You Have it All Wrong Two - Part 05

You Have It All Wrong

Amy's Story

By SaraUK

Part 5

    Mandy and Chrissy decided to close the shop an hour early, so they could get to the post office and then go home and take a nap before they had dinner. They found Becky, Amy and Ann all sat drinking juice in the kitchen when they got home.

    "Hi Chrissy, Hi Mandy." Amy said as she got them a glass of juice each.

    "Hi Mandy, Hi Chrissy. You two look worn out. Are you sure you're up to having a night out?" Ann asked.

    "Hello baby." Becky said as she pulled Chrissy into a hug and then kissed her. "Hi Mandy. Ann has a point you know, you do both look really worn out." Becky said as she stopped kissing Chrissy.

    "Were both hoping to go and take a lie down before we have dinner." Mandy said as she took the glass of juice from Amy. "Thanks Amy."

    "Well, I haven't started dinner yet, so I can't see any problem with it." Amy said, with a smile.

    "That's great then. Chrissy and I will see you all in a couple of hours then." Mandy put her arm around Chrissy's waist and led her out the kitchen and up to her room.

    "Can I take my nap with you sis? I really don't feel like trying to take a nap on my own." Chrissy asked as she played with her hair.

    "Sure you can sis. I thought we would do that anyway. I always sleep better when you and Becky are with me." Mandy said with a smile as she led Chrissy into her room so they could take a nap.

    They both slipped out of their work clothes, so they were both in their bra and panties, then they got into bed and cuddled up to each offer. They were soon fast asleep.

    The next thing Chrissy and Mandy knew, was Becky trying to wake them up. Mandy rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked at the clock. "It's time to see about getting up you two. Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes." Becky said as she smiled at the two of them still cuddled up together.

    "Thanks Becky. I didn't realise just how tired we both were." Mandy smiled back as she pulled herself away from Chrissy, who was still refusing to wake up. Mandy looked back at Becky, who was just climbing into bed next to Chrissy. "You know the rule Becky! Hugging and kissing only in my bed. Anything more, then go to your own room." Mandy said with a giggle.

    "I know sis, I know." Becky said with a grin.

    Mandy went to the bathroom to answer the call of nature and splash some water on her face.

    Becky started to kiss Chrissy on the lips, and soon got a response when Chrissy started to kiss her back. She opened her eyes and had to smile when she saw the cute face of Becky smiling back at her. "Hello lover." Chrissy said.

    "Hello babe. How did you sleep?" Becky asked as she stroked Chrissy's hair.

    "I slept really good babe." Chrissy said as she rolled onto her back and had a stretch. Becky saw a chance to get a hug, so she slid over and rested her head on Chrissy's chest. "Did you miss me today then Hon?" Chrissy asked, as she wrapped her arms around Becky.

    "Always babe, always." Was all Becky said as she let Chrissy hug her.

    The moment was lost when they heard Mandy say, "Come on you two, let's go and eat. So we can get ready to go to the club when Vicky gets here."

    "Coming sis." They both said. Becky slid off the bed and then helped Chrissy to get up. They both followed Mandy out of her room and then down to the kitchen.

    Amy and Ann had everything on the table when they got down there, so they all took their seats and got stuck in.

    "Do you both feel any better now?" Ann asked.

    "I feel much better now." Mandy said as she started eating her dinner.

    "So do I." Said Chrissy.

    "We were all a little worried that you wouldn't want to go out tonight, with how you looked when you got in from work." Amy said.

    "There's no way we were going to miss out on going to the club. Not after all the fun we had on Saturday." Chrissy said with a grin.

    The others all sat grinning as they all thought about the fun they all had Saturday night at the club.

    They all cleared their plates and thanked Amy for another great meal. For pudding, they all decided to just have some of the chocolates that Hannah had given Chrissy.

    "These are really nice chocolates, Chrissy." Amy said as she took another one from the box.

    "They are really nice sis." Mandy said as she looked to see which one she should take next.

    Becky was taking one for her, and then one for Chrissy. "You all know that Chrissy only gets the best of everything." Becky said as she popped another chocolate in Chrissy's mouth.

    Chrissy just smiled at Becky as she let her put the chocolate in her mouth and then licked Becky's fingers to get rid of all the chocolate left on them.   It wasn't long before Chrissy and Becky were kissing and tasting the chocolate on each other's lips.

    Ann put the lid back on them when they'd all had enough. "Thanks for letting us all share the chocolates with you Chrissy. They are very nice." Ann said with a smile as she got up and took the chocolates back to the pantry.

    "You're all welcome. What's the point of having such a nice gift, if you can't share it with the ones you love." Chrissy said as she cuddled with Becky.

    Becky stood up and pulled Chrissy to her feet as well, so they could go and get ready. The others all gave Chrissy a hug as a thank you for what she just said, then they all went up to take showers and get ready.

    Ann let Amy take her shower first, so Chrissy could do her makeup for her, then she was going to do Ann's for her as well. But first she was going to do Becky's makeup.

    Chrissy had Becky looking as beautiful as always, then she went to see if Amy was out the shower and ready to be made over. She found Amy sat at the dressing table looking at all the makeup that she got for her birthday.

    "You thinking of having a go yourself?" Chrissy asked with a grin.

    "If it was just for normal day use, then I would say yes Chrissy, but as we're going to the club I would really like to look my best." Amy said with a grin.

    "Okay then Amy. You ready for me then?" Chrissy asked as she made her way over to the dressing table.

    "Thanks Chrissy." Amy said as she sat back and let Chrissy do her magic.

    "You're welcome Amy. When we get some time, do you want me to help you learn to do your own makeup?" Chrissy asked, as she started working on Amy's face.

    "I would love that Chrissy." Amy said with a smile.

    "As soon as we get some time, then I will teach you what I know Amy." Chrissy kept working on Amy as they talked. Soon Chrissy was saying she'd done, so she stepped aside to let Amy take a look in the mirror.

    Amy was amazed at the job Chrissy had done. "Wow Chrissy. You make me look better each time you do my makeup." Amy said, as she looked at her self from each side.

    "You're so easy to work on Amy, so it's easy." Chrissy said as she helped Amy get up. "Now then Amy if you go to my room, Becky will help you get dressed." Chrissy said with a smile.

    "Okay Chrissy. Thanks for all the help." Amy said as she gave Chrissy a quick hug, and then ran off to find Becky.

    Ann came out the bathroom and saw Chrissy over near the dressing table. "Have you finished with Amy already?"

    "Yep, she's just gone to see Becky, so she can get her dressed. So I'm all ready for you Ann." Chrissy said with a smile, as she waved Ann over to the chair in front of the dressing table.

    "Thanks for doing this Chrissy. I'd do it my self, but I could never make it look as good as you can." Ann said as she took the seat and waited for Chrissy to work her magic.

    Chrissy soon had Ann's makeup done, then she worked on Ann's hair till it was done just the way Chrissy wanted it. "There you go Ann, I hope you like what I did."

    Ann looked in the mirror at what Chrissy had done. She was amazed at what Chrissy had done. "You've made me look beautiful Chrissy." Ann said in a shocked voice.

    "You were already beautiful Ann. I just brought it out." Chrissy said with a grin.

    "Thanks Chrissy, you know how to make a girl feel good." Ann said as she stood up and gave Chrissy a hug.

    "I've never had any complaints from Becky." Chrissy said with a giggle.

    Ann just put her hands on her hips and gave Chrissy a funny look when she said. "You know what I mean Chrissy."

    "I know Ann. I was just happy I could help." Chrissy said as she gave Ann a hug before she left to finish getting ready her self.

    Chrissy got back to hers and Becky's room just as Becky was finished up getting Amy dressed. She had Amy in a beautiful blue dress that was tight down the body, and then flowed out from the waist into a loose fitting skirt that ended four inches above the knee. Chrissy could see that Amy had a corset on again, due to the small waist she was now sporting.

    "Wow Amy, you look hot little sister." Chrissy said with a smile.

    "Thanks Chrissy. I feel really good too." Amy said with a grin as she took another look in the mirror.

    "Well, I'd better see about putting my war paint on, or we will never get to the club tonight." Chrissy said, as she saw the time.

    "I'll head back to my room then and see if Ann needs any help getting dressed." Amy smiled as she left the room.

    Chrissy got stuck in putting her makeup on, while Becky went and sorted out her outfit for the night and one for Chrissy as well. Chrissy let out a groan when she saw the dress Becky picked for her.

    "Does it have to be that one Becky? You know that I have to wear the corset really tight just so it will close at the back." Chrissy said in a whiney voice.

    "I know baby, but you just look so hot when you wear it. The way it makes you walk, just really turns me on." Becky said, as she was thinking of the last time she saw Chrissy in this dress.

    "I'd use the word, walk, very loosely with that dress. The skirt is so tight, I have to take tiny little steps." Chrissy said with a little giggle.

    "I know babe, but it means you won't be running away from me." Becky grinned.

    "I can still run away baby, just not very fast." Chrissy giggled. "Not that I would ever want to run away from you, lover." Chrissy said as she finished up doing her makeup and stood.

    Becky wrapped the corset around Chrissy's waist, then started to tighten it down. They had to take a couple of breaks to let Chrissy get use to the tightness each time they tightened the laces. But she was soon down to the size that she needed to be, to get in the dress. Becky got the dress open, ready for Chrissy to step into it. Once it was pulled up, Becky zipped it up at the back and then turned Chrissy around and kissed her.

    "You look so sexy in that dress babe." Becky said when she came up for air.

    Chrissy felt like she was hobbled all the way down to her knees. The dress was that tight. But if Becky liked it, then Chrissy was willing to put up with it.

    "Just remember that I'm doing this all for you then, lover." Chrissy said, as she pulled Becky into another kiss.

    Becky slipped out of her dressing gown and then picked up the dress she would be wearing and slipped it on. Then she turned around so Chrissy could zip her up.

    The two girls looked really good stood side by side. Chrissy was in a stunning body hugging white dress, while Becky had gone for a deep red coloured dress that went down to her ankles. They both looked stunning, and very feminine, but Becky looked like the one in charge.

    "Come on babe, I want to show you off to everyone." Becky said, as she put her arm around Chrissy's waist and led her out the room to go find the others.

    "You can be such a tease Becky. Letting them all see what they can't touch." Chrissy said, as she put her arm around Becky's waist and walked along side her.

    "I know Chrissy, but why have a girl as pretty as you. If I'm not going to show you off to everyone." Becky smiled.

    They finally got to the kitchen after Chrissy took some time getting down the stairs. Mandy, Amy and Ann were all sat down there having a glass of wine. Mandy poured them each a glass and then put a straw in the glasses, so they wouldn't make a mess of their lipstick.

    Thanks Sis." Chrissy said as she picked up the glass.

    "You not going to sit down and drink it Sis?" Mandy asked.

    "I'd love to Sis, but with how tight this corset is. I don't want to try sitting down too much." Chrissy said with a sly look at Becky.

    "Are you sure you want to wear that tonight then Chrissy?" Mandy asked with a little worry in her voice.

    "Becky loves to see me in this dress." Chrissy said with a smile at Becky. Becky just smiled back and pulled Chrissy into a hug.

    Mandy gave them both funny looks as she thought Becky was asking a little too much of Chrissy. She thought that Chrissy would regret wearing that dress by the end of the night. But it was up to Chrissy and Becky to realise that.

    "You look really beautiful in that dress Chrissy." Amy said as she sat with Ann at the table.

    "Yes, you both look very stunning." Ann added.

    "Thanks you two. A girl has to look her best for her lover." Chrissy said with a dreamy look at Becky.

    Ann and Amy could see the love they had for each other, it was a beautiful thing to see. The moment was broken when they heard the doorbell. They all got their purses and made their way out to see who it was. They all had a good idea it would be Vicky.

    Mandy got to the door first, with Ann and Amy close behind. Becky was bringing up the rear with Chrissy taking little steps in the tight dress. Mandy found a very stunning Vicky stood on the other side.

    "Hi Vicky. You look very stunning tonight." Mandy said with a smile as she gave Vicky a hug.

    "Hello Mandy. You're all looking really good yourselves." Vicky said, as she hugged Mandy back. She gave all the others a hug as they all said, "Hello."

    Vicky led the way out to the people carrier she was driving tonight, due to her not being able to get them all in the Mercedes.

    "I'm sorry Vicky." Mandy said as she got in the front seat next to Vicky.

    "Sorry for what Mandy?" Vicky asked looking puzzled.

    "I'm sorry you've had to leave your Mercedes behind to come and pick us up." Mandy said with a sad look.

    "That's okay Mandy. Just don't say I look like a soccer mom." Vicky said with a giggle.

    "Trust me Vicky. You look nothing like a soccer mom dressed like that." Mandy said with a grin.

    "Thanks Mandy. Carl thought this would be a better car to run you all around in. I think it's so theirs enough room for him to come along when I drive you all home from the club. He looked a little lost the other night when you all drove off in the limo." Vicky said as she started the car and pulled out the driveway.

    "Trust Carl to have an answer to everything." Mandy said with a grin as she thought about the fact that Carla would be able to see her home at the end of the night.

    Vicky was soon pulling up outside the club. She helped Chrissy to get down out the car when she saw her having some trouble. "There you go Chrissy." Vicky said.

    "Thanks Vicky." Chrissy said with a smile.

    "You're welcome Chrissy." Vicky said, as she handed the keys for the people carrier to one of the bouncers, so she could enter the club with the others.

    Chrissy took hold of one of Amy's hands while Ann had the other. Chrissy could see the grin on Amy's face and knew that she was still overwhelmed by the size of the club.

    Amy slowed down her walk when she realised that Chrissy was having trouble keeping up with her and Ann. "Sorry Chrissy. I didn't mean to walk too fast for you." Amy said looking a little sad for making Chrissy try to run to keep up with her.

    "Don't worry Amy. I just wish the skirt wasn't so tight. It's impossible to take anything like a normal step." Chrissy said as she tried to get her breath back, which wasn't easy with the corset on.

    "You sure are paying the price for loving Becky." Amy said as she gave Chrissy's hand a squeeze.

    "I know Amy, but if Becky loves to see me in this dress, then that is what I will wear." Chrissy said with a smile, but Amy could see that Chrissy was already beginning to regret wearing such a tight dress and corset.

    They all finally got to the VIP section and took their spots on the sofas. A waitress soon came over and handed them all drinks.

    Mandy was about to sit down when someone stopped her and pulled her around to face them. Mandy found herself looking at Carla, who was grinning. "Hello Mandy." Carla said, as she pulled Mandy into a hug and then kissed her.

    Mandy felt their lips stick together like they always did when Carl was dressed and wearing lipstick.

    "Hello Carla, it's nice to see you again." Mandy said as they parted lips again.

    "You look more beautiful every time I see you my love." Carla said, as she kissed Mandy again.

    "I try my best Carla, but it's hard to do when you are always looking so beautiful. And you do look beautiful tonight." Mandy said, as she tried to get her breath back from the second kiss.

    "Thanks Mandy, that is a real complement coming from such a beautiful creature as yourself." Carla said as she led Mandy over to a sofa and sat down, pulling Mandy down onto her knee, so she could hug her.

    "I could sit and listen to you talk to me like that all night." Mandy said with a grin, as she let Carla hug her.

