You Have it All Wrong Two - Part 04


You Have It All Wrong

Amy's Story

By SaraUK

Part 4

    Amy woke the next morning with a thick head, but she was happy to see Ann asleep next to her. Amy slipped out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to run a bath for herself. She was hoping that the warm water would make her feel a little better. She remembered her leg was hurting the night before, but it felt okay again now.

    She started the bath running and then looked in the cupboard above the sink to see if there was something to help shift her thick head. She found some painkillers and took a couple of them. Once the bath was full she undressed and then slipped into the water. "Oh god, that feels good." She said out loud to herself.

    She wasn't sure if it was the warm water or the painkillers, but Amy soon found herself falling asleep again. She was dreaming that someone was playing with her breasts; it felt really like someone was pulling on them.

    Amy opened her eyes and screamed when she saw Ann's head less than a foot away from her own. Ann had been crouched down checking to see if the breasts were real or not on Amy's chest. But she had fallen back onto the floor by the side of the bath when Amy screamed.

    "What the hell are you trying to do to me Ann?" Amy said as she sat up in the bathtub.

    "I'm sorry Sis; I didn't mean to scare you. Those breasts look real, I was just checking to see if they were or not." Ann asked sitting on the floor partly covered in the bubbles from the bath that Amy chucked over her when she jumped.

    Amy wanted to stay mad with Ann for making her jump, but she did look funny sitting on the floor covered in bubbles, so Amy started to giggle at her Sis."

    "Thanks Amy, first you wet me through, and then you sit and laugh at me." Ann said sounding a little upset.

    "I'm sorry Sis, but you do look a little funny sitting on the bathroom floor in your nightgown half covered in bubbles from my bath." Amy said as she pointed at the mirror on the back of the bathroom door.

    Ann got up and pushed the door too so she could see herself. Even Ann had to laugh when she saw how she looked. "I guess I do look a little silly."

    Ann went over to hug Amy as a way of saying sorry for scaring her, but ended up screaming herself when Amy pulled her into the bath with her. "Hay Sis, that wasn't fare. You got my nightgown all wet." Ann said sitting in the bath at the other end to Amy.

    The bath was really big; they were both sitting in it and still had a little room to move around still. "I'm sorry Sis, but it was already a little wet anyway. And I did owe you for scaring me, and a hug wasn't going to work for that one." Amy said with a grin.

    "I guess you did owe me for that one, but I still don't know if them beasts stuck to your chest are real or not." Ann asked as she pointed at Amy's chest.

    "There fake Sis. Cathy got them for me as part of the present from Carl/Carla. She used some special makeup that is water proof and will last for about a week before they need to be removed and cleaned." Amy said as she pushed her chest out a little more to show Ann.

    "You don't need to do that Sis, I can see them well enough without you doing that." Ann said with a giggle.

    Amy was a little surprised when Ann pulled off her nightgown and dropped it in the sink next to the bath. "That feels better; if I turn around will you wash my back Sis?" Ann asked as she stood up and turned around before sitting back down.

    "Sure Ann, but you do remember that I'm not a woman, don't you?" Amy asked in a worried voice.

    "To me Sis you are, you didn't seem to mind last night when I and Mandy were getting you ready for bed." Ann looked over her shoulder and giggled at the look on Amy's face when she remembered the floorshow she gave when she was in her corset.

    "Oh god Ann did I really do that? I thought it was just a dream. Mandy must really hate me now." Amy said as she put her head in her hands.

    "Don't be silly Amy, she went thought it all with Chrissy. And she was having a good giggle at it all anyway, so don't let it worry you." Ann said as she splashed water at Amy's face.

    Amy was soon splashing it back and they were both having a good giggle. "Thanks Sis." Amy said when they finally stopped splashing each other.

    "Thanks for what Amy?"

    "Thanks for thinking of me as your little sister, and not some freak." Amy said.

    Ann half turned around in the bath so she could look Amy in the eyes, she looked pissed off. "Amy! Don't you ever call yourself a freak ever again. Not in front of me or any one else. That's dad speaking, not you and not me. And if anyone wants to call you a freak, they will have me to deal with." Amy had never seen Ann this mad before.

    "I'm sorry Ann, but I was worried you might have forgotten that I had a little secret under the water." Amy had backed away from Ann till she ran out of bathtub. As she said it.

    Ann could see that she had scared Amy with her little outburst. "I'm sorry Amy, but I just saw dad then calling you a freak, that is what he kept calling you that night I got home and saw the folder on the kitchen table with all your photos in. If you think I scared you just now you should have seen him when I shouted at him." Ann said with a giggle as she thought back to that night.

    "You really stood up to him Sis? I thought he was going to kill me, but mum stopped him. I thought she cared for me a little, but she just said she didn't want dad going to prison because of me. She gave me an hour to get out the house, or she was going to let dad beat me to death." Amy had pulled her legs up into herself so she had her head rested on her knees as she told Ann this. She was shaking and looked really scared.

    "Hay Sis, don't worry about it any more. You're safe now, and you have me and the others to keep you safe. They must have proved how much they all love you with that birthday you had yesterday." Ann said hoping to trigger some good memories to replace the image of that night Andy got kicked out the house.

    Ann saw the smile come across Amy's face as she remembered singing and dancing with Ann and Chrissy. "You're right Sis; I do have a new family now, one that really does love me. And I still have the best bit of my old family as well. Thanks Sis." Amy slid forward and hugged Ann from behind.

    Ann found it odd to be sitting in a bath with another woman and have a soapy set of breasts pushing at her back. Even though they were not real, they still felt it to her. Amy rested her chin on Ann's shoulder, and Ann rested her head against Amy's head and they just sat there for a couple of minutes hugging. Ann could feel all the bad stuff soaking away in the water as they sitting there.

    "I better get your back finished off, so you can do mine Sis." Amy said as she sat up and started to soap up Ann's back, she soon made her way around to the front and then she started to feel Ann's breasts. It wasn't a sexual thing; she just wondered what the real things felt like. "Oh god Ann, I am so sorry. I forgot what I was doing, please forgive me." Amy let go of Ann's breasts and moved back as far as she could. Then she went to get out the bath.

    Ann pulled her back down into the water. "Don't get out yet Sis, I still need to wash your back for you." Ann said with a smile.

    "You mean you're not mad at me for what I just did?" Amy asked looking really puzzled.

    "I'm just a little sad you stopped when you did Sis." Ann said with a smile.

    "Oh, err. What? You mean you? Err." Was all Amy could get out, which made Ann start to giggle.

    "I know you've never had a girlfriend Amy, so I guess these are the first real set of breasts you've ever touched. I'm not saying its right Sis, but I am more than happy to let you feel what they are like. And you do have a really great gentle touch. If you decide to go down the same road as Chrissy and find yourself a girlfriend, you will make her very happy." Ann said as she smiled at Amy. "And I was playing with yours when I first came in the bathroom." Ann added as she turned Amy around and sat her down so she could wash her back for her.

    Amy was in heaven as Ann washed her back and then worked her way around to the side and had a quick play with Amy's breast's, but all Amy could feel was a tugging on them as she had no feeling in the nipple area like Ann did. "Hay! Pack that in. You're worse that a dirty old man Sis!" Amy said with a giggle.

    "And how many dirty old men do you know? Missy." Ann said with a giggle as she started to tickle Amy under her arms. Ann had known about Amy's most ticklish spots since they were both young.

    "I don't know any dirty old men Sis; you know what I was getting at." Amy shouted in between fits of laughter. "Stop it Sis, I give up. You win!" Amy shouted as she was having trouble catching her breath now.

    "Good, now you remember that the next time you try to put yourself down Amy." Ann said as she hugged her before she stood up and stepped out the bath and grabbed a large fluffy towel of the rack. She rapped it around her chest and then got a second towel for Amy, and held it up for her as she got up and stepped out the bath as well.

    They both set to work cleaning the bath out and the rest of the mess they had made, while splashing around in the water. It was soon clean and they made their way back into the bedroom and set about putting some cloths on so they could go and get some breakfast, or lunch. As it was nearly one in the afternoon.

    "You feeling okay again now Amy? You were limping real badly when we got home last night." Ann asked as she got a bra and panty set out for her, and another set for Amy. Ann was glad they could share cloths; it made life a lot easier.

    "It's still a little sore, but I'm not limping today. I think it could be the 3-inch heels I was wearing yesterday, I've not worn any that tall since I got out of hospital. But I love the boots that Cathy got me." Amy said with a grin.

    "I must admit Amy that I am looking forward to trying them on myself." Ann said with a grin. She was waiting for Amy to protest about it.

    "You're welcome to borrow any of my cloths or shoes Sis. I wore enough of your stuff growing up, even after you found out my secret." Amy said with a smile.

    "Thanks Amy, you know the same goes for my stuff too. Sisters should be able to share things." Ann said with a smile. She loved the thought of having a little sister.

    Amy smiled at the use of the word Sister; she loved the idea of being Ann's little sister as much as Ann liked the idea of having one.

    They both finished putting on their underwear and then just grabbed their big fluffy bathrobes and slippers, then made their way down to the kitchen to see if any of the others were up yet.

    Mandy, Becky and Chrissy were all sitting at the kitchen table drinking juice and talking when they heard the door creek and they all stopped talking to see Amy and Ann stood there smiling. "Morning everyone." Ann and Amy said at the same time.

    "Morning." The others said back with smiles on their faces.

    Ann and Amy sat at the table on the other side to Becky and Chrissy, who were cuddling with each other. Chrissy still looked a little hung over, but she was smiling still.

    "How you feeling Chrissy?" Ann asked as she sat down.

    "I've felt better Ann, but it was a good night. Or day even." Chrissy said with a grin as she looked at Amy.

    "It was a really good day Chrissy, and I loved the club. I was sad to see the night end. I can't wait to go again." Amy said with a grin.

    "I'm sorry Amy, but you will have too. We won't be there again now till Tuesday night." Mandy said with a smile.

    "Tuesday? You all go in the week then as well?" Amy asked sounding a little shocked that they would be going again so soon.

    "Yep, we go on a Tuesday night as we don't have to open the shop on Wednesday." Chrissy added.

    "Can I come with you then?" Amy asked.

    "Would we be able to stop you Amy?" Mandy asked with a giggle.

    "NO! I love that place." Amy shouted, which made Chrissy wince a little. "Sorry Chrissy, I didn't mean to hurt you." Amy said in a whisper.

    "That's okay Amy; I shouldn't have drunk so much last night. I make a really rubbish drunk." Chrissy said with a chuckle.

    "Do you want to try and eat something babe?" Becky asked as she sat stroking Chrissy's hair.

    "I could do with something, maybe a couple of slices of toast, and a couple of eggs, and maybe a couple of rashes of bacon. Oh! And a sausage or two." Chrissy said with a grin as she looked up at Becky from where her head was resting on her shoulder.

    "I'm glad you're taking it easy babe." Becky said with a giggle and she helped Chrissy to sit back up, so she could go and make a start on breakfast for everyone.

    Becky set to work on doing egg on toast for everyone. As much as Chrissy would have liked all she just asked for. She knew that they would be eating a Sunday dinner later.

    Ann went to get up and help Becky, but Amy stopped her and went to help her instead. Ann sat and watched her little sister and Becky work together to get the food done in no time at all. She could see that Becky and Amy were both use to working together in the kitchen.

    "Do you think I will ever get a look in when it comes to doing any cooking?" Ann asked sitting and watched them work.

    "You may do Ann, but I doubt it. Chrissy, Becky, and now Amy seem to love doing the cooking." Mandy said as she sat looking through the paper. She slid the Sunday magazine over to Ann, so she had something to do while they waited for the food to turn up.

    "Thanks Mandy. I take it you gave up trying to help sort out the food some time ago now." Ann asked with a giggle.

    "I was never a big one for cooking really. I use to eat a lot of ready meals, but Chrissy chucked them all out when she came to live hear. She's fed me ever since." Mandy said with a smile as she looked at Chrissy as she rested her head on her arms on the kitchen table.

    "I still find it hard to believe that you two aren't real sisters. You look so much a like." Ann said as she looked at them both.

