Pass On What You Have Learned - 7 - Confrontation

At Melanie's urging Laura finally goes back to confront her family. How will they react?
Pass On What You Have Learned
by Saless
Part 7 - Confrontation

Chapter 1 — Laura

I was so mad at Melanie for telling the others about our conversation!. But they all agreed with her, and made some good points. I began to think that maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea after all? Melanie seemed to know exactly what was bothering me most about it, even before I did! I guess that's the bond at work. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing…

Breaking down like that was kind of embarrassing, but it did make me feel better. Especially with Melanie holding me! How did I not notice how I feel about that girl for so long? Anyway, I was feeling better and my concerns all but evaporated after Michael's "Women!" remark. I was too busy laughing!

I was still very reluctant, but I did agree to give her a chance. I'm not going anywhere near my father, though!

Ann offered to stick around and go with us, but I insisted she go back to her student as planned. I knew I was safe from my father now if he showed up. I could break him in half without boosting if I wanted to!

After we finished eating Melanie turned to Ann, who would be leaving momentarily, and said, "Thanks for coming and keeping me from doing something stupid, Ann!" She hugged Ann fiercely.

"How could I do anything else?" Ann asked once Melanie released her. "You're like a daughter to me; I couldn't let anything happen to you." There was a tear in Ann's eye when she said that.

There was more than one tear in Melanie's eyes when she heard it. "Really?" she asked in a small voice.

"Of course!" Ann replied with a smile. Melanie grabbed her in another hug.

"I'll miss you…Mom!" Melanie said as she pulled back.

"I'll miss you, too…daughter!" With that they hugged again.

"Thank you for coming so quickly Ann." I said once they'd separated again. "I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to Melanie." There were tears in my eyes, too, as I hugged Ann goodbye.

Veronica hugged her goodbye and said, "Thanks for straightening me out, Ann. I was a fool."

"Don't worry about it, Veronica. So long as you learn from your mistakes you're no fool." Ann reassured her with another hug.

Ann hugged Michael goodbye, much to his embarrassment I noticed, and left with a final wave. A moment later we heard a sonic boom.

I wish I could do that! Melanie thought wistfully to me.

I thought you could fly? I replied.

I can, but not like that! I don't have enough power to fly that fast and stay shielded and invisible. she thought back.

"Do you want me to come with you to your mother's?" Veronica asked.

I shook my head. "No, you go ahead and work with Michael some more. We'll be fine." I replied.

"Yeah, nobody hurts my girl!" Melanie added fiercely.

Michael started laughing at that. "What are you laughing about?" I asked.

"Sorry, just looks funny seeing a scrawny little thing like Melanie saying she'll protect her amazonian girlfriend!" he said and continued laughing.

"Hey, who are you calling scrawny?!" Melanie demanded.

"Yeah, Melanie's not scrawny, she's perfect!" I said with a smile at Melanie. She hopped back on my lap and kissed me.

"Ugh, it's getting entirely too saccharin in here for me. Let's leave the love birds alone, Veronica." Michael said.

"Okay, Michael, we've still got lots of work to do, anyway." Veronica agreed. They went into the living room to continue Michael's training.

Melanie and I cuddled for a while before she stood up and held her hand out for me. "Come on, we can't stay here all day and still meet your mom!" she said.

"Ahh, do I have to?" I whined.

"Yep! Come on, babe, I'll race you!" she replied. I sighed and took her hand. Melanie helped me up and we walked into the living room. We waved at Michael and Veronica and left.

"Ready?" Melanie asked once we were on the sidewalk. I nodded and we both boosted and started running as fast as we could.

I was amazed how fast we got to my parents house. Melanie still beat me, but at least she had to work for it! I don't know how she can go so fast without having the physical enhancements I have, but she obviously can.

I stared at the front door for a long time before Melanie took my hand and gave it a squeeze. "You can do this Laura." She assured me with so much love in her voice I nearly swooned!

I squeezed her hand back, took a deep breath, and stepped forward. I pressed the doorbell and waited anxiously to see who answered it. It wasn't long before the door opened, and there stood my mother. "Hello, what can I do for you?" she asked with no sign of recognition on her face.

I stood there with my mind a total blank. "Hello Mrs. Mason. We're here to talk to you about your son." Melanie said when it became apparent that I wasn't going to say anything.

