The Sissy Farm 9

This chapter explores further corseting and the vulnerability of sissies to all sorts of perils.

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9 Sissy Farm


Suchi looking angry because we've been out in the car.

I call this her 'I can't read' look.

List Of Characters.

Me. Michelle A Natural transvestite sissy.

Janice My Younger sister

Aunty Bev Janice and My mother’s Sister.

Mistress Janet Headmistress of the young lady’s academy

Doctor Shirley Williams. My endocrinologist.

Miranda. A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant.

Miss Stern Miranda’s mistress who owns the shop.

Peregrine. AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev’s brother.)

James AKA. Auntie Jamie Peregrine’s Partner

Victoria An older RG friend of mine.

Jemima Victoria’s sissy brother.

Portia Victoria’s mummy.

Upstairs, one wing of Victoria’s large house in Richmond, comprised a large bedroom with four large beds. Each bed could easily hold half a dozen adults so there was ample room for all the children who had been invited to the party.
Apart from Janice and me, all the other children were Jemima and Angelica’s school friends or relatives. All were pupils from Mistress Janet’s academy. That was why they were so relaxed with each other in the showers. The sissies were absolutely no threat to the girls. Indeed, it was rather the other way around! The first question I wanted to ask both Jemima and Angelica was why their pee-pees were so tiny. Indeed they were almost invisible and appeared as no more than a tiny little pink nubbin. They were shaped more like a thimble than a proper pee-pee. In fact I had to bend down and peer closely to make out anything. I now knew why sissies had to sit down to pee for there was no way such tiny little buds could be held and pointed. They were no more than about half an inch long and half an inch across. Also, because Jemima and Angelica had absolutely no hair down there, I could see that they had no little bags, just a tiny patch of wrinkly flesh behind and below their pink little nubbins.

Jemima’s nipples however were bigger than her pee-pee, much bigger! Twice as big in fact!

‘Oh my!’ I thought. ‘I had so many exciting questions to ask.’

The next nice surprise was that when we presented ourselves to Auntie Bev to be locked together she smiled affectionately and told us she was not locking our corsets together. She explained why.

“Your corsets are locked at the back so you can’t get out of them without using my key. I’ve put it in the locket of my mummy’s necklace and I’ll be wearing it around my neck like I always do. Thus while your corseted and locked you can’t get up to any serious mischief. That’s why the four of you can all cuddle together exactly as you like.”

This was wonderful news and Janice and I hugged each other with delight before mincing off to our bed. There we met Jemima and Angelic and gave them the wonderful news.

“We can sleep how we like and with whoever we like.” Janice declared.

At first we had a giggly fit as we tried to decide where we should all sleep. Victoria came over and smiled indulgently.

“What’s up with you four little sweeties?”

“We’re trying to decide the sleeping arrangements,” declared Jemima submissively as her eyes lowered to the floor in the presence of her big sister.

Victoria was obviously in a very happy mood. She bent down and gave her little sissy brother a kiss then went to get a pack of playing cards. She returned and we cut the cards. I was secretly glad I did not pick the highest card. Choosing who you most wanted to cuddle might hurt the other’s feelings. Janice had that task because she cut the highest card. She looked at me and giggled as she explained her choice to Victoria and us.

“I sleep with Michelle all the time. I want to see what it’s like sleeping with a proper sissy, a sissy with a tiny pee-pee.”
Victoria smiled and turned to Jemima and Angelica.

“Which one of you has the smallest pee-pee?”

“Mm! Me! They both simpered hopefully.”

“Oh come now darlings, you cant both have the smallest. I’ll tell you what; Michelle here can reach under your corsets and feel them through your ankle length, satiny all in ones. She can be the judge. Both of you lie down and spread your legs as wide as your corsets allow.”

Jemima and Angelica carefully composed themselves on the bed and tried to spread their legs. The knee length sleeping corsets only allowed them to part their knees a couple of inches but it was enough for me to squeeze my hand between their thighs and ease my hand up into their most secret places. I did Angelica first because she was nearest me and that would show no favouritism. As my fingers groped gently up her inner thigh, I came upon the clip of her suspender belt and for a moment I thought the little rubberised button was the tip of a super-hard pee-pee. Angelica giggled as she twitched.