    "I think some bonds are thicker than blood Ann that is what Chrissy and I have. And now Becky is part of that bond too, as I hope Amy and you will be too in the end." Mandy had a look of pride on her face as she said it.

    "I really hope so too Mandy. I find it hard to believe that Amy is the same person that I use to call my baby brother." Ann looked at Amy as she helped Becky. All she saw was a young woman, the way she moved and talked.

    "Do you miss having a baby brother? Ann." Mandy asked.

    Ann looked to be deep in thought for a couple of seconds. "Not at all Mandy, Amy is still the same person. She is just much happier now, and that is all I have ever wanted for her." Ann was that busy talking to Mandy that she didn't see Amy run up to her and hug her.

    "Thanks Sis. You have no idea what that means to me." Amy said as she kissed her sister on the cheek.

    Amy broke the hug and then went back to helping Becky, while Mandy carried on reading the paper and Ann started to flick through the magazine, while Chrissy just sitting and resting.

    They were soon eating scrabbled egg on toast. Becky just made the one plate for her and Chrissy, and then she sat feeding Chrissy like a small child. These made them all laugh, but they were happy to see Chrissy eating something.

    Mandy and Ann claimed dishwashing rights, so Amy helped Becky get Chrissy into the living room. Chrissy cuddled up to Becky on one of the sofas, where Chrissy was soon asleep.

    Mandy and Ann came in when they finished the dishes. Ann sat down and let Amy cuddle up to her, while Mandy sitting in one of the armchairs and carried on reading the paper.

    Chrissy woke a couple of hours later having dribbled on Becky's top. "I'm sorry babe." Chrissy said as she rubbed her eyes.

    "Don't worry about it lover. Are you feeling any better now?" Becky asked sounding worried.

    "I feel much better now. Guess I just needed that little extra sleep." Chrissy said with a smile.

    Becky loved it when she saw Chrissy smile like that. "Now theirs the girl I love." Becky pulled Chrissy in for a kiss, which Chrissy was more than happy to let her do.

    Chrissy looked at the time and then realised she needed to get the joint in the oven, or it would never be cooked in time for dinner. "I need to make a start on dinner." Chrissy pulled herself away from Becky and stood up.

    "Do you want a hand Chrissy?" Ann asked.

    "That's okay Ann; you spend some time catching up on things with Amy. I can sort it all out." Chrissy said with a smile.

    "I'll come and help you babe. Don't think I could cope with not seeing you for any length of time today." Becky said with a grin as she stood up and put her arm around Chrissy's waist and led her off to the kitchen.

    Ann and Amy just giggled as they watched the pair leave the room. "I really do love that pair." Ann said as she looked at Amy.

    "So do I Sis, they can be really funny some times. You should see them when a song they like, comes on the radio in the morning, they will both sing and dance around the kitchen." Amy said with a grin.

    "I hope I get to see that then Sis." Ann said as she cuddled with her Sister.

    "Oh trust me Ann; you will get to see it. The trouble is getting them to stop once they get started." Mandy added with a giggle.

    Amy had to nod in agreement with Mandy, which made Ann giggle even more, which set the other two off.

    "Carl's coming for dinner, so I'm not sure if you two want to put some cloths on or not." Mandy said as she sat grinning at the fact Amy and Ann were still sitting around in their bathrobes.

    "Oh gods Mandy, thanks for telling us, don't think it looks good being sitting around like this when company is coming." Ann said as she stood up and dragged Amy to her feet, so they could go and get some clothes on.

    Ann and Amy went to sort out what to wear. They decided on tracksuits and were soon making their way back down stairs. The other girls were pretty much all dressed the same way so they didn't feel out of place.

    They could all smell the dinner cooking and were all getting hungry again. Mandy went to answer the door when she heard the bell. She found Carl and Vic stood there smiling at her.

    "Good afternoon you two," Mandy said with a grin, as she stepped aside to let them both enter the house.

    Vic entered the house with his arms full of Amy's gifts, and he still needed to make a second trip to his car to get the rest.

    While Vic was doing that, Carl pulled Mandy into a hug and a kiss. "Hello lover, did you miss me?" Carl asked as he broke the kiss.

    "You know I miss you when you're not around Carl." Mandy said as she kissed him again.

    "Nice answer baby." Carl said with a grin.

    "Does Vic need a hand with Amy's gifts?" Mandy asked as she saw Vic enter the house again.

    "That's okay Mandy; this is the last of it now." Vic said as he let out a deep breath. "She sure got a lot of gifts for someone that said she hadn't really got any one to care for her." Vic said with a giggle.

    "She did do really well. Just be grateful that most the gifts were things she didn't need to put in your boot." Mandy said with a giggle.

    "Not sure Ann would have liked being locking in my boot all night." Vic said with a laugh.

    "You're stopping for some dinner Vic or are you off to spend some time with Jenna?" Mandy asked.

    "Thanks for the offer, but Mable is cooking for me, and I'm not about to upset her. As much as I love Chrissy's and Becky's cooking." Vic said with a fake shiver, which made Carl and Mandy laugh.

    "Don't think I would want to get on the wrong side of her either Vic." Mandy said as she gave him a hug to thank him for bringing Amy's gifts around and Carl.

    "Just give me a call Carl, when you're ready to leave and I will come and pick you up." Vic said.

    "I will do Vic, but it won't be too early. I want to spend some time with Mandy just cuddling on the sofa and watching some chick flick." Carl said with a grin as he hugged Mandy some more.

    "Sounds like what I have planned for me and Jenna, but we will have to watch Nemo or some other Disney film first." Vic said with a giggle as he left the house.

    Mandy and Carl waved him off and then went to find the others. They were all sitting in the kitchen as dinner was about ready.

    "Good timing Carl, I am just about ready to dish up." Chrissy said.

    "I try my best to be on time Chrissy. I wouldn't want to miss any of your cooking." Carl said with a grin as he went and gave Chrissy a hug and then pecked her on the cheek. He then did the same with Becky. He was going to do the same to Amy and Ann, but wasn't sure they would like him doing that.

    Amy ran up to him and through her arms around his waist. "Thanks Carl for my birthday, I really had a good time."

    "You're welcome Amy. I'm glad you had a good time, it was nice to have Chrissy and Mandy back at the club again." Carl said as he hugged her back.

    Ann had stood up and she came and gave him a hug. "Thank you Carl for doing all that for Amy, and for what you're doing for me." Ann said with a smile.

    "That's what Family is for Ann, and like I said last night. I now see you two as part of that Family." Carl said with a smile.

    They all took their seats and Chrissy and Becky got dinner dished up. They took their seats as well and then they all got stuck in.

    "That was amazing Chrissy, Becky." Carl said as he finished it.

    "It really was nice." Ann added as well.

    "I'm glad you all liked it. There's an Apple pie for dessert, but I think we should leave having it till later, if that's okay with everyone?" Chrissy said as she went to start clearing the dishes away.

    "Sounds good to me, I couldn't eat another thing at the minute anyway." Carl said as he leaned back and patted his belly.

    Ann and Mandy stopped Chrissy from clearing the dishes and said they would do it, so she sat down again and cuddled up to Becky.

    "Thanks for what you did for Hannah last night Carl. Did she get back to the hotel okay?" Chrissy asked as she rested her head on Becky's shoulder.

    "That's okay Chrissy; I was glad you found her and helped her fix her makeup. And yes she made it back to the hotel safe and sound; I had Vicky drive her there." Carl said with a smile. He loved the way Chrissy cared so much about everyone.

    "That's okay then, I was worried she would have made her own way back to the hotel. She seemed really nice, and she looked pretty good for her first time out dressed." Chrissy said.

    "So that was her first time out in public?" Mandy asked sounding shocked.

    "Yep, that is why I found her crying in the toilet. She had no idea how to redo her makeup. Come to think of it Carl, she did have a good idea last night when I was fixing her makeup for her." Chrissy said as she sitting up to look at Carl.

    "And what would that be Chrissy?" Carl asked.

    "She said it would be great if there were girls in the toilets ready to help the girls that can't do their own makeup."

    "I'd never thought of doing that before. It would make sense to have someone there who could help the girls look good all night. I will look into it Chrissy, thanks for that." Carl said with a smile.

    "You should thank Hannah really; she's the one that had the idea. I just said I would have a word with you about it." Chrissy said with a grin.

    Carl just shook his head from side to side. "Okay Chrissy, what ever you say." Carl knew that he wouldn't be able to make Chrissy see that she had the idea as well.

    "That's my Chrissy for you." Becky said as she pulled her back into a hug.

    "Speaking of changes at the club Becky, I have something to tell you." Carl said, as he looked very series all of a sudden.

    "Okay Carl, what is it." Becky was really worried now.

    "I'm not sure how to say this really so I will just come straight out with it." Carl took a deep breath and then said, "I'm making Beth the new hostess. I've seen her with the customers and she has been doing a really great job with them and I think she would make a really good hostess at the club."

    "Becky felt the bottom fall out her world, Carl had just fired her. She thought she was doing a good job. "Oh, I see. I'm sorry that I wasn't good enough for you then Carl." Becky got up and went to leave the room.

    Carl went to stop her, but was pushed back by Chrissy. "How can you do that to Becky? She's done everything you've ever asked her to do, and you just fire her like that! I thought you said we were like a family." Chrissy was crying and hitting Carl in the chest as she spoke.

    Mandy had to take hold of Chrissy to calm her down. "Chrissy, please calm down and let Carl explain something to you." Mandy said as she pulled a sobbing Chrissy into her chest and hugged her till she calmed down.

    Amy and Ann turned around when they heard Chrissy start shouting at Carl. They didn't hear what Carl was saying to Becky, but they heard Chrissy shouting that Carl had just fired Becky from the club. They both looked at each other in shock. They thought that Becky was amazing at the club last night. Amy wanted to go and help out, but Ann pulled her back and said in a quiet voice. "Let Mandy and Carl sort this out Amy."

    "But I don't like to see Chrissy upset." Amy said back.

    "I know you don't, but I think there is a little more to all this than you know. I can't see Carl just firing Becky like that." Ann said as she led Amy back to the sink, so they could finish up washing and drying the dishes.

    Carl sat down at the table and then pulled Chrissy down onto his knee; Chrissy was fighting at first, but soon stopped when Mandy snapped at her. She felt like a small child as she sat on Carl's knee waiting to hear what he had to say that would make the fact he just fired her wife any better.

    "Chrissy, I'm not firing Becky. I'm making her the manager of the club instead. I guess it just all came out wrong. I'm sorry for upsetting you and Becky." Carl said, as he looked Chrissy in the eyes to see if any of what he just said sunk in.

    "Manager! What does that mean Carl?" Chrissy asked looking really puzzled.

    "I'm giving her the club to run for me. She does it anyway, and she has been playing hostess as well. I don't think I've been treating her as well as I should have been. So she will now have a much bigger say in how the club is run." Carl said with a smile.

    "So she's not fired then?" Chrissy asked.

    "No Chrissy, far from it." Carl grinned. "Do you think you can get Becky to come back down stairs so I can tell her?" Carl asked.

    "I'll try but it won't be easy without telling her." Chrissy said as she stood up.

    "If you need to tell her Chrissy, then please do. All I want is for Becky to stop being mad at me for nothing. I know I should have phrased it a little better than I did." Tell her I am sorry." Carl said sounding a little sad that he upset Becky, when he just wanted to make her feel special.

    "I'll see what I can do Carl." Chrissy bent over and hugged Carl, then ran off out the kitchen to go find Becky.

    Chrissy knew that Becky would be on their bed. That is where she always went when they had a falling out, or were upset about something. She was right; Becky was lying on the bed crying her heart out. Chrissy sat on the bed next to her and patted her arm. "Leave me alone Chrissy! I just want to die right now. I really loved that job at the club."

    "Becky. Babe, please come back down and talk to Carl about it." Chrissy said as she rubbed Becky's shoulder.

    "I'm not going to beg him for another job. I'd feel a fool doing a waitress job after being the hostess. Face it Chrissy, I'm just a screw up. I'm no good at anything." Becky said as she lay there crying.

    "Babe, if you don't come down and at least talk to Carl about it all, Mandy says she will stop seeing him." Chrissy knew she was lying, but she really wanted the news to come from Carl, and not her.

