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Ellen knew exactly what she was seeing, and feeling. It brought back so many memories of when she first began to transition mentally into whom she is today. Suddenly a giggle broke through her thoughts. It came from Sonja. Ellen pursed her lips, crossed her arms, began to tap her toe on the wooden floor, and glared at Sonja.
The wife turned toward Ellen to ask again what she thought about her choice for the rest of the day and into the evening. She saw the look on Ellen’s face and how Ellen had now placed her hands on her hips as she stared at Sonja.
“And exactly what is so God damned amusing!!!”
Part 5
By Kelly Blake
5. A New Beginning
The drive took but a few minutes. They talked the entire way there. The wife was absolutely bubbling over with her child like enthusiasm. For the first time the husband could remember, his lovely wife was speaking freely and cordially to someone she only really met an hour ago. It filled him with joy to see her virtually blossom with life.
She and Ellen carried on and on about nothing and everything. She finally asked Ellen a question that had to be on her mind since seeing Ellen for the first time in the café.
“Please forgive me…but I must know. What did you do with your…”
The wife made semi circular motions with her palms up. Ellen broke out laughing.
“You mean what did I do with my boobs?”
“That is a good question.”
Ellen turned to the husband
“I unscrewed the ones from last night and screwed in my day boobs, okay?”
Turning back to the wife, Ellen smiled and told her.
“I’m a maximizer for nights out and a minimizer during the day. It’s all in the type of bra you choose to wear honey. You’ll find out. Now…there it is…Hidden Secrets.”
The couple’s eyes focused on the black awning with pink lettering. A rainbow flag flew from a pole atop the two story brick building. The husband pulled to the curb and parked the car right in front of the shop.
The wife and Ellen exited the car before the husband had removed his seat harness. They went directly to one of the bay windows. The display was quite impressive. The half torso mannequins were made of a clear plastic. Upon them were sets of undergarments; laced under wired demi bras and thongs and such. At the base of each mannequin was a display of hosiery radiating from the base. There was one full sized mannequin that bore an old fashioned full length boned open corset with four garters per side.
All of the garments were white against a black ground and floor making them stand out even more. In another bay window was a similar display but the garments were black against a white back ground. All the mannequins were topped with fancy feathered and bejeweled ball masks.
The third bay window was a cornucopia of color. Set against a light buff background was a display of three piece sets; bra, panties and garter belt. The materials varied from cotton to silk to mixes of materials in nearly every color one could imagine. Radiating out from the bases of the mannequins were sets of hosiery in various materials. Each base was a rainbow of shades from complimentary to contrasting with several in between.
The wife was mesmerized by all that she saw. She couldn’t take her eyes off of the corset. She couldn’t begin to imagine how she would feel laced into the ominous looking device. Ellen caught her arm and, without taking her eyes off of the display, spoke.
“Oh honey, that’s not for you…yet.”
The wife looked at Ellen, who was still looking into the window. Ellen smiled slightly as the wife gave her a questioning look. Ellen tugged lightly on the wife’s arm and pulled her to the colorful display in the next window.
“Look at all the different colors and styles of hosiery. I love the silk ones the most. The back seams are a trip. I spend way to much time trying to get them absolutely straight. And I love the woven patterns that some of them have. Look at the set that has a tiny bow where the Achilles tendon would be. Aren’t they simply darling? And some of the laced tops are absolutely…divine. So intricate…so delicate…so…femme.”
The husband stood by trying to fidget his boredom away. His hands were clasped behind his back and he rocked gently back and forth on the heels of his penny loafers. He stood only a foot or two behind the women but his glaze was cast down the street.
“Okay honey, let’s go in. You’re going to love this place.”
Ellen took the wife’s arm in hers and led her to the door. She opened it and the two walked in followed by the husband.
“Good afternoon ladies. How are we today?”
A chorus of appellations sang out in a range of tones. Everyone seemed to know Ellen, or know of her. Their smiles nearly rivaled their greeter as the door closed swung closed. The fragrance of flowers and the aromas of various scents hung lightly in the air. The wooden flooring was covered in softly colored rugs and the displays of undergarments spread about rivaled those in the windows.
Amidst the soft lighting and the softly playing Chopin, the wife didn’t know where to look first. Certainly the customers were nearly as colorful as the displays, though maybe not all in the same good taste and style. A diminutive older woman came up to Ellen and embraced her, air kissing both of her cheeks.
“Ellen…Ellen…how very good to see you again. You look smashing I must say. How have you been?”
“Jean dear, you haven’t been to visit us lately at the club and we do so very much miss your presence. How are you anyway? You do look very well.”
“I’ve had my moments with this damned arthritis and look what they’ve done to me!”
Jean raised the hem of her skirt a bit, though totally unnecessary, to display a pair of orthopedic shoes.
“Well honey, it doesn’t do much for your outfit, but…whatever it takes…”
“I know dear…”
Jean sighed, resigned to the fact that sometimes comfort must overshadow style and fashion.
“…and who is this lovely young woman?”
Ellen introduced the wife and her husband to Jean. Jean nodded and politely shook the husband’s hand. She then turned and took the wife’s hands in her own.
