You Have it All Wrong Two - Part 08

You Have It All Wrong

Amy's Story

By SaraUK

Part 8

    Amy had just finished buying herself a bottle of water and a chocolate bar when she heard her phone ringing. She took it out and saw that it was Chrissy calling her.

    "Guess they know I've gone then." Amy said to herself.

    She waited for the phone to stop ringing, then set it to silent, put it back in her purse and started walking towards the park. She found some benches near the playground, sat down to have her chocolate bar and a drink of her water.

    Amy was glad it was a nice sunny day, and there were lots of kids playing on the swings and the slide. Amy was snapped out of her day dreaming when she heard a woman ask her something.

    "Is it okay if I sit here?" A woman with a pushchair asked her as she pointed at the seat next to Amy.

    "Yes, please be my guest." Amy said with a smile, as she slid up to give the woman a little more room.

    "Thanks, I always think there is safety in numbers when you come to these places." The woman said with a smile.

    Amy looked a little puzzled as she looked at the woman. "Sorry, but I don't know what you mean." Amy asked.

    The woman was a little shocked that Amy didn't realise just how dangerous it was for a woman alone in a park these days.

    "Is everything okay Hon?" The woman asked looking worried for this girl she just met.

    Amy suddenly realised what the woman was getting at. This was the first time Amy had been out in public without Ann or one of the others being with her. She was that use to being Amy now, she never gave it a second thought before she left the house.

    "Yes I'm fine. I've just had a falling out with my sister, so I'm not really thinking straight at the minute." Amy said with a week smile.

    "Oh I see, sister trouble. I'm always falling out with mine." The woman said with a chuckle. "We always sort it out again in the end though. I'm sure you'll do the same with your sister. My name is Hope, by the way." The woman said as she held out her hand so Amy could shake it.

    "Hello Hope. My name is Amy pleased to meet you." Amy said, as she took Hope's hand to give it a shake.

    "May I ask what you were arguing with you sister about?" Hope asked.

    "I was just being silly." Amy said as she looked down at her lap.

    "I guess it was all over a boy then." Hope said with a giggle.

    Amy had to giggle, as Hope was right. It was about a boy, but not in the way she thought.

    "Yep, it was all about a boy." Amy smiled.

    "Trust me when I say that you should never fall out with your sister over a boy. They're really not worth it." Hope said.

    "Sounds like you've learned the hard way?" Amy asked.

    "Yes I have. Faith warned me about a guy and I never listened to her. He had his way with me and then ran off with my best friend." Hope said with a sad look on her face.

    "Doesn't sound like much of a best friend to me. Who is Faith?" Amy asked.

    "Sorry. Faith is my sister. You're right about her not being much of a friend." Hope said with a smile.

    "So let me get this straight then. You're called Hope? And your sister is called Faith?" Amy asked with a raised eyebrow.

    Hope let out a chuckle before she said, "Yep, mum and dad had a good sense of humour. I'm sure that if they'd had another child they would have called it Charity." Hope said with a giggle.

    "I'm sorry Hope, but it just sounds a little funny." Amy said as she put her hand to her mouth to stop the giggling.

    "I don't mind Amy. It's nice to see you laugh." Hope said with a smile.

    "So, which one is yours then?" Amy asked, as she pointed at all the kids running around on the playground.

    "That's my little Kitten there." Hope said, as she pointed at a little girl sitting in the sandpit.

    Amy looked at the little girl; she was wearing a pair of denim dungarees, and a yellow and pink striped T-shirt. She had her blond hair tied up in pink ribbons on each side of her head. Amy thought she looked really sweet.

      "She looks so adorable Hope. How old is she?" Amy asked as she looked at the little girl playing.

    "She was three last week. Kat was the only good thing I got out of that man before he ran off with her." Hope spat out the last bit.

    Amy got the idea that Hope really didn't like Kat's father, so she changed the subject a little.

    "Did you give her a birthday party?" Amy asked.

    "Yes she had a party, and a really nice time. She had way too much to eat though, and had a belly ache later that day, but it was a lot of fun still." Hope said with a smile.

    "You're very lucky to have such a beautiful daughter, Hope." Amy smiled.

    "Do you plan to have any kids one day?" Hope asked.

    "I wish I could, but it will never happen." Amy said before she realised what she was saying.

    "What do you mean by that Amy? Do you have some sort of medical problem?" Hope asked with worry in her voice.

    "Yes I have a medical problem." Amy said as she started to worry about where this conversation was going to end up going.

    Hope could see that Amy was starting to look worried about something; she wouldn't make eye contact with Hope any more. Amy was also gripping her hands together like she was really nerves about something.

    "I'm sorry to hear that Amy, but hey are doing great things now with science so maybe one day you will be a mother." Hope wanted to try and let Amy see that there could be some light at the end of the tunnel.

    "I wish that was true Hope, but I don't think there will ever be a fix to the problem I have. I'll never be able to bear a child." Amy let a tear run down her cheek, as she thought about yet another reason; she hated being born the way she was.

    "May I ask what the medical problem is Amy?" Hope asked.

    "I'm sorry Hope, but I don't really want to talk about it any more. I'm scared of how you may react to what I say." Amy said, as she looked down at her own lap. She was too afraid to look at Hope now.

    "I understand Amy, but if you ever feel that you can tell me, then give me a call, or email me." Hope handed Amy a business card with her name on it, and all her contact details.

    "Thank you Hope." Amy said, as she looked at the business card Hope just gave her.

    "I work from home. I help small business's sort out their accounts. So please feel free to email me any time. I better be going now, are you sure you'll be okay?" Hope asked, as she stood up.

    "Thanks again Hope. I will email you later, and explain the reason why I can't have children. I'll understand if I don't get an email back from you." Amy said with a week smile.

    "Trust me Amy; you'll get an email back from me. You seem like a great girl, and I can't see any reason why we can't be friends." Hope said with a smile.

    "I'd save that until you've read my email Hope. Thanks for chatting with me, and I really hope to hear from you later." Amy had to giggle at the use of the word hope. "Sorry, no pun intended." Amy added.

    "Don't worry Amy, I've heard them all." Hope said with a giggle.

    Hope called to Kat and then waited for the little girl to come running over to her.

    "Does we has to goes already?" The little girl asked.

    "I'm sorry Kitten, but we will be late if I let you play any longer." Hope said, as she brushed the sand off Kat.

    "Otay mummy." Kat said, as she stood looking at Amy. "Hello, my name Kat. What be you're name?" Kat asked.

    "Hello Kat. I'm Amy, and it's nice to meet you." Amy said with a smile.

    "Hello Amy. Nice too meet you too." Kat said with a grin.

    Kat was looking at the half-eaten bar of chocolate in Amy's lap as her mum brushed the sand off her clothes.

    "Do you like chocolate Kat?" Amy asked when she saw the little girl looking at it.

    "I's love chocolate Amy." Kat said with an even bigger grin.

    "Would you like to help me finish it then?" Amy asked, as she looked at Hope to make sure it would be okay to give her some.

    Kat looked at her Mommy to make sure it would be okay for her to have some. Hope nodded to Kat and then smiled at Amy to say it would be fine to let her have some.

    Amy broke a little bit off for herself, and then gave Kat the rest of it in the wrapper, so she wouldn't get in as much mess with it.

    "Fank you Amy." Kat said as she took the chocolate bar from her and started to nibble on it.

    "That's a good girl Kitten. Mummy is happy to see you remember your manners." Hope said, as she picked Kat up and put her in the pushchair. "I'll be looking for that email from you later Amy and I hope you get everything sorted out with your sister." Hope smiled.

    "I'll get it sorted as soon as I get home later Hope, and thanks for letting me meet your beautiful daughter." Amy smiled as she looked at Kat as she sat eating the chocolate bar Amy just gave her.

    "I like your new friend mummy, Amy very nice." Kat said with a chocolate-coated smile.

    "You would say that Kitten. Amy just gave you chocolate." Hope said with a giggle. "I'll chat to you later Amy." Hope said in a firm voice that told Amy she would hear back from Hope no matter what she had to say.

    "Okay then Hope. Thanks for everything." Amy smiled.

    "Bye, bye Amy. Fank you!" Kat shouted, as she waved the chocolate bar around and waved with the other hand.

    "Bye, bye Kat. You were welcome." Amy said with a grin as she waved back at Kat.

    "Don't hang around here to long on your own Amy. You get some very shady groups of lads hanging around here sometimes." Hope said with some worry in her voice.

    "Don't worry Hope; I was just about to head back home anyway." Amy said with a smile.

    She wasn't really, but Amy thought it best to not worry Hope with the truth.

    "Okay then Amy, I'll chat to you later. Bye." Hope said, as she started to push the pushchair with Kat sitting in it.

    Amy had enjoyed chatting with Hope; it helped her keep her mind off the subject of what happened with Ann this morning. Amy was feeling really foolish about what Ann saw, and she could understand why Ann did what she did.

    It felt odd for Amy to be alone after being around Chrissy and the others for the past several months. All Amy wanted to do really was go back home and hug them all, but she felt really silly after what happened, and she even wondered if they would want her back.

    Amy couldn't work out why she was missing them all so much. She was used to being on her own before the day she saved Chrissy, but now it felt empty and even scarier to not have Chrissy, Becky or Mandy to go and talk to when ever she wanted too. Amy had no idea how she was going to face them all after this morning.

      Amy was snapped out her thinking when she heard a couple of lad's wolf whistle at her from the other side of the playground. She was too scared to move, as she didn't want them to follow her. Amy was about to call Chrissy for help when she heard a little girl calling her. Amy looked up and saw Cathleen running over with Jenna and Vic walking just behind her.

    "Auntie Amy, Auntie Amy!" Cathleen shouted, as she ran up to her and jumped on her knee.

    "Hello Cathleen." Amy said with a smile, she was so happy to see Vic and Jenna.

    "You come to play on the swings too? Auntie Amy." Cathleen asked with a grin.

    "Not really Cathleen. I'm a little big for playing on the swings." Amy said with a smile as she brushed a couple of stray hairs away from Cathleen's eye.

    "Mum and dad still go on the swings, and daddy is much bigger then you." Cathleen said, as she looked to see if they had got to the bench where Amy was sitting.

    Amy just smiled at the fact Cathleen called Vic daddy.

    "In that case then Cathleen, I may come on with you later." Amy said with a grin.

    "That would be so great auntie Amy!" Cathleen shouted as she clapped her hands together.

    "What would be so great Cathleen?" Jenna asked, as she reached the bench and sat down next to Amy.

    What Amy didn't see was Jenna pick up Amy's mobile and look at the missed calls on it, and then show Vic. Amy had put her phone down on the bench next to her when Cathleen jumped on her knee.

