You Have it All Wrong Two - Part 23

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You Have It All Wrong Two
Amy's Story

By SaraUK

Part 23


    Mandy, Amy and Chrissy were all glad to be finishing work a little earlier today, so they could head home and take a nap before they got ready to go to the club. They all had such a good time on Saturday, that they couldn't wait to get back there again tonight.

    Amy called Amber, as they were about to leave the post office, after dropping off the parcels, so she could let her know they were on their way to pick her up. Amy knew she wouldn't have any trouble today, as Amber was looking forward to getting to the club as well.

    "Hi babe, are you on your way?" Amy heard Amber say on the other end of the phone.

    "Hi lover. Yes we should be with you in ten minutes, depending on the traffic lights." Amy said.

    "Okay then, I better go and finish up and get ready then." Amber said sounding happy to hear from Amy. "Love you babe." Amber added, as she blew Amy a kiss down the phone.

    "Love you more." Amy said back to her. "I'll see you soon baby. Bye, bye." Amy added.

    "That's not possible." Amber giggled. "I'll see you soon then, Bye, bye." Amber added, just before ending the call.

    "That sounded better than the chat you had yesterday baby sister." Chrissy said with a smile, as she turned around from the front seat, so she could look at Amy sat in the back.

    "Yes, it went a lot better than yesterday." Amy said with a silly grin on her face, as she thought about how silly she was being, and how she would soon be sat in the back of the car with Amber sat next to her.

    Amber was standing at the door waiting for them when they pulled up. Sara was with her, and she walked over to the car, so she could say hello. Amber had hugged Sara when she saw Mandy pull into the driveway, so she had ran off to jump in the back with Amy.

    "Hi Mandy, Chrissy, Amy. How was work today?" Sara asked with a smile, as she leaned down to look through Chrissy's window that she had lowered.

    "It was really busy, but we have something to look forward to again now, so it wasn't to bad." Mandy said with a grin.

    "I take it you mean your Tuesday night at the club?" Sara asked with a smile.

    "Yes, now that Chrissy and Amber are back on their feet, we can go out clubbing again." Mandy smiled. "Why don't you come with us?" Mandy asked with hope in her voice.

    "I'd love too, but I don't think Cathy would want to go." Sara said sounding a little sad about it.

    "Is everything okay between you and Cathy?" Chrissy asked looking worried when she saw how down Sara was, about Cathy not wanting to go out.

    "I think everything is fine, but I'm always busy doing design work, and Cathy is working at the changing service, so we just don't seem to get any time to do stuff together at the minute." Sara said, as she rested her hands on the open window of the car door. "I just feel like we're stuck in a groove that we can't get out of." Sara added with a sigh.

    "Girl, you really need a night out, and so does Cathy." Chrissy said, as she looked at Mandy and smiled. "Sis, can you call Carl, and get him to keep Cathy at the hotel, and get her ready for a night out at the club." Chrissy added, as she pulled on the handle to open the car door.

    Sara stepped back with a puzzled look on her face, as she spoke. "Chrissy, what are you doing?"

    "I'm going to help you pick out an outfit for tonight, then you're coming to our house for some dinner." Chrissy said, as she dragged Sara back into her own house, and headed for her bedroom.

    "I'm not sure I have anything to wear Chrissy." Sara tried to argue with her, as Chrissy pulled her along.

    "So you're telling me that you design dresses for a living, and you've never made that perfect dress for yourself, and never had a chance to wear it yet?" Chrissy asked with a grin, as she stood at Sara's bedroom door waiting to enter the room after Sara had gone in.

    "I have a couple, but I." Sara didn't get to finish her sentence, as Chrissy cut her off.

    "No buts Sara. Pick one out, and then get ready to leave." Chrissy said in a firm voice.

    "Yes mum." Sara said with a smile, as she went to get one of her secret dresses, as she thought of them.

    Mandy, Amy and Amber had all sat in the car giggling, as they saw Chrissy drag a very puzzled looking Sara back into her own house and closed the door behind them.

    "Look's like Sara and Cathy are going to be joining us at the club tonight." Amber said, as she sat cuddling with Amy.

    "Sure looks that way baby." Amy said with a smile.

    "I better do as I'm told, and call Carl." Mandy said with a giggle, as she got her phone out and scrolled down until she found Carl's mobile number. She hit the dial button, and waited for Carl to answer.

    "Hi princess, is everything okay?" Mandy heard Carl ask on the other end of the phone with worry in his voice.

    "Hi Baby. Don't panic, everything is fine. I just need you to do something for me, well more an order from Chrissy really." Mandy said with a giggle.

    "Well, if it's for Chrissy, then how can I refuse it." Carl said. "And what is it that Chrissy needs me to do for her?" Carl asked.

    "She wants you to keep Cathy at the hotel when she finishes work, and help her get ready for a night out at the club." Mandy said to Carl. "We've just come to pick Amber up from Sara's, and she was looking a little down, so Chrissy is forcing her to have a night out, so we're going to take her home with us, and then she can come to the club later with us." Mandy added.

    "That sounds like a great idea baby. I'll get right on it." Carl said, sounding happy. "I was only thinking the other day, that Sara and Cathy both looked a little down." Carl added.

    "Well I think that Chrissy is about to kick start the romance again." Mandy giggled. "I'll see you later at the club then love." Mandy added.

    "I'm sorry princess, but I won't be at the club tonight." Carl said with a sad tone to his voice.

    "Why not? I was looking forward to spending some time with you baby." Mandy said with a pout.

    "I just can't make it babe, but Carla will be there to spend some time with you." Carl said with a chuckle.

    "You little tease!" Mandy shouted down the phone at him. "I thought you really meant it for a couple of minutes. You wait till I see you later." Mandy added trying to sound a little mad with him.

    "Don't you mean Carla?" Carl asked with another chuckle.

    "You know what I mean. Either way you will be getting a peace of my mind." Mandy said. "I'll see Carla later then. Bye, love you." Mandy added, as she blew a kiss down the phone.

    "Okay princess. Bye, love you too." Carl said, just before he ended the call.

    "Was Carl trying to wind you up sis?" Amy asked with a giggle.

    "Just a little, baby sister." Mandy said with a smile, as she looked over her should at Amy, as she sat cuddling with Amber on the back seat.

    Mandy, Amy and Amber were soon smiling, as they watched Chrissy walk out of Sara's house holding a garment bag and another case, which they took to have shoes and other bits to go with the outfit she would be wearing to the club.

    Chrissy waited for Sara to arm the alarm system, then she led her over to the car and helped her get in the back. Amy slid over to sit in the middle, and to be closer to Amber, which made Amy grin.

    Mandy waited for Chrissy to put the things in the boot, and then get in the car before she pulled out the driveway again.

    "I hope you don't mind being kidnapped Sara?" Amy asked with a giggle, as she gave Sara a quick hug.

    "Not at all Amy, but I'm not sure Cathy will want to pay the ransom." Sara said looking a little worried. "She may not even turn up at the club." Sara added, looking even more worried now.

    "She'll be there Sara. I got hold of Carl, and he said that he will make sure she is." Mandy said, as she drove the car.

    "Sara I never realised that you and Cathy were having problems." Chrissy said, sounding worried from the front seat. "I'm sorry, I should have seen it, and tried to help." Chrissy added.

    "You can't fix every little problem your friends have Chrissy." Sara said, as she reached around and put a hand on Chrissy's shoulder.

    "Do you have any idea what the real problem might be Sara?" Mandy asked.

    "Cathy's been worried about the amount of work I've been taking on, and we ended up having an argument about it a couple of weeks back, she's been a little distant since then." Sara said, as she sat back in her seat again, and let out a sigh.

    "I'm sure you'll have more free time now that Amber will be helping you with the design work." Amy said, as she held Sara's hand.

    "I will, but I'm not sure I'll be able to fix things with Cathy." Sara said looking really sad. "I said some pretty nasty things to her that night." Sara added close to tears now.

    "Hay, don't cry Sara. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you out at the club tonight." Amy said, as she wrapped her arms around her.

    "I'm just so scared that I'm going to lose her." Sara said, as she sobbed on Amy's shoulder. "She's been sleeping in the guest room since we argued," Sara added.

    None of the girls had realised just how bad things had got between Sara and Cathy, but they were going to fix it by the end of the night. Chrissy handed Amy a tissue, so she could tidy up the mess Sara had made of her makeup with her crying.

    Mandy pulled into the driveway at home, and Chrissy was quick to get out, and then open the back door so she could help Sara get out. "You should have given me a call Sara." Chrissy said, as she hugged her.

    "You have enough problems of your own Chrissy. Being stuck in that wheelchair and all, I just thought it would sort it self out, but we still aren't talking, and I just don't know how to fix it." Sara said sounding really sad, as Chrissy wrapped an arm around her, and led her into the house.

    Becky and Ann were sat at the kitchen table, but soon jumped up and ran over to see what was wrong when they saw Chrissy enter the kitchen, with a really upset Sara stood next to her. Amy filled them in on what they knew, while Chrissy led Sara over to the table and sat her down.

    "Chrissy's right Sara, we will get this all sorted out by the end of the night." Becky said, as she hugged Sara from the other side to what Chrissy was sat.

    "She was only worried about all the hours I was working, and I bit her head off for it." Sara said, as she wiped her eyes again. "She has every right to hate me." Sara added, as she let her head drop.

    "Don't be silly Sara, she is still worried about you, and doubt very much that she hates you at all." Becky said. "I'm sure that now Amber is working with you as well, you will soon be back on top of all the design work again." Becky added with a smile, as she rubbed Sara's back.

    "I'm already beginning to see a difference in the work load, after a couple of days, so I know that Amber will be a great help." Sara said with a week smile, as she looked at Amber sat across the table with Amy sat on her knee.

    "I'm glad that you think I'm helping Sara, and I'm sorry that I didn't notice you were having trouble with Cathy." Amber said. "I just thought it was all the work making you look depressed." Amber added looking sad.

    "Well it was the work making me look depressed, in a round about way." Sara said with a sad sounding chuckle. "And I wasn't just trying to be nice Amber, you really have helped me get back on track with it all." Sara added with a thanking smile.

    "Glad to help where I can boss." Amber said with a grin, as she knew Sara hated being called that.

    "Hay! What have I told you about calling me boss!" Sara said, as she waved her finger at Amber.

    "Sorry boss, I mean Sara." Amber said with a giggle.

    The others all started to giggle as well, they all loved the way Amber could make Sara smile, even when she really didn't feel like it.

    Chrissy let Mandy take over from her and Becky, so they could go and make a start on dinner. They all decided to give up on going for a nap, as they could see that Sara needed them a lot more than they needed sleep. So with Mandy sitting on one side of her and Ann the other, they sat and watched Chrissy, Becky, Amber and Amy play around as they sorted out dinner. Sara was soon giggling, and crying with laugher this time, as she watched the girls all doing some silly dance to a song on the radio. Once dinner was ready, they all sat down to eat.

    Cathy was just finishing up with her customer, when she saw Carl enter the changing service room, and walk over to talk with Marie. Cathy had been trying to keep out of Carl's way since she had the big argument with Sara just over a week ago, she knew how close they were, and didn't want to get on the wrong side of him, he was her boss after all. Cathy wondered what they were talking about, and she got really worried when she saw Carl point in her direction, and then saw Marie agree with him about something, then he walked over to where she was clearing away the makeup she'd used on her customer.

    "Hi Cathy. If you've finished with your customer, can you come with me please." Carl asked, looking very business like as he spoke.

    "Sure Carl, just let me put these last bits away, and I'll be right with you." Cathy said, trying not to look to scared.

    "I'll meet you in the restaurant then, just as soon as you've done." Carl said, as he left the room.

    Cathy was really worried now, she just knew that he'd found out about Sara and her having words, but she'd got know idea what he wanted to talk to her about. She finished putting the stuff away, and then made her way out to the restaurant, to find out.

    Carl was sat waiting for Cathy, and looking at a menu as he waited. He saw Cathy enter the room, and waved her over to the table. Just as she was about to sit down a waiter appeared and helped her take her seat.

    "Thank you." Cathy said to the waiter, as she smiled at him.

    "Ma'am." The waiter said with a smile, as he nodded his head. He then looked at Carl to see if they were ready to order any drinks yet or not. "May I get you both a drink while you look at the menu's?" He asked.

    "I'll just have a sparkling water please Paul." Carl said with a smile. "Cathy, what would you like to drink?" Carl asked, as he looked at Cathy on the other side of the table.

    "I'll have the same please." Cathy said, as she smiled at the waiter.

    "Very good then, I'll be right back with your drinks." The waiter said before walking away.

    "Right then Cathy, I guess you must be wondering what I've asked you to come here for." Carl said, as he looked at the food menu.

    "I have a feeling it's to do with Sara and me." Cathy said sounding very nervous all of a sudden.

    "I got a phone call this afternoon, and was asked that you not return home when you leave here tonight." Carl said it with a very straight face, so Cathy knew he wasn't joking.

