A Summer of Changes - Book 2 Chapter 1

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Denise feels that she must now revert to living as a young man,
but can things ever be quite the same again?

A Summer of Changes
by Louise Anne Smithson

Book 2 Chapter 1

‘Denis’s return’

Sue and Helen were both up early the morning after the wedding and had time to look through the fifty odd photographs taken by Sue the previous day, which she had downloaded on to her laptop computer.

‘Those pictures are brilliant,’ said Helen, ‘there are hardly any that are not of a professional standard. You always seem to take excellent pictures, whereas mine are never any good.’

‘Thanks for the compliment,’ said Sue, ‘I did delete a few duds as I went along, but I've always enjoyed taking photos of people and I believe I'm quite good at it. In fact I even went on a course in portrait photography a couple of years ago.’

‘Would you be able to take some fashion pictures for me, for a catalogue of our stock?’

‘Yes I'm sure I could do that, as long as I had access to the right facilities and equipment. What exactly do you have in mind?

‘Many of our competitors have transferred their catalogues to the World Wide Web and it is high time we did the same, and also introduced a system of ordering via the Internet. We are now four years in to the twenty-first century, after all. Denis suggested the idea to me some time ago and has developed a template for a new Web site and electronic ordering system. I've recently been seeking to arrange a bank loan to enable us to mount our catalogue, but it would only be financially viable if we were to do it in-house. I think we could easily create a studio in one of the store rooms and also use the garden for outdoor shots. I couldn't afford to pay an established photographer or employ professional photographic models but I wonder whether you and Jane would be willing to help out again in return for a bonus.’

‘I'd be interested in the plan, have you spoken to Jane?’

‘Not yet, but I'm sure she would, as she has helped me out in the past.’

‘When would you want us to start?’ asked Sue

‘Jane is on her honeymoon until the 14th June, I was intending to have a talk to her when she returns. Perhaps you could investigate what would be needed in terms of equipment for me in the meanwhile.’

‘You'll need to invest in some decent cameras, some second-hand lighting equipment and also some photo editing software if we are going to do it properly. I'll give the matter some further thought over the next few days and give you a costing.’

Over breakfast their conversation turned to the previous day’s wedding and the supporting role played by one of their colleagues.

‘Young Denis looked and acted brilliantly, I'm sure no-one will have guessed his true sex,’ said Helen.

‘Yes, I agree’ replied Sue, ‘but please be careful what you say when we go round to Jane’s house later, and make sure that you still refer to her as Denise. Jane never told her father as she did not want to worry him.’

‘So it'll be Denise rather than Denis that we take back to London this morning.”

‘I believe so.’

‘Do you think she'll have made much of an effort with her appearance now it is no longer required?’

Sue thought for a moment then smiled.

‘I suspect that Denise will look immaculate and very feminine this morning, wearing a dress, with perfect make-up, and not a hair out of place,’ she said.

‘What makes you so sure?’ said Helen.

‘I believe our young colleague has been enjoying her week of living and working as Denise. Denis’s having to remain as a woman last weekend was partly my fault, but he put up hardly any opposition when we suggested the idea in the first place and she didn't put up that much of struggle when Jane wanted her to be her bridesmaid. Denise appears to enjoy wearing girly clothes and makeup. She also seems to be more self-confident and gregarious at work than Denis used to be. I suspect she'll want to make the most of the little time she has left as a woman.’

‘Yes there's no doubt that she enjoyed herself at Sue's hen-night last weekend; that is why I told her to keep those two outfits. But at the same time, when we spoke yesterday she was quite determined that she would change back this afternoon.’

‘I suspect our young colleague feels ambivalent as to what to do. Now there's no longer any excuse for staying as Denise, Denis feels he ought to revert to normal. In any event, he'll need to return to his flat, but that doesn't mean that he does not secretly hope that there might be another opportunity to spend some more time as Denise in the future.’

‘Perhaps we could think of an excuse for him to change back again at work some time?’ said Helen.