     Becky sat up on the bed and looked at Chrissy. "I don't want Mandy to make a mistake like that, just because I'm useless." Chrissy wanted to shake Becky for talking like that, but she was already feeling like crap, and she didn't want to add to it.

    "Well you better come down and tell Mandy that then." Chrissy stood up and held out her hand for Becky to take so she could help her go back down stairs.

    Becky didn't really want to go down and talk to Carl, but she wasn't about to see Mandy make a mistake because of her, or something she did wrong. She did feel better when she had hold of Chrissy's hand, as long as she had Chrissy she could cope with anything the world had to offer. Even losing her job at the club.

    Chrissy pulled Becky along behind her and really had to pull when they got to the kitchen door, but she soon had her back in the kitchen and stood looking at Mandy. "Mandy, please don't stop seeing Carl because of this. I gave the job my best shot, and I guess I just wasn't good enough to do it. So please don't make a mistake just because I'm a screw up." Becky said as she stood crying in front of Mandy.

    "What are you talking about Becky? Why would I stop seeing Carl?" Mandy asked with a very puzzled look on her face.

    "Chrissy said that you were going to stop seeing Carl if he didn't give me my job back." Becky looked at Chrissy as she said it. She saw the look on Chrissy's face and she knew that Chrissy had lied to her. "You lied to me, just to get me down stairs!" Becky shouted at Chrissy.

    Chrissy jumped when Becky shouted. All of a sudden, it didn't seem like such a good idea to have lied to Becky. Chrissy backed up a little to give a little more room between the two of them.

    Amy wanted to run over and protect Chrissy, but Ann grabbed her arm. She knew that nothing bad was going to happen, once Becky found out about the new job she now had. Amy looked at Ann with a pleading in her eyes, but Ann just shook her head from side to side. They watched Carl stand up and step between Chrissy and Becky.

    "Becky, please don't have a go at Chrissy. I'm the one that upset you, but I didn't mean to." Carl said as he stood up to face Becky. "What I said came out all wrong, and then you ran off before I had time to explain what I was getting at."

    "It seemed pretty straight forward to me Carl. Beth is getting my job." Becky snapped at him.

    "Beth is getting your old job Becky." Carl said in a calm voice.

    "I'm not going to take a job as a waitress Carl. I couldn't cope with the shame of being dropped down to just a waitress." Becky said.

    "Why the hell would I want to make you a waitress?" Carl said as he tried to keep calm.

    "Then what are you trying to say Carl? I'm lost." Becky said almost pleading with Carl to explain himself.

    "I'm making you the manager of the club!" Carl barked out. Before he realised what he said.

    "What!" Was all Becky said as she stood looking at Carl.

    "I'm giving you the club to run Becky. I've seen how much you do around the place, and I know it would fall apart if not for you. All the staff loves you and would do anything for you. Hell if I fired you, they would all walk out on me." Carl said with a chuckle.

    "I don't know what to say Carl, I feel such a fool now." Becky said as she stood looking at the floor.

    "Yes or no would be a good start Becky." Carl said waiting for an answer from her.

    "I would love the job Carl, but I don't know anything about managing a club. What if I screw it up?" Becky asked sounding worried.

    "Becky, I will still be there with you, but I just want you to get the pay that you deserve. All you need to do is keep doing what you have been, but don't worry about helping all the girls any more. Beth will do it for you." Carl said with a smile as he put his arms out to give Becky a hug.

    Becky took the hug. "Thanks Carl, for giving me this chance. I won't let you down."

    "You never could Becky." Carl said as he hugged her. "I'm sorry for upsetting you as well. I should have told you about the manager's job before I said I was giving Beth your job."

    "It's all water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned." Becky said with a chuckle.

    Chrissy was still stood up against the kitchen door out the way, she was happy to see Becky smiling again, and a little jealous that Carl was getting a hug. Chrissy knew she would be in trouble for lying to Becky, and making her worry even more about the whole thing with Carl.

    Becky looked up and saw Chrissy stood near the door and the worried look on her face, so she broke off the hug with Carl and made her way over to Chrissy. "You lied to me!" Becky shouted at Chrissy, making her jump.

    Chrissy saw Becky look at her and then break the hug with Carl and make her way over, then she shouted. Chrissy was really scared of what Becky might do, so she closed her eyes.

    Becky could see Chrissy was shaking, and then Becky saw her close her eyes. She rapped her arms around Chrissy's waist, pinning her arms down by her side. "I'm going to have to punish you for that Chrissy, you do realise that." Becky was looking Chrissy right in the face as she spoke, but Chrissy still wouldn't dare open her eyes.

    Chrissy could feel Becky's breath on her face, but was to scared to look at her. Then all of a sudden she felt Becky's lips touch hers and then her tongue forced its way into her mouth. Then Becky was kissing her very deeply. That is when Chrissy finally opened her eyes and saw the love in Becky's eyes as they looked back at her.

    "You had me worried you little minx." Becky said with a grin.

    "So does this mean you're not mad with me Becky?" Chrissy asked still sounding a little worried.

    "No, silly. I was just scared that Mandy was going to do something stupid, just to defend me. But you shouldn't have lied to me either." Becky said with a firm look.

    "I know Becky, but I really wanted the news to come from Carl, and not me." Chrissy sounded pleading as she said it.

    "Okay then, I will let you off this time." Becky said as she started grinning at Chrissy.

    Chrissy smiled. "Congratulations on the promotion babe."

    "Thanks lover." Becky said as she kissed Chrissy again. "Guess I'm not a screw up after all." Becky said once they stopped kissing.

    "I've always known that. I wanted to slap you up stairs when I heard you say you were." Chrissy said in a firm voice back at Becky.

    "You wouldn't really slap me, would you babe?" Becky asked sounding a little shocked.

    "No I wouldn't, but there are times when I really feel like I should." Chrissy said with a grin.

    Amy looked at Ann a little shocked when she saw how it all played out, just to see her sister stood there with a knowing smile on her face. "How did you know it would all work out Sis?" Amy asked in a whisper as they stood over near the sink out the way.

    "It's all part of being in love Little sister. I knew that Becky could never stay mad with Chrissy for to long, and Carl and Mandy were both there to protect her if things got to bad." Ann smiled. "If you had dived in, then it could have made things worse instead of better." Ann added as she held up a dish, as if to ask where it went.

    Amy took the dish from her and put it away. "I guess you're right Sis, but I just wanted to help."

    "I know you did Amy, but you have a lot to learn about other people. This is one of the down sides to you having your head burred in a book most the time. You need to learn how to read people, and understand them more." Ann said it as she hugged Amy.

    "Well, I have you here now to teach me Sis." Amy said with a grin as she hugged her big Sis.

    Mandy looked at Chrissy hugging Becky, and Amy hugging Ann. She felt left out so she went and gave Carl a hug and got one back off him. Mandy found hugging Carl very different to hugging Carla, but she couldn't say which one felt better. She just loved hugging him, or her, she thought to herself.

    "Is everything okay again now then?" Amy asked.

    They all looked at each other with big grins and smiles. "I think you can take that as a yes Amy." Carl said as he went to sit down and then pulled Mandy down to sit on his knee.

    "Were good too." Becky said as she did the same with Chrissy as she took a seat at the table, and then pulled Chrissy down to sit on her knee so she could hug her.

    "I'm really glad you got it all sorted out." Amy said as she helped Ann put the dishes away as she wiped them.

    "I'm sorry you had to see that Amy, Ann. I hope you don't think it happens all the time." Mandy said looking a little sorry for what they just saw happen.

    "Please don't worry about it Mandy. Amy and I have seen much worse." Ann said with a giggle as she looked at Amy. They both saw worse on a daily bases back at home with mum and dad. Most of which was aimed at Amy. Ann thought to her self.

    Ann and the others all saw Amy shudder as she thought about being back there. "You okay Amy?" Chrissy asked sounding worried for her friend.

    "Yes, I'm fine, just not some of the fondest memories I have." Amy said with a smile, but they could all tell that she wasn't really fine.

    Ann was soon hugging her, she knew better than any one just how bad life was for Amy back then. Ann brought Amy to the table and sat her down, where she was soon being hugged by Ann one side and Chrissy and Becky on the other, as Chrissy was still sitting on Becky's knee. This really did put a smile back on Amy's face, and Ann was happy that she'd found some real good friends to look after her.

    Carl broke the happy moment when he asked about the pie. "I can tell you're in guy mode at the minute. All you think about is your belly." Mandy said as she pattered Carl's belly while she sat on his knee.

    "I'll get it sorted out, I feel like I'm ready for some myself." Amy said as she went to get up, but was stopped by Ann.

    "Please let me sort the pie out for you all. I'm feeling a little lost at the minute letting you all do everything." Ann said with a pleading voice.

    "Okay Sis, but let me show you where everything is." Amy said as she stood up and then helped her Sis to stand.

    "Thanks Amy." Ann said as she took Amy's hand.

    Amy followed Ann over to the oven so she could get the pie out. Chrissy had put it in there to warm it up on a low light when they finished eating dinner. Then Amy got the tub of ice cream out and put it on the counter for Ann to dish up in the bowls once the pie was in there. Amy was really good and let Ann sort most of it out, she only had to point out where they kept the ice cream scoop and then the desert spoons.

    "Ann, can I ask you a question?" Amy asked as she leaned against the kitchen counter watching Ann dish up.

    "Sure Sis, you can ask anything you want, but you may not get an answer." Ann said with a grin.

    Amy giggled then said, "Where is this job you've got?"

    "I'm going to be doing the accounts for a large company. Well I am really going to be the head of the whole department really; I get to boss people around." Ann said with a grin.

    "Is it a good Company Sis? Can you trust them to treat you right?" Amy asked sounding worried that Ann might have rushed into finding a job.

    "I think I can trust them, they've seemed to treat everyone fare that I have seen working for them so far. If I had to say one thing though, the boss could do with working on his people skills just a little." Ann said with a smile as they each took a couple of dishes to the table.

    "What do you mean by that Ann? Does he come onto the staff? Is he one of them?" Amy gave Ann a funny nod as she said it.

    "I'm not sure Amy, what do you mean by, One of them?" Ann asked trying not to laugh.

    "You know what I mean Ann, you must do." Amy said as she tried to not say what she was thinking.

    "I don't think I do Sis." Ann said with a grin as she sat down at the table after she got hers and Amy's desert.

    "Oh god Ann! Does he like to get in the girls pants!" Amy shouted.

    Ann looked shocked at what Amy had just shouted. She was about to shout at Amy, but was knocked of guard by Carl choking on a peace of pie going down the wrong hole. Amy and Ann both looked at Carl, as did Chrissy and Becky. Mandy was soon patting his back and handing him a glass of water.

    "Are you okay Carl?" Mandy asked once he stopped coughing.

    "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just didn't expect to hear Amy say that." Carl said as he took another sip of water. "I have plenty of my own pants Amy, so I don't need to jump in any girls at all." Carl said with a chuckle.

    Amy sat looking at Ann, then at Carl. "You and you? So you're going to be working for Carl?" Amy asked looking shocked.

    "Yep, I'm going to be the head accountant for the club and the makeover service." Ann said with a grin.

    "Really Sis?" Amy asked once she got over the shock of what Ann just said.

    "Yes. Carl and Mandy gave me a call a couple of weeks back and we had a conference call, they both asked what I did at my other job so I told them. That's when Carl told me what he wanted to do with his accounts department, and asked if I was interested in becoming the head of the new department." Ann said with an even bigger grin.

    "Why didn't you just tell me you would be working for Carl Sis?" Amy shouted as she playfully slapped Ann on the arm. "I'm really sorry Carl; I don't think you're like that for one minute." Amy said as she went red in the face.

    "Don't worry about it Amy. I think it was more the fact that I do like to get in girls pants that made me choke, just not for the reasons you were thinking of." Carl laughed.

    The others all started to laugh as well when they thought about it. Even Amy ended up laughing as well. Ann pulled her into a hug and then said, "I'm sorry Sis for teasing you."

    "Don't be sorry Sis. I'm happy that you're going to be working for a great person." Amy said as she hugged Ann back.

