and roar.
I look at the twelve. “Is this for real, Star Dancer?”
“It is, Richard.”
“Stand up, Richard. We must do something together.”
“Okay, Einhorn.”
I stand up nervously. I look at the Emissaries. I wipe the tears from my face the best I can.
“You will be here for a year learning all you can. When you go home, there will be another ceremony there.”
“Yes, Emissaries.”
“You will not be transformed into a unicorn like Avel.”
I look at them carefully and turn my head at a slight angle.
“You will still be you. You will not be a horse with a single horn.”
I look relieved a bit.
“But you will give birth to fairies, male and female.”
“Who couples with me for it to happen?”
“It's a gift from the Maker, Richard.”
“I know what that is. I remember stories of women giving miraculous births.”
“That's right Richard. Now you need to be empowered by the twelve to continue the unicorn line on Earth.”
“Yes, Emissaries.”
“This is a big responsibility for you. The unicorns will explain the details before you go home next year.”
“Yes Emissaries.”
“Unicorns get into position.”
The twelve unicorns step back and point their horns at me.
I gulp some air when I see their position. “Gulp.”
“Mystic order of Twainor. Please gather around the unicorns. Only the Master Wizards and Sorceresses from each Kingdom please. Stand by the unicorn from your kingdom.”
Then twelve men and twelve women step forward. They come near and stand by their unicorn.
“This step is similar, but the focus is through the unicorns Mystic Order. Lay your hands on the unicorns.”
“Yes, Emissaries.” They put their hands on the corresponding unicorn.
They look at me and smile.
Then Eingana appears behind me. She smiles at what is happening.
“Now Mystic Orders, say it through the unicorns. Twainor, you can do the same thing.”
“Receive the gift of the twelve unicorns Richard!” All twenty-four shout together.
Then the people of Twainor stretch their hands toward me, including the other Outside Helpers and all of the First Ones.
The star ship crew members and survivors look at the spectacle in awe.
Then streams of colorful lights emit from their hands toward the Mystic Order and the unicorns. Eingana's stream of light comes from her forehead. We see even more streams’ coming in from the other kingdoms racing in to join with everybody else at the arena.
I'm soon engulfed in a sphere of blazing color. I feel every molecule in my body come alive. Then I start to hear thoughts in my head. Then it seems as if time is standing still. I see the soul shapes of the twelve unicorns, six men and six women. Each one takes a turn in speaking to me. They are in a golden color with golden hair also.
You're now one of us, Richard. You will know if someone is lying or telling the truth. Animals will be aware of you. You can talk to horses in their minds. They can talk to you in your mind.
We'll teach you how to control it and not go mad.
You will help the Earth Wizard from time to time when needed.
You will be able to get people to tell the truth.
Some will want to kill you, but you will out wit them.
You will not be the savior to the world or be a god. That is the Maker's job.
Your main purpose is to watch and guide.
The fairies will be renewed on Earth. They will live long again.
Your life is long and prosperous. Your mate will bear you sons and daughters to help change the world for the better.
The dead forests of the world will come alive.
Those who kill a life in hate will disappear.
At the end of one thousand years, the fairies will finally come out of hiding.
Then I see the Emissaries speak to me. They are glowing like the others.
The change will be enough after fifty years from now that Earth will finally be asked to be part of the Local Group. But acceptance will come hard for the next one hundred years.
How long is my life? Will I get to see my friends here on Twainor? What about the Outside Helpers?
Those are good questions, Richard. Time will slip for you and your mate. Your sons and daughters will live long to the maximum age of one hundred and twenty as will their children. Your friends will still be here after a thousand years on Earth. Your life is like Avel.
But Avel died before he was reborn.
That's right Richard. His old body did die, but the soul and spirit still lives on in the new body.
Your body is now transformed to live longer. You still look like yourself before. But you know within yourself that you are changed.
That's not fair to see your children die before you do.
No, it's not Richard. How do you think the Maker feels when he sees events like this one with the Nefelim?
Hmm . . . now I understand Emissaries how the unicorns feel. Can I get still get hurt?
Yes, but the healing will be faster. You will have your first test of many in a few years after you graduate with your first degree.
Can someone kill me?
Yes Richard, but you must trust the Maker that he will deliver you from that threat.
I understand Emissaries.