“That’s my suspender clip silly. My boy-clitty’s further up.”

Everybody chuckled at my silly mistake and I resumed searching. Eventually I found her little nubbin and tested it between my forefinger and thumb. It distinctly started to grow but not very much. Angelica twitched salaciously and tried to hump but the corset was too stiff. Instead she squirmed and sighed contentedly as I tried to induce an even bigger stiffy. It was no use. Angelica’s ‘condition’ could grow no more than about an inch and a half long and remained still only half an inch diameter. I could tell poor Angelic was getting frustrated but I could not help her out. I had to repeat my examination on Jemima. After doing the same with Jemima, I still had to choose, for in truth, there was very little to tell between them. In the end I decided to let my own preferences hold sway. Secretly I wanted to cuddle up to Jemima and I knew that Janice would get to sleep with the sissy with the smallest pee-pee. That was the rule Victoria had made. I declared Angelica’s to be the smallest but I made a big issue of being undecided as I declared.

“It’s hard to tell. They’re both so small it’s hard to tell without looking and that’s impossible under our lace and satin all-in-ones. I think Angelica’s is ever so slightly smaller but I might be wrong. It’s hard to tell!”

Victoria recognised my tact then kissed my lips and smiled.

“That’s good enough for me Petal. Janice gets to sleep with Angelica and you’ll have to put up with my little sissy brother.”

I cast my eyes down to the floor to avoid betraying my feelings then Angelica made space between her and Jemima for Janice to cuddle up. I slipped between Janice and Jemima and relished being cuddled between my beloved little sister and my lovely new sissy friend Jemima. I noticed however, that Jemima and Angelica shared a wistful glance as they realised they would not be able to cuddle up to each other. As I snuggled into the delightful space between Janice and Jemima I declared a compromise.

“We can always move around in the night. There’s no rule about who sleeps with whom, is there Victoria?”

“None at all Petal. You can cuddle whomsoever you like. This was only to avoid any displays of favouritism.” Oh by the way. When you address me from now on, it’s Mistress Victoria. I’m over sixteen now and a senior. You’ll have to do it in Mistress Janet’s academy so you might as well get used to it. The same goes for Angelica’s older sister, Mistress Sophia.”

“Yes,” I replied then quickly remembered to add, “Mistress!”
Victoria smiled and slinked away. I found myself gazing at her beautiful swaying figure and wondered just how she managed to move so slinkily and smoothly as she slid into her own bed beside Mistress Sophia.
Jemima caught me staring and stroked my knee to attract my attention as she explained in a whisper.

“Victoria’s corset isn’t so stiff or tight as ours. You can see her waist is much bigger than ours. And her corset is much shorter, did you see how easily she bent to get into bed.”

I nodded as Victoria and Sophia both turned and smiled at us before embracing each other and snuggling down under their duvet. Jemima and I took their cue and followed suit as Janice and Angelica also cuddled together.
With enough freedom to entwine our ankles, Jemima and I lay facing each other as we stroked each other’s hair.

“I’ll be glad when mine is as long and silky as yours,” I whispered.

“Oh don’t worry; it’ll soon grow out in Mistress Janet’s.” Jemima reassured me.

My gaze naturally fell towards Jemima’s deep inviting cleavage and I tentatively fingered the soft ripe flesh that bulged out above the restraining cups of her corset. Jemima let out a little gasp and shuddered but she did not remove my fingers.

“Is that nice?” I whispered.

“Mmmm!” Jemima croaked quietly. “Especially here.”

So saying she carefully released two tiny hidden zips either side of her corset cups and eased her boobs free. Suddenly I was gazing at two magnificent orbs of pale, creamy ivory, topped with two delicious pink nipples. I gasped with delight as Jemima giggled.

“D’you like them?” She whispered.

“Gosh! They’re beautiful. Do they feel nice?” I gasped enviously.