‘No one else is planning to get married in the immediate future, but there's always your proposal to put photographs of the stock on to the web. You'll need more than one model if you're going to include every item of clothing you stock as Jane won't look equally good in every colour scheme. The rest of your employees are too old for such a job, so you might consider using Denise as a model as well as Jane. We already know she looks good and that she and Jane take the same dress size?’

‘Would Denise be suitable as a model?’

‘I believe so. You've already seen some photographs of her as a bridesmaid, she presents as a very photogenic young lady.’

‘But would Denis agree to spend time working as Denise? It might involve several weeks of work.’

‘I've no idea. The main problem seems to be his accommodation during the week. He'd have to get things sorted out at his home so he doesn't have to keep changing back into Denis every evening, or else find somewhere else to live. You'd need to put a proposition to him and see if he'd be interested’.

‘Before I make any promises, I would want to try him, or rather her, out in the role first,’ said Helen, ‘but I'll be happy to consider your suggestion. In fact, if you're right with your prediction about Denise’s appearance this morning, I'll make arrangements to give her a trial as well, as soon as Jane returns from her honeymoon.

A couple of miles away Samantha knocked on Denise’s bedroom door and was invited in. Denise was wearing the dark blue lingerie set and the silver stockings that she had bought for herself the previous weekend, and was just putting on the dress she had been given the previous night.

‘Breakfast will soon be ready downstairs. Dad is cooking it for us. I must say you look very smart again this morning, I'm glad you've made an effort with your makeup’

‘Thanks, I wanted to look my best as this is my last day as Denise’.

Samantha looked a little awkward, thinking about their conversation of the previous night.

‘I hope it won't be your last day as Denise, and that it won't be too long before I see you again,’ said Samantha.

‘Thanks. I too hope we can meet again, but I understand why you don't want to meet me as Denis.’

Samantha didn't reply. So in order to change the tone of the conversation, Denise added:

‘Do you think the high heels that Helen gave me last week go with the dress that you gave me last night? I want to look smart again when my colleagues come to pick me up.’

‘They look fine together, but we bought you the flat heels to give your feet a break on the journey home.’

‘I know, but I think the high heels make my legs look nicer,’ replied her friend as she turned to admire her own legs in a full-length mirror

Samantha smiled.

‘You’re right, they do look better, but you may want to take a pair of my slippers in your bag to slip on during the car journey.’

‘Alright, thank you I'll do that’

‘Would you like me to pin up your hair again the way they styled it yesterday?’ asked Samantha.

‘Oh yes please, if we've time before Helen and Sue come to collect me.’

‘I think so, as long as we're fairly quick over our breakfast.’

Just over an hour later an immaculately dressed Denise put her case in the boot of Helen’s car and gracefully sat in the back seat taking with her a bunch of flowers given to her by Samantha’s father. Sue and Helen exchanged meaningful glances as she did so.

‘That's a nice dress, Denise,’ said Helen as they started the journey. ‘Are you borrowing it from Jane?’

‘No, it was a thank-you present from the bride and her sister for stepping in at the last moment,’ said Denise, as if it were nothing out of the ordinary.

‘Who did your hair and makeup this morning?’ asked Sue.

‘I put on my own makeup, but I have to admit that Jane’s sister helped me put up my hair,’ she answered.

‘You both appear to have done a good job,’ said Helen.

‘Jane’s sister seemed rather sad this morning,’ commented Sue.

‘Yes, I suppose after all the excitement and fuss of the last couple of weeks she's suddenly realised that she's lost her former housemate and confidante,’ answered Denise.

The journey back to London seemed to pass quickly. It was taken up in discussing the wedding and reflecting on Denise’s experiences over the last week.

‘So have you enjoyed your week living as a woman?’ asked Helen.

‘Oh yes! It's been great fun. At least I can say that now that the wedding is over. There have been a few times I was afraid that I might be discovered, but I've been gradually growing in confidence’.

‘Are you going to become Denise again sometime?’ she asked.

Denise thought for a moment before answering.

‘I hope so, but next time it will have to be for a shorter time. Denise has already had a couple of invitations to stay with friends, but I can’t keep relying on others to put me up. Maybe I should invest in a wig and some false finger nails so next time I can change back into Denis before going home at night’.