"Is he alright?" Mom asked worriedly.

"He's fine, Mrs. Mason. Could we come in and talk?" Melanie asked politely.

"Oh, I guess so." Mom said, and let us in. She led us to the kitchen table and asked if we wanted anything to drink. We said no, so she sat down across from us. "So what is going on?" she asked.

"Well, Laura here is the one you really need to talk to." Melanie replied, looking at me and squeezing my hand under the table.

"Okay…wait, did you say Laura?!" she exclaimed and took a closer look at me. "Is that you, Kevin?" she asked in shock. I nodded. "You look a lot better than the last time I saw you! I'm so sorry about the way we reacted!" Mom said and came around the table and hugged me, hard! She was crying and begging my forgiveness.

I didn't know how to react at first, but then I hugged her back and cried right along with her. Melanie just sat there beaming at us.

Eventually we both calmed and sat back down. "Who is your friend?" Mom asked as she tried to pull herself back together and wiped away her tears.

"Mom, this is Melanie." I replied. I looked over at Melanie when I introduced her and was caught for a moment in her eyes. I could stare into those eyes all day!

"Are you two…" Mom said but trailed off before she could finish her question. Melanie pulled my hand she was holding up above the table and nodded happily. "Oh." Mom said.

"Are you okay Mom?" I asked, worried now that she would reject me for being a girl, or for being a lesbian.

She seemed to shake herself and said, "It's a bit much to take in, but I'm alright. Are you happier now?"

"Yes Mom, I'm a lot happier now!" I said with a wide smile.

"Then that's what's important. I'm sorry I tried to hold you back all these years. I was afraid of what would happen to you, and not just at the hands of your father. I should have shared my fears with you, instead of trying to force you to be something you obviously aren't." Mom said with a tear in her eye.

"Really? You're really okay with this?" I asked.

Mom nodded with a smile. "I love you, honey. If this makes you happy, then it makes me happy." Mom said. I jumped up and hugged her.

"Thanks Mom, I was so afraid you wouldn't want anything to do with me." I said through my tears of happiness.

"I would never reject you dear, though I know it must have seemed like I was." She replied.

Melanie was just sitting there throughout, beaming at us both. "So tell me about your girlfriend." Mom said once I'd returned to my seat.

I think we should tell her everything. Melanie thought at me.

I don't know, we've already dropped a lot on her. I thought back uncertainly.

I think she can handle it. And she is your mother, she deserves to know the truth. Melanie replied.

Okay, if you're sure. I thought back. Melanie squeezed my hand reassuringly.

"I'm like Laura, Mrs. Mason. I used to be a guy, too." Melanie started things out by saying. I was a little shocked she was outing herself like that; I didn't really think that was necessary.

"Really?" Mom asked in surprise. I couldn't blame her. While I look (and am) totally female now, I'm still big enough for my having been male to be believable. Melanie's not short, but she's so thin and delicate looking that it's hard to believe she was ever anything but female.

Melanie told Mom her whole story, from when her parents beat her nearly to death, up to being found and trained by Ann. "So that's how I look the way I do." She finished.

Mom sat there with wide eyes after that explanation. "You'd better give her a demonstration before she calls for the men in white coats." I said with a grin.

Melanie nodded and walked behind Mom. With one hand she grabbed Mom's chair and lifted it, and her, up over her head. "How's this?" she asked, grinning.

"Uh, that's fine!" Mom replied hastily. Melanie carefully put her back down and sat back in her chair. "How can someone so delicate be so strong?" she asked in awe.

Melanie shrugged. "I'm not, really. It's what we call boosting. I flood my body with spirit energy and it makes me stronger, faster, tougher, and so on. Laura's different. She could do that without boosting."

Mom looked at me more closely and nodded her head. "Looking at you, I can believe it. But why is Laura different?" she asked Melanie.

"Laura's really good at physical transformations. I guess I have a knack for the energy manipulation stuff, like boosting. Laura has a knack for the physical stuff. She practically rebuilt her body from scratch. Her muscles, bones, skin, even hair, are very different from ours. She designed them to be stronger and tougher than they normally would be. That makes her very strong, tough, and fast. She can boost, though, so when she combines the two she's really something!" Melanie explained.

