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Part 1
Hi, my name is Terrie and want to tell you about meeting the most wonderful girl, Halle. First of all, a little about me. I'm a bi-sexual girl, and have been since my early teens. I'm currently attending college and working on my Masters in psychology. I enjoy going to the various gay/lesbian clubs for the obvious reasons. And, it was at one of these clubs that I met Halle.
I had just arrived in town to work on my Masters at City College, and had been told by some friends that the best gay/lesbian club in town was the 1-BY-1 Club just off campus. And, every other week on a Friday, they had a special day for crossdressers and a great drag show. Drag shows are always great, and I really enjoy them. So, one evening I got all dolled up and headed to the club.
As I walked into the club, the show had just started. I stood at the door and just looked around taking in all the sights. There was a broad spectrum of people there, crossdressers, some fairly easy to spot, some not, a few couples, and a smattering of others. All in all, there was about seventy-five people in the club. Most of the tables were taken, a few of the booths were empty, and the bar was half empty.
I walked over to the bar, sat on one of the stools, and ordered a margarita. And, continued to look around the club, and I noticed a very cute girl looking back at me. She was sitting with a few others at a table on the far side of the club. I smiled and she smiled back. There was something about her, I couldn't put my finger on it, but I wanted to get to know her. I figured that after the show was over, I would go ask her to dance. I started watching the show, sipping on my drink A few minutes later someone sat on the stool next to mine. I looked over, and it was the girl. She was very pretty, auburn hair down to her shoulders, green eyes, perfect makeup, large hoop earrings, a gorgeous embroidered choker, and a pair of really kissable lips.
She said, with a smile that would stop a ship, "Hi. My name's Halle."
"I'm Terrie."
"Can I buy you a drink?"
"Sure. Another one of these would be great." I never turn down a drink offer from a cute girl.
She motioned for the bar girl, and ordered two margarita's. We exchanged small talk for awhile, about the drag show, and the club. She finally asked, "You are new here, aren't you?. Going to the college?"
"Yes, and yes."
"What are you studying."
"I'm working on my Masters."
"That's cool. What's you major?"
"Psychology." I saw the look on her face that I usually get the first time that I tell people this. I continued, "Don't worry. I'm not here to analyze anyone. I just enjoy clubs like this, I just come to relax, and meet people." I hoped that I hadn't turned her off.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to react that way."
"That's ok. It happens all the time. Want to go sit someplace a little more comfortable?"
"Sure. That booth over there is open."
We got up and headed to the booth. I noticed, as I think she did, that her friends were watching us. I was also able to get a better look at how she was dressed. She had on a very pretty peasants blouse, a short leather skirt, dark nylons, and a pair of drop dead four inch black heels with ankle straps. She looked to be about five foot seven or eight in the heels, and maybe a 38C. With my four inch heels, I was about two inches taller than her. I followed her, and she walked with a real sexy little wiggle.
We got to the booth, I scooted into one of the seats. She was going to sit on the other side of the table, but I patted the seat next to me, and gave her a come hither look. She got a little smile, and scooted in next to me. I settled back into the seat, leaning against the seat back and wall, so that I could see her better. I noticed that she was really wearing nylons, she was sitting with her legs under her, and her skirt had ridden up revealing her garter tabs.
We sat, enjoyed small talk, and had another drink. The more I talked with her, the more I knew that she was special, and I was becoming enthralled with her. We were both loosening up, thanks to the drinks, and were opening up to each other. I learned that she twenty two, had a double degree in business and computers, was working for a company that did web page design, and taught classes part time in the two year programs at the college. She had lived with her parents until she graduated from college, and was now in her own townhouse just off campus.
I reached, and took her hand in mine. Her hand was small, very soft, with perfectly done nails, and a number of rings. She looked down, and blushed a little. Then looked me in the eyes, smiled, and squeezed my hand. There really was something special between us, and she felt it too.
