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Joanie meets two wanna-be construction workers, a petite girl and her dead sister. She timetravels and learns something she shouldn't about another member of the staff, Lex. Joanie checks on Anna's medical tests and invites her to an all-girl sleepover. She sets up Tom and Lex shamelessly. Eric learns of the magazine shoot but not the farm. The cleanup crew visits the farm. Joanie and Lex reconcile. The sleepover goes well. Joanie has a frighting premonition.
Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?
Timeout 3-Continuous play: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction
This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? To see the canon Whateley Stories, check out either Sapphire's Place,
( or the Big Closet ("
Another chapter in part three of my TG/sci-fi/superhero/magic and the whole nine yards epic. I’m much better now than when I started this, though comma useage is still confusing; ask Itinerant. Your constructive criticism and advice always helps. This is an exercise in the joys of creativity and in appreciation of the wonderful Whateley Universe. Any violations of copyright, trade mark or use of real people or incidents are purely for purposes of humor or parody and done solely for the free enjoyment of the reading public. All rights reserved in perpetuity, John from Wauwatosa WI, 2005-2006.
Adult content advisory: this chapter deals with home renovation and buying a truck, and may not be suitable for younger readers but if you’ve read my stuff you know it’s not graphic and is often silly but you were warned. And there is some adult content too, so be warned.
Timeout 3
By John from Wauwatosa
Prose primping by Itinerant
Janet Nolan-ized for your protection
Chapter 11- Home Improvement 5, Origins 2, The New New Avengers 5, 4X4- Portents
Whateley Academy Dunwich, Berlin NH, Boston MA, April 19-23, 2007
April 19, 2007
“Jinn, over here.” Jade called out.
A mysterious and beautiful young woman walked over. My first impression was of a junior or senior. She was reasonably tall, possibly as much as five foot, eight inches, with a slender build, and was showing the start of some sensuous curves. She had the graceful build of a runner or dancer. Though the girl might be late bloomer, I suspected she would quickly surpass her peers. Her skin and clothing were odd even by Whateley standards. Her skin — all of it -- was pure white, like a classic geisha’s face, but her clothes screamed sexy, confident babe. She was baring a lot of skin, and her clothes appeared to be of a modular, mix and match construction. They reminded me of runner’s warm-up suit, or a type of backpacker's clothes where sleeves or legs could be zipped off and on at will. In her case it was taken to the extreme; it appeared that almost any part could be interchanged with any other. I wondered why she needed, or wanted clothing that reconfigurable. One of those fiendish jigsaw puzzles, with every piece cut identically, came to mind. She approached our table, and embraced her sister, Jade, for a moment. Jade displayed an odd expression on her face; it was subtle, but I could see the change. A moment later it was gone.
~~Something was exchanged there, but what? ~~
“Jinn, this is Ms. Brown, or Joanie as she prefers.”
“A pleasure to meet you, Joanie, I’ve not had the opportunity to sit in one of your classes, but I have seen you working with Security, and there are your posters,” said Jinn in a voice that complemented her exotic appearance.
~~If this girl was alive, she’d have guys lined up for blocks to date her, and she works for Operations? That’s like remaking the Honeymooners, and casting Lucy Lu as Ed Norton. ~~
“Are you referring to the commercial ones, or the Peeper specials?” I asked, and softly snickered. “By the way, sharp outfit though I couldn’t get away with quite as much skin showing; the risk of ‘wardrobe malfunction’ would be prohibitive. I thought I had the tough, sexy look down, my congratulations, Jinn. Your charming sister says you have both worked with the Princes of Plumbing,” I replied.
“Stan and Morrie are great guys to work with. They suggested we contact you. I was told you’ve purchased a farm near Whateley, and that you intend to renovate the farmhouse as a possible rental unit. The ‘Masters of Maintenance’ also said you plan to convert the barn into your home. We’d like to offer our services for the demotion and cleanup, and the construction crew as well,” Jinn said.
“The demolition and cleanup almost anyone can do, and I’m providing safety training for them. What can you two do that should compel me to hire you for construction work? Now is your chance to sell yourselves, ladies,” I challenged them.
“Stan and Morrie would not have suggested we talk to you unless they thought we could do the job,” Jade said forcefully.
“I’m sorry, Jade and Jinn. I did not intend to insult either of you. I trust the guys' judgment too, and I will talk to them soon. My concern is whether you can do the job safely. Minor demolition and clean up, or being a gofer for the construction crew, is low risk. Working as crew doing trench work, masonry, framing, sheathing, roofing, running cable and pipe, insulating, interior covering, and final hookup are more exacting, physically exhausting and can be potentially dangerous.
"You may be dead, Jinn, but your sister is not. I’d prefer she stay that way, as I’m sure you’d both agree. Beyond any labor law concerns, I’d feel awful if someone got hurt as a result of my project. I intend to help as much as I can, but I have limits to my knowledge and abilities. What can you ladies do that makes you valuable to me?” I inquired.
“I’m small but tough, and have worked with Operations in the deep sewers, cabling projects, maintenance, plumbing, electrical, mechanical systems -- you name it. I’m not bothered by foul odors, I don’t scare easily, and I’m serious on the job. My late sister is much the same, except she has several advantages over most workers,” said Jade in a rapid-fire, confident style.
“I’m as strong as any normal person, but, because I don't have a body, I’m invulnerable to most hazards and don’t suffer from fatigue. I can transfer myself to various objects, and can change my size and shape as needed. I’ve guided cable through conduits while inside the conduit. I can become so small I can pass easily into wall cavities using any small hole and can see in total darkness. I can be your eyes and ears in places you otherwise can’t easily explore. I can float in the air, and orientation to the ground is irrelevant to me. I did a lot of ceiling work and cable pulling for Samantha Everheart’s apartment in Kane Hall tower; Jade helped some, too,” Jinn said while slowly floating into the air.
“Impressive credentials, Jinn; I’ll ask Sam about you two. Thanks for not jumping on the ‘you may be dead, Jinn’ line. The moment I said ‘dead Jinn, I was afraid someone would do a bad Star Trek joke,” I said.
“You mean like ‘You grab the tricorder, I’ll get the wallet?’ Are you interested, Joanie?” asked Jade, with a smirk on her face.
“Thanks a lot ‘Bones’. If your references check out, I’ll be glad to hire you. Operations has offered to do most of the construction work. They said they have students on work-study, and my project would be a great way to demonstrate their skills. I do have a few more questions. When are you available during the remaining school term, and are you staying on campus this summer?” I asked.
“We’re wards of the state. We’re here through child protective services, and have no where to go. We may visit the family of one or more of our friends this summer. Both Billie Wilson's and Nikki Reilly’s families have offered in the past. Jinn and I are kinda friends with the Tanaka’s -- who are Charlie Lodgeman’s friends -- so we could see them this summer with Billie, but nothing is set in stone,” Jade replied.
~~She may be the younger sister, but she’s clearly the one in charge. ~~
“You know some of the Mystic Six? I am impressed, Jade. I only know Charlie, but if they’re anything like him they’re good people to count as friends. I’m seeing Charlie tomorrow; I’ll ask him about you two as well. We have a research project to do for Operations,” I said.