"I'm still not as fast or as strong as you are when you get going, though." I reminded Melanie. "You're so fast the human eye can't even follow your movements!"

"So you're both fully female now?" Mom asked.

"Yep! We can get pregnant and everything!" Melanie said.

Mom nodded and looked thoughtful. "Do you want to talk to your father?" she finally asked.

I shuddered a bit at that idea. "No, I don't think that would be wise." I replied.

"What about George?" Mom asked.

I shook my head. "He's too afraid of Dad."

Mom looked sad and said nothing for several minutes. I wonder what she's thinking? I thought to Melanie.

I think she's finally realizing what your Dad did to your family. Maybe she'll stand up to him? She thought back.

I hope you're wrong; I don't want to see her get hurt. I replied.

Maybe it's time to face him, for all of you. If you do it together, nobody will get hurt. she said.

He'll go berserk! I protested.

We can take care of him, easy. she replied.

"I'm tired of being afraid of that man!" Mom declared suddenly.

"Mom?" I asked worriedly. It sounded like Melanie got it right.

"I'm going to give your father one last chance to accept you for yourself. If he can't do that, I'm leaving!" Mom declared resolutely.

"Mom, I really don't think that's a good idea." I said.

"I'll wait until you've left if you prefer, but I'm doing it. He's done too much damage to this family already, and I've let him!" Mom replied sadly.

"I'm not going to be able to talk you out of this, am I?" I said.

"No, you're not." She replied.

You were right. I guess we're going to talk to my Dad after all. I thought to Melanie.

So you'll stay here for this? Melanie asked.

Of course! I can't let Mom face Dad alone. I replied.

"Okay, Mrs. Mason, when are we doing this?" Melanie asked Mom.

"What about you Laura?" Mom asked hopefully.

"Oh, she already agreed. We've got this bond thing that lets us have telepathic conversations." Melanie replied for me.

"Really?" Mom replied. I nodded. "That must come in handy." Mom looked at the clock, it was only eleven o'clock. "Your father won't be home until five. Why don't you stay until then and we can catch up?" she suggested. Melanie and I agreed gladly.

Chapter 2 — Veronica

I was amazed at the difference in Melanie, and Laura for that matter. They seemed so happy now that they'd admitted their feelings for each other. And Melanie seemed almost completely over the incident with Karl now. Michael complained about them being too sweet, but I think he was happy for them, too.

After Ann left we left Laura and Melanie in the kitchen and went back to training. Soon after we got back to work Laura and Melanie left to visit Laura's mother. I worried about what would happen if Laura's mother rejected her, but I would just have to rely on Melanie to take care of her.

I worked with Michael for a few hours until we took a break for lunch. "I don't suppose you have any insights into why Jean is so adamant about not learning any more, do you?" Michael asked me while we were making sandwiches.

I shook my head, "No, I don't. I've wondered about that, too."

"I guess I'll have to work on her myself, then." Michael replied.

By the time we took a break for dinner Michael was all but done in his transformation. I was surprised that Laura and Melanie hadn't returned yet. I called Laura's cell and she told me they were waiting to talk to her father. "Do you want me to come over?" I asked. I wouldn't have thought that Laura would be willing to talk to her father, but I figured Melanie probably had something to do with that. She can be like a force of nature sometimes.

"No, we'll be okay. Sorry I forgot to call. I'll let you know when we're going to be back." Laura replied. I said goodbye and hung up.

"Everything okay?" Michael asked.

"I think so. They're going to talk to Laura's father." I replied.

"Good, better she get that over with now then worry about it." Michael replied.

We went back to Michael's training after that. He was ecstatic that we were able to complete his transformation. He was now even taller and more muscular looking than Laura, though I doubt he's any stronger than she is. "Tomorrow I'll start teaching you how to boost if you want." I told Michael after we'd finished training for the day.

"Sure, that could come in handy some time." Michael agreed. "I'm beat, I think I'll go ahead and get some sleep now." I nodded and he went off to bed. I got settled on the couch and waited for Laura and Melanie to call, or come home.

Chapter 3 — Melanie

We had a nice chat with Laura's mother while we waited for her father. She insisted I call her Mary. She told me about the times Laura had insisted she was a girl, and kept apologizing to Laura for trying to talk her out of it. I think Laura finally convinced her that she forgave her; at least I hope she did! Mary turned out to be rather nice, actually. I think the worst of her behavior was due to her fear of her husband. That man had a lot to answer for!

