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Chapter 25
Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman
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We walk down the hallway, we are cheered by the squads and wings as we walk past them. We wave our hands and smile to them as we walk by. Even the captured crewmen are wishing us luck.
“Take them down!”
“Bring victory Outside Helpers!”
“For Twainor!”
“Make them afraid!”
On and on it went. Once we get past them.
“Activate your contact crystals.”
“Put eye shield and mouth guard into position. Be ready to put ear muffs into place when needed.”
“Yes Sir Krellen and Sir Braxton.”
We activate our contact crystals. All of us stick them on the helmets with the sticky mass that some knights brought. We push the buttons on the helmets as instructed.
Everybody on Twainor is seeing what we are seeing, including everybody on the star ship.
It is now silence for the next hallway section. Tek and Sir Dareh lead us to the corridor that begins the tunnel.
We turn right down the corridor. We see the air locks there. Tek punches in the key sequence. The air locks open. We begin to approach the Nefelim star ship. We stop when the Nefelim star ship air locks don't open for us.
“Here they come Supreme.”
“Yes, let them come to their doom.”
The General pushes a symbol on the glass panel behind him.
“You may come on aboard.”
The General pushes another symbol on the panel. The air lock opens on their ship.
We walk on board after we're invited. We gather in a large room where they are located. We see the Supreme laying on a large bed near the wall. His upper torso and head are propped up to be near a control panel.
The General is standing in front of us. We see them wearing the strange helmet with their forehead exposed.
The General easily towers above us. He's about twice our height. The Supreme would be three times our height if he was standing. He is extremely over weight for his size.
We get in a semicircle and face them. We keep to one-half of the room away from them and out of reach.
“Well, well. Look at this Supreme. All twelve are here to meet their doom plus some warriors.”
“Yes General. We have met eleven of you. You must be Richard down there at the end of the line. Come forward.”
I step forward. Sir Halgren takes a step to be near me.
“You caused a lot of trouble for us. We will not be humiliated again. First you will answer some questions before we dispatch you.”
“What's your specialty? We know if you're telling the truth.”
“My specialty is computer systems and security with a good understanding of the math and sciences.”
“Grrr . . . no wonder he had an easy time in thwarting our plans, Supreme.”
“Yes, we'll just have to make our plans better the next time, General. We need to warn our brothers elsewhere in the galaxy.”
“What world are you from?”
“You won't like the answer I'm about to give you.”
“We won't eh? Either way, we'll dispatch your world to oblivion when we get there.”
“I don't think so.” I raise my voice, “Your plans end here and now! I'm your worst nightmare! My world is your destination! I'm from Earth, third planet of the Sol system!” I push the buttons on my helmet to reveal my eyes and mouth. I smile at them.
“Arrrghhh . . . !”
“NOOOO...No, no, no!”
“That can't be!”
“Kill that earth cockroach!” They both yell at once.
All twenty-four of us begin to laugh.
The General pushes a symbol on the glass panel.
Then some of us scream when they see what happens next.
A shot of flames is emitted at me from two directions. I push the buttons on my helmet to close the mouth and eye guards.
Sir Halgren jumps back. “Richard!”
I'm immediately engulfed in flames. It's a good thing I didn't bring the satchel. Plus the armor and padding is keeping me cool, that's great. I have no need for the cool spell.
The clothes immediately become consumed in the flames. When the burnt clothes fall to the ground, the two Nefelim begin to see I didn't burn up.
“What?! You had armor on?”
“That's right, you big oafs. Now it's my turn.”
“Quickly General, the lasers on everyone!”
“Yes Supreme.” The General pushes a series of symbols on the glass panel.
Then about two dozen lasers start shooting at us from all directions. The General and Supreme are protected when two clear shielding walls slide in to place in front of them.
“Remember your training!”
“Yes Sir Halgren!” The other escorts shout.
The Escorts and the Outside Helpers get their shields into their group positions quickly. They start reflecting the light weapons back at the sources. They try aiming it at the clear shielding. The clear shielding does not get scorched. The General and the Supreme laugh while this is happening. Sometimes they missed the sources, but eventually they hit all of them.
Each light source is now smoking and not working any more after awhile.
“All right! That's the way to do it!” Yells Sir Dolen.
“Go Twainor!” Yells Sir Torreno.
All of the people cheer and yell when they see the results on the contact crystals.
They begin to laugh when they see the expressions change on the Nefelim faces.
“Arrrghh! . . . how dare you! That is not all of the weapons we have. Now for the brutal assault! Now General!”
“Yes Sir!” The General pushes a series of symbols on the glass panel. Several panels open and boxes come out. Then we see the General and the Supreme use their mind control to elevate hundreds and hundreds of steel balls into the air. Then the fear generator is also turned onto the max.
“We are sending a signal to the planet below as well insects! Soon they will be withering heaps of flesh!”
“Eeek! Richard, hurry!” Yells Alia.
“I feel Twainors’ pain screaming in my head, Richard!”
“Yes Kanyaa!”
We push the buttons to engage the ear muffs.
Everyone is writhing in pain on the surface. They hold their hands to their ears. The people underground doesn’t feel it as much, but they feel afraid. The sea dragons find it is better to be underwater to lessen the pain. The land dragons roar in pain. They shoot flames erratically. They try to keep from setting the forest on fire.
Eingana looks up at the sky to see if she can find the star ship. “The pain! I remember that one all too well! Grrr . . . Those Nefelim will pay!” Eingana dives underwater to encourage her children to hold firm.
Believe in yourself!
Yes Mother, we're trying!
It is midnight on a western island, Ruald is screaming in pain.
“Arrggh . . . the pain! Who is doing this? I know the dwarves can't be doing this . . . pant . . . pant . . . Stop it Maker!”
He stays under his palm leaf bed covering. He has his eyes shut and his hands to his ears.
Knights on the castle parapet are staying alert in Lord Randson’s fiefdom. They are glad the air assault has ended. They see the sun just beginning to come up from the Eastern horizon. In another mark the morning light show will appear in the courtyard. Then all of sudden, waves of fear descend upon the land.
They hear everyone screaming in pain, in the nearby town, inside and outside the castle. Some knights find themselves they can withstand the fear attack easily. They see some fellow knights crouching down behind the wall.
“Come on knights. Stand firm, believe in yourself!”
“We ca . . . can't Sir Callahan!”
Thalstead and Orslond cower behind the wall frozen in fear.
Sir Callahan continues to walk around the parapet exhorting the other knights to stand firm.
“That's it. You can do it! Remember who you are!”
“We're trying!”
“Yes it's easing a bit.”
“That's good, keep it up. The people here are counting on us to protect them. Try not to show fear.”
Sir Grestor walks up to Sir Callahan.
“How are they holding up, Sir Callahan?”
“I'm doing the best I can. It appears about one quarter of our knights can't stand up and fight. The stable hands are doing the best they can. I hear a lot horses neighing in fear. I'm sure they broke a lot of their boxes.”
“You're doing excellent work. Keep it up. Hopefully this fear attack will end soon.”
Then they see the wild animal herds stampeding through the area. A large group of the herd heads toward a town at the break of dawn.
“They will destroy the town!”