    Cathy was a little shocked when she heard Carl say that, but the house did belong to Sara, so there wasn't a lot she could do about it. She was worried about where she was going to spend the night though, and whether Sara would let her get some of her things to tide her over. Cathy's bigger worry though, was whether or not she still had a job. Cathy tried to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat as Carl told her she couldn't go home, so she could ask him about her job.

    "What about my job Carl?" Cathy asked looking really worried now.

    "Don't worry about it Cathy. I've had a word with Marie, and she said she can take care of everything on her own." Carl said, as he kept looking at the menu. He never saw the shocked look on Cathy's face.

    "I've just been kicked out my house, and lost my job, and he's telling me not to worry about it." Cathy thought to herself, as she thought the bottom had just fallen out her world. Cathy was trying really hard not to cry, but she was finding it really hard.

    "Feel free to order what ever you want from the menu Cathy. My treat." Carl said, just as the waiter came back with their drinks.

    "I'm sorry Carl, but I'm not very hungry anymore." Cathy said, as she stood up and left the table.

    Cathy made her way back to the changing service, so she could get her purse and coat. She was trying to work out what to do now. Her first thought was to book a room at the hotel, but the cost would be to high, now she didn't have a job, so she scrapped that idea right away. Then she thought about giving Mable a call, she knew that Mable wouldn't charge her to much to stop there for a couple of weeks, while she found a new place to live.

    Carl looked up from his menu when he heard Cathy speak, but before he could stop her leaving the table, the waiter blocked his path. "Cathy, Cathy!" Carl shouted, but she was already gone. "I'm sorry Paul, but I need to go and get my dinner guest back." Carl added, as he stepped around the waiter, to go after Cathy.

    "I'll keep the table for you sir." Paul said, as he took the drinks back to the bar.

    Cathy walked back into the room where she did the makeovers with Marie, and saw her setting up for another customer, but the room was empty, which Cathy found a little odd. She didn't think about it for long, as she grabbed her purse, and then her coat.

    Marie turned around when she heard someone enter the room. She was shocked to see Cathy back so soon, and she was even more shocked when she saw that she'd been crying.

    "Cathy, what's wrong dear?" Marie asked sounding really worried, as she walked over to where Cathy was trying to put her coat on.

    "Like you don't already know." Cathy snapped at her.

    Marie took a step back when Cathy snapped at her. "No I don't know Cathy. What's happened? Is Sara okay?" Marie asked looking really worried.

    "She's fine. I'm the one that's got no place to live, and now doesn't have a job anymore." Cathy said, as she started sobbing even more.

    "What! What do you mean, you don't have a job anymore?" Marie asked looking shocked.

    "Carl just fired me, but you already knew he was going to. He told me he spoke to you about it." Cathy said, as she went to leave the room.

    "Carl did speak to me Cathy, but he never said he was going to fire you. You have to believe me when I say that." Marie said with pleading in her voice.

    "It doesn't really matter any more does it, he fired me, and that's that. I'm sorry Marie, but I have to go and find someplace to stay for the night. Bye." Cathy said, as she left the room to go get her car.

    Carl was just about to enter the changing service room when he bumped into Cathy, as she was walking out. "What's wrong Cathy, and why did you leave?" Carl asked, as he held onto Cathy's arms. "Why are you crying?" He asked, when he saw her face streaked with tears.

    "Let me think. I've just lost my job, and been kicked out my home. So why do you think I'm upset Carl!" Cathy snapped, as she tried to break away from his grip on her.

    "What! Why would you think that Cathy?" Carl asked looking really shocked at what he just heard.

    "Because you just told me Carl!" Cathy snapped again.

    "I never said that you'd been kicked out, or lost your job Cathy." Carl said, as he thought about what he did say. "Okay, maybe I did say that, but I didn't mean it like that." Carl added, as he suddenly remembered how what he said, might have sounded to Cathy.

    "It all sounded pretty clear to me Carl, now just let me leave. I promise not to make any trouble." Cathy said with a pleading tone to her voice.

    "The only place you're going is back in here, so Marie can do something with your face, so we can have some dinner." Carl said, as he forced her back into the room Marie was in.

    Marie saw Carl enter the room with Cathy, and she went straight for him. "If you don't give Cathy her job back right now, then you can find someone to replace me as well." Marie said in a firm voice.

    "I've not fired Cathy. It's just a misunderstanding." Carl said, as he led Cathy over to a sofa that was in the room.

    "That's some misunderstanding you had then, to make her think she lost her job, and her home with Sara." Marie said, as she handed Cathy a tissue.

    "I know, but I do have a nasty habit of speaking before my brain has worked out whether or not it's coming out right." Carl said with a chuckle. "It only ever happens when I'm speaking to beautiful women though." Carl added with a small grin, as he tried to lighten the mood, and make Cathy feel a little batter.

    It seemed to work, as even Cathy had a little chuckle at the look on Carl's face. "So may I ask what the dinner is for then, if I'm not fired? Or was it just to break the news about Sara wanting me to leave her house?" Cathy asked, as she dried her eyes.

    "Sara never asked you to leave the house Cathy, I just worded it all wrong." Carl said with a sad look. "It was Mandy I spoke to about it all. Chrissy is taking Sara to the club tonight, and I was ordered to make sure you were there as well. So I was told to keep you here and make sure you got fed, and then dressed up all pretty, ready for a night out clubbing." Carl added with a grin.

    "Are you sure that's what Sara really wants Carl? We haven't spoke in over a week." Cathy said looking sad.

    "How can you live in the same house, and not speak for a whole week?" Carl asked looking puzzled.

    "I've been sleeping in the guest bedroom, and Sara is always in her studio when I get home, so I've just been heading up to my room when I get in." Cathy said with a sigh.

    "May I ask what the argument was about?" Carl asked.

    "I was worried about the hours she was doing with the designs, and then going to see the people making the dresses. So I told her I was worried, and then she got really upset with me." Cathy had to stop for a minute, as she was getting really upset again. "To be honest with you Carl. I can't really remember much about what was said now, I just want to hold her again." Cathy added.

    "Well, I'm sure with Chrissy on the case, you will be doing just that later tonight." Carl said, as he wrapped his arms around Cathy and hugged her until she stopped crying again.

    "I'm sorry Carl, I really did misunderstand what you were trying to say." Cathy said with a chuckle, as they broke the hug.

    "Don't worry about it Cathy, I'm just glad I got to you before you left the hotel." Carl said with a thankful look. "I wouldn't want to face Mandy and the others if I'd let you get away in this state." Carl added with a grim look.

    "I was going to give Mable a call, and see if she could have put me up for a couple of weeks, if it had been true." Cathy smiled.

    "Well it wasn't, and I am still waiting to buy you dinner, so if you will let Marie do something with them puffy eyes, then we can go and eat." Carl said with a grin, as he stepped aside and let Marie take a look at Cathy's makeup for her.

    "Oh god Marie, I am so sorry for what I said to you." Cathy said, as she put her hand to her mouth. "Can you ever forgive me?" Cathy asked.

    "Nothing to forgive you for Cathy. Not unless you really are planning to quit working with me." Marie said with a worried look, as she pulled Cathy to her feet, and then hugged her. "You know I can't run this place without you." She added, as she hugged her a little tighter.

    "Did you really mean it when you said you would have quit too, if I was being fired?" Cathy asked, when they broke the hug.

    "In a heart beat Cathy." Marie said with a firm look. "We're a team Cathy, and a dam good one at that." She added with a proud look.

    "Thanks Marie, thanks for everything." Cathy said with a smile. "I better let you sort me out, or you will still be working on me, when your mystery guest shows up." Cathy added, as she looked at the dress and other things set out at the other end of the room.

    "She's already here." Marie said in a whisper, jut before she giggled.

    Cathy looked around the room to see if she'd missed seeing someone in the room with them, then she looked a little shocked when she realised that she was the woman Marie would be working on. "You're getting set up to work on me?" Cathy asked.

    "Yes, that's why I was so shocked when you said Carl had just fired you, and I knew all about it." Marie said.

    "Why didn't you tell me any of this when I first came back in the room after I thought Carl had fired me?" Cathy asked.

    "You never gave me the chance to say anything really." Marie said looking a little hurt.

    "I'm really sorry Marie, I should have known better than to not trust you. I really do feel like a fool now." Cathy said with a pout. "Carl, will you please let Marie join us for some dinner?" Cathy asked, as she looked at Carl.

    "I'd love to have Marie join us for a spot of dinner." Carl smiled. "Will you join us for dinner Marie?" Carl asked, with a smile.

    "I'd love to join you both for dinner, but only if it's no trouble." Marie said with a grin.

    "It's know trouble Marie, I know the owner really well." Carl chuckled. "I'll meet you both back at the table. Cathy knows where to find it." Carl added with another chuckle.

    "Okay Carl, we won't be to long." Cathy said, as she watched Carl leave the room.

    Marie soon had Cathy looking like she'd never been crying, and they headed out to find Carl, and have some dinner. Once they'd eaten, they headed back to the changing service, so Marie could help them both get ready for a night at the club. Marie got another shock when Carl told her to sort out an outfit for herself, as she was going to have a night out as well. Marie wasn't a big one for going out clubbing, but she thought it would be fun, to see what the others all got up to at the club, so she was soon getting herself ready as well.

    Sara was being led up to Chrissy and Becky's room once they'd all got the dishes washed and put away. Sara hadn't had such a good time in some time, and she was really having fun with the girls. Chrissy had taken the dress and other bits up to her room earlier, so they could all set about getting ready.

    Chrissy left Sara to start getting changed, while she took a quick shower with Becky. She told Sara that it was just to save water, but Sara just sat on the bed grinning at her, as she ran off pulling Becky along behind her.

    Sara found herself thinking back to the last time Cathy and her took a shower together, and how much she missed having her lying next to her in bed. "Why did I let things get this bad, and why didn't I just say sorry to her." Sara said to herself, as she was the only one left in the room at that minute. "Great, now I'm talking to myself as well." She added with a giggle.

    Chrissy and Becky were soon back in the bedroom with towels wrapped around themselves, and giggling, as they ran around trying to tickle each other.

    "Becky! We don't have time to play around." Chrissy said, as she got pinned to the bed, with Becky sat on top of her.

    "You're only saying that because I caught you." Becky said with a grin.

    "True baby, but I do have to help Sara with her makeup tonight, as well as doing you and Mandy. So we better see about getting some clothes on." Chrissy said with a grin, as she let Becky help her to stand up again.

    Sara was watching them play around, and she started to think about how her and Cathy would play around. "God I miss that girl." Sara said to herself. Sara was soon snapped out of her thinking, when she heard Chrissy speaking to her.

    "Who do you miss, Sara?" Chrissy asked, as she slipped on a pair of panties

    "Oh, did I just say that out loud?" Sara asked, as she put her hand over her mouth looking a little red faced.

    "Yes you did, so who is it you miss?" Chrissy asked again with a smile.

    "I was just thinking how much I miss playing around with Cathy, just like I watched you two doing just now." Sara said with a far away look in her eyes.

    "Well it won't be long now, and you'll be able to show Cathy just how much you still love her." Chrissy said, as she hugged Sara. "You do realise that the best part about having a falling out with the one you love, is the making up again after." Chrissy added with a giggle.

    Amber was relaxing at Amy's dressing table, while Amy did her makeup for her. Amber just loved the gentle touch Amy had, as she worked on her. All too soon, Amber heard Amy telling her she was all done.

    "I'm sorry baby, but I can't find any more reasons to keep you sat here." Amy said with a pout.

    Does this mean I have to move over, so you can work on Ann now then?" Amber asked looking sadly at Amy.

    "I'm afraid so. I need to make Ann look beautiful for Brady poo's." Amy said, as she put her hands on her heart, and battered her eye's.

    Amy soon regretted making fun of Ann, as she found her self being tickled, as Ann had a go at her about making fun of her being in love with Brad.

    "I'll teach you to make fun of me young lady." Ann said, as she kept tickling her.

    Amy ended up lying on the bed begging Ann to stop, but Ann just kept tickling her. "Please stop! I surrender, I surrender!" Amy gasped, as she tried to get air back into her lungs.

    "Do you promise to stop making fun of me and Brad being in love with each other?" Ann asked, as she kept tickling her until Amy gave the right answer. Ann thought she heard a yes in among the screams and giggles, so she stopped, and then helped Amy to sit up again on the bed.

    "Thanks for coming to my rescue lover." Amy said with a sad look, as she looked at Amber.

    "I'm sorry babe, but you kind of asked for that." Amber said, as she sorted out getting her dress on.

    "I guess I did." Amy said with a giggle, as she gave Ann a hug. "Let's get you looking even more beautiful then sis." Amy added, as she stood up, and pulled Ann to her feet.

    Amy soon had Ann sorted out, then she got herself ready to leave for the club. Ann and Amber both sat on the bed and watched Amy, then they all headed down to see if Chrissy, Becky, Sara and Mandy were ready yet.