“Heck yes. They feel nicer than my sissy clit. D’you want to try them?”

“How?” I asked uncomprehendingly.

“D’you want to suck them silly? That’s what they’re for you know.”

“What! Suck your nipples?”

“Of course! You can’t suck my sissy clit can you? It’s locked away down there.”

I felt a thrill of delight as I nosed forward and slid lower down under the duvet. Jemima shifted slightly to get herself comfortable then gently guided my lips to her left nipple. I cautiously extended my lips and brushed them against the stiffening pink offering and Jemima let out another gasp as she whispered hoarsely again.

“Don’t tickle them silly. You’ll send me crazy. Just suck them gently. Don’t bite them!”

I enveloped the stiff pink rosebud with my lips and started to suck ever so gently. Jemima let out a long soft sigh and whispered.

“Mmmm! You’re so-oo good. You’re just as good as Angelica.”

“I heard that!” Giggled Angelica as she also let out an excited little gasp.

“Well Michelle is a sissy as well darling,” riposted Jemima as she reached over my head and found Janice busy on Angelica’s nipple. “What does it feel like to have a real little girl sucking yours?”

“Mmmm. It’s just soo-oo yummy.” Angelica whispered. “I think it’s even nicer cos Janice's little girl lips are just so-oo soft and delicate.

Janice let out a soft muffled giggle. She was too engrossed in suckling Angelica’s nipple to let go but she was listening to Angelica and Jemima exchanging their feelings. Then Angelica and Jemima rolled over to face each other and gaze into each other’s eyes. They smiled at each other over Janice and my heads then they stroked each other’s cheeks. Janice and I were now squeezed softly between the two older sissies and our corseted butts were pressed together. Soon Jemima and Angelica’s bountiful breasts were pressing into our faces. Janice let out a muffled squeak as Angelica’s soft bountiful breasts enveloped her face.

“Mmmphhf! Stop squeezing together I can hardly breath! Your breasts are too big!”

Jemima and Angelica giggled easily. They had had their little joke so now they relaxed and savoured our attentions as their engorged nipples transmitted the delightful sensations directly down their ‘milk lines, to their sissy clitties.
Slowly, ever so slowly, Jemima and Angelica started to breath more heavily. Then Jemima started to groan.

“Ooo-ooh! That’s lovely, that’s just so yummy. Oo-ooh, is it nice for you Angie?”

Angelica let out a low moan and started to hump uselessly as she tried to somehow complement the warm, yummy, squidgy feelings fluttering up and down her tummy.

“Ooo-oh. This is just soo-oo nice. Ooo-oh yes. My tummy, it’s starting to flutter and squirm. Ooo-oo-oo. This is just soo-oo yummy. I feel all sort of mushy inside. Oooh yes. It’s lovely. Keep sucking Janice! Don’t stop. Gently now! Take me, take my milk; take everything. I surrender to you, take me! Take me! Ooo-ooh yes, I surrender, I surrender! Take me! Take all of me!”

She kept squirming and gasping more and more as Jemima started to complement her urges and cries. I took Janice's cue and continued sucking as gently as I could without losing my grip on Jemima’s nipple. Jemima was now fingering her other nipple urgently so I offered to swap to her other nipple.

“Can you suck them both at once?” Croaked Jemima as she squeezed her fulsome breasts together and forced her nipples to meet.

I recognised her wish and gently pushed between her breasts to take each nipple into different sides of my mouth then I resumed gently sucking. However, I had to suck a little harder to keep the nipples in my mouth and I had to cup each breast in my hands to hold them together. Thus repositioned, I continued to suck on Jemima’s nipples and accidentally ‘tongue lashed’ them occasionally as I kept checking to make sure her nipples remained properly located in my mouth. I did not realise that this made Jemima’s nipples even more excited and she let out a soft squeal that even alerted Victoria and Sophia.

“What are you naughty little sissies up to?” Giggled Sophia, (as if she didn’t know)!

“It’s nothing!” Angelica cried. “Janice just got a bit crushed.”

“Liar!” Giggled a muffled Janice from under the duvet.