“What can we do?”
Then they see some fairies and centaurs chasing them and trying to change their direction.
“Let's hope they can redirect them safely.”
“We'll have to survey the damage once the sun comes up. We'll have to find out what is needed for repairs, Sir Callahan.”
“Yes Sir Grestor.”
“Hold firm fairies. Trust the Maker!”
“We're trying Athena! We're trying! Help us Maker!” The fairies writhe on the ground or fly erratically in the air with hands to their ears. They see the herds stampede in many directions. They are braying, snorting, grunting in fear.
“Quickly, get your kin off the ground before they are trampled!”
“Yes Athena.”
Some fairies struggle to get their kin off the ground. Some are rescued just in time. Some get injured. The fairies take them to a safe place to recover.
Anyone who doesn't have a helmet is screaming with their hands to their ears. Some run out of the buildings and get knocked down by other people running in the streets.
Some people try to avoid the wild animals that have come into their village or town. They stampede through the villages and towns knocking down fences and releasing the flocks that are penned in. Some of the animals crash into the storefronts and exit just as fast when they break things inside them.
“Yes Alia, Computer, reboot to Twainor Control!”
“Received command Richard, rebooting to Twainor Control.”
The lights flicker on the Nefelim star ship. Then we see the glowing tendrils on our finger tips. We smile when we see that.
“Your program doesn't work here, Richard!”
They start sending the steel balls around and try hit each of us. The balls 'ping' off the shields and armor of everyone. The escorts recite the spell to set the barrier shields to protect themselves and the Outside Helpers.
“Look General. They’re not being hit by the steel balls.”
They look really close, they see them bouncing off an unseen force in midair before it reaches them.
“What! Arrrghhh . . . We will not be thwarted! We will win!”
“General, everything on Richard!”
“Yes Supreme!”
Then all of a sudden I'm floating in the air. I then get slammed against the wall.
“Richard!” Yells Sir Halgren.
“Ooof! Why you . . . I can't move.” Maker I need help.
Reach within Richard. The magic that was removed on Earth is now restored in you. I now release it for you to use until you defeat them.
Thank you, Maker.
“Soon you'll be crushed like the cockroach you are!”
I close my eyes. I go within myself. Dig deep Richard. Find that hidden spark . . . I look within my mind. I see a glowing spark. That's it. Fan it . . . The spark gets bigger and bigger. Soon it fills my mind. “Ahh . . . the power . . . ”
Then everyone sees my body glowing a golden color. I open my eyes. My eyes are glowing as well.
“What's happening, Kanyaa?”
“I think Richard found a hidden power, Sir Lochlin. It's incredible.”
“Crush him General!”
“Yes Supreme!”
Then all of the steel balls move together. They move into a large ball and move toward me very fast.
“Richard! Look out!”
When the balls get within an inch from me, I stop them with my mind. I keep them all together. I wrest control of the steel balls from the General and the Supreme. I then float forward and land on the floor.
“What's the meaning of this insect!”
“How are you doing this? Since when cockroaches have this kind of power?”
“The Maker restored the magic that was removed from us. The Maker removed the magic from us because we abused the power to control people just like you are doing with your mind.”
“Grrr . . . ”
“Curse that Maker!”
I then wave my arms in a circular motion. The steel balls swirl in a circular motion as well. They split into two groups. I then point my finger of both my hands at a spot on the clear walls. They become two long lines as they move toward the clear shielding in front of both of them. It hits the same spot repeatedly. Soon a crack becomes apparent in both clear walls.
“No! We'll win!”
They try to wrest control of the steel balls. They fail trying.
I do it one more time. Then two holes appear in the clear walls big enough for the stones. I let the steel balls drop to the floor. My golden glow disappears. I feel the magic removed from me.
“We've got you now!”
The General and the Supreme lift the steel balls together with their minds.
Sir Halgren steps behind me. He erects a barrier shield around us.
They encase us in a thick shell at least four balls thick.
“You can't hold it forever, Richard!”
“You'll be dead when it collapses on you!”
I take out the stones from my gauntlets. I motion my hands to have the shield shrink some.
Sir Halgren understands my signal. He nods his head up and down.
I press my hands against the steel balls as the shield shrinks.
Everyone is cowering down on the floor on the star ship except for Twainor's forces, the helmets did their job. They are uncomfortable, but they know more people are experiencing a lot of pain right now elsewhere and on Twainor.
“Hurry Richard!” They yell out in desperation.
“See General. Soon, the steel balls will crush them. Their shield is getting weaker! The cockroach is no longer glowing.”
“Yes Supreme. He lost the ancient power. Now he can be dispatched!”
They continue concentrating on me.
Soon they see my two hands come through the steel ball shell. They don't see the river stones in my hands because I have the palms downward.
“Look. He’s trying to break through.”
“Hah, hah, hah . . . continue the pressure General!”
Just as soon as my hands are through the barrier shield and the steel balls, I concentrate on their foreheads through the holes in the clear shielding. Once I see the path, I turn my palms’ upward and open them. Then I recite the spell really loud. “Avion avena!'”
The stones fly from my hands. The stones fly through the holes in the clear walls in a curved path.
“Look out General! I can’t stop them!”
They try to dodge it. But the stones keep flying in a curve path until hits their foreheads. The steel ball shell collapses to the floor. The balls roll all over the floor. Their shields come down automatically.
The General collapses to the floor. The Supreme just lies there with his head down as if sleeping. Both stones are now sunken into their foreheads and unconscious.
I point at Evrat and yell to him, “Quickly Evrat! The Maker took the power back.” I point to the panel where the General turned on the fear generator.
“Yes Richard!” Evrat goes to the panel and turns off the fear generator. He opens the panel underneath and disables the fear generator from future use.
Everyone disengages the ear muffs.
We all breathe a sigh of relief when the fear generator is turned off.
“We must bind them. Hopefully the stones will block their abilities.”
“Yes Richard.”
Kanyaa walks up to me. “That's amazing Richard. I remember you saying the Maker removed the magic from your race.”
“There was a nation called Atlantis. They had great power, technology and other great things they developed. The Maker caused that nation to sink below the waters when they abused the magic and power. Then he started again with Adama and Eva in his special Garden to test them. Avel will remember how it was. Apparently the magic lingered a little while longer before it finally disappeared.”
We tie them up. The Supreme is the harder problem. At least we tie his legs and hands together.
We take some more rope and secure the stones onto their foreheads after we take their helmets off. Then we see a metal band and a short wire around their heads. We remove that as well.
“How are they, Alia?”
She touches them. “They're still alive. They will be awake soon.”
Then outside the star ship another star ship warps into view and is above the first star ship. They scan the star ship below them.
“The Nefelim are subdued Thetro. The Maker's plan worked.”
“Of course Whelin, Richard proved to be the best one for the job.”
“He will have to be told some of his future soon.”
“I know, he will be well instructed on Twainor before he goes home for the ceremonies.”
“Fortunately the Maker granted Richard the use of the ancient magic for a short period.”
“Yes Whelin. Okay, we need this Nefelim star ship for the next phase.”
“Yes Raphael.” They both respond at the same time.