‘The trouble with that is that they won't be as convincing as the hair and nail extensions you are currently wearing,’ said Sue.

‘Yes but I can foresee difficulties with my landlady if I were ever to return home dressed like this.’

‘Surely it is none of her business what you choose to wear,’ commented Sue.

'Perhaps, but it is not just my landlady, there are also two other lodgers living in the same house,' she replied.

Helen dropped her two colleagues at Sue’s flat in Camden Town, and they collected their respective cases from the boot of her car. After saying goodbye to Sue, she turned to Denise.

‘I assume that I'll be seeing you as Denis at work tomorrow, but I hope we can also meet Denise again a sometime.’

Denise smiled and thanked her, and the two girls picked up their luggage and went up to the flat where Alison had been preparing them lunch.

‘Wow, just look at you Denise’ said Alison smiling as the latter entered the kitchen. ‘You look even better than you did last weekend’.

‘That’s because I've had my hair styled professionally, and also I've had an extra week to practice being a girl,’ she answered, giving her friend a kiss on the cheek.

‘I thought that last weekend was supposed to be a one-off.’

‘It was, but I didn't know then that I was going to be kidnapped and forced into bondage as a bridesmaid,’ she replied smiling.

‘Yes, I've been hearing all about your adventures from Sue over the last week. How did the wedding go?’

‘I think it went pretty well, the bride looked radiant, the groom did as he was told and nobody seemed to take any notice of me,’ said Denise.

‘The first two points are true, but Denise made quite an impact, particularly with respect to one of the male guests, said Sue. 'I've got plenty of photographs to show you later.’

‘Lunch will be in about ten minutes,’ said Alison.

‘In that case I'll put these flowers into a vase on the table if you have one, as I don’t want to take them home to my flat tonight’ said Denise.

‘Yes of course we do, and I’ll show you how to arrange them properly,’ said Sue.

After lunch, the three of them sat down at a computer monitor, looking at the photographs, and then Sue made a copy of them on a CD for her friend. After about thirty minutes Denise reminded her that they now needed to go into their work so that she could at last get changed.

‘Denise you looked so gorgeous in those pictures, surely you don’t want to waste that fabulous hairdo by changing back into a man?’ said Alison with some distaste.

‘Why is everyone so interested in keeping me dressed as a woman?’ said Denise laughing.

‘Because you make such an attractive one,’ said Alison ‘with your looks you could have a lot of fun and so you might consider living as Denise full-time’

‘That’s all very well to say,’ she answered blushing, ‘but if I did so where would I live? How would I spend my time after work?’

‘I'm sure you could explain to your housemates and your landlady about Denise,’ said Sue smiling, ‘they might even prefer having her around rather than Denis.

‘Thanks for your suggestion,’ said Denise, ‘but I think I'll stick to my original plans’.

‘What about that guy at the wedding reception, you seemed to be getting on ok with him?’ said Sue. ‘I saw the two of you come in from the garden both looking guilty’.

Denise blushed, but also dismissed any idea of a continuing relationship, and re-iterated her determination to change back into Denis that afternoon, and so the others reluctantly let the idea drop. Soon afterwards Sue accompanied her to their workplace.

Thus, after nearly ten days of living as Denise, Denis once again returned to his normal self. It was a slow and painful transition: the breast forms were both stuck fast and required a good deal of solvent.

‘I think Jane rather went over the top in sticking these down,’ commented Sue, ‘but in the circumstances it was probably worth the effort’.

Once they were both removed, Sue carefully placed them in a bag to await Jane’s return. The hair extensions were also carefully removed and left in Denis’s locker for use again if necessary, and the nails trimmed. It took some effort to remove all traces of lipstick and eye-makeup both of which appeared to be indelible. Finally, he put on the jeans, t-shirt, and shoes that he had worn in to work nine days earlier.

‘What are we going to do about your earlobes?’ asked Sue.

‘Take out the earrings please.’

‘If we do so the holes will close up.’

‘But I can’t go home wearing pearl drop earrings.’