    Ann, Amy and Amber all stood with their mouths open when they saw Sara walk out of Chrissy's bedroom. She was wearing a beautiful bright blue cocktail dress, which had a tight fitting body peace that looked a little like a corset, and a long straight skirt peace that had a slit up one side that showed of a long slender leg. Chrissy had done her hair and makeup, and it worked perfectly with the dress.

    "Wow Sara, you look amazing." Amy said, as she looked Sara up and down.

    "Do you really think so? I feel like I might have over done it with this dress." Sara said looking a little nervous.

    "I hope you're not planning on being at the club for very long Sara? Cathy's going to take one look at you in that get up, and want to take you home." Amber said with a grin.

    "I could live with that." Sara said looking a little red in the face. "At this point, I will take Cathy any way I can get her." Sara added with some pleading in her voice.

    "I have a feeling you will think you're fighting of an octopus by the end of the night." Ann said with a giggle.

    The girls all moved down to the kitchen, where Mandy got out a bottle of wine, and they all had a glass while they waited for Vicky to pick them up.

    Vicky was just as stunned to see how amazing Sara looked when she got there, as the others did when they first saw her.

    "You look stunning in that dress Sara." Vicky said with a smile, as she helped her get in the car with the others.

    "Thanks Vicky. I just hope Cathy likes it now." Sara said with a nervous smile.

    "Trust me Sara, she will just be happy to see you at the club." Vicky said with a sigh. "She didn't get off to a very good start with Carl, when he tried to talk to her about tonight." Vicky added with a sad look at Sara.

    "She will be at the club though, right?" Sara asked looking worried.

    "Yes, she's there now with Carla, and Marie." Vicky said with a smile, as she pattered Sara's hand.

    Vicky closed the car door, then she walked around to the drivers door and got in. She used the time it took to drive to the club, to fill the girls in on what happened at the hotel. Mandy was a little mad with Carl for not doing a very good job of telling Cathy the news about tonight. Sara just wanted to get to the club, so she could let Cathy know that everything was okay.

    Sara waited for the others to get out the car, when they got to the club, even though part of her just wanted to run off and find Cathy. Chrissy and Becky led Sara up to the VIP section where they knew Cathy would be with Carla and Marie.

    Cathy was sitting on one of the sofas up in Carla's privet section. She was facing the entrance to the VIP section, so she could see when Sara got there. All Cathy wanted to do, is say how sorry she was for being so stupid over the argument they had. She saw Chrissy and Becky enter the room, but it took her a couple of seconds to realise that the beautiful creature stood between them was Sara. Cathy jumped up, and ran over to meet them half way.

    Sara saw Cathy stand up, then she started running over to where she was standing with Chrissy and Becky. Sara was too nervous to look Cathy in the eyes, so she just looked down at the floor, that was until she saw Cathy's lower body come in to view. She saw Cathy's hand come up to her face, where it cupped her under the chin and lifted it up, so she could look her in the eyes.

    "Hello Sara. You look really beautiful tonight." Cathy said, as she looked deep into Sara's eyes for any sign of her not wanting to be here.

    "Thanks Cathy, I did it all to try and win you back." Sara said close to tears. "I know I said some nasty thing that night, and I also know that you were just worried about me." Sara added, as a tear ran down her cheek.

    "I still worry about you Sara." Cathy said with a worried look.

    "I though you just hated me for how I spoke to you. You moved to the guest room after all." Sara said, wanting to hug Cathy, but to afraid of what she might do.

    "You said you couldn't deal with me, and do the design work as well. I though you would be able to get on with you work better if I kept out your way." Cathy said in a sad tone. "And I could never hate you Sara." Cathy added, as she leaned forward and kissed Sara.

    Sara was soon kissing Cathy back, as she wrapped her arms around Cathy's neck and let all her worries wash away. "Chrissy was right. Making up is the best part of having an argument." Sara thought, as she kept her lips locked to Cathy's.

    "I think you'll need to help Sara with her makeup when they stop kissing." Amy said with a giggle, as she stood next to Chrissy, with her arm wrapped around Amber's waist.

    "This is one time I really don't mind baby sister." Chrissy said with a smile, as she let a happy tear run down her cheek.

    "You did a really good thing here tonight Chrissy." Amy said with a proud look. "I'm glad to have you as a sister, and a best friend." Amy added, as she gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

    "Thanks Amy. I just wanted to see them both happy again." Chrissy said with a smile, as she looked at Sara and Cathy still kissing, wrapped in each other's arms.

    "Does this mean you want me to return to sleeping in your room then Sara?" Cathy asked in a rasping breath, as she tried to get some air back into her lungs.

    "No I don't want you back in my bed Cathy." Sara said.

    "Oh, I see." Cathy said, looking sad again. She was hoping that they could just put this behind them, and get back to normal.

    "I want you to come back to our bed silly." Sara said with a smile, when she saw the sad look on Cathy's face. Cathy was soon smiling again, just before she pulled Sara closer for another kiss.

    Once Sara and Cathy stopped kissing, they all made their way over to the sofas. Carla sat looking very worried, as a very angry looking Mandy made her way over to her.

    "Hi princess." Carla said with a nervous smile.

    "Don't you hi princess me." Mandy snapped. "I asked you to do one simple thing, and you nearly end a relationship." Mandy added in a sharp tone of voice.

    "I'm sorry Mandy, but I didn't have all the details at the time, so how was I to know that what I said would sound like something else to Cathy." Carla said. "Technically, it was Carl that made the mistake, not me." Carla added with a week smile.

    "That isn't going to work this time." Mandy said, as she looked very angry with her arms folded.

    "I've said I was sorry Mandy. I don't know what else I can do." Carla said, as she stood up. "I need to go and talk to some people, so I'll see you later." Carla added in a sad voice, as she walked away without even trying to hug or kiss Mandy.

    Mandy just let out a huff as she sat on the sofa Carla just got up from. Chrissy and the others could all see that by fixing one problem, they had made another one.

    "Don't be to hard on Carla sis. It was just a simple mistake he made." Chrissy said, as she tried to calm her sister down.

    "Please don't blame Carl, Mandy. I just misunderstood what he was trying to do." Cathy added, as she tried to help Chrissy talk Mandy out of her mood.

    "He just makes me so angry sometimes." Mandy said with gritted teeth. "He just thinks everything is a joke." She added.

    "That's just how he deals with things when he's nervous Mandy." Sara said. "I bet he's really worried right now, and just left to try and let you calm down." Sara added, as she sat cuddled up to Cathy on another sofa.

    "Worried about what?" Mandy asked with a puzzled look.

    "Worried that he might be losing you, that he can't just buy you something pretty, and fix the problem." Sara said with a sad look. "He loves you because he can't control you, but at the same time, he can't just wave his hand, and fix any problem." Sara added.

    "Lose me! I'm just a little upset with him, but I'm not going to stop seeing him over it." Mandy said with a shocked look. "Has he told you all this Sara?" Mandy asked, looking worried.

    "He doesn't have to Mandy. I've known him long enough to see it in his eyes, he just needs you to let him know that you still love him." Sara said with a smile, as she looked at Mandy, then over to where Carla was stood talking to Beth.

    Mandy looked over to where Carla was talking to Beth, she could see that Beth looked a little nervous, and could only guess that Carla was trying to look busy. Mandy stood up and made her way over to where they were stood.

    "Do you mind if I steal her away from you for a bit?" Mandy asked Beth with a smile.

    "No. Please be my guest." Beth said, looking glad to be able to get away from Carla for some reason.

    "What have I done wrong now?" Carla asked with a worried look.

    "You never said if I looked nice tonight, or gave me a hug, and I never got a kiss from you." Mandy said with a pout.

    "I'm sorry Mandy, but you looked ready to rip my head off over there. Do you really think I was going to push my luck?" Carla said with sarcasm in his voice.

    "I'm sorry Carla. I over reacted to the whole situation." Mandy said looking a little sad now for having a go at Carla. "Sara told me about how you worry when I get upset with you, and how you might be losing me. Is this true?" Mandy asked, as she stepped closer to Carla, and wrapped her arms around her waist.

    "Sara should learn to keep her little mouth shut." Carla said, as she turned to look at Sara, sat on the sofa with Cathy. "But yes I do worry about losing you when we argue. Is that wrong?" Carla asked, still a little nervous of Mandy's mood.

    "I never realised that you felt that way. You always seem so in control, like nothing bothers you." Mandy said, as she leaned a little closer, and kissed Carla on the lips. Mandy felt Carla relax a little more, and knew she'd done her job.

    "I am like that with most things Mandy, but when I get with you, I just go to pieces. Well when it comes to upsetting you that is, the rest of the time, I'm just head over heals in love with you." Carla said with a grin.

    "We're going to argue baby, and we will want time away from each other, but I am never going to leave you." Mandy said, as she rested her head on Carla's shoulder. "I love you to much to ever let you leave me baby." Mandy added, as she hugged her a little tighter.

    The girls all sat on the sofa's smiling, as they watched Mandy and Carla hugging each other. They guessed that they must have sorted their problems out. Mandy dragged Carla back over to the sofa, and made her sit down, so they could cuddle for a bit.

    Amy and Chrissy were soon bored with sitting down, so they jumped up, and dragged Amber and Becky to their feet, so they could go for a walk around the club, and head onto the dance floor, if they played the right song. Sara and Cathy were grinning at the looks on Amber and Becky's faces until they found themselves being dragged to their feet as well by Chrissy and Amy.

    They walked around the club, and Becky helped sort out a couple of little problems as they went. Soon they were heading for the dance floor though, when a slow song started to play. Becky just put her hands on her hips, and looked up at the DJ, who just waved at her with a big grin on her face.

    Chrissy danced with Becky, Amy danced with Amber, and Sara danced with Cathy. They were all really happy to be spending some time with the ones they loved. Even Ann got in on the action, when she turned up on the dance floor with Brad holding her close. The others all smiled, as they moved around the floor.

    That's how the rest of the night went. The girls would sit down for a bit, then go for a walk, which would always end up with them heading to the dance floor. Chrissy and Amber even danced to some more up beat disco tracks. They were limping a little bit by the end of the night, but they were really happy, and had a great night.

    The girls were all sitting on the sofas waiting for Becky to finish locking up the cash in the safe. Chrissy was smiling as she watched Sara and Cathy cuddling and kissing.

    "Thanks Chrissy. Thanks for getting Sara and me back on the right track." Cathy said with a smile, as she held Sara in her arms.

    "What are friends for Cathy, if not to help sort out problems." Chrissy smiled. She saw Becky come out of the office, so she jumped up and ran over to her, and wrapped her arms around her waist.

    "Did you miss me baby?" Becky asked, as she hugged Chrissy back.

    "Yes I did." Chrissy said with a pout. "I've had to sit and watch Sara and Cathy kiss and cuddle." She added with an even bigger pout.

    "I'm sorry baby. Let's see if I can make up for some of the pain you've had to put up with." Becky said, as she leaned in and started kissing Chrissy. "Does that feel any better?" Becky asked, as they broke the kiss.

    "A little better, but I still think I need a little more." Chrissy said with a grin. Not one to pass up a chance to lock lips with her lover, Becky was soon kissing her again. "Now I feel much better." Chrissy giggled.

    The others had all heard what Chrissy and Becky had said to each other, and were all standing around giggling at them. Sara and Cathy both ran over and pulled Chrissy into a hug when she stopped kissing Becky.

    "We love you Chrissy." Sara and Cathy said, as they both hugged her. Then they both planted kisses in her cheeks.

    Chrissy just giggled and went all red in the face, as she cuddled up to Becky for protection. "I love you to." Chrissy said in a shy voice.

    "Come on, let's see about heading home." Becky said, as she wrapped her arm around Chrissy's waist, and started to head towards the front of the club.

    The girls were making their way out to the car, and were shocked to see Frank standing out there chatting with some of the other bouncers. They all looked a little shocked, as they hadn't seen him in the club all night.

    "Frank! What are you doing working?" Mandy asked in a stern voice, as she stood with her hands on her hips.

    Frank jumped when he heard Mandy shout at him. He slowly turned to look at Mandy, and looked at his watch before he spoke. "Hi ladies. I was just checking up on my boys, as I was passing." Frank said with a nervous smile.

    "You just happen to be passing the club dressed like that at four o'clock in the morning?" Mandy asked, as she looked at Frank dressed in his bouncer uniform.

    Some of the other bouncers were trying not to laugh, as they watched Frank dig himself ever deeper and deeper with his lies. Frank looked like he was about to speak a couple of times, but he never said anything, and just kept closing his mouth again.

    "Well Frank, I'm waiting for an answer?" Mandy asked, sounding even bossier this time. "Does my mother know that you're back at work?" Mandy added.