    "Hello Amy. What brings you to the park on a Sunday afternoon, and without Chrissy or any of the others?" Jenna asked.

    "I just wanted to take a walk by my self." Amy said, as she looked anywhere, but at Jenna.

    Jenna let out a chuckle and then said, "You are more like Chrissy then you realise Amy. She's not very good at lying either. Now are you going to tell us why you're in the park alone, or do I answer one of these missed calls on your phone?" Jenna said, as she held up Amy's phone.

    Amy looked at Cathleen and then at Jenna again, so Jenna got the message and asked Vic to take Cathleen on the swings so they could have a chat.

    "Can you take Cathleen on the swings for me Hon, so I can have a chat with Amy?" Jenna asked with a smile.

    "Anything for you Jen," Vic said with a smile, as he gave Jenna a kiss. He picked up Cathleen and ran over to the swings with her.

    "You make a really great looking couple Jenna. Vic is really great with Cathleen. I see she calls him dad as well." Amy said, as she tried to keep Jenna away from the subject of her being in the park alone.

    "He is great, and really gentle. Cathleen started calling him dad some time back now; I think Vic really likes it. But enough about my happy little family, what is the deal with all these?" Jenna asked, as she held the phone up again.

    Amy didn't know where to start, so she just sat playing with the hem on her skirt, while she looked down at her lap.

    "Does it have anything to do with what happened last night at the club?" Jenna asked.

    "You know about that?" Amy asked with a shocked look on her face.

    "Yes I know what happened. Vic told me all about it, but it doesn't explain you sitting here now, and without any of the others." Jenna said, as she pulled Amy into a hug.

    "That's part of it, but I did a stupid thing this morning." Amy said, as she rested her head on Jenna's shoulder.

    "Do you want to tell me all about it?" Janna asked.

    "I've been depressed about not being able to wear the breast forms, and I'm really sick of not having the body I should have." Amy said with a sigh.

    "I can understand why that would make you feel depressed Amy, but it's going to take time. It took Chrissy a couple of years and an operation to look like she does now." Jenna said, as she hugged Amy a little tighter.

    "I got that upset about what that guy said last night that I ended up emptying all my hormone tablets into my hand this morning. I thought that if I took them all, I would become a girl faster." Amy let her head drop as she said it.

    "You did what!" Jenna shouted, which got Vic and a couple of other parents looking at her. "You did what?" She said again in a much quieter voice this time.

    Amy had jumped when Jenna shouted.

    "I didn't take any of them. Ann caught me with the pills in my hand, and got really mad with me over it. She even hit me." Amy was starting to cry now.

    "Oh god Amy, you can be such a foolish girl." Jenna said, as she hugged Amy. "Do they know where you are now?" Jenna asked.

    "No, I sneaked out the house while they were all in the kitchen. They must all hate me if they could think for one minute I would ever try and kill myself after all they have done for me." Amy said with a sigh.

    Jenna giggled and then said, "Yep they must really hate you too make all these calls, to try and find out where you are." Jenna held the phone up for Amy to see all the missed calls.

    "I just feel so stupid over what I did. How can I face them now?" Amy said with a wine.

    "So it's your pride that's taken a dent then?" Jenna asked.

    "I don't know what's wrong Jenna. That's why I wanted to get out the house, so I could work it all out." Amy sat up again, as she said it.

    "I think you're just being even more silly now Amy. I can understand why Ann would have acted like she did. You went missing after your parents found that photo album she made for you. For all Ann knew, you were dead already." Jenna said as she held Amy's hand.

    "I told Ann when we first met again that I never blamed her for any of it though." Amy said with a puzzled look on her face.

    "I know you did Amy, but Ann would have still been worried for all that time, that you had already taken your own life. Maybe seeing you this morning brought back all those bad memories." Jenna was hoping to make Amy see that Ann and the others were just worried about her.

    "I never thought of it that way Jenna." Amy looked Jenna in the eyes as she said it.

    "So do you want to make the call, or do you want me to do it for you?" Jenna asked.

    "Would you call them and let them know I'm okay please Jenna?" Amy asked as she bit her lower lip, like she always did when she was nervous.

    "Okay then, I'll call them for you, but I'm going to use my phone. I'd like to keep my hearing just the way it is." Jenna said with a giggle.

    Amy had to giggle as well; she knew that who ever answered the phone would shout down it at her, once they saw it was Amy's number coming up.

    "I think someone wants you to go and give them a push on the swing." Jenna said, as she pointed to Vic and Cathleen over at the swings.

    "I did make Cathleen a promise. I said I'd go on the swings with her." Amy said with a smile, as she made her way over to where the swings were.

    "Everything okay Amy? It look's like you've been crying." Vic asked when Amy got to the swings.

    "I think I'll be okay now, Jenna really helped a lot. I'm sure she will be able to fill you in on everything, if you want to go over and spend some time with her. I can keep an eye on Cathleen for you." Amy said with a smile, as she sat on the swing next to Cathleen.

    "Okay, thanks Amy." Vic gave Cathleen and Amy a hug before he left to sit with Jenna.

    Jenna was just making a call on her mobile when Vic got to the bench, so he sat down and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

    Chrissy and the others were all sitting at the kitchen table staring at the mobile phones scattered around on it. They were all willing one of them to ring. It didn't stop them all jumping when Chrissy's phone started to ring. Chrissy grabbed at it and then let out a frustrated sigh when she saw it was only Jenna.

    "Hi Jenna, is everything okay?" Chrissy asked, as she watched the others all look depressed again when they heard Chrissy say Jenna's name.

    "Hi Chrissy, everything is fine with me and Cathleen, but a little birdie tells me that one of your flock has flown the coop." Jenna said down the phone.

    "Yes, Amy left the house a couple of hours ago and won't answer her phone. Have you seen her Jenna?" Chrissy was crossing her fingers that the next word from Jenna would be yes.

    "Yes, I am with her now. Cathleen, Vic and I ran in to her while we were out. She told me what happened this morning, and she feels a little foolish about it all now. Will she be okay if we brought her home?" Jenna asked.

    "Of course she will Jenna. We're all worried sick about her, and Ann is really upset with what she did to her." Chrissy said.

    "I thought that would be the case, but I just needed to check first. Amy thinks you all hate her now. I said she was being silly, but you know how Amy can be. Don't you, Chrissy?" Jenna added the Chrissy at the end, because Chrissy could be just as silly sometimes.

    "Yes I know what you mean Jenna. I'll let the others know that you will bring Amy home in a bit. Thanks for the call Jenna. See you soon. Bye." Chrissy ended the call.

    "Is she okay Chrissy?" Ann asked.

    "Yes, she's doing just fine. Jenna didn't give me too many of the details, other then Amy thinks we all hate her for what she did this morning." Chrissy let out a deep sigh now she knew that Amy was okay.

    "Do you all mind if I go and lie down for a bit?" Ann asked.

    "No, we don't mind at all Ann. I'll come and give you a call when Amy gets home." Mandy said as she stood up and gave Ann a hug. She knew how worried Ann had been since she found out Amy had left the house.

    Jenna ended the call and then rested her head on Vic's shoulder.

    "Is everything okay now?" Vic asked.

    "I think so, or it will be once we get Amy back home. I said we'd drop her off at home, is that okay babe?" Jenna asked.

    "I'd have driven her home, whether she wanted it or not." Vic said with a chuckle.

    "I thought you would have, that's why I offered." Jenna said, as she let Vic hug her a little tighter. They both sat and watched Amy sit on the swing next to Cathleen, as they both tried to out swing the other.

    Jenna was happy to see Amy having some fun with Cathleen, and Cathleen was giggling as well.

    "Care to tell me what all the trouble was about then Jen?" Vic asked.

    "Ann caught Amy with a hand full of pills this morning, and lost it with her. Ann ended up slapping Amy, so Amy left the house to try and clear her head. The problem was, she never told any of them where she was going." Jenna said as she let out a sigh.

    "You don't think Amy was trying to, you know, kill her self?" Vic asked with some shock in his voice.

    "No, she was just feeling a little down over all the trouble with the breast forms, and what happened last night. The pills were her hormone tablets, so I doubt she could kill herself with an overdose of them. Not that I want to find out one way or the other. Amy thought that if she took them all, then she might become more like Chrissy quicker." Jenna said with a chuckle.

    "I bet she could have done some real damage though babe. She's a stupid girl sometimes." Vic said with some sadness in his voice.

    Jenna and Vic left Amy and Cathleen to play on the swings for another ten minutes then they went over to tell Amy they would be taking her home now.

    "I spoke with Chrissy not long ago, and I let them know that you were safe. Vic and I will drive you home, so we know you've got there safe and sound. Is that okay?" Jenna asked.

    "I guess so Jenna. I'm sorry for spoiling your afternoon together." Amy said in a sad voice.

    "Hey! It's been nice watching Cathleen play with you on the swings. I got to spend a little more time with Vic, which is really nice too. He's normally the one sitting on the swing next to Cathleen." Jenna said with a smile, as she walked up to Amy and gave her a hug.

    "Jenna told me what you did today, or nearly did Amy. You could have made yourself really ill if you'd taken those tablets." Vic was looking at Amy like she was a naughty child.

    "I'm really sorry for all the trouble and worry. I won't ever do anything like that again." Amy said as she looked at her own feet.

    "You're never any trouble Amy, and the apology for the worry should be said to Chrissy and the others. Now give me a hug so we can get you home." Vic said with a smile.

    Amy looked up and saw that Vic was smiling at her, so she walked over and took the hug from him.

    "Thanks Vic thanks for everything." Amy said, as she hugged him even tighter.

    Amy broke the hug with Vic when she felt a tugging on her skirt. She looked down and saw Cathleen looking up at her.

    "Can I get a hug too? I did help make you laugh on the swings." Cathleen said with a pout.

    "You can always have a hug Cathleen." Amy said, as she bent down and hugged Cathleen.

    Cathleen grabbed Amy's hand and led her off in front, she knew the way to the car, so Vic and Jenna were happy to follow just behind. They had to laugh at how much like a child Amy could be when she got with Cathleen. They both thought that Chrissy was like that as well.

    "Do you think Amy is trying to capture some of a little girl's life when she plays with Cathleen?" Vic asked Jenna as they walked along.

    "I don't blame them for trying too. Chrissy has always been the same with Cathleen. Even when she was still Chris, he would spend hours playing tea party's with her, or some board game. Amy is just the same with her." Jenna said with a warm smile.

    "I'm glad that Amy has Chrissy, she's a real help with getting Amy back on her feet." Vic said.