“Welcome to ‘Hidden Secrets’ my dear.”
The wife blushed and coyly smiled at Jean.
“And I would guess that we’re shopping for you today?”
The wife nodded.
“We want to present a different image, one that’s more suited to her day to day existence. Isn’t that right honey?”
The wife looked at Ellen and nodded.
“Are we transitioning?”
‘Transitioning? What in the world is that?’ A look of concern crossed the wife’s face as she gently bit at her lip. She looked at her husband for some sort of clarification on what they were doing.
Turning to Jean, the husband spoke.
“She does say that too often these days.”
Turning back to his wife, he smiled and spoke.
“Do try to keep up with the conversation dear. My wife and I are merely exploring another facet of ourselves. There may be some lasting changes; but I wouldn’t say that she is transitioning…at the moment.”
Ellen smiled and said to Jean; “We will be seeing Doctor Knoble…hopefully tomorrow.”
“Well, I think we could have some fun based on what you said. Why don’t we go to one of the private rooms and we can all sit and discuss what we might like. I can also take some measurements.”
‘We…we…what’s all of this ‘we’ stuff?’ The wife was somewhat put off by Jeans choice of words. ‘It’s about me.’ But she put on her brightest smile and followed Ellen’s lead into the rear of the shop. Jean opened the door and they paraded in ahead of her. Jean followed closing the door behind her.
The room was relatively bare with only several swivel chairs placed around a small circular pedestal table with a revolving top. There was a three paneled full length mirror in one corner. On one wall there were vertically placed bars from which various sets of undergarments. The wood flooring stood out against the white walls as did the garments. There was a small closet sized alcove with a bench inside and a drawer curtain pushed to the opposite side which was a changing room.
As they sat down around the table, Jean opposite the wife, there were several brown leather binders with gilt edged pages that caught the eye. Jean reached across the table and took the wife’s hands in hers. Jean smiled pleasantly at the wife as she began to speak.
“What you will see is that most of our things are in either black or white. Although we have a very limited supply of other colors on hand, such standards as red, pink and nude, we are basically a custom shop. We can provide you with items in a wide palette of colors. We can even match a particular clothing item if you wish. This also means that we must be very exacting in sizing you correctly. Once we dye a garment, it is yours. Do you understand dear?”
The wife looked directly at Jean and nodded.
“How long does the coloration usually take? You see, we’re trying to get my wife into the swing of things rather rapidly and we’ll need some things today, if at all possible.”
“Custom items usually take about five to seven days. What in particular do you have in mind?”
“We need some foundation items that can sculpt her a bit until she…naturally assumes the proper proportions.”
The husband, much to his wife’s surprise, handed Jean a list.
“I’m sure, and this is only from a cursory glance, we can do something if black, white or nude colors will work.”
The husband smiled at Jean, who was still holding gently, but firmly, onto the wife’s hands. He reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and retrieved a folded sheet of paper. He slid the paper over to Jean, who picked it up and unfolded it after finally releasing his wife’s hands. He then sat and grinned like the Cheshire cat.
“I see we’ve done our homework. This is quite an impressive list. You’re very lucky dear. You have someone who thinks of everything, and then some.”
His wife looked at Jean with surprise and then to her husband.
“You’ve made a list? A list of what?”
“Just a few things you’ll need sweet heart.”
“Listen honey, you should be happy that somebody things of these things for you. I mean if I had to suddenly buy everything I needed for day to day wear, I’d go crazy. There are simply so many different things. It’s not like putting on a tee shirt and shorts…you know?”
The wife looked a Ellen for a moment as she thought about what she had just now heard. She then looked back at her husband. Finally, she shook her head quickly from side to side. She sighed.
“Whatever you think is best dear.”
Jean looked at the husband and arched one eye brow in question. The husband nodded and smiled. Jean then turned to his wife.
“Well my dear, why don’t you slip behind the curtain and undress. You may leave your panties on…for the moment. You’ll find a clean robe hanging so do put it on. There are also slippers you may wear. We must take some measurements.”
The wife arose from her chair, walked across the floor (one foot in front of the other), and into the changing room, pulling the curtain closed behind her. She did as Jean requested, donning the robe and slippers. She returned to the table and stood next to Ellen.
Jean took her time and was patient as she measured the wife. To distract her from the embarrassment of having someone do this for the first time, Ellen kept up a continuous stream of chatter. She spoke about everything and anything with such enthusiasm that it infected Jean as well. Time seemed to fly past when Jean finally had what she needed.
When Jean had finished, Ellen took hold of her hand and, looking up into the wife’s eyes with a broad grin on her face, spoke.
“We really need to talk about your boobs.”
“Let’s sit down and discuss a few things dear.”
The husband, trying unsuccessfully to suppress his giggling, turned to Jean. But it was Ellen who spoke first.
“Well…what’s the verdict Jean?”
“Ellen, she’s nearly perfect. She could use an inch or two off the waist, but other than that, she proportions are very good. You say she’ll see Knoble tomorrow?”
“Yeah…that’s the plan. What would you recommend?”