We needed to go someplace more private. And, she must have felt the same way, because she said, "Lets get out of here. My townhouse is only two blocks from here." My turn to smile!. She got up, saying, "Let me say good night to my friends. Come on." I followed her over to the table where her friends were sitting. She said, "Everyone this is Terrie. Terrie, this is Jackie, his wife Mary, Cathy, Phil, Donna, and Vickie. Jackie is one of the 'girls', and his wife is very supportive, Cathy and Vickie are also crossdressers, Phil is Cathy's friend, and Donna is a real girl." We exchanged pleasantries. And, Cathy said, "Sit and join us. We'll make room."
Halle said, "No. We're just leaving. Going over to my place for a night cap."
You could see the knowing smiles. Halle gave everyone a good bye kiss on the cheek, and we headed out of the club. As we headed down the street, she took my hand, and we walked hand in hand to her townhouse. She stopped at the front door, looked me in the eyes, and said , "There is something that you need to know before we go in. And, I should have told you before we left the club, so that you could have found someone else."
I looked at her somewhat puzzled, and said, "What?"
"I'm really a guy."
"No way!"
"Yes. I'm a guy. I'm a crossdresser, and have been for a long time."
"But, your so... So... So pretty."
"Thank you. But, I'm a guy. And, you're a lesbian, and wanted a real girl. You can be mad at me, I deserve it. But, I felt something special with you, and wanted to be with you."
She had a tear in her eye, and looked a little down trodden. I just looked at her for awhile. I couldn't believe that this pretty girl was a guy. Her look, her mannerisms, everything about her said girl.
Finally she continued, "I'll walk you back to the club, or call you a cab."
I reached out, took her chin in my hand, lifted her head so that I could look into her eyes, and said, "No you won't. I walked down here with you for a night cap, and I want to have that night cap. Besides, I'm bi."
I could see a look of relief on her face, and finally that cute smile started to return. She took my hand again, led me into the townhouse, it was a real upscale place, two stories, and she gave me the cooks tour. The first floor had a large livingroom, half bath, large kitchen that appeared to be well used, a diningroom, and a private patio off the kitchen and diningroom. It was decorated very nicely, not entirely feminine, but not masculine either. The second floor had a full bath that was somewhat feminine, two bedrooms, one was set up as an office, the other was a real surprise. It was completely feminine, it had a dressing table, a bed with a canopy, very frilly curtains, and a large walk in closet. The closet was like a department store, there was a small section of guys shirts, jackets, and pants. The rest of the closet was a smorgasbord of girls things, blouses, skirts, jackets, sweaters, pants, suits, and shoes. There was also another private patio off of this bedroom.
"You're a guy, and you have more girl clothes that I do.", I said with a smile.
"What can I say. If I see something I like, I buy it. I guess I have a girls shopping gene.", she said with a wink.
"And, this bedroom, it's gorgeous."
"Thank you. It's really me."
"I can tell there is a lot of love in here."
"Lets get that drink."
We went back down stairs to the livingroom. She put on some music, and poured two glasses of wine. We sat on the couch, sipped our wine, and talked. I wanted to know more about her/him, but didn't want to be forward.
Halle said, "I'm really glad that you didn't get mad. I took a big chance. And, I'm glad I did."
"I'm glad you did, too. But, I'm really having a problem believing you're a guy. You’re just so much a girl, the way you walk, talk, and present yourself."
"Thanks. Everyone has a problem believing I'm a guy when I tell them. In fact, most don't believe it. The only way that you really tell, when I'm in fem mode, is by my male package."
Halle got up to refill our wine glasses, and when she came back, she handed me mine, bent down, and kissed me. She then sat close, and kissed me again, very deeply. I was right, those lips were very kissable. And, she even kissed like a girl. It wasn't long until we were necking like two teenagers, and second base was reached very quickly. I was surprised, her breasts felt very real. She broke the clinch, stood up, and offered her hand to me. I took it, she helped me stand, and lead me upstairs to the bedroom.