“Just be quiet and keep doing that, oo-ooh!” Angelica groaned hoarsely. “You know how to make a sissy happy, you little minx. Yee-ess! Just there, that’s lovely, and keep doing that with your tongue. That’s just soo-oo nice! Ooo-ooh. I’m getting mushy feelings. My tummy’s all squidgy and yummy. Yess! Yee-eess. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh my. My tummy! It’s all kind of, - it’s sort of, - oh I don’t know, it’s loo-oveleee!"

Angelica’s little hands clenched and waggled uselessly upon her pillow as her body erupted in to soft slow waves of delight emanating from deep down in her tummy and radiating to every extremity. She drummed her little heels and clenched her little hands as her head rocked from side to side on the pillow and long low moans escaped from deep within her breast. It was just like a dairy cow lowing to be allowed into the dairy. Janice's face widened into a delighted smile as she realised that Angelica had just enjoyed some strange sort of sissy orgasm.

Angelica’s actions immediately precipitated Jemima into a similar response and it was my turn to wonder as I felt the same convulsions and fluttering rippling through Jemima’s soft ripe body. I even made sure to check that Jemima really was orgasming by delicately placing three fingers under her left breast and confirming that her heart was thundering away.

‘Yes,’ I concluded secretively, ‘Jemima was definitely enjoying some sort of orgasm; and she was enjoying it a lot!’

It surprised me that neither Angelica nor Jemima made any attempt to assuage any sensations they must have had in their sissy clitties and I was left wondering just what it was that sissies experienced. How and why Jemima and Angelica’s orgasms seemed so different from Janice’s and mine?

I knew that my orgasm was a sudden and irresistible peak of delight that subsided every bit as quickly as it arrived, whilst Janice's was of a similar nature but much more prolonged and indulgent. Nevertheless both our orgasms tended to concentrate on our pee-pee or clitty although Janice’s was more all embracing and the feelings of languor did radiate through her body, leaving her to luxuriate in the afterglow. For Angelica and Jemima, it was obvious that the sensations left them replete with a sensation of total surrender and utter submission.

Eventually, Jemima introduced her delicate little fingers into my mouth and pleaded with me to surrender my grip on her nipples. I did so for it was obvious that poor Jemima was exhausted from her indulgences. It would have been cruel to mistreat such a defenceless little sissy even though she was fourteen and I was only just approaching eleven.

Angelica had less luck with Janice. Being only eight years old, Janice still had faint memories of suckling from mummy up until the age of five that is just before she started school. Janice had secret hopes of maybe getting some milk from Angelica’s generous breasts but none was forthcoming. Nevertheless, Janice was reluctant to release such a delightful pair of natural ‘comforters’. Angelic pleaded softly then resorted to beseeching me to persuade my little sister to release her breasts. I felt it was only fair to respect Angelica’s tender feelings and after some hugging and kissing, I reassured Janice that she was quite safe and didn’t need any ‘comforters’. Eventually, Janice released Angelica’s nipples and the poor sissy let out a tearful gasp of utter relief.

Janice and I then expected Jemima and Angelica to reciprocate our favours but to our utter surprise and dismay, both sissies fell into deep restful sleeps.

What with the afternoon hissy fit followed by the but-plug punishment and the starvation at the birthday tea, it had been a long day for the sissy companions. Sadly our corsets proscribed any proper attentions to Janice's clitty and my sissy clit so reluctantly; we were forced to try sleeping. We cuddled together between Jemima and Angelic until sleep overtook us eventually, but it was fractious.

Morning brought with it the usual ‘needs’ for all of us. Fortunately Victoria’s house was well equipped and well organised. All the other children simply slipped into a similar routine as the routine at Mistress Janet’s academy. It was an easy step for Janice and I to simply follow suit. Firstly Auntie Bev unlocked us from our corsets and we gratefully struggled free of them before joining the queue for the bathrooms. There were several bathrooms in Victoria’s large town house so it was but a short wait to relieve ourselves. Naturally, because of the frustrations of the previous evening, both Janice and I needed additional relief apart from our bodily functions. When I stripped naked in preparation for the shower, there were gasps and giggles from all the other children.

