The Sissy Farm 22

This chapter describes Joanna's voluntary progression into sissyhood then addresses social issues un Auntie Jamie's extended (and somewhat bigoted,) family of cousins, aunts etc.

22 The Sissy Farm.

List of Characters.

Me. Michelle A Natural transvestite sissy.
Janice My Younger sister
Aunty Bev Janice and My mother’s Sister.
Mistress Janet Headmistress of the young lady’s academy
Doctor Shirley Williams. My endocrinologist.
Miranda. A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant.
Miss Stern Miranda’s mistress who owns the shop.
Peregrine. AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev’s brother.)
James AKA. Auntie Jamie Peregrine’s Partner. (Soon to inherit his/her father’s earldom.)
Victoria An older RG friend of mine.
Jemima Victoria’s sissy brother.
Portia Victoria’s mummy.
Julia. My dining companion and mentor at Mistress Janet’s Academy.
Sophia and Angelica Victoria and Jemima’s friends.
Delilah & Nancy My ex Attackers.
Davinia. Sissified Gypsy boy once called David
John (Joanna) and Simone Davinia’s older gypsy brother and sister,
Isobel and Sally, The two youngest gypsy sisters.
Morag & William Bandy The gypsy parents.

Author’s Note for my US Sisters. A Vardo is an old, highly decorated, horse drawn gypsy caravan.

Sissy farm Chapter 22.

In the morning, we met Aunty Beverly and Morag as Joanne, Janice and I prepared for our early morning milking. We were getting the machine ready as they emerged from Earl Weston’s bedroom at the end of their long nightshift. Auntie Bev smiled at us and invited Morag in to see what sissy-milking entailed.

“Now you’ll see exactly what your beautiful sissy son has decided upon.” Smiled Auntie Beverly as Morag’s eyes fell upon her sissified son Joanne and widened slightly with pleased surprise. However she was tired after a night nursing the old earl so after confirming tha her son Joanne was truly contented with his new sissified life she made her excuses and slipped wearily to her bed.

We soon settled down to a three-way coupling of the milkers. While Joanne and Janice shared their partner pants, I had to simply sit and squirm salaciously as Joanne and Janice savoured Joanne’s newly discovered delights. Auntie Beverly sensed my despair and sat by me as we all three sissies shared the milking machine.

“Feeling left out darling?” She asked.

“Yes auntie, but I suppose that the school will find me a new partner. I’m really going to miss my sister Janice.”

“Well I’m sorry darling, but Janice is your sister. It just wouldn’t be right for you two to be involved sexually, and as for babies, well, -“

“Talking of babies,” I interrupted boldly, “when are you and Auntie Jamie going to give Earl Weston a grandson?”

Auntie Beverly’s jaw sagged with amazement at my bold inquiry and it was several seconds before her reply broke the stunned silence.

“Have you mentioned any of this to Auntie Jamie?”

Janice and I exchanged guilty looks and grinned conspiratorially. Eventually it was left to me to confess and I stared at the floor as I almost whispered my reply.

“Well, actually; yes Auntie.”

“Oh! So do tell. Spill the beans, what did Auntie Jamie say?”

“She ran it by Uncle Penny first.”


“He seemed to think it was OK. Uncle Penny was more concerned with preserving their business interests, you know, the club and pub and all the stuff back in Pimlico.”

“Yes. That would figure, my brother’s worked hard to get that business up and running. She wouldn’t want to lose it.”

“Auntie Jamie says that she’s happy you’re married because she and Penny were only joined in a civil partnership. There’s no enmity from Uncle Penny?”

“Well, there are plenty of worse people I could have ended up married to. Jamie’s quite sweet and she’s always been nice to me.”

I felt a surge of joy ripple through my body as I tried to envisage Auntie Beverly with a baby; ‘maybe she might let me feed my baby cousin,’ I secretly hoped.

‘After all wasn’t that exactly the sort of thing that sissies were made for?’ I asked myself.

“Are you going to press her then? Make her do her duty by you.” Pressed Janice.

Auntie Beverly smiled enigmatically but did not reveal her thoughts.

“Let’s just wait and see, shall we?” She replied.

Janice and I exchanged more secretive smiles but Auntie Beverly was also tired after her long vigil at Earl Weston’s bedside. Reluctantly she left us to continue our milking.