    Frank suddenly looked really worried, then he finally spoke. "No she doesn't know I've been working, so please don't tell her Mandy." Frank was almost begging Mandy with his eyes. "I've not really been working, just keeping an eye on the boys." He added, as he looked at the other guys for some sort of support.

    "He really hasn't been doing anything other that watching the others do their job Mandy." Brad said from just behind her. "I made sure the others wouldn't let him." Brad added with a smile.

    "Okay then Frank, it will be our little secret then." Mandy said with a smile. "I hear you're going to be busy tomorrow night anyway?" Mandy added with a grin.

    "Oh, your mum told you about me going round tomorrow night?" Frank asked with a shocked look.

    "Yes, we spoke yesterday, when she called in at the shop." Mandy smiled.

    "Did she say anything else?" Frank asked, hoping to get some idea as to whether or not she had a good time on Sunday.

    "She had quite a bit to say, but she always does." Mandy added in a matter of fact way, but she knew what Frank wanted to know.

    "Did she say whether or not she had a good time on Sunday?" Frank finally asked.

    "She said she had a really great time Frank, so stop worrying." Mandy said, as she stepped over to where Frank was stood, so she could give him a quick hug.

    "Thanks Mandy. I was worried she thought me a little quiet." Frank said, as he hugged Mandy back.

    "Don't worry about that Frank, mum can talk enough for both of you." Mandy giggled. "But if you ever tell her I said that, I'll, I'll.." Mandy trailed off, as she tried to think of what she could do to this large man stood in front of her. "I'll think of something to do to you." Mandy added, as she pointed up at him.

    "Okay, okay. I surrender." Frank said, as he chuckled, and playfully put his hands up in the air.

    Vicky pulled up in the car, then Frank opened the doors so the girls could all get in. The girls all hugged Frank, as they jumped in, then they all waited for Ann to say good night to Brad. Vicky drove the girl's home and waited with Carla for the girls to enter the house before they pulled off again.

    Mandy locked the door, and then headed off to catch up with the others, as they headed up to bed. Chrissy and Becky went to their room to get ready for bed, before heading over to join Mandy. Ann got ready for bed, and had to giggle when she saw Amy and Amber trying to help each other get ready, but just ended up making it harder for themselves instead. They finally got ready, and joined Ann in bed, and were soon cuddled up to each other falling asleep.

    Amy woke the next morning, and lay there watching Amber sleep until she felt the need to use the bathroom. She slowly slid out of bed, so as not to wake Amber or Ann, then she padded off to the bathroom to take care of business.

    Once Amy had finished on the toilet, she decided to take a shower and then head down to see if any of the others were up yet. Stripping out of her night cloths, Amy looked in the large mirror on the back of the bathroom door and had to smile. All Amy saw looking back at her was a woman, even if she knew most of it was fake. She had been noticing that her bra's had been getting really tight over the past month, and she was going to get Chrissy to remove the breast forms, so she could see just how big her own breasts had now got.

    "Not long now, and you'll look like this for real." Amy said to herself with a smile. The girl in the mirror saying the same thing back to her. Amy giggled, as she turned round and walked over to the shower.

    Amy hadn't been in the shower long, when she suddenly jumped as she felt a set of arms wrap around her. She soon realised it was Amber, and turned around to face her. "Morning sleepy head." Amy said just before kissing her.

    "Morning babe." A very sleepy looking Amber said in return once they broke the kiss.

    Amber was soon helping Amy wash her back, and making sure she was clean all over. Then Amy did the same for Amber, but she must have found some very dirty spots, as she soon had Amber screaming and moaning. They stepped out of the shower together, and dried each other off before heading back to the bedroom to sort out some cloths.

    "Is it me, or are them puppy's getting bigger?" Amber asked, as she watched Amy struggle to keep her breasts in her bra cups.

    "Yes they are." Amy said with a grin. "I'm going to get Chrissy to remove the breast forms later, so I can see just how big they've got." Amy added, as she looked down at her chest to make sure her breast were now both in the right place.

    "I really think you could go without the breast forms now baby. That looks painful." Amber said, as she walked over to Amy and ran her hand over the straining bar cups trying to hold her breasts in.

    "I don't want to do that Amber. I'll look like a boy again." Amy said looking worried.

    "Trust me Amy, you never really looked like a boy in the first place, and looking at how you're stretching out that bra, you must have a pretty good size set of breasts yourself now." Amber said, as she poked one of them.

    "Hay! Don't you know it's rude to point." Amy said with a giggle, as she covered her breasts with her hands, or tried to.

    "I know a lot more things that are even ruder." Amber said with a grin, as she wrapped her arms around Amy, trapping her arms between them both, as she was still holding her breasts at the time.

    "Can't you two just let us normal people sleep." Ann groaned from the bed, as she popped her head over the covers, and looked at them both.

    "Sorry sis, but it is nearly midday." Amy said, as she wriggled out of Amber's grip.

    "It's what!" Ann shouted, as she sat bolt upright in bed and looked at the clock. "Brad said he'd pick me up at twelve thirty, so he could take me out for lunch." Ann added, as she jumped out of bed, and ran off to the bathroom.

    Amy and Amber just watched her run off, then they looked at each other. "Do you think we should help her get ready?" Amy asked.

    "Trust me baby, the best thing we can do is leave her to get sorted." Amber said with a smile, as she wrapped an arm around Amy's waist, and led her towards the bedroom door, and down to the kitchen.

    "I'll make sure she has a cup of tea waiting when she gets down there." Amy said, as she let Amber lead her along to the kitchen.

    Mandy, Chrissy and Becky were already in the kitchen. They were sitting at the kitchen table having a cup of tea.

    "Good morning." Amy said, as she gave them all a hug. Amber followed her round the table doing the same thing. Then they both took seats at the table while Chrissy poured them a cup of tea out each.

    "Thanks Chrissy. So what's the plan of attack then for today?" Amber asked, as Chrissy passed her one of the cup.

    "Well I don't know about you lot, but I'll be leaving shortly." Mandy said, as she looked at her watch. "I'm just waiting for Carl to turn up." She added with a grin.

    Amber and Amy hadn't took much notice of how Mandy was dressed until she said that, then they realised that she was already dressed and ready to head out when Carl turned up.

    "I thought we'd get ready, then head out and grab some lunch before going to the supermarket to grab the stuff we need to cook the meal for mum." Becky said, as she sat cuddling with Chrissy.

    "That sound's like a really good plan." Amber said, as she sat cuddling with Amy.

    Chrissy just sat smiling, as she watched the others chat about their plans for the day. She was just happy to have Becky as a wife, and the others as sisters, but she was soon snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Amy call her name.

    "Chrissy, Chrissy. Earth calling Chrissy." Amy said with a giggle, as she tried to get Chrissy's attention.

    "Sorry Amy. I was miles away then." Chrissy said looking a little embarrassed.

    "Judging by the smile, it must have been a very nice place." Amber said with a giggle.

    "It was, and is." Chrissy smiled. "Well I'm back now, so what can I help you with baby sister?" Chrissy asked, as she looked at Amy.

    "Before we go out, do you think you could have a look at my breasts for me?" Amy asked, as she stuck her chest out.

    "I can see them from here thanks." Chrissy said with a grin. "Is it just me, or do they look a little bigger?" Chrissy asked with a puzzled look.

    "They're a lot bigger sis, that's why I want you to remove the breast forms, so I can see just how big they've really got.

    "I think we better take a look then. Just let me finish my drink, and we'll head up to your room and take a peak." Chrissy said, as she picked up her cup to take another sip from it.

    They all turned to look at Ann when she burst into the room sounding out of breath. She said good morning to everyone, and then took a seat at the table.

    "Here you go big sis. One cup of tea for you." Amy said with a smile, as she slid the cup over to Ann.

    They all sat trying not to giggle, as Ann started drinking her tea, and making sounds like she was making love to it. "God! That hit's the spot." Ann said with a groan, as she finally put the cup back down on the table.

    Ann and Mandy both ran to the front door when they heard the bell, as they didn't know whom it was going to be. They both smiled when they saw Carl and Brad standing there. Carl and Brad didn't have time to enter the house, Ann and Mandy ran out the house, and jumped into their arms.

    Carl and Brad both looked at each other, and smiled. They let Ann and Mandy run back into the house to get their purses, while they chatting with the others about what they had planned for Frank and Prue's dinner date. Chrissy was in charge, so she told Carl the ruff idea she had for the meal. They were soon waving to Mandy and Carl as they drove off in his car, and then Ann and Brad, as they left in his big 4x4.

    "Come on baby sister, let's go and see how big a boob you are?" Chrissy said with a giggle.

    "I think she's off the chart." Amber said, as she led Amy back into the house. "Oh sorry, I didn't realise you were talking about her chest." Amber added, as she pretended to look shocked.

    "Hay!" Amy said looking a little hurt at Amber's comment. "I've only made a couple of boobs." Amy added with a giggle, as she stuck her chest out a little more.

    "If you keep trying to stick them things out baby, they'll be entering another time zone before you do." Amber giggled, as she poked Amy's chest. Chrissy and Becky just followed behind giggling, as they watched Amber and Amy play around.

    Once they got up to Amy's room, Chrissy got Amy to sit at the dressing table, while she used the solvent to release the breast forms. Then Chrissy set to work removing all the glue and dead skin that was left behind.

    Amy sat with her eye's shut, as she let Chrissy work to remove the forms. Even after Prue had her taking some pills to stop her getting to excited, she was really enjoying what Chrissy was doing. She had to open her eyes though, when she heard Chrissy let out a little giggle.

    "What's so funny?" Amy asked with a puzzled look, as she looked at Chrissy, then Amber and Becky. They were all trying not to laugh. Amy was beginning to get upset that they were laughing at her flat chest. "You don't have to make fun of me, just because I don't have any real boobs yet!" Amy snapped, as she put her hands up to her chest.

    Chrissy had jumped back when Amy snapped at her and the others. "I'm sorry Amy, but we weren't laughing at that. We were laughing at the sounds you were making." Chrissy tried to say, but Amy was to busy looking down at her chest by now.

    Amy suddenly looked down when she felt breasts instead of her normal flat chest, and the way they felt was amazing. Amy loved the feeling she now had so much, that she sat playing with her nipples, and getting quite turned on by it. She soon stopped though, when she heard Chrissy doing a fake cough.

    "Having fun their, are we?" Chrissy asked with a grin. Amy went to speak, but didn't really know how to answer Chrissy's question, so she just went very red, and pulled her bathrobe closed over them.

    Chrissy, Becky and Amber all lost it at this point, and started laughing so hard they were soon on the edge of the bed with tears running down their face.

    Amy couldn't stay mad with them, once she realised they weren't making fun of her, they were just laughing at her for playing with her new breasts. She turned in her seat, so she could look at her breasts in the dressing table mirror. They weren't as large as the breast forms, but they were pretty close. Amy knew she wouldn't need the forms any more.

    "I'm sorry if I upset you with my giggling Amy." Chrissy said to Amy, as she looked at her in the mirror. "You were just making some very funny sounds, as I wiped the dried glue off your breasts." Chrissy added, as she tried not to giggle again, while she thought about the sounds Amy was making.

    "I've got breast Chrissy, look I've got my own breasts." Amy said with tears in her eyes, as she looked at her chest, and then at Chrissy in the mirror.

    "I thought that's what you wanted Amy?" Chrissy said looking worried, as she wrapped an arm around Amy's shoulder.

    "It is Chrissy. I'm not crying because I'm sad. I'm really happy about it." Amy said, as she stood up, and turned to give Chrissy a hug.

    As Amy hugged Chrissy, she could feel everything her breast came into contact with, and it felt great. Amy was soon rubbing her chest from side to side across Chrissy's chest, as it touched hers. She only stopped when Chrissy suddenly stepped back.

    "I think I better let Amber take over here." Chrissy said looking a little flushed.

    Amy suddenly put her hand to her mouth, as she realised what she'd been doing. "Chrissy, I am so sorry. I really don't know what's got into me."

    "Don't worry about it Amy." Becky said, as she wrapped her arm around Chrissy, and led her out the bedroom. "I'm sure Amber can help you from here." Becky added with a wink towards Amber.

    Amber walked over to where Amy stood, then she led her back to the bed and got her to lay down on it. Amber was soon sat on top her. She started to suck on Amy's nipples for her.

    "Oh god! That feels amazing." Amy said, as she gripped the covers with her hands.

    "I want to try something with you baby. Let me know if this started to hurt you down here." Amber ran her hand over Amy's groin as she spoke.

    "What are you going to do Amber? Mum said I couldn't get hard while I was taking them pills." Amy added with a sad sound to her voice.

    "Just trust me baby, and you may get a shock." Amber purred, as she went back to nibbling and sucking on one of Amy's breasts, while she rubbed and teased the other.

    Amy closed her eyes and found herself floating through space, as she let Amber carry on playing with her breasts. It wasn't long before Amy felt a tingling spread all through her body, then she saw colours explode all around her, as she had an orgasm.