“Ooh look! Michelle’s got a proper stiffy look! Look it’s pointing to the sky! Cock-a-doodle-doo!” Squealed Jemima. “What’s she going to do-oo?”

Suddenly, I realised that I was the odd one out. All the girls had nothing to show of their urges whilst all the sissies only had shiny, little purple nubbins sticking out and down no more than an inch. Furthermore I had an untidy little wrinkled bag underneath my stiffy, whilst all the sissies had nothing to show unless they sat back and spread their legs to display a flat, wrinkled little patch where once a pair of testicles had resided. I was surprised and alarmed by this revelation. It was strange enough that their pee-pees had all but disappeared, but for their balls to shrink away was very peculiar. My mummy had once explained to me as I shared a bath with my little sister that the wrinkly bag was what made me a boy. It was even more important than my pee-pee. Then I had noticed that Janice's dingly dell had some slight wrinkles also, so I was not so jealous of her special baby hole.

Now however I was both embarrassed and alarmed. If I truly wanted to be a sissy and grow nice big breasts would I really have to give up my sensitive balls and shrink my pee-pee to almost nothing? For a second I was almost persuaded to cover my ‘condition’ but just at that moment, Auntie Bev and Mistress Portia appeared and scolded the other sissies for frightening me.
“You silly little sissies! Scolded Mistress Portia. Don’t you understand that Michelle is still very young? She hasn’t had time to grow into a sissy. Now leave her alone. She’ll become a wonderful little sissy all in good time.
However, we are going to have to milk her. Mistress Beverly needs some of Michelle’s milk to preserve for later times. Come here darling. You know what to do.”

“Nervously, I stepped forward out of the shower queue then spread my legs obediently as I sat back on the edge of the bath. Now my pee-pee was standing proud and tall for I knew what was coming. I was about to be ‘milked’! Auntie Bev and Mistress Portia knelt down and invited Victoria and Sophia to come and look closely.
Naturally all the other children were curious and craned forward to look.

Strangely, I stopped feeling embarrassed as Auntie Bev explained to Victoria and Sophia.

“It’s quite easy now that she’s developed a ‘condition’ see. Her pee-pee is nice and erect and it’s easy to manipulate. Now Sophia, you take her little pee-pee between your forefinger and thumb and you gently slide your finger and thumb up and down the shaft. Fortunately it’s only about three inches long so there is not much effort required. Furthermore, as she becomes more sissified, it will not grow any more; indeed it will probably shrink to become a little bud just like the rest of Mistress Janet’s sissies. I haven’t decided yet how to proceed with Michelle’s sissyfication nor have I discussed it with her.”

My Auntie Bev gently guided Portia’s fingers delicately up and down my pee-pee as it stiffened and strained to grow some more. Despite my burgeoning excitement, my pee-pee remained firmly at about 3 inches. However, my foreskin started to peel back and reveal the shiny purple nubbin that lived underneath. Victoria and Sophia gasped with delight.

“Ooh! Look! That bit’s just like Jemima’s little nubbin. Look it’s all shiny and purple.”

"Oh Crickey yes!” Squealed Sophia. “It’s exactly like Angelica’s little bud but it’s perched on the end of her pee-pee instead of nestling under her tummy. Oh that’s so clever! It looks like a little cherry sitting on top of an iced lolly! Is it as sensitive as Angelica’s?”

“It most certainly is.” Replied Mistress Portia as she gently scratched it with her fingernail and caused me to squeal with a mixture of fear and pleasure. “In fact, it’s even more sensitive because it normally lives under this little covering of flesh.”

By now I was humping the air with frustration and my little pee-pee had started to twitch as my orgasm started to boil. I well knew what these sensations now foretold and I gasped a warning.

“I’m going to come Auntie! I’m going to coo-oome!”