“Well…if she wants the lifestyle, I would recommend slowly working into it. Let’s size her at…well…let’s try thirty six in a ‘B’ cup, or maybe a ‘C’. You see, she’s really closer to thirty seven, but depending on the style and maker…”
The wife sat and listened to the two ladies discussing what obviously must be her bust size. Her eyes rolled back and forth between them and she felt as though she was eaves dropping into somebody else’s conversation. Finally Ellen turned toward her.
“It’s up to you honey. The question is size and style. Would you like to see the styles?”
The wife wasn’t quite sure what Ellen was speaking of…styles? Of what? Jean picked up her portable phone and dialed an intercom number.
“Ah, Sonja…good. I would like you to bring in the sample tray of breast prosthetics in 34 and 36 ‘B’ and ‘C’ cups. Yes, bring both sides and, of course,. Bring only our best”
Jean hung up the phone. She spoke to neither woman in particular but glanced at both as she spoke.
“Sonja is one of our newest commission employees. She is an exquisite creature of mixed heritages and happens to belong to a mutual acquaintance of Ellen and mine. Sonja specializes in our fetish wear…”
Jean giggled at her private thoughts for a moment and continued.
“…but who is to say what a fetish truly is these days.”
The others nodded in agreement.
Shortly after the call, a gentle knock could be heard at the door. Jean bade the knocker to enter. In strode Sonja. All eyes were upon the tall, thin woman as she strode in. She was, indeed gorgeous, and quite exotic.
She face bore very fine features and the lightest of green eyes. Her shoulder length jet black hair fell in large curls. Sonja’s skin was the color of coffee, light on the cream if you please. But without a doubt, her large eyes and full thick sensuous lips, coated with a shimmering pale pink gloss were her most capturing features.
She stood as straight as a rail as she walked the few feet to the table. And as she walked, she would thrust one hip forward and then the other, as if strutting on a cat walk. Sonja’s five inch heeled black patent leather pumps and the vented black leather pencil skirt certainly dictated the length on her stride. But she seemed comfortable enough to take full strides and suffered no loss in the grace and flow of her motions. She seemed to have no waist at all which led to the illusion that her torso and legs were independent of one another. It was quite obvious that Sonja was at home with what she wore.
Sonja’s blouse was a pale pearl pink with a rounded collar that opened into a ruffled front. The ruffles were edged in black piping. Sonja, without truly making eye contact, placed the tray of samples in the center of the table as Jean began to again speak.
“Everything that our Sonja is wearing we had a hand in, except for her shoes. Sonja, please model your skirt for us.”
“Yes Miss Jean.”
Without any hesitation, Sonja moved around the table and every two or three strides she would pirouette, giving a better look at the construction and flow of her garments.
“The skirt is made of only four pieces of leather and, of course, is lined in silk. The entire piece was designed and constructed here. The silk and satin blouse was purchased through us and dyed. We also added the piping.”
“You mentioned that she is owned by someone I know?”
“Sonja, please remove your blouse.”
Jean turned to Ellen as Sonja, without the slightest hesitation, began to remove her top.
“Indeed! Sonja has given herself complete over to another woman. She is working here simply to try and keep ahead to her clothing bills. And since Sonja is so very aware of what the fetishists adore in the way of clothing and such, she in nearly even at this point.”
Sonja removed her top to reveal the upper potion of the corset she wore. Its color was nearly a match of that of her skin; only a bit darker. The bodice was constructed of the most delicate lace and one could see her charms through the thin veil of fabric. Below that point, the material was quite solid and the boning for support and shaping was located every few inches. Covering nearly the entire piece was the same style of lacing as on the bodice. Beneath the lace was the palest green satin obviously color matched to Sonja’s pale green eyes.
The wife was so taken with the piece that her breathe quicken. She began to reach out to touch the material, but hesitated and brought her fingers to her lips. Ellen smiled as she observed the wife’s eyes begin to glaze. One could only imagine what mental image had caused that to occur.
“Go ahead dear, you may touch the material. It is an exquisite piece. Sonja, come closer and turn slowly so that we may look closer and at our leisure.”
Sonja approached the wife until she was a mere few inched from her. Ellen grabbed the wife’s hand gently and slowly run her finger tips over the fabric. She took her hand off the wife’s. Her hand continued to touch various parts of the wondrous garment.
“Turn around Sonja and show her the back of your skirt.”
Sonja turned and Jean continued to describe her construction on the skirt.
“Normally we don’t see a vent in a pencil skirt. If one is cut in, then it is usually no more than a few inches up from the hem. This seam is nearly two thirds u-p the rear of the skirt. On one hand, the vent defeats the purpose of the skirts design, which is slimness and, for some, the constriction. But in this case, her owner wanted to have at least limited access to Sonja’s charms, which the high vent does allow. If you look carefully, you can see the tiny zipper which will close the vent entirely.”
Ellen past her hand into the vent and smiled as she easily found the entrance beneath the long line of the corset. She gently caresses Sonja’s rump and fondled her other ‘charms’ briefly. Sonja barely moved to Ellen’s touch. Ellen looked up into her heavily lidded green eyes and smiled.
