Timeout 3- Continuous Play - Chapter 9

Joanie's band and her clean-up crew grow. She learns maybe there is a chance she could become a sorceress, kind of. The investigation into Anna's tormentors heats up. Legal help comes from an older friend. Joanie experiences Tina's inverter power up close and personal -- oh yeah baby! She buys a farm near Whately.

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?

Timeout 3-Continuous play: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction

This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? To see the canon Whateley Stories, check out either Sapphire's Place,

(http://www.sapphireplace.com/stories/whateley.html) or the Big Closet (http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/taxonomy/term/117)."

Another chapter in part three of my TG/sci-fi/superhero/magic and the kitchen sink epic. I’m much better now than when I started this, honest, though comma useage still confuses me; ask Itinerant. Your constructive criticism and advice always helps. This is an exercise in the joys of creativity and in appreciation of the wonderful Whateley Universe. Any violations of copyright, trade mark or use of real people or incidents are purely for purposes of humor or parody and done solely for the free enjoyment of the reading public. All rights reserved in perpetuity, John from Wauwatosa WI, 2005-2006.

Adult content advisory: this chapter deals with sexual topics and may not be suitable for younger readers but if you’ve read my stuff you know it’s not graphic and is often silly but you were warned.

Timeout 3

By John from Wauwatosa
Grammar by Itinerant
Body by Fischer
Proof positive by Janet Nolan

Chapter 9- I’m Just a Singer in a Rock and Roll Band, The New New Avengers3, Bell Book and Candle, Home Improvement 3

Whateley Academy Dunwich NH, April 18, 2007

April 18, 2007

Pinky, the kids from Wisconsin and I had a messy breakfast. We kept breaking each other up, and spilled a lot of food in the process. I’ve seen middle school lunch rooms that were better behaved. I fell much happier afterward, the kids were a tonic for my spirit.

“You feeling better now, Joanie?” asked Suzy.

“Yes, much better. I can’t remember when I’ve had a more enjoyable, and insane start to the day.”

“You’d better stay happy or Suzy here has a couple more evil tricks up her sleeve to cheer you up. Wet panties are the least of your worries,” said Pinky trying to look fierce, but coming off petulant and a bit flirty instead.

“It’s my right as an American to be grumpy if I feel like it. Thanks for making me realize I don’t want to feel that way anymore,” I said and smiled at my friends.

“You’d better not feel grumpy, Joanie. When you feel bad, you’re not the only one hurting. You’re the best friend any of us have here, and that includes me and my brother. As much as I love Tom, it’s you I’d turn to with a problem, no offense, brother,” Tina said.

You don’t realize how much we all rely on you, Joanie. It hurts to see you sad,” said Tom.

"I mean that much to you?” I asked back.

"You’re the kewl, pretty, older sister I never had. With Mon and Dad missing, you’re the only one I feel comfortable to come to for help and advice,” Tina replied.

“Do the rest of you feel like Tina?” I asked.

“Joanie, I love my sister, but I’d come to you first if I was in trouble. You’re smart and pretty, and you’re Suzy’s … best friend, so I’d better like you,” Tom said and winked at Suzy.

“You saved my life, Joanie. I can’t stand to see you hurting. That we’re, you know, makes our friendship that much more special,” said Suzy, reminding me I’m her Aunt.

“You know how I feel about you. You helped me put my life together, and didn’t abandon me after the harm I tried to do to you. I couldn’t love you more if you were my real mother,” said Pinky as she wiped her eyes.

“Now look what you’ve done, I’m so happy I’m crying,” I said as tears welled up.

They all moved closer and took turns hugging me or holding my hands as they smiled at me. Tom and Pinky gave me a glorious back rub and I felt the tension melt away. I gradually felt calm and content.

“Okay, okay, I promise to stay happy, are you satisfied?” I asked.

They laughed and moved back to their seats. I paused for a moment, then I spoke.

“I know I usually eat during one of the later lunch periods, but I’ll be here for the 11AM lunch today; I have a closing on a property at four,” I announced.

“You’re getting that farm near campus?” Pinky asked.

“It’s getting crowded in my linen closet, and I do hope to get married and raise a family. The farm will be perfect for the smilodons -- over fifty acres to explore, nearly a third of which is wooded. It will be a great place to unwind. You’re all welcome to come and visit. We could have sleepovers on the weekends. I’ll have lots of room for guests once its all been built or remodeled,” I said excitedly.

“George and Gracie will love it. Oh no, that means ... can I still see them, Joanie?” asked Pinky, looking unhappy.

“They will still be in training for use as police cats, so I’ll bring them to campus most days. You are their primary trainer, Pinky, and I expect you to continue in your duties. The farm is an easy ten minute walk from Whateley and you’re big enough for a mountain bike or, if your Aunt agrees when you turn 15, I’ll buy you a motor scooter. Your birthday is in June, isn’t it? That gives you all summer to get your license.”

“A motor scooter? Oh, Joanie, thank you!” she squealed with excitement.

“Wait until Ms. Hartford says yes. You have to help train and care for the smilodons, if I’m to buy it for you. If I ever see you riding without a helmet, I’ll take it back.”

“I love them, Joanie; I’d do it for free. I don’t mind a helmet; can I have a riding suit, too? Maybe a hot looking jumpsuit like yours? Thanks, you won’t regret getting me that scooter.”

“I’ll get you all the protective gear for both of your bodies, sure, but it’s not a done deal; Ms. Hartford could say no, Pinky.”

“With you asking my aunt? No worries! Hey everybody! I’m getting a scooter for my birthday.”

Pinky stopped in mid-grin, and frowned for a moment.

“Joanie, this isn’t anything to do with last night? I said it was okay, and I meant it.”

