Late in 2022, I started to get pain in my hands. I went and had an x-ray done, and there was some arthritis forming. Well, at my age, that's kinda normal, so I wasn't REALLY worried about it.
The problem was, the pain in one of my thumbs got worse and worse. Unfortunately, it's the thumb that supports my trumpet when I play, and it's used in the piano quite a bit, as well as guitar, accordian, you name it. It's used. I don't play guitar very much, but I do need my left thumb to help me grip the neck when I'm making a chord, or even when playing the bass guitar.
Seeing as how I majored in music in college, you can see how this is a concern.
Well, my doctor told me he could try a shot to relax the tendon and get things to release (the thumb is triggering and it's very, very painful going through the 'stop'). The problem there is, I'm a very insulin-resistant diabetic. I have to take a LOT of insulin to control things. If it gets worse, I'm going to have to go onto a concentrated insulin. Steroid shots mess with blood glucose levels. Not good for a diabetic. Therefore it's time for surgery. Yay!!!! (not!)
Anyway, this is why I've been gone for awhile as far as posting things. The left thumb isn't part of typing, but keeping it out of the way while I type gets painful. I'm using a splint now which helps a lot, so I think I'll be able to post now. Maybe not as often as I would like, but it should be able to be done.
Anyway... See ya!
I know them Ritus boys
There was a hillbilly who, back in the days of the draft" got himself drafted into the army. His drill sergeant was big on his troops writing home to tell the folk how much they love the army and what a good idea it was for them to be in the army.
The Sarge cornered the hillbilly and asked why he hadn't been writing home as he'd been told to.
The hillbilly, Joe Bob, said, "Sarge I cain't hardly read or write. I cain't do much more than sign my name."
"Well son," the sarge said, "Maybe I can help you. Does anyone at home read and write?"
"Well yeah, my Ma does some."
"How about tonight after chow, you come to my office and tell me what you'd like to say and I'll write it down and you can sign it; then we'll mail it to your Ma."
So that's what they did. About a week later Joe Bob got a letter back. He went to the Sarge and showed him the letter.
"Sarge, you know I cain't read, could you read this to me?"
"Sure son, sure."
Sarge took the letter and the two of them sat down and the Sarge read it out loud.
"Things are fine back here. We managed to get the spring plowing done by having the neighbor boy do your part. I had to feed him supper all three days to pay him and promise him a share of the harvest.
"You should know that your wife is down in bed with arthritis."
Joe Bob interrupted and said, "I know them Ritis boys and Arthur is the worst one of the bunch."
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Please, do this for me. Read this over. Even if you choose to not use the info, I very much want you to know it:
Dr Barnard has done hands-on research - he's not making up random stuff.
Most of his recommendations work to reduce insulin resistance (the very >cause< of Diabetes-II), and to improve control for both T-II and T-I.
If you do go this way, work with doctor and your numbers >every day<. Some people improve so quickly that yesterday's correct dose is today's overdose. This is for insulin, for diabetes meds, and also for blood pressure meds.
All info on the PCRM site is free (except for books, first check your lending Libraries; or you want to attend a seminar.)
Thanks! Now hop on over to PCRM.
PS: I bet the arthritis also improves/lessens. You didn't mention, but I also bet your cholesterol numbers get better.
And it >Hurts< every time a new Name goes on "In Memorium" list.
sorry to hear you're having a tough time
hope things improve soon.
So Sorry
I sincerely hope all goes well with your surgery.
Diligence during rehab is very important.
Good luck.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I can barely flex it under its own power right now. I've been using a splint for a few weeks now, and I think I've lost strength in it. It's gonna take a bit of physical therapy once the surgery is done.
Rehab. Yeah ...
... I had some Big health problems some years back.
I'm convinced (in retrospect, sigh) my recovery would have been a lot faster, had I worked a lot harder on the rehab exercises. (And, in my case, fewer day$$$ in hospital and assi$ted living center.)
So, work hard, but not the point of re-injury or being counter-productive. Your therapy people are your best Guides.
No worries. Back to living my life as I like.