“You seem to be well trained.”
”Yes Miss. Thank you Miss.”
Jean watched as the wife, seemingly oblivious to everything other than the corset, continued to trace her figure along the stays and the lace insets. Jean couldn’t help but notice her fascination.
“Oh honey…”
There was a note of sympathy in her voice because she realized how taken the wife was with the garment.
“…this is really not for you…yet. We still have a bit of work to do before you could even consider such a thing. Anyway, the lingerie we’re getting for you today will be nice and snug. I’m sure you’ll love it.”
“How much does such a thing cost Jean.”
The two women were amazed. These were the first words the wife uttered unsolicited.
“Well…this one is custom made from the ground up, so to speak. It was made expressly for Sonja. We took nearly three weeks to design, cut and sew it together. There aren’t any others like it. The twelve stays are replaceable and it does have four garter snaps per leg. This is a very costly garment. We would have to work one up for you specifically. I wouldn’t recommend doing so until you’ve ‘grown’ into yourself, so to speak.”
The wife pouted as Jean had Sonja put her blouse back on. Ellen called Sonja to her side one last time.
“I want to see how you move in this piece when it’s zipped up.”
Ellen smiled as Sonja’s gait narrowed to less than half of what is was when she entered. All eyes were on her till she closed the door behind her. The ladies then turned their attention to the display tray in front of them. Ellen reached out and picked one up in her hand. She squeezed it and looked at the skin thin edges.
“These are very nice Jean. I’ve yet to see a pair this nice.”
“Yes. This is the latest design. The filling is a gel rather than latex. As the gel warms to the body’s heat, the natural action of the breast becomes so life like that pour customers have nothing but praise for them. Now this set has the ‘excited nipples’ already attached. Most purchasers don’t realize what a chore it can prove to…deal with them. I usually recommend the standard nipple.”
Ellen took the wife’s hand gently and placed the breast she held into her hand. Ellen could see the wife’s hand tremble as she held the prosthetic. She ran her finger gently across the distended latex nipple. She hefted the breast, checking it’s weight. She smiled and look toward Ellen.
“Can these be glued on?”
“Sure honey. They’re designed expressly for that purpose. That’s why the edges are so thin. You can wear them for days. The glue will hold them firmly attached.”
“And as I mentioned, once they warm to your body temperature, the moment becomes almost natural. Nobody, even the most discerning eye, will be able to tell the difference between those and the real thing. They were expressly designed for those poor dears that needed to undergo total mastectomy and haven’t healed enough to begin any sort of rebuild. Should we try it one now?””
The wife trembled slightly as she held the thing in her hand. It wobbled slightly as she slightly shifted her hand to and fro. She stared at it and smiled.
“Yes, I think I do. Let’s see what it does look like with a bra on. And I think I would like to try it glued on, just to see, you know?”
“Yes Miss Jean.”
Sonja stood so quietly and unobtrusively that they all had forgotten she was still in the room.
“Put your blouse on, take this list and fill it. I think we’ll try the thirty six ‘B’ cup so there is your final size. Everything else I’ve sized already. Go with the colors that her husband has listed. When you’re done, bring all the things in.”
“Yes Miss Jean.”
All eyes were on Sonja as she strutted out of the room. Even with her rigid posture, she seemed to almost gracefully glide across the floor and out the door. The wife watched her with a fixed stare and even after the door closed her gaze remained fixed as though the image of So0nja, and that magnificent corset was still in her vision.
“I wonder… however does she live in that thing?”
Turning to face the wife, Ellen smiled and, with her index finger, turned the wife’s chin till they faced one another separated by mere inches.
“Listen honey, she’s been in something like that for quite some time. It’s not exactly like putting on a new pair of panties you know. I know that the corset is absolutely amazing but…it’s not something for you right now. Now we have plenty for you to try on and play with. Become accustomed to what your going to be wearing, lose a bit of weight, and tomorrow you and I will see a Doctor who can help you become…the real you. After a year or so…well…then maybe. If it’s okay with your hubby.”
The wife looked longingly at her husband. He simply nodded agreeing with Ellen. At this point, Jean arose and walked to her sample racks and began to search through them.
“Ah…here it is! Put this on and let’s see what we have.”
The bra she chose was a simple blended elastic cup with a wide band that would help support the weight of the breast and add some shape while still being comfortable. The straps were wider than usual for such a casual piece in this small a size.
The wife reached out and gingerly took the bra. She headed for the changing room, still unaccustomed to changing in front of anybody other than her husband. When she drew the curtain closed behind her, Ellen lended in close to the husband.
“Oh my God! She is so adorable. She’s like a small child.”
The all giggled softly and waited for the wife. When she opened the curtain, she still had her robe on with the belt tied so that the bra couldn’t be seen. She walked back to the table and sat down in her chair. Jean smiled at her and spoke.
“How does it feel? Are you comfortable in it? Does it bind anywhere?”
“It feels rather…nice actually.”
Jean arose and walked around the table to where the wife sat. She reached for the tray containing the prosthetic breasts and pulled it toward her. She lifted one up and turned to the wife.