That is all we can tell you. Our next contact will be the invitation to the Local Group. You have a lot to do to prepare their mind that there is life beyond your system.
You will have to be discrete about it.
What about my education and the fairies who will be around me?
They know how to hide in plain sight. Your education will continue. Your inventions will help you financially for a long time. You'll be a step ahead of the hackers.
Okay, I'm ready for my new life.
They all smile at me.
Then the intense light display fades from my eyes.
I look around and see everybody cheering and clapping their hands. The dragons are roaring as well. Then Eingana slips into the ocean.
We see the Emissaries still there. They raise their hands to quiet everyone down.
“We still have one more item to do. Unicorns you can return to your sections. Outside Helpers, please come forward and stand to this side of the platform.” They point to their right side of the platform.
The eleven Outside Helpers come forward and I stand with them. We greet each other with a smile. Some of them touch my hands, arms or shoulders.
“This is a surprise, Richard.”
“I didn't know this was going to happen, Geve.”
“Well it seems the Maker has a plan to help redeem Earth.”
“But in what way will I help, Alia?”
“You have a year to learn what it means to be a unicorn.”
“I suppose you're right.”
“At least you have your own fairies.”
“Yes, they are so adorable. That's making me jealous.”
“Calm down, Iulia. Calm down everyone. The Emissaries are still talking. Who knows, maybe there will be fairies on your own world some day.”
“I hope so.”
“This next item is for the benefit of everyone gathered here, including the survivors.”
“We are going to display a star field in this space. It is projected from our star ship. As we call each name, a star will brighten on the display. I want the Outside Helper to stand in that location.”
Another Emissary speaks, “Then we'll call King Dryden up to represent Twainor. You will see a pattern emerging. Then we'll show the path the General and Supreme took.”
“Then finally we'll show the planets that are ready for the survivors if they choose to go there.”
“What we mean, there might be some of you who might want to join one of the Outside Helpers and their world. Some will not work for you at all, please remember that.”
Everyone looks at each other and agree.
Then an image of a star field appears.
“This area where we are at is in the fourth arm of the galaxy as we face the center.”
“Tek, please go to your star and home world.”
He sees a star get brighter. He walks over and stands underneath it.
“Iulia, please go to your star and home world.”
She sees a star get brighter. She walks over and stands underneath it.
“Kanyaa, please go to your star and home world.”
She sees a star get brighter. She walks over and stands underneath it.
“That one, Tark. She is from the same area as we are. I'm sure of it.”
“I think you’re right, Nella. We'll ask her.”
This continues for all of the eleven Outside Helpers. Everyone starts to see a pattern emerging.
“Now Richard, please go to your star.”
I see a star get brighter. But it appears in the middle of the circle. I walk up to it and stand underneath it. I look at the stars around me. I see familiar constellation groupings from my point of view. I'm sure the others are seeing familiar groupings from their point of view.
“King Dryden, please go to your star.”
He sees a star get brighter. It appears in the middle of the circle like me. But, it is far away in astronomical terms. He walks over and stands underneath it.
“Now look at your medallions, Outside Helpers.”
We look at our medallions. Each one sees a small crystal on the rim of the medallion light up in relation to their position to each other. We look around and see the surprise on our faces. We smile and laugh when we see it.
One of my two crystals lights up. I show it to King Dryden.
He smiles and nods his head up and down.
“This is great, Emissaries.”
“Yes it is, Geve. You know which direction to look when you get home.”
“Now we're going to light up the worlds that are part of the Local Group.”
Then we see about ten more stars light up in a region of our circle. But it's in one area where Ariella and Chls's worlds are.
We smile again at what we see.
“Now your getting the bigger picture in your mind. The Local Group has doubled with your joining Outside Helpers. Each one will be able to contact the other for help. The common ground is Twainor and Earth. The twelfth crystal on the outside rim of the medallion will light up when Earth is accepted to the Local Group.”
“Earth will be asked in about fifty years. But Richard needs time to affect change on his world. It will take some time as they debate their future.”
“Hopefully they will make the right choices.”
“Hopefully interstellar travel will finally be figured out by then.”
“Now for the survivors.”
“This is the path the General and the Supreme took to get here.”
Then a line appears through the star field map. They understand now what happened. Especially the original crew members when they see the sudden change in direction when the General and the Supreme came on board.
“Now for the worlds that are waiting for people to live there.”