She lit about a half a dozen candles that she had around the bedroom, it added a very nice aroma to the room, not to mention the romantic undertones. She walked back over to where I was standing, kissed me very gently, and started unbuttoning my blouse. She slipped it off my shoulders, and let it fall to the floor. Her lips worked down my neck, to the tops of my bra cups. Her hands found the bra hooks, the bra joined the blouse on the floor, and her lips found my nipples. Her lips were so soft, and her tongue knew just how to work my nipples. I was really getting turned on. She worked my nipples for a while, and dropped to her knees.
She undid my skirt and let it fall to the floor. She looked up and smiled at me when she saw I wasn't wearing any panties. I was standing there in my thigh hi hose and heels. Her lips found my mound, which she kissed and nibbled. Her tongue then found my clit, and she sent waves of pleasure through me. I helped her to her feet, and began to slowly undress her. When I removed her bra, I found she was wearing an almost undetectable set of glue on breast forms. While running her hands through my hair, she whispered, "I spend all weekend in fem mode, and the breast forms help the image." I undid her skirt, and found a garter belt, nylons, and thong. I pulled her thong off, she spread her legs a little, and her male package came out of hiding. I looked up at her, saying, "Yes, you do have a male package, don't you." It wasn't the biggest I'd ever seen, but it was nice. I kissed and licked the head, then took it in my mouth. It had a taste of strawberries to it.
She helped me to my feet, and she led me to her bed. She preceded to enjoy my body in many ways, always being very gentle. It was hard to remember that she was really a guy, she spent time bring pleasure to me in ways that girls do girls. Her tongue was soft and gentle, and seemed to never tire. She really knew how to bring pleasure. There was no rush, only long, gentle, loving. She must have brought me to half a dozen orgasms. I finally rolled her over on her back, and started to return the love. I whispered, "I wish I could get to your real nipples." She whispered, "Later." I kissed and nibbled her whole body, she tasted and smelled so good. I finally made my way to her male package, and started to return the tongue bath she had given my pussy. I wouldn't let her come, I wanted that to happen someplace else. Finally I, straddled her, knelt over her cock, I have problems thinking of it that way on such a pretty girl, and slowly lowered myself on to it. It felt so good going into me. I rode her for a long time, looking down at that pretty face, those green eyes, and those lips. I saw her tense up, and she came deep inside me. I came again.
I laid down on top of her, and kissed her deeply. Then, rolled off and laid next to her. She looked at me, and whispered, "Are you happy that I'm not really a girl?"
"Oh, but you are a girl. A girl with a special talent."
We kissed, and fell asleep in each others arms.
The next morning, Saturday, I woke up, and it was late morning. Halle was already up. I found a robe on the back of the door, and went downstairs, to the smell of breakfast. Halle was cooking up a storm. I walked up behind her, and kissed her on the neck. She turned around and kissed me full on the lips. She placed a wonderful breakfast on the table, we sat, ate, and talked.
"So, I'm a girl with a special talent?"
"You sure are. You are a guy, you proved that last night. But, you make love like a girl. You do everything to please your partner, your touch is soft, your not wham, bam, thank you mama. You want to please your partner, not be pleased."
"I just enjoy pleasing my partner. It's part of me. You're the same way. You brought me a lot of pleasure last night."
We sat and looked at each other. I saw a very sweet person sitting across from me, someone special. A guy, that looked more like a girl even first thing in the morning. I wanted to know more about her, but I didn't want to pry. She broke the silence with, "I have a hair appointment at one, would you like to go along?"
"Yes. Were at."
"The Hair Place in the mall."
"I go there. Who does your hair."
"Sally! She does mine. In fact, I'll tell you a secret."
"She's a lesbian."
"Your kidding. She's never hit on me."
"No, not kidding. I know it for a fact. And, why she's never hit on you, I'll never understand. In fact, she's going to die when I walk in with you. Does she know about you?"
"No. When I'm in girl mode, just like with you last night, everyone thinks I'm just a girl."