We hug each other and congratulate each other with hugs, smiles and laughter on the Nefelim star ship.
“What are we going to do with them now?”
“Well, Eingana wants them, that's for sure.”
Everybody on Twainor slowly comes around.
“Oh, that was intense. I've never felt anything like it.”
“Look! They won!”
They look at the images above the contact crystals.
They cheer when they see the Nefelim defeated.
The scene gets repeated throughout Twainor.
“Hurry fairies and centaurs. The wild animals are stampeding every where!”
“Yes Silverwind. We'll try to calm them down and have them run to the plains nearby.”
The centaurs and fairies take off and try to calm them down and redirect the wild herds away from the towns and villages. They find it difficult to do because of the fear generator is still ringing in their ears. Eventually it fades away from memory.
The people on the star ship come to. The knights help them to their feet and help them recover. They are glad they are there for the assist.
Then an image appears on the Nefelim ship. It's the three Emissaries.
“Well done everyone. You have defeated these two Nefelim.”
“Thank you Emissaries. But, I heard there might be more out there creating more
destruction, especially Lechstar who continued the horror.”
“There is a way to finally end it Outside Helpers. You'll need this Nefelim star ship to contact the others. Once the frequency contact has been made, we'll transport them here to Twainor for final judgment at your Sea Gala Arena.”
“How many are coming here?”
The Emissaries sees the images of the kings appear above the Escort's helmets. “There will be fifty more plus Lechstar, King Dryden.”
“We'll need time to prepare for them, especially to block their mind powers.”
“We understand that. When they are sent here, our Emissary legion will take care of the star ships they left behind. We'll direct the survivors to new worlds to start over.”
“Thank you for the assist, Emissaries.”
They look at an image above a knight's head who just spoke. “You're welcome King Beltrane.”
Then the images of the Emissaries disappear, but their ship stays near them.
Then we see the two Nefelim wake up.
“Oh . . . what's going on here?”
“General, can you get us free?”
“No, my powers are blocked somehow. Supreme there is a stone attached to your forehead.”
“The same is on you General. What's the meaning of this insects?!”
“We know your weakness, Nefelim. The Maker showed it to us in a dream several nights ago.”
“Curse that loser. We'll get our revenge when we'll destroy his ugly creation.”
“I doubt it General. The next thing we want to do now is to take back what belongs to us.”
“That's right Richard. We want our medallions back.”
“You'll never get them. They are protected with the latest security measures.”
“I doubt it Supreme. I've already infiltrated your computer network.”
“No you didn't, Richard.”
“Oh I did Supreme. Computer, which protocol set is implemented here?”
“Richard Moore protocol set for Twainor Control.”
“Grr...” The General and the Supreme grumble. They look at me with malice and hate in their eyes as they narrow them.
“Computer is there a password to release the medallions?”
“Yes Richard. That has not changed since Twainor Control was implemented."
“Hah! It will take forever to guess what that password is. He is one of our greatest heroes.”
“So, he's one of your greatest heroes? All right here's a guess. Computer, is the password 'Og of Bashan'?”
“Password is accepted. Access to medallions is granted.”
Then we look on a nearby wall. We see a partition slide up to reveal the medallions.
“Grr . . . how did you know Richard?”
“Were you told that Earth was about to be flooded a long time ago?”
“Yes, our patriarch told us so. His brother stayed behind hoping to survive it.”
“Well, it has been recorded that he survived, Supreme.”
“Did he rule the world?”
“Not really Supreme. He had sons, his family line only lasted about twelve hundred years before they were all killed off. There are no more giants like you on Earth. It has been about four thousand years since the Great Flood.”
“Noo . . . that can't be.”
The Outside Helpers walk up and retrieve their medallions. They put it around their necks.
“Thank you, Richard.” They all respond with a smile.
“You're welcome friends. Computer, are there lasers guarding the medallions?”
“Yes Richard.”
“Then focus those lasers on the General and Supreme now, Only show the tracking beam on them.”
“Refocusing lasers on the General and the Supreme.”
Then the twelve lasers turn and focuses the tracking beam on their bodies.
The two Nefelim see they are marked. They look down in defeat.
“Okay you heard them. There will be another fifty here. Eingana needs to be told this.”
“Yes, the sea dragons must get ready for their reception King Dryden.”
“Master Eldwin, contact them immediately and let them know. We'll meet at the Sea Gala Arena.”
“Yes, my King. We'll have all the survivors there, the Outside Helpers, the original crew. We'll hold court there and pass judgment on them.”
“Yes, that must be done. We'll need wizards, knights, dwarf warriors to be ready to put them to sleep. Once their minds are blocked and bound, then we can wake them up when the time is right.”
“Yes, that's a good plan. Okay commanders, you two know what needs to be done. We'll need to set up the extra bleachers for another ten thousand at least and still have room for the land dragons.”
“Yes King Dryden.” The two Angathorn Commanders reply at the same time. They leave the throne room in the old castle. They walk out to their training fields to muster their men for the next phase.
Then Captain Dar-re, Sir Braxton and Sir Krellen with four wizards come on board to the Nefelim star ship.
“Hello General and Supreme. It looks like the tables have finally turned on you.”
“We'll get our revenge on you.”
“Not this time Supreme. You haphazardly put my people in harms way when we visited that planet years ago. We would have never visited that planet. You broke all investigative protocols.”
“We were looking for resources to resupply your ship.”
“Now you're calling it my ship. If it wasn't for your greed and thirst for power, my people would still be alive. No, you have reaped what you sowed. You've sowed death and now you will reap death upon yourselves.”
“No way Dar-re. We'll break our bonds and find a new star ship to continue with our plans.”
“That's not going to happen Nefelim. Wizards put them to sleep.”
“You can't do thhhaaa . . . ”
The wizards recite the spells to put the Nefelim to sleep.
Alia checks them to make sure they're asleep by touching them. “That's very good wizards. They're asleep.”
“You'll need to transport them to the Sea Gala Arena.”
“Yes Sir Braxton.”
“Let us know when you're ready down there to receive the rest of them. Once done down there, then you can come back here to start ferrying the forces and the crew members.”
“Yes Sir Braxton.”
Then two wizards put their hands on each Nefelim prisoner. They recite the transport spell. They disappear in a blink of an eye.”
“That's incredible to see that, Sirs.”
“You'll soon know what it's like when we go to the surface, Captain.”
“I am?”
“Yes, it's easier than crash landing with a scout ship.” He smiles at the Captain.
“Thank you for the reminder, Sir Braxton. But we can use our transporters.” He smiles back at him.
The wizards appear at the Sea Gala Arena with the Nefelim prisoners. They elevate them and move them off to the side to make room for the rest of them. They see some sea dragons coming near to see them.
“Is that them, wizards?”
“It is Chelen. It's them. Have you been told more will come?”
“Yes, including Lechstar.”
“Yes, that is the plan. We'll have them here all asleep until we are ready to hold judgment and court for them.”
“Very good wizards. I'll let Eingana know. It will give us time to get what we need to do for them. We'll be watching. Thank you wizards.”
“You're welcome, Chelen.”
Then Chelen turns around and dives into the water to tell Eingana the latest news.