Janice and I weren’t prepared to let the matter rest though and as soon as we had finished milking and cleaned up, we sought out Auntie Jamie and Uncle Penny. Because Auntie Bev had been involved in caring for old Earl Weston Jamie and Penny had slept together. If Great Auntie Geraldine’s potion was to work we had to make sure Auntie Jamie got regular dosage and she and Auntie Bev got it together at least once a day.

Still in our nighties we minced happily along the landing to Auntie Jamie’s bedroom while Joanne went down to the kitchen to start breakfast.

We found them locked in a passionate embrace amidst a plethora of lace and frills. Gently we climbed onto the bed and I carefully tapped Auntie Jamie’s silk encased butt where her nightdress had ridden up in some passionate nocturne. She stirred sleepily and smiled as she turned to recognise her favourite sissified nephew and niece.

“Hello darlings, what d’you two want so early in the morning?” She whispered as she discreetly tugged her nightdress over her butt.

“I’ve spoken to Auntie Beverly.”

“Oh? What about?”

"You and Auntie Beverly working harder to give your dad a grandson and heir."

Auntie Jamie and Uncle Penny both let out a giggle of amusement.

“And? What did she say?”

“She thinks it’s a splendid idea. She would love a baby, - or even two.”

Uncle Penny and Auntie Jamie smiled at each other and turned again to smile at us as Uncle Penny spoke for the first time.

“Well you have been a busy pair haven’t you?”

“But do you agree Uncle Penny? She says she won’t come between you and Auntie Jamie; well, - except to conceive.”

Both my ‘aunties’ let out a squeal of amusement at my unwitting ‘double entendre’ and Auntie Jamie reached over to hug us both to her soft ripe breasts. We savoured the intimacy as Uncle Penny slipped out of bed and stepped over to the little side-board to make some tea. Her full length silk and satin nightie rustled and shimmered luxuriously as her hips swayed effeminately.

“D’you want some tea as well?” She asked as she turned to smile at us cuddling up to Auntie Jamie under the huge duvet.

We nodded contentedly then Janice realised she needed to dose the tea with Auntie Geraldine’s herbs.

“I’ll make the tea Uncle Penny!” She offered.

Oh that’s sweet of you, well the kettle will take some time to boil and we need some milk. Janice seized the opportunity to slip out and get some milk whilst simultaneously collecting a dose of powdered herbs. In the meantime I squeezed up to Auntie Jamie as I savoured her deliciously frilly nightdress and the silky satin sheets of our auntie’s huge king-sized four-poster bed. I felt just like a little princess sharing the queen’s bed. Uncle Penny joined us as Janice finished preparing the tea.

“Well, isn’t that just the prettiest picture,” Janice giggled, “Auntie Beverly would be enchanted to see you cuddled there. Where is she by the way?”

“She’s gone to bed. She and Mrs Bandy were up all night with Jamie’s Dad.”

“How is he?” Asked Jamie. "I was late home last night and he was sleeping."

“They seem to think he’s getting better.”

“Oh good. Hopefully he’ll be OK for the blessing.”

“He’d better be,” Jamie riposted, “he’s the one that wanted our marriage all formalised and witnessed by the entire family.”

Janice and I nearly spilled our teas as we gasped with joy then I let out a squeal of delight.

“Ooooohh! Does that mean you are going to have another wedding.?”

Auntie Jamie exchanged a wide beaming smile with Uncle Penny. Uncle Penny nodded her agreement then went on to explain.

“It’s Jamie’s relatives, they want the whole thing properly formalised so I’m afraid it’s going to be a bigger affair than the original wedding.”

“Ooooh! Will we all be wearing bridal dresses like last time?” I begged.

“Yes, they want it blessed and formalised but we are adamant that it will be ‘in their faces’.

Jamie smiled and gave Janice a peck on the forehead as she whispered.

“Are you two going to be bridesmaids again?”

Janice looked up aghast that Auntie Jamie should even have thought it necessary to ask.

“Of course we are!” She squealed. “And Joanne, and all the others. You’ll have to have about a dozen bridesmaids.”

As I did a rough calculation in my head it came to fifteen of my sissy friends and I declared this number. Auntie Jamie grinned then added a bit of a bombshell.

“Have you counted my other cousins on my side this time. I can think of another half a dozen little girls who would be hugely disappointed if they weren’t invited.”