    Amy, Ann, Becky and Chrissy, all sat on the same sofa they used on Saturday, but Chrissy was soon stood up and walking around the VIP section. She was finding it too painful to sit down for too long. Becky was working, and showing Beth the ropes, since now she would be the new hostess, and Becky had some other stuff to sort out as well. Which meant that Chrissy was alone again for a lot of the night.

    "You okay Chrissy?" Amy asked as she walked up to Chrissy, who was leaning on the bar still in the VIP section.

    "Yes I'm fine Amy." Chrissy said with a smile, that wasn't fooling anyone.

    "I know I haven't known you that long Chrissy, but I can tell when you're lying." Amy said with her hands on her hips.

    "I'm sorry Amy, but I can't sit down as I am in too much pain in this corset." Chrissy looked really sad as she said it.

    "Then why did you agree to wear it?" Amy asked.

    "Becky said I looked really hot when I wore this dress, but I can't get in it if I don't wear the corset tight enough." Chrissy said in a pleading voice.

    "Chrissy, I'm sure that Becky wouldn't want to see you in any pain. Just because she thinks you look hot." Amy said as she pulled Chrissy into a hug.

    "Well it's a little to late now, so I will just have to put up with it till we get home later." Chrissy said with a weak smile as they broke the hug.

    "Do you want to go for a slow walk then Chrissy?" Amy asked with a grin.

    "Slow walks I can do." Chrissy said with a giggle. Feeling a little better knowing she had Amy to keep her company for the night. Amy grabbed Ann, and they made their way down to the main club.

    Amy and Ann were more than happy to walk slowly with Chrissy, and stop to chat with some of the girls they spoke with on Saturday. They soon found themselves next to the dance floor as a song came on they all liked, so they made their way to the dance floor and started to dance around.

    Chrissy was dancing the best she could with such a tight dress on, and not being able to move her legs very far apart. She was singing along with Amy and Ann when she felt all light headed. The room was spinning, then it all went dark as she passed out.

    Amy was looking at Chrissy as she suddenly stopped dancing and just stood in the middle of the dance floor starring into space. Then she saw Chrissy's eyes roll up into her head as she started to fall to the floor. Amy was quick to catch Chrissy before she hit the ground. Ann saw the whole thing and ran over to where Amy was kneeling on the floor where Chrissy had passed out and Amy had caught her.

    "Chrissy, Chrissy! Wake up." Amy shouted as she tried to wake Chrissy up. "Ann, what's wrong with her?" Amy asked as Ann knelt down next to her Sister.

    "Don't worry Amy, I think she just past out from lack of oxygen. Help me get her up to the VIP section." Ann said as she went to help Amy pick Chrissy up. But before they could lift her, Vicky was there to help.

    "Here let me take her up there for you." Vicky said, as she lifted Chrissy up in her arms and made her way up to the VIP section. But instead of putting her on one of the sofas, she took her to the private office.

    Mandy and Carla saw Vicky walk into the VIP section with Chrissy in her arms and they both jumped up to see what was wrong. "Vicky! What's wrong with Chrissy?" Mandy asked, sounding really worried.

    "I'm not to sure Mandy. I was walking past the dance floor when I saw Amy catch Chrissy as she fell to the ground." Vicky said as she put Chrissy on the sofa in the office.

    "She was complaining about the corset hurting her at the bar in the VIP section just after we got here. But she seemed okay till we were dancing and singing on the dance floor." Amy said in a worried voice as she looked at Chrissy lying unconscious on the sofa.

    "Sounds like the corset is a little tight and she couldn't get enough breath in her lungs." Mandy said as she turned Chrissy over so she could unzip the dress and loosen the corset. "Carla, do you have any scissors in here I can use?"

    "Sure Mandy, but what you going to do with them?" Carla asked as she got them out the desk draw.

    "I'm going to cut the laces so Chrissy can get some air in her lungs quicker." Mandy said, as she cut the laces up the back of the corset. "We can re-lace the corset at the shop at some later date." Mandy finished cutting the laces, then handed the scissors to Carla again.

    "How's she doing now?" Carla asked.

    "She's breathing normally again now, so I think she will be fine again in a minute. But we do have a bigger problem now." Mandy said, as she sent a worried look at Carla.

    "What's that then Mandy?" Carla asked looking worried at just what Mandy was about to say.

    "Without the corset, Chrissy won't get back in the dress. So she has nothing to wear now." Mandy said as she bit her bottom lip.

    Carla stood and laughed when she heard Mandy say that. "Is that all Mandy? I can sort that out right now." Carla got her mobile out and then pushed some buttons.

    "Who you calling Carla?" Mandy asked.

    "I'm calling Tammy. She runs the boutique at the hotel for me, I'll have her put together an outfit and have it sent over here right away." Carla said as she waited for someone to answer.

    "You're a handy person to know Carla." Mandy said with a smile.

    Carla smiled, then started talking on her phone. "Hi Tammy, I need you to do me a really big favour. Can you put together an outfit for a friend of mine? She's here at the club, so make it fitting for a night out clubbing. What? Oh sizes. Hold on, I will pass you over to Mandy, her sister." Carla handed the phone to Mandy. "She needs all of Chrissy's sizes."

    "Hello Tammy? Yes it's Mandy. Yes Chrissy is my Sister. Why thank you Tammy." Mandy went on to sort out Chrissy's dress size, then her shoe size. Once she finished telling her, Mandy gave the phone back to Carl to finish telling Tammy to give the clothing to the driver she would send over right away.

    Mandy was in the middle of saying thank you to Carla when the office door flu open and Becky came running in. "Where is she? Where's Chrissy? Some one said she collapsed on the dance floor." Becky said sounding worried as she looked at Chrissy lying on the sofa. Becky ran over and pulled Chrissy up, so she could sit on the sofa and take care of her lover.

    Mandy wanted to have a go at Becky for making Chrissy wear such a tight corset. But looking at how worried Becky was right now was punishment enough, so she left it. "She passed out from the corset being too tight to try and dance in, but she will be okay in a little time. I had to cut the laces on the corset so she could get some air in her lungs." Mandy said as she got to her feet. "Don't worry though Becky. Carla made a call to the hotel and they will be sending over a change of cloths right away."

    "Thank you Carla. I'm sorry everyone, I never wanted to hurt Chrissy." Becky started to cry as she said it.

    Chrissy started to hear sounds around her but it wasn't music from the dance floor, and she could breath normally again. She opened her eyes to see Becky looking down at her with tears running down her cheeks. "Becky? What you crying for?" Chrissy asked as she tried to sit up.

    "I'm sorry Chrissy. I never meant for you to get hurt, or pass out from wearing that corset and dress. Please forgive me." Becky blurted out really fast. As she stopped Chrissy from sitting up as she might show a little more than she would really want to.

    "I don't blame you silly, I should have known better than to try and dance and sing while wearing this corset and dress." Chrissy said with a smile as she reached up and wiped away a couple of tears.

    "I should have thought it through before asking you to wear that outfit tonight babe." Becky said as she let Chrissy wipe her cheek. "Carla and Mandy have sorted out a new outfit for you, it will be here soon." Becky said as she sat stroking Chrissy's hair.

    Amy and Ann had stood off to one side while this all went on. "Are you feeling any better now Chrissy?" Amy asked.

    "Yes I'm feeling much better now Amy. Sorry if I scared you and Ann." Chrissy said as she looked over to where Amy and Ann were stood.

    "We're just happy to see you're okay Chrissy." Ann added as she stood with her arm around Amy's waist.

    Chrissy sat up so Amy and Ann could sit on the sofa next to her. She kept her dress in place with one hand while he held Becky's hand with the other.

    Amy and Ann took the seats and Amy cuddled up to Chrissy. Happy that Chrissy was okay after her fainting session on the dance floor.

    "I'm really okay Amy. I just got a little short of breath." Chrissy said as she hugged Amy.

    Chrissy could tell that Becky was still upset about what happened to her, but only time would help Becky feel any better about it. Chrissy knew that all she could do is show Becky that she doesn't care about it all and she still loves her.

    They all sat there waiting with Chrissy till there was a knock at the door. Vicky went to the door, to see who it was. She found one of the bouncers stood there with a couple of boxes.

    "Hi Vicky. Here's the things you wanted from the hotel." The bouncer said as he handed the boxes to Vicky.

    "Thanks Frank, for going and getting them for us." Vicky said to the bouncer.

    "No problem Vicky. I hear it's for Chrissy, so I was glad to help out. I hope she's feeling better now?" Frank asked.

    "Yep, she's feeling much better now. She just got a little short of breath, then fainted." Vicky said with a smile.

    "That's good then Vicky. I'll tell the others, they were all really worried when she passed out." Frank said with a smile.

    "Thanks for that Frank. I'm sure Chrissy will want to see you later, and thank you for fetching the new dress and shoes for her." Vicky said.

    "We would all do anything for Chrissy, Vicky. I'm just glad I got the chance to do it this time." Frank said, as he turned to leave, and tell the others that Chrissy was okay again now.

    Vicky took the boxes back with her to where Chrissy was sat with the others. "Here you go Chrissy." Vicky handed Chrissy the two boxes.

    "Come on everyone, let's leave Becky to help Chrissy get dressed." Mandy said as she looked at them all.

    Amy and Ann both got up and then joined Mandy, Carla, and Vicky as they left the room so Becky could help Chrissy slip out of the dress she had on and then put on the new one.

    Chrissy took the lid off the box and looked inside. In the box was a mass of white silk. Chrissy lifted it out and let it fall open, so she could get a better look at it. It felt so soft and looked just like liquid in her hands. "Wow Becky, this dress looks really expensive."

    "Well it was Carla that sorted it all out, so I expect it probably is." Becky said as she helped Chrissy remove the old dress and what was left of the corset. Then she held the new dress while Chrissy stepped into it. The new dress was so light that it didn't feel like she was even wearing a dress now.

    The dress had no back to it, so Chrissy had to remove her bra. The fabric at the back of the dress pooled just above the base of her spine and really gave Chrissy a sexy look. The front of the dress pooled just above her breasts, and left the top of Chrissy's breasts showing just above the fabric.

    Becky just stood looking at Chrissy in this new dress. She thought Chrissy looked really stunning in it. Becky opened the shoebox and took out the white sandals and then knelt down in front of Chrissy and took off the shoes she had on, and replaced them with the new ones.

    "How do they feel Chrissy?" Becky asked as she stood up and put the other shoes in the box the new ones came out of. Then she put the old dress in the box the new dress came in.

    "The shoes feel really nice Becky. How does the dress look? I feel really naked in it." Chrissy said as she looked in the mirror on the wall.

    "You look amazing Chrissy." Becky said, as she looked at Chrissy.

    "Thanks babe." Chrissy said as she walked over to where Becky was stood. She wrapped her arms around Becky and looked into her eyes, but Becky just looked away. "What's wrong Becky?" Chrissy asked, sounding worried.

    "I hurt you Chrissy. How can I show you how sorry I am, I never wanted you to be in any pain tonight." Becky started crying again.

    Chrissy pulled Becky into a hug, and then she wrapped her arm around Becky's neck and pulled her into a kiss. "I could have said no when you asked me to wear the dress and corset. The only thing hurting me babe, is the fact you don't want to hug me back." Chrissy sounded really upset as she said it.

    "Please don't get upset Chrissy. I just feel bad for everything. I feel like I was being selfish by getting you to wear that corset and dress." Becky pulled Chrissy into a hug and then rested her head on Chrissy's shoulder.

    "So are you going to stop being silly and show me some loving?" Chrissy asked, as she stroked Becky's hair.

    Becky looked up at Chrissy then she pulled Chrissy's head to hers and kissed her. "How was that Chrissy?" Becky asked when they parted.

    "That's more like it lover." Chrissy said with a grin.

    "I really don't deserve you Chrissy." Becky said.

    "I think the same about you every day Becky." Chrissy said as she pulled Becky in for another kiss.

    "Are you ready to go and show off that new dress then baby?" Becky asked with a grin.

    "Now there is the baby I love." Chrissy said with a grin as she wrapped an arm around Becky's waist. "Now I'm ready to let you show me off to everyone." Chrissy was grinning. They both left the office to join the others, After Chrissy fixed Becky's makeup.

    Mandy and the others were all sat on the sofas chatting when they saw Becky walk out the office with her arm around Chrissy's waist. They all sat speechless as they saw the dress Chrissy had on. None of them had ever seen Chrissy looking so sexy before.

    "Wow Chrissy. You look —so- beautiful in that dress." Amy said as she looked at the dress Chrissy was wearing.

    "Thanks Amy, I do love the dress and how it feels." Chrissy said as she did a twirl for them all.

    Chrissy and Becky joined the others on the sofas and had a drink each when a waitress brought them one. They sat chatting for a bit, but Becky had to go and sort out some bits with Beth, so Chrissy, Amy and Ann all decided to go for a walk and have a dance, now Chrissy was dressed more suitably for a night on the dance floor.

    "You're looking a lot happier now Chrissy." Amy said as they walked off the dance floor, after dancing for nearly half an hour.

    "I feel a lot better Amy. I love wearing corsets, and tight dresses. But they're not much good for dancing in." Chrissy said with a grin.

    They made there way back to the VIP section, so they could all have a drink. Chrissy waved over one of the waitresses and asked for three bottles of water. They all took swallows from the bottles when they arrived.

    "MMM, that feels better." Amy said.

    "It sure does." Ann said as she took a second swallow from the bottle.

    "I take it you're feeling a lot better now then sis?" Mandy asked from the sofa facing the one she was sat on.

    "Yes, much better." Chrissy said with a grin. "I'm really sorry I worried you all. And thanks for the loan of the dress Carla." Chrissy was smiling at Carla as she said it.

    "You're welcome Chrissy, and you can keep the dress. I don't think anyone else could do it as much justice as you anyway." Carla said with a grin. But she soon stopped grinning when Mandy poked her in the side. "Ouch! What was that for Babe?" Carla asked as she rubbed her side where Mandy just poked her.

    "So you're saying that I wouldn't look as good as Chrissy does in that Dress?" Mandy looked a little upset with Carla.

    "No, I didn't mean it that way. I was just saying that Chrissy looks really good in it, and it would be a shame to take it away from her now." Carla looked worried that she wouldn't be able to make Mandy see sense. She really did look that upset about it all.

    Mandy just sat looking at Carla. She could see how worried she was about upsetting her, but Mandy couldn't keep the stern look any long. She burst out laughing. "I'm sorry Carla, but the look on your face just now was priceless." Mandy said when she stopped laughing so hard.

    "You little minx! I was really worried then, I thought I had really upset you." Carla said in a hurt voice.

    "I'm sorry baby." Mandy said as she threw her arms around Carla and kissed her. "Does my little baby feel any better now?" Mandy asked as she stopped kissing her.

    "I feel a little better lover." Carla said with a thoughtful look on her face.

    Mandy kissed her again for longer this time. "How about now then Hon?"

    "Yep, that feels much better." Carla said with a grin.

    Chrissy had got worried when Mandy first poked Carla and had a go about the comment, but she soon relaxed again when she saw Mandy bust out laughing.

    Ann and Amy both had to giggle at the little game Mandy and Carla were playing. Amy felt Chrissy tense up when Mandy started, but she felt her relax again when Mandy started laughing. "You okay Chrissy?" Amy asked as she squeezed her hand.

