Rising Dawn Chapter 10

Rising Dawn

Chapter 10 - Soul Heart


Last time on Rising Dawn

"Dawn, you have never been my son for a long time, you have been my daughter. I think Mary-Ann figured that one out earlier on."

"Yeah I did."

"So Dawn, want to be my Daughter."

"Yes, Mummy it would make more than proud to be your daughter."

Then I Grip my Stomach and collapse on the floor.

I wake up, I find myself not in the house any more.

What I see is vast white space surrounding me, it is then I realise what my current appearance is. It seems due to where I am that I am currently in the form of Soul Syncho.

Hmm, So now thinking about it, I must be within a portion of my body which might relight to the soul. Damn this getting somewhat confusing. So I head forwards, as there is not a better direction for me to go in.

It seems I travel for an hour, when I see in the distance. I see what appears to be a Greek Structure not unlike the Parthenon in Athens Greece.

I close distance with the Structure, as I get near the stone steps of the structure. I see that its on solid bedrock, so I turn myself around to look back where I came from and the bedrock extends about 10 meters away from the structure.

Then it drops away, so I am thinking that its more like Mt Olympus than the Parthenon. So Head up the stairs.


"Mum, Call for an Ambulance. I start to check Dawn other."

"Yes Mary-Ann."

So Mum heads over to the phone and begins to phone for an ambulance. I grab my medical bag. Oh that is right I never said what my College course was, It is Pre-Med Course.

I begin to check over Dawn, well her vitals are normal at the moment. But wait there is something wrong here, I can actually feel some heat in the stomach region.

"Ambulance is called dear."

"That is good, I think Dawn has something more than a simple collapse here."

"Well what is wrong."

"Well, she has a higher temperature in her Abdomen, but its nothing to do with appendix."

Although I think that its to do with my sister being Soul Syncho. Might be effect from using her abilities twice in one day.

"Hmm, well at least we are covered for the medical insurance."

"Well mum, do you think we should change Dawn back into more gender neutral clothes."

"Hmm, might be a good idea."

"Well at least we should change the underwear as well, I think it would look weird for someone treating her with her wearing a Pink Bra and Pink Knickers. But does not have the right equipment down below."


Mum heads upstairs to get some more gender neutral clothing.

Back in Dawn's Soul

As I head up the stairs I see the most beautiful front doors I have ever seen. They are about 9ft high with the doors being made from seemly to be Bronze.

Inscribed into the doors seem to be various interpretations of Greek Gods and Monsters. This is getting confusing more by the minute.

As I Approach the doors they suddenly open in front of me. A bright light spiels out from the now open doors

Well it seems there is more to Dawn being Soul Syncho.

Please leave comments and also if there are any glaring spelling errors or html coding errors please comment as well, heres the next chapter title -

Chapter 11 - Soaring Wings

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