    Amy had no idea how much time had passed from her having the orgasm, to her opening her eyes, but Amber was looking down at her with a big smile on her face. "Did you enjoy that baby?" Amber asked.

    "That was the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. Thank you Amber, I love you." Amy said, as she reached up, and pulled Amber closer for a kiss.

    "I'm glad I could help." Amber purred, as they broke the kiss. "I think we better see about making a move, or mum will never get her dinner date with Frank." Amber said with a giggle, as she rolled off Amy, and then off the bed.

    Amy was just trying to work out what to do about her bra's now she didn't have the breast forms to fill them out as much, when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. "Come in!" She shouted.

    Chrissy poked her head around the door, and smiled at her. "Hi Amy. I thought you might need to use these for the time being." Chrissy said, as she entered the bedroom with a box in her hand.

    "Hi Chrissy. What is it?" Amy asked, as she watched Chrissy walk over to where she was stood in front of the dressing table.

    Chrissy put the box down on the table, and then lifted the lid off it. "These are breast enhances. They should give you the same look that you had with the breast forms. Before you had the growing spurt." Chrissy said with a smile.

    "Will you put them in for me, I don't really have any idea what I'm doing." Amy said, as she looked at the two items in the box. Amy thought they looked like a couple of chicken fillets.

    "Sure I can Amy, but keep yourself under control." Chrissy said with a grin. Chrissy picked up one of the breast enhances and popped it into Amy's bra and played around until it looked right, then she did the other one the same way. "There you go. What do you think?"

    Amy turned to look in the mirror, and was happy to see that she looked like she normally did, but what she was now looking at was all her, with just a little help. "Wow Chrissy, I have real breasts." Amy said with a grin.

    "Yep, those are two boobs you didn't mind making." Chrissy said with a giggle.

    "Are we okay Chrissy?" Amy asked with some worry in her voice.

    "Yes, I think we both look pretty good, even if I do say so myself." Chrissy said, as she looked in the mirror as she stood next to Amy.

    "I didn't mean it like that Chrissy. I mean you're not upset with me for what I did just before Becky took you away earlier?" Amy asked.

    "Sure we are silly. My breasts are very sensitive as well, it just took me a couple of minutes to realise what we were doing." Chrissy said with a grin. "Was Amber able to do anything for you?" Chrissy asked, looking hopeful. She could tell by the grin that came across Amy's face that she was.

    "Oh god Chrissy, it felt amazing." Amy said, as she put her hands on her heart. "I can see why you and Becky spend so much time in the bedroom now." Amy added with a grin.

    "Hay! We don't spend that much time in the bedroom." Chrissy said looking hurt. "I'd say we spend more time in the bathroom." She added with a grin.

    Amy had to giggle when Chrissy said the last part. "You had me worried then for a second sis, I thought I'd upset you for real." Amy said with a pout.

    "I'm sorry baby sister." Chrissy said, as she pulled Amy into a hug "I'm just glad you have finally been able to do something with Amber. Did she have fun as well?" Chrissy asked, when they broke the hug.

    "I had a lot of fun bringing my baby some happiness." Amber said, as she walked out the bathroom. "I'm tempted to stay here, and keep making her happy, but I know she wants to help you cook the dinner for mum." Amber added with a sigh.

    "I'm sorry Amber. I could cope with just Becky's help, if you two want to stay and play around." Chrissy said with a sad look. "I don't want to be the one to spoil your fun." She added.

    Amber ran over and wrapped her arms around Chrissy when she saw the sad look on her face. "Hay Chrissy, I was only joking with you. I want to help cook the meal, just as much as Amy does." Amber said, as she hugged her. "We've got the rest of our lives to play around." Amber added with a giggle.

    "I just know how Amy is feeling right now, and want you to understand that I really wouldn't mind." Chrissy said, as she broke the hug.

    "I know you do Chrissy, but we want to spend time with you and Becky. We can play around later." Amber said with a grin, as she looked at Amy.

    "I'll hold you to that baby." Amy said with a grin, as she stepped over to hug Amber.

    "Well. I'll leave you to finish getting dressed, and I'll go and see if Becky is ready yet." Chrissy said, as she headed for the bedroom door. "I'll see you down stairs in ten minutes then." Chrissy said, as she left the room.

    "Okay sis." They both shouted back, as they stopped kissing.

    Chrissy and Becky were sat in the kitchen when Amber and Amy got down there. "You both ready to head off then?" Becky asked with a grin, as she helped Chrissy get to her feet.

    "Yep, ready when you are." Amber said, as she wrapped an arm around Amy's waist, and led the way out to the car.

    "How you feeling now Amy? More relaxed I hope?" Becky asked, as she zapped the car to unlock it for them all to get in.

    "I feel great now." Amy said with a grin, as she looked down at her cleavage showing over the top of the vest top she was wearing. "It feels really weird having my own, you know what's." Amy added, as she looked around to see if anyone was listening.

    "I still remember Chrissy being the same way, when she finally stopped using the breast forms." Becky said with a smile, as she got in the car, and looked over at Chrissy sat next to her.

    "Will the feeling of them being so sensitive fade away Chrissy?" Amy asked, as she put her seat belt on.

    "It did fade a little, but I still love the feeling of Becky playing with them, and the feel of silk stroking them when I'm wearing a bra." Chrissy said with a sigh, as she thought about it.

    "I hope this feeling never fades. I really love the feel of having breasts, and the feel of Amber playing with them." Amy said looking a little sly, as she looked at Amber with a grin.

    Chrissy and Becky both giggled when they looked over their shoulders, and saw Amber grinning at Amy, and Amy grinning back at Amber.

    "Just remember the first rule you two." Chrissy said with a firm look at them both.

    "What would that be?" They both asked with a puzzled look.

    "No playing around while we're out in public. Trust me, you really don't want the grief that comes with it." Chrissy said.

    "Sounds like you're speaking from experience there Chrissy." Amber said, with a raised eyebrow.

    "Yes, Becky and I have been called some very nasty names, and gazed at by others looking for a free show." Chrissy said with a role of the eyes. "I just don't want to see you and Amy go through the same thing if I can help it." She added with a week smile.

    "We'll try mum, but you know what us girls can be like." Amy said with a grin, just before she started giggling. This soon had the others giggling, and Chrissy trying to get into the back seat while still having her seat belt on. She wanted to teach Amy a lesson for calling her mum.

    Once they all settled down, they left the driveway, and head off to find some place to have lunch. They had all worked up quite an appetite since they woke up. Becky thought of a place to go, and they were soon sat having lunch.

    With lunch out the way, they headed for the supermarket, and then they made their way to Prue's, so they could make a start on getting everything ready for Prue to finish off later, when Frank turned up.

    Becky pulled onto Prue's drive, and then helped Amy and Amber get the bags out the trunk, while Chrissy went to let Prue know they were here. Chrissy rang the doorbell and then waited for Prue to answer.

    "Hi mum, were here to make you look good, just like we promised." Chrissy said with a smile, as she gave her mum a hug.

    "Hello dear, I'm not sure what you'll find to do, I've not had time to get out and buy anything." Prue said, as she gave Chrissy a hug.

    "Don't worry mum. We've got that one covered." Chrissy said with a grin, as she broke the hug, and turned to look at Becky, Amber and Amy walking over with carrier bags full of stuff.

    The girls all said hi, as they entered the house, and headed for the kitchen. Chrissy and Prue followed behind.

    "I didn't expect you to go and buy the stuff to do the meal with as well." Prue said, as she looked at all the stuff. "Let me know what I owe you, and I'll go and get you the money now." Prue added, as she went to leave the kitchen.

    "Hay! This is our little treat for you mum." Chrissy said, as she stopped Prue leaving the kitchen. "You've done so much for all of us, that it's nice to be able to do this one little thing for you." Chrissy added, as she looked at the others to get their approval.

    The other girls all gave Prue a hug, and then they set to work sorting out the meal. Amber was set to work on the starter, which was a prawn cocktail. Becky got to work sorting out a fruit salad for desert, while Chrissy and Amy set to work on the main course. Chrissy was doing a rack of lamb with all the trimmings. Prue just walked around helping out where she could. They soon had everything ready, or cooking, then they all went to the living room to sit and have a cold drink.

    "Thank you all so much for doing all this. I never realised just how good you all are at cooking." Prue said with a smile, as she sat on one of her sofas with Becky cuddled up to her one side and Chrissy the other.

    "You know we'd do anything for you mum." Amy said with a big smile on her face. "Chrissy is the real whiz in the kitchen, we just do as she tells us." Amy added with a bigger smile, as she looked at Chrissy.

    "You can't pull that one Amy. You could cook before you ever met me." Chrissy said, as she playfully stuck her tong out at her.

    "I don't care who you think showed who to do what. I'm just very proud of you all." Prue smiled, as she looked at them all. "Is everything okay Amy? You seem a little more upbeat today." Prue asked, as she saw how Happy Amy seemed.

    "I'm fine mum. I'm not using the breast forms any more, just a little help from some enhances. The rest is all me." Amy said with a grin, as she looked down at her chest.

    "So you've finally had a growing spurt then my dear." Prue smiled. "Speaking of you going through some changes, I have the date for you SRS." Prue added with a smile.

    "You've sorted it all out already?" Amy asked with some shock in her voice.

    "Yes, it's all sorted out, and you will be going in on Monday to have it done. So you don't eat anything after 9 PM Sunday night." Prue told Amy.

    "Monday! That soon?" Amy asked with an even more shocked look.

    "Yes, but I can get a later date if that would be better?" Prue asked.

    "No, no. Monday is fine. I just wasn't expecting it to be so soon." Amy said looking a little worried now.

    Amber pulled Amy into a hug. "Just think baby, you will put the final nail in the coffin on Monday, and Andy will be no more." Amber said, as she rocked back and forth as she held Amy.

    "They will be running some tests on Monday, and doing the surgery on Tuesday. If all goes well, you should be back home again by the weekend." Prue said.

    "I'll need to sort out a lift, and I'll need the address. What will I need to take with me mum?" Amy started saying with panic in her voice.

    "Don't worry Amy. Mandy has all the details for the place, it's the same place that Chrissy was sorted out." Prue said, as she handed a folder over to Amy with all the paperwork in it. "This will help you work out what you'll need to take with you, and I'll be there while they do the surgery." Prue added, as she pattered Amy's hand to try and calm her down a little.

    "Don't worry baby sister, they're all really nice their." Chrissy said with a smile.

    "This is all really happening, I can't believe it." Amy said it like she was in a dream. "OUCH! What you do that for?" Amy shouted, as she grabbed her arm where Amber just pinched her.

    "I just wanted to let you know that you're not dreaming baby." Amber said with a giggle. "Did I do it a little to hard?" Amber asked with some worry in her voice, when she saw the tears in Amy's eyes.

    "Yes, that really hurt." Amy said with some pain in her voice, as she rubbed her arm.

    "I'm sorry baby. Let me rub it better for you." Amber said, as she took over rubbing the spot she just pinched. Amber was soon rubbing one of Amy's breasts, and judging by the moaning Amy was making, Amber was getting her going again.

    Amy suddenly opened her eyes when she heard Chrissy, Becky and Prue giggling. "Amber! Stop doing that, what will mum think." Amy said, as she slapped Amber's hand away from her breast. "I'm really sorry about that." Amy added, as she went red in the face.

    "Don't worry about it dear. They must be super sensitive after being covered up for so long." Prue smiled.

    "They really are mum. Amber even managed to make me.." Amy realised what she was about to say, and put her hand over her mouth.

    "Did you enjoy it dear?" Prue asked with a smirk. Amy just nodded in the affirmative, but still wouldn't take her hand away from her mouth.

    "I didn't think she could have any enjoyment while she was on them pills to stop her getting a you know what?" Amber asked, as she pointed down to Amy's groin.

    "Between the hormones, and them pills to stop her you know what, as you call it. It would be hard, but add in the fact that her breasts have been covered for so long, then you can help her enjoy certain things." Prue said with a raised eyebrow. "Just be careful not to over do it. It would be very painful for her if she did get to excited." Prue added with a pained look.

    "Not for much longer though, ah baby." Amber said with a grin, as she wrapped her arm around Amy again.

    "It will be some time before you will be playing around with Amy in that way Amber. She will need a lot of help to get well again." Prue said in a firm voice.

    "I'll be there for her every step of the way mum." Amber said with a smile.

    "I know you will dear. She'll have Chrissy to help her as well, and she's been through it, so she will be a good person for you to talk to about any problems you may be having." Prue said, as she looked at Amy this time.

    "You already know that I'll be there to help you in anyway I can baby sister." Chrissy said with a smile. "If you're anything like me, you will never get use to the dilation, but you have to do it." Chrissy added with a screwed up nose.

    Chrissy and Cathy had both said they didn't like doing the dilation, and she didn't like the sound of it either, but if that was the price for her becoming the woman she so badly wanted to be, then she will just have to live with it.