    Amy and Ann sorted out the dishes once they had all eaten their desert while Mandy, Carl, Chrissy and Becky all went to relax in the living room. Chrissy offered to help, but was shooed away by both Amy and Ann. "You and Becky sorted out dinner, and Mandy needs to spend some time with Carl. So we will get the dishes sorted out and join you shortly." Ann said with a smile as she pushed them all out the kitchen.

    They soon had the dishes washed dried and put away. "That didn't take long, did it?" Ann said as she finished drying her hands and then handed the towel to Amy, so she could dry hers.

    "Nope, not long at all. Shall we join the others in the living room then Sis?" Amy asked with a smile. She had really loved spending the day with Ann, even doing the dishes was fun.

    "Sounds like a plan to me Sis." Ann said as she put her arm around Amy's waist and they made their way into the living room.

    The living room was of such a size that there were three sofas and a couple of armchairs, so Ann and Amy took the empty sofa and cuddled up together. The others had all been waiting for them to come and join then before they put a movie on.

    Mandy decided to put Hello Dolly on. They were soon singing along with it and having a laugh.

    Carl called Vic once the film was finished and sorted out for him to pick him up in half an hour. Mandy made the most of the time and cuddled up to Carl till they heard the doorbell.

    They all went to the door to say a quick hello to Vic, and then see Carl off. Amy gave Vic a hug then said, "Thanks for bringing all my gifts back for me Vic."

    "You're welcome Amy. Did you have a good birthday?" Vic asked with a smile.

    "Oh Vic, it was amazing. I can't find the words to thank you all." Amy said as she stood there grinning.

    "That grin says it all Amy. I'm glad you had a great day." Vic said as he gave her another hug. He hugged all the other girls and then said his good byes and went back to the car to get it started.

    Carl hugged the girls as well, he then spent another minute or two kissing and hugging Mandy, before he left and joined Vic and they drove off once Mandy had closed the front door.

    The girls all went to the kitchen. Mandy set about making some drinking chocolate for them all and they sat at the table to drink it.

    "Do you think you'll be able to cope with living here with us then Ann?" Chrissy asked.

    "I love it here. It already feels like home to me, and being back with Amy is the icing on the cake." Ann said as she pulled Amy into a hug, and then playfully started to kiss her cheek and forehead. Amy was soon winning like a kid telling her to stop. This had them all laughing.

    Soon it was time for them to be getting to bed. Mandy and Chrissy had work tomorrow morning, and Becky was having a meeting with Carl, to sort out her new role at the club. Carl also wanted Becky there for when he told Beth about her new job. So they all hugged at Mandy's bedroom door and then went to get ready for bed.

    Chrissy and Becky joined Mandy in her room like they always did and were soon cuddled up together and falling asleep.

    Ann and Amy both brushed their teeth and then got their nightgowns on and climbed into bed. Ann pulled Amy to her and she cuddled her till they both fell asleep. Amy loved the feeling of Ann cuddling her, and she had only happy dreams that night.

    Amy woke first in the morning and lay there watching Ann sleep for a little time, then she slid out of bed and got her dressing gown on and made a quick toilet break before heading down to make a start on breakfast for Chrissy and Mandy.

    Mandy was already sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of tea when Amy got down there. "Morning Amy. How did you sleep last night?" Mandy asked with a smile.

    "Morning Mandy. Sorry I wasn't down in time to get the tea made for you." Amy said sounding a little sad.

    "Don't worry about it Amy, I can make a pot of tea." Mandy giggled. "When it comes to food though, anything more than toast could be pushing it."

    Amy had to giggle at the thought of Mandy trying to cook a full English breakfast. "Best leave the food to me then Mandy."

    "I plan to Amy that is why I only have a cup of tea and not a kitchen full of smoke right now." Mandy said with a grin.

    "I'm beginning to worry about letting you even make a pot of tea now." Amy said with a worried look on her face, but she soon started to giggle again.

    Amy set to work on breakfast, so she could have it ready for when Becky and Chrissy came down. Amy wasn't sure what time Ann would wake up, but she started making enough for them all anyway.

    "Got any big plans for today then Amy?" Mandy asked.

    "Not really, I am still a little shocked that Ann is really here with me. You lot really do go all out with a birthday present, don't you?" Amy said as she worked on breakfast.

    "Yep, we sure do Amy. We were just glad we could get you and Ann back together sooner than you thought. I could tell when I spoke with her that she was missing you a lot." Mandy said as she closed the paper so she could chat with Amy as she worked.

    "I just wish I'd called her now when they kicked me out." Amy almost spat out the word, they. "Why was I stupid enough to believe a word they said?"

    "Don't beat yourself up over it Amy. You were hurting and not really thinking straight. But it all worked out in the end, and you're safe now, and so is Ann." Mandy said with a smile as she stood up and went to give Amy a hug.

    "Thanks Mandy, thanks for everything." Amy said as she hugged Mandy back.

    Once they broke the hug, Mandy rubbed her hands together and then said, "Right then, what can I help you with?"

    Amy put her hands on her hips, and then pointed to the chair Mandy had been sitting in before she got up to hug Amy. "You can sit down and wait for your breakfast." Amy said in a firm voice.

    "Getting bossed around in my own house now, it's not right you know." Mandy said as she sat back down and started to giggle.

    Amy started to giggle as well and then got back to cooking breakfast.

    "You never did answer the question Amy. What you planning on doing today?" Mandy asked as she rested her elbow on the table and then put her hand under her chin.

    "I think I will just take it easy and relax for today, and then see what Ann and I can sort out to do tomorrow. I really want to have a play with the laptop you got me for my birthday." Amy said with a grin. "Thanks again for the gifts Mandy."

    "Think nothing of it Amy; it was nice to see you so happy. I know Ann had a blast at the spa on Saturday. Chrissy and Becky said you had a good time as well."

    "It was really good; I really liked the swimsuit that Sara designed for girls like me. I looked really good in it, even if I do say so myself." Amy said with a grin as she struck a sexy pose.

    Amy went red faced when she heard a wolf whistle come from the door to the kitchen that led out to the hallway. She turned to see Chrissy and Becky stood there giggling at her. "You work it girl." They both said.

    "I was just telling Mandy about the swimsuit Sara designed for girls like me." Amy tried to say in her own defence.

    "They've been making swim suits for sexy girls for many years now Amy." Chrissy said with a grin.

    "You know full well what I mean when I say girls like me." Amy said with her hands on her hips.

    Chrissy walked over to Amy and gave her a hug. "I know what you mean Amy, but it doesn't mean I can't tease you a little still." Chrissy gave her a kiss on the cheek and then went to join Becky at the kitchen table. Both Chrissy and Becky knew by now that Amy liked to sort out breakfast through the week, so they just sat and made the most of each other till it was time for Chrissy to leave for work.

    Amy had just about got everything cooked when they saw a sleepy looking Ann walk through the door. "Morning Ann!" They all shouted.

    "You're all aliens, how can you all be so happy first thing in the morning?" Ann said as she sitting at the table.

    The others all giggled and Mandy poured her a cup of tea. "There you go Ann, maybe that will make you feel a little more human." Mandy said as she slid the cup to Ann.

    Ann put a little cream in it and a spoon of sugar then took a sip of it. "MMM, that feels nice."

    "I take it you're not a morning person then Ann?" Mandy asked with a giggle.

    "I'm fine once I've had my first cup of tea." Ann said with a smile and then she took a couple more sips.

    "I hope you're hungry Sis? I've done you a full English as well." Amy said as she put the first two plates down in front of Mandy and Chrissy.

    "Well it smells nice, and looks even better. So I think I can force it down if I must." Ann said with a grin.

    They could all see by the grin that it wasn't going to be too hard for her to try. Amy put a plate down for Becky and then gave the other one to Ann before she went back to get her own.

    Ann made short work of the breakfast, as did the others. "That was really nice Amy. Thanks you." Chrissy said as she went to finish getting ready for work.

    "That really was a nice breakfast Amy. Thank you." Mandy added with a hug as she left to finish getting ready.

    Ann and Becky got up and both hugged Amy and said the same thing, then they told her to go and take a shower and they would sort out washing the dishes. Amy went to argue with them, but saw the looks they had, so she just smiled and left to get a shower.

    "She is really helpful Ann. Has she always been the same way?" Becky asked as she waited for Ann to start washing the dishes, so she could wipe them.

    "Yes she has, but most the time she just tried to keep out the way at home. Dad hated the fact that Andy wasn't some big beer drinking thug." Ann said with a sad look in her eyes.

    "Was it really that bad for her?" Becky asked, refusing to refer to Amy as anything else.

    "She's a lot tougher than me Becky. I could never have stayed as long as she did and put up with that. I think the only reason she did stay, was because she liked being around me."

    "Sounds like your mum and dad new that, so told her that you gave them the folder that night." Becky said.

    "I think they did. It sort of backfired on them though, as I moved out that night. I left the house and drove around for hours looking for Andy, but couldn't find him as you know," Ann said with a smile.

    "So what happened with you and your parents after you moved out?" Asked Becky.

    "I called my friend Amber and asked if I could stop with her for a couple of days, then called in sick to work the next day, so I could keep looking for Andy. I also went back home to get my things, while mum and dad were at work."

    "How did they take it when you did that?" Becky asked.

    "They were on the phone the minute they got home, but I just told them that I would never be coming back home, and the only reason I stuck it as long as I did was for Andy's sake. They seemed to be even more upset with Andy for that one." Ann said with a chuckle.

    "Does your friend Amber know why you moved out and what happened to Andy?" Becky asked with a knowing nod.

    "Yes she knew. She knew not long after I found out about Andy being Amy. Amy and I had gone shopping in town one Sunday and Amber had seen me with a girl she had never seen before. I think she was worried that I had another group of friends that I didn't want her to know about. So she followed us around for a bit." Ann said as she started washing the dishes and putting them on the draining board.

    "Oh god Ann. Amy never told us your friend knew about Amy." Becky said with a gasp.

    "That's because she never found out." Ann said with a giggle.

    "How come Ann? Did Amber not confront you and Amy that day?" Becky asked looking puzzled.

    "She didn't have too. Amber had been out with Andy and me a lot. She treated him like a little brother, and would do anything for him. As she was following us around, Amber noticed how close we were and then how much alike we seemed to be. Once she put two and two together, she got four." Ann smiled.

    "But how come Amy never found out?" A puzzled looking Becky asked.

    "She told me that if Andy and I wanted her to know, we would have told her." Ann looked a little sad when she said that.

    "That's a shame really; I know Amy would have loved another girl knowing and understanding." Becky said with a sigh.

    "That's what I told her when she said about Andy dressing as a girl. She felt it was partly her fault Amy left like she did that night."

    "Why would your friend think that? She didn't kick him out." Becky said.

    "Amber thought that if she had told us she knew and understood that Amy would have gone there instead of leaving town." Ann was just playing with the bubbles in the sink with a far away look in her eyes.

    "With how your mum and dad sound, they would have just twisted the story to make it sound like Amber and you gave them the folder." Becky said as she wiped a plate and put it away.

    "That's what I told Amber, but I think she still feels bad about it all. I know she was sad she never got to spend time with me and Amy when we did go out on our little shopping trips." Ann said with a week smile.

    "Are you going to miss Amber?" Becky asked.

    "She is the one thing I will miss from back there, but I love being with Amy. Amber was the one that told me to move. I was having second thoughts about it all one night, she said I was stupid to stay there when I now know where Amy was."

    "You do know that she is welcome to come and visit any time, we still have a couple of spare beds. So she wouldn't have to stop at a hotel, not that that would be a problem. We know someone with a hotel." Becky said with a grin.

    Ann giggled. "I know you do."

    "I bet Amy would love to see Amber again by the sound of it." Becky said.

    "I'm not to sure how Amy would take meeting Amber now she is Amy. Amber may remind her of the past to much." Ann said as she bit her lower lip and looked really worried.

    "I can't see Amy being like that, but you could always sort out with Amber to come visit, but don't tell Amy about it. Then the shock will be quick, and Amy will see that Amber still likes her." Becky said with a smile.