”No, this was in my mind as soon as I realized I wanted that farm. How else would you get out to it? My smilies need their trainer, and when the construction is over I hope you’ll want to visit me often. That goes for all of you; we could have mixed gender sleepovers, if you girls can control your selves. Poor Tom is the only boy. Well, half the time he is,” I said and grinned, Pinky blushed.

“Anyway, the earliest the farm house will be rehabbed is a month or two, conventionally. The barn conversion into my dream home could take all summer or more using conventional methods and materials. I will make extensive use of Whateley people and methods, but it still will take weeks, I suspect. I understand Samantha Everheart built her apartment in Kane Hall in a matter of days, but I don’t know if I can use the same people, and my project is much larger. Plus, I can’t lift 1000 pounds like Sam can,” I explained.

I waited a moment to get everyone attention, and got serious.

“Listen up everyone, this is important. You were all there last night when I did something stupid and unintentionally cruel. In my exuberance over the clues you’d found, I could have hurt Pinky. I know she felt uncomfortable. I want you to understand why she felt uncomfortable and why I was wrong to do what I did,” I said, feeling some lingering shame.

“It was when you hugged and kissed Pinky? Because she’d been abused like Ms. Anna, oh Ghod, it reminded her of her rapes!” Tom exclaimed.

“Nothing gets past you kids; that is exactly it, Tom. I’m not saying to treat our Pinky like some antique china doll, I don’t think she’d like that, but keep it in mind. Since my mutation, I’m a touchy-feely kind of girl, and I forget that not everyone is comfortable with that -- especially someone whose trust has been abused. Despite that, I shouldn’t have grabbed Pinky that way without warning; it was too much like an assault, even if the intent was innocent.

“You must remember, it’s almost like I’m a little kid again. I love hugging and kissing, especially the kissing, so I guess I’m not that little,” I said and giggled. “That’s because I’m a teenager, emotionally as well as physically, so please treat me like one. I may know a lot more than any of you, but I’m more like you than you think. That’s no excuse, just an explanation. I let my emotions get the better of me, and I brought up bad memories in a dear friend. I feel like a fool.”

“I like being hugged, especially by you, Joanie, and I like being close to people I know, but sometimes it weirds me out, because ... you know,” said Pinky.

“That’s why we need to be aware that each of us reacts differently to close, personal contact. We’ve all had our share of traumas recently, some more than others. Each of our mutations and their aftermath has been traumatic. We’ve all had our lives disrupted and have each lost something valuable. Many of us have suffered greatly.

“Tom and Tina were victims of unscrupulous experimenters who later tried to kidnap them, and we still don’t know where their parents are or what happened to them. Pinky was assaulted by someone who was supposed to be aiding her, and now she has been rejected and ignored by her parents. Suzy here is also a victim of these people and their drug, and nearly drowned trying to escape them. I was kidnapped and my hands and legs nearly severed as an experiment. In a later attack I was savagely beaten. It’s natural some things will upset us, especially things that remind us of those bad things in our pasts.”

I could see my friends wince as I described how each of us had been violated but they kept their cool and listened to me closely.

“If any of us are doing something that bothers you, ask and we’ll stop. If one of you sees any of us doing something that one of us objects to, tell us to stop. If you see anyone at all abusing someone, call Security at once. In other words, be considerate of each others feelings. That goes for all of us, agreed?” I said, asking for their assent.

They all agreed, though they looked a bit down.

“Sorry about the grim stuff, and I’m not saying you shouldn’t experiment with relationships and flirting and, well, sex, when you’re ready. You’re teens on the edge of adulthood and that’s your decision, but helping Ms. Anna reminded me of the bad times in our pasts, and I want us to put that behind us. What we need is a fun night. Everyone remind me the next time you see me. We never did have that sleep over at the Andersons, maybe this weekend? If the weather is nice, we can hike over and I’ll give you a tour of my farm, it’s just down the road from Dr. Bellows’ place.

“Tom, no sleep over for you for now; the dangly bits between your legs disqualify you. And no saying that Pinky is part guy and shouldn’t attend either, she's in full girl mode now and looking fine. Even in her hermaphrodite form she’s a complete woman and counts as far more of a girl than you. You get to spend the night hanging with my pals in Security, and several are good looking women -- single women. The athletic lady this morning, Lex, is one,” I told them.

Tom grinned; I didn’t tell him Lex prefers females.

~~If he behaves himself maybe I’ll take him and Suzy on a chaperoned date. The alternative is them sneaking behind my back; between their hormones, and some of the inbred old-timers around Whateley, that could mean a shotgun wedding.~~

* * * *

To my amazement, Cheryl the cashier, was friendly, and called out to me as I was about to leave the Crystal Hall.

“Joanie, may I have a moment of your time, please.”

~~Whoa, polite? Cheryl? Is she on drugs? Am I on drugs? ~~

“What can I do for you, Cheryl?”

“I hear you’re a Playboy model. Can I have a couple autographed copies? I have older brother at NYU; he’s a fan, and thinks you’re sexy. He likes tall women.”

“Gladly, but why a couple copies, Cheryl?”

She motioned for me to come closer.

“I think you’re sexy too,” she whispered then pulled me close, and kissed me on the lips.

I think some tongue action and butt grabbing was involved. My memory is vague as to what precisely she did, but as to how it felt, yes, yes yes!

“I … ah … oh my … but … oh wow … Cheryl?” I sputtered.

Cheryl laughed so hard I thought she’d fall off her stool.

“Got you!” said Cheryl loudly. “I still want those autographed magazines, and you are sexy, Joanie,” she whispered.

I was in shock, but smiling when she hit me with the second barrel.

“I heard on WARS you’re still looking for people for your band. No snickers now, Joanie, but I play the French horn and cornet. I was a first in both the marching band on cornet, and in the orchestra on the horn. I can play alto sax, though not as well. I loved being in band and orchestra back in my old school before my mutation, and I still play daily, for the fun of it. Plus, it pisses off the students in the adjoining dorm rooms,” Cheryl said, then she smirked. “I know this one boy who plays the bagpipes and he isn’t Scottish, he does it to get some time by himself away from his roommate.