When he got home we were in the living room sitting on the couch. "Mary, who are these lovely ladies?" he asked when he saw us. It was hard not to laugh when he said that as I was sure he'd have an entirely different opinion if he knew about us!

"Hello Chris, this is our daughter Laura and her girlfriend Melanie." Mary said as if it were the most ordinary thing in the world. He didn't seem to catch that at first, and then he stopped and stared at her.

"We don't have a daughter." He said, confused.

"Of course we do. You chased her out of here not so long ago, remember? She came back to visit with me and introduce me to her girlfriend." Mary said calmly but with a hard edge to her voice.

He got red in the face as he said, "We do NOT have a daughter! Where is Kevin, I'll set him straight!" He started looking around like he expected to find his son hiding behind the couch or something.

"The name's Laura now, Dad. I'm right here." Laura said. She managed to keep her voice steady but I could feel her unease and fear. I held her left hand between both of mine and stroked the back of it to try and calm and reassure her. She turned to me with a quick smile before facing her father again.

"Mary, what's going on here?!" Laura's dad growled. "This obviously isn't Kevin. Where is he?"

"She's right there." Mary answered sternly, pointing at Laura. "It's time you accepted that you have a son and a daughter, not two sons, as I have."

He took a close look at Laura and paled. "Kevin, is that really you?!" he asked in shock. Unlike Veronica and me, Laura didn't change her appearance drastically. She's totally female, but she looks like Kevin's twin sister. My parents wouldn't have a chance of recognizing me, if I'd ever let them see me that is.

"Yes, Dad, it's me, but it's Laura." Laura replied firmly.

"How could you do that to yourself, boy?" He yelled angrily.

Do you mind if I say something? I thought to Laura.

Go ahead. she replied.

"My girlfriend is no boy!" I growled back at him.

"You shut up!" He yelled back at me. "And you," he yelled at Laura, "get out of those damn clothes! No son of mine is going to go around dressed like a woman!"

Laura stood angrily and walked right up to her father, who I noticed with some amusement was actually a little bit shorter than she is. "You will not talk to my girlfriend like that!" she growled at him. She didn't speak loudly, but there was plenty of menace there!

"I suggest you apologize to your daughter, Chris, she's very protective of her girlfriend." Mary said with her hands on her hips.

Laura's father looked at Mary with anger. "What is this?! Why are you encouraging him?" he demanded.

"Oh get over yourself, Chris! Laura's known she was a girl since she was a child. It's past time that you accepted her for what she is." Mary replied angrily.

"Kevin is not a girl! I'll settle this once and for all!" He yelled and rounded on Laura. He took a swing at her. Mary gasped, but Laura caught his fist in one hand and started squeezing. There was a popping sound, like he'd cracked every knuckle at once, and he collapsed to his knees and grunted in pain. "H-how…are you…doing this?!" he gasped out haltingly.

"That's not important, Dad. What is important is that you accept that I'm a girl, always have been." Laura replied calmly, still squeezing.

"I suggest you do as she says, otherwise you'll end up with a broken hand and I'll leave you." Mary added determinedly.

Laura released his hand and stepped back a little. "What'll it be?" she asked.

He knelt on the floor and cradled his hand. A tear of pain trickled down his face and he angrily wiped it away. "Leave me?! You'd leave me because of this freak?!" he asked in disbelief.

Mary stepped forward quickly and slapped his face. "Laura is no freak, she's your daughter!" she said angrily. "You've been bullying this whole family for far too long. You're going to change your ways or you're going to be alone!"

I tensed up when Mary slapped him, expecting trouble, and I wasn't disappointed. He rose and punched out at Mary in one swift movement. Mary and Laura were surprised, but I was there and caught his fist as Laura had earlier. It was even the same fist. I almost felt sorry for him as I began to crush his hand. "I think you'd better go somewhere and cool off, don't you?" I asked sweetly.

He was back on his knees at this point, grunting in pain. After giving his hand another good squeeze I released him and stepped back next to Laura. She put her arm around my waist and squeezed appreciatively.

Thanks, I should have expected that. she thought to me.

No need to thank me, I've been wanting to do that! I giggled back to her.

