The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 2 Summer Vacation Ch. 37

The Summer Vacation
Chapter 37

Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


Gandalf and all characters from Middle Earth are JRR Tolkien’s property. This chapter is now a fan-fic based story. The characters and the story mentioned here are after the Lord of the Rings Trilolgy. I will be introducing characters from other stories and authors as the story progresses in future chapters like I did with the SRU Wizard earlier. Right now the characters are introducing themselves.


We wake up in the room when the morning sunlight shines into our room. We take the covers off and get out of bed. Amber and Cobalt were sleeping on the pillow I placed there last night in the extra chair in the room. After we freshen ourselves up, we get dressed for the day. Sir Halgren and I put our full armor on. After I comb my hair, I put the satchel on my shoulder. Amber and Cobalt sit on my shoulder as we leave the room and walk down the stairs to the dining room.

We sit down at the same table where we have been the last several days. After the giving of thanks to the Maker, the servers come in to deliver our plates. All of the food helped us to build up our energy and strength for the day. Once we get done, we leave the inn and walk toward the arena.

A lot of people wish us well with today’s final contests. The awards and ribbons will be given after the final joust match today. Tomorrow morning we start packing up and move to the Central Arena. This time we’ll see the kingdom’s fleet and sea captains participate in their contests and races as well.

The contestants enter the arena, soon we hear the cheers from the crowd of people. Some are still coming in to take their seats. We walk up to the table to receive our schedule. All of the skill contests are done in the morning before the noon repast. The spear throw is the last event before the noon repast. The staff, sword and joust finals are after the noon repast.

Sir Halgren and I walk over to our rings. We see the walls and targets set up for us to hit. We have to wait until the axe throwing and some running races are done. We see that some of King Tierion’s knights place in the races. The axe throwing contest is won by three dwarves in the top three places, then two knights.

The fight between the dragons and the knights proved to be interesting. Several of the dragons were successful in winning their matches and place in the top three. Only two knights won their battles and placed fourth and fifth. A dwarf warrior almost placed fifth for a tie in that battle and took the consoling victory from his fellow dwarf warriors as his prize.

We then get word, it is time for the wrist bow darts and the metal star throwing. We gather in front of the referee to hear the rules.

“As you can see, we are using a corridor set up for the finals. First up will be the metal stars. The object is to hit the ten targets. There are five on each side of the corridor. You can start on either side. Four stars are thrown from each of the corners. When you cross the corridor, you must throw two stars at the targets while running across. This will be same rule for the wrist bow darts. The highest score wins the match. The others place according to their score. Are there any questions?”

“Can we use mirrors for the wrist bow darts?”

“Yes, you can. We have a selection of mirrors here for to you chose from.”

We look at the mirrors set up on a nearby table. We see ten different types of hand-held mirrors. The three in my group chose theirs quickly. I see there are seven left over. Soon I see the one want. It is similar to my own mirror in my satchel. It is a long-handled mirror. The mirror itself is the smallest one on the table. It is just about an inch less in diameter. I take it and hand it to Sir Halgren to hold onto. We smile at each other when I hand it to him.


Sir Trenton and the commanders see which mirror I take. So do all of the King’s knights and dwarf warriors present. They royalty members look at each other quickly and smile at each other. The Castle Lords see this exchange and wonder what is going on.

“They are going to be surprised how Richard uses that mirror, my friends.”

“I know, Sir Trenton. I feel sorry for the rest of the competition when they find out.”


Some people wonder why I took the smallest mirror with the long handle.

Telgon, Durlond and their wives are smiling as they hear the low noise of rumbling in the arena. They are going to make some good coin from some of the people they bet with. They found their counter part representatives in each of the fiefdoms they visit year round.


I see from the first three contestants, everyone was able to hit the targets. Most of them had four bulls-eyes and the rest are in the second ring. I have three stars in my left hand. The first one is in my right hand. I get near the corner of the left wall. I turn away from the corner. I look down to get in the right frame of mind again.


Sir Trenton whispers so that only the commanders can hear it. “That’s it, Richard. Think of the situation. Remember the close quarter fight you were in on Earth.”


Once I’m there, I turn around quickly. I throw two stars quickly down the surface of the wall two times. I hit both centers of the targets. I step back and get ready for the next two throws. I hit two targets on the opposite side. I hit both targets in the center with my right hand two times in a row.


The crowd roars with cheering and clapping of hands, then they quiet down on their own.

The knights look on in astonishment. They can’t believe what they are seeing. Sir Halgren smiles that I’m setting a high standard.


I put a star in my left and right hands. I get ready to run across the corridor. I look to Sir Halgren and mouth the words, one, two, three. I run across the corridor and throw the stars at the targets. The star in my right hand hits the target in the center. The star in my left hand hits the second ring. I continue across the corridor to catch my breath. Now it is time for my left hand. I just need one bulls-eye to confirm the win.