“Are you comfortable playing rock and country, Cheryl?” I asked.

“I love old fashioned rock, especially the classic stuff from the fifties and sixties. I may look, and talk, like a tough Jersey ‘goil’, but it’s an act. You owe me a chance for all the teasing,” Cheryl explained.

“Okay, Ms. Spears, you get your try out. You got any sharp outfits you could wear if we have a gig?” I asked.

“I’ve got some cute, sexy outfits; not as sexy as yours, Miss July, but pretty hot,” she replied.

“See you tomorrow at four then, Brittany,” I said.

"I’m not a Brittany Spears type; I consider myself more of a short Fran Dresser. And Joanie, because of those last two remarks, I expect three autographed copies. I have a younger brother as well; he has a couple of your posters up in his room, as I do in mine, Ms. Hot-stuff.”

~~Some people, who knows? ~~

* * * *

I was exiting the Crystal Hall when one of the students from the magic class stopped me.

“Ms. Joanie, can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, you’re Lonnie from the magic class yesterday?” I asked.

Lonnie reminded me of a gymnast or dancer the way she moved, and her face revealed a sharp and cheerful mind. She was cute in a girl next door fashion; the girl next door you didn’t dare ask out because she was the head cheerleader at school. I had my suspicions she had a touch of exemplar in her.

Something had bothered me during the magic class. Something was familiar about this *Lonnie* but what? Mystor’s hi-jinx had pushed it out of my mind but now it came back in a rush.

“I remember you; you talked to me shortly before Christmas. You asked if I was thinking of starting an oldies band. No wonder the idea came to me so fast when it did, you’d planted the seed. Please ask your question, Lonnie.”

“Yes, Ms. Joanie. Are you sure you’re not a sorceress, or mage, or something, even a little bit?”

“I’m reasonably sure. Nearly all my powers are due to being a warper. None of them are tied to magic, or so I’m told. Why do you ask, Lonnie?” I asked.

“I can see some ley lines and concentrations of magic, but only those generated by or connecting living creatures. You know what ley lines are?” Lonnie asked.

“There are several explanations, some kind of inter-dimensional energies being one, but essentially they are the real world equivalent of Hollywood’s, The Force. That’s two ways of putting it that I know of,” I said.

“That’s not a bad analogy, Ms. Joanie. There was a residue of a magical force, not touching any part of your body, surrounding you at the start of class. When Mystor transmuted your clothing, part of his magic appeared to get *stuck* to this *shell* surrounding you. The use of magic often leaves behind a residue, but this one is odd. I saw a constantly swirling field of magic around you like a skin. Normally the residue is inactive, static, and faint. The *colors* were odd too, like it was the residue of more than one source of magic that was somehow combining, or evolving. At first I though it was evidence of a magic shield, but you said you don’t have any magic powers, and I don’t see it touching you,” Lonnie said.

“Sorry, Lonnie, I can’t do a decent card trick to save my life, let alone real magic.”

“It’s definitely surrounding you; maybe a little weaker than when you left class yesterday, but not by much. The ‘colors’ I saw have changed too. Maybe the several magics are reacting to each other, and becoming wild magic. You’d better get yourself tested,” she advised.

“Is it dangerous?”

“Wild magic is unpredictable, but usually runs down after a while unless something sustains it. By normal standards, after a day you should only show a trace, but there’s a lot more than a trace of magic around you. Eventually it should dissipate, I hope,” Lonnie said.

“Like a battery losing its charge?” I suggested.

“Kind of, Joanie, but if any thing should overcharge that battery bad things might happen. You might not get hurt, but those around you might. The experts on campus may have a way to drain the magic off you. Or, you’ll love this, Joanie, it’s so kewl, you might be able to do real magic.” Lonnie said and smiled.

“But I’m not a sorceress, I’m warper. How can that be, Lonnie?”

“You don’t have to be of a magical bloodline to do magic. Non-magical types can do magic; it’s just a lot harder, and you need spells, mystical objects and stuff. You say you’re a warper, Joanie; I wonder if your ability to manipulate multiple dimensions is acting as a reservoir, or more accurately, a trap, for any stray magic you encounter. You don’t generate it so much as passively capture it for a while. Over time it leaks out, but it’s there for now. Your own warper power may have made you a passive focus for magic, like a magical black hole, well, more of a neutron star as the energy does slowly leak out,” Lonnie hypothesized.

~~I wonder... great, great whatever Grandpa John is a magic user, is there an inheritable family gift? Does that explain my situation, and is it dangerous? ~~

“Can all this magic you say is surrounding me hurt me or others? Does it matter that a blood relative a few generations back was gifted in the magic arts?” I asked with growing concern.

“I don’t think so, but I’m only a student. Most magic users store their magic internally or in a carefully crafted device. Since yours is external, I don’t see how it could easily hurt you. As to your magical heritage, that can skip generations. If it didn’t show up in testing you probably don’t have it, but who knows? You live in Poe, Joanie; ask Belle, or Nikki, they’re both pretty good with magic,” she suggested.

“Belle, she’s an older student, and Nikki is the girl in the school brochure. I’ve seen her; she has a strange affect on me. When I see her, I feel like I should protect her,” I said.

“That is a glamour like I showed you in class, but mine is for disguise. Her glamour makes her more attractive, and makes people want to please her, and do her bidding. I’ve met Nikki a few times, and she’s real sweet. And she’s very pretty without it; she says the glamour is a nuisance at times. Belle helped with a class once, she manipulates ectoplasm, or something like that. She has a wicked sense of humor, a real trickster,” Lonnie rattled off.

“You seem knowledgeable, who’s the best doctor to see?”

