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Another BigCloset TopShelf story.
Our heroine gets advice from a very friendly friend. Her substitute teaching takes 'show-and-tell' to extreams. Joanie finds teaching a *breeze* and revealing -- too revealing. She agrees to purchase the farm and begins to recruit a work crew. She phones dad about the magazine deal and learns more of the darkside of modeling. Her new mutant friends develope a lead on a crime and grow as a group.
Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?
Timeout 3-Continuous play: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction
This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? To see the canon Whateley Stories, check out either Sapphire's Place,
( or the Big Closet ("
Another chapter in part three of my TG/sci-fi/superhero/magic and the kitchen sink epic. I’m much better now than when I started this, honest, though comma useage still confuses me; ask Itinerant. Your constructive criticism and advice always helps. This is an exercise in the joys of creativity and in appreciation of the wonderful Whateley Universe. Any violations of copyright, trade mark or use of real people or incidents are purely for purposes of humor or parody and done solely for the free enjoyment of the reading public. All rights reserved in perpetuity, John from Wauwatosa WI, 2005-2006. Wow, every subchapter is a ’2’, must be having a two-for sale.
Adult content advisory: this chapter deals with sexual topics and may not be suitable for younger readers but if you’ve read my stuff you know it’s not graphic and is often silly but you were warned.
Timeout 3
By John from Wauwatosa
Text tweaking by Itinerant
Thanks to my evil blonde sister and to Janet Nolan for proofing
Chapter 8- The Substitute 2, Home Improvement 2, The New New Avengers 2, The Kids from Wisconsin 2
Whateley Academy Dunwich NH, April 17-18, 2007
April 17, 2007
The students' confusion between me as a sister student and a teacher has its upside. I have over three decades more experience than any of them, so I use it to my advantage. They might try to get the better of me, but it costs them.
Today, I’m filling in for one of the magic instructors. I have no magic powers, but I do know something about magic through my time with Gin at MSG. I called her prior to my class, and she said I’d do best to admit my lack of experience in ‘that’ field of endeavor. She giggled a bit when she said 'that’, the minx. She suggested a class I should teach instead.
“Yeah, like they’d let me do ‘that’ in class Gin. I don’t think Ms. Carson would allow it. If I demonstrated *that* with a student I’d be breaking the law, and Monty Python did it in 'The Meaning of Life', so it’s nothing new. Anyway, at best I’m a talented amateur,” I said trying hard not to break up.
“Joanie, you’re not amateur, you’re a mistress of the art -- I know.” Then she giggled.
“I did get a lot of practice between the three of you.”
“And on top, and beneath, and …”
“Gin, this is getting smutty; not that I mind, but I have the magic class to teach?”
“Sorry, Joanie, but you need to understand that most kids with such powers are as uncertain with them as I was when I mutated. Honesty and your unusual mutation should protect you.”
She admitted to using a mild lust spell to encourage me last year when I’d first showed interest in her, but confessed that it had backfired. She said the rebounded magic made me extremely attractive to her, but because she knew it was due to her own spell, she didn’t panic. Fortunately, my own strong libido solved the problem to our mutual satisfaction. She blushed, and stifled a snicker after explaining this to me. Dear d/j/w readers, Gin and I were on a video cell phone so don’t go around with that “how the heck did you know she was blushing” expression on your faces.
“You used magic to seduce me? I do remember feeling unusually attracted to you shortly before we … You sneaky bitch, you did put the whammy on me!” I growled, but felt bad about my outburst moment’s later.
“I’m so sorry, Joanie. It didn’t work, not as I intended anyhow. Somehow your warper powers sent my spell back on me; if anything, it intensified it. Ghod, I’ve never been so horny in my life. I’m sorry I wasn’t honest, but I thought you might reject me,” Gin said apologetically.
“Gin, I’m so very happy you did it.”
“Huh? You’re happy I used a lust spell on you?”
“I’m not happy you resorted to magic. I’m happy you chose to share yourself with me. Gin dear, you make Lucy Lu look plain, not that I’d turn down a romp with her. Did you see her in 'Payback'? She was smokin’, but you’re better. With your looks, and sexy moves, I assure you I was interested. You, Red, and Carrie made me love this body, and what it could do.”
Her tone suggested she thought I was lying. I grumbled, then giggled.
“Okay, Mr. Vibrator gets an honorable mention, and I don’t have to take him dancing or get him drunk.”
Gin snorted, I laughed until my eyes watered.
“All your magic did was jumpstart things. It wore off in minutes, but by then we were, um … Don’t sell yourself short, Gin. I still desire you; you’re my favorite Chinese Make-out.”
“Oooooh, Joanie that was sick. Please, no more puns, I beg you,” Gin said, and then faked a moan.
“I couldn’t resist, and when would I ever get the chance to use that line? Gin, you risked traveling with me on those first, potentially dangerous time trips. You devised the seemingly lethal tank incident at Badger Ordinance that gave me the key to my time stop, and you hooked me up with that funky shop with those incredibly sexy custom boots. I love you, I suspect I always will, but I’m trying to be faithful to … “
“Eric. I saw what you see in him. He’ll be a catch in a few years, I hope I can find as fine a man, or woman. I don’t blame you; I like guys too. Please forgive me?”