I put four stars in my right hand. I slow my breathing and get into rhythm. I put one of the stars in my left hand. I turn around and throw the first star at the opposite target of the corridor. I hit the second ring. I throw the second star at the at the other opposite target. I hit the line between the center target and the second ring.


The crowd cheers wildly, they quiet down when I do my last two throws.


The only way this will work is an underhanded throw like a frisbee. Hmm . . . Will it skip off the wall? It probably will. I don’t trust my left overhand throw. It is not as accurate.

I look down again to get in the right frame of mind. Once I’m there, I look up. I get near the corner of the wall. I take aim and do the underhanded throw with my left hand. It travels down the wall and hits the second ring. I put my last star in my left hand. I get near the edge as I look down the wall. I toss the star underhanded. It skips off the wall and hits the center target.


Everyone yells and screams wildly that I won the metal star throwing event.


“Well done, Richard! That was excellent work!”

“Why were you looking down, Richard?”

“Putting myself in a close-quarter fight I remembered from Earth.”

“Was it an actual fight?”

“You might say so, if you count snowball fights as close-quarter fighting.” I smile at them.

Everyone laughs who heard what I said.


We break apart to rearrange for the wrist bow darts. We are reminded we are to hit the same targets as the metal star throwing contest. When it comes to the walls we can use the mirrors.

I’m in the last one to go again. The first three contestants use the mirrors fairly well. We can see one of them is not left-handed too well. He doesn’t do well on the targets. He gets the second and third rings. He knows he will be fourth for the contest. All three of them did well in crossing the corridor.

I step up for my turn.


The crowd cheers, knowing I will do well.


I load the dart on my right wrist bow. I take the mirror in my left hand. I position the right wrist bow near the corner edge only the dart is seen around the corner. I position the mirror right above it so I can see the point of the dart aimed at the target. I press the button in the palm of the hand. The dart flies down the surface of the wall and hits the center of the target.


Again the knights can’t believe what they are seeing. Some of the knights begin to laugh when they see the results. The crowd cheers when they see the results.


Castle Lord Hamlin looks to King Tierion. “You knew this was going to happen, King Tierion?”

“I did for the stars and the wrist bows, Lord Hamlin. He displayed this talent on our training fields in preparation for the fight on the star ship. He confided in me the other events will be his bigger test.”

“I see.”

They all smile at each other and continue to watch the contests.


I continue on with the wrist bow contest. I hit all of the targets dead center and on the mark. Everyone cheers that I won the contest clearly. We break apart. I walk over to the water table and take a mug of cold water. I drink it slowly while we walk over to the spear throwing contest. I put the empty mug on a nearby table.

I walk up and get in line. We are in order of our scores in the previous round. I’m the second one to throw. The first knight gets an average of 89.5. I step up to do my throws. I get into position after taking my four steps back. I take my three steps forward and launch the spear into the air. “Arrggh!”

The crowd roars while it is in the air.

The spear sticks into the ground. The crowd senses a longer distance.

The measuring team confirms the distance. “The distance is 93.5! That is the longest distance for the contest!”

Everyone cheers in the arena.

I take another spear from the rack. I get into position again. I look down and get my breathing in synch with the throw. I look up and step forward three times. I hurl the spear into air. “Arrggh!”

The crowd roars while it is in the air again.

The spear sticks into the ground. The crowd gets quiet.

The measuring team confirms the distance. “The distance is 96.4! That is the longest distance for the contest, again!”

Everyone cheers in the arena. I turn around and see Sir Halgren come up to me and hug me. “That’s great, Richard. Your average is 94.95.”

“I hope it is enough to overcome the target.”

“I hope so, too. We’ll have to see how everyone else does.”

The other two knights do their throws. Their averages are 91.33 and 92.5 respectively.

We go in the same order for the target. This time we see a circle rope target with concentric circles on the bales. It is laid out the same way as a dart board back on Earth. It looks like a spider web.

I swing my right arm in circles to keep it warmed up. The other knights do the same thing as well.

“The center target is 10, the next ring is five, the next ring is two. Outside of that are zero points. "You have three throws this time and add them to your average.”

I whisper to Sir Halgren, “That means the third throw will be a test of endurance. The arm will be very tired by that time.”

“That’s the intention, Richard.”


The first knight earns two center targets and a second ring for 25 points. Everyone cheers that he did well.

I come up and do my throws. My first throw is a second ring, five points. The second throw is a bulls-eye, 10 points. Everyone cheers that I hit it. My third throw is the second ring, five points. My total to add is 20 points.

The last two knights see they need to make twenty-five and thirty points respectively to beat me.

The third knight throws the spear and hits the second ring on the left side. His second throw is the second ring on the right side. “Grr . . . come on, you can do it.”

He gets set and throws the spear. He hits another second ring. He earns 15 points. He is now in third place.

The fourth knight does his three throws. He earns two second rings and a bulls-eye. He earns 20 points and third place, the previous one moves down to fourth place.