Then another hundred worlds show scattered about and around the circle.
“Yes the Local Group is now strengthened and more coherent. This is being done for a reason. We can't tell you now. But some of you might guess what could happen after what you just experienced here.”
We all start to clap and cheer.
“For the new worlds, in time we'll come by each one and ask if you want to be part of the Local Group. You have to demonstrate no war of any kind for a hundred years at least. In addition all parties on the world must come to agreement to accept the exchange of Outside Helpers on their world. Each world will get twelve Outside Helpers.”
Then someone speaks up, “How do we get to these worlds if we don't have interstellar travel or communication?”
“That's a good question. You begin one step at a time. You begin with your neighboring star system. They are your closest allies. You will figure out how to communicate with them.”
“Right now, because Twainor has the magic. They can communicate with their Outside Helpers quickly and they can communicate back to Twainor. In time you'll learn the means like the star ship that brought you here.”
“The twelve Outside Helpers for Twainor all have knowledge in computers, communication, transportation, health issues, the arts, math and the sciences. Even some of them have interstellar travel while some are almost ready.”
“The one thing we Emissaries learned is that knowledge must be earned and learned. It is not given freely. You must understand it how you got there to appreciate it.”
“For example, what would a poor person do, if he had a million gold coins? He never would have handled that much in his life time.”
“He would spend it foolishly. Before he knew it, it is all gone. He needs to build up and learn bit by bit as he earns more wealth each year.”
We see the wisdom in that and shake our heads up and down to each other.
Then another voice is heard. “How do we contact you or the Maker?”
“That's another good question. First, begin to listen and learn from your hosts here. You'll be spending about seven days here before you leave. It takes a leap of understanding the Maker of Universe is the one who created the Universe. He has other names or attributes. Captain Dar-re calls him the Master for example. Richard'’s world will have more than one attribute to describe him. Most are valid, and some are not.”
“Recognize the Maker before you eat. Recognize the Maker before a conflict or war. That recognition slows you down so that you can focus for the real reason for living. If war appears imminent, then the recognition of the Maker will hopefully bring peace instead.”
“But the Maker knows if trouble is happening. It will be checked if what he hears is true. You do have free will to do what you can to make life comfortable. He can hear the thanks and petitions throughout the Universe.”
“Just don't go down the path the Nefelim chose. Your population numbers will be reduced, then the animals will rule the world and not you. Then you might never be asked to join the Local Group.”
“Is this the only world with magic?”
“No, it is not. There are less than ten worlds with magic in the entire galaxy. Those worlds have learned the responsibility and how to use it properly. It stays on their world.”
“There was magic on Earth at one time. However it was removed from the people when it was abused a long time ago. What's unfortunate, is that there are still people who want to regain that power. Therefore it is guarded by several people the Maker trusts to keep it safe and hidden.”
“That is all we have to say and do Twainor. We hope to see and hear some good reports from the survivors as time goes on. May the Maker, the Master, the Healer, the Provider, the All Mighty Creator of the Universe grants you all peace and to live your lives to the fullest.”
“It will be some time before we come here again, unless something life threatening comes your way. However, if a new disease happens to you on your new world, you have the knowledge to learn from it and combat it.”
“You are well-equipped, Twainor, to handle it like the last time when the Outside Helpers were here.”
Then we all shout together. “Praise to the Maker of the Universe!”
The three Emissaries then disappear in a flash of light.
Then King Dryden steps to the platform. We get quiet when he speaks.
“Well, this has been an amazing day of discovery. It is now time to get ready for the evening repast. The survivors, will be gathered at the pavilion camps. The Grand Dining Room at the Grand Castle can seat about seven hundred. We would like to have a representative from each survivor group to sit with us in the Dining Room.”
The survivor groups look at each other and smile.
“Unfortunately as a place to stay, I know there is room on your star ship. Perhaps on a rotation with the kingdoms, some can stay with them. You can see how they go about daily life. You won't be able to learn any magic while you're here, that we know. Consider this as a resting stop to do something new.” King Dryden smiles at the end of the last statement.
Some people laugh at the little joke.
“Everyone is dismissed to return back to your kingdoms after the sun setting.”
Everyone cheers at the good news.
Then we break apart. A lot of people gather around me to share in the blessing that was bestowed upon me by clasping and putting hands on my shoulders. Some more fairies fly around above us with singing and dancing.