    They were all soon back in the kitchen, so they could finish off setting up the meal for Prue. Chrissy had taken some notes, and even printed out a couple of pictures, so she could set up the meal right later. They cleaned everything up, and they got ready to leave, but not before Chrissy took Prue up stairs, so she could do her hair and makeup. Bye the time the girls left, Prue was all set to fully impress Frank with her cooking and grooming skills.

    "It really doesn't seem enough, but all I can do is say thank you so much for doing all this." Prue said, as she hugged them all as they left.

    "Just give us a call tomorrow, and let us know how it went, and we'll call it even." Chrissy said with a grin, as she was the last to leave the house, and give Prue a hug.

    "You've got it Chrissy, and thank you again." Prue said, as she kissed her on the cheek.

    "Okay mum. Bye, love you." Chrissy said, as she hugged her once more.

    "I love you to dear. Bye!" Prue shouted, as she watched Chrissy get in the car and then she waved, as they drove away.

    They were soon pulling onto the driveway at home, then they all headed into the house. Becky had work later, so Chrissy sent her up to bed, while Amber, Amy and herself sorted out something for dinner. They wanted to keep it simple, as they had just spent all afternoon cooking at Prue's.

    "How about we just order pizza later?" Chrissy asked, as she stood looking in the fridge.

    "That sounds like a great idea sis!" Amy said.

    "In that case, I'll go and lie down with Becky for a bit." Chrissy said with a grin. "I'm sure you two can think of something to do for a couple of hours." Chrissy added with an even bigger grin.

    The three of them all walked up stairs together, but Chrissy had to stand and giggle, as she watched Amber running to their room pulling Amy along behind her. "Have fun you two." Chrissy said too herself as she watched them vanish into their room.

    Becky was just starting to nod off when she felt Chrissy cuddle up next to her. "Hi baby, you feeling tired as well?" Becky asked, as she snuggled up a little closer.

    "We're going to order pizza for dinner, so I though I'd make the most of the extra time, and come and spend it with you." Chrissy said.

    "Thanks baby. I always sleep better when I have you to cuddle with." Becky said in a sleepy voice, as she was losing her battle to stay awake. They were soon both fast asleep.

    Sleep was not on the menu in Amy's room. Amber had stripped Amy down to her birthday suit, and was leading her into the bathroom, so they could take a shower together. If Amy thought this morning was good, then she was about to blow her mind.

    Amy was really enjoying what Amber was doing with her breasts. She was rubbing them and then pinching the nipples, but what really got her going was the water jet from the shower. She had never felt anything like it. "Oh my god Amber! That feels so amazing." Amy said with a groan. It didn't take long for Amy to lose it again, as she felt the bliss of another orgasm hitting her. Amber had to pin her to the wall, so she didn't fall to the ground.

    "Do you think you could return the favour in a minute baby?" Amber asked, as she helped Amy stay standing.

    "Sure, just give me a second to come back down to earth." Amy giggled. "God I love you so much right now." Amy added, as she leaned in to kiss Amber on the lips.

    Amy started to rub and pinch Amber's nipples as they kissed, Amy was soon working her way down Amber's body until she was kneeling down and working Amber up into quite a storm. Amy brought Amber to an earth shattering orgasm, which left her so week at the knees, she just slid down the wall, and sat on the floor of the shower kissing Amy.

    "Thanks baby." Amber hummed, as she came back down. "I've never known anyone make me feel like you do." Amber added with a week smile.

    They both just lay on the floor of the shower for some time before they both got up and turned off the water, before getting out and drying off. Once they were both dry, they headed back to the bedroom and started fooling around again on the bed. They must have fallen asleep, because the next thing they knew, Ann was shouting at them to cover themselves up.

    Brad had dropped Ann off back at home, then gone to get ready for work. She looked in the kitchen and the living room, but they were both empty. So she headed up to her bedroom to drop her purse off and change out of her clothes. Ann was shocked when she walked in and saw Amy and Amber fast asleep naked on top of the bed.

    "Wow! Way to much flesh on show in here." Ann said, as she held up her hand to hide her site from the two naked girls lying on the bed.

    Amy opened her eyes, not sure what Ann was talking about, but she soon tried to cover herself and Amber up when she realised that they had fallen asleep cuddling naked on the bed. Amber woke as Amy was pulling the covers over them both, and had to giggle when she saw Ann walking to the bathroom with her eyes covered.

    "We can always make room for one more Annie!" Amber shouted.

    "I'll pass thanks!" Ann said with a giggle, as she vanished into the bathroom.

    "I think we better put some clothes on, and see about heading down for some food." Amy said, as she lay cuddled up to Amber.

    "Is my baby hungry?" Amber asked with a pout.

    "I really am, don't know why though." Amy said with a giggle.

    "I've got know idea." Amber said with a finger on her bottom lip to make it look like she was thinking. Then she started to giggle along with Amy. "Come on then, you sex crazed kitten." Amber added, as she kissed Amy, just before sliding out of bed.

    Ann came out the bathroom to find Amy and Amber bent over showing her their bums, as they tried to get their panties on.

    "That's it. I'm asking for my own room." Ann said, as she got a good eye full.

    "Sorry sis. Please don't move to another bedroom." Amy said looking sad. "We just got carried away, and fell asleep after we'd." Amy didn't get to finish because Ann stopped her.

    "I get the idea of what you were up to, and I don't need you to give me a minute by minute account of it baby sister." Ann said with a giggle.

    Ann noticed that there was something different about Amy's chest. "Do you have a knew set of breast forms on baby sister?"

    "Nope, these are all me sis." Amy said with a grin, as she stuck her chest out at her sister.

    "You mean to say that my baby sister is growing up." Ann asked with a smile.

    "Yes I am, and I have some more news for you sis." Amy said, as she walked over to get a hug of her big sister. "I'm going in on Monday to have my SRS." Amy added, as she let Ann hug her.

    "Oh Amy, that's really great." Ann said, as she hugged her baby sister. "How much is it going to cost us?" Ann asked.

    "Oh god!" Amy said breaking the hug, and putting her hand to her mouth. "I never even thought to ask mum how much it would be, and who I needed to make the cheque out too. I'll go and give mum a call now, and find out." Amy added looking a little shocked that she never thought of it before now.

    "You better leave it till tomorrow sis. Mum will be in the middle of her meal with Frank." Ann said, as she stopped Amy running off to make her call.

    "Are you hungry Annie? We're going to order some pizzas for dinner." Amber said, as she finished getting dressed, and started helping Amy to get dressed as well.

    "Sounds like a good idea to me, and I could do with something." Ann said, as she stood waiting for them to finish getting ready.

    Once Amy was dressed, they all headed down to wait for Chrissy and Becky to come down, so they could order the pizza. They only had to wait twenty minutes before Chrissy and Becky walked into the kitchen with their arms wrapped around each other.

    "Is Mandy still out with Carl?" Ann asked Chrissy and Becky.

    "I guess she must be, her room is empty, and I guess she's not down here with you lot." Chrissy said, as she took a seat at the table, and pulled Becky down onto her knee. "Well where ever she is, I hope she's having a good time." Chrissy added with a smile.

    "You ready to order the pizza then girls?" Amy asked, as she grabbed the phone.

    They all said yes, so Amy phoned the number for the pizza place, and ordered enough pizza and side orders for everyone, and added a couple of tubs of ice cream for desert. Ann went to get some money out her pocket, but Amy stopped her.

    "I'll get this sis, my treat to you all for being so great to me." Amy smiled. All the girls jumped up and ran over to where she was stood, so they could have a big group hug.

    The food soon turned up, and they all sat and ate, then they all shared the ice cream by passing it around the table. Once they had all eaten, Chrissy went with Becky to help her get ready for work, while Ann and Amber helped Amy wash and dry the dishes.

    Amy, Ann and Amber all went out into the hallway when they heard someone come in around the same time that Vicky would normally come for Becky. They found Mandy talking to Vicky and Carla.

    "Hi Mandy. Did you have a good day?" Ann asked, as they all reached the spot they were stood talking.

    "Yes I did. It was a shame to see it end." Mandy said with a smile, as she stood cuddling with Carla. "How was your day?" Mandy asked.

    "I had a really nice time with Brad." Ann said with a sigh, as she thought about her man.

    "How did the cooking go for mums dinner date with Frank?" Mandy asked, as she looked at Amy and Amber.

    "It all went really well sis. Chrissy even took some time to help mum get ready. She looked really good when we left, and the meal should really score her some brownie points with Frank." Amy said with a grin.

    "Not that she really needs to score any extra points, but I'm sure it won't hurt." Mandy giggled.

    "I've also had some news off mum. I'm booked in for my surgery on Monday. I hope that won't be a problem for the shop sis?" Amy asked looking worried. "I just need to give mum a call in the morning, and find out how much I need to make the cheque out for. I forgot to do it when I was there today." Amy added.

    "We'll cope baby sister. Getting you sorted out is top of the list." Mandy said, as she gave Amy a hug. "And your surgery is already paid for." Mandy added.

    "How come? Who paid for it sis?" Amy asked with a puzzled look.

    "It's a gift from mum, Amy. She did the same for Chrissy." Mandy said with a smile, as they broke the hug. "I think it's mum's way of making you feel like a real part of the family." She added.

    "I really shouldn't let her do that, but I don't think she'd take no for an answer." Amy giggled.

    "Trust me Amy, she wouldn't." Mandy giggled.

    Chrissy and Becky came down stairs, and they both gave Mandy a hug to show how much they'd missed her today. Then they all stood and waved to Becky, Carla and Vicky as they drove away. The girls all went to the living room and sat chatting until it was time for bed, then they all headed up to get some sleep, as tomorrow was back to work for them all.

    Amy woke the next morning, and headed into the bathroom to take a quick shower before heading down to make a start on breakfast. She'd only just got in when she heard the bathroom door, then saw Amber step into the shower with her.

    "Do you mind if I join you baby?" Amber asked with a grin, as she wrapped her arms around Amy's waist, and pulled her closer.

    "Why would I mind?" Amy asked, just before kissing her. Amy and Amber soon got a little carried away, and only stopped when they heard Ann shouting at them to hurry up as she entered the bathroom.

    "Get a move on you two. We've all got work today, and I don't want to be late!" Ann shouted at them.

    "She's really not a morning person is she." Amber said with a giggle.

    "She'll be fine once she's had a cup of tea." Amy said, as she helped Amber step out the shower.

    Ann was standing over near the sink, and was soon trying to fight off Amber and Amy, as they both ran over and started hugging her, and kissing her on each cheek. "Stop it, get off me. You're both soaking wet." Ann said, as she tried to get away from them both.

    "Morning sis. Did you sleep well?" Amy asked, as they finally stopped playing around.

    "Morning Annie. Does someone need there cup of tea?" Amber asked with a pout.

    "Morning you two. Yes I slept fine, and all I need is for you two to go and let me get ready for work." Ann said, as she playfully slapped both of them on their bare behinds. Amber and Amy ran off giggling.

    Chrissy, Becky and Mandy were already in the kitchen when Amy and Amber got down there. So they went over and Gave Mandy a hug before setting to work helping Chrissy and Becky sort out breakfast for them all.

    "Running a little late this morning baby sister?" Mandy asked with a sly grin.

    "Sorry, but I got a little distracted in the shower." Amy said looking a little sheepish at Amber.

    "Don't worry about it Amy. Chrissy told me about you not needing the breast forms any more." Mandy said with a smile this time. "You just have as much fun as you can get." She added.

    Amy just walked off with a smile on her face. They soon had breakfast ready, then they all ran off to finish getting ready while Becky made a start on the dishes. Becky stopped long enough to go and see them all off at the front door, and they had the normal job of trying to get her and Chrissy apart. Amy and Amber were sat in the back of Mandy's car, so they could drop Amber off at Sara's on the way to the shop.

    Sara and Cathy were both stood waiting at the front door when they got to Sara's place. Mandy parked the car, and then they all got out, so they could go and say hi.

    "Hi girls, do you have time for a drink before you have to head off to the shop?" Sara asked, as she gave them all a hug.

    "Hello Sara, Cathy. I'm sure we can find time." Mandy said, as she hugged each of them.

    "Hi Sara, Cathy. I trust that everything is okay again between you?" Chrissy asked, as she also hugged each of them.

    "Yes, it's all really good again." Sara said with a big smile, as she looked at Cathy hugging Amy and Amber. "Thanks for what you did the other night, I don't know how I'll ever repay you Chrissy." Sara added as she hugged her again.

    "Just be happy, and grow old together. That will be thanks enough." Chrissy said with a smile.

    "I think we can manage that for you." Sara giggled.

    Sara led them all into the house, Chrissy went with Sara to make the drinks while Cathy led the others to the dinning room. Once Sara and Chrissy returned with the drinks, Amy told them about her going in for her SRS on Monday. Sara and Cathy were really happy for her, and they were also happy to hear that She wasn't using breast forms any more. They stopped for half an hour, then they realised that they really needed to make a move, or they would never be ready when the person turned up form the hotel at lunchtime.

