The Sissy Farm 20

This chapter, (never before posted,) carries on the story of Michelle's experiences at Mistress Janet's sissy school. It also describes the voluntary sissification of a sixteen-year-old gypsie boy who wishes to give up the travelling life because of the uncertainties and dangers. The boy John, wishes to be come Joanna, Janice's sissy companion/spartner.


Caught having a secret meeting at 0300 am

I caught these two having a secret meeting at 0300. It's a good job I keep ridiculous hours. She was receiving orders from that 'Napoleon of the cat world.'

The Sissy farm Chapter 20.

List of Characters.

Me. Michelle A Natural transvestite sissy.
Janice My Younger sister
Aunty Bev Janice and My mother’s Sister.
Mistress Janet Headmistress of the young lady’s academy
Doctor Shirley Williams. My endocrinologist.
Miranda. A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant.
Miss Stern Miranda’s mistress who owns the shop.
Peregrine. AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev’s brother.)
James AKA. Auntie Jamie Peregrine’s Partner. (Soon to inherit his/her fathers earldom.)
Victoria An older RG friend of mine.
Jemima Victoria’s sissy brother.
Portia Victoria’s mummy.
Julia. My dining companion and mentor at Mistress Janet’s Academy.
Sophia and Angelica Victoria and Jemima’s friends.
Delilah & Nancy My ex Attackers.
Davinia. Sissified Gypsy boy once called David
John and Simone Davinia’s older gypsy brother and sister,
Isobel and Sally, The two youngest gypsy sisters.

Chapter 20.

A few weeks later, at the end of the summer holidays, a Monday morning found us all tense with excitement as Auntie Beverly gathered what had become a veritable clan of future sissies and girls to meet Miss Portia with Victoria and Jemima outside Miss Stern’s corsetry shop.

It was early September and the autumn rains were gathering. All we other sissies were dressed in our prettiest dresses and school capes with our hoods up against the approaching rain, John had borrowed one of Victoria’s old school frocks and winter capes and he was furtively sheltering in the deep doorway. We sissies chattered nonchalantly with the girls as we admired the beautiful frocks in the windows. We felt no threats because we all readily passed and none of us would have been recognised us as once-upon-a-time boys. For John it was very different, he still had short hair and a boy’s thick waist thus he pulled up Victoria’s cape and hood to cover his give-away boy’s hair.

Eventually Miranda appeared behind the door and smiled invitingly as she released the bolts and raised the internal antitheft bars. John almost fell into the shop and stumbled up against Miranda’s soft pillowy bosom. Then he slipped to the floor as he pressed forward to garnish the secretive protection of the shop. As he lifted himself apologetically to his feet after having received a clear view of Miranda’s beautifully frilly panties under her micro skirt, he turned as Auntie Beverly introduced him to Miranda.

“This is John, or rather Joanna and she’s a new pupil for Mistress Janet’s.”

Miranda’s eyes widened appreciatively and she reached out to pull John to her deliciously soft lips.

“Why darling, you’re just delicious! You’re such a handsome boy. It seems such a waste but you are what’s between your ears after all and if you feel this way then so be it.. So you really want to be a sissy?”

Joanna smiled nervously and nodded then stood there frozen, unsure of what to do next. Miranda recognised Joanna’s uncertainty so she grasped her shoulder gently and propelled her deeper into the shop. Miss Stern was busy checking some new stock behind the counter by the till when Miranda introduced Joanna to her. She looked at Joanna and nodded approvingly before stepping out from behind the counter and greeting Auntie Beverly whilst she instructed Miranda to take Joanna’s measurements. Miranda grinned contentedly then invited Victoria to join her in the dressing room where they would measure Joanna’s most intimate details. In the dressing room, Miranda easily removed Joanna’s wet cape and clucked disapprovingly as she recognised Victoria’s name on the worn out name tag.

“Why is she wearing one of your old capes Vicky?”

“It’s an emergency; it’s all a bit short notice.”

Miranda frowned then faced Joanna as she started to unbutton the front of her frock.

“I hope you’re not wearing everything second hand young lady?”

“I, - I, - ehm, - no.” Murmured Joanna nervously. “Auntie Beverly took me shopping last week. My underwear’s new.”

“Well I’m glad to hear it.” Clucked Miranda as she exposed Joana’s soft budding swellings.

“Oh these are pretty. How long have you been growing them?”

Joanna crimsoned with embarrassment for she had only just that previous week finally come to terms with the development on her chest. There was now no denying the presence of a delightful pair of ‘A’ cup buds where she once had had firm youthful pectorals. As the boy John, he had been a bit frightened at first but the delightfully ticklish sensations had so enamoured him to their development that now, he/she could hardly keep his/her hands off them.

John had realised that tits were just the best thing any young person could grow and since his visit to the lingerie shop with Auntie Beverly, John had been surreptitiously fingering his sensitive girly buds at every opportunity. Victoria’s silky frilly frock had added to the pleasures and John had finally become firmly convinced that a sissy’s life was the life for him, especially if the beautiful, sweet, gentle Janice was to be his mistress.

Now as the renamed Joanna, she had been so pre-occupied with thoughts about her tits that she had failed to realise that she was now totally naked before Miranda and Victoria. For a brief moment she tried to cover her sensitive little tits but at the same moment she squirmed as Miranda took hold of her cock and fondled it while she and Victoria examined it. Then Miranda looked up.

“Are you going to keep this?”

“Yes!” Joanna nodded furiously and Miranda grinned appreciatively.

“Oh Good! It’s a rather nice one, quite long, very little hair and very velvety. The mistresses will be pleased with you and all the other clitty sissies will be over the moon.”