“Now let’s see how this fits. Please undo your robe dear.”
The wife undid her robe, letting it fall open to reveal the bra she wore. Her gaze was directed downward toward her folded hands. Jean gently pulled the cup out and slid the breast form in. She then repeated the same thing with the other side. Jean then adjusted the straps on the bra till the forms were snug up against the wife’s chest.
Jean took the wife’s hand and had her stand up. She led her over to the mirror with the robe down around her shoulders. The wife’s mouth opened in shock as she gazed at her image.
“Oh dear Lord! They look so…real. It does feel quite strange…the weight and all.”
“Well I think they look fabulous on you dear. And, I must say, a bit naughty the way your nipples are poking out.”
Ellen joined them by the mirror and, coming up behind the wife, cupped both forms in her hand and gently squeezed them. The wife was totally captivated by the sight of Ellen’s long fingers and red nails on her new breasts
“They do feel very nice, don’t they honey. You’ll want your very own real ones soon enough. I can tell.”
The wife hadn’t really heard what Ellen said. She was too fixed on the way she now looked. The husband remained at the table watching the women fuse over his wife.
“Yes. I think those will do. They’re not too pretentious and yet…quite…inviting. Sweet heart, they certainly do suit you well. What do you think Ellen?”
“Yeah. I think they’re a good start. Listen…I think we’re going to run into a time problem here. We have an appointment with my stylist in less than one hour. If she wants a manicure AND a pedicure as well as a trim and make-up, we’re going to need to split up.”
“Yes, I see what you mean. Figure an hour and one half to two hours right there. We won’t really have time before the shops close. Suppose I take you to your car and you return here to see things through.”
‘Oh my God no!’ The wife was taken aback by the thought of her husband, her lover, the one person in the world she trusted, leaving her here by herself; and with these strange women no less. Well, Ellen was okay and actually fun to be with. And Sonja was …well…very different and exotic. Okay…and Jean was quite lovely as well. But,,,!
“Here’s what sweet heart, when Sonja brings your lingerie in, start trying the things on. Ellen will be back within ten minutes. We can all meet up at the house.”
He saw the distress in her face and reached out to take her around her waist. He looked deeply into her eyes and smiled.
“We’ll only be apart for a short time. Ellen will be an excellent guide for you. All you need do is to listen to her.”
She could never resist him during these moments of intimacy. Even in the midst of a crowd he could totally capture her to exclusion of everybody and everything else. She put her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her. They kissed, briefly, and hugged again. He broke their embrace and looked to Ellen. Ellen crossed her arms and pouted. She impatiently tapped he toe of her shoe against the wooden floor.
“Well! I’m not leaving without my kiss!”
The wife walked over to her and leaned in to kiss her lips gently. Ellen began to laugh and she hugged the wife and quickly kissed her again.
“Oh honey, you are just too precious for words.”
As Ellen and the husband started for the door, Sonja knocked and then entered wheeling a woven basket piled high with packages and containers of various sizes and colors housing the items outlined on the husband’s list.
“Thank you Sonja. I would like you to remain here and assist in any way possible. Remember that this is the wife’s first real experience shopping for lingerie so I want you to be her guide until Ellen returns. Do you understand?”
“Yes Miss Jean.”
Jean smiled and turned to the wife.
“Now dear, you take all the time you need and make sure that we have what you want. I’m going to go out front for a while. If you need me for anything at all, don’t hesitate to have Sonja come and fetch me. Is that okay?”
The wife grinned and nodded her assent. She gazed at the treasures in the wheeled basket as a child might stare into the window of a candy shop. She never even heard the goodbye and ‘see you soon’ from Ellen and her husband.
Sonja cleared the table and began to take packages out of the basket, sorting them by item type. The wife noticed control slips in two lengths and colors, laced topped thigh highs, stockings, control briefs, several different styles of bras, camisole and tap pant sets, and two long line all-in-one opened bottomed body shapers in the same style as the one she wore last evening.
She felt herself flush with excitement as she picked up each container, one by one, and examined the image of the treasure held within. She had no idea where to begin and yet she wanted to try everything on all at once.
Grabbing several of the packages, the wife ducked quickly into the changing room and pulled the curtain closed behind her. She couldn’t wait to doff her robe and rip open the first package.
“Ma’ma, it would be helpful if I might see how you look in the pieces you try on? I only want to make sure that the fit is good.”
The wife barely heard what Sonja had said. She was so completely absorbed with the thought that these things were now hers. She grunted her assent. First on were the bras. She would put one on, place the forms in as best she could, and duck out of the room for a quick inspection by Sonja.
“You’ll do much better once these are glued on Ma’am.”
Sonja would adjust the forms and pull a bit on the straps making sure that the ‘look’ was as natural as possible. The wife went on in rapid secession; piece after piece. With each new one, Sonja would insist that the wife move around , and swing her arms, and even hp up and down to test whether the bras were doing what they should. Then she would retrieve the last garment and carefully repackage it.