    They all had a giggle when they saw Amber playing around with Amy's breasts. Amy ran out to the car looking very flushed. Amber ran after her, and gave her one final kiss before letting Mandy drive away.

    Once at the shop they got opened up, and soon got to work sorting out the orders for the changing service and the stuff they'd sold on the Internet. Chrissy and Mandy could see that Amy was worried about Monday, which was understandable given what was going to happen, so they just tried to keep her mind off it as much as they could.

    Amy, Chrissy and Mandy had to take a break when they saw their mum enter the shop just before lunchtime.

    "Hi Mum. How was the dinner date with Frank?" Mandy asked, as she gave her mum a hug.

    "Hello dear. The dinner went really well, I just want to thank Chrissy and Amy for all their hard work." Prue said, as she hugged Mandy back.

    "So does this mean you'll be seeing more of Frank then?" Mandy asked with a grin.

    "I hope to be seeing a lot more of Frank." Prue said.

    "Really, just how much more?" Mandy asked with a sly look on her face.

    "Mandy! I didn't mean it like that, and you know it." Prue said looking shocked. "But there is a lot of him to see." She added with a grin.

    Prue had to brace herself when she saw Amy and Chrissy run down the shop and hug her. "Hi mum. Was the dinner okay for you and Frank?" Chrissy asked.

    "I was just telling Mandy that Frank and I really loved it dear. I want to thank you both for helping me out." Prue said, as she hugged them both again.

    "Glad we could help you out mum, just shout up if you want us to help out again sometime." Amy said.

    "Don't worry, you'll be the first people I call." Prue said with a grin

    "So will you be seeing Frank a little more often then mum?" Chrissy asked looking hopeful.

    "Yes, we're going out for dinner on Sunday." Prue said with a smile. "Just a simple meal this time, at a little place I've always wanted to try." She added before any of the girls could butt in with any big plans for their third date.

    "Wow, the third date. Maybe you should pick out some sexy underwear for it mum." Mandy said with a grin.

    "That's a really good idea, I think I will." Prue said, as she started looking around the shop.

    Mandy, Amy and Chrissy just stood with their mouths open while they watched their mum looking at some very sexy underwear. Prue finally came back to the counter with a couple of sets, one purple and another in red.

    "I'll take these thank you dear." Prue said, as she went in her purse for her credit card.

    "Okay mum, I'll get them boxed up for you, and if you think I'm going to let you pay for any of them, forget it." Mandy said, as she stopped her mum getting her credit card out her purse.

    "Are you sure dear?" Prue asked.

    "Yes mum, I am very sure." Mandy said in a firm voice.

    Chrissy and Amy got the items boxed up for her, and then they walked her out to her car.

    "If I don't see you before Amy, I'll see you Monday at the hospital." Prue said, as she hugged all three of them.

    "Bye mum, have fun with frank." They all said with a grin on their faces.

    "Don't worry dears, I will." Prue said with a wink, as she pulled off.

    "Do you think we should give frank some warning?" Chrissy asked, as they headed back into the shop.

    "Where's the fun in that?" Mandy asked with a giggle. "We better see about getting the orders finished up for the changing service." Mandy added, as she looked at the time.

    They got them finished just in time to see the girl from the hotel enter the shop with a basket of food.

    "Hi Linda, we only just made it in time." Mandy giggled.

    "Hi Mandy. That's okay, I could have waited while you finished up." Linda said, as she walked to the back of the shop with the basked of food. "Hi Chrissy, hi Amy." She added, as she entered the back room and put the basket on the table.

    "Hi Linda." Chrissy and Amy said together.

    Linda walked back into the main part of the shop, and seemed to be distracted as she looked around the shop.

    "Is everything okay Linda? You look a little troubled today." Mandy asked as she watched Linda looking at some of the underwear hanging on racks around the shop.

    "It's my boyfriends birthday today, and I was just wondering if you had anything within my price range, that I could surprise him with." Linda said looking a little sheepish.

    "Well what's his favourite colour Linda?" Mandy asked.

    "He really loves it when I wear my blue underwear, so I guess it would be blue." Linda said with a smile.

    "I know just the thing to get his blood boiling." Mandy said, as she led Linda over to a changing room. I need you to strip down to just your underwear, so I can measure you." Mandy added, as she pulled the curtain across.

    Linda did as she was told, and the pocked her head out to let Mandy know. "I've done that Mandy."

    "Okay, I'll be right there." Mandy said, as she walked over with a tape measure in her hand. She took some measurements and then left to get the right size items for her. "Here you go Linda. Put the panties on last, that way you can have some fun with him without taking everything off." Mandy said with a grin.

    Linda set about taking her bra and panties off, then she set about putting the first item on which was a Basque in a really nice ultramarine blue, and then she slid up a pair of blue stockings and attached them to the suspender belts built into the Basque. Like Mandy had said, she slid the panties on last. Linda wasn't sure whether or not her boyfriends would like it, but she really did. She just wasn't sure she could afford it all.

    "This is all really nice Mandy, but I don't think I could ever afford anything like this." Linda said sounding really sad. "I'm sorry for wasting your time." She added, as she went to go back in the changing room.

    "Wow Linda, you look amazing in that." Chrissy said as she walked out into the shop with the last of the orders for the changing service.

    "Like she just said." Amy added, as she saw what Linda was wearing.

    "It's her boyfriends birthday today, and she was looking for something special for tonight, but she says she can't afford it." Mandy said with a mock sad face.

    "Does she not know about the close friend discount we offer?" Chrissy said looking shocked that she'd never heard of it.

    "What is the close friend discount when it's at home?" Linda asked with a puzzled look.

    "That's a very special discount we offer very special friends of the shop." Amy said, getting in on the action.

    "How much will it cost me then with this special discount?" Linda asked, as she bit her bottom lip, hoping she would be able to afford it.

    "Well with the discount, you will owe us nothing Linda." Mandy said with a grin. "Go and make your man happy." Mandy added, as she walked over to where Linda was stood.

    "I can't do that, this must all cost a lot of money Mandy." Linda said looking shocked.

    "Do you like the way it makes you feel Linda?" Mandy asked.

    "I love the way it feels." Linda said, as she ran her hand up her side.

    "Well just imagine how it will make your boyfriend feel when he sees you in it later." Mandy said with a raised eyebrow.

    "Okay, thank you so much for doing this." Linda said, as she gave all three girls a hug. "I think you're three of the most beautiful girls on the planet, and the kindest as well." Linda added with a tear in her eye. The girls didn't know what to say to that, so they all just hugged her again, as they thanked her.

    "Will you be taking it off again, or do you want to keep it all on?" Mandy asked.

    "I love the way it feels, so I think I'll keep it all on, if that's okay?" Linda asked looking a little sheepish as she said it.

    "That's fine Linda, we'll just box up your old underwear for you." Mandy said, as she picked up her old underwear from in the changing room. Mandy looked at the state of it, and then showed it to Chrissy and Amy with a knowing look.

    Chrissy and Amy ran off to sort out a little rescue package for Linda. They were soon back with half a dozen bra and panty sets.

    "What are you doing now?" Linda asked, when she saw Mandy drop her old bra and panties in the bin.

    "Just helping a girlfriend out." Mandy said with a grin.

    "I don't suppose me saying I can't except them will do any good will it?" Linda said, as she stood watching the girl's box all her bits up for her.

    "Nope, but feel free to try." Chrissy giggled.

    "Thank you again, and I know my boyfriend will be thanking you later as well." Linda said with a grin. "I better see about getting off again, or Cathy and Marie will be jumping up and down." Linda added as she looked at her watch.

    "You may want to think about putting your clothes back on first Linda." Amy said, as she pointed at Linda in just her Basque, stockings and panties.

    "Good point Amy, thanks." Linda said with a giggle. "See, you've got me all mixed up now." Linda giggled some more.

    Once Linda was dressed they helped her out to her van with the clothing orders, then they waved her off after she gave them all another hug. Then they went in and locked the door, so they could have some lunch.

    Chrissy and Mandy kept Amy busy at the shop on Friday, and Saturday, while Amber did a pretty good job of keeping her mind on other things in the evenings. By the time they got home on Saturday night, they were all ready for a night out at the club. Amy knew it would be her last for a couple of weeks, she knew she wouldn't be up to it for at least that long.

    "I hope you're ready for a night of dancing and drinking Amy." Chrissy said with a grin, as they all sat waiting for Vicky to turn up. "We better make the most of it, because we won't be going for some time again." Chrissy added with a smile, as she hugged Amy.

    "I still think you Ann and Mandy should go and spend time with Becky, Brad and Carla. I'll have Amber to keep me company while you're there." Amy said.

    "We'll see how we all feel. I don't think I'd feel right heading out to the club, and leaving you here at home." Chrissy said with a sad look on her face.

    "Why don't we worry about that next weekend, and just go out and have a blast tonight." Mandy said with a grin.

    They all agreed and then followed Mandy to the front door when they heard the bell. Mandy opened it and found Vicky standing there smiling at them all. All the girls gave Vicky a hug, as they left the house and walked over to the car and got in.

    Once they got to the club, Ann ran off to find Brad, while the others all took a steady walk up to the VIP section. They past Ann on the way, as she kissed Brad. Mandy ran to Carla when she saw her talking to a couple of girls in the VIP section. Carla just stood there grinning.

    Chrissy, Amy and Amber all went and sat on the sofas, while Becky walked over to Beth, to see if she needed to be made aware of anything. Beth said all was under control, so she went to join Chrissy on the sofas.

    "Beth taking care of everything for you baby?" Chrissy asked, as Becky came over and sat on her knee.

    "Yes, she doesn't like to bother me on a Tuesday or a Saturday if she can help it. I think she likes to see us spending time together." Becky said with a smile, as she leaned in to kiss Chrissy on the lips.

    "I'll have to find some way to thank her for that then." Chrissy said looking deep in thought as they broke the kiss.

    "Just as long as it doesn't involve you kissing her like that, then be my guest baby." Becky purred, as she licked her lips.

    "You know that you're the only girl I kiss like that lover." Chrissy said with a grin.

    "Then how do you kiss all the other girls?" Becky asked with a shocked look.

    "I don't kiss any other girls. You're the only girl for me." Chrissy said looking worried, that she might have just upset Becky.

    "What about the boys then missy, how do you kiss them?" Becky asked with a raised eyebrow.

    "I don't kiss boys, I would never kiss a boy! I only want you to kiss me." Chrissy said looking upset with Becky for even thinking such a thing, never mind saying it.

    Becky couldn't keep a straight face any longer, she burst out laughing. "I'm sorry baby. I was just teasing you, I know you would never kiss another person like you kiss me." Becky said, as she leaned in to give her another kiss.

    Chrissy fought her at first, but soon gave up and let Becky's tong enter her mouth, as they kissed. Amy and Amber had been watching them play around, but soon joined the party, and started kissing each other in the same way. The girls stopped kissing and looked over at Carla and Mandy when they heard Carla speaking.

    "I wonder why they bother coming out, if that's all they're going to do all night." Carla said with a grin, as she sat on the sofa facing them with Mandy at her side.

    "Hi Carla." The four girls all said with big smiles on their faces.

    "We come for the dancing as well, but we just want to stock up on kisses first." Amy said, just before going back to kissing Amber again.

    "Well if you can't beat them, then join them." Mandy said, as she turned Carla's head and planted a long loving kiss on her lips.

    Becky and Amber soon got board with sitting down, so the pulled Amy and Chrissy to their feet and decided to go for a walk around the club. The girls were always amazed at the different types of people that came to the club, but they were a little shocked when a couple of very pretty looking Goth's stepped into their path.

    "Sorry. Excuse me." Amy said, as she went to step around them while she had her arm wrapped around Amber's waist. One of the Goth's stepped to the side again, and stopped Amy. "Do you mind if we get past you please?" Amy asked in a very polite way, as she smiled at the woman.

    "I'm not as easy to read then, when I'm dressed like this." The woman said, as she smiled down at Amy.

    Amy looked at the woman, trying to work out what she would look like without all the makeup, but she couldn't think of who it might be. "I'm sorry miss, but I think you have me mixed up with someone else." Amy said.

    "Nope, I've got the right girl. Your name is Amy, right?" The woman said with a smile, which looked really scary given how she looked.

    Amy was getting worried that she might have something to do with her birth mother, or the bitch that she's shacked up with. "Yes my name is Amy, but I am really sorry, I don't know who you are. Please just let us pass." Amy said with a scared voice.

    "Samantha! Stop teasing the poor girl. Can't you see you're scaring her." The other woman said, as she looked at the first one.

    "I'm sorry Amy, I was just having some fun with you. Please forgive me." The first woman said. "It's me Sam. I helped fit the stair lift at the shop." The woman said with another smile, which still looked really scary.