    "The thing I find really funny about all this, is that the best role models for Cathleen are going to be two girls that never had a childhood of their own. I'd be the proudest mum in the world if Cathleen turned out like Chrissy and Amy." Jenna smiled.

    "I'm sure I couldn't think of two girls she could be better suited to be like." Vic added, as he hugged Jenna.

    Amy saw the black Mercury' belonging to Vic and waited by the back door for Vic and Jenna to catch up with them. Vic zapped it and they all got in. Amy helped Cathleen get on her booster seat and put her seatbelt on for her.

    "You all strapped in back there?" Vic asked, as he started the car.

    "Yes driver. Lady Cathleen and I are ready to be taken home now." Amy said in a really bad posh English voice.

    Cathleen started to giggle, which set the others off.

    "Yes me Lady." Vic said, sounding like the chauffeur from the Thunderbirds show on the telly. This had them all giggling again as Vic headed for Chrissy and Mandy's house to drop Amy off.

    Vic pulled into the driveway and pulled up behind another black Mercury'.

    "Looks like Carl's here." Vic said, as he turned the engine off.

    "Can you come in for a drink?" Amy asked with some hope that they would say yes.

    "You mean will we come in just in case they want to lynch you Amy?" Vic asked with a chuckle.

         "There is that too, but I know that Chrissy and Becky would love to spend a little time with Cathleen." Amy smiled.

    "We'll come in with you Amy, but the only danger I can see, is you being hugged to death." Jenna giggled.

    "I hope you're right Jenna." Amy said, as she opened the car door and got out. She'd already helped Cathleen undo her seatbelt, so Cathleen slid out the same side as Amy, and took hold of her hand.

    Amy was just getting her front door key out when the door flew open, Chrissy, Becky and Mandy shot out and hugged her.

    "You scared the life out of us all you stupid girl." Mandy said, as she hugged Amy.

    Chrissy and Becky never said a word; they just hugged Amy, as Mandy had already said what they were thinking anyway.

    "I'm sorry for worrying you all." Amy said, as she let them all hug her. Amy couldn't help but notice that Ann wasn't there to greet her, so she guessed that Ann was still really upset with her.

    Chrissy and Becky both hugged Jenna, and then they bent down and hugged Cathleen. Chrissy picked Cathleen up and then led the way back into the house. Becky and Mandy each took a side and led Amy into the house, while Jenna and Vic brought up the rear and closed the front door behind them.

    They all headed for the living room, and found Carl sitting on one of the sofas.

    "So the wanderer returns, then." Carl said with a smile.

    "Hi Carl, sorry for any trouble I made," Amy said in a sad voice.

    "You were no trouble to me Amy; I only just got here and found out about it all ten minutes ago. I hope you're feeling better now?" Carl asked.

    "I was hoping so, but as I can't see Ann anywhere I'm not to sure." Amy sounded really worried.

    "Ann is lying down on your bed Amy. I said I'd go and get her when you got home." Mandy smiled. "She's been worried sick since you went missing this morning." Mandy added.

    "Will it be okay for me to go and see her in our room?" Amy asked.

    "I think she'd like that a lot Amy." Mandy said as she hugged Amy before letting her go and find Ann.

    Chrissy and Becky also gave her another hug, which really helped Amy realise that they all still loved her.

    Amy made her way up to her room and poked her head around the door, she saw Ann lying on the bed. Amy walked over and sat on the edge of the bad, and just watched Ann sleeping for a little bit. This version of Ann was the one Amy liked. Not the angry one she saw this morning. Amy was brushing some stray hairs away from Ann's face when Ann opened her eyes and looked at Amy.

    Ann shot up and said, "Amy! You're home!"

    Amy was still a little on edge after this morning, so she went to move away, but fell off the bed. She put her hands up to protect herself, just in case Ann hit her again. She looked up when nothing happened. Amy saw Ann looking over the edge of the bed at her.

    "You okay Amy?" Ann asked with some worry in her voice.

    "I'm not sure. Are you going to hit me again Ann?" Amy asked, as she looked at Ann with worry in her eyes.

    "No Amy! I'm sorry about earlier I just got so scared when I saw you with that hand full of pills. I know this may sound weird, but I hit you because I love you so much. I know I have a funny way of showing it." Ann said, as she started to cry.

    "I wasn't trying to kill myself Ann; I just thought that taking all those pills would speed up the change. Stupid I know, but I wasn't really thinking straight this morning." Amy said, as she stood up again and sat on the bed.

    Ann slid over to the edge of the bed, and sat next to Amy.

    "I know you must think me no better then mum or dad now, but I am really sorry about what I did. I never should have hit you. I'm really sorry Amy." Ann put her head in her hands and started to really sob this time.

    Ann felt an arm wrap around her and then pull her head up so she was resting her head on Amy's shoulder.

    "I would never think of you as being anything like them. Dad would be going to get me more pills, just to make sure I did the job right. Mum would be making sure I had plenty of water to wash them all down with." Amy said with a sick laugh. "They wouldn't be hitting me, to try and stop me taking any of them." Amy added.

    "Oh god Amy, I am so sorry for what I said and did. Please forgive me." Ann sobbed on Amy's shoulder.

    "I can't forgive you Ann." Amy said, but before she could say anymore Ann started pleading with Amy.

    "Please Amy, I'll do anything. I don't want you to hate me." Ann was finding it hard to breath she was so upset.

    "Ann, Ann. Please stop crying and let me speak." Amy tried to say, but Ann was to far gone to listen.

    Amy was starting to panic herself, but then she had an idea. Amy grabbed one of Ann's breasts and then pinched the nipple. Ann's crying turned to one of pain, but it did stop her crying.

    "Ouch! That bloody hurt," Ann shouted, as she rubbed the saw nipple.

    "If you'd given me time to finish speaking, I wouldn't need to hurt you would I?" Amy said, as she tried not to giggle at the way Ann suddenly stopped crying. "I was trying to say that I can't forgive you for doing the right thing. So there is nothing to be forgiven for sis." Amy said as she held out her arms to give Ann a hug.

    Ann took the hug and rested her head on Amy's shoulder again. Ann had no idea a hug could feel so good.

    "I'm glad to have you back sis. I've been so scared that I wasn't going to see you again when I found out you'd left the house." Ann said, as she hugged Amy.

    "I'm sorry for that Ann, but I just needed some time to think." Amy said, as she hugged Ann.

    "Did it help then?" Ann asked, as she broke the hug so she could look at Amy.

    "Not really. I just realised how much I missed having you all around to talk to." Amy giggled. "I did meet a really nice woman called Hope, and her daughter Kat." Amy added with a smile.

    "I'm just happy to have you back Amy." Ann smiled.

    "I was about to call you from the park, when Vic and Jenna turned up. There were a couple of lads wolf whistling at me. I was really scared, but then Cathleen called out to me."

    "I bet that's the first time you've ever been out dressed on your own, isn't it?" Ann asked.

    "Yes it was. I never gave it any thought until I was sitting on the park bench. I did get a little scared, but didn't know if any of you would want to talk to me." Amy looked a little sad for even thinking that. "I'm really sorry sis." Amy added.

    "Hey, stop saying you're sorry, I was as much at fault as you were this morning." Ann smiled, as she stroked Amy's face.

    "Ann, can I ask why you reacted like you did to me having them pills in my hand?" Amy asked.

    Ann took a deep breath and then said, "After you left home, I kept having a nightmare that you killed yourself, and I never got to say how sorry I was for mum and dad finding the photo album I made for you." Ann stopped speaking for a couple of seconds as she was trying to fight back the tears again.

    "You don't have to tell me Ann, if it's too hard for you to say." Amy said, as she patted Ann's hand.

    "No Amy, I need to get this off my chest. Until Chrissy and the others walked into my office that day, I had all but given up on ever seeing you alive again, but then I found out you were still alive, and I was really happy. But in the back of my mind, I have still been worried about you. When I saw you today with those pills, I got scared." Ann had a sad look on her face as she finished speaking.

    "I thought you knew me better then that Ann. I prefer jumping in front of moving vehicles to overdoses." Amy giggled.

    Ann had to giggle as well before she slapped Amy on the arm in a playful way and said, "You shouldn't joke about stuff like that Amy, but I'm glad you saved Chrissy." Ann smiled.

    "So am I, sis." Amy smiled back.

    "Do you feel up to going down and getting some food now sis?" Ann asked, as she hugged her belly. "I've not had anything to eat yet today." Ann added.

    "I've only had half a chocolate bar and a bottle of water myself." Amy said, as she slid off the bed, and then helped Ann to get up.

    Ann wrapped an arm around Amy's waist and then headed down to the living room to see if anyone else wanted anything to eat.

    Everyone turned to look at the living room door when they heard it open. They all sat grinning when they saw Ann and Amy with an arm around each other's waist, and a grin on their face.

    "I take this to mean that everything is okay again?" Mandy asked.

    "Yes we talked it all out, and we're fine again now. I even got some other stuff off my chest as well." Ann said, as she looked at Mandy.

    Mandy knew what Ann was getting at. She was glad Ann finally told Amy about her feelings.

    "Ann and I are going to get something to eat, does anyone else want anything?" Amy asked.

    "That sounds like a good idea." Chrissy said as she looked up from the board game she was playing with Cathleen and Becky.

    "What does everyone fancy?" Amy asked.

    "Do you want to join us for some dinner Jenna, Vic?" Mandy asked.

    "We were just going to eat out anyway, so if it's no trouble I would love too." Jenna said as she looked at Vic to make sure he didn't mind.

    "You'll never catch me saying no to some of Chrissy's cooking." Vic said with a grin.

    "As we have a couple of strapping men here, what does everyone say to firing up the barbecue?" Chrissy asked with a grin, as she looked at Carl and Vic.

    "I don't mind, what about you Vic?" Carl asked.

    "Count me in; it'll be nice to help out with a dinner for once." Vic said with a grin, as he stood up and waited to be led to the barbecue.

    Mandy led the way and then showed them how to light it. Chrissy and Becky sorted out some meat and then Jenna took it out to the boys once the barbecue was hot enough to start cooking it.

    The girls all set to work on making some pasta and rice dishes. Chrissy showed Amy how to make homemade coleslaw, and Becky sorted out doing some baked potatoes.

    Chrissy and Amy had a little helper in Cathleen, and they were soon having a giggle as they worked on different things. Jenna was really happy to see Cathleen having such a great time with them both.

    It was a really nice summer's day, so they set up everything on the table in the garden and all sat around waiting for Carl and Vic to finish cooking the meat. Once they had it all cooked, they joined the others at the table and set about eating.

    "This is all really nice Chrissy, Amy." Jenna said as she took a mouth full of Pasta and rice.

    "It was a joint effort really." Chrissy said as she sat feeding Becky a fork full of food.