As I finished, Jade's eyes went wide; her sister’s response was difficult to gauge.
“You’re the one,” Jade said in a tone of awe.
“The one what?” I asked.
“Rumor has it one of the newer staff can time travel; not just clairvoyance, but the real thing. The press says you can stop time for a while, so it must be you. That must be how you got those strange cats,” she said excitedly.
“So, you know of my smilodons, George and Gracie? My friend, Pinky here, is helping me train them. Most crooks fear police dogs; these two should make Bricks soil their pants,” I said and giggled. “Please do me a favor and do not spread this around, Ladies. I’m at Whateley as much to escape potential kidnappers as to complete my mutant training,” I cautioned.
“Sis, that explains her holding the Meridian Chair; everyone’s been speculating how an unknown got a prestigious research position. A time traveler would be a natural choice for a historical researcher. If you can travel far enough to obtain live smilodons -- wow!” Jinn remarked excitedly.
“That also makes me a criminal’s dream girl, so be discreet. They’d love to have me under their control, or worse to dissect in their labs. In addition to my time powers, I’m a high level regen. They’d love to figure out how that works,” I said in a serious tone.
“So would I,” muttered Jade.
“Did you say something, Jade? I didn’t quite hear you,” I asked.
Jade appeared nervous for a moment, then as quickly seemed confident.
“What I was trying to say was you must be like my roomie, Billie Wilson. She’s a high level regen and almost indestructible,” Jade said.
“I can be beaten up easily; I’m not superhuman, but I heal fast. I’ve been close to death twice, and it hurts like Hell as I recover. That’s why I’m building a custom house. It will be easier to break into an army tank than my house by the time I’m done. I owe it to my future family,” I said.
“You’re not, ah, pregnant are you, Joanie?” asked Jinn, hesitantly.
“No, just planning for the future. My boyfriend has to graduate from college first,” I said and smiled.
~~Graduating from middle school and high school would help. Why did I fall for Eric? I must be crazy, but then why does it feel so right? ~~
“We’re security conscious, Joanie. Being small for my age, people think they can push me around, so I have to defend myself. My sister, Jinn, is tough in a fight; she has to be, as those with avatar powers have tried to enslave her,” Jade said.
“The greed and disrespect of some people shocks me; you’re dead and people want to harm you, Jinn? That is sick beyond words. I’ll check with Stan and Morrie, and if they say you’re good, you’re on. Maybe we can teach each other something new about security.”
I stood and gave Jade a hug which she accepted graciously, though she blushed. I wasn’t sure how I should handle Jinn until she offered her hand to shake. Her hand felt normal but cold, and I thought I felt the vibrations of a complex mechanical linkage moving behind it.
“I won’t have a vehicle to transport everybody for a few days, but if the weather is nice we’ll meet here at this table eight AM this Saturday and walk over to the farm. It’s a little over a ten minute walk, and I can give everyone the overview of my intentions for the place. I’ll pay for lunch afterward, so it’s not a total waste of your time. Is that satisfactory?”
“Sounds fair, Joanie, we’ll be here,” said Jade.
“Wear work clothes and tough shoes; the farm house and barn are a mess. Until Saturday, Ladies,” I said and bowed.
“A word of advice, Joanie, don’t let Tennyo -- that’s Billie Wilson -- try out for your band unless you intend to do the best of Yoko Ono,” Jade said, then, giving me a feral grin, she walked off giggling as her sister hovered along side her.
“That girl will be a heartbreaker someday,” I said softly, to no one in particular.
We finished eating; Pinky and I gave the smilodons a quick walk around campus and training session before we each went off to our respective dorms for the night. I reviewed the Operations materials describing the planned buried cable route and the magic hot spots that needed our ‘research.’ I went to bed early so I’d be well rested though it took some time to fall asleep -- nerves, I guess.
* * * *
April 20, 2007
I rose early on Friday morning, got in a quick run, ate a big breakfast, showered, ‘decompressed’, and had to shower again. I was wonderfully relaxed when I met up with Mr. Lodgeman -- oh yeah!
“Mr. Lodgeman, are you ready?” I asked, languidly.
“Joanie, you seem more relaxed than usual. Are you okay?”
“I’m great; I may have over done the decompression. Sorry, but it was so much fun....”
“You can concentrate on the task at hand?” he asked, suppressing a smirk.
“I’ll be fine, this way my ‘side effect’ won’t be a problem so soon.
“That takes half the fun out of today’s ‘research’, Joanie. Where do you want to start first?”
“I nearly forgot, Charlie, Dr. Tenent says I have a shell of magic surrounding me; I guess I’m a something of a magic sinkhole. I’m told it’s the residue of other’s spells, I don’t generate it, and it doesn’t interact with me. Will this be a problem, will it reveal my presence to any magic users we observe?” I asked still enjoying my afterglow.
“I thought you had a mystical aura, it’s obvious now that I know to look for one. I’ve never seen one as confused as yours, but I believe I can mask your ‘signature,’ Joanie,” he said.
“Shall we begin, Charlie?”
We had several hot spots to check out. Operations gave us excellent intelligence to work from, and I homed in on each incident with unerring precision. My urges were building, but were well within my tolerance as each ‘trip’ was brief. By early in the afternoon we were on top of Emerson Hall, in position to observe the last two hotspots; actually it was one physical hot spot, but with two separate and powerful events.
“That’s almost it, Joanie. Only two more quick ‘trips’ to the near past and we’re home free; I’m impressed,” he said, and bowed at me.
“You made it easy, Operation’s intelligence was spot on, and you were efficient in gathering the needed information. I was merely the chauffeur,” I said in a husky voice.
“Thanks for the smooth ride, my dear. Will you be okay? You sound, um, on edge,” he asked.
“No, I’m a bit aroused, but functional. Let’s finish up quickly so I can recover.”
I went for the feeling again, and in moments we were looking down at the suspicious grove of trees near Emerson. It was late at night, and early October from the look of the trees. Through my night vision binoculars/camera I saw a boy in deep concentration surrounded by various markings. Charlie whispered that it was part of a warded circle designed to obscure him from observation. Because we’d arrived soon enough to see his preparations, we could see through his charade. I couldn’t shake off the feeling we were not the only observers here.
“Charlie, I think we’re being watched. It’s just a feeling but something seems odd,” I said.
“Maybe, maybe not, the magic energies around here are difficult to read. I don’t sense anything specific, just a possibility that others are watching. I wouldn’t worry, Joanie,” he said.
~~I must be paranoid, yet I swear we’re being watched. Calm down, Joanie, you’re letting your imagination go wild. Still, there was that strange-looking mink or fisher we saw a couple times. This last feeling is stranger yet. I am paranoid.~~
Charlie explained that the boy was gathering and weaving a complex magic spell from the naturally present energies. To me it was unintelligible gibberish and strange hand movements. Charlie whispered that the ugly pottery statue was a focus or anchor for the spell, and helped to protect the spell crafter should something go wrong. I began to notice a faint glow near the boy. I might not be magically gifted, but he was controlling so much magic even I could notice something was odd.
A Security officer walked up to the boy and placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder. Through earphones linked to the mini-machine gun microphone we shared, I could hear them speaking.