“I suggest Dr. Ophelia Tenent, she’s also called Caduceus. She teaches Principles of Magic and is an honest-to-goodness witch. You’ll like her, Joanie,” said Lonnie holding back the snickers.

“Okay, what’s so funny? No! It wasn’t her class I substituted for, was it?” I asked with embarrassment.

“Yeah, it was, and she’ll have a good laugh over what Mystor did to you, and how you got him back,” Lonnie said with a grin.

“Thanks for the advice, Lonnie. What’s your last name?”

“Darnell,” she said.

“Lonnie Darnell?” I asked in my surprise, and then I laughed uncontrollably.

“What’s so funny, Joanie?”

“Your name sounds like the wife and assistant to a 50s/60s TV magician, Mark Wilson. I used to watch him when I was little. You’re built like her; I bet you are, or used to be, a gymnast or dancer?”

“How’d you guess I take dance and gymnastics?”

“You move so fluidly, with grace and precision beyond your years. I noticed it during your magic demonstration in the class, it may have been a simple demonstration, but you had everyone’s attention with your stage presence. You also showed impressive flexibility and strength as part of your demonstration, very useful for doing big box magic tricks on stage. I’ll talk to the people you recommended, Lonnie, is there anything else you wanted?”

“Joanie, can you use a girl on your cleanup crew? I may be small, but I’m strong for my size, and I’m tough. I’m on a partial scholarship, and I need the money -- Whateley is expensive,” she explained.

“If you promise to work hard, and smart, you have a job. By working smart I mean lifting carefully, being aware of your surroundings and fellow workers, and using all necessary safety equipment such as work gloves, safety shoes, safety glasses, dust masks, hard hats, and so on. I’ll supply the gear if I take you on, and I’ll have someone from Operations demonstrate their proper use. I’ll let you know the work schedule soon; I’m buying the property this afternoon.

“By the way, Lonnie, you don’t play an instrument, or sing, do you?”

“I was hoping you’d ask,” she said and grinned. “I know it sounds silly, with me being a girl and all, but I play the drums. I like the old fashioned mechanical drums best, it’s a great workout. I can play the electronic drum kits too. I was in my older sister’s band before I came here, and I’m taking music as an elective course,” she said.

“A gymnast who plays the drums; I’ll bet you’re good, and look good doing it. Tomorrow at the King Annex at 4PM, my band is having a practice. I’d like you to come, and try out. You’ll be among friends; you already know the lead singer, and electric guitarist.”

I pointed at myself.

“Me, play the drums for you? Ms. Joanie, I couldn’t. You’re a professional singer; I’m a kid, I’m nobody. I just thought you’d be directing the band, I didn’t thing you’d be performing.”

“Lonnie, I’m the amateur here by comparison. I’ve only been at this less than a year, you know, being a girl and all it entails. I didn’t realize I could sing this well until last September. The recording contract was a total fluke, and I first took up the guitar in December.

“You do your best, and you’ll be fine. My friend Pinky sings backing, and some lead, and is learning to play the base guitar. My new friend Suzy can play the keyboards, and sings a little. These twins I know from my home state, I’m hoping to get them to try out, and with one other exception, that’s about it for now.

“I think people are intimidated by me, Lonnie, and they shouldn’t be. If there’s anyone you know who has some talent, encourage them to try out. I need horn and reed players, maybe a jazz, or country fiddler, electric and acoustic bass, all sorts of people. Lonnie, I’m desperate, I’ll consider accordion and bagpipe players, if they’re good. Well, maybe not an accordion player, I have my standards,” I said, and chuckled.

“I’m serious, I’m open to all comers, and I don’t bite, well not hard. And please call me Joanie, except when I’m teaching, Lonnie.”

“I’ll see you at four tomorrow at the King Annex, you won’t regret it. I’m playing drums for a superstar!” She shrieked, hugged me, and then hurried off, as I snickered softly to myself.

~~Poor kid needs to perk up, seems kind of down. ~~

* * * *

I taught an early afternoon session of the same introductory history of mutants in America I took the morning. The students were well behaved, though I caught several ogling my ass. I felt insulted, and elated; insulted that they treated me like a piece of meat, and elated they thought risking detention was worth a good look at my butt. This woman business still confuses me. I know I used to stare at the pretty women; checking out the fertile fillies, I guess. It’s natural, but it’s rude. Now that I’m on the receiving end, I understand why some women get upset by it. The line between sexual harassment and hopeful desire is blurry. I imagine I owe a few ladies apologies for my own past behavior. I was happy to see Jenny Chang, AKA Steel Lotus, in the class. We’d exchanged pleasantries in the halls at Poe ever since my first day on campus, but hadn’t socialized.

“Nice to see you again, Jen; you impressed me in class. I made a note of it for Dr. Kelly.”

“Thanks, Joanie. Um, I was wondering. You’ve had these announcements on WARS that you’re looking for musicians and singers for your pop/country/rock band. Could you use a violinist? I play classical, country fiddle and jazz style.”

“If you’re interested, come tomorrow to the King annex at four; I’m holding a practice and open audition. Except for guitars, I don’t have a string player. If you’re as good a player as you were a student today, I could use you.”

“Thanks, Joanie, you won’t regret it. I sing pretty well too,” she said excitedly and ran off to her next class.

* * * *

The rest of my afternoon was open, so I stopped by Security.

“Is there any progress on the *special* project?" I asked the officer on duty.

“Chief Delarose left you a sealed envelope; sign for it please. The chief said it’s important you read it in private, and within the next few minutes. I’m to inform him I’ve delivered it to you as soon as it’s in your hands.”

I signed, took it, and rushed back to my room. I topped off the smilodons' food and water, and then I opened the securely sealed envelope. It told me to meet him in observatory in the Kane Hall tower one-half hour after my signing for the envelope. Samantha Everheart, and her mysterious Hive, would act as a lookout to ensure we were not overheard. I checked the time and realized I didn't have much to waste. I hurried to freshen up, then sprinted over to Kane Hall where I ran up the stairs two at a time, straight into Samantha’s strong arms. She laughed at our near collision and pointed me up the stairs to the observatory level. I saluted, and walked at a more dignified pace up the last sections of stairs to the top. Chief Delarose pointed to a map table and chairs and I sat down.