"I think Melanie's right, Chris; you should go somewhere to think things through." Mary said. He stood slowly and turned towards the door and walked out. "I'm sorry Laura; I should have known he'd be like that." She said apologetically.

Laura shrugged. "It's not your fault. He's the one with the problem. I should be thanking you, actually. I don't feel any fear of him anymore." Laura replied with a small smile.

I smiled and wrapped my arm around her. I'm glad, I was hoping that would happen! I thought to her.

It seems silly to have been afraid of him, now. she thought back.

It's like your mother said, he's been bullying your family for a long time. You've been conditioned to fear him. You had to break that conditioning, and now you have! So has your mother, I think. Now we just have to work on your brother. I replied.

That could be harder. He takes after Dad a lot. she thought back.

"I'm glad to hear that. Would you two like to stay for dinner?" Mary asked.

"Sure!" I answered for both of us.

"Would you like some help?" Laura asked.

Mary accepted and we both helped her make dinner. While we were working she asked, "Do you still not want to talk to George?"

"Maybe I should. Who knows what kinds of ideas he'll get if he hears about me from Dad." Laura mused. I smiled, thinking that maybe this family was finally going to come together.

Chapter 4 - Laura

Mom called George while Melanie and I watched dinner. The phone was in the far side of the living room, so I couldn't hear what she said. She returned a few minutes later. "He'll be here in time for dinner." She said.

"What about Dad, do you think he'll be back tonight?" I asked. I wasn't afraid of him anymore, but I worried about him coming back after we left and hurting Mom.

"I don't know Laura. I'm not even sure if I want him to." Mom said sadly.

This is my fault, isn't it? I thought to Melanie.

Don't be silly! He did this to himself. If he's smart he'll come back and apologize, but I doubt he's going to be smart about this. Melanie thought back.

That's what I was afraid of. My parents are going to break up because of me! I replied.

Stop that! If your parents break up it will be because of your father's bullying ways and intolerance, not because of you! she said sternly.

Dinner was ready before George got there, so we put everything on warm and set the table. I was fretting so much Melanie dragged me over to the table and sat me down, then sat on my lap. Mom smiled at that. "She really watches out for you, doesn't she?"

"No more than she watches out for me." Melanie replied.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. Melanie insisted on answering it, not that Mom or I could get to it before she could! It was George, so she let him in and closed the door.

"Hi George, I'm Melanie. Your mom and sister are in the kitchen." I heard her greet him.

"Sister?! Oh great, Dad's going to blow a gasket again!" George groused as he walked into the kitchen. He glanced around the room and passed right over me. "Where's Kevin?"

"Didn't I tell you I'm Laura now?" I said. He spun around to look at me again and frowned.

"Kevin? No way that's you!" he exclaimed.

"Her name is Laura, George, remember it!" Melanie said sharply before sitting back on my lap and wrapping an arm around my waist.

George looked at Mom incredulously. "You can't really believe this is Kevin!"

Melanie growled in annoyance. Hopping off my lap she strode over to George, grabbed his shirt in one hand and lifted him off his feet, and carried him over to the kitchen table and dropped him onto a chair. "Her…name…is…Laura!" she enunciated clearly and forcefully. "If you call her Kevin again I'm going to get angry!"

Mom chuckled. "You'd better listen to her George, she's very protective of her girlfriend."

George looked stunned and didn't take in what Mom said at first. He shook himself and looked at me and then Melanie. "Girlfriend?" he said incredulously.

Wait a minute, didn't George refuse to let you stay with him after your dad ran you out? Melanie asked me.

Yeah. He said I had to come as Kevin or not at all, though I told him I'd gotten rid of all my male clothes already. I replied.

"Yes George, girlfriend! We've had a lot of time to get to know each other since she moved in with me. I guess I should thank you for not letting her stay with you, we might not have met otherwise." Melanie said, but she didn't sound very thankful!

Mom looked furious on hearing that. "George! Did you refuse to let your sister stay with you?" Mom asked angrily.

Poor George was surrounded and out gunned, and he knew it! "Mom, Dad would have killed me if he knew I let her stay with me dressed like that! He'd say I was encouraging her!" he protested.

Mom frowned and said, "Well, at least you're finally getting the pronouns right. You don't need to worry about your father, he's going to clean up his act or else!"