Then the crowd roars when they hear I won the spear throw contest by less than a half-point. The knight who earned 89.5 with his throw average in fourth place, learns he is second. We give him some congratulations in making up the points on the targets.

Everyone cheers as we leave the field for the noon repast. When I get to the camp ground, I get greeted by our knights congratulating me on winning the matches so far.

“We hope you do well in the staff and sword contest.”

“It would be interesting to see you both against each other.”

Sir Halgren and I look at each and smile.

“First I have to get past my opponent before that meeting could happen.”

Then we see King Tierion, Queen Shiranna, Sir Trenton and the Commanders approach us. There are some Castle Lords behind them.

We nod our heads at the same time to acknowledge each other.

“That was great skill and strength, Richard.”

“Thank you, my King.”

“The Castle Lords asked me a question after you won the spear throw contest. They want to know if you used your unicorn strength to break the distance records.”

I look at the Castle Lords. “I did consider it in some of the contests while I was in the rings. Then I thought, that is not right. It must be a fair contest for all. So, I held back and relied on my own strength and skill from what I learned in my martial art classes.”

Everyone smiles when they hear my answer.

“Thank you for telling us that, Richard. Some of my knights thought you might do that. If you had thrown that spear 30 points beyond our averages, I would have thought that as well.”

“You’re welcome, Sir Eralian. There are athletes on Earth who will throw a similar type spear almost the length of this arena.”

“That’s incredible. Is the spear very light?”

“It is lighter than the spear, Lord Randson. It is made out of metal and other materials and shape as well. They also give it a special weight limit to prevent advantages to other athletes. Men and women athletes participate as well. They compete against their own gender only.”

“That’s interesting, we have some women who are very athletic in running. It will give them an opportunity to prove themselves, and they are capable.”

The Castle Ladies hug their husbands when they hear that affirmation for their fiefdom’s well being.

It looks like they will have some contests for the women next year, Maker.

Yes they will, Richard.

We break apart and head toward’s the inn for the noon repast. Sir Halgren and I stop by to see Swiftwind and Thunder and make sure they are taken care of. They appreciated that we haven’t forgotten them. They thanked me that I did well in the contests so far.

We continue in walking back to the inn. When we get there, we are treated to another great meal. Once we get done, we leave the inn and walk to the arena. I approach the ring where we have the staff fight. We see the people gathering in quickly to their seats. A lot of bets have taken place that I will win the staff fight easily and lose the sword fight. Some say will I lose both fights.

I walk up to the racks and chose my staff to fight with, but Sir Claxton chooses a different one and hands it to me. “Thank you, Sir Claxton.”

“You’re welcome, Richard.”

I don’t see the quick smirk on his face when I turn around to get myself ready for the fight.

I spin it to get the feel for it. I breathe in and out a few times. I push the button on my helmet so the face guard is in place.

The referee steps into the ring and gives a speech, “Each pair will compete in the ground and beam contest together. The best score will advance to the finals. The winner is determined by the total points in both of these rounds together.”

I go first against my opponent. Once we hear the call to start, the arena bursts to a loud roar and cheering us on.

We circle each looking for the opening move. We come and hit the staffs four times very quickly. We back away. But he comes in quickly to catch me off guard. I block all of his hits, then he sneaks in two hits on my arms. We break apart. He is ahead two to zero.

We come in close again. This time I do my swing to get him off his feet. I come in quickly and hit four times very fast before he recovers. I’m now ahead four to two.

“That was fast, Richard.”

“I know, sir knight.”

“Are you sure you aren’t cheating in using your Omega Unicorn strength and speed?”

“I can assure you I am not using it. I decided to make it a fair fight all the way. You are getting my skill and training that I learned.”

I come in quickly just when I finish my sentence. He backs up as we hit our staffs quickly. I hit him four times. He hits me three times. The score is now eight to five.

The crowd cheers wildly that I’m winning. This time he comes at me very quickly with a swing to my upper thighs. I jump and dive upward, I plant my staff end on the way down to help me land on my feet. He comes around quickly. I come into my defense position that no one has seen yet. My right hand is high above me holding the end of the staff, and the left hand is low and in front of me holding the middle of the staff. The staff is at thirty degrees in front of me. I block all of his hits. Then I sneak in two hits by extending my staff toward him and hit him two times quickly while he tries to come in again. He hits me one time.

I win the match ten to six. Everyone cheers that I won.

“I have never seen that defense, Richard. That is a good one.”

“Thank you, sir knight.”

We leave the ring and walk over to the beam contest. I am now facing the same opponent.

“I must win to beat your ten points, Richard.”

“Then let’s find out if you can do it, sir knight.”

We lead with our left feet as we step forward and get nearer to each other. We hit our staffs five times quickly. We back up to think of another tactic. This time we come in closer, this time after the second hit, he sustains his strength to pin my staff end down.