We finished breakfast, and got dressed. On the way to the mall, we stopped at my place, so that I could change, going to the mall in what I was wearing last night wouldn't have been appropriate. We walked into the Hair Place together, and Sally almost lost it. She said, "You two know each other?"
"We just met last night. And, Halle said she was coming here, and that you were her hair dresser, so I decided to tag along."
"Small world."
"Very small. And, no hitting on Halle, she is all mine!"
We continued with the small talk while Sally did Halle's hair. When it was all done, Halle looked very cute. We said good bye to Sally, and we walked out of the shop hand in hand. Halle said, "Well I wonder if Sally will be hitting on me now?"
"Not if I have anything to say about it. Besides, if she finds out about the real you, she'll go off the deep end."
We window shopped the mall for a good two hours, and then headed back to Halle's. We had decided to spend the day together, as neither of us had any real plans. She stirred up a light lunch, and promised to make a great supper.
After lunch we sat on the patio, just enjoying the weather and each others company. We had known each other less than a day, but I felt like it was forever. I had to know, "Halle. Can I ask you something that's personal, and that has been driving me nuts since last night?"
"I bet I know what it is?"
"I bet you do. Can I ask?"
"Yes.", she said with a little smile.
"We haven't known each over for even 24 hours, but I feel like it's been a life time, and I just have to know. How a guy came to be such a pretty, passable, girl?"
"I knew that was it."
"I've never told anyone this, not even my friends at the club. It's kind of long. But...
"I grew up on a large farm, with my Mom, Dad, and older sister, Patty. Dad was a very good farmer, and we always had five or six farm hands around. In fact, Dad was the president of the local Farm Bureau, and held some sort of position on the state level. My Mom was very pretty, as was my sister, who was two years older than I, and a lot of fun. The nearest farm was two and a half miles away, and town was ten miles away. We didn't have many playmates, and had to make do. The two of us, Patty and I, had a lot of games that we played together. Of course we both had chores around the farm. School was about the only time we saw most of the other children in the area.
"I was in third grade, or eight, and Patty was in fifth when it happened. I got very sick, Mom said that I almost died. I ended up spending a month in the hospital, and another two months recuperating at home. Everyone was great. One thing that the doctors told my parents, was that I'd never grow to be very big. What ever the disease was, and no one would tell me, it effected my growth.
"One cold, snowy, January day a year later, the school buses couldn't get around, so school had been cancelled. Dad was off at some sort of meeting, Mom was busy with household chores, and Patty and I were playing. Patty wanted to play dress up, I wasn't too keen on the idea. But, as usual she usually can do, she talked me into it. Usually it was her in fancy girls clothes, me in my best clothes. But, this time Patty wanted to do something different. We ended going up to the attic, where we stored a lot of clothes that no longer fit. Patty was digging through a box of her old clothes looking for some things.
"I asked her what she was looking for. And her come back was, 'You'll see.'
"She started laying out various items of her old clothes. Training bra, panties, blouse, skirt, shoes. I kind of looked at her a little worried. She picked up the items and we headed back down to her room. She laid the clothes out on her bed. I again looked at her, she grinned at me.
"I asked her what we were going to do with those, and her come back this time was, 'Your going to wear them. I want a girl friend to play with.' I told her that there was no way that I was going to wear girls cloths. She then reminded me of something that had happened in the barn last year, that she promised to never tell anyone about. But, said that she would tell if I didn't dress up for her. Knowing that if Dad found out what I had done, I would be in big trouble, I reluctantly agreed.
"She had me strip completely. I was really embarrassed. She handed me the panties, at least that part was covered. Then she handed me the bra, I looked at it, and looked at her a little puzzled. She shook her head, and helped me put it on. Then she took a pair of socks, and stuffed them into the cups. I looked down, and saw two small lumps, covered with a bra. Next came the blouse, it took me a minute to figure out the buttons on the wrong side. The skirt came next, it felt funny hitting me just above the knees. The ankle socks and shoes finished off the outfit.