“Clitty sissies,” asked Joanna uncertainly.

Victoria smiled as she looked up.

“Yes darling, clitty sissies, that’s sissies like your ex brother Davinia and the two naughty girls, Nancy and Delilah. I’m sure you’ve seen your brother’s clitty haven’t you?”

Joanna nodded. When she had finally gained a glimpse of her younger brother Davinia’s new arrangements inside her panties, Joanna had been surprised and slightly pleased. Davinia was now virtually a girl down there except that she didn’t have any vaginal opening to allow penetration. Joanna had only been reassured after Davinia had confirmed that her new `sissy clitty’ was every bit as sensitive and responsive as her old prick. Davinia explained eagerly, (somewhat too eagerly,) concluded Joanna.

“It gives me just as much pleasure if I rub it and I still get things called `sissygasms’,” giggled Joanna’s `bimboised’ younger brother/sister.

Now Joanna was staring down nervously at Victoria and Miranda as they gently examined her velvety sensitive cock. Miranda demonstrated that she still remembered how to make a boy horny and within seconds, Joanna was sporting a ferociously hard erection. With her duty completed, Miranda called to Miss Stern and Auntie Beverly.

“She’s ready, Miss Stern. You can fix her now.”

Joanna panicked for a moment and squealed as she anticipated some awful medical procedure to castrate her but Miss Stern soon calmed her down as though she was soothing a skittish foal. She captured Joanna’s fearful gaze and approached her with soothing words.

“Don’t be frightened darling; I’m only measuring you for your cock tube. If you’re going to be an entire sissy with the ability to please all mistresses and sissies, you have to have special corsets. We can’t have those beautiful boy bits crushed or made inoperable by destructive compression, can we?”

“No,” gulped the still frightened Joanna.

“Exactly darling now just let me get your measurements. Corsets are very tight, so we have to get the allowances for your boy bits exactly right.”

Before Joanna could react any further, Miss Stern had knelt down and produced her tape measure and a special measuring ring. Miranda watched closely and even copied Miss Stern as she went through the unusual procedure. Miss Stern produced a pair of golden callipers and proceeded to determine the size of Joanna’s testicles. She and Miranda quickly established Joanna’s `boy dimensions’ Miss Stern hummed away as she agreed her figures with Miranda then she noted them down on the card that Miranda had been holding. Eventually, Mistress Stern had completed the specialist measurements and she handed the card and tape back to Miranda as she reassured Joanna by explaining.

“Miranda’s not fully trained yet darling, so I have to do your penis and testicular measurements. That’s all for now darling, Miranda can finish your other measurements.”

Surprisingly, Miss Stern bent down and gently kissed Joanna on the forehead before handing her back to Miranda. Joanna eventually calmed down as Miranda completed taking her measurements as she measured Joanna’s inside leg. As she slipped the card into the top pocket of her blouse, Miranda’s face was exactly level with Joanna’s enduring erection.
She looked up, smiled then offered to suck the delectable erection.

“But I’d prefer Mistress Janice to suck it,” protested Joanna hopefully.

“Gosh you’ve got a lot to learn young lady,” chuckled Miranda, “sissies don’t get to choose a mistress to pleasure their desires. A sissy would only ever have a mistress suck her cock if the mistress chose to. You my precious darling have a lot to learn.
Now do you want this sissy to help you ease your erection or do you want to be stuck like this with your erection sticking out until somebody relieves your tension?”

“What d’you mean, stuck like this?” Gasped Joanna.

“Oh dear, I can see that you haven’t had everything explained have you?”

“No,” croaked Joanna nervously as the lump in her throat stole her voice.

Miranda gently broke the news to Joanna between delicate licks of Joanna’s penis.

“It’s like this my dearest little sissy. Have you noticed that you haven’t been having so many erections lately?”

Joanna fell silent as she considered this revelation, then a lump settled in her tummy as she realised Miranda was right. Normally as a healthy teenaged boy, John had been having frequent erections that came and went almost every hour. He had been a virtual walking gland. Now, as Joanna, she noticed that her erections were less frequent, -but more prolonged, - and more exciting! As Joanna’s silence confirmed Miranda’s words Miranda continued.

“Don’t worry darling, as an entire’ sissy you will always get erections, but you will notice that you need some sort of trigger circumstance to get you started, just like Victoria and I started you off just now. However, once you’ve got an erection, you’ll find it very difficult to remove unless you achieve sexual relief by some means or other. As a sissy, you’ll find the two most common methods are firstly having intercourse with a mistress or another sissy. The second technique is to be sucked off by a mistress or a sissy friend. Now believe me it will almost invariably be a friendly sissy for a mistress is not usually inclined to suck her sissy off unless she has a particular predilection for it. If an entire sissy ever gets bought or chosen by such a mistress, she’s a very lucky sissy indeed.”

Miranda ended this last phrase to the tune of the ugly duckling and Joanna giggled shyly. She would never have imagined that Miranda would have had such a sense of humour. It also caused Joanna to relax and Miranda took her opportunity to gently slip Joanna’s beautiful erection into her greedy mouth. Poor Miranda was a clitty sissy and did not get much chance to swallow boy juice. She had a particular taste for sissy cum because Miss Stern kept her on a fairly tight rein. Additionally, Joanna was already on the road to sissydom because she had been enjoying my sissy milk now for several weeks. Her mental makeup was also being gradually sissified.