    "Yes, I'm fine Amy." Chrissy said with a smile as she squeezed Amy's hand back.

    "I'm sorry sis, if I scared you just then. I was just having some fun with Carla." Mandy said as she sat cuddling with Carla. "Carla was right though sis. That dress was really made for you." Mandy smiled.

    "Thanks sis." Chrissy said as she went a little red in the face from all the praise she was getting over the dress.

    Mandy saw Chrissy go a little red faced, so she decided to change the subject and take the topic of conversation in another direction. "Chrissy, do you want to have that little chat with Amy now?" Mandy asked as she looked at Chrissy.

    "Okay Sis, now is the perfect time to talk with her." Chrissy said with a grin.

    Amy looked at Mandy and then Chrissy. She was worried till she saw the grin on Chrissy's face. "What do you want to talk to me about. Am I in trouble for something?" Amy asked with a puzzled look on her face.

    "You've not done anything wrong Amy. We just want to ask you something." Chrissy said, as she put her arm around Amy's waist.

    "Chrissy is right Amy, you're not in any trouble at all." Mandy said with a smile.

    "That's okay then. So what do you want to ask me?" Amy asked with a smile.

    "I know you've seen how tired Chrissy and I are when we get home from work Amy." Mandy said

    "Yes I have Mandy, but what does this have to do with you having this chat with me?" Amy asked, looking puzzled.

    "We're thinking of getting someone to help out at the shop, and we want to ask you, if you want to come and help me and Mandy out at the shop." Chrissy looked at Amy, waiting for a response.

    Amy just sat looking at Chrissy as she let what she just said sink in. "You both want me to come and help out at the shop?" Amy finally said in a slow voice, like she hadn't really understood what Chrissy just said.

    "Yes Amy. We wanted to ask you before we started looking for someone else. So do you want to come and work with us?" Mandy asked.

    "Yes I would love to come and help out at the shop Mandy, Chrissy." Amy said as she hugged Chrissy. "When do you want me to start coming into the shop with you both?" Amy looked at Ann as she asked the question.

    Mandy and Chrissy knew what Amy was thinking when they saw her look at Ann. "Don't worry Amy, we will let you start when Ann starts her new job. We know that you two need to spend some time together after being apart for so long." Mandy said.

    "Really? Will you both be okay at the shop till then?" Amy asked with some worry in her voice.

    "We've coped this long Amy, so we can last another couple of weeks." Chrissy said as she hugged Amy.

    "I can't believe you two want me to come and help out at the shop." Amy said as she hugged Chrissy.

    "We can tell that you were just dying to get into the lingerie business Amy." Mandy said with a grin.

    The others all groaned before they all burst out in a fit of giggles. Amy just went all red faced. "I guess you're right there Mandy." Amy said as she joined the others as they all sat giggling.

    "Looks like were both going to be starting new jobs then sis." Ann said as she hugged Amy to congratulate her on getting a job working with Mandy and Chrissy.

    "Sure looks that way sis." Amy said with a grin, as she hugged Ann back.

    Becky came back and saw Amy and Ann hugging. "What did I miss?" Becky asked as she stood at the end of the sofa Amy and Ann were sat on with Chrissy.

    "Mandy and Chrissy just offered me a job at the shop." Amy said with a grin on her face.

    "I take the grinning to mean you took the job then Amy?" Becky asked.

    "I sure did Becky." Amy said in reply.

    "Well congratulations Amy, I know they could use the help. And you're perfect for the job." Becky bent over and gave Amy a hug. Then she went back to standing at the edge of the sofas.

    Chrissy was looking at Becky, but Becky wouldn't make eye contact with her. Chrissy started to worry she might have done something to upset Becky. She started to try and work out what it might be, Chrissy had been having some fun on the dance floor with Amy and Ann, could that be it? Chrissy thought to her self. Could that be why Becky wanted her dressed in that corset and dress, to stop her having any fun while she had to work? The more Chrissy thought about it all, the more upset she was getting.

    Mandy had been watching the way Becky was being with Chrissy, and she could see how upset Chrissy was getting over it all.

    Chrissy needed to get away from Becky for a bit, she was close to tears now. So she stood up and said, "I need the powder room, I won't be long." Then she walked away, not even looking at Becky.

    Becky just stood and looked at Chrissy's back as she made her way to the toilets. She was still amazed at just how sexy she looked in that dress. Becky was still feeling bad for hurting Chrissy by making her wear that tight corset, so when Chrissy pushed her way past her to go to the toilet. Becky saw it as a sign she was a little upset with Becky still for what she did.

    One of the waitresses came up to Becky and pulled her away with a problem at the bar, so she never got to see Chrissy come back from the toilet.

    Chrissy got done in the toilet and then checked her makeup was still okay, when she saw Mandy stood next to her in the mirror. "You okay sis?" Mandy asked with some worry in her voice.

    "Yes, I'm fine sis." Chrissy said with a very fake smile.

    "Yes I can see that you're just a little ray of sunshine." Mandy said in a sarcastic voice. "Now tell me what's wrong Chrissy." Mandy said in a calm voice.

    Chrissy let her head drop as a sign of defeat. "I think Becky is trying to stop me having any fun sis. That is why she wanted me to wear the corset and dress tonight."

    "Why would she want to do that Chrissy?" Mandy asked as she pulled Chrissy into a hug.

    "I don't know Mandy. Maybe it's because I have been dancing and having a laugh with Amy and Ann while she's been working." Chrissy was resting her head on Mandy's shoulder as she said it.

    "I thought Becky was happy that you were having some fun." Mandy said as she stroked Chrissy's hair.

    "She won't even look at me anymore Mandy, and the only reason I can think of is because I have been having some fun with Amy and Ann. So I am going to make the most of tonight and then stop coming to the club. I'll stay at home and play the good wife." Chrissy sounded really sad as she said the last part.

    "Don't you think you're being a little silly sis? I'm sure that you have this all wrong with Becky. Why don't you sit and talk about it tomorrow, when she's not being dragged away every five minutes." Mandy said as she pulled Chrissy away to look her in the eyes.

    "I don't want to lose her Mandy, and if me coming to the club is going to make her jealous enough to try and put me in some form of bondage to stop me having a good time, then I will just stay away." Chrissy was crying now.

    "Hey! Stop talking like that Chrissy. You're not going to lose Becky, and I don't think she was trying to put you in any form of bondage. She just wanted you to look sexy like she always does. I think she just forgot how much you went on the dance floor the other night." Mandy said as she tried to get Chrissy to stop crying.

    When Chrissy did stop crying, she cleaned herself up and then redid her makeup again to hide any sign she had been crying. Then she turned to Mandy and said, "Well what ever happens after tonight. I'm going to go and have a dance with Amy and Ann." Chrissy had a very fake grin. "Do you want to join us sis?"

    "I'll join you later sis. I need to go and tell Carla where I'll be. You know how she worries when I don't return for some time." Mandy said with a grin.

    "Okay sis, you know where to find me when you've told her." Chrissy said as she left to go grab Amy and Ann, so they could go and have another dance.

    Mandy went to find Carla. She found her stood talking to a couple of girls at the bar in the VIP section. "Hello baby, is everything okay? You look a little down." Carla said as she wrapped her arms around Mandy's waist.

    "Not really Carla. It's Chrissy, she's thinking of not coming to the club any more." Mandy said as she let out a sigh.

    "Why is she thinking like that Mandy? Has someone upset her? If they have then they will be barred from the club for life." Carla said sounding a little mad.

    "Someone has upset her, but you can't bar them from the club." Mandy said as she tried to calm Carla back down.

    "Tell me who it is Mandy, and you watch me." Carla replied.

    "It's Becky! Becky has upset Chrissy." Mandy said in a harsh tone.

    "Oh, I see. That would be a little tough then." Carla said with a silly look on her face. "What has her so upset then Mandy?"

    "She thinks that Becky had her wear that corset and dress to stop her having any fun with the others on the dance floor. And Becky was blanking her earlier in the VIP section." Mandy said.

    "Do you really think Becky would do that Mandy? I find it hard to believe." Carl said.

    "No. I think Becky is still upset with herself for what she made Chrissy wear, but Chrissy sees it as Becky not wanting her to have any fun." Mandy said in a sad voice.

    "Couldn't you make her see sense Mandy?" Carla asked.

    "I couldn't, but I'm going to find Becky and have a word with her, and see if I can get to the bottom of why she's not even looking at Chrissy right now." Mandy gave Carla a kiss and then went to find Becky.

    Chrissy had gone and grabbed Amy and Ann then made their way back to the dance floor. Amy could tell that Chrissy was not her normal happy self.

    "Are you feeling okay Chrissy?" Amy asked as they made their way down to the dance floor.

    "I'm feeling fine Amy." Chrissy said with a smile, but Amy could tell that the smile was a put on.

    "Okay then Chrissy, as long as you're not going to pass out again Chrissy." Amy said with a smile.

    "Not much chance of that Amy. Not in this dress." Chrissy said as she struck a sexy pose with her hand on her hip and the other behind her head.

    This set Amy off giggling, and Ann had to giggle when she saw the pose Chrissy struck.

    "Are we going to dance, or just stand here while Chrissy shows off her body to the whole club?" Ann asked with a grin.

    Chrissy looked around and realised that a lot of the people around them had stopped what they were doing to watch the free floor show. Chrissy went a little red and then grabbed Amy's hand, so they could get to the dance floor and hopefully forget about what just happened.

    They were soon dancing around on the dance floor, which made Chrissy forget about all the trouble with Becky for a bit.

    Becky had just finished sorting out a girl that spilled her drink down her dress when she saw Chrissy striking a sexy pose in front of Amy and Ann. Then she saw her go all red in the face when she saw everyone was watching her. Becky smiled, as she knew Chrissy hated it when everyone looked at her like that.

    "She looks really good in that dress doesn't she?" Mandy said into Becky's ear.

    Becky spun around in shock when Mandy said that. "Mandy! You scared me."

    "I'm sorry Becky, but you just seemed to be in another place just now. What were you thinking as you spied on Chrissy." Mandy said.

    "I wasn't spying on Chrissy. I was just finishing up with a problem when I saw her doing some sexy pose for Amy." Becky said sounding hurt.

    "So if you're not spying on Chrissy then why are you shutting her out?" Mandy asked in a harsh voice.

    "What do you mean, 'I'm shutting her out'?" Becky asked with a puzzled look.

    "I saw the way you treated her up in the VIP section earlier. You wouldn't even look at her." Mandy said.

    "I'm not upset with Chrissy. I'm upset with myself for what I did to her." Becky said, sounding really sad.

    "Do you not realise you're hurting her even more, doing this. She thinks you're trying to stop her having any fun." Mandy said, as she looked Becky in the eyes.

    "Why would she think that Mandy?" Becky asked in a shocked voice.

    "She thinks you wanted her to wear that corset and dress as some form of bondage. So she couldn't have any fun. And now she has that new dress, you're upset with her and not speaking to her now." Mandy sounded really upset with Becky now.

    "I would never do that to Chrissy! I just think she looks so hot in that dress, I never gave a thought to her wanting to go on the dance floor. I was scared to death when I was told she passed out." Becky was close to tears now.

    "I think you better have a word with Chrissy about it all then Becky. She's thinking of not coming to the club any more just to keep you happy." Mandy said as she pulled Becky into a hug.

    "I'm sorry Mandy, I'm being such a fool aren't I?" Becky said as she hugged Mandy back.

    "Yes you're being a fool Becky. Chrissy loves you with all her heart, so all you're doing is hurting her even more by not being with her." Mandy said as she hugged Becky.

    "Do you think I should go and sort it out now? Or leave it till she gets done dancing with Amy and Ann?" Becky asked as she pulled herself away from Mandy's embrace.

    "Why don't we go up to the VIP section and wait for them to get done dancing. If you go and pull her off the dance floor now, she may get the wrong idea." Mandy said, as she led Becky back up to the VIP section.

    Amy and the others danced for some time, but Amy's leg was starting to hurt. Ann could see that Amy was limping, so she got Chrissy's attention and pointed it out to her as well. Chrissy gave a knowing nod, then they pulled Amy off the dance floor with them.

    "What are you two doing?" Amy asked once they got to where the noise of the music was at a point they could hear each other speak.

    "We can see that your leg is hurting sis, so we're going to have a sit down and a drink. If you feel any better later, then we will go and have another dance. Okay?" Ann said as she helped Chrissy get Amy back to the VIP section.

    "Okay, but I am sorry for being such a pain to you both." Amy said sounding a little down about putting a stop to the fun they were all having.

    "Don't be sorry Amy, you're still a long way from being back to normal with that leg of yours, but pretty soon we will be trying to keep up with you on the dance floor." Chrissy said with a grin.

    "I hope so Chrissy, I really hope so." Amy smiled back.

    They got to the VIP section and helped Amy get to the sofa, then they each took a seat next to her. Ann one side, and Chrissy the other. Chrissy hadn't been sat there long when she saw Becky come back into the room. She looked at Becky till Becky looked at her, then she looked away not wanting to see Becky's mood.

    Amy saw Chrissy looking around and then looking at Becky, till Becky looked at Chrissy, then Chrissy looking away. She wondered if they'd had words earlier or something. She just hoped that what ever was bothering Chrissy and Becky would work its self out soon.

    Becky walked back into the VIP section and looked around the room before seeing Chrissy sat with Amy and Ann on there normal sofa. She also saw Chrissy look away when Becky looked at her. Becky knew she had to sort this out with Chrissy before it got out of hand, so she made her way over to the sofas where they were sat.

    Mandy was sat on the other sofa with Carla. They both watched Becky look at Chrissy, and then make her way over to her.

    Chrissy was looking at her lap when Becky got to her and stood in front of her. She saw a pair of legs stood there and she could tell from the shoes that they belonged to Becky. Chrissy looked up at Becky's face, expecting to see her pissed off because she had been dancing and having fun with Amy and Ann. Chrissy got a shock though when she saw that Becky had been crying.

    "What's wrong Becky?" Chrissy asked as she jumped up to face Becky.

    "I hear you think I'm an evil bitch that doesn't want you to have any fun." Becky said as she started to cry again.

    "I never called you an evil bitch Becky, and I never would." Chrissy said as she pulled Becky into a hug.

    "I know you didn't Chrissy, but that is what I feel like right now after Mandy told me you are going to stop coming to the club because you think I don't like you having any fun." Becky said, as she softly cried on Chrissy's shoulder.

    "Please don't feel that way Becky, I was just upset that you wouldn't even look at me earlier. I thought I had done something to upset you. I thought you wanted me to not be able to dance or something. Please stop crying babe." Chrissy said, pleading with Becky.

    "I'm sorry I hurt you Chrissy, I really am." Becky cried.

    "I know you are babe. I thought we sorted all this out earlier?" Chrissy asked as she pulled Becky's head up to look at it.

    "I was just putting on a brave face about it all, I was still upset with myself for making you wear that corset so tight." Becky said through panda eyes.

    "Can I give you a kiss and then move on and forget about the whole corset thing then Becky?" Chrissy asked.

    "You should know by now Chrissy. You'll never need to ask to kiss me." Becky was grinning now.

