tels's blog

And you think you have problems

Went to funeral for my uncle yesterday. Was there crying my eyes out and not really all that able to walk after when my brother makes a fuss over my choice of clothing. Simple pink shirt and black dress pants. So he pushes me outside as he wants me to leave, since I wasn't all that steady I was in no shape to drive.

So after he pushes me I push back when he punches me in the mouth really hard.

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light humor

Was eating dinner when this popped into my head...

Congratulations on the birth of your son, son, daughter, daughter, son , daughter, son , daughter. WAAAPP

is your child.

Walter looked up from his computer who just informed him of his wife's delivery.

"Either my wife just gave birth to the worlds record in children or I'm gonna need serious therapy when my kid becomes a teenager."

Giggle couldn't resist *^_^*

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Comments revisited,washed, rewashed, mended, you get idea

Its very hard for someone writing to know how they are doing lately as it seems the only comments are from the *core group* of like 8 people and the rest don't comment at all.

Kudo's mean nothing to a writer really its the feedback a writer craves. Okay its also about attention too, which for most of the tg community who spent most of their lives purposely NOT drawing attention to themselves you have to admit the craving for it in some small way is there.

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Re: Dorothy cry for help

Dorothy mentioned someone with any names. Well that person is me.

I went to doctor yesterday for the results of some tests I have been getting lately. Had hot flashes, breast pain etc. I expected that I was going into menopause or something.

Well I am barren. I will never be able to have children. While I kinda expected that it still hit me really really hard.

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Earlier I washed off a very dirty electric fan I had in house with the garden hose. I was gonna set it up in a window and just wanted to clean it off.

Well I left it to dry on the hood of my car dangling on the fence. Totally away from anyone.

So i go outside to get it as it should be dry by now and...its gone!

I am not all that heartbroken as I knew I would have to finishing cleaning it to make it work and its a fan I had repaired years ago. I just find it stupid that someone would come into my yard to blatantly steal a cheap little electric fan.

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seriously bummed

Okay I am seriously disappointed. I wrote "the waiting room" hours ago and aside from Dorothy nobody has made a single comment on it at all.

If it was that bad, even though I was kinda proud of one point in it, I am not sure I wish to continue writing about it.


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Schoolgirl Mixup

Just updated two of the chapters with editors version. unfortantly I do not know who the editor is so sorry if I do not give thanks to him/her.

I get it from a private email and Do not remember the nickname used on BC sorry.

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interesting day

well my day started last night really. To get a better Idea though I'll give a bit of back history.

A friend has asked me to fix his car. It's a 1966 Chrysler, nice car but the old rubber needs replacing. Since there is very few people that can do the job correctly I get to do it.

In exchange for the work I am getting a 1991 Power Ram. Its a 4 x 4 that also needs some work. However in the meantime it is still his truck. So he uses it and while driving the exhaust breaks he keeps driving it breaks more and he runs over the exhaust pipe and breaks some stuff.

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Bad mood

I find myself in a VERY bad mood. So much so that I am actively angry but have no cause for it or direction. I am trying hard to not lash out at anything and I am on the edge of screaming should someone provoke me.

I hate these moods as they come on for no reason except that it is also carrying a definate element of fear.

Since I automatically disassociate and reassociate things the cause could have started very early in the day and only hit me now.

I am contiplating putting on some leather gloves and actually breaking things. Old tvs, some walls in house, fence outside.

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Gosh im tired!

Long day today cut down and tree at a friends place. Piled the logs and cut up all the brush.. by myself. Then took a number of parts off some cars.

Tommorow is a rest day for me so I can kick back relax and maybe get that darn chapter of The mysterious case out and maybe another chapter of some other stories im working on.

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School dictionary

One thing I have a bit of trouble with is understanding some of the school references.

There seems to be a large difference in terms and some are very confusing.

I will list off the ones for canada that I know(although there is some new ones being used which are mostly slang type in cities)

age 4 - preschool/daycare - for children of age 4 or younger stay most of the day and not much is really taught to children.

age 5 - kindergarden - children are in school for half a day. Learn to write names mostly.

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Blog About: 



I was just looking through my list of stories and its like wow who wrote those. Can't be me I am not even a talented amateur. Still is quite a few. I blame the muse that keeps filling my head with story after story and my hand that itch to type away.



I enjoy comments on my stories way more than kudos. Please thank you all for the comments and keep them comming.

More comments = more stories.

Note: I dont really wanna write continuations of Mother's wish or The Island as they are complete stand alone stories that have all the answers to what will happen in them. Read them as many times as you wish.

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feel like sheet

Meh today I feel like crap. Having cramps that come and go and pretty much exhaust me. No its not the runs/trots/diarrhea. Id take that its not as painful and exhausting. Nor would I be swollen like a frigging balloon either. Wanted to work on my stories but im just so out of it half the time ill skip for today.

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Member for 4 weeks.

According to my account details I have been a member for 4 weeks. This means that I have been writing, or trying to , for 4 weeks.

Mayhaps I doth write too much.

In 2 hours I am off to an assessment of a few things. I am scared, my nerves are not the best either. Not sure if I have enough time to get ready, Nor what to wear as its bloody cold outside.

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new day new story .

Although I have sparks for stories every 5 mins and a story develops from a spark to full lenght one by the time I reach the bottom of stairs usually, missing some details among other stuff.

I am writing a new one based in part with my love of cars. I am not going to post it here till I'm satisfied with it. I write in notepad which is on just about any computer.

I have alot of stories already in production here which I can work on when the mood swings inline with the area of that story.

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I want to work on chapter 4 of mistaken girl.....after I finish writing this little story for someone else.

Also want to get out to wally world during the day for some catfood and another can of paint. Maybe some makeup ill see. That is gonna take a huge effort though as Im scared.

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