“Congratulations, Richard.”
“Thank you, my King.”
“It looks like I won't be alone when I go back.”
“That's for sure. You’ll have a lot of mouths to feed.”
“Hey, we can fend for ourselves.” Speaks up a fairy.
Some fairies laugh and giggle at the remark.
Then Amber sits on my shoulder. I look to my right and see her smiling widely and happy.
“I'm so glad for you, Richard.” She touches my hair to stroke it some. She takes some near her and takes a whiff. She smiles at me some more.
“I have some time to learn from everyone here before I go home, Amber.”
“Yes, you must visit each of the kingdoms.”
“I will, King Rhur. It just needs to be planned out right.”
“You have your work cut out for you, Richard.”
“I'll have to take it day by day King Jeriel. I'll have to be careful how I present myself when I'm around people.”
“You'll figure it out.”
“The only current problem right now is I might have to move out of my studio apartment on the school campus. I might have to dip into my inheritance to do that.”
“Why do you need to do that?”
“It's for the fairies really. It will allow me to have a small garden that is partially sheltered.”
“Well that is thinking ahead, Richard. You'll do well.”
“You're still our Outside Helper, anyway. You're not getting away from us that easy.”
“No, Sir Valmar. I'm still an Outside Helper here.”
“That's good. It will help keep your skills up to par.”
“Thank you for that vote of confidence.”
We laugh together.
“Come Richard, it is time we walk to the Grand Castle.”
“Yes, Renard.”
We walk out of the arena.
Then Tark's group approach Kanyaa carefully.
Kanyaa stares at them. Then she gets wide eyed. She sees them smiling.
“I don't believe it. I’m sensing who you are.”
“We know, Kanyaa. It is a miracle we are meeting.”
“Well, you must come to our world. I remember reading our history books that we used to have telekinesis, the ability to move objects. But for some reason it left our world.”
“Our ancestors did leave your world several thousands years ago. If I remember correctly, it was because of that we left. However, not all of us are telekinetic.”
“Then we must be careful if you show up there. I think there are very few people who can move objects on the home world. We will need to check with the Council of Elders if you will be accepted back.”
“We'll take it one day at a time, Kanyaa. We look so alike and we still have the same empathic abilities as you do.”
“We are also sensing from you that Albireo 3 discovered two more worlds in the home star system.”
“We did, Nella. We'll take it one day at a time.”
“We will, Kanyaa.”
They continue walking back with the crowd to the Grand Castle.
I see some dragons gathering together. I walk up to them.
They bow to me. I bow to them.
“That is a wonderful blessing, Richard.”
“Thank you, Marcon.” I look to Ryujin, “I saw some of your work against the air fighters. What happened to the saddle from King Thranton?”
“It worked for a while, but my lightning is too hot. It eventually melted and burned up.”
“Ahh . . . but you did your fair share of damage to them.”
“Yes I did, Richard. It was great to let it spark from me.”
“Congratulations on freeing those people from their shocking problem.”
“Thank you, Richard. It felt good to help there.”
“See you all later, Dragons of the Rainbow Falls.”
“See you later, Richard.” Some reply at the same time.
Then they take off and fly to be with the other dragons.
We continue walking our way to the Grand Castle. Amber continues to sit on my shoulder. She hums a merry tune along the way.
We see the survivors talking among themselves. They try to understand what they witnessed this day.
I also see all of the kings talking among themselves with their Mystic Order and Commanders. I see them agree to something that needs to be done.
It doesn't take long to arrive at the Grand Castle. Then we see some knights from each of kingdoms approach the survivors. They tell them where to go at the pavilion camps. They start walking in that direction.
“It doesn't matter which camp you go to. They're serving all the same things basically. Stay with your own group. Pick one within your group who will speak for you to be in the Grand Castle.”
“Yes, we'll do that, knights.”
They start splitting up to each camp. Once they see one get full, they move onto the other. Soon each camp has almost the same amount of people.
They smell the wonderful aroma coming from the kitchens. The one hundred knights and dwarf warriors from each of the kingdoms are in their own pavilion camp.
“Hey, that smells that great.”
“I'm sure it will taste better than the food we've been eating on the star ship.”
“True, but it is a nice break from it.”
They see someone standing on a box to get their attention. They quit talking to hear him speak.