"You told Dad that?!" George exclaimed. Mom nodded. "How did he react?"

"He tried to hit me, but Melanie stopped him. Laura's girlfriend is very fast and strong when she wants to be." Mom replied with a smile for Melanie.

"How could you stop Dad?" George asked incredulously.

"The same way I picked you up and carried you." Melanie replied.

Time for another demonstration? I asked Melanie.

Sounds like a plan. Why don't we use levitation this time. she replied.

I don't really know how to levitate. I reminded her. Almost as soon as the thoughts were sent I felt a rush of images and ideas from Melanie. Okay, I guess I do know how to levitate. I said ruefully. I could feel the smirk in Melanie's mind!

In unison, Melanie and I levitated until we were halfway to the ceiling. "As you can see, Melanie has taught me a few tricks." I said with a smile. The look on George's face was priceless!

Even Mom looked stunned. "How did you do that?" George asked in awe.

"The same way Melanie picked you up. She taught me how to use our spirit's energy to effect the physical world. We can strengthen ourselves, move faster, levitate, and change our bodies." I replied.

"Is that how you look like you do?" George asked. I nodded. "How much are you able to change your body?"

I smiled. "Let's put it this way, if I'd been here a couple of weeks ago I could have answered that with a bloody tampon."

He grimaced at that. "Eew! Too much information!"

"You did ask." Mom pointed out with a smirk.

"This is too weird!" George said.

While George stewed over all the new information we'd given him, Mom went and turned up the stove. A few minutes later we were filling up our plates. We ate in silence. When we were done George volunteered to wash the dishes and I helped him gather them up.

"I'm worried about Mom." I said as we were setting the dishes down. "If we don't deal with Dad now, he might come back and hurt her. He already tried once."

George shook his head in wonder, "I still can't believe that Mom stood up to him like that! I've always thought she should, but at the same time I was afraid she would. Now that she has I'm proud of her, but worried, too. Are you and Melanie really that strong?"

"Yes, we are. We can deal with Dad without breaking a sweat, believe me! But we can't guard Mom all the time. Do you think he'll be back tonight?" I replied.

George took a moment to think about that before replying, "I'm not sure. It doesn't sound like he took any clothes with him, so I guess he will be back tonight or tomorrow morning. Can you stay that long?"

I nodded, "Yeah, we can stay that long if we need to. I'm certainly not going to leave Mom alone until this is settled!"

"Good." George replied. "That does make me feel a little better about this. Although it feels weird to be relying on my sister who used to be my brother and her girlfriend to protect my mother from my father! Man, that's a mouthful!"

I laughed, "Yeah, I guess it is. So how do you feel about having a sister?" After our last conversation, I wasn't too hopeful, but I had to know!

"I…I guess I'm okay with it. It's not like it's a new idea, or anything. It's only Dad that made it a problem before. I'm not looking forward to seeing him in the state he's likely to be in, though!" George said thoughtfully.

I agreed and left him to finish washing the dishes while I put away everything else. Afterward I found Mom and Melanie talking in the living room.

"You don't have to stay here if Chris doesn't come back tonight. I can deal with him on my own." Mom was saying.

"Oh no you don't!" Melanie exclaimed. "Laura and I aren't going to let you face your husband alone! He's too dangerous."

"That's right Mom." I agreed as I took a seat next to Melanie. "Dad's already tried to hit you once today. We're not going to let him touch you!"

Mom shook her head in wonder, "We did such a lousy job raising you, and you're still such a good, caring person! I'm so proud of you Laura!"

"Really?" I said in surprise. Mom nodded and before I knew it we were hugging the stuffing out of each other. Fortunately I remembered to take it easy on her, or I might have broken some ribs!

"It's a Kodak moment." George quipped as he walked in from the kitchen. He took a seat next to Mom and I sat back down with Melanie. We spent a while filling in the blanks for George, who was understandably amazed at everything that had happened to me since I'd last talked to him. I was just telling him about Veronica when the front door burst open.

To Be Continued...

Authors Note:  Sorry for the super long delay on this one, and its relatively short length. Every time I tried to go beyond this point it just didn't work. This is where this part wanted to end, so I finally decided to let it. I'll try not to have such a long break before the next chapter, which shouldn't be hard!

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