“Gin, if I wasn’t afraid of hurting him, I’d be with you now. I’d be standing by your side, dodging the dangers of your sexy curves, and your sorceress powers, risking my life and limb in your bed, constantly in fear for my chastity, ‘and loving it’. I wish you had been honest, but I forgive you. I could have been happy as your long-term lover,” I said.
“Wow, a Maxwell Smart parody! You do love me,” said Gin.
I almost dropped the phone I was laughing hard, and I was feeling aroused. I swear some days I could look at a mailbox and get aroused, but I was fond of the heavenly Humong hottie.
“Don’t doubt it. I desire you, and the rest of the Gang of Four. I love you like sisters -- my gorgeous, insatiable, lesbian, nympho sisters. I still do, and not just for the sex. I could have been happy with any, or all of you as lovers, but Eric is my destiny, my soul mate. I don’t know why, or how, I know, but I do.”
“Promise me, if he gives you reason to doubt, you’ll call me?”
“You and the rest of the Gang of Four will always have a place in my heart. If it was just love, companionship, and fantastic sex, I’d be happy as it was. It’s just that I want to have children, Gin, and a family. I owe my late Mom, and I ache deep in my heart for the touch of a child’s lips on my breasts. I know I could have artificial insemination, or go with a guy, and dump him after I’m pregnant, but I’m used to a two parent home. Can you understand?”
“You have it bad, Joanie. The Mommy bug is unrelenting, and Eric seems an ideal mate. In the short time I knew him he was handsome, smart, and polite, and if it grows with the rest of him, built like a porn star,” Gin said then giggled in her sexy way.
“You should see him now; he’s growing so fast. They say size doesn’t matter? Fuck them! He’s going to be a stud.”
I giggled so hard I wet my self, but not with pee.
“You slut, Joanie; when you do it with him, be careful. He’s a nice bo ... young man, don’t kill him.”
* * * *
I took Gin’s advice, and was honest with the class.
“Like, hi everyone, I’m, ah ... Joanie. You probably don’t know me, for sure,” I said in a sing-song Valley Girl voice. I’m so good at it, I frighten myself.
The class laughed at my cheap joke, but it broke the ice.
”I’m a Warper, not a sorceress. I’m not qualified in magic in any fashion, so that’s why I’m teaching this class. Administration must be desperate,” I said, and smiled.
“I want you to treat today’s class like an advanced version of show and tell. I’d like you to describe the spell you are most proud of, and show it to the class,” I requested, “perhaps we can learn by example. I’m curious to see what you can do.”
The class went well. Several girls demonstrated glamours, and starting, and stopping, fires. The guys manifested false images, and one boy transmuted an orange into an apple, complete with a wriggling Gummi worm.
“Very impressive, I wish I had your abilities. Who hasn’t gone yet?”
An older, tough looking Goth boy, Mystor, volunteered. If it wasn’t for the makeup, and clothes, he’d be a babe magnet.
“Ms. Joanie, could I use you for my demo. I promise you won’t be hurt.”
“Sure, what do I do?”
I should have said no, but I prefer to be a trusting soul — big mistake.
“Stand still for a moment.”
He concentrated, made some arcane gestures, and the room felt cooler and drafty. The class looked embarrassed, then started laughing. I looked down, and saw I was naked. He had made all my clothes disappear, the horny little bastard. I was upset, and envious.
~~Damn, I wished I’d been able to do that in high school. If I could have done that to Deanne, or Julie, whoa Momma! Oh well, I asked for it. Oh, great, my nipples are reacting to the air. ~~
“Impressive, but those are expensive clothes. Those boots alone are over four hundred dollars. May I have them back, please?” I was polite under the circumstances.
“Um, sorry, I transformed them into a Barbie Doll, and it took all the magic I had, maybe tomorrow?”
I saw a lifelike Barbie Doll that was my tiny doppelganger, complete with the outfit I’d been wearing -- the expensive, custom leather outfit I’d been wearing. I got angry, but kept a calm exterior.
“So, I have to stand here naked?”
“That’s the general plan. Sorry, but you are so sexy, Joanie,” he said and smirked.
“You couldn’t wait for the July issue? Fair is fair, Mystor, and you are about my size.”
“What do you …?”
I time stopped him in mid-sentence, and stripped him bare. His underwear I discarded.
~~Yuck! Smelly underwear.~~
The pants were a tight fit on my butt, and loose on my waist. His shirt I used in a Daisy Duke fashion, tying the tails under my breasts. I was covered, but looked like ‘the farmer’s daughter’ of innumerable traveling salesmen jokes, and cartoons. It was a good look for me, too. I thought my stiff nipples accented the ensemble nicely. His shoes didn’t fit, so I put on my running shoes.
~~I have to remember this look for Eric; he’ll go crazy. ~~
I unfroze Mystor.
“Mean?” he finished, then realized he was naked.
“I’m glad to see you ‘appreciate’ my body; I only wish the ‘salute’ wasn’t so small,” I said pointing at his erect penis.
The class laughed uproariously until I shouted for them to stop.
“That’s enough! Let’s not pick on the *boy*. When I was his age, mine was about the same size; Mystor has nothing to be ashamed of. I was average in that department. Size does matter to an extent, but Mystor is still growing. All of us have something about our bodies we’re not satisfied with. Frankly, my ass is too small, don’t you think? And these breasts are way too big.”
I giggled, but they got the point. How could they not?