"Patty was just beaming when I was done. She undid my pony tail, my hair was even long then, and brushed it out. Then she applied some light makeup. Stood back, and took a long look. She told me that I looked just like a nine year old girl. I looked in her mirror, and couldn't believe what I saw.
"We spent the rest of the afternoon playing girl things, games, dolls, etc. About four o'clock, we heard a noise at her door, looked up, and there stood Mom. She just looked at the two of us, then asked what was going on. Patty told her that I had asked her to dress me in some of her girls clothes to see what it felt like. I glared at her, figuring that if I said anything, she would tell about the incident in the barn. So, I kept my mouth shut. Mom stood and looked at me for awhile, and said that I did make a very pretty little girl. She then said, that Dad had called, was snow bound, and wouldn't be home that night. She also said, that since I wanted to dress like a girl, I could stay dressed for the rest of the day. I helped Patty set the table for dinner, and with the dishes, wearing an apron. That evening Mom even gave me one of Patty's old night gowns to wear to bed.
"The next morning I came down to breakfast in my regular boy clothes, and nothing was said. That was my first experience in dressing. I thought it was a lot of fun. Nothing else happened, or was said, for a few months. One of the big events in town was a Halloween party, and we were trying to come up with costumes. Mom and Patty had come up with Patty's costume, but nothing for me. I then saw a look come over Patty's face, she whispered something to Mom, Mom looked at me, and smiled. The two of them went to the attic.
"They were back in about half an hour, with Mom carrying a bundle of clothes. Patty was smiling like the cat that had caught the bird. Mom asked me if I remembered that day last January that I had dressed as a girl. How could I forget. She then told me that Patty had come up with the idea of me going to the party as a girl. Patty looked at me, and mouthed the word 'barn'. I looked at the floor, and just shook my head. That day they really dressed me up in various things, to see what looked the best. When they were finally satisfied, I was wearing a bra, with some padding, a pair of panties, panty hose, a pretty yellow party dress, and shinny black shoes. Mom went to work on my hair, and added a little makeup. When she was done, I looked in the mirror, and there was that pretty little girl again. I kind of liked what I saw, I even got a little smile on my face. I saw my Mom and Patty look at each other, and grin.
"My Dad wasn't happy that I was going to the party as a girl, until he saw me. He said that he would be happy to be accompanied to the party by three such lovely ladies. The party was fun, no one knew who I was, and when everyone found out they were very surprised. I felt really comfortable in those party clothes. In fact it was the beginning of a lot of dressing, my sister loved it when I dressed, she had a girl friend to play with. Even Mom helped me when my Dad wasn't around, and there were times that I could stay dressed for the whole day. Patty really liked having a little sister, and Mom is the one that picked the name Halle for me, as 'you need a girls name for the Halloween party.' And, I think that Mom really liked having another girl around the house.
"Over the next few years, Mom, as mothers do, would teach Patty womanly things, and would include me in. When we went to the bigger cities to shop, Mom would always buy me some girl things. One day we were at the beauty shop, and Mom and Patty were getting the works. I think I was fourteen. I was sitting there watching them work on Mom and Patty, I noticed Mom and the beautician were having a conversation, and I was being looked at. When Mom was done, she motioned me to come over, she told me that she was tired of my messy hair. Believe me, it really wasn't messy, I took good care of it. The beautician really worked on my hair, and when she was done, I had a girls cut, that could still be pulled back into a male style pony tail. Also, the manicurist, spent a long time working on my nails. When she was done I had a perfect set of finger nails, with clear polish on them. I was hooked, I loved the beauty shop, and all the fussing. I enjoyed all the clothes, makeup, and primping, and became very good at it.
"When I was fifteen, Mom sat me down, and we had a real long talk. She knew I was happier dressing like a girl, and she wanted to know if I wanted to be a girl full time. I told that I didn't think so, but that I really did feel more comfortable presenting as a girl. As the doctors had said, I had never grown much, I ended being five foot three, my facial features were very fine, my hands were small, as was my boning. I made a better looking girl, than I did a boy. Patty ended up being two inches taller, and we were great girl friends. A couple of nights after Mom and I had out talk, we were at dinner, Mom looked at Dad, and said something like, 'Go ahead and ask him.'
