Maddy Bell's blog

New Gaby time

Must be a record - I've managed four postings when I planned to!

Yup, there is a new chapter today, 33 of Book 12+1 and you get to it by clicking here!

New writing is happening, a bit of a cold has slowed things somewhat but I'm still on track for the promised part 3/Book 17 next weekend.



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assistance needed

Heya peeps

The stories that not just me but almost everyone else write and post in the 'TG' genre are something like 99.9% in English. This means that they are at best difficult and worst completely beyond the majority of the world's population to read and enjoy. It has always been my intention to make at least some of my works available in other languages, a project that was indeed started many years ago but ended when my 'team' lost interest in continuing.

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Yorkshire does it again

Done what I hear you ask. Well secured the biggest cycling spectacular so far, the 2019 road World Championships! So start planning to come visit it us now for 9 days of the best riders in the world, racing around God's own County.

And you know that being Yorkshire we'll be going the extra mile to entertain you all with a huge festival of supporting events, something for everyone.

Let's hope our Gab gets selected!

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Update and new chapter

Yup, I've managed it, another chapter of the Wunderkind story is up here.

Keeping on a Gaby theme, I've started scribbling on the series again, my editor received 4 new chapters this morning! There is a remote chance i'll have the current arc complete for Wednesday.

To my computer woes - thank you everyone who offered help and support, things are kind of sorted and i'l be taking much more precaution in future!

So ttfn, ciao and tschuss


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A day of extremes here in Yorkshire.

The positive - I'd been stressing over my income to cover the next month for a few days and a visit to the bank this morning cheered me up no end. There's enough to get me through the month if i'm careful and don't go mad eating or buying stuff. Why is this month tight? Well the trip to Austria pretty much used up every penny I had then a follow up of trips to London and next week's trip to Germany have ensured things remain very tight. After next week though I get a few weeks to consolidate things so things will become easier.

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News from Yorkshire!

Hi all

Well first I have to tell you that there won't be an update on Sunday - I'm off to the mountains of Essex for my last cycling event of the season, the L'Etape London, 180km of well I doubt it'll be to bad unless it rains! Anyhow, as a result I won't be near a proper internet connection until next Wednesday when of course there will be a new chapter posted.

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for those who might be interested

As you might recall, two weeks ago I pushed to the edge when I rode the Otztaler Radmarathon. Well today things were a little less stressed when I rode the Eddy Merckx Classic near Salzburg. (I won't bore you with the bit in between). Cycling bore that I am, I completed the 169km through the Salzkammergut in 6.5 hours almost exactly half the time I was in the saddle a fortnight ago.

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back to sanity

Team GB cycling - just wow!

In case you missed it - the entire track team come home with at least one gong each! That means our cycling team would place 11th in the current medal table!

We can now get back to some sort of normalcy as the rest of our team try to hang onto our second place in the medal table - yep second, not bad for a little rock on the edge of knowhere!

More Gaby later.


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just a heads up

I can confirm that the new Nena tale will be going up on Kindle and Lulu tomorrow.

Remind Me Again finds Chris volunteering to be Nena to save a job for Global - again! It's been two years in the writing, mostly because a certain young lady with sporting tendencies has taken so much of my time!

I'll try to get some of the other part written stuff finished between Gabyness - well after my big trip at any rate!


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To the Team GB track riders.

After Froomey's bronze we were waiting with bated breath and they've delivered and in some style! World records, gold medals - it looks like the avalanche is about to begin!

Maybe it's the new even rounder Italian wheels but I think it's three Weetabix!

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Missed post

Well firstly, sorry for not posting Sunday - I didn't come close to an internet connection as spent the day looking Steam Engines (the agricultural forerunners of tractors not the rail guided things) and old road vehicles! It was a lovely day that made a change from the usual daily grind.

There is a new Gaby chapter here today - I am expecting to post again this Sunday as I finish preparing for my 'holiday' - if you can call riding up and down mountains a holiday!

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Happy Yorkshire Day!

Yep its Yorkshire Day when we celebrate everything great about God's Own County from Hendo's to Whitby, rhubarb to Dickie Bird - well you get the idea.

Just to show a lack of bias, a happy national day to my second favourite place Switzerland who are lucky enough to share the day with Yorkshire!


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Advance warning!

For all those impatient Gabfen out there, the first part of Gaby - Seasons, the 17th Gaby tome, will be available through the usual sources tomorrow!

If you can stand to wait, it might be October before the complete book is done due to a three week trip to Austria coming up shortly.

I'll post another chapter of book 12+1 tomorrow - at the current rate there are over 3 years of weekly postings just to catch up to the present which would then be the past and likely the same again etc. With that in mind you may well get 2 chapters a week at least this side of my trip.

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Yup, the Manx Missile has claimed his 30th tdf stage - by an emphatic mile too! He might be letting Sagan wear the green jersey but it will be Cav they talk about in years to come when sprints are discussed.

There are two more sprint stages - I certainly wouldn't bet against him!

At this point I must apologise - due to impending weather conditions i've moved my training camp up a day so I go tomorrow. The knock on effect is that the next Gaby chapter won't now be posted until Wednesday.

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should’ve done this before

Well just to prove i'm not just a Cav Fangirl - congratulations Steve Cummings and Simon Yates - Simon for taking the white jersey despite the altercation with Tour signage and Steve for winning stage 7.
Yes, more Brit success, that's 4/7 and he rides for Cav's team too!
So come on Sky you slackers, time to take up the reigns!

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But I just can't contain myself, the Pocket Rocket has done it again - no wonder Gaby can't get the better of her friend in the sprints!

The Badger didn't look too happy when he drew level the other day, now he's number 3 behind Cav he really will be dour!

And the boy McLay in third - maybe he will follow in Marks wheel tracks?

Is there more to come from the Manxman? I wouldn't put money against him getting closer to the Cannibal before things conclude in Paris.

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Well sorry I didn't post a chapter yesterday, I got a bit distracted!

Mr Cavendish, there are no words great enough to describe you. Yes, we all queried whether you could win again against the German double header but you've now kicked their butt's big style twice.

Sigh, there will be new Gaby later in the week if I haven't chewed my fingers off watching the Tour.

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