    "Most of us just did what you and Amy told us too." Mandy said with a giggle.

    "Carl and Vic did a really great job with barbecuing the meat." Amy said.

    "You two are spending way to much time together, Even Amy has started to refuse complements now." Ann said with a giggle.

    "Well it's all really nice, and I thank everyone who took part in getting it ready. Vic said.

    Once they all finished eating, Ann and Mandy helped Carl and Vic to clear the table. Chrissy, Becky and Amy all ended up playing a game of twister with Cathleen. Jenna was put in charge of spinning the dial while the girls all tried to keep up with Cathleen.

    Ann. Mandy, Vic and Carl all came back out and sat down once they had all the dishes washed and put away. They all had a laugh at the funny looking positions Chrissy, Becky and Amy were all in.

    Mandy got a couple of bottles of wine out and poured everyone but Carl and Vic a glass out, once they all got bored with playing twister. Carl, Vic and Cathleen all had a glass of coke, and they all just sat around making the most of the nice summer weather.

    Jenna and Vic decided to call it a day and head home when they saw that Cathleen and fallen asleep on a blanket with Chrissy and Amy. Becky was sitting and stroking Chrissy's hair as she slept with her head on Becky's knee.

    Amy was asleep with her head on Ann's knee while Cathleen slept between the two of them.

    Chrissy and Amy both woke when Vic lifted Cathleen up, so they could head home.

    "Sorry for falling asleep on you Jenna, Vic." Chrissy said, as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

    "I'm sorry as well." Amy added, as she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes as well.

    "Hey, you don't need to be sorry for anything. I'm amazed you both kept up with Cathleen like you did." Jenna said with a smile.

    "I had a really great time playing with her Jenna." Chrissy said as she stood up and gave Cathleen a kiss on the forehead as she slept in Vic's arms.

    "Thanks Jenna for everything you did for me today. I had a really great time playing with Cathleen as well." Amy said, as she also kissed Cathleen on the forehead.

    "I'm glad I could help Amy, and thank you for spending so much time playing with Cathleen. She loves spending time with you all. Thank you for a lovely dinner as well." Jenna said, as she patted her tummy. She gave all the girls a hug, and even gave Carl one as well before they left to get Cathleen home, so Jenna could put her to bed.

    They all stood at the front door and waved to Jenna and Vic as they drove off, then they all headed back into the living room again.

    Amy stopped at the living room door and said, "I'm going to head up to my room. I need to email a really nice woman I met at the part."

    "Okay Amy. Will you be coming back down once you've finished?" Mandy asked.

    "Yes I will. I said I'd email her and let her know I got home okay." Amy smiled.

    "I'll keep the seat warm for you then sis." Ann said, as she gave Amy a hug.

    Chrissy, Becky and Mandy all gave Amy a hug and said they would see her later then, and let her head off up to her room.

    Amy headed up to her room, and grabbed her laptop then got on the bed and fired it up. Once she was logged into her email account, she set to work telling Hope all about her past and why she wouldn't be able to have children. She really hoped that she would get an email back from Hope, but wasn't really expecting one. Amy shut the laptop town and then headed back down to cuddle with Ann on the sofa and watch what ever they had on the telly.

    Amy got back down stairs and entered the living room, and found Mandy cuddled up with Carl on one sofa. Chrissy cuddled up with Becky on another, while Ann was sitting on the third one all by herself. Amy walked over and sat down next to Ann, as she lifted her arm up so Amy could cuddle up to her.

    "Did you get it all sorted out sis?" Ann asked.

    "Yes, now all I can do is wait to see if I get a reply." Amy said, as she looked up at Ann from where she had her head resting on Ann's chest.

    "I'm sure she'll email you back when she gets your email sis. She sounds like a really nice person." Ann said as she kissed Amy's forehead.

    "Who is this person you met then Amy?" Chrissy asked.

    "She was a really nice woman I met when I was at the park earlier. Her name is Hope, and she had a really cute daughter called Kat. I said I'd email her and let her know a little about me." Amy said.

    "You mean about your little secret?" Chrissy asked.

    "Yes. She asked if I would be having any children of my own one day, so I said I couldn't ever have children. Hope wanted to know why, so I said I'd email her. I was scared of making a scene in the middle of the park if she didn't like what I was."

    "That was a good idea Amy. I've had people that seemed really nice, suddenly get really nasty towards me once they found out I wasn't born with all the right parts." Chrissy said with a sad look.

    Becky pulled Chrissy in for a tighter hug and said, "Let them try it while I'm around babe."

    "My hero." Chrissy said, as she pulled Becky's head down so she could kiss it.

    "With how my weekend was going, I really couldn't cope with anyone else having a go at me." Amy said with a chuckle. "I was a little scared anyway, with it being my first time out all dressed up on my own." Amy cuddled up to Ann a little more as she said it.

    "Does this mean you'll be doing it a lot more then now?" Carl asked.

    "No! I'll stick to going out with one, or all of you." Amy said in a stern voice, as she cuddled up even closer to Ann.

    They all started to giggle when Amy said that, and Amy was soon giggling with them.

    "The hardest part of doing your real life test is going out and being around people while dressed Amy, and you took a big step today by going out on your own." Chrissy said with a smile.

    "I spent all those months alone, but I never felt as alone, as I did today while I sat on that bench at the park." Amy said with a sad sound to her voice.

    "Why didn't you call us, or just come home?" Ann asked.

    "I just felt so stupid, and worried that you would all hate me." Amy said close to tears.

    "Hey, we all do stupid things sis, but we will never stop loving you for it." Ann said, as she hugged Amy.

    "I've done some really dumb stuff Amy, and they still put up with me." Chrissy said with a grin.

    "You can be a little silly from time to time babe, but I would never call you dumb." Becky said, as she kissed Chrissy.

    "Well thanks for putting up with me being silly, and I'm sorry for all the worry." Amy smiled.

    "That's what we're all here for little sister." Mandy said with a smile back.

    "Yes, that's what sisters are for. Too keep you on the right track, and make sure you're safe." Chrissy added when Becky let her up for air.

    Amy spent the rest of the evening cuddled up to Ann on the sofa, until she was starting to fall asleep. Ann decided it was time for bed, so they all decided to call it a night. Mandy had talked Carl in to spending the night, so Chrissy and Becky used their own bed for the night. They didn't mind, as they always used their own bed when Carl stopped for the night.

    They all hugged and said goodnight at Mandy's bedroom door before heading into their own bedrooms.

    Both Ann and Amy went to their own room, and then got ready for bed together. Ann stood and watched Amy take her pills, then led her to the bed and helped her climb in before getting in herself. She pulled Amy into a hug and then turned the light off.

    "Goodnight sis." Amy said as she shuffled back a little more into Ann's body.

    "Night, baby sister." Ann said, as she hugged Amy a little tighter.

    It had been a really stressful day for them both, so they were both soon asleep. Amy had a couple of bad dreams through the night, but Ann soon hugged her a little tighter, and she went straight back to sleep again. Ann had started to just hug Amy without really waking up, so she didn't lose too much sleep through the night.

    Amy woke the next morning feeling a lot better then she had in the past week. She looked over at Ann as she slept; Amy thought she looked so peaceful when she slept. Amy lay there watching Ann sleep for a couple of minutes, until Ann opened her eyes.

    "Morning sis." Amy said with a big smile.

    "Morning baby sister." Ann said, as she stretched her arms out and pulled Amy into a hug.

    "How did you sleep last night sis? I hope I didn't wake you to much." Amy said, as she let Ann hug her, and then kiss her on the cheek.

    "I don't remember waking up once through the night, sis." Ann said with a smile.

    "I'm really glad about that, sis. I do remember having a couple of bad dreams through the night, and you hugged me." Amy said with a puzzled look.

    "I must be that use to you having the bad dreams by now, that I just hug you automatically." Ann said with a giggle.

    "I wish I didn't keep having them, Ann." Amy said with a sigh.

    "You don't have them very often now Amy, and when you do have them, it's normally when you've had a stressful day. They don't get much more stressful then they did this weekend." Ann smiled, as she hugged Amy again.

    "I better see about making a move, so I can go and sort out some breakfast." Amy said, as she looked at the clock at the side of the bed.

    "Okay Amy, I'll let you use the bathroom before I go and take my shower." Ann hugged Amy again, as she said it.

    Amy slid out of bed and went to the bathroom, while Ann sat up and swung her feet over the edge of the bed to wait for Amy to finish in there.

    Once Amy finished in the bathroom she returned to the bedroom and gave Ann another hug before she left to sort out breakfast. Amy was the first one down stairs, so she grabbed the paper and then headed to the kitchen to sort out making a pot of tea, ready for when Mandy got down.

    Amy had the pot of tea finished and on the table just in time to hear Mandy's voice. She turned around just in time to see Mandy enter the kitchen with Carl. Carl had his arm wrapped around Mandy's waist, and they both looked so happy together.

    "Morning Mandy, morning Carl, I take it you both got some sleep?" Amy said with a grin.

    "Yes we got some sleep." Mandy said, as she went all red in the face, and had a silly grin.

    "Good morning Amy. I hope you slept okay?" Carl asked, as he took a seat at the table next to Mandy.

    "I had some bad dreams again, but given the weekend I had. I kind of expected to. Ann cuddled up to me, and I soon fell asleep again." Amy said with a smile.

    "Sorry to hear about the bad dreams Amy, but I'm glad Ann was there to help you." Carl said, as he poured himself and Mandy a cup of tea out. He also poured one out for Amy at the same time.

    "Thanks for the tea Carl. I take it you'll be stopping for some breakfast?" Amy asked, as she took a sip from her cup of tea.

    "Only if it's no trouble Amy." Carl replied.

    "It's no trouble at all Carl, and I don't think Mandy would let you leave without a good breakfast inside you." Amy said with a grin, as she looked at Mandy for an answer.

    "Very true Amy." Mandy said, as she wrapped her arms around Carl, and rested her head on Carl's shoulder.

    "I know when I'm out numbered, and who am I to argue with two beautiful women?" Carl smiled.

    Amy got started on breakfast, and got some help when Chrissy and Becky got down to the kitchen.

    "Good morning everyone." Chrissy and Becky said with a smile, as they entered the kitchen.

    "Morning Chrissy, morning Becky." Mandy said, as she sat up after cuddling with Carl.

    "Morning Girls. You're both looking beautiful this morning." Carl said with a grin.

    Chrissy and Becky went over and gave Mandy a hug, and then Carl. They both giggled at the beautiful comment Carl made, as they were both wearing their bathrobes and big fluffy slippers.

    "I bet you say that to all the girls you have breakfast with." Chrissy said, as she hugged Carl.