“Oooh heck!” I gasped, “It’s going to be a huge blessing!

“Yes, and we’ll hold it here in my family home. Dad is still the local squire and Vicar Rachel is quite amenable to Blessing our marriage. She and Dad have talked about it at length and she has no objections to both of us brides being dressed in bridal wear. She knows I am still a little boy down there where it matters so she’s not breaking any cannon law.”

“Oh gosh!” I squealed again, “does that mean you’ll definitely both be in bridal gowns again?”

“Of course darling. My dad will be escorting me to the alter and we haven’t decided who’ll be escorting Auntie Beverly.”

“How about Mr Bandy, he’s a nice man and his own daughters will be bridesmaids.”

“Well that seems like an excellent idea, but don’t you think Uncle Penny might want a say?”

I stopped, suddenly stunned by the simplicity of it all!

‘Of course! Uncle Penny was Auntie Beverly’s brother! She would be the perfect partner escort our Auntie Beverly down the aisle!’ I felt stupid that I had forgetten that Uncle Penny had originally given his sister away at the wedding.

Janice immediately supported the idea and we struggled out of the huge bed to go and spread the news. In our haste, we forgot the normal courtesies and Auntie Jamie had to gently restrain our enthusiasm.

“Come, come now darlings. Let’s not be too hasty. At least let Beverly and I go through the proper formalities. I’ll be seeing her when she wakes up this afternoon.”

Janice and I left suitably chastened and joined Joanna in the kitchens where she had almost finished preparing breakfast. To show our delight, we all took three huge trays of food up to the breakfast room where assorted members of the family were gathering in their peignoirs and nightgowns. Auntie Jamie looked particularly pretty in her long satin nightdress while Uncle Penny danced attention on her. We settled at the long breakfast table and the atmosphere was tense with excitement and joy. Janice and I just couldn’t wait for the afternoon.

When Auntie Beverly awoke, Auntie Jamie wasted no time in inviting her to her father’s bedroom where the old Earl Weston was sitting up in bed. He was obviously recovering. There Auntie Jamie first asked for her father’s blessing and then invited Auntie Beverly to have their union blessed.

Old earl Weston was long reconciled to his son’s transvestite bisexual lifestyle. Indeed he had almost resigned himself to idea of the title passing eventually to the ghastly nephew William long after he had passed away and James would have died without issue.

The idea that his long hoped for dream might actually be coming true had perked up old Earl Weston’s spirits enormously. From the ante-room, Janice, Uncle Penny and I even heard the Old Earl laugh out loud as some obvious private delight had amused the three of them behind the earl’s Bedroom door. Eventually a tearful Auntie Beverly pulled open the door and grinned at us as we were caught eves-dropping.

“I suppose you heard all that,” she grinned.

“Bits of it,” confessed her brother Uncle Penny.

“Well you can now announce it officially to the whole household. It’s on. Jamie and I are getting our marriage formally blessed for the whole family to attend and we are off to see Vicar Rachel to arrange a date.”

“And as soon as possible,” cried the old earl feebly from his bed where Auntie Jamie lay embraced in his arms like any truly affectionate daughter would, “I’m not getting any younger and I just can’t wait to see my brother Arnold’s face plus the expression on my odious nephew William. Go along now, both of you. There’s no time to lose. I want to see this marriage consummated and continue my line.”

“You’d think we were breeding horses,” giggled Auntie Beverly, as she rejoined Auntie Jamie on Earl Weston’s bed for one last hug.

Then Aunties Jamie and Beverly lost no time and skipped away joyfully to meet the Vicar Rachel as we all joined Earl Weston in some afternoon tea. From that moment, the old house was agog with excitement and bustling with activity as arrangements and preparations accelerated. There is no doubt that good news and good vibes can improve a fellow’s health for old Earl Weston was positively skipping around the house at the new developments.

The wedding was arranged for the early summer to accommodate Earl Weston’s frailty but Auntie Beverly and Auntie Jamie had already set about producing the necessary heir. Fortunately, Auntie Jamie was still fertile despite her long exposure to female hormones and we had a very far sighted family doctor to thank for that.

What nobody else but Simone, Janice, William Bandy and I knew however, was that Auntie Jamie’s libido and fertility were increasing by leaps and bounds.