~~Thinking on it, my laughter must have made my breasts jiggle. Marvelous, I’m gonna be in lots of naughty dreams tonight.~~
I gave Mystor my sweat pants and a t-shirt from my gym bag I’d carried with me since my morning run with Pinky. They needed washing, but the alternative was my athletic bra and my running shorts, neither in his size or color. Sure, I could have slipped on my whole workout outfit, but where’s the fun in that? I couldn’t let a student get the best of his instructor and he deserved some punishment.
“How we look to the world is to a large degree at the whim of our genetics and BITs. It’s not fair to penalize or reward people purely on their looks, though you may worship me, within limits. Absolutely no animal sacrifices!” I giggled again. “Mystor, come with me after class and we can work out how you’ll pay for my clothes,” I said. Then I kissed him on the cheek, and the class went crazy.
“He’ll be doing chores for me, you perverts: I’m not having sex with him, though he is cute. If you got rid of that makeup and dressed sharp, Mystor, you’d be a looker. Class dismissed.”
They got up to leave.
“Wait a moment! I’m about to buy an old farm a short distance from here, and I could use help cleaning up before, and after, the work crews. It will be mostly after afternoon classes are over, and on weekends. It’s possible I might need help in the early mornings, too. I’ll pay a good wage if you’ll work hard, and you get to work with me. Wait until you see me in my bib overall cutoffs. How about it? You can leave a message on my dorm room bulletin board on the third floor of Poe, or get word to me through Security, Administration, or Mr. King in the King Annex.”
~~I’ll need laborers for demolition in the farm house I intend to buy. Mystor has just signed on as one of my grunts, though he doesn’t know it yet. ~~
* * * *
I stopped by Operations after class; they wanted to talk to tell me more about that ‘research trip’ they needed. I told them about the Hennessey farm and that I was close to buying it. When I described my plans for the house and the barn, they got excited and practically begged me to let them do the work. They had a lot of students in part-time jobs, some got work study credit for it. My future homestead was a welcome opportunity.
“The students need the wages, and it’s a chance to show off their new skills,” said Stan.
“We’ll make certain it’s done right, and I guarantee the security and safety features will be better than the best. Stan and I can head out to your place and do a preliminary engineering survey,” said Morrie.
I was hesitant; I knew they were qualified, but this was my baby. They saw my hesitation, and sweetened the pot.
“As we were saying earlier, Whateley has a major cable laying project due to start soon,” said Stan.
“I remember someone telling me a few days back I might need to do a research trip for you guys. Sorry I got off the subject, what do you need?”
“It’s much like what happened during the repairs to Hawthorne. The laying should go quickly; most of it can be done with a vibratory plow, but the usual odd stuff has shown up on the ground scans. We can’t do a thing until the anomalies are checked out. If you and Mr Lodgeman can confirm what we’re dealing with, we’ll cut you a deal on the cost.” said Morrie.
“And throw in a hot tub, gratis,” said Stan.
“A hot tub? Are you thinking of inviting yourself over, Don Juan?” I gave him a sultry smile, and Stan blushed.
“You got a deal, but I have to buy the place first. Go ahead with the survey; it could affect the selling price.” I said, as I gave them each a hug. I am so into hugs these days.
I gave them a description of my plans for the place, and arranged to provide them a copy of the surveys Tessa sent. They gave me a copy of the planned cable routes, and where the areas of concern were. I agreed to do the *research trip* ASAP. Next, I was off to Administration to contact Charlie.
* * * *
The always delightful Ms. Anderson was at her desk.
“Tina, where’s Amelia?”
“Ms. Hartford is at lunch, Joanie. She eats food like the rest of us. I was amazed when I heard; I thought she sucked blood.”
“Tina, I know she’s a bitc … hard woman, but be fair. Can you get a message to Mr. Lodgeman and send him a copy of these construction plans? We need to do another *research trip* for Operations,” I said.
“Sure. Um, Joanie is there something going on between you and Mr. Lodgeman? I know you’re getting serious about you-know-who, but you do spend a lot of time with the man in places where no one else can see,” said Tina.
~~Is she being serious, or trying to prank the mistress? It’s time to shock her, I think. ~~
“I did get off with him the last time trip; you should have heard me screaming -- then again, you probably did. I was loud. Ghod, it felt great.”
I said this straight-faced with a hint of fondly remembered lust in my eyes. Tina’s did a double take, then we broke into giggles simultaneously.
“Joanie, I give up. Please don’t do that again,” she said then leaned close, and whispered. “You know how Chris and I feel about you, if you need to talk about your May-December romance, or if it falls apart, we’re here for you,” she said then hugged me.
“Hey, I’m not December, I’m Miss July!”
* * * *
I had a singing class to teach at 1PM, so it wasn’t until 3:15 PM I got into Dunwich and pulled up outside Tessa’s real estate office. She came out to greet me; I was only half out of my riding suit.
“I take it you have questions about the property, Joanie?” she said, smiling warmly.
I finished removing my jumpsuit and motorcycle boots, slipped on some pumps, and straightened my rumpled skirt.
“Only one, Tessa. Are there any deed restrictions beyond those you listed? Your information packet mentioned historic preservation, business, and subdivision restrictions.”
“That’s it. You can’t subdivide the property without a zoning variance, which is difficult to get, and any new structures have to be superficially similar to existing structures in the area; nothing tacky, in other words. The only permitted commercial business is farming or related business such as livestock, Christmas tree, and nursery stock growing. Recreational businesses are regulated on a case-by-case basis. Hunting is usually allowed, stockcar racing is probably not,” Tessa said.