As Joanna smiled down at Miranda’s long silky hair, she felt a surge of affection and contentment for the pretty, cockless sissy now firmly attached to her cock. It was obvious that Miranda was starved of sissy love for she did not get out much except to get milked twice daily and that only gave her mild sissygasms. Having Joanna in to be measured was a priceless opportunity for Miranda and she was doubly grateful that Miss Stern indulged her. Miranda hadn’t seen a cock in nearly two years since leaving Mistress Janet’s academy for Miss Stern did not indulge in heterosexual sex. She was a full time lesbian and Miranda’s only function was to provide a tongue service to pleasure Miss Stern and her lady friends. Poor Miranda was sex starved for sissy sex and desperately grateful to Joanna for allowing her the wonderful privilege of drinking some real sissy juice. Eventually Joanna let out a low squeal of delight and started pumping lashings of sissy juice into Miranda’s desperately hungry mouth.

Desperation and pure hunger enable Miranda to catch every drop and she smiled when she looked down to see that there was no a single droplet on her uniform.

“Mmmm! That was just so nice. You’re juice is quite sweet you know. It’s not as salty as some. I suppose that’s because your a sissy, or rather, becoming a sissy.”

“What d’you mean, sweet?” Wondered Joanna.

“Sweet darling,” repeated Miranda, “you know, - as in sugar.”

“Why is other juice salty?”

“Why yes darling, well, - at least, - other men’s juice is salty. I’ve never tasted an entire sissy’s juices before, but yours is definitely sweet.”

“It must be like sissy milk then,” offered Joanna.

“There you go darling! Spot on! Maybe that’s why. I wish I could have some more.”

Joanna glanced nervously around for she did not want to invite any trouble. All the other girls and sissies were trying on new school uniforms and corsets but there was no knowing if Auntie Beverly, or Miss Stern or even Miss Portia might turn up at any minute. It might be pushing their luck to go for another shot. With that, almost as if Joanna had telepathed her fears, Miss Stern returned.

“Well everything sorted.”

Joanna nodded and smiled as Miranda courtesied and replied, “Yes Mistress.”

“Good. Then we’d better get your first corset run up. Entire sissies have to have special corsets as I’m sure you’ll understand, so Miranda and I will have to run one up while your Auntie takes you shopping for shoes.”

Joanna’s face paled but Miss Stern smiled again to reassure her.

“Don’t worry darling, we’ll set you up so that you pass as a girl. Now go with your Auntie Beverly while Miranda and I get to work.”

Still naked as a jaybird, Joanna had to cross the shop and endure the secretive glances of all her school chums both girls and sissies as they peeped curiously at her velvety pink sissy cock. Then Auntie Beverly and Miss Portia took pity on her and soon kitted her out. The most arduous part was having to wear a standard corset without the `cock-tube and boy-bag and this was certainly excruciating. Joanna groaned and nearly collapsed as the waist was drawn tight and the crotch crushed her precious jewels. Eventually, Auntie Beverly agreed with Miss Portia that they would have to slacken the ties. Poor Joanna was looking decidedly pale. Finally, after getting the equation about right, Joanna was dressed fit to pass and she left the shop giggling and tittering whilst feeling as free as any of the other sissies. Nobody but nobody would ever have read her for a boy!

In the shoe shop once again, Joanna found the shop girl peeping up her frilly skirt as she whispered.

“I see you’re wearing the uniform for Mistress Janet’s. Are you a sissy?”

Joanna nodded nervously and the `girl’ smiled as she parted her skirt to give Joanna a perfect view of her delectable frilly panties. By now Joanna had learned to recognise a pair of sissy panties by the excessive frills and she realised that this `girl’ was another sissy, just like Miranda. The girl smiled eagerly and revealed that she was Miranda’s milking partner.

The pair soon fell to trying on shoe after shoe as the girl savoured the silky smooth sheen of Joanna’s stockings and suspenders and the precious bulge under Joanna’s pink satin corset. By return, Joanna got an unlimited view of the sissy’s smooth inviting crotch framed by the plethora of pink frills. Occasionally, Joanna probed the flat girlish crotch with her silk clad toes and the girl gasped urgently.

“Oh I so wish I had Miranda’s job. I’ll bet you’ve just had sissy sex with her haven’t you?”

Joanna nodded shyly and confessed nervously.

“She just sucked me off. I didn’t think I’d like it but it’s strange. I liked it and I seem to be changing.”

The `shop-girl’ teared up enviously. The only sex she would see that day would be the sissy-milking she shared with Miranda.

After Auntie Beverly had checked out and approved Joanna’s new shoes the whole party visited a restaurant in the mall before returning to Miss Stern’s corset shop for Joanna’s special fitting. Nobody had ever seen an entire sissy being fitted out for one of Miss Stern’s corsets before and there was intense interest. When they arrived at the shop Miss Stern was already waiting for them and she waved them in eagerly.

“Well ladies, is everybody ready for the special fitting.”

Everybody nodded eagerly except Joanna who blanched when she realised that the fitting was going to be a most public affair.

“Do I have to do it in public? I mean it’s private isn’t it.”

“Not at all my darling,” countered Miss Stern., “all your companions will have to learn exactly how to fasten your corset so that your waist is properly trimmed whilst your boy jewels are not crushed. Come along darling, don’t be shy, this is a very special corset. We’ve even made it in pale blue satin to emphasise that you’re keeping your precious boy bits. However, you’ll notice your uniform frocks are green, signifying a voluntary sissy. Do you like that?”

Joanna had noticed that all the other sissies were in pink satin whilst the girls were invariably yellow or green. This gave her a crumb of comfort and she started to undress.

As she was finally released from her temporary pink standard corset she let out a sigh of relief and promptly adjusted her `boy-jewels’ as the numbness eased and feeling returned. Joanna realised she could never have worn a `normal corset’ for a whole day. Her boy bits would have bee destroyed through shortage of blood.