As I struggle, I begin to lose my balance, he sees it as our staffs are horizontal. Then I get an idea. I let go of the struggle and use my other end to help keep my balance quickly while he suddenly loses his.

“What?!” He loses his balance and falls forward and off the beam. He lands on the ground awkwardly with his feet, but he regains his balance. “I almost had you, Richard.”

“I saw your determination when you almost had me. Then I saw it when we were struggling.”

“Good luck against Sir Claxton, Richard. He is very tough to beat.”

“Thank you for the tip.”

We turned away from each other. I didn’t see his quick smirk on his face.

I walk over to the table for a drink of water. I see there will be a fight between the losers first before I have my fight with Sir Claxton.

We see them battling hard who will come in and place in the fight. Our total score from the semis and the finals are added together to determine who is the actual winner.

When the fights are over with, we see that their two totals are very close. My first opponent’s total is twenty-one, and the other is twenty-two.

I turn around and find out I will do the balance beam first. I see Sir Claxton there waiting for me.

We walk to the end of the beams and get into position. We lead with our right foot as we step toward each other. Sir Claxton immediately goes for a swing at my hips.

There is no way to dodge this. I have to stay on the beam if can. I try to get my staff end down below the top of the beam. He is too quick for me. I try to block it the best I can. He hits through my attempted block and onto my left side. I lose my balance and fall off the beam. Sir Claxton is awarded five points.

Part of the crowd cheers for Sir Claxton’s win. Most of the others are quiet wondering what is going to happen next.

The referee comes in to address us. “The ground combat will determine the winner. If the score is ten to six in Sir Claxton’s favor, Richard is the winner by points total.”

“I agree to the terms, referee.” He smiles smugly at me. That won’t happen, Richard. I guarantee it.

The referee looks at me.

“So do I, sir. If I earn five points when I get defeated, what happens next?”

“If it is a tie, then there will be one more ground fight to determine the winner.”

Sir Claxton and I both nod our heads up and down.

Then I thought to myself. Sir Claxton has to earn three points to come in second, that’s if I win ten to three. Is there another combination for him to come in fourth? There just might be.

I walk over to the water table to finish drinking my mug of water. I walk over and step into the ring. The crowd is cheering very loud. Most are hoping that I will prevail and win. Everyone is cheering for their favorite fighter. We spin our staffs as we walk circles around each other.

“I’m last year’s champion, Richard.”

“Then let’s find out who is best.”

“That we will, Richard.” He gives me a grin I didn’t expect to see here on Twainor.

Where have I seen that grin before? I know, it was Josh who did that when I did a dive and roll to avoid two leg hits and stood up right in front of him. So, it is one of those types of fights. Is that right, Maker?

Yes it is, Richard.

We continue to come in closer and closer. Soon we start to do the standard hits to feel each other out. We break apart to catch our breath. He still has that stupid grin on his face. What is he up to?

Then he comes in quickly. I block all of his hits as I get pushed back. Then he comes in for an over head smash. I put my staff up to block it. Then all of a sudden the staff breaks in two pieces when the staffs meet.


The people gasp when they see my staff broken in two pieces and in my hands. We break apart quickly. The referee steps into the ring quickly to stop the fight momentarily.

Sir Claxton raises his staff in victory. “I win! Hah, hah, hah, . . . ! I’m the strongest and best staff fighter in Thryson Kingdom! I have beaten the upstart, Richard! He is no match for me!”

The crowd yelling is very mixed now. Some are cheering for Sir Claxton, some are booing that he won too quickly and I didn’t get a chance to have a good fight.

The referee looks at me and talks quietly to me, “The staff pieces are still in your hands, Richard. Do you want to continue on or forfeit the match?”

“I will continue on with what I have, referee. I need to ask Sir Trenton a question of clarification for everyone’s benefit to know in the arena.”

“What is it, Richard?”

“Do the knights know how to fight with a sword in each hand?”

He smiles at me, “Only the advanced knights who are part of the Royal Guard and Castle Guard for their own personal Lord’s protection. There are twenty such knights under King Tierion and the Castle Lords each.”

I smile back, “That’s great. I only had this type of training with two sticks or batons, I won’t learn to use actual swords until later in my training”

Sir Claxton speaks up to break our private talking, “Come on now, referee, honor me with the win!”

“Take him down, Richard.” He smiles at me.

I nod my head up and down while I smile back at him.

The referee turns around to face Sir Claxton. Everyone gets quiet to hear the judgement call.

“Richard has a question to ask Sir Trenton on a clarification in fighting with the staff.”

I turn and face Sir Trenton. Sir Trenton stands up to be seen in the stands. Everyone gets quiet.

“Sir Trenton, do your knights know how to use two swords in a fight at once?”

“Only certain knights know how to use them, Richard. It is part of their advanced training to be part of the Royal and Castle Lords Elite Guards. They start out using short clubs such as you have in your hands.” He smiles and knows what is about to happen next. So does everyone else in the Royal seating area. Sir Halgren has a big smile on his face. Sir Trenton, then sits back down.