    "Sam! Wow, you look really different." Amy said looking more shocked than scared now. "If you'd dressed like that in the past, I never would have known it was you in the shop." Amy added, as she looked at the woman/man stood in front of her now.

    Sam was wearing a black gothic looking dress, and had knee length boots on made of PVC, and her hair was black, but it had purple and red pipes coming out of it. Her face was almost white in colour, but she had tons of eyeliner on, and blood red lips.

    "My girlfriend came up with the idea of dressing like this, so no one would work out it was me in the future." Sam said, as he waved his hand up and down his body.

    "Has your girlfriend come with you tonight Sam?" Amy asked.

    "Yes, she's right here." Sam said, as he pointed to the other gothic stood with him. "This is Rachel my girlfriend."

    "Hi Rachel, it's nice to meet you." Amy said, as she held out her hand to let Rachel shake it. Amy was still scared, Rachel looked even more scary than Sam did.

    Rachel was wearing a short black PVC mini skirt, and what looked like a purple fishnet body stocking under it, as she had purple fishnet legs and upper body. She was wearing a black PCV bra under the body stocking, and she had on a very scary looking pair of boots with lots of metal plating all over them. She looked very beautiful with long straight black hair. Amy thought she looked a little like Morticia from the Adams Family, but with a very cyber gothic twist.

    "Hello Amy, please don't let the way I look scare you." Rachel said in a sweet sounding voice that really didn't fit the way she looked.

    "This is Chrissy, Amber and Becky. I'm not sure if you've ever met any of them before tonight." Amy said, as she pointed at each girl in turn.

    "I've spoke to Chrissy, and we knew who Becky was, but we've never had the pleasure of meeting Amber." Rachel said with a smile, which looked just as scary as the one Sam gave them just now. "It's really nice to meet you, and thank you for not making any trouble for Sam at work." Rachel added, as she stepped over to Sam and wrapped an arm around his waist.

    "Becky, can they come up to the VIP section please?" Amy asked, as she looked at Becky.

    "Sure, follow me." Becky said, as she turned to head back to the VIP section.

    They didn't get very far before Paul and Mark turned up with Beth between them. "Is everything okay boss?" Paul asked, as he looked at Samantha and Rachel. "Beth said it looked like Amy was having some trouble." He added.

    "No problem Paul. It was just a couple of friends playing a trick on Amy. We're heading up to the VIP section now with them." Becky said, as she started walking again. "Thanks for being so vigilant though Beth." Becky added, as she gave Beth a quick hug.

    "Just doing my job boss, I mean Becky." Beth said looking a little upset with Paul and Mark for calling her boss when they first turned up. "I'm really sorry if we scared you." Beth added, as she saw the way the two Goth's were holding onto each other.

    Sam and Rachel both gave Beth a nervous smile as they walked past her, and then between Paul and Mark. Both girls thinking they would feel sorry for any one that tried to do something to one of these girls.

    Ann was chatting with Brad when they saw the girls heading back already. Then they saw the two Goth's walking just behind. Brad let Becky and the others through, but he put his hand across the path of the two girls. Sam and Rachel stopped and jumped back scared.

    "Sorry. VIP only." Brad said in a very polite voice.

    "Don't worry Brad, their friends of Amy's." Becky said with a smile.

    "I'm sorry for scaring you, please enter." Brad said, as he waved his hand towards the other girls as they went up the stairs.

    "I really need to keep an eye on the type of people my baby sister is hanging around with." Ann said, as she watched the two girls heading up the stairs.

    "They don't grab me as the type of girls Amy would be hanging around with in the first place." Brad added, as he wrapped his arms around Ann's waist, and pulled her closer for a kiss.

    "I think I better go and make sure she's not being taken for a ride. I'll be back in a little while." Ann said, as he broke the kiss, and headed up into the VIP section.

    Mandy, Carla and Vicky all sat with their mouths open when they saw Becky, Chrissy, Amy and Amber all enter the VIP section with the two Goth's following close behind. Becky led them over to the sofas and made them both sit down.

    "This is Rachel and Samantha." Becky said, as she pointed at each girl in turn. "Samantha was one of the people that fitted the stair lift at the shop." Becky added, as she sat down on Chrissy's knee after she sat down on another one of the sofas.

    "You're telling me that one of you was the young man that helped fit the stair lift in my shop?" Mandy asked looking shocked, as she tried to work out which one it could be.

    "Yes, that would be me Mandy." Sam said looking a little worried. "Is it okay if I call you Mandy?" Sam asked looking worried.

    "Please do." Mandy smiled. "I must say, you look a little different now to how you looked that day in the shop." Mandy added, as she looked at them both sat on the other sofa.

    "Rachel thought it best to go for a very different look, so I didn't get read again like I did in the shop by Amy. Rachel also thought it best if she did the same." Sam said, as he looked at his girlfriend sat next to him. "We never really gave it much thought until that day, but we thought that if they saw me out with Rachel, they could put two and two together." Sam added looking worried.

    "Do you not normally dress like that then Rachel?" Chrissy asked, as she cuddled with Becky.

    "Oh god no." Rachel giggled. "But I must say that I've made some people look very worried dressing like this, so I may think about changing my look in the future." Rachel added with a grin.

    "I do like that look Rachel, but I still think you look just fine as you are normally." Sam said with a smile, as he gave his girlfriend a quick kiss on the lips. "I'll try and get her to the shop sometime next week, so you can meet her in her normal form." Sam added when they stopped kissing.

    "I'd leave it a couple of weeks. Amy won't be at work for at least that long." Chrissy said. "She's going into hospital on Monday." She added with a smile.

    "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that Amy. I hope it's nothing series?" Rachel said looking worried.

    "I'm just going in to have a birth defect fixed." Amy said looking a little worried herself.

    "When you say birth defect, do you mean to say, that you weren't born looking that way?" Sam asked, as he pointed at Amy's body.

    Amy got shy all of a sudden and cuddled up to Amber a little closer, as she shuck her had from side to side. "No, I wasn't." Amy was worried she might have said too much.

    "You could have fooled me Amy. I think you look amazing." Sam said, just before he got a clip round the back of the head. "Ouch! What was that for?" He asked, rubbing the back of his head.

    "Remember me darling." Rachel asked looking a little upset with him.

    "You know I only have eyes for you. I was just paying the girl a complement." Sam said in his defence.

    "Okay then, I'll let you off this time. She does look pretty good though." Rachel said with a grin. Amber just pulled Amy in a little tighter, to let Rachel know that she was taken, and not to try anything.

    Ann had come up the stairs, and then watched as the two new comers sat chatting with the others. She made her way over when she saw Amy looking worried and cuddling up to Amber.

    "Is everything okay here?" Ann asked, as she gave Sam and Rachel her best protective big sister stair.

    "Fine sis. This is Samantha and Rachel. Sam was the guy I told you about, he helped fit the stair lift at the shop." Amy said, as she pointed at each girl in turn.

    "Hi. I'm Ann. Amy's sister." Ann said as she relaxed a little. She stepped forward and shook each girl's hand. Ann thought Sam looked really good, and it was only the size of his hands that gave him away.

    Amy pulled Ann down to sit next to her, and then brought her up to speed in why Sam and Rachel were dressed like they were. Ann felt a lot better after Amy explained, and started to trust them a little more. They both turned out to be really funny, and Carl gave them a couple of VIP passes, so they could come into the VIP section whenever they wanted. Amy and Chrissy were soon board with being sat down, so they dragged every one down to the dance floor, so they could have a bit of fun before Amy went for her surgery on Monday.

    Chrissy and Amy thought it looked really funny when Sam and Rachel started dancing to some disco music dressed like they were, but they all had a really good time, and spent most the night on the dance floor.

    Carla sorted out a car to take Rachel and Sam home at the end of the night, and they thanked all the girls for a really great night out. They also wished Amy luck with her surgery, and gave Chrissy their phone number, so she could call and let them know how it went.

    Vicky pulled up in the car, and they all jumped in. Carla was stopping the night, so Vicky left the house after everyone got out. They all got in the house and headed up to their bedrooms, tired, but happy that they had a great night out.

    The girls were all treating Amy to a day out shopping on the Sunday, so they all got up and got ready to head out. Carl wasn't in the mood for spending the day shopping with a group of girls, so he got Mandy to drop him off at the hotel on their way into town.

    "Have a nice day girls, and if I don't see you before Amy. I wish you luck with the surgery." Carl said, as he looked in the back of Becky's car.

    "Thanks Carl." Amy said with a nervous smile.

    Mandy waved at Carl, just before she pulled off, and then Becky pulled away in her car, so she could follow Mandy to the car park. Once they were parked, they headed to a restaurant to get an early lunch.

    "Don't look so worried baby sister, you'll be fine." Chrissy said to Amy, as they waited for the food to come out.

    "I'm just really scared Chrissy." Amy said, as she grabbed her hand. "But I'm also really excited at the same time." Amy added looking confused.

    "I know what you mean Amy. I was the same way, but it's well worth it all once it's over with." Chrissy said as she gave Amy's hand a squeeze.

    Amber, Mandy, Ann and Becky all sat and smiled, as they let Chrissy help Amy get over some of the fears she had. They all knew that Chrissy was the only one able to help Amy at this point. The food came out, and they all sat eating, and chatting about some of the shops they wanted to visit.

    Once lunch was out the way, they headed off into the first of many shops. They spent the rest of the afternoon trying on cloths and having a laugh. Amy went in a bookstore and brought a couple of book to help her pass the time while she was staying in hospital. They called it a day when the shops were closing for the day, and then they decided to go and see a movie at the cinema.

    Ann grabbed the tickets, while Mandy sorted out drinks and sweets for everyone. The film was a romantic comedy, and they all had a really good laugh. Mandy called for take out on the way home, while Becky headed back to the house to get the plates out ready for when her and Ann got home with the food.

    Amy was glad that they had all spent the day with her, it really helped her feel better about tomorrow, so she decided to thank them. "Can I just take a minute to thank you all for a really great day." Amy said, as she looked around the table.

    "I think we all had a really good time as well Amy, and we all know that it will be some time before you're able to go out and do that sort of thing again." Mandy said, with a smile.

    "I hope it's not to long, I don't want you all staying in just to keep me feeling bad. As long as one of you can spend some time with me, I'll be fine." Amy said with some hope in her eyes that the others wouldn't put their lives on hold because of her.

    "Do you really think any of us could have a good time going out, knowing that you were stuck back here feeling under the whether?" Chrissy asked her.

    "I guess not Chrissy, but I would really like to see you doing something other than sitting around here keeping me company." Amy said,

    "I'm sure Ann and Mandy will be going out with Brad and Carl, but Amber and I will be happy to keep you company until you're back on your feet." Chrissy said, as she looked at Amber.

    "You're stuck with me baby. There is no other place I want to be." Amber said, as she wrapped her arms around Amy's waist and hugged her.

    It was just after eight PM when they all finished their dinner, so they went to the living room and relaxed on the sofas for a bit. Amber got Amy a glass of water, as she wasn't allowed anything else after nine. They all called it a day at ten, and headed up to bed. Mandy, Chrissy and Becky all gave Amy a big hug before they gave Ann and Amber one, then they all said good night and headed to their bedrooms to get ready for bed.

    Amy was soon wedged between Ann and Amber, where she felt safe and protected. Amy wasn't looking forward to being back in a hospital tomorrow, but at least this time she knew it would only be for a couple of day. She was soon drifting off to sleep, and thinking about being a complete woman at last.


To be continued


Edited By ChrisW

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You Have It All Wrong Two, Amy's Story Chapter 23 is up

I had some extra time so I edited this chapter my self I believe I've fixed the typo's if not please PM me and I'll take care of it. I have in the past gotten PM's about the wording in this story. That is the way Sara wrote it, but this time I did do a little rewording to smooth it out!


If you 1st can't get them to agree, then cut them to bits...


You Have it all Wrong - Amy's Story Part 23

Thanks Chris. Amy's Story might take a bit to read, but reading each chapter is wel worth it. And thanks SaraUK for another chapter.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Thanks for posting another

Thanks for posting another enjoyable chapter, I have always enjoyed both You've got it all wrong stories and I pleased Sara is able to continue with Amy's story as I had been missing new chapters. Thanks Sara for writing one of my favorite stories and when this story is finished please keep writing. Chris thanks for editing and posting this story for Sara, it's nice to see it back.

I'm looking forward to new chapters and am hoping we get to the wedding, I have to ask can we ever expect any of the couples to have kids, I mean Becky, Amber, Ann and Mandy are capable of carrying, did Chrissy or Amy ever have sperm frozen, it would be good if they did.

Also Mandy had wanted kids once as Chrissy's bedroom was originally set up for Mandy if she had a baby, and will we ever see Carl and Mandy, Sara n Cathy, Brad n Ann, Vic and Jenna or David n Kim get married?

There is so much still to include, maybe some weddings could be written as side stories.

Either way thank you Sara for sharing this wonderful story.

Megumi :)


Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p