“Why all the undercover hush-hush, Chief? You’d think we were FBI agents working undercover in the Mafia,” I said, still excited over all the secrecy.

He called down to Sam to begin jamming any eavesdropping, then he spoke.

“These are dangerous people who enslaved Ms. Anna. They have operatives all over the country, even in New Hampshire. If one of them heard of our discovery before we and the authorities take coordinated action, the consequences for your classmates, or families, could be catastrophic. Joanie, you must remember that some at Whateley work for the *other side*, or *straddle the fence*, so to speak. Whateley is neutral ground for all developing supers. Some in Security provide information on promising mutants who may be less than ethical to those in need of such talents. I know who they are, but to be safe we have the need for secrecy for the moment.

“Anna’s cellular bill and the fragment of a phone bill she rescued from her employer’s trash listed numerous calls to a medical clinic in Mexico that specializes in plastic surgery. The multiple hotel bills on Anna’s cards are all for the same hotel in Mexico and it’s a short walk from the clinic. Various other charges on her cards relate to expenses consistent with multiple *chaperoned* trips to and from the clinic in Mexico and the California photo studio.

“This is where it gets serious, Joanie. The hotel is owned by a series of holding companies, the same holding companies that own the clinic, and the now abandoned photo studio Anna recalls working in. They thought they’d covered their tracks with several layers of dummy corporations between themselves, and the true owners, but your fellow officers, with Ms. Hartford’s help, are making the true connections known. There is still much we do not know, but the *Dragon Lady* promises she’ll have everything there is in a couple of days,” Delarose stated.

“And the Dragon Lady is who?” I asked.

“Ms. Hartford; I’d thought you’d approve, Mrs. Peel.,” Delarose said and smiled.

“Thanks, 007; did you want the Baker Street Irregulars to try again tonight?” I asked in my best upper class British accent.

“Sherlock Holmes is it now? Right, I called you that last night. Sure, we appreciate the help of your friends; you got us a couple good leads, but be careful. One of those frequently called numbers is to a suspected money laundering operation used by the drug trade. Another of the leads your friends found is to an organization suspected of procuring young adults, and even pre-teens, for the prostitution and sex slave markets. I know you’re a tough girl, and intelligent, but these people are ruthless, organized, and suspected murderers. If they can’t get at you, they’ll try to harm your friends, and relatives. They won’t hesitate to hurt innocents if they catch you out in the open.

“When it gets down to the nitty-gritty, let the professionals take the risks, Joanie. You will be a professional someday, likely soon at the rate you’ve been learning, but play it safe. I admire your courage, but if you’re seen too often in a prominent role in these investigations, the bad guys will learn you’re not the blond bimbo they think you are. We’re a campus security department for the same reason there's a police force, or the Marine Corps, or trade unions for that matter; there is greater power and safety in working with others,” Delarose reminded me.

“I won’t do anything unilaterally, Chief; you have my promise. As an extra margin of safety for when they might need it, I intend to have Ms. Cecilia Rogers make bullet resistant clothing for my closest student friends here; that’s the kids who are helping me, and maybe those who join my band. MSG’s members can defend themselves, but I’ll give them a heads up. Likewise with the Williams-Johnson’s; they’re a political family, and know about the risks of kidnapping and assassination. My old family is safe because they are untraceable, MSG did a good job, then Sam and Hive did the rest,” I replied.

“Good, then you understand what’s at stake. Following the leads you gave us may soon require subpoenas, Joanie. Does your senator friend have any college chums, or fraternity brothers, in the law in California? We’ll need them for there soon, and for Mexico, though I know a couple honest police officials in the country. Any help is welcome, and the more discreet, the better,” Delarose asked.

“I’ll give the senator a call; I think he’s sweet on me. I suspect he can get us some good contacts in California; I got my record producer indirectly through a Senate pal of his. Let me know what you need and I’ll pass the word on, and thanks for worrying about my friends and me, Chief,” I said.

* * * *

I was anxious all morning from the anticipation of closing on the farm, or so I preferred to believe. With hindsight, I think Chief Delarose’s concerns worried me more than I let on. That morning I’d called my old bank back in Wisconsin, and arranged a transfer of ample funds into my local bank, more than sufficient to cover the purchase, and any foreseeable construction costs or overruns. They had to be dying to know who the owner of Joanie Enterprises LLC was. It had to be one of the biggest accounts at the institution. This was a way I could help my family financially with out much risk of discovery. Sis got a huge bonus for landing my account; the Senator’s office had assisted my MSG pals in setting it all up, yet keeping my identity secure.

I was walking along, absentmindedly toward the Crystal Hall for the 11 AM lunch when I heard an altercation. Nothing unusual for Whateley, or another school with teenagers, but one of the voices grabbed my attention.

“I will not go out with you. I don’t know you, I’m not interested, and you’re acting like a jerk. “

It was Tina Smith, one of my kids from Wisconsin. I saw an older boy, a junior or senior from the looks and attitude, grab her by the wrist.

“No one turns me down, babe. Let’s go someplace quiet, and I’ll show you what you’re missing.”

“Let go or I’ll cry rape,” Tina said loudly.

“And who will care?” he said sardonically.

“I will care. Let the young lady go. This is your only warning,” I said in a commanding voice.

I think things would have gone smoother if it wasn’t for my voice. The problem is, my commanding voice has been described as an unholy trilogy of Sigourney Weaver, Lucy Lawless and Jenna Jameson. I heard a tape of it once, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to obey this woman or have sex with her. Lex and my fellow officers have been working with me on it, but I’m not sure if it’s getting more authoritative or more erotic. I have my suspicions they prefer it dirty, the perverts.