    Chrissy put her hand behind Becky's neck and pulled her in for a kiss. Becky felt the rest of the world melt away as her lips met with Chrissy's. It wasn't long before Becky had her hand on the back of Chrissy's neck and the other one rubbing Chrissy's backside through the silk of the dress she had on. It felt so good through the silk that is was really turning Becky on, and Chrissy wasn't far behind her.

    "I love you babe." Becky said in a husky voice, when they finally came up for air.

    "I love you to lover." Chrissy said with a smile.

    Becky saw that loving smile on Chrissy's face and knew that everything was good again.

    "Does this mean you're going to keep coming to the club then Chrissy?" Becky asked.

    "Yes, if you don't mind me having a dance every now and then?" Chrissy asked with a grin.

    "I don't mind one bit Chrissy. It's been nice to watch you having some fun again. I think Ann and Amy are good for you, but try and lay off the sexy posing down in the main club area." Becky said with a grin.

    Chrissy looked shocked, and then went a little red faced. "Oh, you saw that then?"

    "Yep, I saw you do that, but I must say, you did look good when you did it hon." Becky pulled Chrissy back in for another hug and kiss.

    Mandy and Carla just sat and watched the two make up again. "I guess you had a word with Becky then?" Carla asked Mandy.

    "Yes, I found her watching Chrissy down on the dance floor, so I had a talk with her. I told her that Chrissy was upset about how she had been treating her tonight. As you can see, it did the trick." Mandy pointed at the pair still kissing.

    Amy was happy to see them both kissing again too. She couldn't make out much of what the reason was, but she didn't really care, as long as they were happy again now.

    They decided to not risk any more dancing with how Amy's leg was hurting, but they did still sing along with the songs they liked. Becky was running back and forth for the rest of the night, but she would still come and sit on Chrissy's knee and steal a kiss every now and then. They had all had a great time by closing time and even stopped for another hour with the staff for an after-hour drink so they could all relax a little before heading home.

    Mandy was happy that Vicky had the people carrier now, so Carla could help drive them home. Carla walked the girls to the front door when they got home and then spent five minutes hugging and kissing Mandy before she let her enter the house. Carla and Vicky waited for Mandy to enter the house and shut the door before they pulled out of the driveway again.

    Mandy found the others all in the kitchen sat at the table. "I thought you would all be heading off to bed as soon as we got in." Mandy said as she joined them sat at the table.

    "We wanted to wait for you sis." Chrissy said in a little girl voice.

    "Well we have a busy day tomorrow, so I guess we'd better call it a night." Mandy said with a smile.

    "What's happening tomorrow Mandy?" Ann asked.

    "Well Amy has a check up with my Mum, and then I thought we would have some lunch, then hit the shopping centre for the rest of the afternoon." Becky said the last bit with a grin.

    "Ooh, Shopping." Amy said with a grin. This got them all giggling at Amy.

    Ann put her head in her hands then said. "She really is a girl." This got them all laughing even more.

    They all dragged them selves up the stairs and hugged when they got to Mandy's bedroom door, then went to their own rooms to get ready for bed. Chrissy and Becky returned to Mandy's room once they had brushed their teeth and found Mandy just getting into bed, so they joined her and all cuddled up together and were soon fast asleep.

    Ann helped Amy get ready for bed, and then got ready herself. Amy looked to be asleep, but she still cuddled up to Ann when she got in, and they were both asleep pretty soon themselves.

    Amy woke the next morning and lay there in bed watching Ann sleep for some time before she decided to get up and take a shower. She had a little bit of a thick head, but not as bad as she did on Sunday. The shower seemed to help a lot and she was soon drying herself off and heading back to the bedroom to put some panties on and a bra.

    Ann was just starting to wake when Amy got back, so Amy sat on the bed next to Ann and then gave her a hug. "Morning sis. How did you sleep?" Amy asked with a smile.

    "Morning Amy." Ann said with a groan. "What time is it?" Ann asked as she stretched out her arms.

    "It's nearly ten AM sis. We need to see about making a move if were ever going to get to see Mandy's mum today." Amy said with a grin.

    "What's got you so excited about going for a check up?" Ann asked as she tried to turn over and close her eyes to get some more sleep.

    "I'm excited because Prue is going to start me on a course of hormone treatment today, if the tests came back okay." Amy grinned as she pulled the cover off the bed to stop Ann going back to sleep.

    "Oh, now I see why you're so full of life this morning." Ann groaned, as she sat up and threw her legs over the edge of the bed. "I think I'll take a shower, and see if that wakes me up any." Ann stood up as she said it, but still gave Amy a hug before she wandered off to the bathroom.

    Amy just stood and watched her sister drag her feet as she disappeared out of sight. Amy giggled to herself as she put her bathrobe on, as she thought about Ann never really being a morning person. With her bathrobe and slippers on, Amy made her way down to the kitchen, to make a start on breakfast and see if any of the others were up yet.

    Chrissy had awoken just as Mandy was getting out of bed to go take a shower, so she dragged herself out of bed and headed for her room to take a nice hot bubble bath. Chrissy had just got in when she heard the bedroom door open and close, then she saw Becky poke her head around the bathroom door.

    "Morning babe. Can I join you?" A very sleepy looking Becky asked.

    "You know you can babe, you know you don't need to ask." Chrissy said with a smile, as she slid back to let Becky get in the bath.

    Becky slipped out of her nightgown and then stepped into the water. She thought the water felt great, but not as great as sitting between Chrissy's legs and then leaning back and using her breasts as a pillow. Chrissy wrapped her arms around Becky and hugged her for some time not saying anything. Chrissy started to spread water over Becky's breasts then she started to play with Becky's nipples. Chrissy knew how much Becky liked it when she did.

    "Is everything really okay between us again Chrissy?" Becky asked as she closed her eyes and let Chrissy play with her nipples.

    "What do you think lover." Chrissy said as she played with Becky's nipples even more.

    Becky had to giggle when she realised Chrissy wouldn't be doing what she was doing now if she was still upset with her. "Good point babe. I guess you wouldn't be doing what you're doing now if you were still upset with me." Becky suddenly let out a scream. "Ouch! What was that for?"

    Chrissy had pinched one of Becky's nipples when she said that Chrissy had been upset with her. "I was never upset with you Becky!" Chrissy said as she stopped Becky sitting up and went back to playing with her nipples.

    "Sorry Chrissy, wrong choice of words. I just feel really bad about what happened last night at the club." Becky said with a pout as she looked up at Chrissy.

    "I'd be more worried if you didn't hon. It shows just how much you really love me, but please stop worrying about it." Chrissy said as she leaned down and kissed Becky.

    "I'm a very lucky girl to have you Chrissy." Becky said with a grin as they broke the kiss.

    "I think I'm the lucky girl to have you Becky." Chrissy said just before kissing Becky again.

    Chrissy had been playing with Becky's nipples all the time they talked and kissed, and was soon rewarded with a pleasant groan from Becky as an orgasm washed over her.

    Becky let out a sigh as she lay there between Chrissy legs with her head rested on Chrissy breasts, thinking life doesn't get much better than this. "Thanks Babe, I really needed that." Becky said, as she looked up all dreamy-eyed at Chrissy.

    "I thought it might help relax you." Chrissy said with a grin.

    "Chrissy, I've been meaning to have a word with you since the other day." Becky said as she lay there being hugged by Chrissy.

    "What about Babe?" Chrissy asked.

    "I was talking to Ann, and she said that she was missing her friend Amber. Well one thing led to another and I found out that Amber knows about Amy." Becky said as she sat up in the bath and turned to face Chrissy.

    "Well I guess she would, Ann must have told her why she was moving." Chrissy said with a funny look on her face.

    "No, what I mean is. Amber knew about Amy before Amy ever left home." Becky said in a firm voice.

    Chrissy looked puzzled for a couple of seconds then said. "How come Amy never told us that Amber knew Amy?"

    "Amy never found out about it. Ann only found out the night Amy left home. Amber said that Ann and Amy would have told her if they wanted her to know." Becky said.

    "So what do you want to do to help?" Chrissy asked, knowing that Becky had some plan cooking.

    "Well, I said that Amber could come and visit any time. We do have a couple of spare rooms still." Becky said with a grin.

    "What does Amy think to Amber coming to visit?" Chrissy asked.

    "We're not going to tell her about it. Ann thinks it best she doesn't know till she is face to face with Amber, then she will see that Amber is still her friend." Becky was biting her lip, so Chrissy knew that she was nerves about this plan.

    "Well, if Ann's sure this is the best plan, then who are we to argue. What can I do to help?" Chrissy asked with a grin as she pulled Becky into a soapy hug.

    "Ann is going to have a word with Amber and sort out a weekend for her to come and visit, so we can take her to the club and really show her a good time. Then I'm going to have a word with Carl and sort out getting Amber down here. I will need you to keep Amy busy so we can sort stuff out."

    "Will do captain." Chrissy said as she raised her hand and gave Becky a salute, which made Becky giggle.

    Chrissy washed Becky's back, then Becky did the same for Chrissy, so they could get out the bath and dried off. Once they were both dry, they put on their bathrobes and made their way down for some breakfast.

    Amy was the first to get down to the kitchen, so she made a pot of tea and then went to get the paper from the front door and put it on the table next to Mandy's cup, all ready for when she got down stairs. Then she made a start on breakfast for everyone.

    Mandy got to the bottom of the stairs and looked to see if the paper was at the front door, but saw it wasn't so she made her way to the kitchen. She found the paper on the table next to her cup and a pot of tea ready for her to pure. "Morning Amy. You're going to spoil me you know." Mandy said with a grin as she walked over to Amy and gave her a hug.

    "Just trying to keep on the boss's good side." Amy said with a grin.

    "I'm the perfect boss then Amy, as I don't have a bad side." Mandy said as she batted her eyelids.

    "That's even better then Ms Boss-lady." Amy said with a giggle.

    "All joking aside though Amy. I don't want you to think of me or Chrissy as your boss, we all just work together and have a good time as we do it." Mandy said with a smile.

    "Okay Mandy, I'll try not to let you both down." Amy said as she turned to check on the sausages.

    "That could never happen Amy, so don't think for one minute that you could." Mandy said as she gave Amy another hug before she went to the table to pour herself a cup of tea and take a look at the paper.

    Amy and Mandy both looked over to the kitchen door when they heard Chrissy and Becky giggling as they entered the kitchen. "Good morning Amy." Chrissy said as she went to Amy and hugged her.

    "Morning Chrissy. How you feeling this morning?" Amy asked as she hugged Chrissy back.

    "I feel a lot better than I did Sunday, but I didn't drink as much last night." Chrissy said with a grin.

    "Good morning Amy." Becky said as she also gave Amy a hug.

    "Morning Becky." Amy said as she hugged Becky back. "Breakfast won't be long, so if you want to take a seat, I will bring it over when it's ready." Amy smiled.

    "Sure you don't need any help with any of it Amy?" Becky asked.

    "I've got it all covered, so just sit and cuddle with Chrissy for a bit." Amy said with a grin.

    "I can do that!" Becky said with a grin as she put her arm around Chrissy's waist and led her over to the table.

    Amy was just about done cooking breakfast when Ann entered the kitchen. She walked over to Amy and gave her a hug before going to the table and taking a seat. Mandy poured her a cup of tea and then added some cream and one sugar before sliding it over to Ann.

    "MMM, thanks Mandy. I really need this, this morning." Ann said, as she took a couple of sips from the cup.

    "Is my big sister having trouble keeping up with the partying life style these girls live?" Amy asked as she gave Ann a hug from behind.

    "I'll be fine. I'm just not use to going out so much and having such a good time." Ann said as she wrapped her arms around Amy's and hugged them.

    "That's okay then sis. I would hate to have to stop now." Amy said with a grin as she let go of Ann, and went to get breakfast finished off.

    Amy was soon bringing the first two plates back to the table, but as Mandy and Chrissy weren't at work today, she gave the first two to Chrissy and Becky. Then she got Mandy's and Ann's then went back for her own.

    "Thanks for cooking such a great breakfast sis." Ann said as she started eating.

    "Yes. Thanks Amy, this is really good." Chrissy said, as she took a mouth full herself.

    Mandy and Becky also thanked Amy for a great breakfast as they started eating theirs as well.

    "Thanks everyone. I just want to do my bit to help out around the house." Amy said with a smile.

    "Becky and I will start helping with breakfast when you start working with Mandy and me." Chrissy said as she sat feeding Becky a piece of sausage.

    "I really don't mind doing breakfast Chrissy. I can still make breakfast and get ready for work in time." Amy said with a smile.

    "We know you could Amy, but if we all work together, then it will get done a lot quicker." Becky said.

    Amy knew she wouldn't win the argument with Chrissy and Becky, so she just smiled and then kept eating her breakfast. Mandy and Ann took the task of washing and drying the dishes, so Chrissy and Becky could go and help Amy get ready to go and see Mandy's mum.

    Mandy and Ann went to get ready themselves once the dishes were done. They were soon all ready to leave. Ann could see Amy was getting worried.

    "You okay little sister?" Ann asked as she held Amy's hand.

    "I'm just a little worried that Prue will say I can't transition." Amy said as she squeezed Ann's hand.

    "I know that Chrissy has already told you no-one can stop you sis. They all just want to make sure nothing will go wrong once you get started on a course of treatment." Ann smiled as she pulled Amy into a hug.

    "I just hope she's right sis." Amy said looking a little worried still.

    "Come on sis." Ann said as she took Amy by the hand and led her out to Mandy's car.

    Chrissy opened the front door and smiled at Ann to let her know she could get in the front. Then Chrissy let Amy get in the back so she could get in behind her. Becky had gone around the other side and got in herself.

    "Do you not want to sit next to Becky, Chrissy?" Amy asked as she sat between the two of them.

    "I know how worried you're feeling now Amy, so I thought that having me and Becky to cuddle with you would help ease some of that worry." Chrissy said with a smile as she cuddled up to Amy. Becky did the same from the other side, and Amy did feel a little less worried.

    "Thanks you two, I do feel better knowing I have you all here to help me get through all this." Amy sat grinning in the back seat of the car.

    Mandy looked at the grin on Amy's face then said. "You should think yourself very lucky Amy. Chrissy and Becky don't let just anyone get between them."

    This made Amy feel even more special being sat between Chrissy and Becky. They both hugged Amy a little tighter as Mandy pulled out the driveway and made her way to her mum's practice. Mandy took a steady drive there so Ann could learn the way, just in case she had to drive Amy or one of the others there at some point.

    Mandy found a parking spot right outside the practice and parked up. Chrissy and Becky each took one of Amy's arms to show their support for their friend, which made Amy feel better as they led her to the front door. Mandy and Ann walked in front, so Mandy pushed the buzzer and waited for Kim to speak.

    "Hello. How may I help you?" They heard Kim say.

    "Hi Kim. It's Mandy and the girls here to see my mum." Mandy said into the speaker box.

    "Hi Mandy! Come right in!" Kim's voice said loudly out the speaker.

     Mandy opened the door and let the others enter before she entered herself. Ann let Chrissy and Becky lead the way with Amy between them. They all turned the corner to find Kim stood there ready to hug them all.

    Hello everyone. How are you all doing?" Kim asked as she gave them all a hug. "Did you have a good time at the club Amy, for your birthday?" Kim asked as she hugged Amy.