“Good afternoon. We are in the Maranelle Island pavilion camp. We have a lot to be thankful today. We brought in tree logs into the pavilions for you to sit on. Normally there would be tents here, dining tables, chairs, etc. But this set up was done in haste. So, please excuse the brevity of the atmosphere.”
“After we eat, we will then witness the Ethereal Space as it sweeps across the landscape. This happens at sunrise and sunset each day. We usually gather together to witness the sunset, because it's at the end of the day that most of us are together.”
“It will be a very unique experience for you. Please enjoy the light show as it happens. The lights will not hurt you. Wizard Corrbas, please give the evening thanks.”
He steps down. Wizard Corrbas steps up to the box. “Thank you, Sir Jakan. I'm going to give a sample thanks that you will hear, but it will be added because of what happened today. At the end, it is greatly appreciated we all respond with 'Thank you, Maker.”
He sees everyone agreeing to his speech.
“Very good, Maker we just thank you today that justice has been delivered to the enemy. We thank you for the worlds they destroyed is not complete. There are survivors from each one. Now they have a chance to start over on new worlds. We thank you for this food that you have provided. May it give us the strength we need to do great deeds tomorrow. Thank you, Maker.”
Then everyone responds together, ”Thank you, Maker.”
They get in two lines and pick up plates, utensils and a hand cloth. The kitchen staff takes each plate and fill them up with a small salad, vegetables and the main dish. At the end of the line, they pick up a fruit and mug filled with cold water.
They walk to the tree logs and sit down to eat their evening repast.
Inside the Grand Dining Room we sit down in chairs of our section. I see more seating and tables to handle the extra people. Each unicorn and two of the centaurs are with us.
Some of the newcomers see this and wonder why they are here. We try to explain it to them.
There are attendants making their rounds to keep our mugs filled with water, fruit juices, ale or wine.
“It's because they have a voice to speak. The unicorns are not horses or act like the wild animals of the fields.”
“They were here first before we came. We give them the respect they deserve.”
“If they have stayed on Earth, they would have drowned or be killed.”
“That's right, Caltron. Because after the Great Flood, the unicorns, the centaurs, the dragons were all killed and murdered eventually. Even the giants were killed.”
“Why did they do that, Richard?”
“Most of it comes from influences that are unexpected. We just heard Lechstar confess what he did to change the direction of my people. If they weren't there, who knows how Earth might be today.”
“Hmm.. That’s interesting.”
“Besides, it is believed among most people, it can be confirmed here. Eating fish and farm birds are safe to eat. Do not eat meat from the wild herds.”
“Why is that?”
“After the Great Flood, most people forgot how to listen to the Maker's voice. There were very few people who could. They would eat these animals to gain strength. But it introduced something else.”
“What was it?”
“They became more savage like the animals. A lot of wars began. Nations and groups would come and go. Diseases were introduced that they had no knowledge how to fight them back then.”
“For us here on Twainor, if we had eaten the meat from the wild herds, our magic would diminish and disappear. Our lives would be very different in the future. It could be like Earth. So we guard that gift very carefully.”
“Oh . . . ”
“Yes, it still continues today on Earth. But there is hope.”
“Is it because of you?”
“Not really, more and more people are seeing the errors of their ways. My family raised me to listen to the Maker's Voice as much as possible. Be calm, eat the right foods like fish and farm birds.”
“I see.”
Then we see everyone settle into their chairs. Then the Chamberlain stands in the center in front of the royal table. All of the Kings and Queens from all of the kingdoms are there. He taps his staff on the floor several times. “Tap! Tap! Tap!” Everyone gets quiet.
“King Dryden, Grand King of Twainor will now give the introductions.” He steps to the side.
“Welcome one and all. This is a glorious day to give thanks to the Maker. During the next seven days we'll be your hosts. We'll have meetings with your leaders, with Captain Dar-re and his crew to make sure most of the needs are met.”
“Please have your people try to behave themselves when they see something new. Especially when we use magic to do something. Our chefs and kitchen staff worked very hard this afternoon to prepare this meal. Enjoy the bounty from the Maker. Wizard Eldwin please give the thanks.”
King Dryden sits down. Wizard Eldwin gets up and walks to the front. He turns and faces us.