“May I rent out the farm house?”
“Absolutely, but you can’t sell it separate from the property unless it is to be moved to a different piece of land. Likewise, the land can only be rented for the permitted commercial purposes. You can’t rent it to, say, an auto salvage yard for storing wrecks.”
“How difficult is it to get construction permits? I intend to do extensive excavation. I’m fixing the farm house as a rental, or guest house, but the barn will be my home. “
“Ah, you must watch 'This Old House',” Tessa said.
~~I wonder? I’ll have to contact WGBH. ~~
“Is the price the same as before, and does it include everything: all fees, title, and lien searches, inspection fees, closing costs -- the works?”
“No changes, Joanie,” Tessa said.
“You have a deal. I have some friends from Whateley coming to inspect the place, but I don’t anticipate any surprises. How soon can we close?”
“Is tomorrow at 4PM too soon?”
“I’ll be here, with bells on.” I said.
“Only bells? Sounds kinky; I like it. Oh, you need to bring the check, Joanie.”
* * * *
I stopped by Administration to check on my mail, and to see if Mr. Lodgeman got my message. Ms. Hartford was in, busy at her PC.
“Please have a seat, I’ll be with you momentarily,” said Ms. Hartford almost joyfully.
“I can wait, Ms. Hartford.”
I heard a rapid stroking of keys, like she was rushing to finish, and then Ms. Hartford turned to me, smiling. This did not bode well for yours truly.
“Did you have news for me?” I asked.
“Several things, my dear Ms. Joanie,” cooed Ms Hartford.
I dreaded what was coming, but I took it head on, like a … woman.
“I have a package for you from California, from a Ms. May Lee in care of Playboy. Photos, perhaps?”
“I wish they were photos. They're documents, and I may need your help, Ms. Hartford. It’s possible her sister was the victim of an unscrupulous pornographer, if what May Lee told me checks out. The use of drugs, mind control, and an oddly coincidental financial hardship that made the woman easy prey concerns me. That she was the *star* of a number of extreme hard core sex films could add multiple rapes to the list.”
The mention of rape caused Ms. Hartford to tense.
“If these allegations are true, why not go to the police?”
“That’s something I need to know; I hope these documents will expose the truth. If I need your assistance in researching the case, Ms. Hartford, would you help?”
“Of course, you did my niece a great service; I’m obligated,” she said, then paused. “And I want to. It’s what I’m good at, and I may need your help someday.”
“Thank you. I will honor your request for help, if I can. Was there anything else for me?”
I was confused. Had she admitted, in an oblique way, she wants my good will, or even friendship? At a minimum she’s agreeing to a quid pro quo.
“Mr. Lodgeman says the earliest he’s available for your *research trip* is the morning of Thursday the 19th. Any time after 8AM is agreeable.”
“Tell him 8AM is fine. Is that all?” I asked.
“Except for these, dear.”
She smiled as she placed, one-by-one, a dozen of the nation’s best selling newspapers on the desk. She’d included a wide variety of publications, from the prestigious, such as the Washington Post and LA Times, to sleazy NYC tabloids. Each presented the story on their respective front page; it must have been a slow news day. One of the NYC tabloids put it best. Ms. Hartford made a point of reading that one out loud.
“’Mamnificent Musical Mutant Joanie Magazine Nude.’ Where do they get these words from, mamnificent? You’ll like these two, Joanie,” she said, and handed me the Wall Street Journal and Variety.
“’Playboy Launches Biggest Publicity Blitz in their History to Promote All Mutant Issue Staring Joanie', and ‘Babe Bares Body for Boarding School’.” I read out loud as Ms. Hartford calmly smiled.
~~I hope my sister told Dad. Oh, Ghod, I don’t think I asked her! ~~
* * * *
I called from a secure room in Security.
“… all solicitations please hang up,” said my dad’s voice on the answering machine.
“Dad, pick up; it’s Joanie, Dad! It’s real important.”
“Joanie, what’s wrong? You sound upset.”
“Are you sitting down Dad? This could be a shock.”
I was worried for him. He’s 80, with a replacement heart valve.
“Did my sister tell you I got this offer to pose for a national magazine?” I asked carefully.
“Oh, you mean the Playboy interview and centerfold? She told me the day you told her. She said she had to tell someone, or die trying. It took a couple minutes before she could speak again without laughing.”
~~Dear Sister needs to be brought down a peg or two. I’ll have to think about it. ~~
“Very funny Dad; you’re not upset?” I asked.
“Why should I be? You’re young again, and devastatingly attractive. You’re prettier than your Mom, and you know how I felt about her. Don’t worry, Joanie, she’d approve. She’d probably buy copies to show off when other women bragged too much about what their kids -- the doctor, the lawyer, the athlete -- had accomplished. She’d be nice about it and say, ‘Oh, my middle child, she’s just a teacher, model, singer, and a mutant super heroine. Don’t take my word for it, read this’, hand them the magazine, sit back, and smile sweetly.
"So you’re baring your body to millions. It’s for a respected publisher in the field. I know the photos will be in good taste, because you’re too famous to mess with. That you’re giving it all to your school makes me so proud. I knew we raised you right; this proves it, daughter. It’s a pity they can’t mention Whateley by name, but I understand why. Whateley is a special place; you chose well dear.