“Hey! What are you doing out here this late, kid?“
“KID? WHO DARES!” the boy replied angrily.
“OH SHIT!” he cried out as he lost control of the spell and the magic exploded.
“What was that?” I asked Charlie after the ruckus ended.
It had been hard for me to follow what happened, but one moment the officer was there, the next, he wasn’t. I thought I saw the officer floating over the ugly pottery object; the magic enveloping him then flashing out of existence. I hoped my binoculars/camera captured it, it happened so fast. The boy and his odd paraphernalia disappeared, too, until Charlie did some thing that broke through some of the magic the spell caster had woven. I saw an athletic woman of approximately 20 years of age lying naked on the ground, probably unconscious, her body glowing slightly. I sharpened the focus of my night vision binoculars, the glow faded out and.…
“Where did the Officer … Ghod, that’s Lex!” I cried out.
I wanted to go and help her, but Charlie admonished me, and made me ‘bounce’ us to the next incident in time. This time there was no doubt in my mind as to the participants’ identities. That same teen wizard -- ‘Warlock,’ Charlie later explained -- was preparing another spell when Lex walked up to him, gun in hand. Lex aimed at ‘Warlock’ to get his full attention.
“Have you still not realized that you cannot harm me? You are becoming a nuisance slowly but surely,“ said the boy in his arrogance.
“You made a mistake, kid.“ He saw the boy flinch at that. “You intended to control me, and I will never let this happen again. You will have to face the music, I made sure of that,“ Lex replied with cold resolve.
Lex swung the pistol away from Warlock, and shot the ugly pottery thing instead. I witnessed a massive explosion of magic -- dust, smoke, and light flew out in all directions. It was a while before I could see them clearly again. I saw Lex lying wounded on the ground next to the most sexually attractive woman I’d ever seen. Hot did not begin to describe her. I turned and confronted Charlie.
“You knew, you bastard! You knew Lex was transformed by that sick boy wizard, and you told me nothing! Why?” I asked angrily, and in tears. “This explains Lex’s odd behavior, her evasiveness when asked about her past, her lack of comfort in her good looks, and her sexual preference. I could have helped her; why didn’t you tell me?” I said as I shook with frustration.
“What could you have done differently, Joanie? The destruction of the focus made the spell permanent, though it broke Warlock’s hold over Lex. The boy had put a spell on Lex that made her essentially non-existent to nearly everyone on campus. In shattering the focus, Lex was freed from the boy’s control, but she paid a high price for her freedom. The boy wizard, Richard Hillman, code named Warlock, paid a much greater price. His intent was to turn Lex into a lust crazed bimbo, his living wet dream. The backlash when the focus shattered fed back into Mr. Hillman and turned him into the very lust driven creature he intended to curse Lex as. You need not feel sympathy for the boy; he got exactly what he’d intended for Lex.”
“Poor Lex, no wonder she’s such a mix of contradictions. To knowingly buy her freedom at the cost of destroying the only way back to his old life; how can she stand it?” I asked, as I fought to control my emotions.
“Your fate is not entirely dissimilar, Joanie. The primary difference is you knew early on there was no way back, and your new body predisposed you to accept your change. In contrast, Lex had hopes of changing back, and her soul was not comfortable in her new body, but the risk of being Warlock's mindless sex slave forced her hand. It’s been hard, but Lex is coming to terms with her new life. Only a handful of people know: the Chief, Ms. Carson, Ms. Hartford, several in medical, a couple students who helped Lex, Officer O’Brian, myself, and that’s about it. I would have told you, but Lex values her privacy. This goes back to before her transformation. The past is past; she knows that. She’s chosen to go on with her life as she sees fit; it’s not easy for her, but she’ll make it. She’s a survivor,” said Charlie.
“Does her family know?” I asked.
“Her mom does; her dad died while Lex was under Warlock's influence. She’s not alone, if that’s what you fear,” Charlie said calmly.
“What do I do, Charlie? What do I say?”
“Be honest, but discreet. Lex will understand it was an accident. I suspected this might happen when I saw the list of magic hot spots they wanted us to investigate. The last two magic incidents corresponded to the estimated times for Lex’s magical encounters with Warlock, but we couldn’t be certain and Lex’s recollections are limited. I’d have spared you finding out this way, but Operations needed the information. With this they can decontaminate the site and proceed. Let's return, make our report, and then you can decide how to tell Lex. I have faith you’ll be fine.”
“I hope so; I don’t want to add to her burdens. Sometimes she acts like life has conspired against her, she’s so depressed. Then, just as suddenly, she’s this witty, wickedly mischievous, vivacious, and fun loving young woman. I hate it when that Lex goes away. I wish I’d met him when he was a man, he must have been someone special.”
“She’s just as special, perhaps more so for having gone through this. Be her friend, and support her in her chosen path; that’s all I ask.”
We returned, turned in our data, made our reports, and I went off to my afternoon classes. Yes, dear d/j/w, I did spend some time recovering from my ’side effect’, but our quick, accurate time trips kept that to a minimum, regrettably. An idea occurred to me how I could trick Lex into taking me to Berlin to get my new truck, and then I’d talk to her while we were alone together. We were scheduled to patrol together that evening, so I had the opportunity. Now all I had to do was wait for the perfect moment.
* * * *
I had a quick, late lunch. The gang was in classes, but I did get to talk with May Lee.
“Joanie, I’m glad you made it. Did everything go well on your ‘research trip’?” she asked.
“Charlie and I got everything done, if that’s what you mean. Sorry May Lee, I’m a bit down because I accidentally learned something about a friend. I feel guilty; I know I shouldn’t, but I do,” I said.
After a few bites of my lunch, I didn’t feel much like eating. I pushed my tray away, still disgusted with myself. May must have noticed the unhappy look on my face.
“I’ll not pry, but be honest with the friend. They know you’re a good hearted person; they’ll forgive you,” May said gently.
“Now you’re holding my hand; thanks, May. How’s Anna?” I asked and smiled.
“Your medical people are finishing their tests today. They had a couple mages, or witches, or something like that look at her. It was all very odd,” May said.
“Was one of them Dr. Ophelia Tenent?” I asked.
“I think it was; she did the oddest things with her hair, like the strands were extra hands for her,” May said.
“That’s her; she’s one of Whateley’s top magic experts, and a real witch. If they brought her in, they might be considering using a thaumatologist in Anna’s treatment.” I speculated.
“I think that’s what one of them was. What’s a thauma ...?”
“Thaumatologist, May. It’s a person who can alter a person physically using magic. It’s not without risk, but the results can be remarkable. I know of one person who changed from a male to a beautiful, complete, younger female through magic, but not voluntarily,” I said, regretting my words the moment I said them.
“The secret you accidentally discovered? I’m sorry, Joanie,” May said.
“I’d make a lousy spy; I can’t keep my mouth shut. I’ll work it out with her, I promise, but don’t you repeat this to anyone,” I requested.
“Centerfold's honor,” May said as she saluted me with her hand shaped like a rabbit’s head.
I stuck my chest out proudly and saluted her back, then giggled.
“Please give Anna my best, and keep me informed how she doing. Would you have me paged when she’s up to having visitors? I’d like to spend some time with both of you when she’s ready.”
