tels's blog

A thank you to those who read.

I looked at my account and its past 12k kudos. I can only thank those who have been nice enough to read my stories and say that they like them. It means quite a bit to someone who just started to write a little over a year ago.

I do not consider myself either a writer or author. Many of you seem to want to argue that but, to me anyways, those titles are for those who have put much more time and effort into their stories than I have and do not consider myself to be at that level yet.

People such as Maggie Finson have been a big inspiration to myself.

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1 year aniversary

I little over a year ago I stumbled up a site called bigcloset and started to read various stories. Then being frustrated at not being able to post anything I registered on the site and submited a rather badly written story.

Now its offically a year here, and a bit, with me still dabbling at writing for my pleasure as I get to see what the ending is. Comments on the various stories in progress have helped me to well evolve into something less than pathatic at writing. Still with every one I write I get a bit better at it.

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Slurp ahhh. updated

My muse has hit me with the next chapter of Belle. Well it's that or the cola I'm Drinking one of the two I gave Dottie an idea of it so far and she is currently unable to type so I think it will work.

Edit: darn it didn't get to the good part I wanted to add yet other stuff got in the way and had to be taken care of.

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