‘I could always put in those studs that I bought last Sunday, lots of guys wear them these days.’

‘I don’t know Sue, they would still attract attention.’

‘Alternatively I've some clear plastic retainers that will be virtually invisible, but will keep the holes open until next time you want to use them.’

‘Alright then as long as they're not obvious.’

The process of turning Denise back into Denis had taken about three hours to complete and even then he still retained the shaped eyebrows. Eventually, at about six o’clock, the two of them went out to have a coffee and a cake.

‘This is the first time I've worn trousers in more than a week. It does feel a little strange to be dressed as a man again,’ he commented.

‘I'm afraid your face still looks a little bit girlish, but you should be alright as long as no one looks at you too closely,’ said Sue. ‘Do you have any masculine looking dark glasses?’

‘Thanks a lot,’ said Denis a little ruefully. ‘I'll look most odd wearing dark glasses indoors.’

‘You'll also have to be careful with your mannerisms and gestures,’ she added. ‘Between us we did quite a successful job with your body language, and you'll have to get used to acting like a man once again.’

‘The girls will understand at work, but I'll need to keep out of everyone’s way at home for the next few days,’ said Denis

‘Will that be a problem?’

‘I don’t think so. I've already paid my rent to my landlady for the next month and so I'm unlikely to see much of her. Sometimes the girl in the flat next door calls in to complain to me about her boyfriend. I think she assumes that I'm gay as I work for a company selling dresses.’

‘I guess you'll quickly get used to being Denis again, after all it didn't take you very long to get used to being a woman,’ said Sue. ‘By the way, what are you planning to do with Denise’s clothes?’

‘One outfit is still at Jane’s flat. I'll leave another one here in my locker and take the clothes that I've been wearing and the bridesmaid’s dress home. I'll also take home and wash all the underclothes’

‘Yes you'll want to have them clean and ready for the next time that you need to use them,’ said Sue half jokingly.

‘Perhaps,’ said Denis, ‘but first of all I will need a week or two to think about things.’

By the time Denis returned to his bedsit it was midway through the evening, and so he was able to go straight to his room without attracting any attention. He carefully unpacked the case and hung the two dresses in the back of his wardrobe, put the high-heeled shoes in the back of his cupboard and the various cosmetics in one of his drawers. He then looked at himself in front of his wardrobe mirror and tried to work out what he was feeling. Without question one part of him was relieved that the adventure was now all over and he was back as his normal self without having been discovered. Although there were still a few visible traces of his time as Denise, they could be disguised and would soon be gone. On the other hand, another larger part of him was feeling rather flat and let down, and would miss the close friendships he had made over the previous week. So perhaps he would not mind too much if there should be another opportunity for him to become Denise.

(Next time - Denis feels isolated at work but has a conversation with one of his housemates which affects both of their lives

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A Summer of Changes Book 2

It's evident that Denise will be showing up again, will be fun to se this story continue.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Ah Ha

Model for the web catalogue. Perfect reason for Denise to reappear, and for quite a while. Now, to solve the living accomodation problem. Wonder if Sue is looking for a new roommate. Or more, since they seemed to hit it off. She may finally accept a new gurlfriend.

I feel sorry for Denis/Denise

I realize this is a TG site and many are cheering for her feminine side to come out.

BUT he never cross dressed before so far as I remember reading, had no desire to become a woman. He was simply a young, shy naive man who badly wanted friends and was willing to compromise a lot once he thought he'd found them. To an extent, minor or major, he/she has been manipulated by these *loving* co-workers.

Already they are thinking of using their young IT man as a female model and looking forward to the next time he is en-fem.

Why must he become a she to be included? Why can't they appreciate him for who he is rather than the woman he can imitate? Why can't a man be one of the girls?

Is this a journey of self discovery or is a shy, lonely man being led down the path to something he ultimately will not want but realize to late to turn back? Comments by his co=workers about how he was so cooperative and didn't fight it are at best inaccurate as he had no male clothes to change back into or the solvent to take off those fake breasts. He was at high risk of being discovered if he tried to look male under those circumstances, at best he would have had to hole up until the girls could help him change back, so acting female was best. And acting pleased to be with a guy? Oh p.l.l.l.l.ease ! He's going to admit publically "I'm a guy in drag, back off Mister!"?