The wife spent a bit more time with the control slips. She loved the way the spandex blend constricted her body, pulled in her tummy and giving her less of a waist. She loved the way the material pulled her into a more erect posture. Even her breast forms felt more of a part of her in the slips. Turning to Sonja really for the first time, the wife asked her opinion.
“What do you think? I really like them? But I need another opinion…please.”
Sonja could see the anxiety in the wife’s face. After all, this wasn’t exactly tee shirts and shorts. Sonja smiled.
“I think they suit you quite well Ma’am. You definitely do them justice. You really should try on the all-in ones. They are absolutely sinful if you like the feeling of…a silky embrace Ma’am.”
The wife smiled conspiratorially and rapidly nodded her head. She ducked back into the room. Ellen had finally returned with her own car. She cheerfully entered the room.
“So…how’s my little girl doing? Having fun honey?”
“Oh God yes Ellen. This has been wonderful so far.”
Turning to Sonja, and in a more clipped tone of voice, Ellen spoke.
“How has it been going?”
“Everything seems to fit perfectly Miss Ellen.”
“Good. What she trying on now?”
“The all in ones Miss Ellen.”
Turning back toward the changing room, Ellen, all smiles again, spoke to the wife.
“Do you need any help honey? Don’t be afraid to ask. Some of those things may feel a bit tight.”
“Oh Lord…yes. This one is quite snug…”
Ellen could hear her grunt as she struggled to pull the garment on.
“…but I think I’ve got it now. I want to try on the hosier with this piece.”
“If you need any help with the garter snaps, let us know, okay? There are eight of them…”
Turning to Sonja, Ellen mentioned that she had never tried to do eight before. Sonja smiled and nodded. Suddenly they heard from behind the curtain. The wife was having a problem. Ellen walked over and entered the tiny room.
The wife was in a bit of distress. She couldn’t manage to turn enough to clip the rear inside snaps. Ellen smiled and kneeled down to assist her.
“I think you look gorgeous in this piece honey.”
“I could barely get it on. It’s so…constricting.”
“Oh I know honey. Just imagine what Sonja’s corset must feel like. Hers is several inches smaller in the waist. But you really don’t need that. Just lose a few pounds and this little honey will feel really marvelous. Maybe we’ll go two inches smaller. I think you really look wonderful in it.”
“Oh do you really think so?”
The wife pirouetted and she smiled as she slowly twirled.
“I want to see in the mirror.”
She walked out from behind the curtain and looked at herself in the mirror. She turned this way and that, taking in every inch of her ‘new’ self. The image reflected back to her astonished green eyes was beautiful, entrancing, feminine, enchanting, desirable, and overwhelmingly hot!
Ellen smiled at her. Ellen knew exactly what she was seeing, and feeling. It brought back so many memories of when she first began to transition mentally into whom she is today. Suddenly a giggle broke through her thoughts. It came from Sonja. Ellen pursed her lips, crossed her arms, began to tap her toe on the wooden floor, and glared at Sonja.
The wife turned toward Ellen to ask again what she thought about her choice for the rest of the day and into the evening. She saw the look on Ellen’s face and how Ellen had now placed her hands on her hips as she stared at Sonja.
“And exactly what is so God damned amusing!!!”
Sonja, startled by the tone of Ellen’s voice, turned to find the very angry Ellen in her face.
“I asked you something you stupid whore!”
The wife was completely shocked at how Ellen spat out her words. Sonja, poor Sonja, was beside herself, quaking in fear. Her head was bowed and she was on the verge of tears.
“The Madam is showing.”
“And you think that’s funny?”
Ellen shook her head in disgust. The wife looked down and realized that in her excitement she had become erect. The front of her girdle was slightly bulging outward. She covered her face in her hands and swiftly retreated to the dressing room.
“You’re so fucking stupid!”
Ellen was ready to slap Sonja but thought better of it. She felt bad enough for the wife who was no doubt deeply embarrassed.
“Honey…are you okay?”
There was silence. Ellen turned to Sonja but rather than give into her urge to slap her, she spoke slowly, deliberately, and with enormous self control.
“Go get a water pitcher and fill it with ice and cold water. Also bring one or two hand towels. Go now.”
“But where shall I find ice?”
“Now that’s not my problem, is it!”
Ellen smiled as she dismissed Sonja. Ellen then grabbed her bag and walked to the dressing room and could hear the wife sniffling. Ellen stopped outside the entrance to the changing room.
“Are you okay honey?”
She reached into her shoulder bag and retrieved several tissues. He handed them through the curtain to the wife.
“Can I please come in? We really should have taken care of this before your husband left.”
Ellen heard a sniffle.
“Sure. Come in. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I am so embarrassed.”
“Oh honey…”
Ellen took her around her waist and shoulders and hugged her.
“…it happens to us all. That bitch should have kept her mouth shut or let us know in a more discrete way.”
“But she doesn’t have the same problem as…us.”
Ellen released her hold on the wife and held her by her shoulders.
“…she did at one time.”
“She’s exactly like us with one major difference…our equipment still works. If you get what I mean.”
“Oh my God! Really? What happened?”