Auntie Bev quickly produced a long-necked, fluted champagne glass she had been holding and placed it over my pee-pee.
The sudden sensation of cool smooth glass touching my pee-pee immediately precipitated my orgasm and I humped feverishly as Victoria and Sophia stared, mesmerised by the spouting force of my ejaculation.

“Crickey!” Giggled Victoria. “It’s like a water pistol!”

“Exactly,” agreed Auntie Bev as she deftly removed the glass and allowed my seed to spurt clear across the bathroom. The gathered girls squealed with surprised delight.

“See young ladies, let that be a demonstration. A male ejaculation is powerful, especially in the young boys. The machinery is new and very virile. You must always take care when dealing with a full male because this stuff can spurt a long way and splash over a wide area.”

“But sissies don’t.” Countered Sophia. “They just dribble a little bit and make a tiny sticky deposit in the crotch of their panties. In fact they make less wetness than we girls do. ”

“Precisely,” added Mistress Portia, “the pump that drives the ejaculation is called the prostate gland and when a boy is sissified, that pump becomes almost useless. The muscles atrophy and the mechanism ceases to work. That’s why sissies simper and squirm when they get excited, because they can’t obtain relief like a proper male. However, they do have a lovely sort of squidgy, yummy feeling down there and it sort of spreads through their whole bodies, very much like a girl’s orgasm but not quite so overwhelming and with even less of a peak. It makes them very submissive and languid and that’s why sissies become so affectionately attached to their dairy partners. They share the same sensations and it makes them very dependant upon each other.”

By now, my orgasm had subsided and I was listening to Mistress Portia’s explanations. I wasn’t at all sure I wanted to lose my explosive orgasms. I resolved to talk privately with Auntie Bev as soon as, -.

With the anatomy lesson over, I resumed my place in the queue for the shower as Auntie Bev slipped away with the champagne glass full of my seed. Almost immediately after, I saw her driving away only to return about twenty minutes later. Little did I know that she was delivering my semen to a sperm bank.

She returned whilst I was showering with Janice and Jemima and because we were the last to shower, Auntie Beverly overheard us talking about my orgasms. Poor Jemima was quite upset.

“I wonder what it’s like making your boy-clitty spurt like that. Doesn’t it hurt at all?”

“Heck no!” I grinned. “It feels great. It sort of tickles with every spurt and you don’t want it to stop!”

“But it does stop,” observed Jemima.

“Yeah. That’s when I’ve run out of stuff.”

“It doesn’t last very long though,” continued Jemima as she sought to somehow accord her sensations a better process. “I mean; it’s all over in a few seconds. My orgasms last much longer; longer even than Victoria’s.”

“Yeah but they’re not as nice. Mine are fantastic.”

“What happens after? Do you get all cuddly and affectionate?”

“I get sleepy.” I replied.

“But she cuddles up to me,” countered Janice as she sprung to my defence.”

Jemima sighed and wagged her head despondently.

“I don’t suppose I’ll ever know. I mean’ I’m a sissy now forever.”

“But your breasts get nice and tingly.” Added Janice to try and give Jemima a crumb of comfort.

“Yes but all girls get tingly nipples. That’s nothing special. I just so wanted to know, just once, what it feels like to spurt like Michelle.”

Janice fell silent for she had no breasts or sensitive nipples as yet. At her age, such developments were a long way ahead. Nor indeed would she ever know what an ejaculation would feel like. Secretly, I felt ever so pleased and lucky to be able to ejaculate but I kept my counsel.

‘Poor old Jemima.’ I thought. ‘Still, she had superb breasts and really nice nipples,’ I knew, I had sucked them.
Suddenly, I had an idea.

“Hey. Do you want Janice and me to give you to an orgasm now? We could both suck your nipples and that’s what makes you come.”

“Ooo-oh! Would you?” Gasped Jemima. “Have we got time?”

“If we’re quick enough, we might have.”

Jemima’s nipples almost sprang to attention as the anticipation overtook her. Janice and I quickly took a nipple each in our lips whilst we both gently diddled Jemima’s secretive little nubbin. Jemima let out a squeal of delight and started to moan softly as her hips squirmed urgently.