    "I had a really great time Kim. It's a shame you and David didn't want to come." Amy said as she hugged Kim back.

    "David's not a big one for night-clubbing, and we wanted to help look after Cathleen for Jenna, so she could have a night out with Vicky." Kim said with a smile.

    "It looked like Jenna was having a really good time Saturday with Vicky. She even came onto the dance floor with us." Amy said as she remembered all the fun she had Saturday night at the club.

    "She said she did when I spoke to her Sunday. When she finally got up that is." Kim said as she walked back around to her desk and used the intercom to tell Prue that Amy was here.

    "Hello Kim, what is it?" They all heard Prue ask.

    "Amy and the others are here to see you Prue." Kim said.

    "Thanks Kim. Ask them to come right in please." They heard Prue ask.

    "Lets not keep the lady waiting." Kim said as she waved her hand for them all to enter Prue's office.

    "Thanks Kim, we will come back out and chat in a minute." Mandy said as she led the way to her mum's office.

    Chrissy and Becky had to drag Amy along with them as her legs had stopped working. "Come on Amy, or you will never get started on your transition." Chrissy said as she pulled Amy along.

    Amy was all of a sudden really scared of what was about to happen to her. She saw Prue getting up to hug Mandy, then she hugged Ann, before coming over to Amy, Chrissy and Becky. "Hello Amy, don't look so worried. I just need to give you a couple of shots and then sort out the prescriptions, and we're done." Prue said with a smile.

    "Shots? You mean I can start on my transition then?" Amy asked with a shocked look.

    "Yes silly, why else do you think I asked you to come?" Prue asked with a giggle.

    "Sorry Prue, but I was just worried that you wouldn't let me become a woman." Amy said feeling a little silly now for what she was thinking.

    "Don't worry about it Amy. Chrissy was the same way as well, and Cathy thought the same thing when she came to see me for the first time." Prue said as she gave Amy a hug.

    "Thanks Prue, thanks for everything." Amy said as she hugged her back

    "Okay then Amy, are you ready to get started?" Prue asked as they broke the hug.

    "I guess so Prue." Amy said looking worried at the fact she was about to get poked with a big needle.

    Prue asked them all to leave why she gave Amy her shots. Amy looked a little sad to see them all go, but she knew she was in safe hands with Prue. Amy followed Prue to her treatment room and then lifted her skirt up and lowered her panties and bent over the table when Prue asked her too.

    Amy felt Prue rub her left cheek, then she felt a slight pinprick. Then she felt Prue do the same with her right cheek. "There you go Amy. All done." Prue said as she helped Amy to stand up again. "Do you feel okay Amy?" Prue asked once she was stood up.

    "So that's it Prue? That's what I was worried about? I really do feel silly now." Amy said.

    "Please don't Amy. You've had a lot to deal with, so you're bound to let it get to you." Prue said as she hugged her. "Now then, the shots I just gave you will give your body a kick start on its way to becoming a woman." Prue said as she hugged Amy.

    "Will I grow breasts Prue?" Amy asked with some hope in her voice.

    "The short answer is, yes. It's hard to say to what size they will grow, Amy, only time will tell." Prue said as she broke the hug to look Amy in the eyes.

    "I don't really want to wait Prue. I want my own breasts now." Amy said with a pleading voice.

    "Well you could look at getting breast implants, but when your own breasts do grow, then you could have a very large chest. Or may need to look at getting a breast reduction done. Are you willing to take the risk?" Prue asked looking worried.

    "That doesn't sound very nice Prue." Amy said as she bit her lip.

    "Why don't you just give it a little time and see what happens, then you can make your mind up later." Prue said, hoping that Amy would listen. "I know you look at Chrissy and want to be the same as she is now, but you have to remember that it took Chrissy a long time to become the girl she is now." Prue smiled as she said it.

    "I know you're right Prue, but I just feel like the odd one out still, sometimes, when I look at the others." Amy said sounding a little sad.

    "You're the only one that feels that way Amy. I know that they all see you as a girl like them. It's what you have in here that counts." Prue pointed to Amy's heart as she spoke.

    Amy thought about it for a couple of seconds. Prue was right, none of the girls ever treated her any different to how they treated the others. Even Ann never gave her a second look before jumping in the bath with her on Sunday. "You're right Prue, they do just treat me like another one of the girls." Amy said with a grin.

    "That's because you are Amy." Prue said as she hugged Amy once more before they made their way back out to her office. Prue buzzed through to Kim to say the others could all come back in.

    Amy smiled when she saw the others all come back in to Prue's office. "How did it go mum?" Mandy asked.

    Ann walked over and sat with Amy, she put her arm around Amy's waist and hugged her. "How you feeling sis?" Ann asked.

    "I feel fine sis. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was." Amy said with a grin.

    "We did all tell you that Amy." Ann said with a giggle.

    Chrissy and Becky came over and gave Amy a hug when they saw her grinning. "Nice to see a worry free smile from you again Amy." Chrissy said.

    "Do you and Kim have any plans for lunch mum?" Mandy asked.

    "Not really, just a sandwich from the cob shop down the road." Prue said.

    "Would you both like to join us for some lunch then?" Mandy asked.

    "That would be really nice Mandy. I'm sure Kim will jump at the chance as well." Prue said, as she buzzed through to Kim, to ask her if she wanted to go and get some lunch with the others. Kim jumped at the chance.

    The girls all waited for Kim and Prue to get ready, then they went out to the car. Prue and Kim decided to meet Mandy and the others at the restaurant, as there was no room in her car. So they all got in the cars and set off.

    Mandy was the first to get to the restaurant, so they waited for Prue and Kim to arrive. Once they got there, they all went in to eat.

    Ann had to giggle when Mandy and Prue started to ague over who was going to pay the bill when it came, but Mandy won, when she said that her Mum paid last week.

    "Do you have anything exciting planned for the rest of the day?" Prue asked as they walked back to their cars.

    "We're going to take Ann and Amy shopping for the rest of the afternoon. Do you want to join us?" Mandy asked.

    "No, I think I'll pass on that one dear. I don't find shopping as much fun as I use too." Prue said with a smile as she gave Mandy a hug. "But I hope you all have a good time."

    "I'm sure we will mum." Mandy said as she hugged her mum again.

    Prue and Kim gave all the girls a hug before getting in Prue's car and heading back to the surgery. Mandy and the others all waved them off before getting in Mandy's car and heading off into town to start their shopping trip.

    Mandy found a parking spot and pulled into it and then got out the car and waited for the others to get out. "Are you girls all ready to do some shopping then?" Mandy asked with a grin.

    They all said yes and headed off to start their shopping. They had to stop at a cash machine so Amy could get some money out. Amy showed Ann how much was in there, and Ann was amazed to see the amount.

    "Wow sis, you really are rich." Ann said with a grin.

    "Don't you mean, we're rich sis?" Amy said grinning back at Ann.

    "That's your money Amy. You're the one that suffered for it." Ann said.

    "What's mine is yours sis. I don't want you to worry about money from now on." Amy said, as she gave Ann a hug.

    "We still need to get you sorted out with a proper bank account, so you don't need to carry all the cash around with you." Mandy said as they broke the hug.

    "I can help her sort that out now I'm here." Ann said with a smile.

    "That would be a great help Ann. I was trying to work out when I would have the time to take her and get it all sorted out." Mandy said.

    "We can take the bus into town tomorrow and get it sorted out." Ann said.

    "You don't need to take the bus Ann. You can use the people carrier. Carl bought it so we could run Amy around, and now you're here I can use my BMW again. So you may as well make use of it." Mandy said with a smile.

    "Are you sure that will be okay Mandy? I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of your kindness." Ann said.

    "Carl had you added to the insurance on the people carrier last week, so you're fully covered to drive it. And I'm glad to help Ann. So don't ever worry about asking for anything." Mandy said with a smile.

    "Thanks Mandy, you're one of the best." Ann said with a grin. She looked at Becky and Chrissy as well as she said it to let them know that they were the best too.

    Becky and Chrissy just stood grinning at Ann as they stood holding Amy's hands.

    Mandy led the way with the others following close behind as they made their way into the first of many clothes shops they would be visiting that afternoon.

    Ann was having a really great time shopping with Amy again, and having the others there made it even better.

    By the time they called it a day, they were all laden down with shopping bags. They had all bought clothes for themselves, but most of it was brought for Amy. Mandy and Chrissy had brought Amy a dozen business suits and blouses, they had also got her half a dozen pairs of shoes to match the different coloured suits she now owned. Amy had tried to pay for it all herself, but Mandy and Chrissy wouldn't hear of it.

    Amy was having a lot of fun with them all, but she was happy when they called it a day, as her leg was beginning to hurt a lot. So they headed back to Mandy's car and loaded up the boot with all the bags and then headed for home.

    They all helped empty the boot and then entered the house after Mandy unlocked the door and then turned off the alarm system.

    Chrissy and Becky gave Amy a hand to take her new clothes and other bits up to her room and then Chrissy led Becky to their room so she could take a nap before she had some dinner and then got ready to head off to the club.

    Amy left sorting out her new clothes till later and headed back down to the kitchen to have a drink. She found Mandy and Ann sat at the table with a glass of juice each. There was a jug of juice on the table, so Ann poured Amy a glass and patted the seat next to her for Amy to sit down.

    "Thanks sis." Amy said as she took the seat and then cuddled up to Ann.

    "How you feeling sis? I noticed you were limping a little bit on the way back to the car." Ann asked as they cuddled.

    "It was beginning to hurt a little, but I had a really great time shopping with you again sis." Amy said as she looked up at Ann with a smile.

    "I never realised how much I missed our little shopping trips out till today." Ann said to Amy as she looked into her little sister's eyes. Ann could see how happy Amy was now they were both back together.

    Mandy, Ann and Amy all looked at the kitchen door when they heard Chrissy heading towards it humming a happy tune.

    "Is Becky not with you?" Mandy asked.

    "No, I sent her to take a nap before she has to head out to work later." Chrissy said with a smile as she sat next to Mandy and took the glass of juice she just poured for her. "Thanks sis." Chrissy said.

    "You're welcome sis. Do you have any big plans for dinner, or shall we just order some take out." Mandy asked.

    "I think me and Amy can come up with something." Chrissy said with a grin as she looked at Amy to get her okay on working on dinner together.

    "I'm sure we can find something to throw together to make a meal." Amy said with a grin.

    Chrissy and Amy both got up and made a start on dinner, while Mandy and Ann just sat and watched the pair work together. Ann had a smile on her face as she watched the pair work together.

    "You would really think them sisters, wouldn't you?" Ann said to Mandy.

    "Amy found a good friend and an even better sister in Chrissy." Mandy said with a smile as she watched the pair work on dinner.

    "She found more than one great friend Mandy, and she found three more sisters." Ann smiled at Mandy.

    Mandy didn't know what to say, so she just smiled back at Ann and then took another sip of her juice.

    Chrissy and Amy made Ann and Mandy giggle as they danced around the kitchen as they got dinner ready. Chrissy went to wake Becky when the dinner was close to being ready.

    Amy took a seat at the table and waited for Chrissy to get back with Becky before making a start on dishing it up. Once they both got back down, Amy helped Chrissy get it all served out and then they sat down to eat.

    Amy helped Ann serve up some chocolate cake and cream for pudding while they let Chrissy spend some more time with Becky before she left for work. Then Mandy and Ann set about washing the dishes so Amy could rest her leg.

    Chrissy went with Becky so she could help her get ready for work. Ann led Amy to the living room, once she and Mandy had finished the dishes.

    Amy sat on one sofa with Ann, while Mandy sat on one of the other. They hadn't been sat there long when they heard the doorbell. Mandy was the first up, but Amy and Ann were close behind.

    Mandy opened the door and found Vicky stood there looking as stunning as always. "Hello Vicky. You look even more beautiful every time I see you." Mandy said as she hugged Vicky.

    Vicky blushed before saying. "Oh Mandy, you're just saying that." Then she gave Mandy a hug.

    "No Vicky, I really mean it. You really do look amazing tonight." Mandy hugged Vicky back as she said it.

    "Thanks Mandy. It's nice to know that all this hard work pays off in the end." Vicky said as she stepped back and waved her hand up and down her body.

    Amy and Ann both said how nice Vicky looked as they gave her a hug. They were all stood chatting in the hallway when Chrissy got down stairs with a very beautiful looking Becky walking just to her side. Chrissy had her arm around Becky's waist. Which was tightly laced into a corset and was covered by a very sexy deep red cocktail dress.

    Chrissy hugged Vicky and said how nice she looked tonight. Then she turned to hug Becky one last time before she and Vicky left for the club.

    Mandy wrapped her arm around Chrissy's waist as she made her way back to the living room. "Don't look so down Chrissy, She will soon be back home and cuddling you in bed." Mandy said, as she tried to snap Chrissy out of her mood. It seemed to do the trick, as Chrissy hugged Mandy and then cuddled up to her once they sat on one of the sofas.

    They found a film to watch on the telly and then all called it a night once it finished, so they all made their way up to bed.

    Amy and Ann thanked Chrissy and Mandy again for a great day as they parted at Mandy's bedroom door. "Thanks again for a really great day." Amy said as she hugged them both.

    "You're welcome Amy. We all had a lot of fun as well." Mandy said as she hugged Amy back.

    "Yes, thank you. I can't remember the last time I had so much fun shopping." Ann added as she hugged them both as well.

    "Well I hope you like shopping, because we do a lot of it when we get the time." Chrissy said with a grin.

    "It's going to be tough, but I think I can bear it." Ann said with a pained look on her face, just before she burst out in a fit of giggles, which set of the others.

    They all hugged once more, and then made their way off to their bedrooms. Chrissy got ready for bed and then headed back to Mandy's room like she always did. She found Mandy just coming out the bathroom in her nightgown, so she headed over to the bed and pulled the covers back before climbing in and waiting for Mandy to get in so they could cuddle up to each other. They were both soon overtaken by sleep.

    Amy and Ann both got ready for bed and climbed into bed. Amy liked it when she felt Ann wrap her arms around her, she felt safer knowing that Ann was hugging her. Amy was soon asleep and dreaming about the day she just had, she was a real girl in her dreams. Amy was shopping and having fun trying on swimsuits and other revealing clothing, she was a little sad when she woke and realised it was all a dream, but she smiled when she thought about the injections that Prue gave her. Amy knew she was on her way to becoming the girl she so wanted to be. She slid out of bed and made a start on getting ready to go and cook breakfast for Chrissy and Mandy, so they could go off to work with a good meal inside them.

    Mandy handed Ann the keys to the people carrier just before she and Chrissy left to go to the shop.

    "What time do you want to head off and sort out this bank account?" Ann asked as she waved the keys in front of Amy's face with a grin.

    "I thought we would help Becky with the house work this morning. So will it be okay to do it just after lunch?" Amy asked.

    "That's fine with me sis." Ann said.

    They got stuck in with Becky on getting the house cleaned and the washing all done, then Amy did a couple of tins of soup for lunch and put some part baked rolls in the oven to go with it. Once lunch was done, they helped Becky get the dishes done.

    "Do you want to come with us into town Becky?" Amy asked with a smile.

    "I'd love to, but I am going to head back to bed. I have to work later, and I didn't get much sleep yesterday with going out. I don't think I could cope with another night at the club with out much sleep." Becky said with a giggle.