The wizards at the Sea Gala Arena contact several Kings.
“We are here with the first two Nefelim my Lord.”
“Very good wizards. We'll have an army there soon to receive the others.”
“We'll be back on the star ship as soon as the first brigade arrives here King Dryden. We'll probably be needed to ferry everyone down here.”
“I would think so. We'll catch up with you later.”
“Congratulations on saving the star ship and the crew.”
“Thank you, King Quentin.”
The images disappear above the crystal.
“It shouldn't take too long for the first brigade to show up. When do you think this court will take place ,Wizard Palind?”
“I'm thinking tomorrow morning, but they could do it today.”
“Perhaps, but it has been a very long day already. Let's nibble some food that we brought with us.”
“Yes, my appetite is coming back now.”
The wizards continue to watch over the sleeping Nefelim until the first brigade shows up. They open their food bags. They each take out a piece of dried fruit and eat it slowly savoring the rich flavor.
Once the two Nefelim left, we decide how to contact these other Nefelim.
“They must have a set of log entries that contacts each one, Richard.”
“I would think so, Evrat. Kind of like an address book.”
“Let's ask the computer to help us out, Richard.”
“Sure, it's a good place to start, Brentann.”
“Computer, do you have the list of Nefelim that the Supreme contacts?”
“Yes Richard. There is a list of contacts. There is a total of fifty-one contacts active in this galaxy. There are another two thousand in-active.”
“Two thousand Nefelim? Where are they located?”
“Location won’t be known until a signal is received from them.”
“Sigh . . . very well. We'll be contacting the fifty-one, one by one. When contact is made, the Emissaries will use that frequency to transport them here.”
“What is the destination point?”
I look to Sir Braxton.
“We could have them sent here, but I like it better if they are taken right near the Sea Gala Arena.”
“Yes, our forces will be better prepared in numbers there. As soon as they show up, they are put to sleep immediately Sir Braxton.”
“I agree Sir Krellen.” He takes out his contact crystal to reach King Dryden. He puts his hand above it and concentrates on it. He recites the spell for it. Soon the image of King Dryden appears.
“Greetings, Sir Braxton.”
“Greetings my King. We are getting ready to bring the rest of the Nefelim to the surface. We'll need several brigades with a full compliment of wizards. They are to be put to sleep as soon as they show up.”
“I understand Sir Braxton. I'll propose to the Emissaries if we could have the meeting at the Third Mark today. I have already informed your Commanders here to be ready for them at the Sea Gala Arena.”
“Thank you, my King. Once they are down there, we can worry about the survivors up here. We have yet to decide about the two groups who can't stand being in the presence of each other. I hear it's electrifying, when they are near each other.”
“That's unusual. Perhaps the Emissaries might know the true story behind these two groups.”
“I hope they do. Have them contact me once they are set up there.”
“I'll do that. It's possible we might be having court tomorrow morning, but it might be best to do it today.”
“That's possible my King. But I have a feeling there will be some groups who will cause harm if they stayed with us.”
“Yes, that was one of the items we discussed down here. We'll have to take this step by step Sir Braxton.”
“I agree my King.” Sir Braxton sees someone whisper to King Dryden.
“Okay, I've just been told there are three brigades right now at the Sea Gala Arena.”
“Good, I'll talk to you later.”
“I'll talk to you later Sir Braxton.”
The image of King Dryden appears. Then the image of Sir Levon appears above the crystal.
“We are ready for them Sir Braxton.”
“Very good, hopefully it will be one at a time. If two show up, you'll have to be quick about it.”
“Yes Sir, We understand that very well.”
“Okay Richard, we're ready down there.”
“Okay, let's try the first one on the list. We'll save Lechstar for last.”
“We're ready Richard.”
“Are you ready Emissaries?”
“We're ready Richard.”
“Computer contact the first Nefelim on the list. Save Lechstar for last.”
“Saving Lechstar for last. Contacting the first Nefelim.”
Soon a voice comes in on the speakers. “This is the Nefelim, is this Nata . . . ?”
Before he could say another word, he disappears from his ship and appears on Twainor near the Sea Gala Arena.
“What!? How did ...?”
Immediately about twenty sleep darts are shot at him. The wizards ease him down to the ground. They move him over to the others. There, other knights put a dry river stone on his forehead. They recite a spell around his head to keep the stone in place. The wizards recite the sleep spell to make sure he is asleep. They also bind their hands and legs with the sealing spells
Sir Braxton sees it on his contact crystal. “Ready for the next one, Richard.”
“Yes Sir Braxton.”
It takes awhile to get fifty Nefelim come to the surface. At one time two showed up at the same time. Before they could react, they were immediately put to sleep like the others. All that is left is Lechstar.
“Okay Richard, its time for the last one.”
“Computer, contact Lechstar.”
“Contacting Lechstar. There will be a time delay. He is located in the Sagitarii Dwarf Galaxy, first quadrant.”
“I know that galaxy, computer. Continue with the contact.”
“Contacting Lechstar.”
“Where is that, Richard?”
“That is the nearest satellite galaxy to our own. It is very small, faint and hard to find. We estimate seventy thousand years at the speed of light from us on Earth.”
“He tried to hide there, Richard. Don't worry. We’ll speed that transmission time by amplifying and boosting the signal. It's faster than the Nefelim star ship transmission.”
“Thank you, Emissaries.”
“Do you know how they are doing it, Richard?”
“If it happens in a quarter-mark or less, it is beyond my current understanding on Earth, Sir Braxton. I got here faster than the speed of light with your magic. Apparently, the Emissaries have an understanding of traveling faster the speed of light. Our scientists are trying hard to decipher that mystery, but it takes time.” Then I see a light come on the panel. “Contact has been made Sir Braxton.”
“This is Lechstar. Ready to receive transmission Natachlon. Do you copy?”
“This isn't Natachlon, Lechstar. You have been invited for a very special meeting.”
“What?! Who is this?”
Before he could say another word, the line goes dead and we hear static.
We start picking up the steel balls on the floor and put them in the bins that are opened up. Some of the knights use the elevation spell to make it faster and easier.
On the surface below a very tall Nefelim appears before the brigades. He sees his fellow Nefelim laying on the ground.
“What?! What is the m. . . . “ Before he could say another word about thirty sleep darts are shot at him.
He slumps to the ground. The wizards ease him down with an elevation spell. The wizards recite the spell to make sure he is asleep. Then they elevate him and move him over to the others. They bind him and put a stone on his forehead like the others.
“That is the last one men. They will be judged before the evening repast. Keep watch until then.”
“Yes Sir Levon.”
“Thank you Emissaries, for the assist.”
“You're welcome, Sir Braxton. There is one more matter King Dryden, there are two groups here that can't be in the presence of each other.”
“So I have been told Emissaries. What is the solution for them?”
“We know the true story between these two groups, but they must endure some lightning pain to restore themselves. Have your healers ready to assist when it happens.”
“I understand Emissaries. Where should this take place Emissaries?”
“It should happen at the Sea Gala Arena King Dryden before we judge the Nefelim.”
“Since it is just past the noon repast right now. Is the third mark okay? Then the judgment of the Nefelim by the fourth mark?”