“We thank you, Maker for this beautiful day. We finally see justice come to many people from all walks of life and from many worlds. We thank you for this food we're about to receive. May it give us strength to do your work. We thank you for sending your Emissaries to help us when we need it. Thank you, Maker.”
Everyone responds together, “Thank you, Maker.”
Wizard Eldwin returns back to his chair in his kingdom group.
The attendees and servers leave the Dining Room. We clap our hands until they leave the room. Then they come back in through the other door. They bring in carts filled with plates.
They put them at our places. We see a simple salad put together. It is lightly spiced with an oil drizzled on top.
I enjoy eating it since I'm familiar with the food. You can see the hesitation from the new comers until they try a bite. Their eyes get wide open when they taste the flavors.
We smile as they enjoy it for the first time.
“This is delicious. The flavors are incredible.”
“It almost reminds me of my home world.”
We continue eating the salad. The new comers see how and what the unicorns, the fairies and centaurs eat. They are surprised by how much they eat. Also, they are neat about it as much as possible.
The unicorns eat a mixture of hard vegetables and roots that are cold. The fairies eat fruits, nuts, seeds, berries, the larger pieces are cut smaller for them. The centaurs have a huge plate like the unicorns. There is also another plate filled with grains for them as well.
When we get done with the first course, The servers pick up our plates and put them on the trays. They leave the dining room together. The attendees refill our cups and mugs. Then the servers come out with the main dish.
They place a fish dish that is served several different ways. There are vegetables and mushrooms on the side as well. Some have different spices on each serving. But they don't conflict with each other. The fairies receive basically the same thing as the first one. Some of their nuts are warmed up this time. The centaurs get another large plate that matches their appetite. The unicorns receive almost the same as the first one, but this time it is warmed up for them as well.
“This food is incredible. I'm surprised how much your First Ones eat.”
“Yes, they do burn a lot of energy. They usually feed themselves in the wild where they live.”
“We only get together like this when it's important.”
“What do the dragons eat?”
“Both land and sea dragons eat fish from the seas.”
“Why not the wild herds?”
“There is not enough for them. The wild herds don't breed fast enough to replace the older ones. There are natural predators out there that keep those numbers in check. It's amazing to see the balance in action.”
“We were challenged last year when the Outside Helpers were here last time. They were right that we must know our world better.” Replies Telgon.
“Do the wild herds run free? Are they fenced in large tracts of land?”
“They run free, when you visit some of our villages, towns and ports you'll understand.”
“Hmm . . . okay. I'll wait until then. They must have erected fences or walls around the settlements.
We continue eating the main dish. When we get done, the servers come in and take our plates. Then the servers bring in the fruit bowls. We see a novel approach. We each receive two kinds of fruits. One is cut up in large pieces with a spice sprinkled on top. The other fruit is whole. The servers leave a damp cloth for each of us.
“It looks like we need to work for the prize on one of them.”
“It sure does, Richard.” Replies Dolina with a smile.
For the unicorns, they receive some hard fruits. The centaurs receive a mix of different kinds of fruit. For the fairies, their fruits are cut in small pieces for them. There also some small berries for them too.
Then we hear the exclamations from the new comers. We smile and laugh with them as they enjoy the fruit.
“Wow. I was impressed with the first two dishes. Now we get this to finish it off. The flavor is incredible.”
“We think so too. I never get tired of it.”
“Set the seeds and rinds aside. It will be taken care of by the kitchen staff.”
“They'll use the seeds to plant new trees?”
“Yes, it is a must if you want to continue enjoying eating the fruit.”
You can hear everyone enjoying the final dish. We have to use the damp towels from time to time. When we get done, we see and hear the Chamberlain tapping the floor with his staff near the door to the kitchens. “Tap! Tap! Tap!”
We get quiet to hear him. “I present to you the chefs and kitchen staff, they are represented by all of the kingdoms.”
The doors open. They come walking and stand in a long in front of the royal table. King Dryden stands up.
“Thank you, Master Chef for this victorious meal. I'm sure the meal reminded our new comers that anything is possible with hope. The meal is very delicious and satisfied our taste buds.”
We all clap our hands, cheer and make noise to thank them. They bow before us and rise up with a smile. The Master Chef steps forward. We get quiet to hear him.
“Thank you for those accolades. All of us should thank the Maker that Richard showed up in time to bring this day about. We look forward to serve you again here and in the kingdoms where you visit.”