    "I can understand that Becky." Ann said. "We will let you head back to bed then." Ann gave Becky a hug as she said it.

    "Thanks Ann. I hope you both have a good time in town. I bet you'll both be glad to have some time to yourselves?" Becky asked with a grin.

    "Not at all Becky. We both love having you and the others around." Amy said as she hugged Becky really tight.

    "That's good to hear then Amy. I was worried that you might be getting a little sick of us by now." Becky said with a giggle as she hugged Amy back.

    "That could never happen Becky, just as I hope you all never get sick of having us around." Ann said as she joined the hug.

    "Not a chance Ann." Becky said.

    They broke the hug and then all made their way upstairs, Becky so she could go to bed, and Amy and Ann so they could get ready to go out. They both gave Becky another hug and wished her a nice sleep before they headed to their own room.

    Once they were ready to leave, they made their way out to the car. Ann locked the front door, but didn't arm the alarm system. Amy was sat in the car when Ann got to it. Amy handed the keys back to Ann so she could start the engine, then they were soon on their way into town to sort out a bank account for Amy.

    Ann found a car park and parked the car. They both had a pretty good idea of where everything was from being out with the girls yesterday, so they made their way to a bank that Mandy said was a good one.

    The bank was really busy, so they decided to go for a walk around once Ann had set an appointment time with the woman on reception.

    "So what do you want to do for a couple of hours?" Ann asked as they left the bank.

    "I'm not to sure really sis." Amy said as he put her finger up to her lips.

    Ann saw the short stumpy nails Amy had, then let a grin form on her face. "I know what we can do sis!" Ann shouted.

    Amy jumped a little when Ann shouted. She looked a little worried when she saw the grin on her sister's face. "And what would that be sis?" Amy asked looking worried.

    "Don't look so worried sis." Ann said, as she wrapped her arm around Amy. "What do you say to me treating you to getting your nails done? I always wanted to do it back home, but knew that it would have been a waste of time for a weekend." Ann stood looking at Amy, waiting for an answer.

    Amy thought about it for a couple of seconds. She couldn't see any problem with having them done now, herself. She had always wanted to have them done, but never had the money before now. "Okay then sis, I'd love to get my nails done. But only if you have yours done too." Amy said with a grin.

    "It's a deal then sis." Ann said with a grin.

    They headed off looking for a nail art shop that looked like it would be a good one. They soon found one and made their way in. The shop was a busy one and the work they did looked really nice. The woman behind the counter just inside the door asked them what they were looking for.

    "Hello. My sister and I are looking to have our nails sorted out and maybe have some length added to them. We're willing to take any advice you may have for us." Ann said to the woman.

    The woman looked at Ann's nails then she looked at Amy's hands, which were shaking a little. "Don't worry dear, we won't hurt you." The woman smiled at Amy, which made her relax a little.

    "Sorry, but this is my first time having my nails done." Amy said in a quiet voice.

    "I can see that hon." The woman said with a raised eyebrow, then she giggled. Amy had to giggle when she saw the look on the woman's face. "You're both lucky as we have a couple of spaces clear right now, so I will book you in for the works. And as there are two of you, I can give you a ten-percent discount." The woman smiled.

    "That's great!" Ann said with a smile.

    "Okay then, I will get you booked in then. My name is Debbie by the way." The woman said, as she held out her hand to shake Ann's hand, and then did the same for Amy.

    "Thank you Debbie." Ann said.

    Debbie led them over to a seating area so they could wait for their turn. Debbie made them both a cup of tea and then went to sort out some other customers.

    It wasn't long before they were both being called up to have their nails sorted out. Amy was a little worried they would realise she wasn't what she really looked like, but the girl working on her nails was really nice. If she did realise that Amy wasn't a really girl, she never let on.

    Amy just let the girl do her job, she seemed to know what Amy needed done. The girl never even asked Amy about colour for her nails when she got to that point. The colour the girl chose was the same as her lipstick.

    By the time the girl finished, Amy had a long set of claws painted in a light pink colour to match her lips. Amy was amazed at how feminine they looked now.

    "Thank you so much. I love what you've done." Amy said as she stood looking at her new nails.

    "You're most welcome hon." The girl said as she hugged Amy.

    Amy hugged the girl back, then she went over to show Ann her new nails. "What do you think sis?" Amy asked.

    "They look really good Amy. Do you like them?" Ann asked as she stood with Debbie waiting to pay the bill.

    "I love them Ann. I think it's going to take some time getting use to the extra length though." Amy said with a giggle as she stood waving her hands around.

    "I'm sure you'll be doing things like a real pro with them in no time at all." Ann said with a giggle.

    They both thanked Debbie for the great service. Debbie gave them a couple of business cards and said they were welcome back any time. They both hugged Debbie and then left to go and see the bank about an account for Amy.

    They made it back to the back with ten minutes to spare, so they told the person on reception they were there and then took a seat to wait to be called. It wasn't long before a man came out and called Amy's name. The man led them up some stairs to a private office so they could sort out all the paperwork.

    Amy and Ann filled in all the paperwork and then Amy signed it all and the man started to look through it all. Amy got a little worried when the man suddenly shot Amy a funny look. After that the man's mood changed from one of almost flirting with Amy, to one of treating her like an alien.

    "Your information doesn't match up. Some of this paperwork states you're a male. Is this right?" The man asked in a nasty way that made Amy feel scared.

    "She's in the middle of her transition. All the paperwork shows that." Ann snapped at the man.

    "I don't think we're going to be able to help you sir." The man said in a cold voice.

    Amy winced when the man called her a sir. She was fighting back the tears by now. This man reminded her of how her dad had talked to her, back when she got kicked out the house.

    Before Amy had a chance to say or do any more, Ann was on her feet and demanding to see the person that ran the branch. Amy was soon stood up and getting all her paperwork together and putting it all back in her purse. "Don't bother sis. I wouldn't want to keep my money here after this anyway. I'll make do with how I keep my money now." Amy just turned and left the office and made her way back down the stairs and out the bank.

    "Amy, we can't let people like that get away with things." Ann said as she caught up to Amy out on the street.

    "What's the point Ann? They will always be small minded people." Amy said as she threw her arms around Ann and started to cry.

    Ann just stood and let Amy cry on her shoulder. People walking by were looking at them, so Ann decided to take Amy to a café to get a drink and calm down a little. She found a café and they entered and found a table in the corner, away from any one else.

    Ann ordered two cups of tea when the waitress came over and then set about trying to help Amy. "Are you going to be okay sis?" Ann asked sounding really worried.

    "I guess so." Was all Amy said.

    "Please don't let them get to you sis. That guy was an ass!" Ann said in an angry voice.

    Amy didn't answer, she just sat playing with the hem on her skirt. The waitress soon came back with their drinks. She could see that one of the girls was upset, but didn't want to get involved so she just put the drinks down and then left again.

    Ann tried to get Amy talking, but all Amy wanted to do was finish the drinks and then go home. So they finished their drinks and then Ann paid the bill and they left. Amy never said a word all the way home, and when they got in the house Amy went straight up to her room. Ann was going to follow, but thought it better to give her some time to calm down. So Ann headed for the kitchen.

    It had been a busy day at the shop, but Mandy and Chrissy had got everything done a little earlier, so they called it a day and headed for home, once they had dropped the parcels off at the post office. They were sat in the kitchen with Becky when they heard the front door close. They all looked at the door to see Ann and Amy walk in, but only saw Ann enter the kitchen looking really down.

    "What's wrong Ann, and where's Amy?" Mandy asked looking worried.

    "Everything's wrong, and Amy is up in our room resting." Ann said as she sat at the table with the others.

    "What happened?" Chrissy asked.

    "The man at the bank upset Amy. He said that he wouldn't be able to give her a bank account due to her really being a him. He even called her a sir. God, what a horrid little man!" Ann said as she banged her fist on the table and gritted her teeth.

    "He did WHAT!" Mandy shouted. As she stood up to go and make sure Amy was okay, or as well as she could be.

    "Please Mandy, just give her some time to rest." Ann asked as she grabbed Mandy's hand to stop her leaving the kitchen.

    "Are you sure that's the best thing to do Ann?" Mandy asked still looking really upset.

    "Trust me Mandy, with the mood Amy is in right now. The best thing we can all do is give her some time to calm down. She wouldn't want to listen to anything, any of us had to say right now." Ann said it sounding really down.

    "I hope you gave him a piece of your mind Ann." Chrissy said, as she sat hugging Becky.

    "I wanted too, but Amy said not to bother as she wasn't going to leave her money there with that bank anyway."

    "She has a point, but I still would have given him a good talking to." Chrissy said sounding really mad.

    "Amy got so use to being put down by dad, that she just walks away from that sort of thing. I wish she would learn to stand up for herself a little more." Ann said with a sigh.

    "Do you think she will come down for some dinner?" Becky asked as she got up to go and check on everything she was cooking.

    "I doubt it Becky. I'll take her a sandwich up later." Ann said with a weak smile.

    Mandy sat back down, but she was far from okay with what happened. Chrissy helped Becky with dinner and they were soon sat eating it, or more to the point picking at it, as none of them really felt like eating much while Amy was so upset upstairs.

    They didn't bother with any pudding. Mandy made a pot of tea and then took it to the table and poured herself and Ann a cup. Chrissy and Becky weren't bothered about having a cup, so they made there way upstairs to get Becky ready for work.

    "Do you really think Amy will be alright?" Becky asked as she washed Chrissy's back in the shower.

    "Yes, she'll be fine. She just need some time to get over it all." Chrissy said with a weak smile, as she thought about some of the trouble she had in the early days of her own transition.

    "I guess if any one knows how Amy is feeling right now, it would be you babe." Becky said as she pulled Chrissy into a hug.

    "I'll go and have a word once you've left for the club later. But I think only time will make her feel any better." Chrissy said, as she hugged Becky back.

    They got done in the shower and Chrissy set to work on getting Becky ready for work. Chrissy had Becky ready just as they heard the doorbell, so they made their way down stairs.

    Mandy and Ann had both gone to answer the door when they heard the bell. Vicky was stood there smiling at them, till she saw how down they all looked. "What's wrong?" Vicky asked, as she looked around. Vicky saw Chrissy and Becky come down the stairs, and she could see that Mandy and Ann were already downstairs, but Vicky couldn't see Amy anywhere. "Where's Amy? Is something wrong with her?" Vicky asked, sounding really worried.

    "We had some trouble sorting out a bank account for Amy today." Ann said.

    "What sort of trouble?" Vicky asked.

    Ann spent the next several minute's telling Vicky the same story she told the others.

    "He doesn't have the right to do that." Vicky said in an angry voice. "Carl won't be happy when I tell him. I'm sure he will want to take if further." Vicky added.

    "I'm not sure Amy would want you to stir up any more trouble over all this." Ann said in a worried voice.

    "Don't worry Ann, I'm sure that Carl will have a chat with Amy before he does anything." Vicky said, as she pulled Ann into a hug.

    Chrissy spent some time hugging Becky before Vicky and Mandy had to pull them apart and then head off to the club. Mandy and Ann headed back to the living room, but Chrissy wanted to go and see if Amy was feeling any better.

    Amy was lying on the bed with her back to the door when she heard a knock. "Amy, can I come in?" Chrissy asked as she poked her head around the door.

    "I guess so Chrissy." Amy said in a sad voice.

    Chrissy went and sat on the side of the bed that allowed her to look at Amy's face. "Come on Amy, please don't let them get to you." Chrissy said as she brushed some hair away from Amy's face.

    "That's easier said than done, Chrissy. I was feeling really good about everything, till that guy at the bank made me feel like nothing." Amy said as she started to cry again.

    "I'm sorry that you had to find someone like that Amy, but in time you will get use to meeting them and just take no notice of them." Chrissy said as she lay on the bed next to Amy, so she could look her in the eyes.

    Amy looked at Chrissy's face, and saw the warm smile she loved about Chrissy. "Did you ever have anything like that happen to you Chrissy?" Amy asked.

    "Yes I did Amy, and still do sometimes. It's hard to sort out some things without them seeing that I was once a male. Things like your birth certificate will always say you were once a male." Chrissy said.

    "I can understand that Chrissy, but why did he have to be so mean about it all?" Amy asked.

    "I don't really know Amy. Some people are just like that. Maybe he thought you looked cute, but was embarrassed when he found out you're not what he thought you were." Chrissy said with a little giggle.

    "Oh god Chrissy! He was old enough to be my dad." Amy shouted.

    "That may be so Amy, but you do look good, even if you're not yet a full female. Guys are going to come on to you, and it sounds like he was very taken with you. Till he found out the truth."

    "I was just having so much fun Chrissy, till he called me sir. Then I remembered that I am still a male." Amy sounded defeated as she said it.

    "Hey! You're not 'a male', or 'a female'. You're Amy, and that is all that matters to us. And to you." Chrissy said in a stern voice.

    "I know it should Chrissy, but I just have so many doubts going through my head now." Amy said with a whine.

    "Like what?" Chrissy asked.

    "Like, will everyone see me as a male, and will I ever really be a female one day. And other stuff like that." Amy said with a big sigh.

    "Amy, I use to think the same things, but I still ended up where I wanted to be. You also need to think about the fact that this guy is the first person to find out you're not yet a full female. And at that, he needed to read the paperwork you gave him to know." Chrissy said as she gave Amy a hug.

    Amy thought about what Chrissy just said. She did have a point. The guy did have to read it on the paperwork to realise that she wasn't really a woman yet. "You're right Chrissy, he never realised that I wasn't a real woman till he read it on the forms I gave him. And no-one else has said anything to me, not even the women in the nail salon said anything when we got our nails done this afternoon." Amy smiled as she showed Chrissy her new nails.

    Chrissy took hold of Amy's hand and looked at the beautiful work someone had done with Amy's nails. "They look so beautiful Amy. Who did the work on them for you?"

    "I have a business card in my purse. They were really nice there." Amy said, as she sat up on the bed.

    Chrissy sat up as well and then said, "So are you feeling any better now about it all Amy?"

    "I am feeling a lot better now Chrissy. Thank you for talking with me about it." Amy said, as she hugged Chrissy again.

    "I did say you're not alone in all this Amy, and I have been through a lot of what you will have to face. You're going to meet a lot of small-minded people like that guy today. You did the right thing by just walking away from it." Chrissy said with a smile as they broke the hug.

    "Thanks again Chrissy. I don't know what I would do without you to help me." Amy smiled back at Chrissy. The moment was lost when Amy's tummy made a noise. "Sorry about that Chrissy, but I think I'm ready to get something to eat." Amy put her hands on her belly as she said it.

    "I think we better go and find something for you to eat then. Don't you think?" Chrissy asked with a giggle.

    Amy just smiled and let Chrissy wrap an arm around her waist, so she could take her down to the kitchen to find something to eat.

    Mandy and Ann were sat chatting in the living room when they heard the phone ringing. Mandy got up and went to answer it in the kitchen. "Hello, Mandy speaking." She said when she picked it up.

    "Hi Mandy, it's Carl here. Vicky and Becky just told me what happened to Amy today. Is she okay?" Mandy heard Carl say down the phone.

    "Hi babe. I think she'll be okay. Chrissy is upstairs talking to her now, so I'm sure she will be fine." Mandy said, happy to hear Carl's voice on the other end of the phone.

