My body scares me

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My body scares me, and last night was a great example as to why.

See, I went to the bathroom near the end of my shift, and I found a large bruise turning black on my thigh. Trouble is, I have NO idea how or when I did something to cause the bruise ...

Meanwhile, I ended my night in a huge amount of pain - pain in my foot, pain in my back, pain in my arms ...

I am getting old fast ...

Ah, well.


You taking Estrogen?

A bruise is just a hematoma, or blood clot. I have gotten them and take baby aspirin to get them to go away. I thought you worked in a warehouse and were active. Too much sitting can cause them

On Growing Older

Confucius he say - or someone did - that getting older is a damn sight better than the alternative.

If I remember correctly, I think I'm about nine years further along the High-Speed railway to Care Home Central. What bothers me more than the physical symptoms - of which I'm lucky enough not to suffer too many - is a progressive reluctance to engage with popular culture. This isn't because I'm turning into a fuddy-duddy, just that most of it bores me stupid. Even the really good stuff. It's as if there's only so much space in my brain, and what comes in now has to meet terrifically high standards before it displaces what's already there.

Stereolab did try to warn me.

Matières sensuelles et sans suite
L'enfance est plus sympathique
L'enfance apporte le magique

Que faire quand on a tout fait
Tout lu tout bu tout mangé
Tout donné en vrac et en détail
Quand on a crié sur tous les toits
Pleuré et ri dans les villes et en campagne

L'enfance est plus authentique
Le jardin au haut portique

Les pierres, les arbres, les murs, racontent
La maison d'autrefois
La maison à venir

Et le silence
Me pénétrera


Random sensual stuff...
Childhood is very nice
Childhood brings magic

What to do when you've done everything?
Read everything, drunk everything, eaten everything?
Given everything in truth and in detail,
When you've cried on all the rooftops,
Wept and laughed in the towns and in the country?

Childhood is the most real
The garden of new visions

The stones, the trees, the walls recalling
The house of other times
The house that we have left

And the silence
Penetrates me

Ban nothing. Question everything.

Getting Old

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Getting old ain't for wimps.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Ain't for wimps,

Wendy Jean's picture

and strictly for survivors.

My skin has gotten extremely delicate since I started estrogen. My mom always had the same problem, so I don't worry about it. I still find cuts and bruises that I have no idea where they came from, other than just rubbing a doorway the wrong way. All part of being a girl the way I figure it.

Hyeah, as a Man ...

LOL, I worked as an Electrician, some of it in construction, for over 30 years, and just used to bash my way around, riding step ladders, and kicking wire all over the dang place, and picking up pipes with my foot and tossing them, and now life is being cautious and delicate and meek and weak. Hyeah, don't whine you asked for it. At least that is what my friends that know say. :)