“We agree to that King Dryden. We'll be there in person.”
“Do you need our assistance to come down to us?”
“No, we have a transporter on the ship. We'll appear like one of your wizards when they use the transport spell.”
“I understand. See you at the third mark, Emissaries.”
“See you then, King Dryden.”
Then the image disappears above King Dryden's contact crystal.
Sir Braxton turns to Captain Dar-re. “Captain, it seems we'll be meeting on the surface. I know it has been some time since some of us have eaten. Do you think there is enough on the star ship to feed your crew?”
“There is Sir Braxton. We have another green room here for that purpose. I know some will balk at having to eat again now that they are in their right minds. How many people are on your planet at last count?”
“There's at least one million people.”
“Hmm . . . that means you don't have a lot of food available. With that population, that is considered young. A lot spaces have not been tilled, considering the size of your land masses that are exposed.”
“Perhaps Captain Dar-re. If the crews are coming to the surface, we'll need to keep a close watch on some of them. How many are on the star ship?”
“At last count we have fifteen hundred. That makes it about one hundred and twenty per kingdom if we split them up. How many have been known to gather at this Sea Gala Arena?”
“The arena is a half-bowl facing the ocean. It can seat five thousand easy. We have seen twice or more there at times. The host kingdom would bring in extra seating bleachers. Then there is the matter of having representation from each of the kingdoms there. We can set up contact crystals at the arena for the rest of Twainor to connect to so they can watch as well.”
“That's a novel approach Sir Braxton to reaching the people.”
“It is when you have the magic here to do it.” He smiles at the Captain.
“Okay, we'll serve ourselves here. Start bringing us down about click before the meeting?”
“Richard told me that would correspond to a mark on our sundials.”
“You use sundials?”
“Yes, it’s very accurate.”
“I know they are, what do you do about clouds and storms?”
“We have contact crystals above them. We can see any sundial on Twainor. We
know how far apart they are. In addition, we figured out the distances between the planets in our system.” He smiles at the Captain.
“Now that's impressive, Sir Braxton. Richard is going have to shut down his program so that we can be at full power.”
“I understand Captain. I'll tell him.” Sir Braxton turns to Richard who is talking with the other Outside Helpers and Escorts. “Richard, I need you for a moment.”
“Yes Sir Braxton, what is it?”
“Can you turn off your program so the Captain can get his star ship up to full power?”
“That's no problem. It's real easy, but I had to shut down the star ship's exterior shields to allow the forces on board here, Sir Braxton.”
“Well Captain?”
“There is another mode on the shields. I'll tell Phy-tar to set it. It will allow this exchange to take place.”
“That's fine Captain.”
“Computer, I need to speak to Phy-tar in Engineering. Show him on the monitor here.”
“Contacting Phy-tar on the star ship.”
Then the image of Phy-tar appears on the Nefelim monitor.
“How is it in Engineering, Phy-tar?”
“Besides the migraine headache, which should clear up. Everything is fine. I wish we can to go full power.”
“Richard is going turn off his program. But we'll need the shields set so that the wizards can transport their forces down to the surface and back.”
Phy-tar smiles, “That's great Captain. I'm setting the parameters to allow transfer through the shields. Are we going to be okay on the surface? I mean we're not introducing anything harmful to them?”
“We have that covered, Phy-tar. When we transport through the Ethereal Space, we'll have our wizards use a white light cleansing spell on you. It should work very well. We have used it when the Outside Helpers were here the last time.”
“That sounds great, Sir Braxton. We can even try using our transporters as well to speed up the transfer.”
“Are you ready Richard?”
“I am Sir Braxton. Computer, restore original atmospheric conditions to the Nefelim ship and the host star ship. The password phrase is, 'The Maker is the winner.’”
Everyone smiles when they hear that. Some begin to chuckle and laugh.
“Password phrase is accepted. Restoring original atmospheric conditions. Star ship can now engage back to full power. Received parameter shield request from Engineering. Setting shields to allow transfer of host planet forces. Checking integrity of shields with planets’ radiation. Analyzing . . . shields are holding. Systems are nominal. Continuing to monitor systems.”
“Thank you, Richard.” Phy-tar smiles as he sees the reactor back to full power and humming at a low volume. The various control panels light up to his delight.
“You're welcome Phy-tar.” I smile when I see him become happy.
“We'll be back in a few clicks or marks to ferry your crew down, Captain. Who is going to man the star ship while you're down there?”
“Phy-tar will see to it with two other original crew members. Then we can rotate so that they have a chance to see your world. Tek mentioned that you know the frequency of your contact crystals, Sir Braxton and Sir Krellen.”
“That's right, Captain.”
“If we can analyze some of them, it will be easier to contact you in the future.”
“We have no problems with that.”
“Well, let's get off this Nefelim star ship. I’ll feel more comfortable back on my own ship, sirs.”
“I agree Captain. Come Outside Helpers and Escorts we are done here. We can gather in the meeting room.”
“Yes Sir Braxton.”
We leave the Nefelim star ship together. Once we get on board the first star ship, we are greeted with a round of applause and cheers from everyone.
“That's the way to beat them!”
“Praise to the Maker!”
“Thank you Outside Helpers!”
We walk past them as we smile and wave at them. We walk back to the meeting room.
The Captain, Sir Braxton and Sir Krellen stop at a room along the way. The Captain opens the door. They walk inside it and see a science lab.
A original crew member sees them come inside. “Captain, it's good to see you.”
“Like wise Cler-san. I am glad to be free of those Nefelim.”
“So am I, so am I. I take it you're not here for some idle talk.”
“No, I would like you to analyze some crystals from the planet below.”
“That's no problem, what are the purposes for them?”
The Captain looks at Sir Braxton, “You can explain it better, Sir Braxton and Sir Krellen.”
“We use the crystals for various functions, some hold information, some are for lighting.” Sir Braxton takes a crystal from his pocket. “This one is for contacting others who have similar crystals as well. I'll demonstrate. Sir Krellen, I'll contact you.”
“Okay. This should work because of the new settings on the shields, Captain.” He takes out his contact crystal.
“Yes it should, Sir Krellen.”
He puts his right palm above it and concentrates. Then he recites the spell. Then Sir Krellen's crystal glows blue. Sir Krellen puts his right hand above it and concentrates. Then both images of each other appear on the other crystal.
“That's incredible. But it works for you. Sure, I can analyze those crystals.”
“It will be easier to contact us on the surface than sending a scout ship.”
“We could use the transporter, but that depends on the distant and shield strength. We can contact you if we're outside your star system.”
“The Emissaries have contacted us before.”
“Who are these Emissaries, Sir Braxton?”
“They're representatives from the Maker. They travel around making sure his Creation is running smoothly and in balance. However, they have their own time schedule. You can't call them directly and get an answer right away. We were told we have free will to do what we can with our lives.”
“But if someone like the Nefelim who wants to destroy his Creation. They do what they can to rectify it.”
“That's right, Captain.”
“Then how do you reach them?”
“I'm guessing that will be explained at the Sea Gala Arena later today.”
“Okay, let's see those crystals.”