    "That would be a good way to sort it out Becky. I'll talk to Amber about it when I call her later to tell her how I'm settling in. I will need to make sure Amy isn't around though." Ann said as she looked to be deep in thought.

    "A can find some stuff to be doing with Amy, while you make the call. Once she says yes, or no, let me know and I will make some plans with Carl to get Amber down here for a weekend. That way she can come to the club and have a real good time of it." Becky was grinning and dancing around as she said it.

    "Thanks Becky, I know Amber would love that. And the chance to see Amy again." Ann was grinning now as well.

    "We're here to help Ann." Becky said. "What does Amber do for a living Ann?" Becky asked trying to make light conversation.

    "She's working in a bar at the minute, as she's working her way through collage. She wants to be a designer."

    "What sort of designer?" Becky asked.

    "A fashion designer. She's really quite good at it, but the cost of trying to put her self through collage and eat can be tough." Ann said.

    "I know that from what Sara told us when she made our wedding dresses. You met Sara on Saturday, didn't you?" Becky asked.

    "Yes I did, Amy dragged me over to meet the girl that made her dress. She is very talented. I know Amber would love to meet her and talk about designs." Ann said with a chuckle.

    "When Amber comes to visit, we will arrange for Sara and Cathy to come for dinner, or we can all go out to eat and then they will have a chance to chat." Becky smiled.

    "That would be really great Becky if they could." Ann said grinning.

    "You only need to ask Ann, and we will do what ever we can to help you settle in. I'm sure Amy wouldn't want to see you feeling down, or upset because you miss seeing your friends." Becky smiled.

    "I know she wouldn't Becky, but I just don't know how she's going to take seeing Amber after all this time." Ann looked a little worried as she said it.

    "Amy may be a little shocked, but once she sees that Amber doesn't hate her, Amy will be happy I bet." Becky was grinning now.

    Ann thought about it for a bit and then said, "I guess your right Becky. I'm just full of worry still. I just want to protect my little sister." Ann smiled.

    "You're not the only one Ann. But I don't think she's at risk from this Amber, not unless hugging her to death counts." Becky giggled.

    Ann had to giggle as well, as that would be the only harm Amber would ever do to Amy. "You about have that right there Becky."

    "Someone sounds happy in here." They both heard Chrissy say as she walked into the kitchen with Mandy close behind.

    Ann and Becky turned to where the voice came from and saw Chrissy and Mandy stood there with the business suits on ready to leave for the shop. "Wow, you two look very professional." Ann said.

    "Thanks Ann. We do scrub up okay when we want to." Mandy said with a grin.

    "You both always look beautiful, but you also look very professional now to go with it." Ann said with a smile.

    "You're like a breath of fresh air to have around first thing in the morning Ann. Thank you for the kind words. When you see us tonight, we will just look warn out and ready for a rest." Mandy giggled.

    "Is it really that hard at the shop everyday?" Ann asked.

    "Yes it is most days. The makeover service and the hotel is really busy now, which means the club is a lot busier now as well. That's why Carl needs someone to help out managing the place." Mandy smiled at Becky, who was hugging Chrissy like she was going away on a trip for a month or two.

    "Do you have to leave me babe?" Becky asked as she rubbed noses with Chrissy and then kissed her.

    "You know I do lover, but I will be thinking about you every minute till I see you again." Chrissy said just before kissing her back.

    "You're only going to the shop for the day Chrissy, not going away for a week!" Mandy said as she grabbed Chrissy by the arm and started to pull her towards the kitchen door that led out to the hallway.

    "I know I am Sis, but I'm still going to miss her." Chrissy wined as she was pulled along.

    Becky followed close behind, so Mandy let her give Chrissy one more kiss and then they were off out the door. Leaving Becky and Ann stood at the door waving as they drove off out the driveway and up the road.

    Ann could see that Becky was already missing Chrissy, from the way her shoulders dropped as they went back into the house. "You okay Becky?" Ann asked.

    "Yes, I'll be okay. I always feel a little down when I first say good bye to Chrissy whether it is her going to the shop, or me going to the club. I'll be okay again in ten minutes." Becky said with a week smile.

    "You two really do love each other, don't you?" Ann said with a warm smile.

    "We really do Ann. I have no idea how I lived without her in my life." Becky said as she looked to be trying to think of a time she didn't have Chrissy there with her.

    Ann put her arm around Becky and gave her a hug. She knew it wouldn't replace Chrissy, but she hoped it would at least help Becky feel a little better. "I think it's really nice to see two people so in love still after being together for as long as you and Chrissy have."

    "You make us sound like an old married couple when you say it like that." Becky said as she poked Ann in the side, then they both giggled.

    "I'm sorry; I didn't mean it to sound like that really. I just mean that you still both act like you just met a couple of days ago." Ann said as she rubbed her side where Becky just poked her.

    "That's just how we both feel about each other. Guess it comes from not getting much love as a kid, for both of us." Becky said as she walked back to the kitchen with Ann.

    Becky led Ann to the table and sat her down while she made a fresh pot of tea for them all.

    "Becky. Do you mind if I ask you something." Ann sounded a little worried as she said it.

    "Sure Ann, what is it?" Becky asked as she put the kettle on.

    "Why have you all gone so far to help Amy? Don't get me wrong, I think it's all really great, but none of you had to do a thing really." Ann looked nerves as she spoke.

    Becky walked over to the table and pulled out the seat next to Ann and sat down. "We could all tell that Amy was a good person, just by the fact that she saved Chrissy at the risk of her own life, and we were right. Do you think we did the wrong thing Ann?"

    "No Becky, not for one minute. I just feel that Chrissy is sometimes going out of her way to make sure Amy doesn't want for anything. I just wondered if there was more to it than just her being Chrissy." Ann said with a giggle.

    Becky knew what Ann was getting at and chuckled herself. "I know what you mean Ann." Becky took a deep breath and then let it out again before saying. "Chrissy cried her heart out to me the night we went and sorted out the place where Amy was staying. She saw how little she had and how there was no food in. She had already seen how thin Amy was. Prue said that Amy hadn't eaten in some days when they first brought her into the hospital." Becky had to stop as she was getting upset, just thinking back to the first time she saw Amy lying in the hospital bed.

    "I'm sorry Becky; I didn't mean to stir up painful memories for you." Ann said as she held Becky's hand.

    "That's okay Ann; you need to know what drove Chrissy to help Amy." Becky said with a smile as she wiped away a tear. "Chrissy saw what could have happened to her, but she got lucky. David found her at the bus station, then she found Mandy and everything went her way. So Chrissy wants to do the same for Amy that is the simple truth Ann." Becky just sat looking at Ann to see what her reaction would be.

    "I see now then why Chrissy does what she does. I'm sorry for having any doubts, but I just wanted to make sure Amy was going to be okay." Ann said feeling foolish for even thinking that any of them would want to hurt Amy.

    "That's okay Ann, what are big sisters for, if not to keep an eye out for their little sister." Becky said with a smile as she gave Ann a hug.

    "She really is amazing isn't she?" Ann said.

    "I know I'm lucky to have her, she's cheated death twice now. I hope there is never a third." Becky shuddered as she said it.

    "So do I Becky, I hope the same for Amy as well. I'm not sure I could have kept it all together if I had seen her lying in that hospital bed. I'm so glad she had you all there with her while she was getting better." Ann felt a tear running down her cheek as she spoke.

    "They're the only reason I got better Sis." Amy said from the doorway.

    Ann and Becky turned to see Amy stood there with a tear running down her face as well. "I think they're all amazing Sis, and I am glad I can call them my friends." Amy said as she came and hugged Becky and Ann.

    "Were not friends Amy, were family." Becky said as she hugged Amy back.

    "That sounds even better then Sis." Amy said with a grin.

    Becky went to get up to finish making the tea, but Amy stopped her and went to finish making it.

    Ann felt better now she had all that off her chest. So they all sat and drank their tea.

    "You two got any big plans for today?" Becky asked.

    "Nothing exciting really, I need to get my stuff unpacked." Ann said.

    "I plan to help Ann unpack, and just spend as much time with her as I can." Amy said with a grin.

    "I'm not going to be leaving Amy, so you can relax and just do what you normally do." Ann said with a giggle.

    "Well I would normally follow Becky around and bug her, but she's going out with Carl later, so I will just bug you instead." Amy stuck her tong out at Ann in a playful way.

    "I'll give you sticking your tong out at me young lady." Ann started to tickle Amy till she was having trouble breathing.

    "That's not fare Sis. You know that I'm really ticklish!" Amy screamed once Ann stopped.

    "I know that's what makes you such an easy target." Ann giggled.

    Becky just sitting watching them play around, she was happy to see Amy having so much fun. Becky looked at the time and then said, "I better go and take a shower and get ready. Carl will be here soon."

    "Okay Becky. What time do you think you'll be back?" Amy asked.

    "I'm not to sure Amy, but I'll be back for dinner." Becky said as she stood up.

    "Did you have anything special planned for dinner?" Asked Amy.

    "Not really, I'll let you two go mad and decide." Becky smiled at them both, and then she left to go and get ready for Carl.

    Amy got the cups together and then went and washed them out, while Ann headed up to hers and Amy's room so she could make a start on unpacking the rest of her cloths.

    Chrissy and Mandy got to the shop and made a start on sorting out the orders for the Service at the hotel, ready for when they dropped off lunch. So they could take them away with them ready for Maria and Cathy that afternoon. Chrissy was just finishing up the last order when she heard the bell above the shop door ding. When she looked to see who it was, Chrissy found it to be Vic and another man.

    "Hi Vic, they got you doing the lunchtime run now then?" Chrissy asked with a smile.

    "I offered to do it as this gentlemen wanted to come and see you." Vic waved his hand towards the man stood with him.

    Chrissy looked at the man stood with Vic. "Welcome to mystique. I'm Chrissy." She said as she held out her hand for him to shake. Chrissy thought she saw a look of sadness cross his face, but he soon looked like he realised something and took Chrissy's hand and shook it.

    "Hello Chrissy, my names Hugh." The man looked a little nervous.

    "What can we do for you then Hugh?" Chrissy asked with a smile.

    "I'm sorry to bother you, but I asked Vic if he could show me where you worked, so I could give you these." Hugh pulled a large box of very expensive chocolates out from behind his back and handed them to Chrissy.

    Chrissy looked a little puzzled at the chocolates, then she got a shocked look on her face when she realised that this man must have a crush on her. "Why thank you." Chrissy said trying to sound polite about the gift, but she was really worried about how he would react when she said she wasn't interested. "They look really nice, but you do realise that I'm married?" Chrissy said, as she looked Hugh in the eyes.

    Hugh got a puzzled look on his face when Chrissy said that, but soon changed to one of shock once he realised what she was getting at. "I'm sorry Chrissy, but I'm not trying to come on to you. I just wanted to say thank you."

    "Thank you for what? Did you buy something from us for your girlfriend, or wife? Or even yourself?" Chrissy asked with a puzzled look.

    "You really don't know who I am, do you?" Hugh said with a smile.

    Chrissy was really looking at Hugh now, she could see something about him she knew, but couldn't say she had ever seen him before. "I'm sorry Hugh, but I don't think we've ever met before." Chrissy said sounding really sorry as she said it.

    "I really did look different then on Saturday night." Hugh said with a grin.

    "Oh, so you were at the club on Saturday night." Chrissy said as she realised that he would have been dressed as a woman. That is why she didn't recognise him.

    "Yes I was at the club on Saturday night, and this really great woman helped me have a really good time. Even though I was ready to call it a night because I couldn't fix my makeup." Hugh said with an even bigger grin as he saw the lights come on in Chrissy's eyes.

    "Hannah! You're Hannah?" Chrissy asked in a shocked voice. As she gave him a hug. "I'm so sorry, but you look so different in boy mode."

    "That's okay Chrissy, it was kind of fun watching you try and work out who I was." Hugh said.

    "Thanks for the gift, but you really didn't have to." Chrissy said as she looked at the large box of Chocolates.

    "It's the least I can do; I had a really great night because of you. And I'm sorry for worrying you over the whole thinking I wanted a date thing. I saw the way you and Becky are. I wouldn't stand a chance with you, and would never even try. I would like to be friends though, if you don't mind?" Hugh asked.