    "Not all of them." Carl smiled. "Some of them get a little extra affection." Carl looked at Mandy as he said it.

    "I hope that someone is really just one?" Mandy asked with a raised eyebrow.

    "You know you're the only woman in my life baby." Carl pulled Mandy in for a kiss as he said it.

    Becky wrapped an arm around Mandy and Carl once they broke the kiss, and popped her head between them both.

    "Good morning love birds." Becky said with a smile.

    "Morning Becky." They both said, as they each kissed one of Becky's cheeks.

    Chrissy and Becky went over to say good morning to Amy, while Mandy and Carl went back to their cuddling.

    "Morning Amy!" Chrissy screamed, as she got to Amy, and wrapped her arms around Amy's waist from behind, and rested her chin on Amy's shoulder.

    "Morning sis." Amy said with a grin, as she kissed Chrissy on the cheek.

    "How you feeling today, Baby sister?" Chrissy asked, as she broke the hug, and put her pinny on.

    "Well I don't feel like doing anything silly with a bottle of pills, if that's what you're asking." Amy said with a giggle.

    "I wasn't, but it's good to know." Chrissy said with a grin. "No, I just wanted to make sure you were feeling better about yourself, and there's nothing you want to get off your chest." Chrissy added.

    "I really do feel a lot better Chrissy, about everything, and I would say I wanted to get something on my chest, not off it." Amy said the last bit with a grin, as she stuck her chest out at Chrissy.

    "Ha, ha. Very funny." Chrissy said with a smile, as she kissed Amy on the cheek before she set to work helping Amy with breakfast.

    "Morning Baby sister." Becky said, as she also wrapped her arms around Amy's waist from behind and then kissed her on the cheek.

    Amy kissed Becky back, and then said, "Morning sis. How did you and Chrissy sleep last night?" Amy raised her eyebrows, as she said it.

    "With our arms wrapped around each other." Becky said with a grin.

    "You did get some sleep then?" Amy asked with a giggle.

    "We got some sleep." Becky said, as she broke the hug with Amy.

    Chrissy handed Becky a pinny, and then helped her put it on. They both set to work helping Amy get breakfast ready.

    Carl and Mandy were having a good laugh at Amy, Chrissy and Becky Dancing around to a song on the radio, when Ann entered the kitchen. She was already dressed, and ready to leave for work once she'd had her breakfast.

    "Morning." Ann said in a less then excited voice, as she took her seat at the table.

    "Morning Ann. You don't look ready for a full day at work. Are you okay?" Carl asked with some worry in his voice.

    "I'll be fine once I've had my first cup of tea." Ann said as she took the cup that Mandy slid over to her.

    "So you're not a morning person like your sister then?" Carl asked with a chuckle, as he looked at Amy dancing around with the other two.

    Ann took a sip from her cup before putting it back down, and then turning to look at Amy, Chrissy and Becky all dancing and singing, as they got breakfast ready.

    "MMM, that really hits the spot. That's the one thing Amy and I don't have in common. She's always been a morning person, where as I always need a cup of tea inside me." Ann said with a giggle, as she watched them dancing around.

    "Mandy's the same way. That's the only time I can really see any difference between her and Chrissy." Carl pulled Mandy in for another hug, as he said it.

    "Ann and I have already spoken about how energetic those three are first thing in the morning. I sometimes wonder if they are even human." Mandy said, as she watched them.

    Amy saw Ann enter the kitchen, but knew that it was best to let her have a drink of her tea before she went to great her good morning again. Amy kept dancing around the kitchen with Chrissy and Becky until she saw that Ann was half way down her cup, then she went over and hugged Ann from behind.

    "Good morning sis." Amy said, as she kissed Ann on the cheek. "Feeling a little more alive now?" Amy added.

    "Good morning little sister. Yes, I'm feeling much more alive now, thanks for asking. Breakfast smells nice, how long before its ready?" Ann asked, as she rested her head on Amy's chest and looked up at her.

    "Not long now, sis. Why, are you hungry?" Amy asked. Before Ann could give an answer, her tummy made a groaning sound. "I'll take that as a yes." Amy added as she giggled at the odd noise coming from her sister's tummy.

    "It must be that amazing smell that's setting it off." Ann said, as she put her hands on her belly to try and stop it making the noise.

    "I better see about getting my big sister fed then hadn't I?" Amy said it as though she was speaking to a baby.

    Amy also tried to tickle Ann as she said it, which was a big mistake. Ann twisted round in the chair and grabbed Amy, pulling her down onto her knee. Ann soon had Amy in a fit of giggles, as he tickled Amy like mad.

    "I'll teach you to try and tickle me, madam!" Ann said, as she kept tickling Amy.

    "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Amy screamed, as she tried to stop Ann.

    Ann finally stopped and let Amy stay sitting on her knee until she got her breath back.

    "That's not fair sis, you know how ticklish I am." Amy gasped, as she tried to get her breath back.

    "You started it baby sister." Ann said, as she hugged Amy to say sorry for making her so out of breath.

    "I didn't think you'd be able to catch me while sitting at the table. I may have to get your drink checked for illegal substances." Amy said with a giggle, as she pointed at Ann's cup of tea on the table.

    "There's nothing in that cup, but tea, milk and some sugar." Ann said with a grin.

    "I have my doubts, sis." Amy said with a raised eyebrow, as she looked at Ann and then the cup on the table again. "I better go and finish helping Chrissy and Becky with the breakfast, or you'll be late getting to work." Amy added, as she slid of Ann's knee.

    "Yes! Go bring me food, wench!" Ann shouted in a deep voice, as she slapped Amy on the bottom.

    "OUCH!" Amy shouted, as she ran a couple of steps from the force of the slap. "Hey! Stop slapping me I bruise easy, and its Miss Wench to you." Amy said, as she stuck her nose in the air. She turned her back to Ann, and walked off rubbing her sore bottom.

    Ann was about to say sorry until Amy added the Miss Wench bit, but burst out laughing instead.

    Mandy and Carl were sitting smiling and laughing at the floorshow, Ann and Amy were giving. Even they burst out into a fit of laughter when Amy said it was Miss Wench, and then walked off rubbing her bottom.

    Amy got back to helping Chrissy and Becky, and they soon had breakfast finished. They each grabbed a couple of plates each, and took them to the table.

    "Thanks for cooking the breakfast girls. It looks really good." Carl said, as he sat up in his chair, and grabbed his knife and fork.

    They all got stuck in to eating their breakfast, and chatting about the club, and the shop. Once they all finished, Amy helped Chrissy and Becky clear away the dishes.

    "You better go and take your shower Amy; I'll get the dishes washed after you've all left for work." Becky said.

    "Are you sure Becky? There is a lot to get washed and dried." Amy said with some concern in her voice.

    "I'll be fine, and it will help keep me busy." Becky said, as she looked over at Chrissy.

    Amy knew what Becky was getting at. She knew that Becky really did miss Chrissy when she was at work.

    "Okay then Becky. I'll go and get ready for work." Amy gave Becky a hug as she said it. She gave Ann a hug as well, just in case she was gone when she got back down.

    They were all sitting smiling when Amy almost skipped as she left the kitchen, she seemed so happy this morning.

    "It's nice to see the old/new Amy back." Ann said with a smile.

    "She does seem a lot happier this morning. Do you really think that all the trouble this weekend helped to clear her head?" Mandy asked, as she made the most of having Carl around by cuddling up to him.

    "I think it was more the trouble with Ann yesterday. Maybe the slap across the face was just the thing she needed to snap her out of her mood. She has feeling sorry for herself most of last week." Chrissy said, as she also made the most of being with Becky by cuddling with her.

    "I still shouldn't have done it though, Chrissy." Ann said, looking really sorry.

    "I know you feel that way Ann, but look at how happy Amy is again. You have to see the good that comes from a bad thing sometimes, and I think it's what Amy really needed." Chrissy smiled at Ann to let her know that none of them thought any less of her for what she did the day before.

    "Thanks. I'm glad to have Amy back to her old, new self." Ann said the last bit with a funny look, as she tried to make the others understand what she was getting at.

    "We all know what you're trying to say, Ann." Mandy said with a giggle.

    "I guess you've not had time to call Amber yet then, with all the trouble yesterday." Carl asked, as he cuddled with Mandy.

    "No. I wasn't even sure for part of yesterday, if I was ever going to see Amy again." Ann said with a chuckle. "I was going to give her a call on my lunch break today. I won't have to worry about Amy overhearing anything then." Ann added.

    "You can call Amber anytime you want to Ann, I don't mind." Carl knew that Ann was only calling Amber on her lunch break, so she didn't get in trouble for it.

    "Are you sure Carl? I don't want anyone thinking that I'm taking advantage of you." Ann said in a shocked voice.

    "Let them think what they want Ann. You work hard and do your job very well indeed. You need to start treating the job for what it is." Carl said with a smile.

    "I'm not sure what you're trying to say Carl. What do you mean treat the job for what it is?" Ann asked with a confused look.

    "You're the boss of that department. I know you treat the others as equals and I like that about you. I just need you to stop thinking that the boss is going to sack you." Carl said with a chuckle.

    "I'm sorry Carl, but it's hard to just step into a roll like this. I'm still finding my feet, and I'm still a little worried about some stuff to do with the job." Ann was finding it hard to find the right words.

    "What problems are you having Ann? I'll see if I can help." Carl asked.

    "All the people are great, don't get me wrong. I'm just worried about who I might have upset with you giving me the head job. There must have been a couple of people who thought they should have had the job." Ann asked, as she bit her lower lip.

    "Oh I see. Please don't worry Ann. All the people I picked to work under you are more then happy to just do their job, and not have the trouble of being the boss. I thought you would have realised that by now." Carl said with a chuckle.

    "I just thought it was all too good to be true. I'm sorry Carl." Ann said sounding really sad for what she just said.

    "Don't be Ann. You've had to make some big changes over the past couple of months. If this helps, all the staff really does like you. Most have said I couldn't have found a better person to head up the department." Carl smiled.

    "Really! You're not just saying that to make me feel better?" Ann asked with a shocked look.

    "I have no reason to lie Ann. Trust me, I would soon let you know if I thought you were doing something wrong." Carl said.

    "Thanks Carl. It's nice to know that I'm not going to have someone try and get me in trouble." Ann let out a sigh.

    "I don't hire people that are out to advance their career on the back of others. If I find them doing that I let them go right away." Carl said with a stern look.

    "You're a really amazing person to work for Carl." Ann smiled.

    "Thanks Ann, but I'm only as good as the people I have working around me." Carl smiled back.

    Ann looked at her watch and realised that she needed to see about heading off, or she would hit all the rush hour traffic. She gave everyone a hug before she left.