    "If any one can help Amy get over what happened to her today, I know Chrissy can. The reason for the call is also to let you know that I will take Amy and Ann out tomorrow. I have a friend that runs a bank here in town, and I know that Amy won't have any trouble opening an account there." Carl's voice said.

    "That would be great Carl, but are you sure this friend of yours will be okay with Amy opening an account?" Mandy asked.

    "Trust me Mandy, this person is a special friend to the club." The way Carl said it made Mandy realise that this person was a member of the club.

    "I see what you're saying Carl. I'll let Ann and Amy know then. What time do you want them to be ready for?" Mandy asked.

    "Vic and I will pick them up just after ten tomorrow morning. If that is okay with Amy and Ann." Carl asked.

    "That should be fine Carl, but if its not, I will give you a call back after Ann has asked Amy." Mandy said.

    "Okay then babe, I'll let you go and have a talk with Ann about it, and I will see you Saturday at the club, if I don't see you before. Bye babe, I love you." Carl said, just before he hung up.

    Mandy put the phone down, then told Ann what Carl just told her.

    "Are you sure that Carl will be able to help Amy out?" Ann asked with some worry in her voice.

    "Well Carl did say that his friend was a special friend to the club, so I guess this person must be a crossdresser or something like that. Carl and Vic will both be with you, and I know Carl wouldn't put Amy in any danger." Mandy said with a smile.

    "I'm sorry for making it sound like I don't trust Carl Mandy, but with what happened today. I'm not sure I could take anyone else trying to hurt Amy." Ann said.

    "I know how you feel Ann. I feel the same way about Chrissy and Becky. I feel the same way about you and Amy as well." Mandy said as she gave Ann a hug.

    "Thanks Mandy, Amy and I feel the same way about all of you." Ann said, as she hugged Mandy back. They broke the hug when they heard Chrissy talking to someone just outside the kitchen door. They both smiled when they saw a smiling Chrissy and a smiling Amy walk into the kitchen.

    "Hi Mandy, Hi Ann. Look who I found sulking in her room." Chrissy said as she entered the kitchen with her arm wrapped around Amy's waist.

    "Hi Amy, how are you feeling now?" Mandy asked as she got up and went to give Amy a hug.

    "Hi Mandy. I'm feeling much better now I've had a chat with Chrissy." Amy said as she hugged Mandy.

    "I knew if any one could help you feel better, it would be Chrissy." Mandy said.

    "I'm glad to see you feeling better as well sis." Ann said, as she also hugged Amy.

    "Thanks sis. I am feeling a lot better about it all, and I am really hungry now." Amy said as she put her hands on her belly to stop it making funny noises. Chrissy said she would sort me out with some food if I came down." Amy added with a grin.

    Chrissy set to work making Amy a sandwich, while Mandy and Ann sat with Amy at the kitchen table. Chrissy was soon joining them at the table with a plate of sandwiches for Amy.

    "There you go Amy, I hope you like them." Chrissy said as she slid the plate over to Amy.

    "Thanks Chrissy, they look really nice." Amy said as she picked one of the sandwiches up and took a bite from it. "MMM Chrissy, these are really great."

    "It's only chicken, lettuce and mayonnaise. But I'm glad you like them." Chrissy said with a smile.

    They all sat with Amy till she finished her sandwiches and then they all went to the living room to watch some telly. Chrissy took the box of chocolates that Hannah brought her, so they all sat munching on them as they watched a movie that Mandy found.

    Ann told Amy about Carl and Vic coming for them just after lunch tomorrow, to take her to open a bank account at a friend of Carl's. Amy was worried, but she trusted Carl and Vic, so she guessed that everything would be okay.

    The time was getting late, and Chrissy and Mandy had work the next morning. So they called it a night and headed off to bed. Ann and Amy both hugged Chrissy and Mandy, before they made their way to their own room.

    "Thanks Chrissy for the chat. It really helped me feel better." Amy said as she hugged Chrissy.

    "It was nothing Amy. I'm glad I could help you get over it Amy." Chrissy said as she hugged Amy back.

    Amy giggled then said, "How did I know you would say that Chrissy."

    Chrissy just smiled at Amy and then let her and Ann head off to their bedroom. Chrissy went to her room to get ready for bed, while Mandy headed into her own room to also get ready. Once Chrissy was ready for bed, she went to Mandy's room and climbed into bed with her and was soon asleep.

    Amy and Ann both got ready for bed and then they both climbed in and cuddled up to each other. "Are you sure you're doing okay sis?" Ann asked Amy as she cuddled up behind her.

    "Yes, I really am sis. I still don't like how that guy treated me today, but Chrissy made me see that I need to just move on and not let small minded people bother me so much." Amy said.

    "She does have a point Amy. Mandy told me that Chrissy had the same problem with people in the early days as well." Ann said as she hugged Amy a little tighter.

    "I know Ann, Chrissy told me all about it." Amy said.

    Amy cuddled up to Ann a little closer and was soon overtaken by sleep, but she felt safe in her big sisters arms.

    Ann was woken a couple of times in the night by Amy having nightmares. Ann just pulled Amy in a little tighter and she soon settled back down again.

    Amy woke in the morning with some memory of the dreams she was having while she slept, but thankfully they were beginning to fade. She sat up and slid out of bed and looked at Ann, who was still fast asleep. Amy hoped that her bad dreams hadn't kept Ann awake most the night. She went to use the bathroom and then made her way down stairs to make a start on breakfast.

    Mandy was just waiting for the kettle to boil when she saw Amy walk into the kitchen. "Morning Amy. How did you sleep?" Mandy knew how Chrissy use to be when she had a bad day. She would always have nightmares that night, and Mandy knew that Amy was the same.

    "Morning Mandy. I did have some bad dreams, but I think Ann hugged me and I soon felt a little better." Amy said with a smile as she walked up to Mandy and gave her a hug and a peck on the cheek. "You go and sit down, and I'll finish off the pot of tea." Amy said with a smile as she grabbed the teapot and took the lid off it and then placed some tea bags in it ready for when the kettle finished boiling.

    "Do you not even trust me to make a pot of tea now?" Mandy asked with a giggle as she went and took her seat at the kitchen table.

    "It's not that Mandy. I just like to look after you all in the morning, and I can make a start on cooking the breakfast while I'm waiting for the kettle." Amy smiled as she said it, as she knew that Mandy was only playing with her.

    "I would have waited Amy, but I wasn't sure what sort of a night you would have had. And your night might affect whether or not you would be down in time to cook breakfast for us." Mandy said, as she flipped open the paper and started to see what was going off in the world. "I'm glad you got some sleep though, baby sister." Mandy added with a smile.

    Amy loved it when they all called her their baby sister. It really made her feel happy.   "So am I big sis. It really helped talking with Chrissy last night about it all. I know if Chrissy can make it through, then I can as well." Amy said, trying to look proud.

    "I'm not to sure how to take that." Came the voice of Chrissy from the kitchen doorway.

    Amy jumped when she heard Chrissy's voice. She spun around to look at the sad look on Chrissy's face. "Please Chrissy. Don't take it the wrong way. I just mean that I. Well you're just so. I really." Amy let her head drop. "I don't know what I'm trying to say any more. But I wasn't being mean about you Chrissy." Amy turned back to the worktop, and carried on with making the pot of tea and then to sorting out breakfast. Thinking that she had just really put her foot in it with Chrissy.

    Mandy sat looking at Amy, and then looking at Chrissy. Who was still stood in the doorway. Mandy was worried that Chrissy was going to be upset, but she just looked at Mandy and smiled.  

    Chrissy could see that Amy was feeling a little foolish for what she said, but Chrissy did know what she was trying to say. She walked over to where Amy was stood working on breakfast and then wrapped her arms around her waist and looked over her shoulder. "Don't look so worried Amy. I think I know what you were trying to say." Chrissy whispered in her ear.

    "Do you really mean that Chrissy? You're not mad with me?" Amy asked as she turned to face her.

    "No, I'm not mad with you. I was just teasing. You would be right even if you did mean it the way it sounded anyway. If I can do it, then anyone can." Chrissy said with a giggle.

    "Hey! I don't want to hear you start putting yourself down." Mandy shouted from where she was sat at the table.

    Amy threw her arms around Chrissy. "I don't want to hear you putting yourself down either." Amy said with a pout.

    "Okay, okay. I know when I'm beat." Chrissy said with a giggle. "I'm just glad I could help Amy." Chrissy returned the hug and then gave her a peck on the cheek before she was guided to the table.

    "You sit and keep Mandy company, and I'll have your breakfast ready shortly." Amy said with a smile.

    "Can I give you a hand with breakfast, Amy?" Chrissy asked, but soon put her hands up as a sign of surrender when she saw the look Amy gave her as she stood there with her hands on her hips. "Okay, okay. I'll just sit and keep my big sis company then." Chrissy said with a grin.

    Amy put the pot of tea on the table and then said, "If you want something to do, you can pour your big sister a cup of tea out."

    "Would my little sister like a cup of tea as well?" Chrissy asked as she got up and set about pouring Mandy and herself a cup of tea.

    "I would love a cup of tea, please sis." Amy said with a grin.

    Chrissy got another cup from the centre of the table and then poured Amy out a cup of tea, as she poured herself and Mandy one out. "There you go Mandy, Amy." Chrissy said as she passed Mandy a cup and then passed the other one to Amy.

    "MMM, that really hits the spot Sis." Mandy said as she took a sip from her cup.

    Chrissy took a sip from her cup and then rested her head on Mandy's shoulder and looked up at her. "Morning sis." Chrissy said with a smile.

    "Good morning Chrissy." Mandy said as she looked down at Chrissy and brushed a couple of hairs away from her eye. "I didn't think I was going to get a morning from you today." Mandy said with a smile.

    "Sorry sis, but I got a little side tracked playing around with Amy. You know what they say sis." Chrissy said with a smile.

    "I don't know sis, what do they say?" Mandy asked.

    "Better late than never." Chrissy said with a grin.

    Mandy chuckled and then said, "Yes that is what I hear they say." Mandy kissed Chrissy on the forehead, and then let her sit back up.

    "I thought that Becky would have been down by now Chrissy. Did she not take a shower with you this morning?" Amy asked as she stood taking a sip of her tea.

    "I was hoping she would have woken up when I got out of bed, but she was still fast asleep. So I left her to sleep." Chrissy sounded a little sad that she never got her morning back scrub from Becky.

    "I'm sure she will make up for it later sis." Mandy said as she took a sip from her cup.

    It was another ten minutes before they heard someone heading towards the kitchen door. They all looked to see who it was. Chrissy was hoping it would be Becky.

    Chrissy got the biggest grin on her face when she saw it was. She jumped up and ran to hug her lover. "Good morning babe." Chrissy said as she hugged Becky.

    "Good morning lover." Becky said a she hugged Chrissy back. Sorry I missed the morning shower babe, but I was really worn out when I got back from the club last night." Becky pulled Chrissy a little closer and then kissed her.

    Once they broke the kiss, Chrissy said, "I hope you're not coming down with anything." With a worried look on her face.

    "I feel fine now hon. Apart from feeling a little sad that I didn't get to help you get clean." Becky said with a pout.

    "I don't mind going back upstairs for a second shower, if you want to make sure I'm clean enough for you." Chrissy said just before she stole a second kiss from Becky.

    "I mind! I've not been stood here cooking all this food for nothing." Amy said with a stern look on her face. But she soon started grinning at them.

    "Looks like we will have to make up for it tonight then babe." Becky said as she kissed Chrissy once more just before she led her over to the table.

    Amy brought Mandy and Chrissy their breakfast and was just about to go back for hers and Becky's when she saw Ann enter the room. "Morning sis. Good timing." Amy said as she put the plate she was going to have down on the table for Ann.

    "Morning everyone." Ann said as she took her seat at the table.

    Mandy sorted out a cup of tea for Ann and then slid it over to her. "There you go Ann. See if that helps you get a head start on the day." Mandy said with a smile.

    "MMM, thanks Mandy. That feels really good." Ann said as she took a couple of good sips from the cup. "Breakfast looks just as good as always little sister." Ann looked at Amy and smiled as she said it.

    "Thanks sis. It's the least I can do after I must have kept you awake most the night." Amy said as she gave Ann a hug.

    "You weren't as bad as I thought you would be sis. I only had to hug you a little tighter a couple of times." Ann said as she put a fork full of food in her mouth.

    "I'm glad about that sis. I was a little worried that you might be worn out this morning." Amy said as she sat down at the table with her breakfast.

    "How you feeling now Amy?" Becky asked.

    "I'm feeling okay again now. Chrissy had a chat with me about it last night, and made me see that it would be silly to let it all get to me." Amy said with a smile aimed at Chrissy.

    "Carla said that Chrissy was chatting to you last night when she got off the phone to Mandy. So I was hoping that she could help make you feel better about it all." Becky pulled Chrissy into a hug as she said it.

    "It's really great, knowing that I have someone I can talk to about it all." Amy said with a grin.

    "You can talk to any of us about it Amy, but Chrissy is the one that really knows how you feel." Mandy said with a smile.

    "I realised that last night Mandy. Chrissy reminded me that he had to read it on the paperwork. So it wasn't like he saw me as a male for himself." Amy sounded a little prouder of that fact.

    "He was just a nasty little man." Ann said sounding really mad about it all still. "I just wish that we could teach him a lesson." Ann added through gritted teeth.

    "Please Sis, don't let it get to you so much. I'm sure he will get what's coming to him one day." Amy said, as she put her hand on Ann's to try and calm her down.

    "I know Amy, but I just wanted to hit him when he upset you yesterday." Ann made a fist and punched the air as she said it. They all sat and watched her do it. Then they all looked at each other, just before they all burst out laughing. Ann look a little hurt at first, but soon saw the funny side and joined in with them.

    They all got finished with their breakfast once they all stopped laughing. Then Ann and Amy set to work getting the pots all washed, so Becky could enjoy a second cup of tea with Chrissy before she and Mandy had to leave for work.

    Becky waved Chrissy and Mandy off and then went back to the kitchen. She went and hugged Amy and then Ann. "Thanks for letting me spend some extra time with Chrissy."

    "You're more than welcome Becky. I hope it made up for you missing out on your morning shower with her." Amy said with a smile.

    "It really did Amy." Becky said as she took a seat at the kitchen table.

    Ann had just finished making a fresh pot of tea and brought it to the table so they could all sit and have another drink before Ann and Amy went to get ready for when Carl and Vic turned up. "Are you feeling okay Becky? It's not like you to miss out on spending time with Chrissy." Ann asked as she poured them all a cup of tea out.

    "Yep, I feel fine. I guess I just needed a little more sleep than I normally do. Or Chrissy is getting better at sneaking out of bed these days." Becky said with a giggle.

    Amy let out a gasp as she said, "Does this mean the end of your morning showers then, if Chrissy can sneak away without you knowing?"

    "Not if I have anything to say about it. I'll get her fitted with a bell if I have to." Becky said with a grin. "Or I could just handcuff us together when I go to bed." Becky added as she started to think about all the different ways she could stop Chrissy taking a shower without her.

    "I'd find this all really funny Becky, but I have a feeling that you would really do it." Ann said as she gave Becky a funny look.