I turn and face Sir Claxton, “Then I continue the match with these two broken staff pieces in my hands.” I then get into my fighting stance by placing my left foot and left arm forward holding the piece up high. I step my right foot back and my right arm behind me holding up the other piece up high. “Come on Sir Claxton! Let’s see if you have the guts to finish this fight to the end! Or, were you just hoping to humiliate me in front of everyone here and gloat over me?”

Then we hear a hush in the crowd when they heard that last question from me. They wonder if it is true.

He gets mad at me for calling his bluff, “I will be the champion again! I’m the best staff fighter in Thryson Kingdom!”

“Then let’s find out, Sir Claxton!”

“You’ll cheat using your unicorn abilities, Richard!”

“I most certainly won’t, Sir Claxton. It will just be me.”

Then Avel the Unicorn steps into the arena. Then eleven horses walk in behind him showing support. Even Swiftwind and Thunder are there as well. Everyone gets quiet to listen to him.

“Richard will just use his own strength, Sir Claxton. That is a promise from me and the King’s horses who are behind me. This will be a fair fight. Is that understood, Sir Claxton?”

“Y. . . y . .. Yes, Avel.” Sir Claxton tries to clear his throat and looks at me again. He squares himself up and gets ready to fight

I can see his face change from being scared to confidence that he will beat me in the fight.

The referee stands in between us. He shouts out loud, “Get set . . . go!” He immediately leaves the roped ring.

Everyone yells and cheers out loud for a good fight.


Telgon, Durlond, Dolina and Thalsia are yelling out loud to encourage me on.

“Take him down, Richard!”

“He doesn’t deserve to be the champion this year!”

All of the fairies and centaurs present are yelling for me to win. All of Thryson Kingdom people who came in our tour group are yelling the same thing. The dragons who are present are roaring loudly that I will win. The only ones who are rooting for Sir Claxton are some of the people and knights from Lord Eralian’s fiefdom and a few others scattered about the arena. With so much yelling and roaring it is hard to distinguish what is each one is saying.


We circle each other as we get closer. I switch the lead of my hands with each side step I take. Once he is within striking distance he comes with a swing of his staff to my left side. I immediately create an ‘X’ to capture his staff. I swing it over and down to my right to trap his staff end on the ground. I immediately come up with my left hand and hit him on both arms quickly with the good staff end. The broken end is near my hand.

I back away to see his reaction.


“That’s it, Richard. You do know the basics in using two swords.”

“Yes, Sir Leland. Sir Claxton will learn a hard lesson today.”

“That he will, Sir Valmar and Sir Trenton.”


The majority of the crowd roars with approval.


“Grrr . . . I will win yet, Richard!”

He comes in with a high hit from his right side. I lift my left hand to block it with my staff piece. I come in with my right hand and hit him on his left arm and left leg quickly.

“Oww . . . that hurt, Richard.”

“You’re the champion. You must have had some pain to get here last year, Sir Claxton.”

“Grrr . . . !”

Then some more laughter is heard in the crowd along with the cheering.

He comes at me with a swing to my right side. I do a high dive over the swing and roll forward.

“Not this time, Richard!”

He continues with the swing going around. It is now coming at me from my left side. I form the ‘X’ again to trap his staff to the ground. I immediately hit him on his arm and leg again. I back away again.

The referee shouts out loud, “Richard is in the lead, six to zero!”


Meanwhile, in Evenshard, a group of knights is watching me fight Sir Claxton on their contact crystals.

“Sir Claxton is going to lose badly, Sir Rance.”

“I know, Sir Dolen. This will be a tough lesson for him to learn. Hopefully he will be a better knight afterwards.”

“Just like Richard taught the four of you last year?”

“It’s only his pride is getting hurt, Sir Dolen. At least his limbs are not getting yanked out of the socket.”

They all look at each other quickly and begin to laugh. Then they focus their attention on the fight again.


Everyone is shouting that I’m about to win the fight.

“How dare you do that?!”

He comes at me with anger again. He comes in with a high over head smash. I capture his staff with the ‘X’ again. We struggle strength to strength as I position myself and lead him to my left. I let go and he falls forward off balance. I immediately hit his rear end four times quickly. Take that, you bad boy! I give a quick smile as he falls down.

“What!? How . . . hum . . . ”

He falls flat on his face and eats some grass before his finishes speaking. “Mmmbb . . . yuck!”

Everyone cheers to the outcome that I won the ground fight.

He slowly gets up and he spits out the grass in his mouth. “Bleach . . . ‘ptui’ . . . cough . . . cough!”

He hears laughter and cheering in the crowd.

The referee comes in to announce the winner.

“The winner is Richard Moore, Outside Helper for Thryson Kingdom!”

Everyone cheers and roars that I won.