Sir Braxton and Sir Krellen hand the crystals to Cler-san. He puts them on a glass dish. He then puts it under a scanning device near the wall. He pushes some symbols on a glass panel.
A small wave of a light beam sweeps over the crystals back and forth several times. The scanning stops. Then Cler-san looks at the read out on the screen nearby.
“This is amazing, it has a vibration property that amplifies through your Ethereal Space. From this read out, you can reach very far with it. It is a modulated frequency that any electrical antenna can receive or a similar crystal.”
“We have certain crystals that can reach the Outside Helpers. So when you send a signal on that frequency, you can reach us.”
“I'm not surprised by that statement. I'll have the frequency numbers stored Captain. I'll have them entered in the communication logs for future reference and contact.” He hands the crystals back to Sir Braxton and Sir Krellen.
“We do have a special set of crystals. They are called Seeing Stones. They are located in key areas in each kingdom. We have a similar set of stones on our Twin Moons. We were able to see your star ship at the edge of our star system hiding behind the field of rocks.”
“That's better than most satellite and mech-orb-based telescopes. Now that's impressive.”
“Well, we've bothered you long enough, Cler-san.”
“Thank you for this opportunity Sirs. This new information will keep me busy.” He smiles.
“You're welcome.”
“Well we must go. We have a meeting to get ready at the Sea Gala Arena.”
“I'm sure you do. See you down there in three clicks. I mean marks.”
They smile at each other.
The three leave the science lab and walk back to the meeting room.
We see the Captain and Commanders come into the meeting room.
Then Captain Dar-re speaks up, “Computer, open the intercom to all levels on the star ship.”
“Ship wide intercom is on.”
“Crew members of the star ship. As you know, the Nefelim has finally been dealt with. We have been invited to the surface to witness several events at their Sea Gala Arena. I advise you to remain calm that you will be seeing wildlife that is different from where you come from.”
We hear some cheering in the hallways nearby.
“We'll have our midday meal here on board. We have a lot to do and decisions will have to be made concerning our future. We are still looking for a new world to begin again, perhaps more than one world for some of you. Think hard about that. We'll be going to the surface in three clicks.”
“Twainor, this is Sir Braxton. When you leave here, fly to the pavilion camps near the Grand Castle in Angathorn Kingdom. You can set up there. Relax, have your noon repast. You can contact your kingdoms and homes if you like. The pavilion camps will then be set up for the ship's crew to have their evening repast there. Then come to the Sea Gala Arena after the set up, when it's time at the third mark. The Escorts and Outside Helpers will go back to their respective kingdoms for a few marks before arriving at the Sea Gala Arena.”
Again we hear some cheering in the hallways nearby.
“Our rescuers will be leaving now. We'll see them later. This is Captain Dar-re.”
Twainor's forces start to rejoin themselves into squads and wings with their wizards, hand to shoulder. Once all connected, the wizards recite the transport spell. They disappear in flash of light one by one. They fly back to Twainor and to Angathorn Kingdom and the pavilion camps near the Grand Castle.
The Outside Helpers and escorts wait for their turn Then in a few moments twelve wizards show up in the meeting room. We are greeted by familiar faces. They have helmets on to protect their eyes.
We hug them. The wizards congratulate us for being strong in facing the enemy.
“Well done, Richard.”
“I hope your ears and head are okay, Renard.”
“They're still ringing a bit. Sometimes the head spins a bit, but it will clear.”
“We are ready to return Thryson Kingdom. You heard about the meeting at Sea Gala Arena?”
“We did, we're mobilizing fast to get it ready for the huge crowd. It should be a record attendance.”
“I'm sure it will be.”
“Well, put hand to shoulder please.”
Sir Halgren and I put our hands to Renard's shoulder after we put our gold visor into position. So do the others.
“See you all later today friends.”
“See you later, Richard. Thanks for being here in time.”
“You're welcome. Let's meet again.”
“Yes, but not under these circumstances.” Replies Brentann with a smile.
We all laugh at the joke.
Then the wizards recite the transport spell, we all disappear in a blink of an eye one group at a time. Including Sir Braxton and Sir Krellen with their wizards.
The original crew looks at the empty meeting room.
“I wonder what's it like when they do that, Captain?”
“We can ask when we're down there Lyl-na. Besides we need to pick up the two scout ship crews and scout ships.”
“Yes Captain.”
They leave the meeting room and return to their duties to get ready for the afternoon meeting.
We see everyone flying back through the Ethereal Space as we leave the star ship and head to Twainor. As we get closer, the forces head to the pavilion camps. Then the twelve wizards fly back to their respective kingdoms with their Outside Helper and Escort.
As we get closer, I see Thryson Castle coming into view. Then I see a large group of people in the court yard there, including some First Ones. It appears more than one hundred people are there.
“It looks like we'll have a reception, Sir Halgren.”
“It sure does, Richard. Get ready to get hugged and kissed a lot.”
“I'm sure you'll get some greetings from the commanders.”
“That we will.”
All three of us laugh as we get closer. I see it is the second mark in the morning here in Thryson Kingdom. I estimate the entire campaign took about four to five marks or hours. I think that is the fastest time ever for a world to conquer an enemy. But it took some great planning to do it and some magical advantages.
Then we appear in the court yard near the great sundial there in a blink of an eye.
As soon as we appear, there is a big roar from the crowd. Dragons roar and shoot flames into the air. Fairies fly around us dancing and singing. Everyone is cheering and clapping their hands.
Some just about come near to us, but then we see an open space from the castle double doors to us. On the ground we see King Tierion and Queen Shiranna coming to us arm in arm.
Sir Halgren and I take off our helmets. Sir Halgren bends the knee. I bow before them. Everyone gets quiet.
“Rise, Sir Halgren and Richard.”
We both stand up erect. We see them smiling at us. We smile back.
“What can we say that has already been shouted in the halls, the forests, the mountains and the sea here? Well done you two. Thank you Richard for spearheading and bringing victory to Twainor.”
“You're welcome, my King and Queen.”
Everyone cheers again. The King raises his hands to quiet everyone down, which they do.
“Because of the time, we decided to have a morning repast. After that we have a lot to do by the third mark in Angathorn Kingdom. The Sea Gala Arena will be very crowded today. As soon as, you eat your repast. The ones who are going must be packed and ready. There will be a grand celebration evening repast at the Grand Castle.”
“The ship's crew members will have their evening repast in the pavilion camps. It will be a minimal set up with few tents in each pavilion for the kitchens. The kitchen help will spend the night there, then fly back here the next day. We realize this is short notice. But the Kings all agreed to get it done today.”
“King Dryden will provide the fish from their Sea Captains as they are bringing in the sea bounty. Our teams are already ferrying the equipment there with wizards and sorceresses. Save your accolades for tomorrow when we have more time in our own kingdom.”
“Yes King Tierion.” Everyone shouts at the same time.
“You're dismissed.”
Sir Halgren and I are greeted, hugged and kissed by almost everyone there. The dragons settle for a bow to me. I bow back to them with a smile
I hug Avel and he presses into me to return the affection. We look at each other.
“Well done, Richard.”
“Thank you Avel. I hope the pain was not too long.”
