tels's blog

My rules to writing. updated

There are no rules

I forget where I either read or watched that. Its a memorably quote though.

Do I have a plot...eeeehhh kinda I know what the ending is sorta. Usually very vaguely.

Where do I get my ideas from. The spark for a story comes from anything. Another story, stubbing a toe, cussing at the stupid cat. I do say spark because thats just what it is *What if...* is pretty much the spark. From there I have a picture in my head then it starts moving with a life all its own.

The writer me just uses words to try to describe what I see think and feel in my head.

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Movie Magik

Darnit another nap and tada another story unfolds....

It was every boys dream to be in a pirate movie. Ok well not really but to me it certianly was. To get to visit the Pirates of the Carrabian movie shooting set of port royal was so great. I saved for months to go down there. I watched every movie of it like so many times I had gone through 3 dvd players and a dozen copies of dvds.

But here I was finally. I was soo excited and today on the tour it was announced that for a fee we could get dressed in period clothing and go around in it. I was in heaven!

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gosh blast it all.

I hate muses. Can someone PLEASE tell this muse to leave me in peace. I cannot seem to be able to read more than a paragraph of any story. No this this thing insists I continue to write. I can't play my games, nor watch a movie, nor even sleep. Tis not fair!

Gosh blast it to the depths of heck twill nay let me even swear as I must be a *LADY*

Signed a damsel in distress Oh come on already!

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Made of Mist

I am rather proud of this one not sure why and I hope I conveyed the feelings properly though I feel I didn't do them justice.

I REALLY want comments It helps me to focus on my stories more. Any happiness in my life makes a huge difference.

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tada another nap with a dream..

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

I've always loved the gowns worn at the end of that movie, its always been my favorite movie. However I may be guilty of reading too much stuff on this website....

Bob Wallace and Phil Davis are trying to get the girls to leave. Saying they will cover their escape. Betty questions what they are going to do and they respond with their half baked plan to imitate the hanes sisters act. The girls stop saying they do not want to be made a mockery of. The scene blacks out as Betty says "these dresses actually have a bit of stretch to them."

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another soak in tub another story inspired.

Dearest Marcie

If my calculations are correct you should recieve this letter shorty after witnessing the mustang being hit by lightning.

Rest assured I am happily living here as the wife to a blacksmith in 1885.

I found that I could not repair the X Flux capacitor with available materials. Included is a schematic for my 1955 counterpart to enable you to return to your previous life.

Do NOT under any circumstances are you to come and get me.

All my Love Evelyn Brown.

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Thought of this in while soaking in my tub.


"Yes Rudolf"

"Don't you think you should change to something more appropriate."

"Why do you think this outfit makes me look fat."

"No no of course not the dress is very fine and all."

"Thank you dear."

"Its just that the kids have expectations and I wouldn't want to see that outfit destroyed by the chimneys."

"Oh dear you are right ill change into that old outfit."

"And the beard and pillow."

" Yes dear I know. We do this every year."

"Don't forget to remove your makeup this time. The stories still tell about your blush on cheeks."

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Darn Muses

Want to sell: One very annoying Muse.

What do you mean I can't sell you?

I don't care for this "stuck for life" thing I wanna see the contract.

Well leave my stuff alone. I really did NOT like my wrenches being turned into spoons.

Stop laughing! It was so Not funny.

What do you mean I have to write a third chapter to mistaken girl?

I wanna play warcraft.

Later no way right now.

Hmmmm. I know

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a little about me

I am scared, scared of society, scared of judgment, scared of pain, scared of emotional hurt.

I have lived through my emotional pain, first when i was 12 and found i did not fit into society. Then at 21 when i was raped, and again when I lost my mother, the only person to ever accept me fully as nothing but her child with unconditional love, at 29.

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