When Joanna stepped gratefully from the pink emasculator, Miranda appeared from the back room brandishing the special corset that included a simply gorgeous concoction of frills and stays that took Joanna’s breath away. She let out a squeal of delight then sighed contentedly as Miranda gently brushed the silky, satin corset across her cheek. A few weeks ago John would never have even looked twice at such a garment but Joanna’s feminised brain was utterly enchanted with Miranda’s creation. Even Miss Stern, who had left Miranda to her own devices after ascertaining the correct measurements, was astounded by the amount of pure frippery and laciness of the frills and bows. Miranda had gone overboard on feminine frills but Joanna was overwhelmed with delight. She squealed and gasped as Miranda helped her step into it and even giggled salaciously as Miranda invited Victoria to help thread Joanna’s pretty velvety boy jewels into the carefully prepared cock tube and ball bag. The delicate fiddling inevitably brought Joanna’s cock to a virulent erection but after her swollen cock was neatly threaded up the silky tube it seemed to disappear inside the corset. Victoria gasped at the magic disappearance and demanded to know how it had been done. Miranda explained as everybody crowded in to get a closer look.

"See how I’ve introduced some padding inside the corset so that Joanna’s tummy looks very slightly potbellied just like an older woman’s should."

The girls all agreed the adipose stomach deposit was a perfectly normal pad of fat to be found under every woman’s navel and it gave every woman that soft ripe curve the swept so softly and invitingly between their thighs. Every body knew that sissies tended to have slightly flatter stomachs because their boy genes did not normally encourage the tummy pad. This was even more obvious when they were wearing their corsets. Sissy’s tummies were considerably flatter than their mistresses. Now, by dint of imagination and design skill, Miranda had managed to create a sissy corset with a slightly padded tummy so that the cock tube ran undetected under the stayed tummy panel all the way to the sissy’s umbilical chord. Joanna now had the ripe curved shape of a girl whilst cunningly hiding her most precious asset invisibly inside her corset. Miranda’s creation had been a brilliant piece of camouflage. As Joanna’s waist was gradually reduced she squeaked and gasped under the pain but when asked how her boy bits felt, she had to confess they had never felt so comfortable. The secret cock tube allowed her cock to grow to it’s maximum dimensions whilst also being silky and satiny enough for Joanna to slip it out and tuck it backwards to allow her to pee comfortably sitting down. Joanna was overwhelmed with gratitude for she had been truly dreading the corset ordeal. Apart from the ordeal of the temporary corseting with one of Victoria’s cast-offs, Joanna had also seen the other sissy’s corsets. She had been terrified of somehow being emasculated by the cruel constrictions.

Now this brilliant hidden cock tube had enabled Miranda to bring Joanna’s waist down to the most impossible dimensions of sissydom whilst yet allowing her total comfort for her hidden cock. Yes Joanna found it almost impossible to breath and her breath came in little effeminate gasps but her cock was as comfortable as a chick in its nest.

When she finally got to see herself in the full mirror, Joanna burst into tears with delight as she primped and turned to admire her incredibly narrow waist offset by the ripe curve of her tummy. Then she made her first mistake. She tried to bend down and found she was hopelessly constrained by the body stays. Joanna was every bit as immobile as any of the other sissies were in their first year punishment corsets. She squealed as the stays bit cruelly into her ribs and waist.

“Oo-oow! Ouch! Damn! That hurt. I can’t bend! I’m stuck.”

“Don’t worry darling,” countered Miss Stern. It will only be for the first year until your body achieves the right shape. Your hormone pills and all the other medications will soon get you sissified, even though you do have such a delightful cock. Now I’m quite sure one of your sissy friends would love to run your stockings up your legs wouldn’t they.”

I stepped forward willingly and was almost knocked over by Davinia and Jemima as they lunged forward to assist. Miss Stern and Auntie Beverly smiled indulgently. Every body knew that we sissies wanted to run our fingers over Joanna’s special curved tummy panel just to see if we could feel her cock nestling in its silky, tunnelled groove. Eventually we all got to inspect the new corset and we all had to confess that Joanna’s tummy exactly resembled the ripe full curve of a healthy girl whilst she sported a perfect sissy waist. My sissy milk had done its job perfectly. Joanna was on her way to irreversible sissydom, albeit with a beautiful cock and balls. Reluctantly we left Miss Stern’s heavily loaded with our new school uniforms and corsets then we loaded the minibus with the mountain of shopping ready to return home.

Inevitable when Joanna tried to enter the minibus she fell about giggling with helplessness until we sissies showed her how to demurely slide her butt against the seat and delicately ease herself in backwards until her bum was securely located on the seat. Then she could modestly close her knees tightly together and lift her legs in as she swivelled demurely sideways onto the seat. It was a skill she would soon learn to perfect. Sissies were terribly vulnerable to unwanted attentions if they flashed their delicious undies manwards. Even after this lesson in modesty, poor Joanna felt the corset digging painfully into her waist and ribs as she tried tiny rapid breaths to ease her discomfort.

Eventually we arrived home and all of us were despatched to our various shared bedrooms to lay out our new school outfits and prepare for packing the following day.

For Joanna this was the most delightful part of becoming a sissy for my sissy milk had started to feminise her naturally sweet nature and boyish brain. As we opened our packages, Joanna simply sighed and simpered as she took out each item of silky, satiny lingerie and ran it over her cheeks before folding it or hanging it in the special `travelling wardrobe’ that Uncle Jamie had kindly provided for each one of us. It meant more luggage, but it also meant less ironing when one arrived at Mistress Janet’s. Besides, Uncle Penny and Auntie Jamie would be there to help us with the heavier luggage.