* * * *
I stopped by Operations and found out where Stan and Morrie were working. They were deep in one of the tunnels dug in the 1970’s, installing some equipment I didn’t recognize. I waited until they stopped what they were doing before interrupting them.
“Guys, do you have a moment?” I asked.
“Hi Joanie, what can we do for you?” Stan asked.
“Did you inform two girls, Jade and Jinn Sinclair, that I was looking for help with my housing project?” I asked.
“Great workers; I wish all our student employees were so dedicated. That’s why we told them to see you,” said Morrie.
“Then they’re good?” I asked.
“They’re the best. What did they tell you they were capable of doing?” Morrie queried me.
I repeated what they’d said; Stan and Morrie shook their heads.
“Did they exaggerate? Your body language says they didn’t tell me the truth,” I asked.
“No, if anything they understated their abilities. I wouldn’t have expected otherwise. The girls are better than some of our newer apprenticed staff. If they say they can do something, believe them. I’d love to hire them on after they graduate; they’re that good,” said Stan with obvious pride.
“You think we’re that good?” said a voice behind me.
It was Jinn emerging from inside a large conduit. She was not in her normal body form, but the voice was unmistakable.
“Is that you, Jinn?” I asked in surprise.
It was disconcerting talking to her like that. She was unrecognizable as a person, more an amorphous cylindrical shape, formed from that same, modular, fabric she’d worn earlier. Behind her she pulled a bundle of cables taped together, and attached to her by a small, but obviously strong, mechanical hand. Not really a hand so much as a five fingered clamp, or bizarre drill chuck. It was clear this ‘machine’ was Jinn when she spoke.
“Joanie? Oh, you said you’d talk to Stan and Morrie. Excuse my shape; I was pulling cable. I’m good at it,” she said.
“Good? She’s the best we’ve ever had, and the tech types have sent us all kinds of specialty robotic devices to do this sort of thing. Jinn beats them hands, well, whatever down,” Stan said smiling.
“I’m sold. Remember to stop by my table in Crystal Hall tomorrow at eight AM, so I can show you the farm and my projects. Tell your sister she’s got the job, too.”
“We’ll be there. Excuse me, I have to go and change. I’ll see you at eight sharp,” Jinn said and she flew -- I really mean flew -- off.
“You’ll get used to her doing that, Joanie. We did,” said Morrie as they went back to work.
* * * *
I checked on my mail, and found I’d received a script and background material to prepare me for the NOVA Special.
~~They must want me, to overnight this. ~~
I spent several hours reading it. I found it all fascinating, and not just because I’m a mutant. They included a request that I demonstrate my time stop as part of a segment on powers. They’d heard of the soda can demo I’d done for Playboy, and thought something similar would be educational and catch the viewers attention. I was to think it over and call them with an answer, preferably by this coming Monday. They wanted to start shooting my segments before the end of the month.
I ate an early dinner, took care of the cats, and dressed for my shift that evening with Lex. But I had this call to make first.
“Terrace Hill, how may I direct your …’
“Rose, it’s me; put Eric on,” I said impatiently.
“Sure Joanie, you’re calling early for a Friday,” Rose, the Governors aid commented.
I was on a first name basis with much of the household staff; I wonder why?
“I’m pulling security duty tonight so it was now or midnight,” I replied.
“Be safe out there; okay; here’s Eric, Joanie,” Rose said.
“Joanie! Thanks for calling, I was worried you wouldn’t,” said an excited Eric.
“And why not? I promised I would, and I intend to keep my promise,” I said.
“This magazine said that you were seeing this guy and….’ Eric stopped; he sounded upset.
“Eric, I work with men and a couple of my student friends are boys, but you’re my only one. Call MSG and talk with Big Red or Gin, they’ll set you straight; I gave up women for you. Do you know how hard that was for the man I used to be? You know what my MSG girl friends look like; would I break up with them and then cheat on the reason I broke it off with them?” I pleaded with Eric.
“You like me that much, Joanie?” Eric asked.
“Eric, I love you that much. Those papers and magazines love gossip and rumor. Your Dad and Grandpa are in politics; ask them about the press and celebrities. Eric, if I was ever stupid enough to break up with you, it would be in person, and not after the fact. Feeling any better? I promise I’ll come to visit you this summer -- sooner if my schedule allows -- but I can’t guarantee anything while school is still in session, sorry,” I said.
“Okay, I believe you, but it hurts not seeing you. Bye, sweet Joanie,” Eric said, and hung up.
~~I forgot to tell him about my farm! ~~
* * * *
“You seem unusually quiet this evening, Joanie. What’s the matter? And don’t say nothing is wrong; I can read you like the proverbial book -- a tall, busty, and oversexed book,” Lex asked, an hour or so into our shift.
~~Damn, she senses something is up; the humor must be to help me relax. It’s time for brutal honesty. ~~
“I was going to ask you for a ride when it came time to pick up my new truck, and spring my secret on you then. You’d be a captive audience and all, but I can’t,” I said, berating myself in my mind.
“It can’t be that bad, Joanie; what has you so upset?” she asked with sympathy.
I looked around to make certain we were alone, then I spoke.
“I know Lex; I found out during the 'research trip' I did with Charlie today for operations; forgive me,” I begged.
“What do you know, Joanie?” Lex asked with some worry.
“I saw a man attacked magically, and he became you. I’m so sorry Officer Jenkins,” I said, and then lowered my face as I couldn’t stand to look her in the eyes. “I’ll understand if you don’t wish to associate with me anymore,” I said as I sniffled away.
I had to sit down on a bench to try and regain some control.
“Joanie … Joanie, its okay,” Lex said softly.
“No it’s not,” I blubbered, “I violated your trust, Ghod forgive me!” I cried, and tried to get up and run away.
“Ah crap!” Lex exclaimed as she grabbed me, and held me tight. “Calm down! It's okay, Joanie. I prefer my past to stay in the past, but it was an accident. I take it Charlie Lodgeman was with you at the time?” she asked.
I nodded and continued to sob quietly.
“Charlie knows; so do a handful of others. It’s not like it’s this great secret. It will get out someday. In a way it’s a relief I don’t have to lie to you, Joanie, but the alternative of telling everyone is worse. So long as you keep this to yourself, it’s okay,” Lex said graciously, as she released her bear hug.
“Are you sure? I’ve spied on you and stole your greatest secret; how can you forgive me?” I asked Lex as my tears slowed.
“What a monumental ego you have, Joanie, thinking everything that goes wrong is your fault,” Lex said in mock outrage, and then she smiled.
“It isn’t? You mean I’m not a goddess?” I asked, then I fell to my knees laughing.
“Joanie, that’s not dignified. Get up, that’s and order!” Lex said. I laughed all the harder, then she lost it and joined me on the ground, laughing wildly.
After some time we got up, brushed ourselves off, and continued our patrol. We walked in silence for some minutes, and I spoke.
“I would like you along when I accept delivery of my truck, Lex,” I said.
“I’d like to see your new truck too. If I’m available I’ll come,” Lex replied.
“That’s perfect, that way, if we take one of the Security vans, Pinky, George, and Gracie can come.”
“NO! Not the feline furniture filleters. I’m not transporting those carnivorous couch killers in a department vehicle.”