“Ooo-oh. This is nice. Without my corset, you can touch my sissy-clitty. Oooh! That’s lovely! Please, - plee-ase don’t stop!”

Strangely Jemima didn’t hump urgently with her hips against our combined fingers, which was the motion that both Janice and I engaged in when we were getting horny. Instead, Jemima sort of tried to bear down as she squeezed her thighs together and squirmed softly as soft mewling little sounds escaped her lips. Janice and I exchanged puzzled little smiles as we tried to work out just how Jemima’s orgasm was affecting her. Then she sort of gave a soft sort of moaning sound that rather resembled a cow moo-ing. At the same time she started to hug herself and gently run her hands up and down her tummy. Finally, she started to rub her cheeks alternately against Janice and my heads as her body reacted in this strange fashion. It was a sort of constrained, but prolonged form of frustration. Then she gave a tormented little whimper and Janice and I felt the tiniest little deposit of sticky clear fluid seep onto our fingers. Even the consistency of this tiny little emission puzzled us, for both Janice and my secretions were very slippery. Jemima’s juices felt almost like some sort of glue. Janice could not resist putting her finger in her mouth and she smiled as she licked her fingers clean.

“What’s it like?” I mouthed almost inaudibly.

“It’s sort of sweet and sticky. Like a candy.” Replied Janice as she relished the delightful surprise.

Not to be denied, I tasted some and my eyes widened appreciatively. Jemima’s stuff was very strange, quite sticky and strangely sweet. Mine tasted slightly salty.

By now Jemima was whimpering with frustrated desire for it transpired that although Mistress Janet’s sissies certainly enjoyed a sort of orgasm, they were always left just that tiny final bit short of unrequited desire that seemed to keep them permanently on tenterhooks.

I was later to learn that Mistress Janet’s sissies could only ever reach complete satisfaction when she was ‘connected’ to another similarly conditioned sissy. Then they could both orgasm and embrace simultaneously in a mutual cataclysm of mushy, squidgy waves swirling around in their tummies combined with simpering, bimboised emotions swirling around in their vacuous heads. Thus were Mistress Janice's sissies mentally programmed and physically altered forever to depend upon their mistresses for support and their sissy partners for satisfaction.

Finally, the simpering trembling Jemima came down from whatever bizarre peak of delight she had aspired to and we finished showering in preparation to be corseted for whatever the day brought. Jemima’s party extended into its second day and we spent the morning primping and gushing over Jemima’s new clothes whist simultaneously fussing with each other’s hair and makeup. I was very disappointed to have boyish short hair and tried to compensate by endlessly indulging the other partygoers in coming their hair and setting it up in various different fashions. After a few attempts I became quite adept at it and Mistress Portia took me to one side.

“You’re very good at doing hair young lady. You’re very creative. I think you’ve got a natural gift for it.”

“Thank you Mistress Portia,” I whispered as I dipped my knees courteously.

“Yes indeed Michelle. That last design you fashioned for Miss Sophia set of her features beautifully. Just look at her.”

We both watched Miss Sophia as she kept turning and admiring her appearance in the hall mirror. It was obvious that she was enchanted with the style. With a woman’s ‘sixth sense’ she must have felt somebody was watching her and she turned to catch Mistress Portia and I watching her behaviour. She smiled a little self-consciously and glided over.

“I can’t help it. The style just does wonders for my face. I always felt my forehead was a little too rounded but this style seems to enhance it. It feels just perfect.”

“Well you’ve only this dear little sissy Michelle to thank for that young lady. She’s got a gift.”

Sophia bent down and gave me a delightful hug as she pressed her lips firmly against mine and kissed me passionately before she declared.

“I’m going to have to keep tabs on you. We can’t have such a delightful hairdresser getting lost to some selfish Mistress and wasted as a domestic servant or something.”

“I’ve already got that in hand Sophia,” added Mistress Portia,

“Michelle’s Aunty Beverly and I will be contacting Mistress Janet about Michelle’s future.”

Once again, Mistress Portia checked out Sophia’s hair and nodded appreciatively as she smiled.