“Who are you to order me around, bitch?” the young man asked angrily.

“Gees, a real news buff, aren’t we? First, the name is Joanie to my friends, and Ms. Smith here most definitely is my friend. You, on the other hand, will call me Officer Brown, I’m with Whateley Security. I’m also a teacher here. I‘ll ask you one last time to let the woman go, or you will be in violation of the Whateley student code, and will be arrested for breaking New Hampshire law; it’s called sexual assault. I’ll overlook the insulting an Officer of the Law, every one's entitled to their opinion,” I informed the would-be lothario.

I pressed a series of buttons on my cell phone/police radio to summon help.

“We can do this sensibly. You let her go, apologize to Tina and me, and if you attend counseling sessions with the doctors here, your record will be clear. The alternative is to be some bigger man’s girlfriend in jail, your choice,” I advised him.

He was lucky I didn’t have my Tazers, I was pissed at him. I’d long thought abusers of women and children were contemptible, but I was a woman now, and this was a friend. Tina used his indecision to break free, and run toward me.

“No one defies me!” he spat.

He raised a crystal-topped gentleman’s walking cane, like many stage magicians used to carry, and pointed it us while chanting some undecipherable words. The crystal glowed, and he adjusted the cane as if he was aiming it. Tina reached me, and I stepped between the two.

“Time out … oooh ah!” I started to call out and then stopped.

I’d misjudged it, and was caught square in the chest by a blast from his cane before I could time stop him. It didn’t hurt, in fact it felt wonderful. For a moment my eyes locked on his, and I felt calm and so aroused I could hardly stand.

“Come to me my slave ….” he commanded, and then he froze.

“Fuck me now, my master. I burn for your … What the Hell am I saying?” I said as I snapped back in control.

The compulsion to obey faded as fast as it came, along with the intense arousal.

~~Oh well, there’s a downside to everything.~~

I felt strange, and more tired than usual, from my time stop, but I cuffed him, and confiscated his cane. I was reading him his rights as my backup arrived.

“You have the right to remain silent.…” I warned the manacled boy.

“My goddess, I beg you, forgive my transgression. Let me gaze upon your perfection. I must have you; I am your slave, command me,” he swore to me.

“Oh this is lovely,” I said in frustration.

“Have you been flashing your breasts at the boys again, Joanie?” asked one of the single, male officers as he and another officer lifted the cuffed boy to his feet.

After a line like that, I knew why he was single. All the while, the boy stared at me like I was the most precious thing on Earth.

“David Copperfield, Junior here tried to hit my friend Tina, and me, with some sort of combined lust and obedience spell. I confiscated this crystal-topped cane he used to channel his magic through,” I said, and handed the cane to a fellow officer to tag as evidence.

“What have I done to offend you, my divine love?” the strange boy said.

“Love? Buster, you’ve got some imagination, and tell little buster to stop twitching in your pants; it’s embarrassing,” I said, but it was secretly gratifying.

“Let me kiss your ripe, warm lips, let me suckle upon your heavenly orbs, let me lick the nectar from your sacred.…” the love struck boy continued.

“Are you crazy? You keep quiet. In fact, I command you to shut your mouth. One more word and I’ll have you up on sexual harassment charges as well,” I screamed.

I’d seen *woodies* before, this one had to be made of teak. I’d had my share over the years, and his appeared to cause him great distress. Cuffed as he was, he wouldn’t be getting relief soon, somehow that made me feel better.

“You okay, Joanie?” asked a senior officer.

“I’m fine now. The spell he tried on us wore off the moment I time stopped him. I managed to block most of it. Would you be a gentleman, and book him for attempted sexual assault, resisting arrest, and interfering with an officer in the performance of her duties, also assault with a weapon, his magic and this cane. He’s making me miss my lunch, and I need to check on my friend, Tina, here,” I said.

“Sure thing, Joanie; you certain you’re alright?” the senior officer asked again.

I nodded.

“Mister, you’re lucky we don’t take you off and shoot you; no one harms a fellow officer. And no one harms our Joanie,” the same officer said fiercely.

Then the officer gave me a hug.

~~Why a hug, don’t guys shake hands anymore? Of course then he wouldn’t get to feel my breasts pressing into him or … What the hell? You dirty son-of-a-bitch, that’s your hand squeezing my ass! I ought to … Ooh that felt nice. ~~

“I will earn your favor, Goddess Joanie. You will be mine!” the boy said, as security hauled him away.

I turned to check on Tina. She turned toward me and her eyes locked onto mine. I noted she was panting, flushed, and unbuttoning her blouse one-handed. Something strange was going on here; in hindsight, her soft moans, and the other hand moving inside her skirt suggested an explanation. I was too mesmerized by her actions to grasp the obvious answer.

~~My word, she’s so exotic, and sexy. I want her so bad, I … what am I thinking? This must be a lingering side effect of his lust spell. ~~

Tina moved sinuously towards me, her eye’s fixed on mine. They were glazed, and unblinking. By now her blouse was hanging open, and she had unhooked her bra.

“Ah, are you okay, Tina?” I squeaked, noting that she now was essentially braless, and inches from me.

“I’mmm fine, Joanie. He was wrong, you’re mine! What a firm ass you have, love,” Tina growled sensuously.

~~Great, this is just great. ~~

Poor, innocent, Tina was the ass grabber. She wrapped her arms around me, and started groping, and caressing, and kissing, and biting, and trying to undress me, and …

“Oh, that felt fantastic … No! Stop it Tina, behave … mmphgf … your self! This is not you; it’s the lust spell controlling you; fight it girl. Do it for Joanie, I command it,” I said with difficullty.

I hoped the compulsion part of the spell would help her regain control over her lust. I could see the painful struggle displayed on her face. Suddenly it was like a switch was thrown; her eyes lost that glassy lustful look, and she started crying.