Sir Claxton learns that he comes in fourth place with 20 points. The opponent I had, comes in third with 21 points. Sir Claxton’s opponent comes in second with 22 points. I win with 35 points. Some of the knights on the field congratulate me, some stay away from me. I get a big hug from Sir Halgren.

“That’s the way to do it, Richard. That was great.”

“Thank you, Sir Halgren.”

He whispers to me, “Just to let you know, Richard. I’m one of King Tierion’s Royal Elite Guards. We don’t like to reveal ourselves for security reasons.”

“I understand the ploy, Sir Halgren. We have certain forces with the same attitude and training.”

Amber and Cobalt sit on my shoulders and hum a merry tune. I approach Avel and the horses.

“You did really well, Richard. We sensed something from him that he was plotting something. You taught him a hard lesson.”

“Thank you for your confidence in me, Avel.” I look up and see Sir Trenton and his Commanders approaching me. We nod our heads at the same time.

“You would easily be a member of our Elite Guard, but we know you are needed back on Earth.”

“You gave him a hard lesson to learn, Richard.”

We turn around and see Sir Claxton on his knee before Lord Eralian. He is given a hard rebuke for his ploy. He tells him that he deserves what he earned this year.


“You deserved that humiliation, Sir Claxton.”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“If you had fought with honor, you would have earned more points and a higher place for our fiefdom.”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“I saw the look on your face as you fought Richard. I then realized something was up. The only way you could have broken that staff is if it was broken before he used it. Then put back together with a reassembled spell. Whom did that for you, Sir Claxton?”

“It was Sir Whasphel, my Lord.”

“When the midsummer festivals are over with, both of you will report to me and our Fiefdom Commander in my throne room. We’ll come up with something to get your mind corrected. You’re a very good knight, Sir Claxton. But it is stunts like that which will keep you from being one of my Elite Guards.”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“Now, rise up and report to our camp and get it ready for the next arena.”

“Yes, my Lord.”

Sir Claxton rises up and walks to his fiefdom’s camp to start helping in packing it up for the next arena.


I look at Sir Halgren. “It is time to get ready for the sword fight.”

“Yes it is, Richard.”

“Good luck, Richard.”

“Thank you, Sir Trenton.”

We turn away and walk toward the sword fighting ring. I pick up the sword only. I look at the knight I’m going against.

“Are you just like Sir Halgren, sir knight?”

“I am, Richard. A different pair of Elite Guards enters in this match each year. We enter in the sword fights to test the contestants. We’ll give our report to King Tierion and the Castle Lords and their Commanders after the Midsummer Festival. Just do your best, Richard. Only the good ones defeat us and make it to the finals.”

“Thank you, sir knight. I always do my best.”

“That was a great demonstration of using the two-sword technique. I’m impressed.”

“Thank you, sir knight. Right now I need to get in the right frame of mind before I meet you in the ring.”

We nod our heads together while we smile at each other. I step away from him and walk to a corner of the ring. I look up at the sky and see the birds flying in the air to think about their quickness and aerobatics. I look at the dwarf dragons to draw on some of their wisdom and honor. I look at the ground and close my eyes briefly. This is your biggest test, Richard. Give it two hundred percent. Don’t hold anything back. This in no ordinary fight, Richard. Yes, that’s the right frame of mind.

When I hear my name called out, I look up and walk into the ring.

“In this corner, we have Sir Holloway of Lord Hamlin’s fiefdom!”

Everyone cheers for the knight really loud.

“In this corner, we have Richard Moore, Outside Helper for Thryson Kingdom!”

Everyone cheers and roars out really loud for me.

The referee looks at us, “Get set . . . go!”

We circle each other as we get closer. When we do, we bring our swords together for the first clash. We struggle against each other to test our strength. We then break apart to catch our breath.

He is stronger than me. I will have to do some moves to get around his defense and he knows that I will try.

We come in close again. Once we are in within reach, our swords clash again. I try to bring his sword down and pin it to the ground. Once we are horizontal, he comes in with a slash to my mid-section. I just touch his forearm when he hits my side as I back away.

“The score is one to one!”

I must try to hit his torso if I can and do some multiple hits.

We come in close again. The crowd is cheering wildly that I get ahead in points.

Once we are within reach, he comes with a slash to my left side. I duck under his arm and grab it. I manage to flip him over my back. I quickly hit him two times. He hits me once on the leg. I back away to let him up.

“The score is now three to two in favor of Richard!”

The crowd cheers that I’m ahead. But some know it is not for long.

We circle again. We smile at each other while we do that. I come with a two handed slash from my right side. He comes in with a block. As soon as we connect, I drop to the ground and trip him with my feet. He falls to the ground and lands on his knees. I do quick two quick hits on his thighs. I roll away quickly before he has a chance to hit me back.

“The score is now five to two in favor of Richard!”

“That’s two times in a row, Richard. That’s good to get underneath me.”

“Thank you, Sir Holloway.”