Everyone begins to clap and cheer. I get a nudge by Sir Trenton. I stand up and give a bow. Everyone cheers louder. I put my hands up to quiet them down. “Don't worry I will be visiting each Under and Upper Kingdoms before I go home next year. So, without further waiting, let's see a sun set!”
Everyone cheers to that last statement.
King Dryden speaks up and smiles, “You heard him, let's go outside to witness the Maker's Creation.”
We all get up and leave the Grand Castle. We walk out to the court yard. Some walk further to the other side of the bridges to get more into the open. But most of us stay in the courtyard.
“What is this sun set like Richard?”
“It's different every time. It's different in each kingdom and location. You'll see shortly.”
We see the sun reach the mountains in the distance. Then someone shouts.
“Look to the East. Here it comes!”
Then we see the wall of colorful lights.
“Have no fear. It won't hurt you.”
It is soon among us. The light streams play off our bodies and clothes. We see some Kings and Queens dance together. When we speak to each other, we see the sound waves become visible as it interacts with us. The light streams play off the corners of the Grand Castle.
“This is incredible. It's similar to what I saw earlier.”
“Yes, this is the Ethereal Space. It emanates from the planet itself.” I look at my finger tips. I see a golden glow trying to get bigger. What's this? Why is it this color? It should be multiple colors from my finger tips. My questions get interrupted by our guest.
“This is amazing.”
We see fairies fly in the air. They’re dancing and singing to our enjoyment. We see the birds and dragons fly in the air. They emit strings of colorful lights from themselves. We laugh as they play with it.
A little bit later the wall of lights leaves the courtyard. We see it race westward to the mountains.
“Watch what happens when it gets there.”
The wall of lights races across the landscape to the mountain crests. The crests light up like a crown all along the edge. Then it disappears.
“Now look at the night sky.”
We look up and see the stars come in clearly. We see the twin moons shining brightly. We also see the two nebulae shining brightly among the heavens. We also see the star ship hovering as a small craft.
We begin to cheer and clap our hands for another beautiful day. We thank the Maker for his mercy to see it again.
We see some tears from their eyes.
“I'll never forget this day. To think this morning was just another day on the star ship. Now we see this. I have high hopes for a new beginning for my people.”
“Don't forget it. Remember it always.”
“Is it possible to get a picture of this?”
“It’s possible, however, I can't take a picture back with me just yet.”
“Why not, Richard?”
“My world thinks they are still alone. If someone saw those pictures, I would be bothered by many people. They'll be asking me how I got those pictures from this vantage point.”
“I see. You have to prepare your world for when contact will be made.”
“That's right.”
“Well, I'm ready for bed. I'll sleep on the star ship tonight. I hope to see everyone here tomorrow or the next day.”
“You probably will, good night.”
Sir Trenton comes up to me. “Come Richard. It’s time to return to Thryson Kingdom.”
“Yes, Sir Trenton.”
We bow our heads to the new comer. We then leave his presence. I follow Sir Trenton to another part of the courtyard. We see all of Thryson Kingdom gathered there.
“Well another beautiful day has come and gone. It was dark this morning now we can see the light again. Thank you, Richard.”
“You're welcome, my King.”
“We have a lot of planning and things to do this week. The air fighter pieces needs to be delivered back to them. Your touring will need some planning Richard. We need to know what elements they might need. Hopefully they can fill it from other places in our star system.”
Drenan speaks up, “Also repairs need to be done in some villages, towns and ports. Most of the damage was done by the wild herds when they stampeded.”
“I can assist where needed my King.”
“Probably more so for morale, Richard, when they see you helping them.”
“I understand my King.”
“We'll have the morning repast at the usual time tomorrow morning. Sir Trenton and Commanders you have your duties about the air fighters and repairs that you need done.”
“Yes, my King.”
“Castle Lords, how are you holding up?”
“Just like everyone else, we're rebuilding where it's needed. Some of the fences that got torn caused our flocks to run free. That will take time to get them back.”
“How about your food stores?”
“Some will spoil because of the damaged buildings. We'll do an accounting and see what we need from the caches.”
“Yes, do that. Coordinate it with Drenan, Praxor and my brother. They need to make sure everyone gets an equal share.”
“Yes, my King.”