“You forgot serial sofa slayers, Lex,” I said, then snickered. “But it would be fun, and they obey Pinky,” I whined.
“Maybe they do, maybe they don’t, but I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Lex replied.
“I suppose I should wait until they’re used to car rides, and have more training,” I admitted.
“I’ll come if I can; I would like to see your new toy, but let’s not take the cats,” she said, and grinned. “It might be worth it if only to see the look on the sales person's face, Joanie, though if it’s a guy, I suspect he’ll be too busy looking about here,” Lex said and pointed at my chest.
“You’re right, Lex,” I said and chuckled. “I’ll take them when they’re bigger, and used to riding in vehicles.”
Lex got this devilish grin on her face.
~~Oh shit, I didn’t? ~~
“They must be used to riding by now, but I hope they don’t get any bigger. You’re top heavy enough now Joanie. Anymore and you couldn’t stand up,” she said then exploded in laughter.
“I was referring to the smilodons, you pervert,” I snapped, and then I broke up.
The rest of our shift went well. A couple of kids had broken curfew, and we had to break up their ardent make out session.
“You know, sexual relations between students is a violation of the student code,” I said formally. “Be more discreet next time, and wipe off the lipstick from your faces before someone sees you, okay?”
The girls giggled nervously, but did as they were told.
“Thanks, Officer Brown, we will,” said the taller of the two.
“Joanie, okay? You make a cute couple, but be careful, please,” I said and they walked off happy we didn’t turn them in.
“You’re getting soft, Officer Brown,” Lex said.
“I couldn’t see the sense in busting them, sorry Lex,” I said.
“Neither did I. Let's finish checking out the west sector, then we need to report,” Lex said in a cheerful voice.
That night I slept the best I had in days.
* * * *
April 21, 2007
I skipped my morning run in favor of a training session with Pinky and the smilodons. We were working on their obedience training and getting them used to crowds. I think the early breakfast crowd in the Crystal Hall was surprised at our dining companions. They behaved perfectly -- the smilodons that is -- and got some raw sirloin pieces as treats, one of their favorites.
“Thank Ghod they still are doing well on that dry lion food; I’ll feed them raw meat if I have to, but the kibble is far more convenient,” I confessed to Pinky.
I’d made arrangements with Security to board them for the day and night; one of the K9 officers would work on their training to keep them from getting bored and stalking the wily sofa bed. I was ready to take then to Security when my prospective crew arrived early.
“They are so cute! Can I touch them? I’ve seen you and Pinky with them coming in and out of Poe, but I’ve never had the courage to ... you know,” asked Jenny.
“Go ahead, Jenny. Be gentle and they‘ll behave. Guys, girls, this is Jenny Chang, also known as Steel Lotus,“ I said and we all introduced ourselves.
“Have any of you eaten yet?” I asked, and they all shook their heads no. “Get something good and filling, or get something to go if you’re not a morning person. It will be several hours before we’re back, and I don’t have anything to eat out there. I’m not certain if the water is on, though Dr. Bellows place is down the road from mine and we can get a bathroom break there if we ask nicely. Cheryl, here’s my card, ring up the crew on me -- no exceptions,” I said.
I had a happy bunch of kids after that announcement. We ate; they all grabbed some sodas to go while Pinky took the smilodons to Security. I set a brisk pace, and we were at my farm in ten minutes flat.
* * * *
Stan, minus Morrie, met us at the farm house.
“Where’s the Mrs.?” I joked. Jade looked shocked until Stan laughed.
“Off with the girls, quilting. He doesn’t love me any more,“ Stan said in a silly falsetto.
I broke out in giggles; the rest of the crew caught on and laughed.
“He’s in the barn going over some details with a consulting structural engineer. There’s some concern about powder-post beetle damage to the timber frame,” Stan said.
“That’s bad; I was hoping to save most of the barn,” I replied.
“I may have a solution, Joanie. On Sam’s, I mean Officer Everheart’s apartment project in Kane, I got to work with a girl named Fran Barnes. She can manipulate natural materials like wood and stone better than a master sculptor can clay. She could reform any damaged wood to better than new condition; ask Sam,” said Jinn.
“Jade, you’re quiet. What have you got to say?” I asked.
“Jinn worked on the apartment more than I did, but she’s right. Fran Barnes would be a great choice. Be warned, she does like natural themes. Ask to see Sam’s apartment; most of the stone and wood work is hers. She was responsible for the balcony and new window openings in the tower walls as well,” the petite teen said.
“Thanks for the FYI, ladies; I’ll ask Sam later. Now let me describe what I intend to do, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. There is no such thing as a stupid question; what’s stupid is getting hurt because you didn’t ask one.”
We spent a good two hours going all over the farm house. I was happy to see Stan and Morrie had anticipated my needs and had gotten power restored to the farm so we had water and lights. It did mean we’d have to turn it off as demolition progressed, but overall it was a welcome surprise.
The barn tour was quicker as there was less to see despite this being the bigger project. Cheryl asked one of those stupid questions that wasn’t stupid.
“Joanie, what are you doing about the other buildings -- out buildings, I think they’re called?”
“I hadn’t thought about it much. The machinery shed looks relatively new; I may make that into a garage or storage building. The large chicken house could make a good garage for the farmhouse; my grandfather did something similar years ago. I do need a home for my kitty cats, any ideas?” I asked.
That proved a smart question on my part, the kids came up with all sorts of ideas, and some sounded practical. One shocked me in its logical simplicity, and I wondered why I hadn’t thought of it.
“This may seem silly to you, Ms. Joanie, but you never mentioned a recording studio, or music practice room. All the big singers seem to have one; why not you?” asked Mystor of all people.
“But I don’t … I’m not a … why would I …” I was stumped.
“Joanie, it’s perfect! The band could practice here on weekends. We’d never have to fight for space with other student bands, and the smilodons wouldn’t be lonely,” said Pinky in rapid-fire fashion.
“Mystor, come here,” I said, wiggling my finger at him to come to me.
“Yes, Ms. Joanie?”
“That’s Joanie, dear, and thanks,” I said, then I gave him a kiss that would peel paint.
“Um, you’re welcome?“ he said, half out of breath and pleasantly confused.
“Don’t I get one?” asked Tom.
“No, I prefer Suzy,” I said and gave her a nice hug while I whispered something in her ear. She giggled and smiled as I kissed Tom on the cheek. “Tom, I told her it’s okay for you to date each other, but supervised at first. You two have to tell her parents, though,” I whispered.
He hugged me so tightly I could hardly breathe, and then gave me a kiss on the cheek that was so sweet I began to forget why we were here. I turned my head to face him, and was about to kiss him back, when Suzy got my attention.
“Hands off the merchandise!” she said, pulling us apart, and holding Tom’s hand.
“Sorry, for a moment Tom reminded me of this boy I know,” I said as I blushed with embarrassment and softly chuckled.
We got back to Whateley in time for lunch. While they ate I got copies of each student's schedule. We set up a system so I could notify them when they were needed, and they could inform me when they couldn’t make it. I made a mental note to ask Sam about Ms. Barnes and any other workers she could recommend. With Sam’s, and Operations’ information, I’d know the best suppliers and equipment dealers to chose.