We smile again as we circle each other again looking for an opening. He comes in lightning quick this time. We do consecutive hits while he backs me up. Then he changes directions and hits me four times in a row to be ahead by one.

We step away from each other so we can catch our breaths.

“The score is six to five in favor of Sir Holloway!”

“Let’s finish this, Richard. Pant . . . pant . . . pant . . . ”

“I like that idea, Sir Holloway. Pant . . . pant . . . pant . . . ”

We come in closer again for another flurry of hits. This time I was able to sneak in some hits while he hit me. He hits me four times, while I hit him three times.”

We break apart. The referee steps into the ring. “The winner is Sir Holloway by a score of ten to eight!”


Everyone cheers to the outcome that I did well. Telgon, Durlond and their wives look at each other with smiles. “That was a great fight. Now let’s hope Sir Halgren does his part and wins the next two matches.”

“Yes, let’s hope.”


We exit the ring together and walk over to the table for a drink of water.

“You gave it your all, Richard. I really liked that. You have the potential to be a good swordsman.”

“Thank you, Sir Holloway. I will let you know about a secret I have. For my martial arts training I’m in. I have yet to earn the last two belts. They are the brown and black belts. For the brown belts there are three degrees. For the black belts there are ten degrees. The first nine in the black degree focuses on nine different weapons. The tenth one combines them all into one fighting form. If I make it, the title is Shaolin Dragon Master and Teacher. I heard there are about forty such Masters back on Earth.”

“That would certainly add to your gift from Eingana, Richard.”

“It certainly would, sir knight. However, it does take about fifty more years to do that.”

“Well, you have plenty of time to learn it.”

We look in the ring to see Sir Halgren’s fight with his opponent. His time with his opponent is much shorter than I had with Sir Holloway. Sir Halgren wins the match ten to five.

Sir Halgren is given a quarter-mark to rest before the final match. There is no run off for the ones who lost in this series.

Sir Halgren and Sir Holloway enter in the ring together. Everyone cheers out loud for their favorite fighter. Once the battle begins, we are treated to an outstanding fight.

As if I was watching a movie back on Earth, they put moves on each other to get each other out of position. Slowly, Sir Halgren takes the lead as they exchange hits. Sir Halgren wins ten to nine.

Everyone cheers out loud for the fight and the results. The two knights give each other a quick hug and break apart with smiles. The four of us walk up together side by side to the royal seating area. We do a quick bow before them. They nod their heads in acknowledgment and recognition. We leave the ring together. We will get our ribbons after the joust fight.

The last four knights for the joust put on a great show of strength and determination. No one was taken off their seats. However, there were a few lances that did get shattered in the process. Eventually the scores are tallied from both rounds. Five different fiefdoms win the places.

The scores are tallied for all fights and skills contest. The winners come into the ring to receive the ribbons and thanks from everyone present. The dwarf dragons roar mightily that three of their brethren won three of the matches. They also find out who is the fastest in the flight race they had.

The overall winner is determined as well for each fiefdom. Then the Legion and Castle Commanders come forward with their pennants. Ribbons are placed on them for overall winners. Lord Brannen’s fiefdom comes in first, with King Tierion’s coming in second right behind him. The other fiefdoms receive ribbons as well. On the ribbons are the scores that each fiefdom earned. At the end of the last arena outing, all of the points are tallied to determine the overall winners.

We have one more night of great celebration under the stars. The people are up late celebrating who won.

Telgon, Durlond and their wives earned some great winnings with their bets. So did Sir Trenton and the Commanders of Thryson Kingdom. Now that everyone knows what I can do. The next time we meet proved to be harder for me to win the matches. That’s okay. It just shows I must try harder the next time.

In fact that is what happened at the next two arenas. Most of the people I competed against improved their skill and accuracy. Some were very close in wining and beating me in the metal stars and wrist bow darts. However, in the spear throwing contest, I came in second the last two times. For the staff fight, I came in second at the Central Arena and barely won first at the Southern Arena. For the sword fight, I came in third and fourth the last two times.

When we were at the Central Arena, there are three days devoted for the navy and fishing sea captains. We all gathered on the hill side looking at the races in the ocean near their largest port of Marseby. The sea dragons had a great time in having their own races and mixed races with the ships. This time I have a chance to relax and not participate in the contests. I did get stopped by some young people for pointers on using the metal stars, wrist bow darts and the staff.

I obliged and gave them some simple lessons under the supervision of the local fiefdom commanders there in Marseby. Once the midsummer festival is over with, we finally get a chance to wind down some for a bit. But for others, work continues on to get ready for their first Regional Festival this year. When we were at the Central Arena, a thorough inspection was done to make sure the new inns are ready for the population increase. They also inspected the fields for the tents to be set up for each Kingdom and where the merchant avenues are located, etc. etc.

The overall winners for the Midsummer Festival are in this order - Lord Brannen, King’s Knights, Lord Hershson, Lord Granthnel, Lord Belthar, Lord Beryllian, Lord Hamlin, Lord Randson and Lord Eralian.