“The contact with the survivors will be done through King Dryden. I was told they analyzed the frequency of Sir Braxton's contact crystal. So we might get some of them visiting our kingdom. I don't know how many will come. Is there anything else?”
“We've been here long enough, my love.”
Everyone smiles at the Queen's persistence.
“Yes my lovely Queen. Let's all connect together and fly home. We'll be back to see another sun set. The dragons and kitchen crews in the pavilions already know they will be back tomorrow. Our forces that went to the star ship will arrive back home today.”
“Yes, King Tierion.”
We all connect together hand to shoulder. That includes all of the First Ones with us.
The wizards and sorceresses recite the transport spell. We disappear in a flash of light a group at a time. We fly back and chase the sunset back to Thryson Kingdom.
Hebrew Phrases
Lo abba y imma . . . . . . no, father and mother
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Source material for unicorns, fairies and the Nefelim
Hello BC Sci-fans,
I have inlcuded down below my sources I found for unicorns, fairies and the Nefelim.
The story of unicorns during the Middle Ages is very true. When it was proven it came from the narwhal, the price of the 'horn' went from a million dollars you might say to a few dollars. It just another example of people getting you to believe in the impossible. If it is too good to be true, then it is probably not a good deal. Where and when have we heard that?
But we have so many stories that are fantastic. Can they be true? Or is there a grain of truth in them somewhere like the story of the Nefelim?
The narwhal horn is actually the male tooth. It can grow to eight feet long. The narwhal is a mammal like the porpoise and whales. It lives in the Artic waters off Greenland. This tooth was promoted as the horn of a unicorn.
The oldest unicorn stories.
There are other stories about unicorns. Some are associated with the rhinoceros. Most of them are romance stories to give more depth to other characters in the stories.
Yes, I included the story idea of the Disney fairies as well. It is too good to pass up.
Nefelim or Nephelim
Have a great week everyone. Now we get to see how Richard copes with the idea of being the Omega Unicorn.
In 1718-19 the
In 1718-19 the explorer/trader LaHarpe went from New Orleans to the Caddo Nations in NE Texas and SE Oklahoma. Before he left, he received his commission letter for the trading expedition from his boss, d'Bienville, in New Orleans. He was always interested in the mythological animals and regarded the interior of the US as so unknown and mysterious he was just sure there were Unicorns and other fantastic critters abounding. He charged LaHarpe to report any instances of Unicorns and to inquire about them among the Native peoples. During his traverse from the Red River to the Arkansas River, LaHarpe went over the Ouachita Mountains. He reported in a letter to his boss that he observed native americans skinning a Unicorn, which he described as colored similarly to a deer but lighter, with more hair around the hoofs. He did not take a horn back to him, however.
He also passed over an outcrop of crystals of large size, and many small ones, he was just sure were diamonds. They were not, but many people come to the area to dig crystals today. No one looks for unicorns, however.
A very nice ending for the
A very nice ending for the Nefelim as they got their just reward of death for all the death they metted out over the centuries and throughout the galaxies. I am glad this story is continuing, at least for the foreseeable future. Richard, it seems, has alot of adventures ahead of him, especially when he returns to Earth.
The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 2 Summer Vacation Ch. 26
Richard is part unicorn, and dragon. That's way cool, but what about the Giants on Earth? Do they have the mental powers of the General and Leader? And what about Earth's atomic dragons such as Goidzilla? Will they be called on to fight this ancient foe?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I don't reveal my aces
Hello Stanman,
There is a card game my grandmother taught me. The card game is Lunk. You take two ordinary decks of cards and combine them together. Then you play a game of gin rummy. You need at least four people for more fun. The situation is now you have eight aces in the game. That means there are more opportunties for more straights, full house, four of a kind, etc. etc. So, in this case I'm not revealing my hand just yet.
Yes, we'll see those giants again in Book 5. But this time, they will get some hard news of what happened with Lechstar. These giants do have a long life, it was about two thousand years and a very slow birth cycle. But when they intermingled with the human population, their years got shortened.
Will Godzilla arrive on the scene in Book 5? Maybe for a brief cameo in an earlier book. But he is from a parallel Earth. I still have to deal with these portals here on Earth. Where are they? How are they opened? I keep thinking about those blue stones with Stonehenge. There is a clue there if you are wondering.
I had a lot a fun in writing this chapter and tying everything together. Thank you for taking the time to read the story.
Have a great week.