"Your sister showed me how to access the Prairie Home Companion web site. I listened to your performance, and they had some photos of you. I wish I’d been there; you were wonderful. I cried when you sang that Orbison song. I'm sorry your Mom can't see you like this; she’d be so happy.”
We talked for an hour or more, catching up on each other. I promised I’d send him a framed, autographed copy for him. I also learned The Evil Blonde was another *cheerleader* for me, though discreetly by necessity, and was frequently calling him with items she’d read, or heard about me. My Dad was his old, teasing, and verbally competitive self again, but I heard the love and pride in his voice. I was told my uncle had nothing but praise for ‘that lovely mutant woman, Joanie’ who had saved his granddaughters life, and was now her sponsor and mentor at some elite school. I had to end the call, as I’d become overwhelmed with emotion. I walked out of the office, and Delarose spoke.
“What’s wrong, Joanie? You look like you’re crying, and your eyes are puffy, bad news from home?”
“My Daddy loves me!” I blubbered as I ran out of security and to my room to calm down.
* * * *
I flopped onto my bed, and sobbed. How can one be so happy and sad at the same time? It seemed the smilodons sensed I was upset, because they jumped on the bed and rubbed their heads against me, finally curling up below my breasts. I calmed down, and played with my furry roommates while I contemplated why I’d been upset. My period was due to end soon, perhaps which was why I’d been so moody? The range in my emotions from high to low was unsettling these last few weeks, and this wasn’t likely to improve soon. I wondered if it wasn’t a case of PTSD flaring up months after my assault. The rescue of Suzy had been stressful, and May Lee’s revelations about Anna were sickening. Maybe they pushed me over the edge?
~~I’ll talk with my friends and, if they say so, I’ll talk with Dr. Bellows or Dr. Sara. I may be a proud woman, but I have to keep my self mentally sound for my friends and family. They count on me for so much, and I’d be lost without them. ~~
I fed George and Gracie and marveled at how the were thriving. He weighed in at over 12 pounds and she was close behind at 11. At a pound a week they’d be full grown in under 18 months. I’ll need that new home, and soon. I sifted their litter, then I read May Lee’s packet. The more I read, the worse I felt. Anna had attached several notes for me. From Anna’s notes I could tell she was a bright and articulate girl, but wounded in spirit. Her attention to detail was remarkable, given the combination of drugs, alcohol, and mind control they’d used on her. She sent copies of her medical tests from after leaving her abusers, and from her required physical for entering college.
Sufficient residual traces of the drugs they fed her, and their breakdown compounds, were in her blood and urine after her sister rescued her. Enough to prove she’d been on multiple drugs. Several were highly addictive and either illegal or dangerous, especially if used long term. One or more had hypnotic -- even hallucinogenic — effects and will and memory inhibiting properties, particularly when used in conjunction with alcohol. They had her on high dose birth control, which had put her at risk for blood clots, and combined with the other drugs would have greatly enhanced her libido.
~~No wonder they were able to con her into doing all those degrading acts. They had her so horny and high she couldn’t think straight. ~~
The psychiatric exams confirmed the implications of the drug tests. The combination of drugs, financial worries, sleep deprivation, and other mind control techniques left Anna nothing more than a drug and sex addicted subservient woman who would do anything for the faintest of praise from her tormentors. Part of Anna’s doctor’s conclusions disturbed me greatly.
“We believe Anna is lucky to have come out of this experience without significant brain or organ damage from the dangerous cocktail of drugs and alcohol used on her. She has been subject to unethical and potentially hazardous plastic surgery that will likely leave permanent scars, and may lead to future medical complications if not quickly corrected. It appears likely she may have difficulty nursing a child or obtaining a normal response from her nipples as some nerve and milk duct damage resulted from one of the implant surgeries.
"It is our conclusion Anna was treated no better than a dog by these people -- worse in that large amounts of painful negative correction were used on her. There is credible medical, and physical, evidence that electric shock devices similar to a canine *invisible fence* were used on a regular basis. Electrical burn marks on her ankles and neck match closely to the position of electrodes in several such devices found in the trash of the location she was rescued from. A private investigative agency hired to assist in her evaluation recovered these and empty containers of several drugs found in her system out of a near by dumpster.”
I stopped reading partway through the documents, and ran out of my dorm room, barely making it to the women’s room where I spent the next 15 minutes vomiting until I had the dry heaves. I was queasy, and angry that the authorities had not caught these people. They’d vanished almost without a trace from the police reports May and Anna included. The few leads investigators had were tenuous and difficult to follow. Perhaps these descriptions triggered a remembrance of my assaults, but I wanted these people bad. I can’t save the world, but maybe I could stop these criminals before any more lives were ruined. I sipped some cold water to settle my stomach and returned to my room.
May added a note saying Mr. Hefner was pleased with the photos and interview, and that some of his top editors would call to setup a time to review their choices. May Lee, and Anna, would accompany them so Anna could be tested, and we could speak. She said Anna had been so out of it during her *modeling career* that she didn’t know of me other than a vague memory of a mutant woman saving a politicians daughter. Anna’s financial troubles had started around the same time as my rescue of Mel, soon after she was well into being deceived, drugged and worse by those criminals masquerading as a legitimate photo studio. With the financial stress, the drugs they had her on and the mind control it was remarkable she remembered anything of that time.