I watched Joanna’s reactions and smiled indulgently as I busied myself with my own frillies.

`Yes, ` I thought, `sissydom was a nice condition for a boy provided she found the right mistress.’

The following morning after a scant breakfast for us sissies, we finished packing ready for our return to school. By ten we were on the road and we arrived at Mistress Janet’s academy for young ladies at mid afternoon. As our minibus crunched up the gravel drive Joanna adjusted her corset for the umpteenth time, stared out at the imposing brickwork and smiled nervously to me.

“It’s a big place. Is that all of it?”

“That’s just the front Facade. It’s one side of a quadrangle.”

“Heck! It’s a big change from a vardo.” She sighed.

“That’s the truth,” I agreed, “but you’ll only get to be involved with your part of it. Different years tend to stay in their own blocks except for meal times, and milking.”

“Will I get to be a milker?” She whispered uncertainly.

I nodded and smiled softly. Joanna had already made it abundantly obvious that she was a little envious of Janice and me.

“Do you want to?” I whispered back.

Joanna nodded vigorously and I was secretly relieved. For a moment I thought she was having second thoughts.

“Good!” I gasped with relief. “Come on. We’re here. Everybody out!”

As we scrunched to a halt one of the teachers accompanied by a prefect whom I immediately recognised as Victoria, was already approaching our minibus. The school was well organised. They knew we were a large party with lots of luggage. Victoria smiled at us as she recognised everybody and introduced us to the new young maths teacher.

“Hello everybody, this is Miss Hoolihan, our new maths teacher.”

Miss Hoolihan smiled and most of the older girls immediately recognised the nervous uncertainty of a newly graduated teacher on her first ever assignment. However she was a very attractive young lady and her beautiful smile immediately endeared her to us. Victoria smiled back with relief. She had assessed our group correctly. There were no trouble makers and the poor young teacher was not going to get a rough ride. Fortunately, Auntie Jamie’s foresight about the luggage ensured that it was a simple job for even the feeblest sissy to lift our cases onto the trailer. All our cases were small and light `lady-cases’ therefore easily managed.

At the stairs, Joanna showed her `newness’ to the training corset and she struggled `girlfully’ as she slowly trudged up and down the stairs to her dormitory.

“Gosh!” She panted. “These corsets stop me breathing!”

“You’ll get used to it,” smiled Victoria, “look at Davinia and Michelle. They’re managing perfectly. Once your waist is sissified, you’ll find it easy. Though gradually you’ll find the cases seem to get heavier as your sissy muscles atrophy. Don’t worry my little beauty; you’re a good sissy and a volunteer, so you’ll find it fairly easy. You’re too old for the junior school so you’ll be sharing your class with Janice and Michelle. Your development will quickly catch up with and match theirs. The good doctor will put you on a special regime for late developing boy sissies. I’m told you’re also down for larynx surgery to sissify your voice.

Are you looking forward to having breasts like Michelle’s?”

Joanna glanced at me and I sensed a certain envy in her eyes. It was at that moment that I realised that Joanna really was a sissy and not just doing it for Janice. This was serendipity. I smiled back and Joanna then replied to Victoria with a certainty born of her natural predilection to sissydom.

“Yes. I’d love to. How long will it take?”

“Oh I don’t know. You’ll have to see Doctor Williams. You’ll be seeing her tomorrow morning; you’ve got a special appointment because of the lateness of your conversion plus the surgery on your voice-box.”

With these words we reached the landing half a flight of stairs ahead of the struggling Joanna. , Victoria left us to attend to some more arrivals and Joanna rested on some steps below us as Victoria pointed out her room next to Janice and mine.
Davinia looked enviously down the stairs to her older sissified brother and pouted.

“Those rooms are for senior girls not sissies! Why have you got a single room instead of one of the multiple dormitory beds?”

“Because he’s an entire sissy young lady. Do you have any objections?”

Davinia froze in terror as Janice and I span around to face the familiar voice of Head-mistress Janet. As we all adopted respectful stances Joanna innocently continued struggling up the stairs with her case stopping to catch her breath on every step. When she finally joined us on the landing it was several seconds before she sensed the tension. As the deafening silence settled upon us, Joanna finally realised we were in the presence of somebody important. She stopped as this realisation gradually dawned upon her and she finally adopted a respectful demeanour. Mistress Janet ignored Joanna and repeated her question to the petrified Davinia.

“Well, young lady? Do you? Do you have any objections?”

Terror almost paralysed Davinia’s voice as she managed to croak out, “No Ma-am.”

“Good. Now young lady,” continued Mistress Janet as she turned to Joanna, “so you’re the new girl. The entire sissy, the one with a penis!”

Joanna crimsoned with embarrassment at such forthrightness before she replied.

“Yes Miss,” she said, completely unaware of the school conventions.

“You address me as Ma-am, young lady! Do you understand that?”

“Yes Mi, - I mean Ma-am.”

“Good. Don’t you forget it! Now I want you in my office at six thirty prior to dinner at seven. Do you understand?”

“Yes Ma-am,” replied Joanna, “where is it?”

“Have your friends show you. They can wait outside while I interview you, then they can show you to the dining hall.”

With these words we all chorused `Yes Ma-am’ as she span on her heel and left as quickly as she had appeared.

“Gosh, you’ve been singled out already,” remarked Janice as we finally reached our new rooms.

“Up before the beak already,” I giggled, “and not even in the school but a few minutes.”

“What do you think it’s about?” Wondered Joanna as she opened the door to her room and peeped inside.

“Having a cock, I shouldn’t wonder,” Janice replied.

“I think that’s a given, Sis,” I chuckled as I started to sort through our first pile of luggage.