Well hon…it’s a long sad tale but basically she went all the way with the hormones. Then her Mistress had her…balls, or what remained of them, removed. Several other things were done to her surgically so now her dick is of no use to anyone.”
“Oh my God!”
The wife stood with her hands on her mouth in shock at the tale Ellen related. She couldn’t image how anyone could let themselves be so…used…by another. Ellen pursed her lips and nodded her head.
“Okay honey,,,here, have a seat.”
Ellen patted the spot next to her and the wife sat down. She crumpled and played with the tissue in her hand and nervously looked at Ellen.
“You won’t get her in trouble, will you?”
The wife had a pleading tone in her voice. Her eyes then dropped to her hands. Ellen looked at her for a moment and then smiled.
“Listen honey…there’s something you really should know about me, okay?”
The wife looked up at Ellen, and into Ellen’s eyes. ‘Hmmm…’ Ellen thought, ‘she really has lovely eyes.’
Ellen turned as she sat and took the wife’s hands in hers.
“Your husband, what’s his name…”
The wife giggled with Ellen.
“…left you in my care. So…as far as I’m concerned? Nobody…and I mean nobody! Nobody is going to mess with you without messing with me! I so envy that your husband thinks enough of you to be doing what he’s doing for you. I wish somebody thought enough of me…”
At this point Ellen’s voice began to choke up and her eyes became watery. The wife felt such a rush of compassion for Ellen that she removed her hands from Ellen’s and hugged her. Ellen hugged the wife close to her.
“I’m sorry. I…I really envy you and what you have with your husband. I wish I had that kind of…love and compassion in my life.”
“But you have your cousin in your life. That’s something.”
“Yeah… But it not enough. She’s totally taken with someone else. And anyway, she is my first cousin. It wouldn’t work. It couldn’t work.”
As Ellen straightened herself up and wiped her nose in the tissue, the wife could see the deep sadness that crossed her face with the thought of her cousin.
“But you do see her, and I suppose you speak by phone.”
“You are sweet honey. The pain of seeing her isn’t half as bad as the agony of not seeing her.”
At that moment, Sonja arrived with the items Ellen requested and knocked on the wall to signal her arrival. Ellen swiped the tissue beneath her eyes to dab up any remaining tears.
“Do I look alright?”
“Oh honey…you look beautiful.”
The wife smiled. Ellen opened the curtain slightly and took the pitcher and clothes from Sonja. She handed them to Ellen.
“Thank you Sonja. You may finish packing up my things. Oh, yes…”
The wife gathered the lingerie she had worn in and handed the items to Sonja.
“Please tend to these things as well. I am going to wear this today.”
She smiled pleasantly to Sonja, who nodded and returned to her task by the table.
The wife turned to Ellen and looked for her to explain this mystery to her.
“I really wish your husband was here for this.”
Ellen reached into her shoulder bad and retrieve a plastic bag containing several metal rings. They were made of stainless steel and gleamed in the light.
“What are those?”
“These are cock rings honey.”
The wife was somewhat shocked by Ellen’s answer. ‘What in the world...’ she thought as Ellen opened the bag and spread them out on one of the on one of the clothes. The wife noticed they were all different diameters. Ellen laid them out according to size till they lined up from the smallest to the largest.
“What they do is constrict the blood flow to your penis so you can’t become erect. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get a stiffy, it only means that much more…manipulation is required? But once you do get a stiffy, it will be the stiffy of all stiffys because all of that blood that flows in can’t leave. It’s kind of like blowing up a balloon with as much air as you can until just before it bursts.”
“Does it hurt? I mean…when you do become erect.?”
“It’s a delicious pain…”
Ellen’s face lighted up and her smile returned even brighter than before as she recalled her experiences.
“…and to cum? Oh my God! It’s exquisitely painful.”
She giggled at the wide eyed expression on the wife’s face.
“But you don’t have to worry honey. This…”
Ellen held up the pitcher of iced water.
“…is the cure all. Now, we need to find you a proper fit. After all, you do want to look perfect at all times, right?”
“Well how is it supposed to fit? How does one put this on?”
“Well honey. Stand up and let’s see. You will need to lift the hem of you shaper.”
“But I haven’t any panties on.”
“You won’t need them. And anyway, I promise you that it’s nothing I haven’t seen before. You’ll need to trust me.”
The wife thought for a moment. ‘Am I truly going to expose myself to this woman I barely know? What if she makes fun of my…size? Why couldn’t my husband be here?’ A dozen more thoughts rapidly crossed her mind until she finally gave up arguing with herself and simply flipped up her hem. She still obscured herself modestly with her hands.
Ellen took one of the towels and dipped it into the icy water. She then looked at the wife.
“Hands honey. I can’t do this with your hands in the way.”
The wife slowly moved her hands to expose herself to Ellen’s gaze.
“See? Not so bad. I’m going to put is on to shrink you as much as we can. That way we can fit you properly. Okay?”
The wife nodded as she watched Ellen’s hand slowly approach she most private of areas. Ellen held the pitcher directly beneath the towel to catch any dripping water.
“OH MY GOD!!! It’s so cold!”