One would they believe him unless he exposed himself and two why would he want to *hurt his friends from work*. He's as or more likely a nice guy than an undiagnosed TG.

Is this a love sorry or a horror story?

I mean, just because he is slight and young and can pull off being an attractive young woman is that really who he is in his soul? Are they simply helping her discover who she really is or are they unconscious or consciously manipulating a lonely boy into am ultimately even unhappier woman?

SHE was happy because SHE was being included and appreciated, IMHO. Why can't they do that for him?

This is an interesting story and I look forward to more. You have me guessing, bravo.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

yeppers like he said

... Denis at least is taking time to think things over. Clothing and looks and such can turn a girl's head, but it is not a good reason to live full-time. That is serious stuff!

Things can potentially snowball out of hand quickly - staying feminine looking, preventing that beard etc.

Denis has to be one with the motivation to want to be feminine and possibly female above and beyond the love and approval of friends and even family.

Only then.


"Why can't a man be one of the girls?"

Jezzi Stewart's picture

I don't know why not, but I know from personal experience that he can't be. I've been trying my whole life because I've always enjoyed the company of women so much more than that of men. But as long as I look like a man, I'm always an outsider, allowed, perhaps to linger in the friendship fringes and stare longingly in. It's only when I act like a woman as much as I possibly can that I can come close to entering that inner girlfriend circle, and I can't safely act like one unless I'm dressed and looking like one. What that means is a guy can only - almost - be one of the girls when he's a gurl.

"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show

BE a lady!

And some it seems ....

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

And some it seems never real managed to be one of the guys either as a guy.


He admits!

Dennis admitted he felt a different person whilst dressed, happy, gregarious, pretty, loved being kissed as a girl!

Why can't he change if it makes him really happy, we only have one lifetime and happiness is hard to find?


Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)


I would love to see

I would love to see Denis/Denise's story continue and I think the modeling bit will soon bring Denis over to the 'fair sex' side on a rather permanent basis. Jan

Interesting Comments...

The story setup's clear enough, since we get to hear the whole cast on the subject. But John (and the others) make really good points.


Femme !!


Denis/Denise has taken to the femme role like a duck to water and certainly has
had no hangups about it,even as the bridesmaid.She is certainly not being forced into anything and is obviously going to make up her own mind about the future.Let the
story flow---I will anyway!!


Decisions, decisions!

I'm looking forward to the photo shots for the web site, it should be lots of fun and further cement his transition.

I think Dennis is having doubts that changing back to his male clothes is a good idea?

It's really great to read an unforced transition,

Great story, looking forward to lots more thank you!


Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)



indoctrination by submersion
I can see his/her feelings revolving in a mess.
#1 - lonely guy gets taste of friendships but only as enfemme.
#2 - the friendships are not there as a male.
#3 - geez, that gotta hurt a inferiority complex, and I'm guessing here too that he's likely a virgin also.
#4 - if these women are smart, they will NOT ask him to model shoot, but they too vain to look past their own needs.
#5 - Samantha should wake up & smell roses.
#6 - if these women truely wanted to help, they'd work on finding this poor guy a female date (Samantha ideal) that wouldnt mind a crossdressing denis on occation, but not out perm.
#7 - I can see a closet TS or Cd being enticed, but to take a perfectly normal healthy male & turn him into a personal plaything/living doll so disgusts me, it's painfull.
All right now everyone knows my opinion, now I'm gonna finish off reading this, learning that Denise ends up with Gregg, Samantha as being another bridesmaid, denise turns professional model as well as Samantha & everyone living happilly ever after. (sniff-sniff)

I just have to remember it's a story not life. even tho the story is well written HUGGS to Author

Keep those dresses handy

Kind of depressing not having Denise around, hopefully she will return shortly.
I see from our hint changes may be happening.
Thailand Doctors have such nice web sights Denis, you should look at one or two.