"My Dad, said that he and Mom had a long talk the night before. And, that she had told him that I preferred to look like a girl, and live as a girl. Was this true? I told him that I really preferred being a girl, and it felt right. He asked the same question that Mom asked, did I want to become a girl. I told him the same thing that I had told Mom, that I didn't think so. I knew that he had wanted me to take over the farm, but we had already come to an understanding that it wasn't going to happen. I wanted to go to college and study computers. In his own way, my Dad accepted my living as a girl at home. I still went to school as a guy, and took the usual shit that a small framed, effeminate looking boy takes.
"After I graduated from high school, I though about going to college as Halle. But, after a long family talk, it was decided that it would be best to be Mike in class. Shortly after high school graduation, Dad sold the farm to a large consortium, and we moved to a small town not to far from where Patty was going to college, and I was going to start in the Fall. He received a very large payment for the farm, and we didn't have any money problems. When I went to college, I spent the week as Mike, and the weekends as Halle. Though I did dress androgynous when in Mike mode, and this got me a raft of shit every once in awhile, but also did bring me some very interesting friends. While I was there, I found the gay bars, and those that were friendly to crossdressers, and spent a lot of weekend time there. I made a number of friends at the bars, most, like you, couldn't believe that I was really a guy. I did have a number of girl friends in college, a few of them even enjoyed having Halle around. There was one that actually preferred Halle to Mike. During that time, I also learned that I really liked girls, I tried a couple of gay relationships, but it just wasn't me. I didn't see much of Patty when I was at school, but when we were both home, we were back to being best girl friends. She even took me to get my ears pierced, at a tattoo parlor. While we were there, she decided to have here navel pierced, and talked me into having it done too.
"After I graduated, I got the job, and started teaching part time here at the college. I'm still in the Mike mode on week days, Halle mode on weekends routine. I don't really like it, but it has to be for work. I really enjoy the 1-BY-1 Club, the people, the drag shows, and go there often. And, was really glad I was there when you came in.
"Well that's it in a nut shell."
I sat there and looked at her. She had basically told me her life story, and we had only know each other for less than a day. Finally I asked her, "So, you don't want to become a girl?"
"No. I guess if I did I'd be a lesbian, I like girls. I guess that's kind of weird, I want to look like a girl, but keep my male package, and I like girls."
"Not so weird, it sounds to me that your transgendered. And, I think it's kind of neat. Why don't you dress full time. I can tell that you'd really like that."
"I would like that. But, I don't think the office would be happy. They don't have a very good policy on gays or transgendered employees. I have enough problems with the way I look now."
"Maybe it's time they did. How do they feel about you, the person, as an employee?"
"They appear to really like my work. I've only been there a year, and I've received a couple of raises. But, you know, I'd rather be teaching full time. I enjoy doing that."
"What's stopping you?"
"No full time openings."
"Does the college know about Halle?"
"I'm not really sure about the college as a whole. But, my department head, Dr. Martin, knows. She's a lesbian, I ran into her one night at the 1-BY-1, and she hit on me. And, when she found out who I was, she almost had a panic attack. The college is very liberal, if your good in your position, you could be from Mars. So, I guess it doesn't matter to them."
"Might just be the place for Halle to flourish."
"Yes. It would be nice. Oh, look at the time, I'd better get us something to eat."
"No, I want to take you out. Just someplace quiet, not dressy. Know a good place?"
"Sure do. But, I can't let you take me out."
"Yes you can. I insist."
"OK. There is a great Italian place just around the corner. A lot of the faculty eat there."
We took the short walk to the restaurant, and enjoyed a great meal. We were sitting enjoying an after dinner glass of wine, when a woman walked up.
Halle said, "Dr. Martin."
"Hello. Halle. How are you?"
"I'm fine. And, you? This is my friend Terrie."