“It was a terrible memory to recall, but it didn't last too long. The people and the wild herds screamed in fear when it happened. All of the fairies are okay. Some are still recovering in the forest.”
“Is Amber okay?”
“She is shaken, but she will be better tomorrow. She does want to be there this
“That's her choice.”
“I think she has grown very fond of you, Richard.”
“That's a new thought to me. Well, actually it's not. A few days ago, I think I felt some attachment growing between us.”
“We'll take it one day at a time. Hopefully the Emissaries will provide some guidance today before they leave.”
“I hope so Avel. I don't know if you know this. The Maker granted me the use of the magic we had on Earth until I defeated the Nefelim.”
“I just saw the replay of the fight, Richard. I think your body glowed because of the Ethereal Space you generated on the star ship. The Maker told me it would disappear from Earth after the Great Flood. There were very few people on Earth who could do the magic after Atlantis sank beneath the waves.”
“I'm glad he took it Avel. I have no desire to have that kind of power.”
Halgren and I continue making our way to the stone doors of the castle slowly. Some still greet me.
“So Rosella, we found another one who doesn't like your work.”
“Yes Richard, but at least it was used for a good purpose.”
We laugh at our little joke that we share.
“Don't worry about it, you were smart not to bring the satchel when you met them.”
“We guessed there would be an attack on us. See you until we meet again.”
“Until then Richard. Thank you for defeating those Nefelim.”
“You're welcome. I might need several more changes of clothes if I'm visiting all of the kingdoms.” I smile at her.
“Hmm . . . that's a good suggestion Richard. You only have your ranger outfit. I'll check into it.”
We laugh again.
Then I see four centaurs coming near to me. We greet each other.
“Praise the Maker. You fought valiantly. You were able to defeat them with perseverance.”
“Thank you Caltron.”
We grasp each other arms so I can avoid being crushed by their hugs. They lay hands onto my shoulder and give a slight squeeze and a smile.
“I hope the pain you suffered through was bearable.”
“It was Richard. We had enough problems to restore peace to the wild herds. They stampeded everywhere they could. They caused more damage among the people than did the air fighters.”
“Are the people okay, Serena?”
“They are shaken like everyone else. Some received some cuts, scrapes and a few broken bones. Some fences are torn down along with a few buildings and homes. The healers and the mystic order tended to them as quickly as possible as they reached them. There was no loss of life anywhere in Thryson Kingdom.”
“Praise the Maker for that. I guess when we meet this afternoon we'll hear more reports from the other kingdoms.”
“That we will. See you later, Richard.”
“See you later, my friends.”
Sir Halgren and I finally get inside the castle and walk to the dining room. We are greeted again by everyone in there, including the kitchen staff and Chef Beharn. We see the Commanders, several wizards and sorceresses, the Duke and his family, and two castle lords with their wives.
Sir Halgren and I put our gauntlets and helmets on the table near the door. I also put my satchel there as well. I see a bowl of water on another table with several hand cloths and soap. I motion to Sir Halgren. He sees it and nods his head up and down.
We do a quick wash of our hands with the soap and water. We then dry our hands and put the cloth back onto the table.
“Come, sit down everyone. We have a lot to do. Chef Beharn you may begin after the giving of the Thanks. Richard, please sit at the other end of the table.”
“Yes my King.” Nice, I see a sheet draping the chair, including Sir Halgren's chair. We're a bit dirty, anyway.
We all sit down. Renard remains standing.
“Thank you Maker for the victory that was brought to us today. We thank you that nobody was seriously hurt during the Nefelim's assault on us. We are thankful only some buildings and property were damaged. We can always rebuild. We thank you for this food that we are about to eat. May it give us strength to help preserve your gem among the heavens. Thank you Maker.”
Everyone responds together, “Thank you Maker.”
Chef Beharn and the kitchen staff return to the kitchen to bring out the almost late midmorning repast.
The servers come out and bring a light salad. The conversations pick up as we eat.
“That was a beautiful display of reflecting those light beams, Richard and Sir Halgren.”
“Fortunately they were not more powerful Sir Valmar. They could have cut through the shields.”
“I can tell from how bright they were. I want to take a closer look at your shields when we get some time.”
“Thank you for your ideas Richard to help prepare us.”
“You're welcome, Sir Trenton.”
We continue eating the salad. When we get done with it, the servers come out to take our empty plates. They come back out with the main dish. I see it is a bird dish that is served up several different ways for each of us.
There is nothing special about this meal. Beharn has a lot to do today.
“I listened to those conversations you had with them Richard. It seems they are bent in destroying everything that the Maker has created.”
“It does sound like that my King. I'm glad they didn't have more star ships to contend with here.”
“I agree Richard. We're fortunate in that regard. Now there is a chance for the survivors to start anew.”
“Did Sir Falcone teach you that new magic we saw Richard?”
“No he didn't Sir Valmar. When I was thrown against the wall, I asked for help from the Maker. He returned the magic that he took from us on Earth. I used it until I created the holes in their shielding. Then the Maker took it back. Then I used what I learned from Sir Falcone to send the stones at their foreheads.”
“That's incredible. I can see why the Maker took it from your world.”
“I'm glad, I only used it for a short time. I shudder to think how it was before he removed it.”
We finish eating the main dish. Then the servers come out and take the plates away. They return with bowls of cut fruit for each of us. There is a mild spice sprinkled on top of it. We enjoy the challenge in removing the pulp from the coverings. The servers leave a small damp towel for each of us as well.
We hear the lip smacking enjoyment of the fruit dish. People giggle and laugh while eating it.
After awhile, we get done. Then the King looks to a server nearby. He nods his head. She turns around and walks into the kitchen. A moment later, the kitchen staff comes out, including Master Chef Beharn. They line up in front of us.
“Thank you for this simple meal, Chef Beharn. It is delicious as always.”
We all clap and cheer.
Master Chef Beharn steps forward.
“Thank you for those kind words my Lord. We have a lot to do today. So, if you'll excuse us, we have some more packing to do.”
“You're excused Master Chef, see you in Angathorn later in the day.”
“Until then my King.”
They all give a quick bow and rise up. They turn to the left and walk into the kitchen. The servers and attendees remain in the dining room.
“Come Twainor, let's get ourselves organized for this trip. Sir Trenton, you know what's needed over there.”
“Yes my Lord.”
“Renard and Trianna, do we have enough wizards and sorceresses to get everyone there, especially the dragons and the other First Ones?”
“Some are making two or three trips as we speak. They are delivering the dragons there first. Then it will be the rest of us.”
“Most of our Mystic Order are tending to the people who stayed behind in the villages and towns.”
“Telgon, has King Thranton made arrangements to be there?”
“He has King Tierion with King Jeriel's help. King Rhur will see to it that all dwarf kings and their retinue will be housed in his under kingdom.”
“That's good. Now, it's just getting the rest of us there. It's going to be very crowded there. King Dryden will supply the extra seating at the Sea Gala Arena. I wished it was tomorrow, but it appears the Emissaries want to get this done as quickly as possible. Come let's leave the dining room. We'll all meet in the courtyard this time to fly to Angathorn Kingdom.”