Ellen giggled.
“It’s supposed to be cold silly. How else can we make sure it’s as small as possible?”
Ellen wet the towel several more times and after cupping the wife’s scrotum, she applied the towel to her shaft. Once all the swelling had abated and everything shrank into its smallest size, Ellen set the pitcher down and examined what remained.
“Now honey, I’m going to have to touch you, just to look, okay? I don’t want you to feel embarrassed. We can pretend we’re sisters, okay?”
“I think I’m too cold for me to be embarrassed.”
“Good, that’s the way it should be.”
Ellen looked closely and lifted the wife’s equipment up a bit. She looked at the various sized rings and chose one of the smaller ones.
“I’ll show you how to do this, okay?”
The wife nodded as Ellen took the ring and slipped it up the wife’s scrotum as far as she could till the steel was tightly pressed against the wife’s pubic bone.
“Now watch carefully. You really only need to see this once to get the idea.”
Ellen then took the wife’s penis head and slipped it beneath the steel ring. She wet it a bit and then pulled it through, completely slipping the ring over the wife’s entire sex. It was a tight squeeze to get her shaft through but the fitting was as perfect as possible. In spite of the slight pinching and squeezing, the wife stood as still as she could while Ellen fit the ring on her.
“There honey. How does it feel?”
“It feels…odd. It’s not very comfortable, is it?”
“You’ll become accustomed to it.”
“It feels a bit tight. Will I be able to…you know…”
They both giggled.
“Yeah. Will I?”
”Like a race horse honey. Just as long as you aren’t…overly stimulated at the time?”
They giggled again. The wife couldn’t image feeling anything whilst the ring was on. She felt around her equipment and even attempted to manipulate herself.
“It feels so strange. I feel like I’m numb down there.”
“Well, it should feel like that. I’ll get you a few more of those in the event you lose this one. We’ll be together for the rest of the day and evening so if anything feels wrong or you think something isn’t right, I can take care of it. Why don’t you get dressed and we’ll collect your purchases and head for the salon.”
Ellen started to turn and leave the dressing room but the wife took hold of her arm and, after spinning her face to face, the wife hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.
“Thank you Ellen.”
“Oh sweet heart…it really is my pleasure.”
The wife, with some assistance from Ellen, continued to dress. They then walked from the dressing room hand in hand toward the counter on the sales floor. The wife turned her head at every mirror to take in the image she now presented. Her clothes suddenly fit a bit better. They weren’t quite as tight as before and her blouse now appeared to conform to her ‘new’ bust in a more natural manner.
After signing the credit card bill, Ellen and the wife thanked Jean for all of her help and they hugged and kissed their farewells. They left the shop with four black shopping bags baring the Hidden Secrets name and logo and walked to Ellen’s Audi. After depositing the bags in the trunk, Ellen walked to the passenger side and opened the door for the wife.
“Oh Ellen, you didn’t have to do this.”
The wife sat down, smoothing her skirt as she did. She then swung both of her legs in and settled herself in the leather seat.
“Listen honey…when somebody wants to pamper you…you let them. Get use to it.”
Ellen laughed as she closed the door and went around to the driver’s side. She opened the door and got into the car. She looked at the wife, who was discreetly adjusting one of her straps. Ellen smiled to herself as she started the car and off they went to the stylist.
To Be Continued…
Author's Note: I wish to express my never-ending gratitude to Lauran Travis for the wonderful original tale and Lauran’s very kind and generous permission to write my ‘take’ on “The Red Dress”. ~Kelly
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It's not just about the clothes
Anything can be turned into sexual, but it takes a gift to turn the sexual into special and intimate. Thank you for making this story special. Grazie per avermi sentire speciali.

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Tutto il mio apprezzamento, cari, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
Kelly, The Red Dress
Is getting more than a bit erotic and exotic. You have a most inventive imagination.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
We gave them our best ...
In my case, I gave the family the best years of my life; always being employed; putting up the Chrismas lights; teaching the wife AND the daughter how to drive; facing down street attackers; changing flats; putting on tyre chains and yes, even learning to put the seat AND lid down after.
So, when our testosterone levels begin to approach those of a post menopausal woman, and our true natures begin to take over, you'd think that they'd try to accomodate at least some. Look at how many of us gave up our own desires for how many years?
It is sad, just sad ...
I'm waiting....
Next chapter, please. Io sono il cattivo ragazzo!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Tutto il mio apprezzamento, cari, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
What my sister said goes double for me....
...we're still waiting for the next chapter!!!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
The next chapter...
I know sweetie... It seems sooo hard to find the time to sit and write these days. :( It's like I write a sentance or two a day!!!
May I Be Granted The Patience...
Your unproductive but bratty none-the-less Kelly
The next chapter
Please keep at trying to find the time to write, as there are more of us waiting, eagerly, for the next episode. Great story so far, having trouble waiting for more.
Thanks for the story so far.
there is probebly littu use tor asking this ,,,,,but,,,,,a next chapet would be a gods send in this realy geat story .
there have been people asking the same thing sinds 2009 but it is still a shame .
so please
erik je