"I'm fine. Hello Terrie. Very nice to meet you."
"Won't you join us?", Halle said.
"Only for a minute. I'm meeting some friends for a late supper."
"Great. Can I get you a drink?"
"That would be nice. Just a glass of wine."
We chit chatted for a while, about nothing in general. Her party arrived, and she excused herself.
Halle said, "That was interesting. It's really the first time, other than at the 1-BY-1, that she's talked to me about anything other than work."
We decided to take a little walk before going back to Halle's place. She took me to an area that had a very nice view of the city and campus, we just stood there for awhile holding hands. She turned to me, looked up into my eyes, and kissed me. Then hugged me, and whispered, "Spend the night? And, you can meet Mike tomorrow." I thought that she was never going to ask.
"Do you really want me to?"
"I asked, didn't I."
"I'd love to." I kissed her. "But, I need to run over to my place and get some things."
"No problem. We'll take my car, and you can get what you need."
We walked, hand in hand, back to Halle's place, grabbed her car, and headed over to my place. We ran in, I put together a few things, and we headed back to Halle's. The sex that night was better than Fridays, if that was possible. This girl really knows how to please a girl, if only guys could be this way...
Sunday morning was almost a repeat of Saturday. Halle was up before I was, and had a wonderful breakfast on the table. We decided to go to the beach for the day, and enjoy one of the last weekends before school started. She looked great in a two piece swim suit. You couldn't tell she was wearing breast forms. We did get hit on by a few guys, but we just told them we were lesbians, and they went away shaking their heads. The day went quickly, and on the way home Halle promised to make the dinner that she was going to make last night. She really surprised me, she fussed around in the kitchen, keeping up a constant line of chatter, and ended up putting a meal on the table fit for a king or queen.
As we were cleaning up, Halle started to become very quiet. She was usually a vibrant, bubbly person, but now she was becoming very quiet. I asked, "What's wrong."
"Yes there is. I'm not seeing my Halle."
"I'm sorry. But, it's time for Mike to come back, and I always get this way."
"Does he really need to come back?"
"Yes. He has to go to work tomorrow. I guess, that you don't want to stay again tonight. Do you?"
"I'd love to stay. And, I'd love to meet Mike. Please, don't be so sad."
She smiled a little, when I said that I'd stay, then she said, "It's that I just don't like Mike anymore. And, that when he has to come back, it's so hard." With that she started to cry. I took her in my arms and just held her. She cried for a good five minutes, I sat her down on the couch, and got a cold wash cloth. As I was wiping her face, she looked at me, and said, "I love you."
"I love you too, my sweet Halle."
We hugged for a good long time. I was wondering if, that in two and a half short days, I had found that one special person. A life partner.
"Well, since I've ruined my makeup, not to mention the evening, I guess I'd better go find Mike."
"You haven't ruined the evening. You're just a little upset that Halle has to leave, but she'll be back sooner than you think. Is there anything that I can do?"
"Come, and sit with me."
We got up, and headed to her bedroom. She stripped, put on a dressing gown, then walked over to her dresser, and sat down. I sat on the bed. She took a hair brush, spent a few minutes brushing out her hair, and put it into a masculine pony tail. Next came the makeup remover, followed by some moisturizer, and eye cream. She turned, looked at me, and tried a little smile. I smiled at her, blew her a kiss, in hopes of cheering her up. She blew a kiss back, and again tried another smile. I could tell that this was very hard on her. She let the dressing gown drop off her shoulder, so that it ended up piled on the seat. Next she took some kind of liquid, and started removing her breast forms. When they were off, she used moisturizer on her chest, and then removed her nail polish. When she was done, she let out a deep sigh, stood up, let her dressing gown fall to the floor, stood, and turned to face me.
"This is Mike.", she said with a tears in her eyes.