We all get up and leave the dining room. The servers and attendees immediately begin to clean up the dining room. They'll get it ready for the noon repast for those who are staying.
“Are we going to spend the night there, King Tierion?”
“No Richard, we'll be leaving from there after the sun set.”
“Then we get to see it again when we get back.”
“Yes, we'll see it again here.”
We all laugh together.
“You may go and get ready. Be here in a mark and a half.”
“Yes King Tierion.”
We split apart and go our ways.
I look at Sir Halgren and whisper to him, “I think we better clean our armor.”
“Especially you Richard. It is smudged with soot when your stealth clothes got burned up.”
“Let's get cleaned up at your place, Sir Halgren.”
“Yes, it will be faster.”
We pick up our gauntlets, helmets and my satchel. Then we walk up to Sir Trenton and Sir Valmar.
“Sir Trenton, both of us need to clean up before we fly over.”
“Yes, go ahead and do that. Come back here when you're done.”
“Yes Sir Trenton.”
“Richard, let me have your forearm shields so I can take a closer look at it. We'll get it cleaned later.”
“Yes Sir Valmar.” I take off my forearm shields and hand them to Sir Valmar.
He looks at the surfaces closely. He sees some scorch marks. There is some melting at some locations, but it is not much. “The surfaces held up real good. Having it polished like a mirror definitely helped.”
“Yes it did, Sir Valmar.”
We do a quick bow to them and turn around. We walk down the hallway and exit the castle through the side door. We walk briskly to Sir Halgren's dorm building. I see part of the training field in shambles, but I also see the wreckage of the air fighters being hauled there.
We enter his dorm building. We meet very few knights in there. They congratulate us as we walk down the hallway.
“Thank you Richard.”
“That's excellent work in reflecting those light beams.”
“You're welcome and thank you Thryson Knights. Right now, we need to get cleaned up for the trip to Angathorn Kingdom.”
“I would too, Richard, you armor is a mess.”
“That's why we're getting it done. We'll talk some more tomorrow hopefully.”
“Okay Richard.”
We walk into the bath and see no one in there, except three pages who are getting the place cleaned up for the late afternoon. They see us come in.
“Wow, it's a good thing you're here. You both need a cleaning bad.”
“We kind of figure we would after what we went through.”
“Go ahead and get your armor off. We'll take care of it. It will be clean when you're done.”
“Thanks lads.”
“Be glad you're getting it done now. We expect all of the baths to be full when the King's knights come in today and the one hundred come back in today.”
“Then let's get it done now.”
Sir Halgren and I begin to remove our armor. We lay the pieces near the chair. The pages pour hot water into the tubs. Once we get the armor and under clothes off, we slowly get into the hot water.
“Ahh . . . that feels good.”
“It sure does Sir Halgren. This is the perfect remedy for the aches.”
The pages pick up our armor. They place them in a box. They cover the lid and them open it to check if it’s clean.
“The cleaning spell got most of it clean you two. The padding and under clothes are okay, it's the armor that needs a little more work.”
“We thought as much. Do what you can, then use a buffing cloth.”
“Yes Sir Halgren.”
“Where are your forearm shields, Richard?”
“Sir Valmar has them for a closer inspection.”
Sir Halgren and I begin to scrub ourselves down with soap and a wash cloth.
“You know Richard, sometimes campaigns can last more than one day.”
“Yes, I've read those stories on Earth. Sometimes the army would find a stream or waterfall near their encampment. I remember being on one hiking expedition. I was on the trail for ten days.”
“Our forces do the same thing. It does make life a little bit easier.”
“But a rain or snow storm can surely dampen that mood in a hurry.”
“It sure does Richard.”
“But there are ways to stay dry and not get sick.”
We laugh as we recall the memories. The pages smile when they hear our stories while they buff the armor pieces.
“We're almost done pages. How about you?”
“The armor cleaning is almost done. The pieces look a lot better.”
“Well, let's get out of these tubs before our skin gets wrinkled.”
“Yes Sir Halgren.”
Sir Halgren and I stand up in the tubs. Then we reach for a pitcher of water on the tables nearby. We rinse ourselves off. Then we grab a towel and start to dry ourselves off.
The pages assemble the padding onto the armor pieces and bring them to us, including our under clothes.
We step out of the tubs and finish drying off. Then we begin to dress up. The pages help us with the armor pieces when we reach for them.
We look at each other with a smile.
“Ahh . . . much better Richard.”
“Yes, now we're ready to face the masses and give aid where needed.”
“Well said Richard.”
We all laugh together.
“We're sorry pages. We don't have any coin with us.”
“Don't worry about it. What you two did today, that was the best payment ever. We're alive and well on Twainor.”
“You're welcome and thank you for the compliment.”
“Now go you two so we can get this place cleaned up . . . again.” They smile at us.
We smile at them. “Yes, we'll go now.”
We leave the bath room and walk back to the main castle and the court yard.
When we arrive, we see a bunch of people waiting for their turn to fly to
Angathorn Kingdom.
We approach Sir Trenton and the other commanders.
“Ahh... Now you look better.”
“And less smelly sir.”
“That you do Richard.”
We laugh among ourselves.
I look around and see Avel with some fairies flying around him. I see Amber among them. The four dwarf ambassadors, the same four centaurs are present as well. There is a host of people. I estimate about one hundred people. There are also wizards and sorceresses in the group as well. I see all of the Castle Lords and Ladies as well. Some of them do appear shaking and afraid. They are holding each other up as best as possible.
Then we see the King and Queen come into the court yard from the castle. We get quiet as they approach.
“It is time to go my friends. When we get there, we'll be seated in our own section. The ship's crew members will be in the portable bleachers. The original crew members will be sitting in front. Our forces will be on the sides. All we ask is patience with this number of people.”
“Yes King Tierion.”
“All right then, let's connect hand to shoulder and fly to Sea Gala Arena. We'll land outside it and walk in.”
We all put our hands to shoulders, someone puts their hand on Avel's neck. The fairies sit on his back and grab his mane.
“Is everyone ready?”
“Yes King Tierion.” We all shout together.
“Then let's fly to Angathorn Kingdom.”
The wizards and sorceresses recite the transport spell. Then we disappear in a flash of light one a wing at a time. We fly east to Angathorn Kingdom.
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The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 2 Summer Vacation Ch. 25
These Giants seem to be immortal, or at least very long lived. I assume that they can interbreed with other races as the Bible says that is what happened, but what happened to the ships that they used to get to Earth and what about the UFO sightings?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Where did the other Nefelim go?
Hello Stanman and Sci-fi BC fans,
Parts of your questions will be answered during the next chapter. As far as the UFO sightings we have today, those have to be different races and groups checking us out. Will we ever meet them formally and know who they are? We can only imagine what it could be like. We'll see that explored and played out in Book 4 - The Invitation.
In the next chapter I'm tying a lot of ideas together. I hope you like the connections I'm proposing. Chapter 26 is 47 pages long. It is a very long day for everyone.
Have a great week and weekend everyone.
I do like how this story is
I do like how this story is shaping up as it comes near the end. I am wondering however, what Richard is going to discover about himself, when he hears the various bad guys talk, especially Lechstar; and also possibly the three emmissaries.