Anna was eager to meet me, and was fast becoming a fan of my music. May Lee was putting her though a crash course on *Joanie,* and Whateley, in preparation for their visit. May felt her sister was coming out of her depression, but was concerned she could relapse from the reaction of others to her appearance. I emailed May Lee back and assured May Lee that on a campus full of mutants Anna would blend right in. I put everything back in the packet, and took it with me to dinner.
* * * *
I got a small soup and sandwich as I was not hungry. I was not good company, and my friends were concerned.
“What’s wrong, Joanie? You’re so down tonight,” asked Suzy.
“Yah, Ms. Joanie, what gives? You’re usually so happy. I’ve never seen you like this, and it scares me,” said Tom.
Pinky guessed, or maybe she didn’t have to; she is an empath.
“It’s the younger sister of the Playboy model, May Lee. You said the other day that she needed help; it must be pretty bad to hurt you, Joanie.”
She slid over next to me, and took one of my hands in both of hers. The rest of my school mates moved in close as well.
“This never leaves this table; you can tell no one else, promise?” I whispered.
They nodded in agreement.
“May Lee’s sister, Anna, went through something similar to what happened to you, Pinky,” I said softly.
“Ghod no!” Pinky cried.
She wrapped her arms around me, and started to shake. I hugged her tight as she sobbed inconsolably.
~~Damn, did I trigger a PTSD attack? ~~
“That’s okay, Pinky, let it all out. I’m sorry I had to tell you, but you’d have found out soon enough. You’re tough; you’ll pull through,” I said as I rubbed her back.
“Was Ms. Anna raped?” Tina asked, looking sick.
“Under different circumstances than Pinky, but yes, they violated her. By the time her tormentors got done with her, she was little more than a drug addicted sex slave working for an unethical pornographer. They tricked her into oversized breast implants, tattoos, and other things that have scarred her. It was with May Lee’s help she escaped. I’ve offered to help her recover and to catch those who hurt her. Would you like to help me, Pinky? The same goes for all of you. There are a lot of receipts, photos, bills, and other evidence to sort through. More eyes will help me get through it sooner, and may spot something I’d miss.”
“Count on it, Joanie. Is my Aunt helping us?” said Pinky, determination on her tear-streaked face.
“Ms. Hartford said she would help. That’s why I need to sort through this mess and look for patterns of activity so she and my colleagues in Security have a starting point for their investigations. One of the practice rooms in the music department should serve us. We need to do this without being disturbed.”
We finished eating, and walked to the King Annex.
“Joanie, do we get to wear trench coats and deerstalker hats?” asked Suzy, giggling at the end.
“Ah man, I was hoping Joanie’d dress up like that lady from ‘The Avengers’?”
“Diana Rigg?”
“No, Joanie, the movie one. What’s her name, Liv Ulman, the same actress who was in 'Kill Bill'. You’d look hot in leather, Ms. Joanie.” said Tom smirking.
His sister Tina gave him an angry look, and I laughed.
“It’s okay, Tina. Tom, from what those photographers told me, I’d look hot in a flannel shirt, blue jeans, and construction boots, but thanks for the compliment. I’m not sure about costumes, but I can probably get us decoder rings, and a secret handshake and door knock.” I laughed again.
We found a room, and set out the papers May had sent.
“First, let’s lay everything out in order from oldest to most recent. Be careful not to lose any, and don’t tell anyone about this unless I, or Chief Delarose from Security, tell you to, okay? I must warn you some of the evidence and Anna’s recollections are grim stuff. If you find something too disturbing, set it down and call for me to look at it. We’re looking for things that are out of the ordinary and patterns in the data. If you see anything like multiple phone calls to the same number, multiple travel bills, or multiple hotel bills from the same destination, let me know.”
“Anything else to look out for, Joanie?” asked Suzy.
“A signed confession with accompanying photos would be nice, but anything that seems odd or catches your fancy, pass it on. It maybe a cliché, but it could be anything. Go with your gut feeling; hunches are big in police work.”
The kids and I worked quietly for an hour or so, sorting out the paper by date, and then by type. I gave them all note pad and pens, and told them to each pick an address, or phone number, and try to follow it across the months.
“Joanie, is this something important? It’s Anna’s credit card bill for travel expenses to the same city in Mexico multiple times over several months. Each time it’s for multiple persons. Don’t they have plastic surgery clinics that cater to Americans? I remember reading about it in a news magazine, and I think I saw something on TV,” said Suzy.
“Wonderful, Suzy, I think you found a lead. Show what you have to the rest, then make careful notes of what you found. Great start, gang, lets find more.”
I looked over what she had: several individuals accompanied Anna to the same city, and hotel, in Mexico, and there were these many thousand dollar charges from the same business each time. I suspected it was the surgical clinic.
“Joanie!” Pinky all but shouted.
“Calm down, what do you have?
“Anna’s phone bills show dozens of calls to the same few numbers in Mexico, and these same numbers show up on a fragment of a bill that isn’t hers; maybe it’s the pornographer’s?” she said, grinning like a cat closing for the killing bite.
I rushed to her side. She showed me what she’d found, and how she did it.
“I could kiss you! What the hell!” I said.
I gave Pinky a big hug and a light kiss on the cheek. I was so proud of her. Then I heard her gasp and felt her stiffen. I looked in her eyes, and for a moment I thought I saw confusion, and fear. I can be so stupid.