~~I have money to burn, but I need to do this right the first time. ~~
* * * *
During lunch I got a page from May Lee. After lunch I spent an hour visiting Anna and May Lee in the campus infirmary. Anna had undergone an exhausting battery of tests, including several needle biopsies done to check the exact nature of some suspected scar tissue surrounding her breast implants, and other tests to analyze the composition of the permanent makeup she’d been given. This was critical to deciding how to best restore Anna to her natural look.
“How are you holding up, Anna?” I asked.
“So-so; sometimes the doctors have good news, sometimes they don’t. They think I may have to have surgery followed up with some touch up work by a thaumatologist, but they’re not certain yet,” Anna said while smiling, but I could see she was stressed.
“Why the bed rest?”
“I reacted badly to a test,” Anna said quietly.
“My sister freaked when they hypnotized her to help her remember what those people did. We found out Anna was drugged and raped several times the very day she met them. This was just prior to her first photo shoot and film. I’d thought it was a more gradual process; she was on drugs continuously from hours after she first met them, up until the moment I rescued her,” May Lee said with anger in her voice.
“It was too much to bear, and the doctors had to sedate me. May Lee’s been my rock, without her I’d be …” Anna said, crying as May Lee squeezed her hand.
“You concentrate on getting well. We’ll get the bastards, I promise. When you’re feeling better let me know. I was hoping you’d be well enough for a sleep over with a bunch of teenage to 20ish girls tonight, but your health comes first.”
“Could I come? I can’t stand the boredom. The doctors were going to let me go to our guest room on campus if they thought I was calm enough,” Anna said, looking at me like a little girl begging for mommy to buy her a doll.
“Let me ask. The sleep over is at the rental flat in Dr Bellows house; maybe if he’s downstairs?” I speculated out loud.
An hour later Anna was cleared to attend, provided she was escorted to and from the sleepover, and after she was given a slow release, long acting tranquilizer. It was low dosage, just enough to keep her from having a panic attack, and she was fitted with a remote body monitor. In the event something happened, Whateley and Dr Bellows would get an instant alert to the problem.
* * * *
I stopped by Security before I left for the Anderson's. Lex was getting ready for her evening shift.
“Are you okay with baby sitting Tom tonight? No way could he be at a girl’s sleepover; he’d drool himself to death.”
“It will be fine; the crew in sensors will keep him busy for hours showing off their gadgets to him. I promise we’ll treat him like he’s one of our own,” Lex said.
“Speaking of that, he’s at the stage where he wants to date girls, and he has this one particular girl in mind, my niece,” I said looking uncomfortable.
“You're not getting all protective of her, are you, Joanie?” Lex teased me.
“Funny, Lex. I need a big favor; I want you and any of the other women officers you trust to give him a crash course in the rules of proper dating. At his age, his hormones probably have his libido up in the stratosphere,” I said.
“Slightly below yours then?” Lex interrupted.
“Exactly!” I shot back.
~~Bet you didn’t expect that answer, Lex. ~~
“I’m happy he finds Suzy desirable, but I don’t want to have to call my cousin and say, 'guess what, you’re going to be a grandmother,’” I said.
“I won’t be entirely comfortable with it, but I can teach him the rules. I’ll show him how to be a gentleman, Joanie,” Lex said.
The bait was taken, now to set the hook without Lex feeling it.
“I have one other request. You won’t like it,” I said cringing.
“It can’t be that bad, Joanie, ask me,” she said, falling for it.
“He’s a terrible kisser.”
“What!” Lex shouted.
“Hear me out, I’ve seen him. He’s either so timid it’s pathetic, or he’s a charging tongue-o-saurus; there’s no in-between. I’d teach him, but Suzy might be offended. Could you?”
“NO! You don’t know what you’re asking,” Lex said noticeably agitated.
“I know exactly what I’m asking, otherwise I wouldn’t ask. You don’t have to practice with him, just critique his performance. He can kiss the back of your hand, or a mirror if it helps. I don’t want him hurting or disappointing Suzy, she’s family,” I said twisting the knife.
“I’ll consider it, but if he thrusts his tongue in my mouth....” Lex warned me.
“He’ll be on his best behavior, I promise.”
~~It’s not lying; I have my fingers crossed. I know the rules. ~~
* * * *
I talked to Tom shortly before he was expected in Security.
“Tom, you will be on your best behavior. Many of the officers are my friends, too,” I said.
“Hey, they have guns; I’d better behave.”
“Okay then, but be careful around Officer Luther. She’s well; she’s not her old self at the moment,” I said carefully.
~~Okay, it’s deceptive but true; she used to be a guy. ~~
“What’s wrong with Lex? You’re her friend, tell me,” Tom asked.
~~Almost there. ~~
“She, well, they had a fight and she and the boy are not together,” I said, sounding as if I was sad at the thought.
~~Still the truth, she and Warlock are definitely not a couple. ~~
“Boy?” Tom asked.
~~Got yah, Tom, now to set the hook. ~~
“Lex had this intense relationship with a male student, but it went terribly wrong. Her entire life changed because of the boy, and she’s still not back to normal,” I said.
~~I am such a good actress and not a lie out of my lips. ~~
“Is Lex over him?” Tom asked.
“I can honestly say she doesn’t love him. He took something precious from her during a night full of magic, and she can’t forgive him,” I said trying hard to not break up.
~~Misdirection and a hint of double entendre’; I love it. ~~
“Be careful, her feelings are on edge. She needs a boost to her ego. I want you to act the inexperienced and awkward boy around her. I don’t know how exactly, maybe make up a story? Ask her how a boy should treat a girl on a date, or ask her how to properly kiss a girl. You can say it’s so you can date Suzy and not make a mess of it. Please do it for me, Tom. Lex is a good friend and she needs this,” I said, emphasizing the last three words.
‘I promise, Joanie, I’ll make her feel desired and loved,” Tom said.
“You make sure you do that. Tom. I’m counting on you,” I said as he walked into Security.
I ran back to Poe for my sleepover stuff, and to laugh myself silly.
* * * *
I left early to help set up. Tina and Chris Anderson had done a marvelous job preparing for the party. They had lots of food and snacks ready, and coolers full of well-iced soda and water. They’d cleared out the dining room and had futons piled up along one wall. Pillows and blankets were stacked high on Chris’s bed along with extra towers and soap and such.
“We’ve got lots of stuff to do, Joanie,” Tina said excitedly. “We’ve got a bunch of cool, sorry Joanie, kewl chick flicks we can watch. Your school friends will have a blast, and so will you. You know we’d prefer a more ‘adult’ sleep over, but Chris and I are happy you came. Okay if we join in?”
“Absolutely, I invited two special guests to the sleepover, May Lee and her sister Anna. Anna’s had a bad time this last year, and I want to cheer her up. They’re both gorgeous, funny women; you’ll like them,” I said
“The Playboy model and her sister; I know them. Remember I was there in Administration when they came in, Joanie,” said Tina sounding hurt.
“That was for Chris’s benefit, Tina. I’m sorry if I upset you; come here, girl,” I said and opened my arms.
I gave her a loving hug, and a kiss on the cheek.