    "I thought we already were?" Chrissy said with a grin, as she gave Hugh another hug.

    "Don't let Becky see you hugging strange men." Mandy said as she walked out into the main shop with Vic.

    Chrissy jumped when Mandy said that, but she soon started grinning and showing Mandy the chocolates he got for her. "Look what Hannah got me Sis."

    "You'll get fat Chrissy." Mandy said with a grin.

    "Don't you mean we'll get fat Sis? I'm going to share them with you all." Chrissy said as she handed the box to Mandy, so she could get a better look at them.

    "In that case, then who cares if we get fat." Mandy was grinning.

    "Did you know it was Hannah, Sis?" Chrissy asked.

    "Yes, but only because Vic told me." Mandy said. "You do look very different today Hannah, I must say." She added.

    "Please call me Hugh. Mandy." Hugh held out his hand for Mandy to shake.

    "Nice to meet you Hugh. I'm glad that Saturday turned out okay for you in the end. It would have been a shame for you to miss out." Mandy said with a smile as she shook his hand. She noticed how smooth they felt, so she knew that he didn't work with his hands.

    "So am I Mandy, and I owe it all to Chrissy here." Hugh said as he smiled at Chrissy.

    "Good luck on making her see that." Mandy said with a giggle.

    Vic had to giggle as well as she looked at Mandy with a look that said. "Good one."

    Hugh just looked a little puzzled, as he didn't get the joke. "Take no notice of them Hugh. They all love to tease me about not being able to take a complement." Chrissy said as she turned and stuck her tong out and Mandy and Vic.

    "Well I really hope you take this one Chrissy, because you really did help turn a miserable night around for me." Hugh said with a big smile.

    "I'm just glad I was there to help Hannah." Chrissy smiled.

    Hugh liked the use of the name Hannah. He hoped to be able to let her out again soon.

    Chrissy gave him a card with her email and mobile number on, as well as all the info for the shop. He said that he would be buying some more underwear soon and that he would be coming to them. He was also going to tell everyone in the chat room's he went to, just how great the club is, and how helpful all the staff was at Mystiques.

    Mandy and Chrissy walked Vic and Hugh to the door and then locked it so they could go and eat lunch in peace for half an hour.

    "That was really nice of him I think." Mandy said as they sat down to rest their feet for a bit.

    "I was really worried when he first came in and handed me the chocolates Sis. I thought he was going to ask me out on a date." Chrissy said looking worried.

    "I don't think Vic would have brought him here if that was the case." Mandy said with a giggle.

    "I guess you're right Sis, but I wasn't really thinking straight when he handed me the box." Chrissy replied.

    "I've noticed how your brain shuts down when you panic Sis." Mandy said with a grin as she handed Chrissy a tub with tuna salad in it and a bottle of water.

    "I know Sis, but I can't help it. I panic, and then I just want to run away. I'm trying to work on it." Chrissy said with a pout.

    "I know you are Chrissy, and I still love you even with that little flaw." Mandy said as she pulled Chrissy into a hug.

    "Thanks Sis, I love you too." Chrissy said as she hugged Mandy back.

    Once they'd eaten, they cleaned the dirty dishes away and then unlocked the door again, ready for the afternoon session.

    Carl had picked up Becky, so it was just Ann and Amy at home. They had been unpacking Ann's stuff, and Amy got to try some of her clothes on that Ann had brought since Amy left home.

    "Are you hungry Sis?" Amy asked as she put her skirt and T-shirt back on.

    "I am, come to think about it." Ann said as she put her hand to her belly.

    "Want to share a bowl of soup with me, and a crusty roll?" Amy said with a grin.

    "MMM, that sounds good Sis. Lead the way." Ann said as she put her arm around Amy's waist and they headed down to the kitchen.

    Amy loved the simple act of Ann putting her hand around her waist. It just felt like they were so close. Amy was still having trouble believing that Ann was really there with her. She would sit and stair at Ann when she wasn't looking.

    Once they got to the kitchen, Amy set Ann to work on opening a can of soup while she sorted out some part baked rolls and put them in the oven to cook. Ann had the soup in a saucepan by the time Amy finished with the rolls.

    "I'll leave putting the soup on till the rolls come out the oven, that way the rolls can be cooling down while I warm the soup up." Ann said as she led Amy to the kitchen table, so they could sit and chat while the rolls cooked.

    "How you liking the others Ann?" Amy asked as she sitting down next to Ann and rested her head on Ann's shoulder.

    "I really love them all Amy. You got real lucky finding them." Ann said as she rested her head against Amy's.

    "It didn't feel that luck to start with Sis." Amy said with a giggle, as she thought about getting hit by the van.

    "True Amy, but you have to look at the up side to any bad situation. You suffered for saving Chrissy, but got a far better reward for doing it. They do say fait works in strange ways."

    "Well it sure did that Sis." Amy giggled, and Ann had to join in as well.

    They both got up when the time said it was time to take the rolls out. Ann lit the stove and then stood stirring the soup while Amy got the rolls out and cut them open so they would cool quicker. Once they cooled down enough she put them on a plate and then helped Ann serve up the soup in a couple of bowls, they then returned to the table to enjoy their lunch.

    Ann spent the rest of the afternoon telling Amy some story's about what she had been up to while Amy was away. Amy made a start on dinner when it was getting close to the time Chrissy and Mandy would be home.

    Chrissy and Mandy had just put the last bag of stuff in the boot and locked up the shop. "I'm beat Sis." Chrissy said as she sat in the car, ready to drive to the post office.

    "I know what you mean Chrissy. I think we really need to look at getting someone else to help us out at the shop." Mandy replied as she started the car and pulled away.

    "The problem is going to be finding someone we can trust." Chrissy said sounding a little worried.

    "What about Amy? She did offer to come and help out last week." Mandy said.

    "That would be great Sis!" Chrissy shouted as she clapped her hands together like a child.

    "We'll have a chat with her later and see if she wants to give it a go. She won't want to start for a couple of weeks though, not till Ann starts work for Carl." Mandy said with a chuckle.

    "I can understand that Sis. It wouldn't be fare on Ann to suddenly be alone in a strange town." Chrissy said with a smile.

    They dropped the parcels off at the post office and then headed for home, ready for a rest.

    Ann and Amy heard the front door and then saw Chrissy and Mandy enter the kitchen. "Hello. You two look warn out." Ann said as she pulled out a couple of chairs for them to sit on.

    "We are it was really busy today at the shop." Mandy said as she took the seat and fell down onto it.

    Chrissy put the box of chocolates down on the table and then sat down next to Mandy. Amy saw the chocolates and then said, "Thanks Chrissy, I didn't know you cared so much." As she went to grab them.

    Chrissy beat her to it and said, "I do care that much, but they were given to me." Chrissy stuck her tong out at Amy as she pulled them closer to her chest to protect them.

    Amy giggled as she was only playing with Chrissy. Then she said, "Who's giving you chocolates then Chrissy? Does Becky have some competition?"

    Chrissy thought Amy sounded way too excited when she said that. "No! I will only ever love Becky in that way. Thank you very much." Chrissy said in a firm voice.

    "So who gave you such an expensive box of chocolates then?" Amy asked as she sat next to Chrissy, hoping for some good gossip.

    "If you must know, they were a gift from a nice man called Hugh." Chrissy said keeping Amy on tender hooks.

    "Hugh, Hugh Who?" Amy said looking puzzled as to why Chrissy would be taking chocolates from a man.

    "Hello Amy, I can see you." Chrissy said with a giggle, at the way Amy just said Hugh who.

    Mandy and Ann both caught onto it too and sat giggling. Amy was getting a little upset with not knowing who gave Chrissy the chocolates. "Please Chrissy; tell me who gave you the chocolates." Amy wined.

    "I just told you Amy, it was a guy called Hugh." Chrissy said.

    "Do I know him then Chrissy?" Amy said sounding really ticked off with Chrissy's little game.

    "No, and yes Amy." Chrissy said with a grin.

    "So I've met him, or some form of him?" Amy was grinning now herself.

    "Yes you have met a form of him, or should I say her!" Chrissy was grinning even more.

    "That could make it anyone I met on Saturday night, and you know it." Amy said in a long drawn out voice.

    "Okay then, I will give you a big clue as to who it was. I personally helped this girl have a good time on Saturday night, so she wanted to thank me for the help." Chrissy said with a grin.

    "Oh! Oh! Was it Hannah?" Amy shouted as she sat up waving her hands around like she just won some competition.

    "Yep, you got it Amy. Vic brought her or more him to the shop so he could give me these and say thank you for a great night." Chrissy smiled as she ran her hand across the top of the chocolate box.

    "We all helped her have a good time too Chrissy." Amy said with a grin as she looked at the chocolates.

    "Don't worry Amy; I plan to share them with you all." Chrissy let Amy take the box so she could have a look inside.

    Amy slid the lid off the box and got a rich smell of chocolate attacking her right away. "MMM, they smell really nice." Amy went to take one, but got her hand slapped.

    "Not till you've eaten your dinner Sis." Ann said as she put the lid back on and took them to the pantry to keep them cool.

    "Owe! That hurt Sis." Amy shouted as she rubbed her hand, where Ann just slapped it.

    "I'm not going have you spoiling your dinner, by eating chocolates this close to it being ready." Ann said in a firm voice, just like she was scolding a child.

    "I wasn't going to eat one Sis. I was just going to turn one over that looked to be the wrong way up." Amy tried to sound sincere as she said it.

    "I'm sure you were Sis, and I hear the other one has bells on it." Ann said with her hands on her hips as she looked at Amy.

    "You can't blame a girl for trying." Amy said with a grin when she realised that Ann was on to her little plan from the start.

    "I know. And you can't blame a Sister for stopping you." Ann said with a grin back at Amy.

    Chrissy and Mandy were giggling at the two of them playing around. They were both happy to see Amy having some fun with her Sister.

    "Have I got time to take a quick shower before dinner is ready?" Mandy asked.

    "Sure Mandy, dinner won't be ready for another twenty five minutes yet." Amy said.

    Mandy dragged herself off the seat she was sitting on and made her way up to take a shower in some hope that it would make her feel a bit more energetic.

    "Are you not going to take a shower and get changed out of your work cloths Chrissy?" Ann asked.

    "I'll take my shower later, when Becky goes to get ready to go to the club. We can save some water that way." Chrissy said with a grin.

    "That's so thoughtful of you Chrissy." Ann said in a very sarcastic voice.

    "Just trying to do my bit for the environment." Chrissy giggled.

    Chrissy was chatting with Ann and Amy about how their day went until they heard the front door, and then they saw Becky and Carl walk into the kitchen. Chrissy jumped up and ran to Becky. "Hello lover." She said as she through her arms around Becky's neck and kissed her.

    "Hello babe." Becky said back once they broke the kiss. "Did you miss me?" She asked Chrissy with a grin.

    "You know I always miss you Becky, when were not together." Chrissy said with a pout.

    "I miss you too babe." Becky said as she pulled Chrissy into another kiss.

    "You too should think about getting a room if you carry on like that." Carl said with a chuckle.

    "Hi Carl, thanks for bringing my lover back safe to me." Chrissy said as she went to give Carl a hug.

    "You're most welcome Chrissy." Carl said as he hugged her back. "Is Mandy here?" Carl asked.

    "Yes she is, but she went up to take a shower a little while ago. She should be back down any minute." Chrissy said.

    "That's okay then. I better wait to say Hi, or I will never hear the last of it." Carl said with a grin.

    "You're more than welcome to stay for dinner Carl. There should be more than enough to go around." Amy said as she checked on the food.

    "I really don't want to impose on you all." Carl said.

    "Don't be silly Carl, like you said on Saturday. We're all just one big family. And I'm sure Mandy would love to spend some time with you." Amy said with a grin.

    "Okay then Amy, I will stop for dinner. But only if it's no trouble?" Carl said, as Chrissy and Becky led him to a chair at the table.

    Carl hadn't been sitting down long when Mandy came into the kitchen. She saw Carl sitting at the table and then ran over and jumped on his knee. "Hello baby." Carl said as he pulled her into a hug and then kissed her.