~~Ghod, what have I done? I’m an idiot! ~~
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Pinky. I shouldn’t have done that. I forget how much you’ve changed in a short time. I don’t ever want to see you hurt again, least of all by me. I feel like I violated your trust,” I whispered to Pinky. I felt sick.
Pinky visibly relaxed, and looked at me like I needed consoling, and not her.
“Joanie, it’s okay. I’ve been on edge since I heard about Anna’s troubles, it brought up bad memories. I know you were just being nice. My mom used to do that when I did something she was proud of, but she stopped after my mutation. I’ve missed it, and I thank you for it. You don’t need my forgiveness,” she replied softly.
Then Pinky smiled, hugged me back, and kissed me sweetly on my cheek. I smiled with relief.
“I’m so proud of you, Pinky, and Suzy. I’m proud of all of you for helping. Keep looking at this stuff; maybe try sorting it a different way, by location or by amount spent? Use your imaginations. If it gets too intense for any of you, let me know, please? I don’t want anyone suffering nightmares. I’m calling this info into Security, so they can look it over. I’ll have them bring back copies so we can keep at it.”
Chief Delarose came into the music room within minutes.
~~The Chief? I must be a favorite, or it’s a slow evening. ~~
“What do you have for me, Timeout? It sounded important.”
“Timeout? Joanie has a *handle*?” said Tom wide eyed.
“She certainly rates one, and it avoids confusion,” Delarose said. “When dispatch passed on your message, I had to come. What do you have for me, Ms. Holmes?” he said with a wry smile.
“She’s Emma Peel, from 'The Avengers', Chief Delarose. Don’t you follow the news?” said Pinky absolutely stone-faced, like her Aunt. Eww!
“Ah, by 'The Avengers' you mean the *mysterious* individuals who helped solve the Boston rape and conspiracy case. I’m glad to have been of assistance to you, Ms. Conners. Joanie’s quite fond of you too. You are right, she’d look much better in a cat-suit and high heeled boots, than a deerstalker and Edwardian hunting garb. I must complement you on assisting in this case; it can’t be easy for you. You’re a special young woman, Ms. Conners.”
Now Pinky was the one blushing for a change.
“May I see the evidence you think you’ve uncovered?”
I handed it to him, and gave a short synopsis of what we suspected.
“The beginnings of a case against a pornographer, drug pusher, sex slave trader, and kidnapper, I hope?” I said.
“This is excellent work; you’re all to be commended. I agree these are significant leads. I’d like to take all this with me; I’ll make two copies of everything, one for our investigators in Security, one for you folks to continue working up leads from, and the originals I’ll lock up as evidence. I’ll get the department working on it at once. Joanie,” he said with an odd smile on his face. “Do I get a suit, bowler hat, and umbrella? I’ll let you know when it’s time to put on the leather cat-suit, and boots,” the Chief said.
“You’re out of luck, that’s the Senator’s outfit. What if I loan you a Walther PPK, a sharp suit, and a hot sports car? You can be Delarose, Chief Delarose. Give me a kiss, 007.”
“If you insist, Mrs. Peel,” he said as he moved toward me.
“Chief, what are you doing? I was only joking. You don’t have to mmfghp!”
It is difficult to talk when you’re being kissed like I was. Chief Delarose was not just a great lawman. He broke off, and I struggled to speak.
“… Oh my Ghod!”
“No, just me, Joanie, but my pleasure,” said the Chief as he walked away.
~~You know, he is a great kisser. Who’da thunk it? ~~
April 18, 2007, 7:00AM
I took care of my *cats*, dressed, and headed out for my morning run. What I saw surprised me.
“Good morning Pinky, Suzy, Tom, Tina...? What’s going on, not that I mind the company.”
“You’ve been so nice to us, and now you’re helping a girl you haven’t met. We thought we should be nice to you,” said Suzy, the apparent ring-leader.
“You don’t have to…” I started to say.
“Tickle attack!” shouted Suzy.
They caught me off guard, and I was soon writhing on the ground laughing so hard I cried and my sides ached. I hadn’t laughed like that in ages. It was nearly as good a sex and carried no risk of pregnancy, however …
“St_st_st_op, p_p_please … I c_can’t … I’ll wet …“
They stopped, eventually, and stood around me, smiling.
“Damn, now I have to go and change my clothes, but thanks,” I said, followed by kissing each of them on the cheek. Poor Tom blushed and looked embarrassed until Suzy winked at him, and he smiled.
~~My niece is going on birth control if I have to drag her in for the shots myself. ~~
I rushed to the nearest bathroom, changed out of my wet panties and shorts, freshened up, and put on a fresh pair with a panty liner to be safe. Except for some grass stains, my shoes and running-bra top, were fine. I put on my school uniform skirt; it would have to do for now. With the sport bra top, it made a provocative outfit. I ran back to the running track.
“Joanie, that’s a different look for you, but I like it. Face it girl, a potato sack looks good on you. You know, Joanie, with some ribbons in your hair and a big bow tied around your waist, that’s practically a Sailor Moon outfit,” said Lex, who’d come late to the party. “Thanks, Joanie, for the living room set, and floor lamp. It was most generous of you. My old stuff was getting thread-bare. How’s the scratching post working out?”
“Scratching post?” asked Tina.