“You’ll find someone, Tina; you too, Chris. I know it sounds corny, but I know these good-looking, identical twin, projecting empaths back in Wisconsin, we’re talking college boys here, girls,” I said, thinking of the Platteville Pair.
“Maybe, but I still prefer you, Joanie.” said Tina.
“Well. You always did have good taste,” I said.
“Oh you!” they shouted in unison.
* * * *
The party lasted until late in the night; poor Dr Bellows must not have slept well. We ate, played silly games, and danced to tunes the Andersons played on their sound system. I picked up a couple good dance moves from the girls. May Lee had this killer techno-pop routine, and Cheryl surprised me with some of the sexiest moves outside of an exotic dance club I’d ever seen.
“That’s positively sinful! Where did you learn to dance like that?” asked Lonnie.
“My Dad’s an old-fashioned Southern Baptist minister, and his church frowns on dancing, so naturally I rebelled,” she said.
“Huh? Really?” asked Lonnie.
“Got ya! Dad’s a lawyer so we have lots of money. I took dance classes for years. Ballet, tap, modern, you name it; I love dancing. My older brother used to practice his club dancing with me; I got the moves from him. I just sexed them up a bit,” Cheryl said.
The one bad part of the sleepover occurred a little before midnight. They put on the radio at eleven; several of the girls wanted to hear the weeks top 20 countdown. I tried not to listen, but they kept shrieking every time my name came up, which it did several times.
“Joanie!” Tina, that’s Tina Smith, shrieked.
“What is it? And not so loud, that hurt!” I said wincing.
“They’re about to announce the top three, and they said it‘s something special,” Tina said nearly bouncing with excitement.
“Number three must be a disappointment to hot newcomer Joanie as this is the third week in a row her recording has been stuck at number three. Don’t cry for her, music fans, this makes the fifteenth week since becoming a professional singer less than thirty weeks ago that she has at least one song in the top three. And for the fifth week in a row the top two songs in the nation are both by Joanie. With this, Ms. Brown has five songs in the overall top twenty in addition to five of the top twenty on the country chart. I salute you, Joanie, and thanks,” the DJ said before playing my song.
“If anyone asks me to sing, I’ll kill them,” I said and laughed nervously to hide the shakes.
Pinky must have noticed, and came over and hugged me.
“It's all right, Joanie, I won’t let them harm you,” she said softly.
“What’s wrong?” asked Anna, who’d been happy and bubbly all evening.
“Joanie’s stressing out. Fame both attracts her and scares her. I think the music countdown overwhelmed her,” Pinky said.
Anna wrapped her arms around me and Pinky. I sat there on the rug sandwiched between the girls as my anxiety ebbed away.
“I’m sorry, girls,” I said as they had all gathered around the three of us on the floor. “I’m emotional some times, and the radio show got to me. I love entertaining; it’s so satisfying to make people happy, but the fame scares me. I’m a target as a time stopping mutant, and being a famous and rich singer doesn’t help. What scares me most is one of you, or my family, will get hurt because of me. It’s silly, but it’s the way I am. I guess my mind remembered only the bad aspects of my fame, and I lost it,” I said somewhat agitated.
“We know the risks, but we’re still your friends, Joanie. I say we cheer you up. Anyone for truth or dare?” asked Suzy, then she blew me a pretend kiss.
* * * *
We got up late; it was almost noon when we stirred Sunday morning. To be fair, we did stay up until dawn. We got dressed, ate, helped Tina and Chris clean up our mess, and put the futons and other stuff away. Next we went downstairs, and did Dr. Bellows’ lawn and weeded his garden and flowerbeds. We even hand washed his car, though that got silly as it was an unusually warm day and degraded into a parody of a wet tee-shirt contest. Yours truly did not get wet as I am fast and can stop time. So I cheated -- sue me!
Then they ganged up on me; they noticed they were all soaked yet I was bone dry. Pinky and Chris got me from behind with a full bucket each. I was soaked, the suds stinging my eyes, and I was deliriously happy. We cleaned up from that, and Dr. Bellows offered us some treats for ‘being good girls, and not waking him and his wife too often.’
“Joanie, a moment of your time please,“ the doctor asked as we prepared to leave for campus.
“Sure, Doc, what’s up?” I said and munched a pretend carrot.
“That’s the worst Bugs I’ve heard in ages,” he said.
“That wasn’t Bugs, that was Yoda doing his impression of Bugs,” I said, and chuckled as Dr. Bellows rolled his eyes.
“Thanks for inviting Anna and May Lee to your sleepover; it did them good to get out and just relax. Ever consider becoming a therapist, Joanie?”
“I could never do it; I’d get too wrapped up in my patient’s troubles. I’d drive myself crazy,” I said, “and don’t say, ‘It seems a shame to take a car for such a short trip.’”
“It depends on the weather.”
“The car makes sense if it’s raining, or freezing out,” Dr Bellows said. “I could teach you how to avoid over identifying with your patients without becoming too detached from them.”
I chose not to answer that joke as I had too much dignity to sink to such depths. Plus my retort would violate the Johnny Carson 'three jokes in a row on the same subject' taboo.
“I’m flattered, but I wear too many hats as it is. Thanks for being so patient with us last night, Doctor, and I promise to see you professionally soon. I had a brief episode of panic last night when I heard how well my records are doing. Maybe it brought back memories of my kidnapping, or the ferryboat? I lost it for a while, but my friends snapped me out of it. I still think we should talk; it frightened me how fast the panic came and went,” I said.
“We will, anytime you’re ready, Joanie.”
We got back to campus, and Tom looked at me strangely. Lex left a cryptic message for me that the duty officer gave me when I retrieved my smilodons.
“Do you have any idea what Lex meant?” I asked after reading it.
All that the note said was, ‘Thanks!’ and a single red rose was in a vase attached to it.
~~What does that mean?” ~~
* * * *
April 23, 2007
The morning of April 23, 2007, dawned damp and wet. We got one of those weird combinations of weather fronts you can only get in this part of the country. A cold, damp air mass from Labrador was duking it out with a warm, soggy air mass from the Gulf of Mexico, while a branch of the jet stream was stirring thing aloft. Add in the comparative warmth of the Gulf Stream, and you have the perfect recipe for fog and rain. Less than a hundred miles from us, in Maine, they were getting a late season snow storm. One hundred miles to the south it was 70 and sunny.
My friends and I did our morning run down in the tunnels. They’d decided to continue to tag team me, so I didn’t wear them out. It was more for fun than anything else. I did it to keep my mind and body attuned to each other. Pinky did it for exercise, to burn off some of her lingering frustrations from her mutation, and to hang with me. Tom and Tina often ran with Pinky and I. They weren’t enhanced physically; they weren’t exemplars or regens, so exercise was even more to their benefit. On a campus filled with supers and exemplars, to be out of shape was suicide. Suzy, likewise, was not an exemplar, but she’d long been in the habit of walking or running to keep her body in shape -- a shape that Tom kept a close eye on. Around quarter to eight we quit to shower and meet for breakfast.
We ate a hearty breakfast; we’d burned a lot of calories running, and broke up to go to our respective classes. My only morning class wasn’t until ten, so I took George and Gracie out for some training and exercise.