“No leave this here, let’s go and get the rest of our stuff. Simone, Isobel and Sally will be wondering what’s happened to us.”

“Give me a break,” pleaded Joanna, “my back and waist are crucifying me. It’s OK for you, you’re used to corsets.”

I nodded sympathetically. In my first year I had gone through exactly what poor Joanna was suffering now. Davinia also nodded agreement. She had fresher memories of her first corsets and the dormitory stairs.

“OK then,” I suggested, “Joanna, you wait here and guard our stuff. We’ll go and get the rest. Come on Davinia, we’ll help you with your stuff when we’ve got everything up as far as this landing.”

Davinia could see the sense in this and willingly left her stuff outside our rooms for the gasping Joanna to guard as we returned to collect more luggage. Thus by a series planned stages, we collected all our stuff and shared the burden equally. Once we were settled in, we all met in Janice and my room where we planned a tour of the school and renewing old acquaintances.

“Don’t forget,” cautioned Janice, “Joanna must be outside Mistress Janet’s study.”

“Who could forget that?” Sighed Davinia who had several times fallen foul of Mistress Janet’s firm discipline before finally converting to sweet, compliant sissydom.

Thus with a couple of hours to spare, we set out around the school, renewing old acquaintances until milking time.

At four thirty we presented ourselves at the dairy block and Joanna and her younger gypsy sisters had to wait impatiently outside while Janice and I were milked. This was still a delightfully intimate time for me and my sister and I eagerly seized upon these opportunities to seek reassurance from Janice that she would never forget me. Once again I expressed my fears that she might forsake me altogether once she had sissy Joanna firmly in her clutches.

“Never darling. How could I ever forsake the beautiful brother who helped me so much when mummy and daddy died? Without you I would have been alone in the world.”

“Well that’s mutual sis,” I replied, “we were both orphans, you did the same for me.”

We fell to reflecting on the path we had followed and concluded that we were bound inextricably together whatever befell us. Then Janice asked me about Joanna’s sister Simone and chatted about the possibly of she and I getting together.

“She likes you, you know,” declared Janice.

“But it’s more than just liking me isn’t it? She would have to love me dearly to take me to her what with my being a sissy and everything else. What about my cockette? What if she likes a proper cock?”

“She knows about your cockette darling. Davinia’s told her all about that.”

“What, everything; including the fact it is little more than a one inch clitty tickler. She knows I will never be able to properly shag her.”

“Simone’s not much into being penetrated deeply.”

“How do you know that?” I frowned.

“We girls talk. Simone’s family are gypsies don’t forget. They intermarry a lot to perpetuate their travelling ways.
Simone’s not entirely heterosexual. She’s more bisexual and the other part of her is essentially `lipstick lesbian.’ She doesn’t like the big butch thing. Have you seen her dance?”

“No,” I replied, “she spent all her time at the camp party playing the violin.”

“Yes, the party never got into full swing because her dad was attacked and we had to finish up early. If her dad had come home, he would have taken over the violin and Simone would have shown you all how good she is. She’s much better than Joanna, and Joanna’s bloody good! Simone can bend like an acrobat and she’s as fluid as a cat.

Apparently she would set the world of ballet on fire if she ever took it up seriously. She’s shown me her steps in our bedroom. Honestly Michelle, she’s fabulous."

I twitched with delight at that thought of sharing my life with a mistress as flexible and beautiful as Simone but quickly came back to my senses. It was all very well for a sissy to have a mistress that was compatible and sexually exotic but after a childhood spent with sweet gentle Janice, I was something of a spoiled child. I wanted a mistress that loved me and cared for me as well. Janice sensed my thoughts and whispered as we started to share a sissygasm.

“If you try hard enough and show Simone lots of attention, I’m sure she’ll fall for you. You’re very attractive you know and she loves the feminine types.”

I swallowed nervously. Janice was right, `feint sissy ne’er won fair mistress.’ I resolved to be extra attentive and affectionate. Janice handed me one more bit of vital advice.

“Simone’s not stupid, don’t go with the simpering bimbo thing, she won’t thank you for it. Be thoughtful, attentive, and affectionate and try to be interesting and funny. Making a girl laugh always helps.”

“Gosh, you’re not asking much are you?”

“She’s worth it Michelle,” countered Janice, “besides, I’d love her for a sister in law and we would all be living at the farmhouse or even the big house after Earl Weston dies.”

“Gosh! That would be lovely,” I sighed, “it would mean we would be together all the time.”

“Like one big clan again. I’m sure all the gypsy children would love that. The thought of living together and having the run of the woods would enthral them.”

With this fantasy overtaking us our bodies then overtook our fantasies and we ascended into a delightful sissygasm as waves of pleasure rippled up and down our tummies.

This signified that our tits were empty and we reluctantly disconnected ourselves as we stepped into the shower to wash down. Mutual sissygasms created a lot of heat, sweat and other more intimate fluids besides a couple of litres of milk. By now, Janice had taken to inserting a `femidom’ because my cockette was too small to properly attach a condom and guarantee a safe seal. But
if my brotherly semen leaked out, it could easily invade Janice’s secret places and produce an illegal incestuous child. That was the last thing anybody wanted. Pleasuring each other was OK in our eyes, but getting my sister pregnant was a big no-no.

Fortunately I could not indulge in deep penetrative sex for my cockette was too small.

After Milking we rejoined Joanna and Simone and showed them around more of the school until it was time for Joanna to meet Mistress Janet.

“D’you think I’m in trouble or something?” Wondered Joanna nervously.

“How can you be? Declared Janice, “you’ve only been here a few hours and you’ve done nothing wrong. It’s got to be about your cock. I’ll bet it’s all about your cock.”