    Carl decided that he better see about heading off as well. He still needed to get to his penthouse at the hotel, so he could change into a suit ready for his meeting later in the morning.

    Mandy saw him off at the front door, and then headed up to her room to finish getting ready for work herself. She stopped off in the kitchen to drag Chrissy away from Becky, so she could go and get ready as well.

    Amy had gone up to her room and taken her shower. She looked at her chest in the mirror, and was happy to see that the rash had gone. Amy was also happy to see her small breasts starting to form. She wanted them to be as big as Ann's, but knew it was going to be some time before they were that big. That's if they ever got that big. Amy still put some of the cream on, just to be on the safe side. Then she set about getting dressed ready for work.

    Becky was in the middle of washing the dishes when she heard Mandy and Chrissy enter the kitchen. They were both wearing their business suits, and looked really smart. Becky wanted to hug and kiss Chrissy, but knew she would end up covering Chrissy in bubbles, and messing up her smart look. So she kept washing the dishes, and just kissed Chrissy when she walked over to her at the sink.

    "You look really sexy dressed like that babe." Becky said as she broke the kiss.

    "Thanks lover." Chrissy smiled.

    Amy smoothed out her skirt once she stood up after finishing with her makeup. She took one final look in the mirror before she headed down to find the others. All Amy could see looking back at her was a smartly dressed businesswoman. She still found it hard to believe that this woman looking back at her was once a boy with no future to speak of. Amy shook herself out of it and then grabbed her purse and left the bedroom.

      Becky had finished washing the dishes, and was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a cup of tea with Chrissy and Mandy when Amy got back down there.

    "Has Ann and Carl already left?" Amy asked, as she looked at Mandy, Chrissy and Becky sat at the table.

    "Yes. Ann wanted to miss the traffic, and Carl needed to go and get into a suit ready for his meeting later." Mandy said, as she poured Amy a cup of tea out, and patted the seat next to her.

    "Thanks Mandy." Amy said, as she took the seat next to Mandy.

    They all were sitting chatting until they finished their drinks then left for work. Mandy had to drag Chrissy away from Becky, just like she always had to. She got Chrissy in the car, and then got in herself and headed off for the shop.

    The girls were all having a busy morning getting orders ready for the changing service. Amy heard the bell go off to let them all know that someone had entered the shop. She didn't deal with the customers, so she never went out to see who it was. She did go though, when she heard Mandy shouting for her.

    Amy walked out to see what Mandy wanted, and found Prue stood there with her and Chrissy.

    "Hi Prue. What brings you here?" Amy asked with a smile.

    "This for one reason." Prue said, as she held up a paper bag from a chemist. "And to give you a bloody good telling off for another." Prue said with a stern look on her face.

    Amy stepped back in shock; she'd never seen Prue lose her temper before. "What have I done to upset you Prue?" Amy asked with worry in her voice.

    "What have you done?" Prue shouted. "Trying to take an overdose! How stupid are you girl?" Prue shouted at Amy. "Do you realise the damage you could have done to yourself?" Prue added in a much calmer voice.

    "I'm sorry Prue. I know I was just being stupid." Amy said, but wouldn't make eye contact with her.

    Prue went to say something else, but the doorbell went and Prue, Mandy and Chrissy all turned to see who it was. When they looked back, Amy had disappeared out back again.

    "Mum take Chrissy, and go make sure Amy is okay. I'll sort out with this customer, and come and find you later." Mandy said, as she looked at a couple of women that just entered the shop.

    Prue and Chrissy went through to the back and couldn't see Amy there, but they did hear the door to the flat upstairs slam shut. They looked at each other, and then Prue followed Chrissy up the stairs. They entered the flat and saw Amy sitting on a chair over near the window. She was sobbing with her head in her hands.

    "Come on Amy, there's no need for any of that." Prue said, as he walked over and sat on the chair next to her.

    "I don't want you hating me for being so stupid, Prue. I just wasn't thinking straight yesterday. I never would have taken them." Amy sobbed.

    "I don't hate you Amy, and I'm hurt that you think I ever could. I'm sorry for shouting at you like I did. I just worry about you, like I do Mandy and Chrissy." Prue said, as she pulled Amy into a hug.

    "I'm sorry Prue. I see you as the perfect mum to Chrissy and Mandy, and just wish that my mum could have been more like you." Amy said with a week smile, as she lifted her head off Prue's shoulder. "When I saw you so mad at me, I just thought I had upset you like I always use to do with my mum." Amy added with a sad look.

    "That woman that gave birth to you is a fool!" Prue said in a harsh voice. "I'd be proud to have you as a daughter." Prue added with a smile, as she handed Amy a tissue out her pocket.

    "I wish I had a mum like you, Prue." Amy said with a chuckle, as she wiped her eyes.

    "I've always got room for another daughter, or two." Prue said with a smile.

    Amy was still wiping her eyes, so didn't see the smile Prue had on her face. "Yes, like you'll let me call you mum." Amy said with a sarcastic laugh.

    "That's exactly what I'm saying young lady." Prue said in a stern voice.

    "You really mean that Prue?" Amy asked with a shocked look on her face, as she looked at Prue to see if she was just teasing her or not.

    "Yes, I really mean it, so don't ever call me Prue again. Its mum from now on, or you get your bottom spanked." Prue pointed at Amy with her finger as she said it, but she was grinning, so Amy knew she was joking.

    "Sorry, mum. I won't do it again, mum." Amy said with a grin.

    "That's more like the daughter I want to see." Prue said with a smile when she saw Amy grinning again. "How's the rash now, Amy?" Prue asked.

    "I think it's all gone now, but I still put some cream on it this morning." Amy said.

    "Do you mind if I take a quick look while I'm here Amy?" Prue asked.

    "If it means Chrissy can attach the breast forms again, not at all." Amy said, as she started to undo her blouse.

    "I think we should maybe move away from the window first dear." Prue said, as she stopped Amy undoing any more buttons.

    Amy realised that she would be giving anyone that looked up a free peep show.

    "Very good point, mum." Amy said with a giggle, as she stood up and made her way to the bedroom.

    Prue followed Amy into the bedroom and smiled at Chrissy, as she walked past. Prue could see the tears welling up in Chrissy's eyes, due to the touching scene she'd just witnessed Prue have with Amy.

    "You okay Chrissy?" Prue asked with some worry in her voice.

    "I'll be fine mum, just a really sweet thing you just did." Chrissy said, as she was losing the battle with the tears coming out.

    "Just doing my little bit to help you girls grow into the beautiful women you were meant to be." Prue smiled, as she handed Chrissy a tissue. "And I get another daughter without the pain of child birth, or the nappy changing." Prue added with a shudder.

    Chrissy had to laugh at the look on Prue's face when she said that. "I love you mum." Chrissy said, as she hugged Prue.

    "I love you too Chrissy, just as I love all my daughters." Prue smiled.

    "I better let you go and do the check up on Amy then. I know she will be happy to have the breast forms attached again." Chrissy said with a smile.

    Prue entered the bedroom. Chrissy knew her makeup would be a mess, so she went back down stairs to get her purse. She grabbed Amy's as well, so she could fix her makeup at the same time.

    Mandy had just finished up the sale with the customers, as Chrissy was about to make her way back up stairs. She wandered through to the back of the shop with a basket of food in her hands.

    "That got a little mad there for a bit. I was trying to sort out with a customer, and give the girl from the hotel all the clothes orders at the same time." Mandy said, as she put the basket down on the table.

    "You should have shouted, sis." Chrissy said with a sorry look on her face.

    "I think that Amy needed you more then I did. Speaking of Amy, is everything okay?" Mandy asked with some worry in her voice, as she noticed that Chrissy had been crying.

    "Yes, everything is fine. I just got all teary eyed when mum adopted Amy and Ann just now." Chrissy said with a giggle.

    "That's really great. I was hoping that mum would let them call her mum as well." Mandy said with a smile.

    "Yep, mum said it's great, as she gets to have even more daughters without all the childbirth and nappy changing." Chrissy said with a giggle.

    "That sounds like mum." Mandy giggled.

    "Mum's just doing a check on Amy's chest while she's here. I'm hoping that I can put the breast forms back on later today." Chrissy said, as she crossed her fingers.

    "I hope so too Chrissy, I really hope so too." Mandy said, as she also crossed her fingers.

    "I better go and fix my makeup, and help Amy fix hers too. She was sobbing when we got up stairs earlier. She thought your mum hated her." Chrissy said, as she headed off up stairs again.

    Mandy set to work getting the basket of food set out on the table ready for when Chrissy and Amy got back down stairs.

    Amy had gone into the bedroom and taken her blouse off and then removed the breast forms before taking the bra straps off her shoulders and sliding the bra down to hang around her tummy.

    Prue entered the bedroom and then walked over to Amy. She took a close look at Amy's chest, and couldn't see any sign of the rash now at all.

    "You've healed up really well Amy; I can't see any trace of the rash now at all. The hormones are starting to show signs of working now as well." Prue said, as she felt the soft fleshy lumps on Amy's chest.

    "Does this mean Chrissy can attach the breast forms again Prue, I mean mum?" Amy asked with some excitement in her voice.

    "Yes, Chrissy can attach the breast forms again. I want you to let me know if you have any more itching, or any sign of a rash. Do you understand me missy?" Prue asked with a stern look at Amy.

    "Yes, mum." Amy said in a whiney voice.

    "Don't yes mum me. I know how much you like having the breast forms attached, but if you have any trouble at all I want to know about it." Prue said with some worry in her voice that Amy would just keep quiet.

    "I really do understand, mum. I don't want to be without the forms again like I have this past week. The minute I think the glue is causing me any trouble I'll let you know about it." Amy said with her best honest look.

    "Okay then Amy. I'll let you get dressed again then." Prue gave Amy a hug before she left the bedroom.

    Amy was really happy that Prue was going to let Chrissy attach the forms again. She pulled her bra up and then put the other forms back in, thinking all the time that after tonight she would be back to having her own breasts again. All be it a fake set, but they would be attached, and made to look like her own set. Amy put her blouse back on and then caught sight of her makeup in the mirror, and saw how bad it looked.

    "I'm going to need my purse, so I can fix this mess." Amy said to herself.

    Amy opened the bedroom door and found Chrissy stood there with Amy's purse.

    "Hi Amy. I thought you could use a touch up on your makeup." Chrissy said with a grin, as she handed Amy her purse.

    "Thanks Chrissy, I was just heading down to grab my purse and see what I can do with this mess." Amy said, as she sat at the dressing table in the bedroom and pointed at her face in the mirror.

    "Do you want me to take a look at it for you?" Chrissy asked with a smile, as she stood behind Amy, and looked at her in the mirror.