My experience with housecats was there had to be something pretty damn interesting outside to induce them to go out on the wet ground in a heavy rain. George and Gracie LOVED it! I should have realized they’d be used to it; they were from the near arctic-like grasslands that spread across much of the northern hemisphere during the last ice age. Luckily for me, my lightweight poncho shed the rain without a leak yet ‘breathed’ comfortably.
~~ Bless you Ms. Rogers ~~
I had a difficult time getting them to come inside; they were having such fun. We were practicing retrieving objects that I threw, or cached under leaves and such. The speed they could reach as they ran was phenomenal for their size, and their tree climbing ability was a marvel. Pinky had them well trained, and they returned to me quickly when called. The tasty treats we gave them helped in that regard. Amazing what they’ll do for a nice chunk of sirloin, or a piece of dry food coated with touch of anchovy paste. I could see they were having such a good time I let them play a bit. The way they rough housed made me glad I was not a juicy mastodon at the mercy of their pack. There wasn’t a puddle safe from their lethal pouncing. The few remaining leaves from last fall that dared to blow across the grounds soon joined their ancestors, viciously shredded by my twin terrors.
We came in after an hour or so, and all three of us took long showers. The smilodons hogged the shower on me. I had to start another for myself. I spent considerable time brushing their coats, and brushing mine as well; having hair that hangs down to your butt is high maintenance. Maybe I’ll go for a shorter ‘do’ someday? Nah!
~~ I wonder if Eric would like it if I got a pixie cut. ~~
My morning classes went well as can be expected on a dreary day. Boring! To be honest, my mind was on other things like why did I not tell Eric about my farm? Am I afraid it will scare him off, my getting all domestic on him? He has to understand the farm is unimportant; what is important is us. When did I become such a love struck puppy? Was I always this way, but circumstance never let it express itself? The few times I did get serious about a girl as a man, I was overwhelmed by the sensations and sabotaged by my own inaction. I was not inactive as a girl, that was for sure.
A time worn saying back in Wisconsin goes, ‘If you don’t like the weather, just wait an hour.’ In New England the weather is as changeable, or worse. To my joy, the fog lifted, the rain stopped, and the sun shone intensely. By late morning the pavement was almost dry, and the temperature was into the upper sixties, simply glorious spring weather.
Lex got tagged for extra duty that afternoon when someone called in sick, and Charlie Lodgeman was busy, so I had to travel to the dealership on my own. It was better in a way; I could devote more time to what Fordâ„¢ wanted from me without interfering with Pinky’s school work.
* * * *
I ate an early lunch, then got dressed for the ride. I packed a change of clothes in my panniers, tied them on my Harley, and rode off for Berlin. I planned on arriving at the dealership sometime before one PM; it was a pleasant day and I’d allowed ample time.
I was enjoying the fresh air and emerging spring scenery when I felt the presence of something malevolent in a clump of woods near the road, not far from my farmhouse. The feeling was so intense and chaotic I had to pull off to the side of the road and stop to clear my head.
I sensed a moment of agonizing pain, inconsolable grief, and then a wave of exponentially increasing rage. Suddenly the rage cut off, and was replaced by emotionless cold. There was something vaguely familiar in the feelings, but I couldn't tell how far back, or forward, in time the scene originated.
“Was that a precognitive dream, or did my erratic empathic gift pick up on some fight near here?“ I thought out loud.
The disturbing impressions soon faded, I shook off my disorientation, got on my cycle, and continued on toward Berlin.
* * * *
To be continued
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The Tension Starts
Thanks, just when I was going into Joanie withdrawal! :-)
Very nice setup chapter. The tension is starting to build as it
makes sense that a person of power such as Joanie is bound to, I suspect,
an encounter with other beings with power. Her magical aura will
the very least be a potential beacon to beings, good or bad.
Also, I think this is the first real interaction with a member of Team Kimba
in the person of Jade, which may result in the other members being
drawn in to what is to come.
What is to come I suspect is when battle is joined with the opposition
as it was hint at by her great, great, great etc grand father I suspect
it's going to be a strategic and nerve-wracking one.
But then again, I may be wrong :(. Time will tell. Or should I say for
this series, time MAY tell 9-)
Ms Sinclair and her dead *sisters*
Babs gave me permission to use Jade, Jinn, Jannn and some major hints as to where Jade will be in her quest to become a real girl and to grow up for that matter. Also tip s as to how she would react to certain things.
I am assured she will get there eventually and after many false starts she will discover the sucessfull path in the summer or early fall of 2007 Whateley time. Babs even provided a bit of dialog I used in a couple chapters. This may not be canon Whateley but is definitely in the spirit of what Jade will be doing.
As to battles, bashing herself in her mind about having the hots for Eric is almost a full time job. The Ultra-X-Amine homolog, Canadian kidnappers, Anna's childslavery/pornographers come into the series again in the current series Timeout 4 and will get nasty at the end of the Summer of 2007 my Whateley timeline. Generally my stories are lighthearted but a little dark can be fun in moderation. At the moment (Timeout 4, Chapter 5) I'm wresting with a mischievious mongoose I got courtesy of Grover -- the contributor here at BC not the blue childrens' show monster.
That leaves six almost seven completed chapters on the shelf plus the first part of a three part Glacier Girl story that visits an important few days in Joanie's life but from GG's perspective. The ending *dream* will be important but not right away.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful....
This is such a wonderful series! I've enjoyed reading it, checking every day for a new episode in the adventures of Joanie. You've got a real winner going here. Thanks again for sharing it with all of us!
Reads A Lot
Thanks, it's fun to do
Whateley is such fun to play with as it touches so many fictional worlds -- X-men, comics in general, Anime, Celtic and other ethinic myth, the whole Lovecraftian mythos are but a few obvious ones.
As to your comment's tittle. I don't think I can work Lawrence Welk in, thought The King is in it - a minor canon charater Dr. Bender introduced in Insanity Prerequise,one of the Sara Waite Team Kimba stories.
Keep warm.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Perhaps you could make use of the bubble machine? ;-)
Oooh! Bubbles!
Oooh! Why time travel in a telephone box when you can do it in a bubble bath? ;-)
"Reading rots the mind." - Uncle Analdas
"Reading rots the mind." - Uncle Analdas
Now the faucets do what?
hot sends you forward in time and cold back? What does the shower massage do? Is the rubber duck important?
Mind you it beats that telephone booth that Bill and Ted want to sell Joanie.
In the words of Stan Freeberg, "Turn of the bubble machine!"
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Sailing the sea of time.
"hot sends you forward in time and cold back? What does the shower massage do? Is the rubber duck important?"
No, you can bathe at any temperature while traveling. The shower massage feels good and makes more bubbles. The rubber duck is the navigation system. And you get back to the present by opening the drain -- also known as pulling the plug. ;-)
"Reading rots the mind." - Uncle Analdas
"Reading rots the mind." - Uncle Analdas
Arrg! About traveling in style
Had a clever piece up and forgot to post it.
Substutue a jacuzi and we're on, Amelia_R.
Travel in style while staying clean -- very important. Coming back in dirty uniforms from a week at Scout camp, phew! Our parents could smell us fifty mile out.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Erin, it looks good. Nice fix.
John in Wauwatosa