“Why?” Wondered Joanna innocently.

“Oh, you’ll learn soon enough. Come on Joanna, you’re the only sissy in the school who is going to keep her cock! What d’you think she wants to talk to you about? This is a school for sissies darling. Just wait and see.”

At precisely six twenty nine, Joanna knocked softly on the headmistresses’ door and waited.
“Come in!” Said a voice we all recognised.

Joanna had not yet learned to fear mistresses so she strode in boldly but courteously and waited demurely in front of Mistress Janet’s vast desk. Auntie Beverly and her Mother Morag were already seated and it was obvious they had been talking. Morag smiled indulgently towards her sissified son.

Morag’s view had simply been that, as a sissy, her gypsy son would be less likely ever to suffer the violence and privations that had attended upon Joanna’s father William, who was now lying at home recuperating in a comfortable bed. He had suffered some slight brain damage but at least he was up to simple manual tasks that would enable him to fulfil a caretaker’s duties around the estate.

Morag only wanted happiness for her children and less risk attached to their new lives. Forsaking the travelling ways had been painful but reassuring, now that her children would be educated to a high academic level even if her boys were sissified. Sissification had certainly ensured that her once violent and dangerous younger son David, (now Davinia,) would never get himself into any violent trouble for he had become a sweet compliant sissy maid. Conversely, Morag could see that her older son was a naturally sweet, gentle boy who obviously took to sissydom like a duck to water. Morag was happy that her sons were at Mistress Janet’s academy and she smiled reassuringly at her sissified son Joanna as Joanna waited expectantly.

“Good afternoon Joanna.” Smiled Mistress Janet with an affection that belied the steel that lay below the surface.

“Good afternoon Ma-am.” Whispered Joanna, as she remembered to be respectful but not servile.

“Well, young lady. Your mother, aunt and I have had a long chat and discussed many things. I can now put you in the picture firmly.

“Yes Ma-am.”

“Because your family expect a son to be fathered by you, you are to keep all your masculine organs, is that understood?”

“Yes Ma-am.”

“Good. Now there are going to be certain special rules that you will have to abide by, do you understand?”

“Not quite Ma-am.”

“Exactly, I didn’t expect you to. I like your innocence, it’s nice to find a sissy who came to her condition late but enjoys your degree of innocence so I will explain.”

“Yes Ma-am.”

“Having a cock make’s you a target for every other sissy in this school except Angela in the upper sixth. She is entire as well so I will introduce you to her after breakfast tomorrow. She will be able to take you under her wing for the first term to help you recognise the snares and traps that all the other sissies will try and set to entice you into their beds. My normal sissies are inevitably enchanted by entire sissies because of their potential to bring them extra pleasures. This it utterly forbidden but you will find the temptations almost impossible to resist. Angela will show you how she circumvents these temptations.

Furthermore, there are some girls in this school who are `man-haters’ and the thought of a sissy having a fully functioning penis is anathema to them. They might also set a trap for you in the hope of somehow disabling your ability to function like a man. We will obviously protect you but we can’t watch you all the time. Angela will provide additional protection but like all my sissies, she is not a strong sissy, just an entire one. She will serve mainly as an extra pair of eyes when you are having your free time to point out the less desirable company who might try to hurt you. However, she will be leaving next year and after that you will be on your own in this school, although I’m glad to see that you already have a close circle of friends. Miss Beverly’s nephew and niece I believe, Michelle and Janice.”

“Yes Ma-am.”

“Good. They are a dependable pair so you should fare well. If you find that it is difficult to avoid unwanted attentions, the school has other means to protect your boy parts, namely chastity devices that prevent access to your penis and testicles. However, that is only as a last resort if you find life has become intolerable. I honestly don’t think it will come to that. Angela has never had to resort to it. Now are there any questions?”

“Not yet Ma-am.” Replied Joanna, reassured by the brevity of the interview.

“Good. If you do have questions or problems then come directly to me. Don’t go to the mistresses or any older pupils. You’re something of a special pupil, just like Angela is, do you understand?”

“Yes Ma-am.”

“Very well. Go and have your dinner.”

“Thank you Ma-am.”

“That’s all thank you.”

Joanna met her mother’s smile so before she left she stepped across and gave her mother a hug, then hugged Auntie Beverly. Mistress Janet looked slightly askance then smiled as Joanna left.

“She’s a very affectionate son isn’t she?”

Morag nodded and smiled contentedly.

“He’ll do. I’m happier that she’s here rather than fighting for an existence out there on the street.”

“Quite,” agreed Mistress Janet, “you won’t be disappointed with her when she’s graduated.”

Thus the meeting ended and Beverly and Morag accompanied the headmistress into the dining hall.

While we gathered at a table of choice, Janice and I explained to Simone, Joanna, Isobel and Sally that they would be allotted permanent table places the following day when the school organisation really began to get into gear. I was agreeably surprised to meet Julia as she arrived slightly late after travelling back from France. She had been holidaying with transvestite friends and thoroughly enjoying her time in Paris. After Introductions all around, Julia regaled us with tales of the Moulin Rouge and a thousand other exotic places where she had indulged her sissydom.

“I tell you Michelle, Paris is absolutely the business. You’d love it there. Everything is just so laid back. My mummy-mistress took me around all the clubs and I was treated regally. Especially when they discovered I was a milker. Darling the number of people who wanted to taste sissy-milk was just unbelievable. Mistress-mummy was sorely tempted to hire me out and indeed, she did occasionally indulge her closest friends.

“How did you manage as a super milker, darling?” wondered Janice.

“Mummy-mistress took a portable machine over in the car. It’s far less hassle than declaring the darn things at the airport.”

