There are no rules
I forget where I either read or watched that. Its a memorably quote though.
Do I have a plot...eeeehhh kinda I know what the ending is sorta. Usually very vaguely.
Where do I get my ideas from. The spark for a story comes from anything. Another story, stubbing a toe, cussing at the stupid cat. I do say spark because thats just what it is *What if...* is pretty much the spark. From there I have a picture in my head then it starts moving with a life all its own.
The writer me just uses words to try to describe what I see think and feel in my head.
Does it have to be based in learity, Pardon reality, Heavens no. Most of our new inventions of modern science come from the same source.
My spelling grammer and punctuation are awful. There is many a people that seem happy to edit the raw stories. I just don't always follow the suggestions in full(Some change the way of my story too much to do so). I still respect their comments though.
Do I know the stories I am writing. Nope they develop with a life all their own I can guide it towards the ending I wish but thats about it.
What about length? some stories are one paragraph. Others are many pages. Whatever it take is what it takes. Sometimes when you reread a story new words to help describe it better pop out and you add them.
Believe it or not. "Today I went to the store for groceries." that is a story. It is so small however that it leaves the impression that you take ages to go to the store if at all. lets change it with one or two words. "Today I finally, went to the store for groceries" same story but now it says something different doesn't it. Lets try one more time "Today I finally went to the store for some much needed groceries"
See how words added can change it... Now for some personal fun I am gonna add to that.
Dear diary, Today I finally made it to the store after many busy days at work to pick up my much needed groceries. On the way I met a smashingly handsome man by the name of John, who did ask me out for dinner. I do not know what I am going to wear. Everything makes me look dreadfully frumpy. My mother is laughing hysterically as I do throw out most of my wardrobe across my room looking for the perfect outfit. Indeed I had to shoo her from my room before she did make a mess on the floor. I have little time to write this as John will be here in...Oh No I have to go!
There is that small sentence with more added to it. It is growing all on its own from that one spark.
Do not be afraid to write. You may have to go back again and again to get it down. But as you can see from above the picture has started. As the writer you can do anything with it. Put in in victorian times. the dark ages, the future, whatever the only limit is your imagination.
Nothing you write is wrong. Good luck and all the best writing to you.