“Yes Portia, you’re right, it sets off your face beautifully. That was a clever trick with the wave at the front and those two curls.”

At this juncture Victoria arrived and commandeered my services as she interrupted her mother.

“It’s my turn now mummy. Sophia’s had Michelle for half the morning. I want my hair done now!”

“Not quite darling,” countered Mistress Portia, “Michelle also did a couple of others; she’s quick as well as creative. What d’you think of Portia’s hair?”

“It’s lovely. Those waves and curls set off her forehead beautifully.”

“Exactly, agreed Mistress Portia. It seems that our newfound sissy Michelle has a gift for spotting the issues a lady has with her appearance and then finds a clever solution. You’re right Sophia; we are going to have to keep track of this little gem.”

She turned to me and kissed my forehead before instructing me to attend to Victoria. Victoria almost dragged me to her dressing room and Sophia followed eagerly as I minced as fast as my corseted thighs allowed upstairs. In her dressing room, Victoria plonked herself down in front of her basin as Sophia sat on the edge of the dressing table and watched with fascination.

Within a quarter of an hour I had Victoria looking beautiful and that with hardly any hair left cut on the floor. When she finally took a long look in the mirror she primped and turned contentedly.

“It’s beautiful!” Sighed Victoria.

“And so quick!” Added Sophia. “I mean that trick with the scissors and the comb; it looked almost like one movement. Just how do you do that?”

“I don’t know. It just sort of works, it sort of comes without thinking.”

“Yeah, it comes naturally. Just like Vicky’s mummy said. We are going to have to keep tabs on you darling. We definitely can’t have you getting lost in Mistress Janet’s system.”

I smiled gratefully as I glanced about.

“What are you looking for?” Asked Victoria.

“Something to gather up the hair. There’s a few snippets see.”
I picked one up and studied its beautiful golden lustre. Victoria grinned and kissed me happily.

“Oh fiddlesticks to you’re having to sweep up. Jemima!!”

A feint yes came down the hall from Jemima’s bedroom.

“Bring that sissy friend of yours Angelica, and clean up this hair.”

Immediately two pairs of heels minced obediently and purposefully down the hall as Jemima and Angelica presented themselves in the doorway. Victoria didn’t even turn to acknowledge them as she ordered them to clean up the hair.

“But I’ll do it.” I offered.

“Don’t you dare you silly little sissy! Your talents are not going to wasted on chivvying! When a Mistress orders another sissy to do something, she does it! Don’t you ever try and circumvent a mistress’s instructions.”

Suitable chastised, I shrugged apologetically towards Jemima and she pulled a wry smile. It was quite obvious that in this house, sissies had absolutely no say. While Jemima and Angelica organised the vacuum cleaner Victoria led us downstairs to her mother Mistress Portia.

“What d’you think mummy?”

“Oh that’s fantastic. It looks so classy. Well you both look so classy. Will you be coming to the park later?”

“I think Sophia and I would rather go into town. Can we take Miss Janice?”

“You’ll have to ask Mistress Beverly.”

I was hoping they would invite me but it was obviously a ‘girls only’ trip. Mistress Portia detected my dejection and smiled indulgently.

“Don’t worry darling. We’ll have some fun in the park. We’ll be playing hide-and-seek as well as catch with a ball.”

The thought of mincing about in a public place did not exactly enthral me but I knew now that at least I would not be recognised for a boy. Indeed all the others would be corseted and frocked in the most scrumptious creations so I would not be alone. The only fear I had was being caught alone in the bushes whilst playing hide-and-seek. I mean, what if I was hiding in some bushes or something and some horrible boy, or worse, a nasty old man found me in all my frippery? The thought of them grabbing me and pushing their hands up my petticoats was worrying. I knew I would be devastated.

During lunch, Permission was given for Janice to accompany Victoria and Sophia so I resigned myself to playing with the half dozen sissies or so and a couple of girls who were about thirteen and twelve. I wondered why they hadn’t gone with Janice and Victoria.

If anybody likes this story.
My email is.
[email protected]

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