Years earlier, Earl Weston had approached the doctor when he first became aware of his transvestite, bisexual son James’s wishes to become feminised. James had expressed these desires in his early teens so at sixteen a cautious regime had been confidentially agreed early on with Jamie’s enthusiastic co-operation.

The Weston family’s foresight was now to be rewarded. Auntie Beverly could not believe her luck when her new husband’s performance started to improve immeasurably. Beverly put it down to the anticipation of the forthcoming blessing but we four knew differently. Whatever had precipitated Auntie Jamie’s incredible improvement, Beverly was more than thankful.
When Auntie Beverly finally revealed that Jamie’s efforts had probably been successful the jubilation throughout our community was electric!

My Auntie Beverly had missed her period and she was sure she was pregnant.
Everybody waited with baited breath during the intervening weeks until Auntie Beverly was able to confirm from the ultra-sound tests that it was twins and it looked like one of each. All the other tests indicated that the babies were normal.

“Well thank God for that!” Sighed a tearful Earl Weston when the news was finally confirmed, “ I was beginning to lose hope.”

“Oh really daddy!” Scolded Jamie gently, “Beverly and I have only been trying for a few months, you’re such an impatient old daddy. Some couples go for years before conceiving!”

“Well that’s as maybe, but your mother fell pregnant with you at the first attempt.”

Auntie Jamie giggled effeminately but Earl Weston couldn’t have cared less as she scolded her father as any caring daughter might have done.

“Just be thankful you’re going to be a grand-daddy. Now Penny and I have to be off to London tonight so you look after your daughter-in-law Beverly and your unborn grandchildren. We’ll be back Thursday evening to make a long weekend of it and frankly, I can’t wait to sleep with my beautiful wife again.”

So saying Auntie Jamie gave her father a daughterly hug and kissed him softly on his cheek. Earl Weston simply wagged his grey-haired head and stared uncomprehendingly at his feminised son and her boyfriend Penny as they slid gracefully into their car and sped off down the drive.

Even though Earl Weston was a compassionate and tolerant father, it was hard for him to reconcile the image of his beautiful ‘daughter’ with the fact that under that same daughter’s pretty frock there was a fully functioning penis that had successfully continued the family line. In fact, apart from Mr Bandy, the gypsy father come factotum, the whole household was feminine. He wagged his head with amused resignation and invited Beverly to join him at the dinner table. As his daughter-in-law she was now de-facto the mistress of the house and he loved her for it.

Thus was the routine established for the next few weeks as the blessing arrangements went apace. Apart from being hauled out of Mistress Janet’s academy periodically to be checked and fitted for our Bridesmaid’s dresses we were not involved in the arrangements.

Then one Saturday evening as we waited upon Auntie Jamie’s return from London, the next development took place.

After dinner, Auntie Beverly usually joined Earl Weston, Morag, and Mr Bandy for a game of cards whilst we sissies entertained ourselves on the computers or trying on new outfits.

Suddenly, as Auntie Beverly bent down to take her seat at the card table, she felt her babies twitch.

“Ooh!” She squeaked with surprised delight.

“What’s wrong?” Gasped the Earl as his eyes widened solicitously.

“Oh nothing, nothing at all, in fact it’s even better than nothing, feel!”

“So saying, Auntie Beverly took the old Earl’s hand and placed it gently on her bump. The earl’s eyes lit up with delight when he sensed the very slightest of movement ripple under his fingers.

“Oh my God! They moved! I’m glad that the blessing’s next week,” he grinned, “Has my daughter felt them.?”

“Good gracious no, that’s the first time.”

A ripple of contentment circled the card table as everybody realised that the old earl had deliberately used the term ‘daughter’ to refer to Jamie, his feminised son. It was a clear sign that everybody was at peace and happy with the set up. Then, almost as if by command, Auntie Jamie’s car scrunched on the gravel outside.

“Where’s Uncle Penny?” I called from our bedroom window as Auntie Jamie closed her knees and slid gracefully out of her seat.

“Oh, she’s busy finalising some accounts, she’ll be down Saturday.”

We sissies were a little disappointed at this news for Uncle Penny was our favourite adult. She always had time for us girls and sissies and she invariably brought down some new exiting fashions for us to try on. However, our disappointment was soon surpassed by Auntie Beverly and Earl Weston appearing at the main doors to welcome Jamie home. Jamie immediately sensed that there was something special and she skipped up the steps to hug her wife. We heard them whispering underneath our window but failed to catch the gist of things until Jamie let out a squeal of delight. Frantically we dashed downstairs to find out what was afoot.