She was right, Mike was an effeminate looking guy, but in his own way hansom. His body was almost that of a girls, smooth, no body hair, small waist, hips weren't very wide, and small breasts. Breasts, they looked to be an A or small B. I've known real girls, with her build, that had smaller breasts then she has. I got up walked over, wiped the tears from her eyes, took her hands in mine, and kissed her.
"I'll get dressed and run you home.", she said, very downheartedly.
"Do we have to?"
"You mean you don't want to go home?"
"Only if you want me to?"
"I'd love you to stay. But, I'm Mike now."
"Not a problem. It's what's in your heart that counts. I still see a pretty girl."
She finally started getting a smile back on her face. She put her robe back on, and we went back downstairs. She fixed a couple drinks, and we sat, and chatted about the past two days. We ended up admitting to each other that we felt something special for each other. That night Mike made love to me, but it was in the same way that Halle did, very gentle, and very caring. It was the same soft, smooth body, the same soft hands, the same very kissable lips, from the past two days. I couldn't think of this person as a he, she was always going to be girl to me. And, I got to play with a real pair of nipples. And, they appeared to be as sensitive as mine, the more I played with them, the more she got turned on. And, her breasts, guys don't have breasts, were actually firm, no fat. In fact this girl hardly had any fat on her body.
Monday morning, when I got up, she was already getting dressed as Mike. I laid in bed, and watcher her. She was right, Mike was a very effeminate looking guy. She turned, and looked at me. "Good morning sleepy head. See I told you Mike looked more like a girl that a guy."
I smiled at her. She walked over to the bed, and kissed me. "I left some breakfast for you in the kitchen. See you tonight?"
"If you want?"
She handed me a key to the townhouse, gave me another kiss, said, "See you about 5.", and walked out the bedroom door.
I had some things to do at the university, so I got up, got dressed, and went downstairs. There with a note, was breakfast, eggs, toast, juice, and coffee. The note said, "Have a good day. Love you!", and was signed with a lipstick kiss. I walked over to campus, did the things that I needed to do, all the time wondering what I felt about Halle, was it just infatuation or was there really something there. I took a long walk, and ended up at the same place we had Saturday night. I just stood there for a long time thinking, and came to a decision. On the way back to the townhouse, I walked past a florist, went in, and purchased a dozen long stem red roses and a card. Back at the townhouse, I set the roses down where she would see them, and set about writing a note. I placed the note by the roses, and headed back out.
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A really sweet story and I
A really sweet story and I can actually see Halle in my mind's eye. I believe before long, after some time with Terri, Halle will out full time. Janice Lynn
Heads and tails... two sides
Heads and tails... two sides of the same coin. It is either that or multiple-personality disorder. If mike didn't like halle he wouldn't let her come out. I LOVE the story. So far.
Teddie does it again
Very intriguing story, it could have ended right here and been satisfying with only a small change in the ending. But there are two more parts. I wonder where you're going with this?
-- Donna Lamb, Flack
-- Donna Lamb, ex-Flack
Some of my books and stories are sold through DopplerPress to help support BigCloset. -- Donna
Another Masterpiece Teddie!
Teddie, you certainly know what it is about femininity that tweaks pangs of desire within me. The gentleness and caring of your target afflicted characters are just very desirable to me. In some cases, like this one with Mike being a girl in all but complete fact in form and extremely gentle and kind, is like teasing a kid with candy. I love this character though! I can feel the personality and what it is like through living in Mike/Halle in "Halle."
As always, I can trust your works, and they seem to be getting better all the time. Every story seems to build off of the next. In fact, your stories are extremely addicting. I hope you can understand now, why the people who responded to want you to stay did so.... its not that we are drug addicts needing our fix..... we really do love you. You know how to touch us with a story and how to move a character and describe it in a way that makes us have to care and feel for it. You have a great communication talent. Whatever it is to be called... we love you.
Sephrena Miller
re: Another Masterpiece Teddie!
Hi Sephrena,
Thank you again. Halle was actually written in 2003. Well before Salt & Pepper. It was never posted here, so I thought I'd toss it out. It's not as smooth, and has some errors. But. it's posted as it was written.