“What’s a super milker?” Asked Joanna.

Julia smiled and explained to the gypsy children who gaped unbelievingly.

“I have to be milked three times a day, morning noon and evening.”

“Gosh! How do you find time for study and stuff?” Gasped Simone.

“Oh it’s not that hard. I enjoy languages and learn really quickly. I was only in Paris for eight weeks and already I’m pretty fluent.”

“You always had a gift for languages though,” I observed enviously.

“Yeah but you’re much better at science and maths,” countered Julia.

With these words, Davinia arrived with the puddings and we picked delicately at the carefully controlled portions. Nobody at Mistress Janet’s academy got fat. Davinia settled beside us and introductions were resumed. Julia beamed with pleasure when she learned that the five were all brothers and sisters. She asked politely about travelling ways and the children explained as much as they thought advisable. Julia was stunned and delighted to learn that we now all lived on the estate.

“It must be like a sort of sissy commune!” She sighed enviously.

“With no mistresses, yet,” I added for good measure.

“Crikey, what bliss. Can I come and stay for the Christmas Hols?”

Janice tantalised her with a ‘half — invitation’.

“I suppose you could, if our mummies agree to it.”

“Oh! Pleee-eease!” Begged Julia.

I put her out of her misery and smiled.

“I suppose you can. Heaven knows, there’s room enough for a flipping army up at the big house.”

“But that’s not our house, It’s Auntie Jamie’s” protested Janice.

I fell silent. Janice had obviously not overheard what I had overheard one evening up at the big house as Auntie Beverly, Uncle Penny and Auntie Jamie had chatted in the living room in front of the huge log fire.

My silence was taken as a cue to leave the dining hall and we decamped to Janice and my large corner bedroom. As we minced across the quadrangle, Victoria appeared and cautioned us.

“Go to bed early now; you’ve all got early starts.”

We grinned knowingly. Now that Sophia had left school and gone to University, Victoria was head girl and only exercising her new-found authority. She had warned us, because she knew us and that familiarity gave her some confidence. None of us would have dared incur the wrath of our families back home by making Victoria’s job more difficult.

We visibly increased our pace until Joanna begged us to stop. Her corset was still restricting her breathing and it would be several months before poor Joanna’s youthful boyish body had altered it’s shape to the tiny-waisted curvaceous promise of a sissy. Victoria smiled as she watched Joanna fall behind so she decided to go and speak to Joanna.

“Are you the new girl with the cock?”

Joanna gulped and nodded as she tried to increase her pace.

“Well you’d better not rush then. You might harm yourself or something. Come, let those minxes walk ahead, I’ll walk with you.”

Joanna swallowed again. Mistress Janet’s warnings about honey traps and predatory girls were ringing alarm bells in her tormented brain. Thus alarmed, poor Joanna started mincing furiously to catch the rest of us up and she arrived at the bottom of the dormitory stairs almost crying with despair.

“Wait! Wait for me-ee!”

Julia, ever the considerate and more senior girl, stood back and offered poor Joanna a helping hand to mount the stairs.

“Th, - tha, - thanks Julie,” gasped Joanna as she finally gained the sanctuary of our bedroom. Tears of terror were filling her eyes as she collapsed onto my and Janice’s bed.

We looked up and wondered, for it had been so uncharacteristic of Victoria. Then Janice looked down through the window into the quadrangle and watched Victoria creased up with laughter. It had all been a big tease, a trick on a new pupil but it had really terrified the new girl Joanna. Despite now being sixteen she had fallen for the simplest trick of all. Janice gave Victoria a wave as she turned from the window grinning at the rest of us. Eventually as the laughter subsided, Janice explained softly to Joanna.

“She was teasing you Joanna. Victoria would never stoop to abusing a new pupil. She’s not like that. Some are though, so watch out. That cock of yours will attract sissies to you like wasps to jam.”

Joanna let out a wail of relief then finally started to chuckle as she realised the joke was on her.

“I’ll get her back! You just watch me. I’ll get her back!”

“You’ll be hard put to do so,” warned Julia. “Victoria is head girl, she’s bigger than you, she’ll always be stronger than you and she’s soon to become a sissy-mistress. How do you intend to do it?”

“I’ve got a cock haven’t I?” Giggled Joanna conspiratorially.

A deafening silence settled momentarily then Julia spoke softly.

“That would be very dangerous territory to enter here at Mistress Janet’s. Anyway in a few months that thought will never enter your head again.”

“What d’you mean? Asked Joanna,”

“Have you met Angela yet?” Continued Julia

“What the other sissy with a cock?”

“The very same,” replied Julia.

“No. I’m being introduced to her tomorrow. She’s going to be my mentor until she leaves next year.”

“Well we can all wait and see. After you’ve met Angela, we’ll see whether you think having a cock is such a big thing.”

Joanna paled slightly as Julia’s words sank in.

“What d’you mean? What happens?”

“Just speak to Angela. You’ll find out.”

“No. Tell me! Tell me! What happens? Do they do something to my cock?”

“I don’t know, but when you meet Angela, you’ll be surprised.”

At this Janice chipped in.

“They can’t do anything to your cock Joanna. That was the deal when you became a sissy. Your mummy and my Auntie Beverly wouldn’t renege on a deal.”

Joanna calmed down and furtively felt for her delicious organ buried away under the front of her special corset. It responded obediently as it stiffened in the silky tube and this seemed to calm her. After another pregnant silence Davinia offered to make some cocoa and the conversation moved on. Eventually, we drifted off to our various beds as we realised the school regime would kick in for sure the following day and we would all be regimented by the clock. The first thing of course being early showers followed by milking.

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