    "Would you really help me out sis?" Amy asked with hope in her voice.

    "You know I will baby sister." Chrissy said with a smile, as she took Amy's purse off her and took out all the makeup she would need to fix Amy's face.

    Amy turned around to face Chrissy, and just closed her eyes as Chrissy did her magic.

    "I hope you and Mandy don't mind Prue letting me call her mum?" Amy asked.

    "Mandy and I both think it's great, and I know that Prue loves having more daughters to look after." Chrissy said, as she worked on Amy's eyes.

    "I do really enjoy it when you do my makeup Chrissy. You have such a gentle touch." Amy said in a dreamy voice.

    "Thanks Amy. Don't go falling asleep on me though. Mandy was setting up the food for lunch when I came up stairs." Chrissy said with a giggle.

    "Is it that time already?" Amy said in a shocked voice.

    "Yes it's that time already, so we better get a move on." Chrissy said, as she finished up with Amy's makeup. "There you go Amy, all done." Chrissy said as she stepped back and let Amy turn around to face the mirror.

    "Wow Chrissy. I wish I could make my face look this good." Amy said, as she looked at the amazing job Chrissy had done on her.

    "Give it some time Amy, and you will be as good, if not better then I am now." Chrissy said, as she put her hands on Amy's shoulders as she touched Amy's head with her own.

    "I hope to be as good as you one day Chrissy, but I don't think I could ever be better then you. You're already perfect at doing it Chrissy." Amy said with pride.

    "If you keep this up Amy, I'll have trouble getting out the room with my swollen head." Chrissy said with a giggle.

    "You get a swollen head Chrissy; I'm amazed you let me get away with saying how amazing you are at putting makeup on people." Amy giggled back.

    "You ready to go and get some lunch, before Mandy eats it all." Chrissy asked with a giggle, as she helped Amy to stand up.

    "I'd like to see her try, with how much Carl has sent to us everyday." Amy giggled.

    "Yes, they do go a little mad don't they?" Chrissy said, as they made their way back down stairs.

    Mandy had finished setting all the tubs of food out on the table when she heard footsteps on the stairs. She turned to see who it was, and smiled when she saw it was her mum.

    "Hi mum. Chrissy told me you got it all sorted out with Amy. How's her chest looking now?" Mandy asked.

    "Yes I got it all sorted out. I think I scared her with all the shouting. Her chest is looking fine again now; I've told Chrissy that she can attach the breast forms again, but to let me know if Amy has any more problems with the new glue." Prue said, as she looked at all the food on the table.

    "Carl has it sent to us every day." Mandy said when she saw her mum looking at the table.

    "He really likes to make sure you're all eating at lunchtimes, doesn't he?" Prue asked with a grin.

    "Why don't you join us for some?" Mandy asked.

    "I shouldn't really, I said I'd grab Kim and myself something on the way back to the practice." Prue said with a sorry look.

    "Why don't you stop and have some lunch with us, then we can pack up what's left so you can take it for Kim to choose what she wants?" Mandy asked with a smile.

    "It does all look really nice Mandy, and I know that Kim would love to try some of this as well." Prue said with a grin. "Okay then Mandy, you twisted my arm so to speak." Prue added, as she took the seat that Mandy offered her.

    Chrissy and Amy got down stairs and saw Prue and Mandy sat at the table waiting for them.

    "Looks like mum is joining us for lunch sis." Amy said with a grin, as she let Chrissy pull the chair out for her, and then helped her to sit down.

    "I hope you don't mind me joining you all?" Prue asked with a smile.

    "I think it's really great mum." Chrissy said with a smile, as she took her seat at the table so they could all get started.

    "This is all really nice. So Carl does this everyday for you?" Prue asked.

    "Yep, everyday. He brings it himself some days, but most the time a girl will drop it off when they pick up the clothes for the hotel." Mandy said just before she put another fork full in her mouth.

    "Kim is going to love all this, you know." Prue said after swallowing another mouth full.

    "It's all really good, mum, and you'll have plenty to take back with you." Chrissy said, as she looked at all the food left on the table.

    They all ate what they wanted, and then Amy and Chrissy got all the tubs closed back up, and put back in the basket.

    Prue gave them all a hug before leaving with the basket of food, so she could feed Kim.

    They all got back to work, and were ready to head home by the end of the day. They did the stop at the post office, then headed home.

    Amy and Mandy headed off for showers once they said hi to Becky. Chrissy stayed with Becky for a short time, then she went up to help Amy attach the breast forms again.

      Chrissy found Amy wrapped in her bathrobe, sat on her bed. She was just firing up her laptop.

    "You ready to have the breast forms attached Amy?" Chrissy asked, as she entered the bedroom.

    "Yes, yes, yes!" Amy shouted, as she jumped up off the bed.

    Amy rushed to her dresser, got the box with the breast forms and then ran back to the bed. She slipped her bathrobe off, which left her stood there in just her panties.

    "Lie on the bed Amy, and I will get them glued back on for you." Chrissy said with a smile.

    Chrissy took the new glue out the box and added some to the first breast form, and then carefully attached it to Amy's chest. Chrissy then did the same with the other one.

    "Just stay on your back for a couple of minutes. I want to make sure the glue has set before you sit up." Chrissy smiled.

    "Okay sis. Thanks for doing this for me." Amy said with a grin.

    "No problem little sister. I'm just happy that you can have them back on again." Chrissy sat on the bed next to where Amy was lying, as she said it.

    "I'll be even happier when I have real ones Chrissy." Amy smiled.

    "You will one day soon Amy, and you will love having them too." Chrissy said with a grin, as she cupped her own breasts.

    "Stop teasing me, sis!" Amy shouted, as she playfully slapped Chrissy on the arm.

    "I'm sorry Amy, but I just want you to know what it's like to have the real thing." Chrissy smiled at Amy as she said it. "I better see about covering the edges with the makeup Cathy gave us. At least then it will look like you have real breast." Chrissy added, as she stood up and helped Amy to stand up.

    Amy sat on the chair at her dressing table, so Chrissy could add the makeup to cover the edges on the breast forms. By the time Chrissy had finished, Amy couldn't tell that the breast forms were fake. Apart from when she touched the nipple area, but she could live with that just as long as it looked like she had real breasts.

    "Thanks Chrissy. That looks a lot better, and it feels really good as well." Amy said with a grin, as she looked at her breasts from the front, and then each side.

    "It's nice to have the real Amy back again." Chrissy smiled, as she gave Amy a hug.

    Chrissy went and sat back on the bed while Amy worked out what she wanted to wear; now she had her breasts back. Amy ended up putting on a mini fashion show for her.

    "I'm sure what ever you wear, will look nice Amy." Chrissy said in the end.

    "I know Chrissy, but it's felt really odd this past week. I've had to be really careful what I wore." Amy said with a pout.

    "Well you can wear what ever you want now Amy, so pick something!" Chrissy shouted, as she started to giggle at Amy.

    "Okay, okay." Amy said, as she picked up a vest top in pink, and a white tennis skirt.

    "Have you had an email back from Hope yet?" Chrissy asked, as she looked at Amy's laptop on the bed.

    "I don't know yet. I'd only just finished firing it up when you came up." Amy said, as she slipped the vest top over her head, and then wrapped the tennis skirt around her waist.

    "I really hope you hear back from her Amy. She sounded really nice from what you said about her." Chrissy was really hoping that she did hear back from her.

    "I'm not holding my breath Chrissy. She may think I'm some sort of pervert that just likes to hang around in parks, and likes to get picked up by guys." Amy sounded a little worried about it all.

    "Well, I'm going to head back down stairs, so I can spend some time with Becky before dinner is ready. I'll leave you to check your email then." Chrissy smiled, as she got up off the bed, and gave Amy a hug before she left the bedroom.

    Amy logged into her email account, and waited for it to load so she could check to see if Hope had replied to her email. Amy had quite a bit of email, but she always did, most of it was junk. Amy's breath got stuck in her throat when she saw an email reply from Hope. She finally let out the breath, but was too afraid to click on the email to open it.

    "What if she hates me?" Amy thought to her self, as she sat looking at the unopened email.

    Amy took another deep breath, and then clicked on the message, and started to read through it.

    Chrissy was just walking past Mandy's bedroom door, when she heard it open.

    "Hi sis. You feeling any better now?" Chrissy asked, as she saw Mandy stood there in a pair of sweat pants and a T-shirt.

    "Oh god, yes." Mandy said with a look of relief on her face.

    "I know what you mean sis. I'll be glad to get out of mine after dinner." Chrissy said with a giggle, as she put her hands on her corseted waist.

    "I thought you'd be happy wearing that sort of clothing all the time?" Mandy asked, as she stepped out her bedroom, and wrapped an arm around Chrissy's waist. Mandy started to lead Chrissy down the hallway as she spoke.

    "There was a time when I would have said yes to that, but now I just see them as clothes. I once heard someone say that a transgender would kick her shoes off to go to bed, where as a cross dresser would want to put them on." Chrissy said with a giggle.

    "I guess that makes some sense. I can see the difference between you and Amy, and how Carl and Vic feel when they dress. I must say though, that Carl has never wanted to wear his heels to bed. Well not yet anyway." Mandy giggled.

    "Can't say I'd like to try and sleep with someone while they were wearing heels in bed." Chrissy shuddered at the thought of being spiked in the night, as they slept.

    They reached the bottom of the stairs and then walked over to the kitchen. Chrissy entered the kitchen first, when Mandy opened the door for her.

    Becky was sitting at the table with Ann when they saw Chrissy and Mandy enter the kitchen. Chrissy ran over and jumped on Becky's knee with a big grin on her face.

    "Hi Babe." Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy in for a loving kiss.

    Mandy just walked over and sat in her normal seat, and smiled at the way Chrissy and Becky always acted when they saw each other.

    Ann was sitting enjoying a cup of tea that Becky had made just as she got home. She poured a cup out for Mandy, and slid it over to her.

    "There you go Mandy. If you're anything like me, I bet you're ready for that." Ann smiled.

    "Thanks Ann. I really am ready for this, and some of that great smelling food that Becky's cooking." Mandy said with a grin, as she took another deep breath through the nose so she could smell dinner cooking again.

    "I know what you mean. I didn't realise just how hungry I was until I walked in here and could smell dinner cooking." Ann said with a giggle.

    "Don't worry ladies, it won't be long now." Becky said with a grin, as she broke the kiss with Chrissy.

    "Hi Ann. Sorry for not speaking sooner, but I just had to show my lover here, just how much I really love her." Chrissy said with a grin, as she sat hugging Becky while sitting on her knee.