“Joanie, I’m … ssso ssorry, I ccouldn’t!” she sobbed.

She backed away from me, but I caught her, held her tight to me, and gently patted her back. I worked to comfort her, while I awkwardly attempted to close her wide-open blouse.

“It’s okay Tina, you did nothing wrong; that was powerful magic he used on us. When he got the jump on me, for a moment I was the worshiping the sexiest man on earth, and I had to obey him, the pimple faced git,” I snickered, and Tina laughed.

“Okay, he isn’t that bad looking, but at least you can laugh about it. I mistimed his attack, I tried to time stop him, but part of it got through, and it affected both of us. The moment I froze him, his power over me ceased,” I explained.

Tina was relaxing, and the crying nearly stopped apart from an occasional sniffle. I helped her close up her blouse after she carefully fastened her bra.

“I wonder if your inverter power kicked in, Tina. Some of his magic must have got to you, and you sent it back with me in the way. That had to play havoc with his spell. When I first saw you afterwards for a moment you were looking mighty sexy, Tina,” I said and smiled.

“I couldn’t stop myself, and what’s worse, it felt so good! I feel dirty and violated,” Tina said with shame.

“I understand, but you have nothing to be ashamed of. For a moment you were under the influence of his magic, you were not responsible for your actions. You’re a teenager, and dealing with your maturing body and emerging sexuality. You’re struggling with being away from home, your forced mutation, and the disappearance of your parents. Don’t cry, dear, we’ll find them and make those who took them pay dearly. This magical attack came on top of all that baggage; no wonder you feel so bad. The thing is we stopped him in time; you didn’t give in, and let's face it, I am drop-dead gorgeous. You couldn’t help it,” I said and made a sexy model's pose.

Tina began laughing and giggling so hard she had to lie down. I broke up, got dizzy, and sat down too.

“Joanie, you are so crazy! I love you, girl.”

* * * *

I walked her to medical to be checked out; we walked slowly to minimize the ogling. Okay, we walked slowly to show off. We’d attracted a sizable crowd, mostly boys. What surprised me, and made me happy yet slightly jealous, was they were looking at Tina most appreciatively. Tina may not be a fashion model, but she’s pleasant to look at, and is developing a nice figure. Dr. Pollard saw us first, then a half an hour or so later, Dr. Tenent. It made sense as she is one of Whateley’s experts on magic.

“Except for a bruise on your wrist where he grabbed you you’re fine. If you wish, Tina, I can refer you to one of our counselor; that attempted assault could be traumatic. There’s nothing wrong in seeking expert help,” said Dr. Tenent.

“I recommend it, Tina, I never was much for psychiatric help, but after my campus assault, talking with Dr Bellows helped me regain my sense of self worth. Consciously I was fine, but subconsciously I was a wreck. You may find you don’t need it, but there is no harm in trying. Security teaches a great self-defense course for women, I’ve taken it myself, and it helps you to know what to do when attacked, and better yet, how to avoid one. The way the boys were admiring you earlier, you could use it. Want me to sign you up, Tina?” I offered.

Tina agreed, and as we were about to leave Dr. Tenent asked me to stay a while.

“I’ll try and catch up with you at lunch, Tina, what’s left of it. What can I do for you, Dr. Tenent?” I asked.

“Ophelia, please, Joanie; don’t be so formal. Thanks for filling in for me the other day. I don’t think any of the students will forget that class, ever. I know, because I was there,” Dr. Tenent said.

“Huh?” I gasped.

“I wasn’t at my doctor, or a seminar, or visiting a sick mother, I wanted a chance to observe my students surreptitiously. I was the mousy brunette who remotely lit some candles,” she said and smiled.

“They never told me why I was there, I was simply told to fill in. I talked with this sorceress I know in Wisconsin, and she said to be honest with the kids,” I said.

“They’d spot a phony in minutes, and I must say you were a good sport about it. Are you sure you don’t have a bit if the Fey in your background? Your hair, skin, and general build reminded me of them, except for the ears and eyes. Those copper eyes are a puzzle. Did your doctors tell you why they’re that way?” Ophelia asked.

“They said it was something to do with enhanced night vision, somewhat like a cat, though not quite as good. Why did you want to see me? I’m not being rude, but I’m missing lunch,” I replied.

“Lonnie Darnell told me earlier she’d seen a shell of magic surrounding you, and she’s right. You’re lit up like a Christmas tree, Joanie.”

“I got clipped by a lust/obedience spell a short while ago, as you know. I time stopped the boy, and that stopped his attack, then I got hit again by Tina’s inversion of his attack on us -- lucky me, two for the price of one. Are my friends, or I, at any risk from this magic?” I asked.

“That’s a good question, and I haven’t the foggiest,” she replied.

“What?” I exclaimed, surprised by her answer.

“You're probably fine; I can’t sense anything malevolent in the magic around you. I’d like to see you regularly for a while, perhaps once or twice a day for a few days, so we can track the changes in nature and strength of the magic. I agree with Lonnie, it’s likely to dissipate over time. The question is, how long? You are retaining the magic far longer than normal, and without it appearing to affect you, most strange,” she stated.

“Can I do anything useful with it, or can you drain it off?”

“More great questions, Joanie, for which the answers are maybe, and possibly. We won’t know until we try. I’d like to schedule you for a proper magic evaluation soon, I’ll check with Administration to set up the time. A word of caution, to those not well trained in magic, you will appear to be a fairly high level sorceress from the intensity of the magical field surrounding you. Some may wish to steal that magic, they could do you harm in the attempt,” Ophelia warned me.

“From a magical attack?” I asked, concerned.

“No, from trying to kill you to steal the magic, that’s one of the traditional ways for the less skillful to do it,” she answered.

“I’m not so easy to kill,” I said.

“That’s what’s so bad, you’d survive, but the pain of the experience could snap your sanity.”