Sir Claxton was the only knight who placed from Lord Eralian’s fiefdom. All of the other Lords had multiple winners in each of the contests. The Lords agreed they will include women’s races next year. They will add more contests for them as the suggestions come in from the fiefdom meetings each year.

The days roll on as summer finally ends. The first set of cool fronts starts coming in several weeks before the fall equinox. The air has a crisp feel to it. The leaves start to change colors on some of the trees like I have seen on Earth. However, I see different patterns with the different trees that are here on Twainor.

The grand opening for the Regional Festival takes place in Ringol Kingdom at their second oldest castle near the mountains. They have a huge arena there to accommodate 60,000 people. On this side of the mountain is the main entrance into King Thranton’s Under Kingdom. There are twenty inns to choose from in the town, of which four are run by the local dwarf community.

King Thranton was able to build six more inns around Harsten, the capital of King Thranton’s Under Kingdom. Three of the inns are designed for the people from the Upper Kingdoms. That’s if they decide to come and visit and stay awhile.

We spend our night in Thryson Castle one more time. During the night I get another dream in the garden.


I find myself walking down the path toward the stone benches like I have done before. I breathe in deeply the fresh aromas of the flowers. I look around to enjoy the view of the rolling hills. Then I see someone walking toward me I don’t know. I stand up to greet him.

“Hello, Sir. I don’t believe we have met before.”

“No, we haven’t, Richard. I have seen some of your work. You are in a very unique position to help your world.”

“Thank you, sir. From that statement, you’re not from my world.”

He smiles at me. “No, I’m not, Richard. However, my world is described in some of your stories.”

“Now, you have me wondering who you really are. I mean that we have fantastic story tellers on Earth. I’m quite surprised how varied they are.”

“That’s true, Richard. Then allow me to present myself.” In a flash of light, the man changes his clothes. Now he is wearing a long white robe, with a white staff in his hand. His beard and hair are long and white. “My name is Gandalf the White . . .”

I finish his sentence, “from Middle-Earth. Now I know who you are.”

We smile at each other.

“I have come to warn you that Sauron did not die when his One Ring was destroyed. He is gathering his spirit back together again. He has set his eyes on your Earth, Richard.”

“That’s not good, Gandalf. He will just cause more mischief, trouble and more wars on Earth.”

“Yes he will, Richard. He’s not all powerful this time. He now has to possess people to get his agenda accomplished. Read all you can about him that has been hinted at in the stories. He plans to be there to open the Door of Night at the Ultimate Last Battle.”

“I’ve heard of that Door, Gandalf. I have a feeling it is going to get real crowded here when that happens.”

“We think so too, Richard. I know you have some of Eingana’s blood in you. You will need that connection to solve the dragon problem as we get closer to that Battle. We never had dragons on Middle-Earth in the beginning. We think they came from your world.”

“I will have to check into that, Gandalf. They might have come there through one of our portals on Earth when the first groups of the First Ones left Earth for Twainor.”

“That is a good possibility. If you can tap into that dragon part of you, you can help turn the tide against the dark forces that are gathering in a remote area of the multi-verses. You’ll need to contact the pantheons from your world for help. Ours on Middle-Earth are waiting until that times come.”

“Whom or what is behind the Door of Night, Gandalf?”

“Melkor, a host of goblins, trolls, balrogs and orcs are gathered there. They can’t wait to come out to exact their revenge. Melkor intends to take the magic from anyone who uses it.”

“But from our stories, this host of darkness that is coming will be defeated by the Creator and sent to the Lake of Fire for all eternity.”

“That is our hope too, Richard. However, we must prepare ourselves. There will be battles on your world and other worlds as time approaches the climax. I know you are about to return back to Earth.”

“I heard from Evrat, his home world has a host of one hundred space ships coming to his world. They’re intentions or who they are is not known at this time. He was asked to come home early. Hence, we think the rest of the Outside Helpers will be sent home soon.”

“That’s right, Richard. You must work diligently to get your Earth ready for this onslaught that will happen in the future. The Creator and the Emissaries will let you know when to do each task. You have about 900 years to get Earth ready.”

“I already know that part, Gandalf. I will also be giving birth to fairies as well. I think I will be giving birth to about 1,600 fairies by then. And my sons will be doing it as well. It is going to be interesting to see Earth change over the years.”

“Yes it will be, Richard. Well, it is time for you to go. We’ll talk some more as time goes on.”

“I’m sure we’ll be doing that. Take care until the next time we meet, Gandalf.”

“Take care, Richard. Be sure to take everything with you such as your clothes and armor. You’ll need it when you are asked to fight and search out the dragons in the future.”

“Thank you, Gandalf.”

I sink below the ground and fly back to Twainor.


I enter my body that is sleeping on the bed. I wake up and look at the ceiling. I see the morning sun light coming through the window, it is time to wake up and get ready for the Regional Festival.

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