    "Hi Chrissy. Please don't be sorry, I love to watch you and Becky show your love for one another." Ann smiled.

    "How was work today? Did you find time to call Amber, and fill her in on the details for Friday?" Chrissy asked.

    Ann looked at the kitchen door before she spoke, then started to speak in a hushed voice.

    "Yes I called her just after lunch. She didn't believe me at first, I'm not sure she does even now." Ann said with a giggle.

    "I know she will when you put her on Carl's jet this Friday." Becky said with a grin.

    "Amber was really shocked when I told her all about it. She was really happy that I said I'd be going up to meet her, and then travel back with her. I just hope the first meeting between Amber, and Amy goes okay." Ann let out a big sigh to show how worried she was about the meeting.

    "I'm sure it will all be just fine Ann. You know that Amber likes Amy, so it's not like Amber will attack her." Mandy said.

    "I guess you're right Mandy. I just feel a little bad about doing stuff behind Amy's back." Ann said, as she picked her cup up to take another sip from it.

    "You've already said that Amy would just worry until she had the meeting with Amber, so I think you're doing the right thing." Mandy said with a smile.

    "Speaking of Amy. I thought she'd have been down by now." Ann said with a puzzled look on her face.

    "I left her checking her email, and looking at her new breasts." Chrissy said with a smile.

    "That's right. Becky told me you were upstairs attaching Amy's breasts again. I bet she was happy to have them attached again?" Ann asked with a grin.

    "She was giving me a fashion show, as she tried to work out what to wear." Chrissy said with a giggle.

    "I'm glad that Prue let her attach them again. Maybe she'll stop moping around now." Ann smiled.

    "She looked really happy when I left her in her room. She was looking to see if Hope had replied to her email." Chrissy said, as she stood up so Becky could go and check on dinner.

    Chrissy went to help Becky, so Ann decided to go and see what was keeping Amy.

    "I'm going to pop up and tell Amy that dinner will be ready soon." Ann said, as she stood up and left the kitchen.

    Mandy and the others all knew that Ann was still worried about what she found Amy doing the day before, so they just smiled and watched her leave the kitchen.

    Ann made her way up to her and Amy's room. She pushed the bedroom door open, and saw Amy sitting on the bed. Then Ann saw that Amy was crying.

    "What's wrong Amy? Did you not get an email back from Hope? I'm sorry sis, but not everyone is going to be nice to you about it all." Ann said, as she walked over to the bed and sat next to Amy.

    "It's not that sis. I got an email back from Hope." Amy said, as she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

    "What is then sis? Did she send you a nasty email back?" Ann asked with anger in her voice.

    "No, she said I looked really good, and she would still like to be my friend. The thing that made me cry was this." Amy turned her laptop to show Ann a picture that a child had drawn with crayons.

    The picture showed two girls sitting on a bench, and a smaller girl holding a brown stick.

    "That's a really nice picture Amy, but why did it make you cry?" Ann asked, as she wrapped an arm around Amy's waist, as they sat on the bed.

    "Kat, Hope's daughter sat and drew it when she got home yesterday afternoon. It's me, Hope, and the little girl is Kat. The brown stick she's holding is the chocolate bar I gave her." Amy said with a smile. "Kat did that picture just for me." Amy added with pride in her voice.

    "Oh I see then. They're happy tears." Ann said, as she pulled Amy into a hug.

    "Yep, they are. I seem to be doing a lot of crying these days." Amy said with a giggle.

    "I don't think the hormone injections, and pills will be helping." Ann said, as she pulled Amy's face up so she could look her in the eyes. "I don't see any problem with you having a good cry every now and then, whether you are happy or sad." Ann said with a smile.

    "Part of me still thinks it's wrong though sis." Amy said with a confused look on her face.

    "I'm sorry to say this Amy, but that would be dad's attempt at brainwashing you for all those years." Ann said with a sad look.

    "Well I did have him telling me that men don't do this, or a real man would never be seen cooking and cleaning." Amy said it in a really deep mail voice.

    Ann found it really odd to hear Amy speak in such a deep voice, as she had been doing a really good job of sounding like a girl for the last couple of months.

    "You sounded just like dad when you said that Amy." Ann said with a giggle.

    "I wonder what he would have to say if he could see me know." Amy said with a grin, as she stuck her chest out to show off her breasts.

    "I'm not sure he would have much to say, but I can think of how he would react." Ann said with a worried look, as she thought of her dad beating Amy to death.

    Amy could see the worry in Ann's eyes as she said it, and knew what she was thinking.

    "Hey sis, don't look so worried. I have no plans of ever seeing either of them ever again." Amy said with a smile.

    "I know Amy, but I just get a cold chill down my spine when I think of how bad they both treated you, and what he would do if he ever got his hands on you again." Ann hugged Amy really tight.

    Amy could feel Ann shaking at she hugged her.

    "Please don't worry sis. I'm safe now, and I have you and the others to protect me." Amy said, as she hugged Ann really tight till the shaking stopped.

    "I'm sorry Amy, but you didn't hear the way they spoke about you when they found out that I was moving to be with you. I really think they are both insane." Ann said, as she broke the hug with Amy.

    "I could have told you that, years ago." Amy said with a silly grin on her face.

    Ann had to laugh at the look Amy gave her as she said it. "I think they have gone even more over to the dark side since you moved out, or since they found out I was talking to you again." Ann said with a giggle.

    "I'm really glad that I am still causing them trouble then." Amy said with a grin.

    "Well, enough of talking about them. What do you say; we head down stairs and get some dinner?" Ann asked with a grin.

    "Sounds good to me, sis." Amy replied with a smile, as she shut down the lid on her laptop.

    Ann slid off the bed and then helped Amy to get up, and they made their way down.

    Becky and Chrissy had everything on the table ready to eat when they got back down stairs, so they all took their seats and made a start on it.

    "This is really nice Becky." Ann said, as she put another fork full in her mouth.

    "Yes, thanks for cooking dinner Becky." Amy said.

    "You're all welcome. I'm just happy to do my bit to help out around the house." Becky said with a smile.

    "Did you hear back from Hope then Amy?" Chrissy asked.

    "Yes I did. Ann found me crying when she came up stairs, and thought I was unhappy. But I'd got an email saying that she thought I looked really good, and she would really like to be my friend." Amy said, sounding really happy.

    "Why were you crying then, Amy?" Mandy asked with a puzzled look.

    "Oh sorry. Hope's daughter Kat drew me a picture, and Hope attached it to the email. It was a picture of me sitting with Hope, and Kat with the chocolate bar I gave her. I thought it was really sweet, so it made me cry." Amy said with a smile.

    "I'm really glad she emailed you back Amy." Chrissy said with a smile.

    "She thinks you all sound really amazing, and wants to meet you all. Do you think that would be okay?" Amy asked with some worry in her voice.

    "She sounds like a really nice woman Amy, so I would love to meet her and little Kat." Mandy said with a smile. Chrissy, Becky and Ann all agreed with Mandy.

    "So when do you want to arrange a meeting for us all?" Ann asked.

    "I was thinking of sorting something out for Wednesday afternoon. Would that be okay?" Amy asked with some hope in her voice.

    They all looked at each other, and nodded their approval.

    "Wednesday afternoon it is then Amy. That's if it's okay with Hope and Kat." Mandy said with a smile.

    Amy let out a sigh and then said, "That's really great. Thank you for doing this for me. I'm sure you will all really like her." Amy said with a big grin on her face.

    Mandy and the others were all really happy to see Amy so animated again. None of them were sure if it was having the breast forms attached again, or the fact that Hope wanted to meet up with her again. What ever it was, they were all just glad to see the old Amy back again.

    Once dinner was finished, Amy helped Mandy get the dishes washed, dried, and put away, while Ann went up to take a shower and get changed out of her work clothes. Chrissy went up with Becky so she could take a shower with Becky, and get changed herself.

    Amy stayed down stairs with the others until Vicky had been and picked Becky up, then she let the others head to the living room, while she headed up to her room so she could send Hope an email. Amy took her time writing the email, and telling Hope a lot more about how she came to be where she was right now.

    Once Amy had the email finished, she hit the send button and then shut her laptop down and went to spend some time with Ann and the others before it was time for bed.

    Amy found Chrissy cuddled up with Mandy, and Ann was sitting on one of the other sofas with her feet tucked under herself. Ann put her feet down when she saw Amy enter the room. She lifted her arm, and Amy smiled as she sat next to Ann and let Ann wrap her arms around her.

    "Did you get the email sent off okay sis?" Ann asked.

    "Yep, I hope you didn't mind Chrissy, but I told her about your past. I knew it would help me explain what happened to me." Amy looked really worried as she asked Chrissy. She knew it would be too late to do anything about it, even if Chrissy wasn't very happy about it.

    "I don't mind Amy. If you trust her, then I do." Chrissy said with a smile.

    Amy felt a heavy weight lifted when she heard her say that, and saw Chrissy smile.

    "I'll wait to hear back from her. I left the meeting place for Hope to pick, as I thought it would be better if she picked a place Kat liked." Amy said, as she cuddled with Ann.

    "That's a great idea Amy. The last thing we want is an unhappy little girl while we all get to know Hope, and Kat." Mandy said with a smile.

    "I do have the odd good idea." Amy said with a grin.

    "Yes, I've heard that, but am yet to see it." Ann said with a giggle.

    "Hey! You cheeky wench." Amy said, as she playfully slapped Ann on the arm.

    "Who you calling a wench?" Ann asked, as she started to tickle Amy.

    Amy couldn't do anything for giggling. Chrissy and Mandy were having a good giggle at how helpless Amy was when Ann tickled her. They had never seen anyone as ticklish as Amy was before, and Ann knew all the best spots to attack.

    Ann finally stopped when Amy was having trouble catching her breath.

    "That's cheating sis." Amy said in between gasps of air.

    "I didn't know there were any rules to this game." Ann said with a grin.

    "Well there should be." Amy said with a whine.

    Ann slid back on the sofa again, and soon had Amy cuddled up to her again, so they could relax and watch some telly before they all decided to call it a night.

    Mandy turned off the telly, and they all went to the kitchen so Chrissy could make them all a mug of drinking chocolate before they all headed up stairs to bed.

    Ann and Amy both gave Chrissy and Mandy a hug before they walked down to their own room, so they could get ready for bed. They both brushed their teeth and then got ready for bed. Ann pulled Amy into her and they were both soon fast asleep. Amy was really glad to feel the weight of the breast forms pulling on her chest, as she cuddled up to Ann.

    Amy was soon fast asleep, and feeling really happy that she would be able to wear a really sexy outfit tomorrow night at the club. She just hoped that her dreams would be nice ones again.


To Be Continued.


Edited by H. E. R.



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