    "Hello Hon." Mandy said, once she got her breath back after the kiss.

    "I hope you don't mind, but Amy asked me to stop for dinner." Carl said with a grin.

    "I don't mind nibbling on you for dinner, but the rest of them will have to find something else, because I'm not sharing you with anyone." Mandy said with a grin as she kissed Carl again.

    "You're safe there Sis, I think we would much rather have what Amy cooked. I think Carl would be an acquired taste." Chrissy said with a giggle.

    Mandy looked at Chrissy and then the others as soon as she realised that they all heard her little chat with Carl. She soon got over it thought when she saw they were all grinning at her, then they all broke out in a fit of giggles, which set Mandy and Carl off as well.

    "Hay Becky, you need to keep an eye on Chrissy, she has men buying her big boxes of chocolates." Amy said with a grin.

    "What!" Becky said in a harsh voice, as she looked right at Chrissy with an evil look.

    "It's not what you think babe." Chrissy said sounding worried at the look on Becky's face.

    "And just what do I think it is then? Babe!" Becky almost spat out the word, Babe.

    "Why you being like this with me Becky?" Chrissy asked sounding really worried. "Do you not trust me any more?"

    "I don't know Chrissy, shouldn't I trust you?" Becky asked with her hands on her hips, waiting for an answer from Chrissy.

    "What do you mean by that Becky? I've never given you any reason to not trust me." Chrissy asked, sounding really hurt now.

    "I don't know what I mean Chrissy. I just found out you have men buying you chocolates." Becky snapped back.

    Chrissy jumped back scared at how Becky was being. Chrissy was so scared, she couldn't think straight any more, so she just turned and ran from the kitchen in a flood of tears.

    Becky just stood and watched her leave, not even trying to stop her, or follow. She turned to see everyone looking at her. Amy had the most shocked look on her face, out of them all. Becky didn't know what to say to any of them. She was still mad at Chrissy for taking Chocolates from strange men. She was soon snapped out of her mood though when she heard Mandy shout at her.

    "What the hell was that all about?" Mandy said as she jumped up of Carl's knee.

    Becky jumped back, much like Chrissy had done with her. "I just wanted to know why Chrissy was taking Chocolates of some guy." Becky said.

    "You have a funny way of asking her then. Sounded more like you thought they were already sleeping together." Mandy snapped.

    "I didn't mean to Mandy. I just can't understand why some guy would be buying her Chocolates other than to try and take her out on a date." Becky said close to tears.

    "Do you really think that Chrissy would ever want to go out on a date with a guy?" Mandy made it sound like Becky had just said the dumbest thing ever.

    "Then can you please tell me why?" Becky asked.

    "They were a thank you for Saturday night." Mandy said.

    "Why? What happened Saturday night that would make some guy buy Chrissy chocolates?" Becky asked in a puzzled voice.

    "Remember the girl that Chrissy helped with her makeup?" Mandy said in a calm voice.

    "Yes, I remember Hannah." Becky said.

    "Well, that is the guy that brought Chrissy the chocolates. Vic brought him by the shop today. He wanted to thank her for helping Hannah have such a good time." Mandy said as she pulled Becky into a hug.

    "I'm sorry Mandy. I do trust Chrissy. I have no idea why I acted like I did." Becky said as she started to cry on Mandy's shoulder.

    "You're telling the wrong person all this Becky. You need to go and find Chrissy and tell her." Mandy released Becky from the hug so she could go in search of Chrissy, in some hope of fixing her screw up.

    They all watched as Becky left in search of her lover. Ann turned to see if Amy needed any help dishing up dinner, but was shocked to see her stood there crying.

    "Hay Sis, what ever is wrong?" Ann asked as she pulled Amy into a hug.

    "I'm sorry Sis; I never meant to course any trouble for Chrissy. Or make Becky think Chrissy was seeing a guy. Some friend I make." Amy said as she cried on her sister's shoulder.

    "Don't speak like that Amy. How were you to know that Becky would react like that? They will sort it all out, and everything will be fine again." Ann stroked Amy's hair as she spoke.

    "I hope so Sis, I really do." Amy let Ann stroke her hair as it made her feel a little better just knowing that Ann would always be there for her. "You'll always be my friend, right?" Amy asked as she rested her head on Ann's shoulder.

    "You know I will silly. So will Mandy, Chrissy and Becky too." Ann said.

    "I'm sorry to say it Amy, but you're stuck with all of us now." Mandy said as she came over to see why Amy was so upset.

    "I wish I could believe that Mandy, but with what I just did, I'm sure that Chrissy and Becky will hate me now." Amy started to cry again.

    Becky pulled Amy into a hug and then said, "You have a lot to learn about Chrissy yet. She hasn't got a hateful bone in her body, neither has Becky. They would give you a good telling off though for thinking like that." Mandy giggled.

    "I hope you're right Mandy. I'm sorry for being such a pain." Amy said, as she wiped her eyes with a tissue Ann had just handed her.

    "Hay, you're not a pain, or any trouble. It was just a silly mix up, and Becky should have known better that to jump to the wrong conclusions." Mandy said in a firm voice

    Amy felt like a little kid as Mandy told her off. "Sorry Mandy."

    "That's okay Amy; just don't let it bother you." Mandy said as she gave Amy another hug before letting her get back to sorting out dinner.

    Becky had gone to their room to see if Chrissy was in there. She found her lying on the bed with her back to the door. "Chrissy, can we speak about this?" Becky asked in a soft voice, as she made her way over to the bed.

    "I don't think theirs anything to talk about Becky. You made it clear down stairs that you don't trust me, and I chase the guys around and tease them into buying me chocolates." Chrissy said without even looking at Becky.

    Becky just stood next to the bed looking at Chrissy's back. She knew that is how she made it seem in the kitchen. Becky still had no idea why she even doubted Chrissy. "Chrissy, please sit up and talk to me about this. I'm sorry." Becky sat on the bed and touched Chrissy's shoulder, but Chrissy pulled away and slid off the other side of the bed and went to the bathroom.

    "Just go away Becky. You can't just say sorry after all this and expect me to be okay with it." Chrissy had turned to look at Becky as she spoke, and Becky could see the tears running down Chrissy's cheeks.

    Becky got up and ran to where Chrissy was, but Chrissy closed the bathroom door and locked it. Becky knocked on the door. "Chrissy, Chrissy. Please let me in, I am really sorry. Please just let me hold you." Becky could hear Chrissy crying on the other side of the door, but she couldn't do anything about it. So she turned her back to the door and just slid down the door to end up sitting on the floor. Becky started to cry as well, as she thought how stupid she was for hurting the one she loved.

    Chrissy was sitting on the toilet crying, when she heard someone else crying, so she got some toilet paper and dried her eyes then went to listen at the door. She could tell that it was Becky crying. As upset as Chrissy was, she couldn't stand the thought of Becky crying on the other side of the door. She unlocked the door very slowly and opened it.

    Becky was so upset with what she had done, she never heard Chrissy unlock the door. So when Chrissy opened the door, Becky fell into the bathroom nearly banging her head on the floor. If not for Chrissy's quick reactions, she dropped to her knees and caught Becky's head in her lap.

    Becky was shocked to feel the door she was leaning against suddenly disappear, but she had no time to react and felt herself falling backwards. She was even more shocked when her head hit something soft. She looked up to see Chrissy looking down at her. Becky went to speak, but was stopped by Chrissy putting her finger on Becky's lips, as if to say. "Don't say a word."

    Chrissy wiped away all the messy eye makeup and then she leaned down and kissed Becky.

    Becky closed her eyes as she let Chrissy wipe away all the makeup. It felt so good to have Chrissy touch her face again. It felt even better when she felt Chrissy's lips touch hers in a kiss. When Becky did open her eyes she was looking at Chrissy upside down, but she could still see that Chrissy felt hurt by what Becky had done.

    Becky sat up and turned around to face Chrissy, who had now sitting on the bathroom floor. Becky sat down facing her then said, "I'm sorry Chrissy, I never should have acted like I did. Please forgive me?"

    "I thought that kiss would have already told you I did." Chrissy said.

    "What made you change your mind? I thought you said it would take more than me saying sorry." Becky asked with a puzzled look.

    "I could hear you crying through the door, and it hurt right here to hear that." Chrissy put her hand to her hart as she spoke, and Becky saw another tear run down Chrissy's cheek.

    Becky had to put her hand to her mouth when Chrissy did that, she had never realised just how much Chrissy really did love her. "Now I am really sorry I acted like I did." Becky pulled Chrissy into a hug as they sat on the floor.

    "Do you mind if we go and sit on the bed and hug Babe? My knees are hurting a little." Chrissy asked as they sat hugging on the bathroom floor.

    "Anything for my lover." Becky said as she kissed Chrissy, just before getting to her feet and helping Chrissy up.

    Chrissy walked very slowly over to the bed and then sat on it with a sigh. She started to rub her knees.

    "What's wrong Chrissy?" Becky asked sounding worried.

    "I'll be okay. I just hit the floor of the bathroom a little hard as I tried to stop you banging your head." Chrissy said with a weak smile.

    "I'm sorry babe; I never wanted you to hurt yourself." Becky said as she took over the rubbing of Chrissy's knees.

    "Don't worry about it Becky, I was the one that opened the door. And I wasn't about to see you hurt your head." Chrissy put her hand up to Becky's head and then rubbed the back of it and smiled at Becky, just before she pulled Becky into another kiss.

    "I am really sorry for being so foolish. Mandy told me everything down stairs, she was pretty mad at me for hurting you." Becky said when they broke the kiss. "I really don't know why I got so worked up about it all now." Becky added.

    "I'm sure I don't babe. You're the only person I have ever loved, and I do mean ever!" Chrissy said with a firm look on her face.

    "I know Chrissy that is why I feel so foolish about it all." Becky said looking a little red in the face. Chrissy wasn't sure if it was due to the embarrassment, or the Kiss, but she thought the colour suited her.

    "I'll let you off this time. And for the record, you will always be the only one I will ever love like this. Chrissy pulled Becky back for another kiss, but this time she gave it everything she had.

    Becky was short of breath by the time Chrissy let her come up for air. "Wow babe, you sure know how to make a point." Becky said with a grin.

    "Some times I have to with you lover." Chrissy said with an even bigger grin. "Are you ready to face the others, so we can go and get some dinner?" Chrissy asked.

    "As long as I have you Chrissy, I can face anything." Becky smiled back as she helped Chrissy to stand up.

    Chrissy took Becky's hands and stood up, then bent her knees a couple of times to make sure they were okay again. Most the pain had gone now, so they made their way down for dinner.

    Carl and Mandy were sitting at the kitchen table while Ann and Amy were just bringing the last of the bowls of food over. Amy turned when she heard Chrissy speak, she was happy to see Chrissy and Becky holding hands. Amy knew that they were speaking again now.

    "Can we help with anything?" Chrissy asked.

    "Not really Chrissy, but thanks for asking." Ann said with a smile.

    Chrissy and Becky took their seats at the table and then waited for Ann and Amy to sit before they all made a start on filling their plates up.

    Amy sat picking at her food while the others all got stuck in. Ann asked Amy a couple of times if everything was okay, to which Amy said "Yes."

    Chrissy and Becky got up and sorted desert, due to Amy and Ann cooking the dinner. They just got a chocolate cake out and added some squirtie cream to it.

    Ann and Amy cleared the table so Mandy could spend some time with Carl before he had to leave to get ready to go to the club. And Chrissy could go and take a shower and help Becky get ready.

    "Are you sure you're okay Sis? You hardly touched your dinner, and never really said much all the way through the meal." Ann asked with some worry in her voice.

    "Yes I'm fine Sis, just getting use to having you here and the fun Birthday weekend getting to me. I'll be alright after a good nights sleep." Amy said with a fake smile.

    Ann knew that something was bothering Amy, she had years of practice looking for the signs with Andy back home. The same signs were still there even though she was looking at a girl now. "Okay Sis. I hope you're back to your old self then tomorrow." Ann said with a smile.

    "I hope not Sis." Amy said with a grin.

    "Good point Amy, good point." Ann giggled.

    They soon had the dishes done. Ann went to the living room, while Amy said she was going to play around with her new laptop upstairs on the bed.