“Officer Luther’s old couch, Tina. My smilodons took a liking to it when Lex baby sat them this Easter weekend. They were a touch enthusiastic,” I said.
“Enthusiastic? The stuffing was falling out of one corner and they’d cut grooves in the wood frame. George and Gracie are a cute, furry, wrecking crew. I’m pleased you did the right thing and replaced the damaged furniture. Buying a whole living room set was a nice touch. What I didn’t expect was the new carpeting they installed. It looks great, Joanie,” Lex replied.
“I called the furniture store before they delivered, and they had carpeting designed to match your set. You’ve been so kind to me, Lex. It’s not that the rest of Security hasn’t been decent, but you made me feel welcome. What’s the point of having money if you can’t do some good with it? And before you say it’s too expensive, that living room set, and carpet, cost less than what I make in a week on my recording royalties. Don’t sweat it. I’ll like to be generous when I can.”
“I could buy a good used car for what that living room cost. Let’s see, times 52 … How much are you making a year, Joanie?” Lex said.
“Forbes said I was one of the top celebrities for 2006 in terms of my earnings. I’m doing much better this year.”
“You mean you’re up there with Oprah?”
“I’m doing far better than her, Lex.”
“My Ghod, I’m working with Billie Gates!”
“Ha, ha, Lex, What do we do now? It’s nearly 7:30,” I asked.
“We can still run, just shorter, but faster. I have a cunning plan, Lord Joanie,” said Lex.
“You’re parodying Black Adder, this can’t be good. You had this all worked out before hand; this is a set up?”
“I’m sorry Aun…, oh hell, no one's here, Auntie Joanie. Pinky told us how you never seem to tire or even sweat much, so we’re giving you a workout the best way we can. Ready to tag-team her?” said Suzy.
They ran a relay race against me, so that no one ran more than a lap, if even that, before another took over. This way they could run at or close to an all-out sprint continuously. It took everything I had to stay competitive.
“7:45, time’s up, Joanie. Let’s see how we did,” said Lex from behind me, moments after her watch alarm sounded.
They were all sweaty and breathing hard. Lex, despite her magic induced regen, was almost as exhausted; even I was a little damp and tired.
Suzy spoke. “Joanie, you held a sub-four-minute-mile pace for 15 minutes. It took everything I had to keep up, and I’m sure the rest of us feel the same. Are you sure you’re not an energizer?”
"Nope! Boing, boing, boing, boing …”
“Tigger? Now cut that out.”
“Jack Benny, Lex?” I offered.
“Arrg!” Lex cried, throwing her arms up then walking off laughing.
* * * *
To be continued
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"This Old Mutant"
Finally, a PBS reference I get! Hmmm, Joanie and Norm Abram, I've always thought he is cute, with that beard and all. Maybe he could make her a custom piece in that workshop of his. "This is made from cherry wood, first I turned the rough shape on the lathe, then used a hand router to. . . ."
I wonder if any of the various mutants at Whateley can help restore Anna's appearance? It would likely help her mentally if what she saw in the mirror didn't remind her of what was done to her.
Thanks, John, another great chapter!
Karen J.
Change is inevitable, except from vending machines
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Anne and TOH
Anne pops up occasionally over the next several chapters. As of Timeout 4, chapter four she has begun treatment. Some is conventional some is not but she will get helped.
This Old House and those male hosts ... have you been reading ahead over at The Crystal Hall? It gets worse, think BBC and a obsolete piece of British police equipment.
Oh yummy, we have to shovel snow.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Yep, it's getting worse!
No, never did read ahead over there, but it helps that I'd just finished watching "TOH" when I read your latest. As for the BBC thing, I hope you're not talking about who I think you're talking about. That show was so-o corny! "Blake's Seven" was so much better!
I'm glad Anna is getting the help she needs. What's the point of everybody having all these powers if they don't help others?
Enjoy the snow! I put up detour signs pointing north, glad it made it up there.
Karen J.
Change is inevitable, except from vending machines
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Feel Free to Keep Some
We'll gladly send the snow back your way, since you miss it so.
Blake's Seven was good and the X- Jerry Lewis romanitic object as Servilan was great but did they have to kill off nearly all the cast in the first episode?
Hope your muse is well, Karen.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
To each his (or her) own
No, that's alright. You keep the snow, we'll keep the heat.
Hey, in Blake's Seven they were whacking characters all the way through! At least in Star Trek (TOS), you knew any red shirt seen in the opening would die in the first five minutes, B7 even killed Blake after the first two seasons!
Maybe I'm glad you don't mimic B7 after all! But DrW is almost as bad, changing actors every time they did a new story. Please, don't change Joanie, ot I shall quit reading!
Karen J.
Change is inevitable, except from vending machines
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
"Liv Ulman"
A minor point: Liv Ulman spells her name "Ullman" and it was Uma Thurman who starred in the recent Avengers movie, as well as both Kill Bill movies., the Internet Movie DataBase, is an excellent resource for tracking down who played what when, and viewing the *almost* complete official filmograpies of actors and directors. It often misses roles that didn't show up in the credits, and the rules for directorial credit sometimes alter official reality if viewed from a less legalistic viewpoint.
You might also like Ms. Thurman in Jennifer 8, Gattaca, The Truth About Cats & Dogs, Hysterical Blindness, and her narration in Without Lying Down - Frances Marion and the Power of Women in Hollywood.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style