    "Wouldn't it be easier to just tell Chrissy to wake you up when she was getting out of bed?" Amy asked.

    "I've been asking her for years to do that, but she said that she likes to see me when I sleep." Becky said as she picked up her cup and took a sip of her tea.

    They spent the next twenty minutes drinking their tea and chatting about what they would do for dinner, then Amy and Ann left to get ready. Amy was a little worried about trying to open another bank account, but she knew that Carl wouldn't let anything happen to her.

    Amy and Ann were both sat waiting in the living room when they heard the doorbell, so they both got up and took their bags as they knew it would be Carl and Vic.

    Ann opened the door and found Carl and Vic stood smiling at them both. "Good morning Ann, good morning Amy. I hope you're feeling a little happier this morning?" Carl asked with a smile.

    "Good morning Carl. Yes I'm feeling much better today, Chrissy was really great in helping me get over what that nasty little man said." Amy kept the smile all the time she said it.

    "Good morning Carl. I hope you don't think me out of line, but can we trust this friend that runs the bank you're taking us to?" Ann asked with some worry in her voice.

    "I don't think you out of line at all, Ann. I know that you have Amy's best interest at heart, just as I do. My friend was at the club last night, so I had a word with her." Carl gave Ann and Amy a wink as he said her, so they both knew that his friend was a crossdresser like Carl. "She was really shocked to hear what happened to you and said that she would roll out the red carpet for you today. So be ready to be pampered for a couple of hours." Carl was grinning as he said it.

    "Good morning Vic. How are you today?" Amy asked with a smile.

    "Good morning Amy. I'm better for seeing you with a smile on your face. I was really mad last night when they told me about what happened." Vic said as he gave Amy a hug.

    "Thanks for caring so much Vic. I'm taking Chrissy's advice and not letting them get me down." Amy said with a grin.

    "Good for you Amy." Vic said with a grin to match Amy's.

    "Good morning Vic. I didn't mean to look rude, but I really needed to make sure everything is going to be okay. After yesterday, I am a little worried." Ann said.

    "No need to be sorry Ann, I fully understand. But you can trust Carl's friend." Vic said with a smile as he hugged Ann to show her that there were no hard feelings between them over her talking to Carl before she said good morning to him.

    "Shall we see about making a move then ladies?" Carl asked as he waited for the girls to lock the front door. Becky had headed back to bed for a couple of hours, so she could make a start on dinner if they weren't back in time.

    Vic and Carl opened the back doors for the girls to get in and then they got in the front and set off.

    "I really want to thank you for doing all this for us Carl, I know you must have a ton of other stuff you must need to do." Ann said as she sat holding Amy's hand in the back of the car.

    "Nothing's more important than my family, Ann. And I have a good team working for me, so they can keep everything running smoothly for a couple of hours why I help you get this sorted out." Carl said with a smile as he turned to look at Ann and Amy. Both girls just sat grinning at him, which were all the thanks he really needed.

    Vic pulled up to a large set of iron gates and then showed the man at the gate some sort of pass and he tipped his hat and then signalled to another man in a room off to one side that it was safe to let the car enter. Amy watched as the gates opened and then Vic drove the car into an underground car park.

    "Wow Carl, this is one really secure bank you use." Amy said as she looked out the window.

    Carl laughed then said, "They deal with a lot of very important people here, so they have to be secure."

    "I feel like I'm going to be wasting your friends time Carl. Maybe we should just forget it." Amy said sounding worried.

    "Don't be silly Amy. Gary jumped at the chance to help you sort out a bank account." Carl said with a chuckle.

    "Gary? Who's Gary?" Amy asked looking a little puzzled.

    "Oh, sorry. Gary is the name of my friend, but she uses the name Gwen when she's out at the club." Carl said as he got out of the car once Vic had parked.

    Ann and Amy followed Carl and Vic over to an elevator and watched as Vic used a credit card and put it in a slot in the panel to the side of the door. There was a ping and then they heard noise and then the doors opened and they all stepped into a really posh looking lift. Both girls were in awe of what they saw.

    "This all looks really posh Carl. Are you sure that were not going to be wasting Gary's time?" Ann asked as she looked around at how clean the lift was.

    "I'm sure Ann. Once you meet Gary, you will feel much better about all this." Carl said with a smile.

    They all stepped out the lift once it stopped at the right floor. Amy and Ann both followed Carl and Vic as they guessed that they both knew where they were going. Vic held a door open for Carl and the girls to go through, then he followed behind.

    Carl walked up to a girl sat behind a large desk and said, "Hello Jane, is he in?"

    "Hello Carl. Yes he's in and asked me to send you right in when you got here." The girl said with a warm smile.

    The girls followed Carl as he made his way to the other end of the room and then entered another room, or more a ballroom as it was that large. Amy could see a man sat behind a large desk at the other end of the room. He got up when he saw Carl enter. "Carl! Glad that you could make it. Hope you didn't have any trouble parking?"

    "Hello Gary. No, we had no trouble at all. I would like you to meet Ann, and Amy." Carl pointed at Ann and then Amy in turn.

    "Hello Ann. Pleased to meet you." Gary said as he took Ann's hand and then lifted it to his lips and kissed it.

    "Thanks for taking the time to see us Gary. I can see that you are used to dealing with much more important people than us." Ann said trying not to sound to nerves.

    "Carl told me what happened yesterday Ann, so I am more than happy to help out. And please don't let all this fool you Ann, I always have time for any friend of Carl's." Gary said with a smile. "My dear Amy. I hope you're feeling a little better now after what you had to put up with yesterday." Gary asked as he also lifted Amy's hand and then kissed it.

    "Yes, I'm feeling much better now. My friend Chrissy helped me get over it all. Thank you for taking the time to help me out." Amy said looking really nervous.

    "No need to look so nervous Amy, I won't bite." Gary said with a smile that helped put Amy at ease. "She is such an angel, isn't she? Our Chrissy." Gary added with an even bigger smile.

    "So you know Chrissy then? Gary." Amy asked looking a little shocked that he would know Chrissy.

    "Yes, I know Chrissy, Becky and Mandy very well. I would really like to thank you for what you did when you saved her life, and I'm even happier that you lived to tell the tale." Gary said with a grin.

    "So am I Gary. I love Chrissy as much as I love my real sister." Amy looked at Ann and then gave her hand a squeeze as she smiled at her.

    "We all love Chrissy and the others, I hope that we can get together for a drink at the club some time. That's if we can keep you all off the dance floor long enough." Gary said with an even bigger grin.

    Amy looked a little red faced, then said, "You've seen us on the dance floor Gary?"

    "I haven't, but Gwen has." Gary said with a smile.

    "Carl told us about Gwen. Please do come and talk to us when you're next at the club. We would all love to have a drink with you, or Gwen." Amy said with a smile.

    Gary smiled even more and then turned to Carl and said, "How do you keep finding all these great girls Carl?"

    "You really need to ask Chrissy about that one Gary. I'm just lucky enough to have met her and the rest is history." Carl said with a chuckle.

    "So I need to get close to Chrissy then, do I?" Gary said as he looked to be deep in thought.

    "Good luck on that one Gary." Carl said with a laugh. "You need to get past Becky first." Carl said with a look that said it all.

    "Not even I would risk taking on Becky. Not even for a prize like Chrissy." Gary said as he did a fake shudder. This set everyone off in fits of laughter.

    Once they all stopped laughing. Gary led the way to a large table with chairs around it and asked them all to take a seat. Gary picked up a phone and then spoke to some one on the other end and asked for a tray of drinks to be brought in and then hung up again. It wasn't long before they saw the girl called Jane, enter with a trolley.

    "May I ask what everyone wants to drink?" Jane asked as she looked around the table. They all said what they wanted and then waited for her to serve everyone.

    "Thank you Jane." Amy said as she placed a cup on the table in front of her.

    "You're welcome Miss." Jane said with a smile.

    "Please just call me Amy."

    Jane looked at the smile Amy had and really liked her. "Thank you Amy." Jane said with a smile.

    "Thanks Jane, and please call me Ann." Ann said when Jane put a cup down on the table in front of her.

    "Thank you Ann, please just ask if you need anything else." Jane said as she went and sat next to Gary and started to sort out some papers.

    Gary asked for all the paperwork that Ann had taken to the other bank the day before and then handed it all to Jane. She looked it all over and then started filling in some other forms and then walked around the table and asked Amy to sign them. Ann got a shock when Amy asked for the account to be a joint one for her and Ann.

    "Are you sure Amy? That is your money." Ann said.

    "I've already told you Ann. It's our money, and I want you to be able to get at it when ever you need it." Amy said with a smile as she held Ann's hand under the table.

    Amy could see Jane looking at her a little funny since she'd been handed the paperwork that Ann had. Amy was starting to get that feeling again, was Jane another one of them small minded people.

    Carl could see that Amy was getting a little uneasy about something. Then he saw her looking at Jane. Then Carl saw Jane looking at Amy a lot. "Is everything okay Amy?" Carl asked.

    "Yes I'm fine Carl." Amy said as she jumped a little as she was snapped out of her worrying. She looked at Carl and then went back to looking down at her lap.

    "What about you Jane, Is everything okay?" Carl asked as he looked at Jane.

    "Yes Carl, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Jane said as she looked over at Carl.

    "You seem to be looking at Amy in a funny way." Carl asked.

    "I'm sorry, but I was just. I mean I can't understand why." Jane let out a big sigh. "I really don't know how to ask it Carl." Jane said sounding really flustered.

    "Why don't you just come out with it. I think you're making Amy feel a little uneasy right now." Carl said as he looked at Amy and the fact she was now shaking.

    "I was just trying to work out how long she had been on her hormone treatment. She looks really good." Jane said as she looked down at the table.

    "She had her first shots the other day." Ann said as she pulled Amy into a hug as she started to cry softly on Ann's shoulder. "I hope that were not going to have a problem now." Ann said in a firm voice.

    "Oh please Amy, don't cry. I'm sorry if I upset you. I just think you look really good for some one so young." Jane said as she got up and got some tissues for Amy.

    Gary told Jane about the trouble they had the day before. Which made Jane feel even worse. Jane took the seat next to Amy and tried to get her to look at her. "Please Amy, Don't cry. I'm the last person to judge anyone. I was once where you are now." Jane said as she tried to fight back the tears.

    Amy sat up when she heard Jane say that. "What do you mean Jane? You were once where I am now?"

    "I mean I wasn't borne with the right parts for the sex I was." Jane said as she handed Amy a tissue.

    "So you were like me then?" Amy asked as she pointed at herself.

    "I wish I was Amy. It's took me years to look like this." Jane said with a little chuckle. "I just think you look so amazing. Please forgive me for upsetting you." Jane asked in a pleading way.

    "I'm the one that should be sorry Jane. It was just with what happened yesterday, I am still a little on edge about it all." Amy said with a weak smile.

    "I can understand why you would be Amy. That man had no right to say those things to you never mind how he treated you." Jane said with anger in her voice.

    "Can we please start over and try to be friends Jane?" Amy asked with some hope in her voice.

    "I would really like that Amy." Jane held open her arms to give Amy a hug to seal their new friendship.

    Amy saw Jane hold her arms open and took the chance to give Jane a hug. "Thanks Jane. You look really good by the way." Amy said with a grin as she broke the hug.

    "Thanks Amy, I just wish I looked half as good as you do now when I was your age." Jane said with a grin.

    "You better not meet Chrissy then Jane, she looks really good." Amy said with a giggle.

    "You mean the cute blond that has a huge heart and bags of talent with a makeup brush?" Jane asked.

    "Oh, so you've already met her then Jane?" Amy asked a little shocked.

    "Yep, I've met her. I'd hate her if I didn't love her so much." Jane said with a giggle.

    "Is there anyone that doesn't know who Chrissy is?" Amy asked.

    "Not anyone that really matters Amy." Carl said with a chuckle.

    "Gary, please don't blame Jane for what just happened. I guess I was still a little worked up from yesterday. I would hate to be the reason for Jane getting in trouble." Amy said as she turned to look at Gary.

    "Don't worry Amy. Jane knows me better than that by now." Gary said with a smile.

    "Thank you Gary." Amy said with a smile.

    "Don't worry about it Amy. Now if we've finished sorting out all the paperwork, shall we sort out a spot of lunch?" Gary asked them all.

    "Only if it's no trouble Gary." Ann said with a smile.

    "It's no trouble at all Ann. Jane would you please arrange for lunch to be served now." Gary asked.

    "Right away Gary." Jane said, as she got up and went to the phone and made a call. Five minutes later there was a knock at the door and Jane went to see who it was and then three men pushed in trolleys and started to put trays of sandwiches and other little snacks on the table. Then they served up tea and coffee then left them to get stuck into the food.

    "I wasn't sure what everyone liked, so I had them make a bit of everything." Gary said with a chuckle.

    "It all looks really nice Gary. Do you treat all your new customers like this?" Ann asked.

    "Nope, just the special ones." Gary said with a grin.

    The food was really nice, and Amy swapped email and phone numbers with Jane before they left. Jane said that all the credit cards and other stuff would be with her over the next week or so. Ann and Amy said they were looking forward to having that drink at the club with Gwen before they left with Carl and Vic to get home and help Becky with sorting out dinner.

    Carl and Vic dropped the girls off and then left to go and sort out some other business.

    Later Amy told the others about the great time they both had at the bank and about meeting Gary/Gwen, and Jane. Chrissy knew them both, which wasn't really a shock to Amy any more.

    Chrissy helped Becky get ready like always, and they all went to say hi to Vicky when she turned up for Becky. Then Mandy and Chrissy spent the rest of the night cuddled up on one sofa, while Ann and Amy did the same on the other one. They all went to bed, when they were having trouble keeping their eyes open.

    They all went to the club again on the Saturday night and had another great time. Ann and Amy both looked for Gwen and Jane, but they were away on a business trip they found out from Carla. None of them felt like doing much on Sunday, so they just lazed around all day. Carl turned up in the afternoon and stopped for some dinner.

    Amy was having a great time with Ann, but by the end of the next week, both girls were ready to be doing something more than just shopping. They had been shopping a couple of times with just the two of them, but it was a lot more fun with Chrissy, Becky and Mandy around.

    Jane was true to her word. By the end of that week, Amy and Ann had credit cards. As well as all the other bits to do with the bank account.

    Amy and Ann took everyone out on the Sunday for a nice meal. Mandy and Carl wanted to fight them for the right to pay for the meal, but they both had to smile when Amy got to use her credit card for the first time.

    Once she had paid for the meal and they were just getting ready to leave, Amy said. "Thanks for letting me do this for you all. It felt really good being able to pay my own way for once." She had the biggest grin on her face, they had ever seen.

    "I'd make the most of it Amy. I doubt that Carl or Mandy will let you get away with it again." Chrissy said with a giggle.

    The others all had a good laugh, as they knew that Chrissy was right. Carl was driving, as Vic had gone to spend the day with Jenna and Cathleen. So he drove them back home and then stopped for a couple of hours. All the girls waved him off at the front door and then went to the kitchen to have a hot chocolate before they all headed off to bed.

    Ann and Amy were both really excited and really nervous about starting their new jobs in the morning. They were both soon cuddled up to each other and drifting off to sleep, ready for start their jobs the next day.


To Be Continued.


Edited by H. E. R. (hope eternal reigns)

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