    Ann got to the living room and took a seat on one of the sofas. "Well that's the dishes all washed and put away." Ann said as she sat down.

    "Where's Amy?" Mandy asked.

    "She said she was going to have a play with her new laptop upstairs in our room." Ann replied.

    "She could have done that down here." Mandy said.

    "I think she just wants some time to herself. She's not use to having so many people caring for her, and I think the whole thing with Chrissy and Becky has left her feeling a little upset with herself." Ann sounded a little sad as she said it.

    "I thought we had all that sorted out?" Mandy asked sounding a little shocked.

    "She'll be fine, just give her some time to get over it." Ann said.

    "Okay then Ann, you should know best out of us all." Mandy smiled.

    Carl had rang Vic and told him he would drop Becky off at the club, and asked him to bring Carla's outfit to the club, so he could change there. Carl waited for Chrissy and Becky to come down and then they both said their goodbyes to Mandy and Chrissy before leaving for the club.

    Chrissy followed Mandy to the living room, but looked a little puzzled when she found only Ann sitting on one of the sofas watching the telly.

    "Where's Amy?" Chrissy asked.

    "She said she was going to play around with her new laptop in our room." Ann said.

    "Oh, okay then. She could have sitting down here and played around with it though." Chrissy said, as she sat down next to Mandy and cuddled up to her. Mandy looked at Ann, but never said anything, she new it was up to Amy and the others to sort this all out.

    Amy sat playing with her new laptop for a couple of hours. She loved the fact that Mandy had set it all up for her. She could get on the net using the wireless connection, so she surfed the net for a bit, then ended up playing a couple of card games till she felt tired, then she got ready for bed and climbed in.

    Ann came to bed hoping to still find Amy playing with her laptop, but let out a sigh when she saw her already in bed and asleep. Ann could tell that Amy was having a nightmare, as she was tossing and turning in bed. Ann went and brushed her teeth and had a quick wash. She was soon getting into bed and pulling Amy into her, this seemed to do the trick as Amy calmed down. It wasn't long before Ann joined her in a peaceful sleep.

    Chrissy and Mandy were still down stairs when Ann went to bed. "Mandy, is everything okay? Amy never came back down tonight, and Ann looked a little down as well."

    Mandy let out a sigh before saying. "Amy was really upset when you and Becky had your little set to earlier. She thought it was all her fault as she told Becky about the chocolates."

    "Becky and I don't blame Amy for that, not for one minute." Chrissy said in a shocked voice.

    "Amy thinks you and Becky must hate her for all the trouble she caused." Mandy said in a sad sounding voice.

    "Why didn't you say something sooner Sis? I could have gone and had a word with her about it." Chrissy said this as she went to get up to go find Amy and tell her everything was okay.

    Mandy pulled her back down. "Leave it till in the morning Chrissy. It's getting late and we both have to get up and go to work tomorrow, and this way you can tell Becky and then you can both have a word in the morning and clear the air."

    "I guess you're right Sis, it is getting a little late for talking about stuff like this. And it would be better if Becky was there to help me show Amy we don't blame her for anything.

    "Come one then Chrissy, lets head off to bed our selves." Mandy said as she stood up and then pulled Chrissy to her feet.

    They both made sure every where was locked up, then they made their way up to bed. Chrissy felt Becky get in some time later and she just cuddled up to her and fell right back to sleep.

    Amy woke the next morning and saw that she needed to get up if she was going to sort out breakfast for Mandy and Chrissy, but she wasn't sure she wanted to face Chrissy or Becky if she came down for any breakfast. She lay there for another ten minutes before deciding she didn't want them to hate her any more than they already must. So she dragged herself out of bed and went to use the bathroom and wash her face in some vain attempt to wash the last of the sleep out her eyes.

    Mandy was already down in the kitchen when Amy got there. "Sorry Mandy for not having the tea ready for you." Amy said in a quiet voice.

    "That's no problem Amy. I did use to sort it out before you came to live here." Mandy said with a smile.

    "I know Mandy, but I just like to feel useful." Amy said as she made a start on sorting out breakfast.

    "Is everything okay Amy? You never came back down last night, and you seem a little down today." Mandy asked looking worried.

    "I'm okay Mandy, just waking up still." Amy said, without turning around so she missed the look Mandy gave her.

    Chrissy woke and dragged herself out of bed and headed over to her room to take a shower. She'd just got in when she heard the bathroom door open and close again, and then she felt Becky rap her arms around her waist.

    "Morning babe." Chrissy said.

    "Morning lover." Becky said in return.

    "How was your first night as manager?" Chrissy asked as she let Becky soap her back.

    "Felt the same as playing hostess, but I was showing Beth the ropes, and making sure all the other problems got sorted out. I'm going to help Beth for the rest of the week, and then starting Monday next week, she is flying solo." Becky said as she turned Chrissy around so she could have a good morning kiss.

    Chrissy let Becky have her kiss then said, "We have another problem to sort out babe."

    "What problem would that be Hon?" Becky asked as she stood with her arms rapped around Chrissy's waist.

    "We need to sort Amy out." Chrissy said.

    "Sort Amy out? Sort Amy out for what?" Becky asked with a puzzled look on her face.

    "Over what happened last night with the chocolates." Chrissy said in a flat tone.

    "Come on Chrissy, she didn't mean anything by what she said. We can't blame her for just having some fun; it was me that took it all the wrong way." Becky said trying to defend Amy.

    "I don't blame her for last night Silly!" Chrissy said with a giggle.

    "You've lost me then. Why do we have to sort her out for last night?" Becky looked even more puzzled now.

    "She blames herself for what happened last night. She spent the night up in her room playing with her laptop, so she was out the way. I never found out till Mandy and I were heading off to bed our self's, or I would have sorted it out myself."

    "What a silly girl. Why would she think we blamed her for any of it?" Becky asked.

    "I don't really know Babe, but I just feel bad for not seeing it last night. She did seem quiet all through dinner, now I think about it." Chrissy said, sounding a little sad.

    "Hay, don't look all down babe. Let's get dried off and go hug her to death." Becky said with a grin.

    This made Chrissy grin as well, so they got out the shower and dried each other off and then put on some bathrobes, so they could get down to sort out Amy.

    Amy had just turned the sausage under the grill when she heard the kitchen door open. She took a quick look and saw it was Chrissy and Becky, so she tried to look busy. Amy got a shock when she turned to get the eggs out the fridge and came face to face with Chrissy and Becky stood side by side looking at her. "Morning Chrissy, morning Becky." Amy said trying not to make eye contact, but the girls just stood looking at her. "Great, this is where I get asked to move out." Amy thought to herself.

    "Amy. About what happened yesterday, Becky and me have been speaking about it and." Chrissy didn't get to say any more as Amy started speaking.

    "Please don't say any more Chrissy. I'm really sorry I nearly caused you and Becky to split up. I know I'm a trouble maker, so I will move out today and get the rest of my stuff as soon as I find a new place to stay." Amy said as she was fighting back the tears.

    Chrissy and Becky were in shock that Amy would even think they would kick her out the house. "What the hell are you talking about Amy?" Chrissy asked in a shocked voice.

    "I thought you were about to ask me to leave." Amy wiped away a tear as she said it.

    "We would do nothing of the sort Amy!" Becky said. "We were about to say, that we don't blame you for last night. Chrissy and I argue like that some times, but we make up again." Becky held out her arms for Amy to get a hug.

    Amy wiped away some more tears and then saw Becky holding out her arms, so she took the hug being offered. "I'm sorry you two. I would never want to hurt two of the best friends I've ever had." Amy said as she cried on Becky's shoulder. Chrissy joined the hug and they all stayed like that for a couple of seconds, till Amy had to turn the sausage again.

    "Are we all okay again then now Amy?" Chrissy asked once she had turned the sausage over.

    "I'm fine, just as long as you two don't hate me." Amy said with a smile.

    "We both love you to death, but we could never hate you Amy." Chrissy said with a grin as she gave her another hug, then Becky did the same before Amy sent them to the table so she could get on and cook breakfast.

    Mandy had to smile when she saw them all make up, and how Amy now had a happy step as she bounced around the kitchen.

    Ann walked into the kitchen and thought she was in the twilight zone when she saw how happy Amy was. "Did I come to the wrong kitchen?" Ann asked sitting down while Mandy poured her a cup of tea.

    "Nope, this is the right kitchen. Chrissy and Becky had a word with Amy, and got it all sorted out." Mandy said with a smile.

    Ann looked at Chrissy and Becky, who were sitting cuddling on the other side of the table. "Thank you for doing that. She was having nightmares last night about it all. She really didn't mean to upset either of you." Ann said as she put milk in her tea and then took a long sip of it.

    "We know that Ann. Becky and I never even gave it a thought, if we'd known she was blaming herself we would have spoken with her last night." Chrissy said.

    "She's still getting use to having friends, so please bare with her." Ann said.

    "She, is in the room you know Sis!" Amy said as she brought Mandy and Chrissy their breakfast. Then she hugged Ann and said, "Morning Sis."

    "Morning Sis. I'm happy to see the old, new you back." Ann said with an odd look on her face.

    "I know what you mean Sis." Amy giggled as she went to get a couple more plates of food.

    Amy brought Ann and Becky their breakfast and then got her own; she was really hungry now due to not eating much last night. They all got stuck in and really enjoyed it.

    "Thanks for a wonderful breakfast Amy." Mandy said as she gave her a hug before heading off to finish getting ready for work.

    "That was really nice Amy. Thank you." Chrissy said as she also gave Amy a hug before also heading up to get dressed for work as she was still wearing her bathrobe.

    Becky also said thanks and offered to help with the dishes, but Ann and Amy told her to go and spend some time with Chrissy before she left for work. Becky hugged them both and ran off after Chrissy.

    "I'm glad you got it all sorted out with them Sis." Ann said with a smile as she pulled Amy into a hug.

    "So am I Sis. They really do love me." Amy said as she rested her head on Ann's shoulder.

    "I know they do Amy, they love you as much as I do. That is how I know they were never mad at you for what happened." Ann said as she stroked Amy's hair.

    "I'm not use to having people who care for me, apart from you that is." Amy said as she hugged Ann a little tighter.

    "I know Sis, but you'd better get use to it. I have a feeling you're stuck with them all, and me." Ann said with a giggle.

    They both made a start on the dishes and had them all done by the time Mandy and the others got back down. So they all had another cup of tea before Mandy and Chrissy had to leave for work.

    Becky, Ann and Amy all went to the front door to wave them off. "Make sure you all get some rest today, were all going to the club tonight, remember?" Chrissy said with a grin as she hugged Becky one last time before Mandy dragged her out to the car.

    The girls all waved as Mandy's car pulled out the drive, then they all went back in the house. "Do you want to help me and Becky do the housework Ann?" Amy asked.

    "Sure, it will be nice to help out a little more." Ann said with a smile.

    "Okay then, with three of us doing it. We should have it done in no time at all." Becky said with a grin.

    Amy and Ann both did the jobs that Becky gave them, and then they helped Becky finish off the washing. They had all the housework done in time for lunch.

    Amy used some of the left over joint of meat from Sunday to make them all a sandwich for lunch. Then they all sat in the garden chatting for an hour, before they all headed back to bed for an afternoon nap, ready for a night of partying at the club.

    Chrissy and Mandy stopped for lunch when the hotel dropped off some lunch for them, and took the orders for the makeover service.

    "We really do need to have a word with Amy about whether or not she wants to try working here Sis." Chrissy said, as she sat down for the first time all morning since they got to the shop.

    "I know Chrissy. We need someone to help us out." Mandy said with a groan as she also sitting down for the first time since getting to the shop.

    "We could ask her tonight at the club Sis." Chrissy said as she started on her lunch.

    "What, get her drunk and then trick her into working for us." Mandy said with a giggle.

    "We'll call that plan B Sis. But I think just asking her will work." Chrissy said with a giggle. She did find Mandy's thinking funny sometimes.

    They finished lunch and got back to work, sorting out the Ebay orders and watching the clock get ever closer to finishing time. So they could close up and go home and get ready for a night out at the club.


To Be Continued.


Edited by ChrisW



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