The hall was agog with excitement as we minced urgently down the wide stairway as fast as out corseted waists would allow. When we learned of the developments we all naturally demanded to feel the babies moving for this was not only a special family occasion but also a lesson in biology for we younger ones. I wanted to Hug Auntie Beverly tight but she gently dissuaded me with the caution that we mustn’t squeeze the babies too tight.

Later that evening when I finally got to my Auntie Beverly alone, I whispered my deepest wish.

“Will I be able to feed them?” I asked hopefully.

Auntie Beverly smiled indulgently.

“We’ll have to wait and see darling. It might not do for a future Earl to be a sissy.”

“But his father, Auntie Jamie is a sissy,” I protested.

“That’s as maybe darling but he might not like the idea of his own baby son being turned into a sissy by your sissy milk. It’s all very well being born a sissy or being punished and turned into one when you’ve committed a crime but it’s not fair to turn a baby into a sissy before he’s even had a chance to make the choice. However, I’m quite sure you’ll be allowed to nurse my little daughter, your other unborn cousin. You’re sissy milk won’t do her so much harm, it might just turn her into a dominatrix or a mistress. Anyway you cheeky little minx, I would like the chance to nurse my own babies you know! That’s my right!”
Auntie Beverly was perfectly right of course and I was a little disappointed that I probably wouldn’t get my own way. Ruefully I slipped into my own bed and reflected on the forthcoming blessing.

As I lay in the dark I suddenly heard my door creak softly. Somebody was entering my room.

“Who’s there?” I whispered softly.

“It’s me, Simone.”

“What d’you want?”


“What! Why?”

“Everybody else is sharing beds, so why can’t I?”

“But, I, - what! You want to share with me?”

“Why not. I get bored just lying there alone. Everybody else gets to share with somebody. It’s nice to share a bed and talk. I miss the intimacy of the old Vardo, when my younger sisters and I used to chatter for hours before sleeping.”

“Davinia doesn’t share with anybody,” I protested, trying not to give away my excitement.”

“Davinia is being punished for what he used to do to me and my sisters.”

“That’s a long punishment,” I replied.

“Look,” scolded Simone impatiently, “d’you want me to come into bed with you or not?”

I could scarcely believe my good luck. Simone was every bit as pretty as my sister Janice and she actually wanted to join me in my bed. This was a sissy’s dream. I rather gave my feelings away when I switched on the bedside light then eagerly flipped back the duvet and patted my pillow by way of invitation. Simone smiled knowingly.

“Well at least you didn’t pat the mattress darling.”

“What d’you mean? I frowned wonderingly.

“The sublimal message you gave just then; you patted the pillow thereby subconsciously offering a place to talk. If you had patted the mattress it might have meant you only wanted sex.”

I was amazed at Simone’s perspicacity for she had interpreted my unconscious messages perfectly. All I had thought about was cuddling up under the duvet and sharing our secret thoughts and desires. Simone was a very sharp girl indeed. I giggled self consciously.

“I couldn’t do anything anyway darling.” I sighed.

“Why not?” Simone whispered as she squeezed up to me.”I’ve heard that your little sissy clitty has grown a bit.”

“This corset is securely tied and locked, and besides, I only have a little boy clitty. The best I could do is pleasure you.

“Well I’ve heard differently. Joanna told me that your auntie has authorised a new hormone treatment for you and things are happening for you, - down there. I hope it's true. The trouble is my corset is not much better. Even though it’s not as tight as yours, it prevents easy access to my special bits. We’ll just have to cuddle up, - like this.”

So saying she reached her hand around my slender sissified waist and pulled us together face to face so that our breasts and nipples met intimately. I let out a little gasp of pleasure and Simone smiled.

“Are your tits really that sensitive?”

“Yes,” I croaked as I felt her turgid buds slither provocatively through the silky cups of our corsets, “if you carry on like that you’ll bring me off.”

Simone smiled knowingly and gently kissed my stiffening buds through the lacy cups and I squeaked with pleasure. I also felt a new stirring in places that hadn’t stirred much for several years. I could only dream and hope that night but it was definitely a precursor of the shape of things to come. Soon the night overtook us and we fell asleep gently wrapped in each-other’s loving embrace.

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