“Gee, how cheerful; thanks, Dr. Tenent. Okay if I heave my guts now, or should I wait until after lunch?” I said in mock disgust.

“Kids!” she said, throwing her hands in the air in a comic gesture of protest. “I’ll set up an appointment schedule. I’ll only need to see you for a few minutes so it won’t be a problem.”.

“I’m curious about this too, Ophelia. My doctors in Madison never detected any sign of magical abilities, and now you and Lonnie say I may get them through the back door, as it were. I didn’t learn of it until after I was a Whateley, but I have a great, great Grandfather who is a magic user. Is that of any significance?”

“We’ll see, Joanie. Since you’re so curious, I’ve been called in to consult on the boy who attacked you. That’s why I wanted to see you; the lust/compulsion spell isn’t wearing off normally. It should have dissipated significantly by now, but it’s persisting. He may have to be confined for several days before he’s back to normal. Somehow the interaction between your warper body, Tina’s inverter gift, and your time stop amplified the spell such that if you asked him to cut his hand off to prove his love, he’d do it happily. Fortunately, any mention that his actions displease you gains his immediate obedience. We’ll go into all this in more detail later, dear.

"Joanie, did you say your great great grand father *is* a magic user? Your ancestor is still alive?”

“I met him this winter, I’m named for him. John claims to be 383 years old. He says his magic has kept him young. Everything he’s communicated to me inclines me to believe his story,” I said.

“It could be significant; it could be nothing. We’ll talk about it another time. In the meantime, get something to eat, you look scrawny,” she said in a motherly tone.

I laughed and walked off.

* * * *

It was too late to eat with my friends, so I grabbed a couple sandwiches to go, ran back to Poe to change clothes, and got on my Harley for the trip to Dunwich. I parked outside of Tessa’s home, stripped off my riding suit, and walked into her office. The crop top, with low-rider Capri’s combo was daring, but it was a comfortable under the riding suit, and I thought Tessa deserved a free floor show.

“You wore that for me, Joanie?” asked Tessa.

I nodded.

“I’m not lowering the price, but thanks anyway, though, I think you’ve earned a free meal,” she said warmly.

Tessa was cheerful and friendly, all the documents were ready, and exactly as I expected. In fact she was almost too nice to me, and I began to feel uneasy about it.

~~Maybe I'm paranoid, but Tessa is acting too eager to close the deal.~~

“It’s not that I mind, Tessa, but why the VIP treatment? I’m Joanie from Whateley Academy, not some Hollywood star. I am somewhat famous, but why all the attention?” I asked.

“I like you, Joanie, and to be honest, this property was hard to sell. It’s too remote for most vacationers and a farm this small isn’t what today’s farmers want. The proximity to Whateley scared off some buyers, I think. I heard rumors a group of hunting buddies nearly bought it, shortly before the owner asked me to sell it. The moment Whateley was mentioned, they backed out.

“I’m earning a larger than normal commission on the sale because the property sat on the market for several years. It was listed by several major national real estate firms with nary a nibble in all that time. I’m making a nice chunk of change with my commission, and I get to rub it in their corporate noses that I sold the place they couldn’t. That I got to meet you was a special treat; do you want to go to lunch to sign the papers? We’ll need this witnessed and notarized. Well, technically we don’t, but I want to show off. Let’s walk to the café down the street,” Tessa suggested.

“I’d like to, but I brought along some sandwiches, I haven’t eaten lunch yet,” I informed her.

“I’ll put them in my ‘fridge for you for later. They serve a great lunch at any hour of the day, and quickly.”

We put my sandwiches away and we walked to a cozy bistro. It had some faux features to lure the tourists but was primarily a place the locals frequented. It reminded me of the Crystal Café back in Iola, Wisconsin. I could tell Tessa was a regular patron; the waitress greeted her by name as we sat down at a small table.

“Tessa, dear, it’s lovely to see you. Your usual today or we do have a great special, Atlantic salmon. It’s poached, and served with a wine sauce and a fresh spring greens salad. The ‘fresh spring greens’ means we didn’t use any cheap iceberg lettuce. It’s very good, you’ll like it Tessa.”

“The special sounds great, Jenny, and instead of coffee could we have one of those German white wines you’ve been hoarding? We‘d like to celebrate; my lovely dining companion here bought the Hennessey place.”

“Congratulations and who is the new owner of… you look familiar, no! Tessa, do you know who’s buying that farm from you?”

“Yes I do, Jenny, and it’s perfect for her; she’s a teacher at the academy.”

“It’s nice to see you putting down roots here, Joanie. It makes sense, your teaching at Whateley Academy, it’s one of the best places there is for a mutant to work. I’ve met a few of the staff; they’re strange people, but they’re good people for the most part. I suppose you’re teaching history,” Jenny joked.

“How did you know I’m a history instructor?” I asked.

“You teach history, Joanie? I’d thought you’d teach … what I mean is … well you are a famous singer.”

“I teach music, and I’m organizing a band, but I really do teach history, and I substitute in other subjects. I’m an auxiliary security officer too, not that I have the stereotypical look of a police officer. I’d like to have a family some day, and this is a much more stable career than music. That’s my hobby.”

“A hobby? The woman’s burning up the charts, and she calls it a hobby. I should have such a hobby,” Jenny said in a decent Yiddish accent.

We had a nice meal and shared our wine with the other café patrons. Tessa and I signed the contract, and we got it notarized on the spot. Jenny was a notary in addition to a waitress.

~~Looks like I’m not the only woman around here wearing more than one hat. ~~

It was nearly dark before I left for Whateley. I arrived in Poe Hall the proud owner of a farm -- my farm. My nearly forgotten sandwiches made for a nice, light supper before I went to bed.

~~Damn, I haven’t asked Eric what he thinks. I do hope he likes the idea. ~~

* * * *

To be continued

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