The character lineup of Arctic Fox 3: Pursuit of the Dream

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So a little while ago, I decided to do some AI work on the characters of The Arctic Fox. Specifically, Arctic Fox 3, but of course, some of the characters are in the other books as well. Having pictures of the characters allows me to keep a picture of the in my mind so any descriptions of them are consistent.

Since I had the pictures available, I decided to put them in a blog, so if anyone wants a reference to what the people look like when you’re reading the stories, you have it.

Darryl and Marcia, standing in front of his 1973 Mustang Marcia and Darryl with Mustang.jpg
Chet and Mage with his M100 pickup.jpg Chet and Mage with his 1963 Mercury M100 pickup
Lt. Colonel Mike Chatham USAF
Marcia and Chet's dad
Mike Chatham.jpg
Gloria Chatham.jpg Gloria Chatham
Marcia and Chet's mom
Colonel Robert Johnson, USAF
Mage and Darryl's dad
Colonel Bob Johnson.jpg
Liz Johnson1.jpg Liz Johnson
Mage and Darryl's mom
Heather (Goldman) Johnson
The new sister of Mage and Darryl
Heather (Goldman) Johnson.jpg
Judge Bill Matthews.jpg Judge William Matthews
Recently appointed Attorney General of Alaska
Sylvia Matthews
Baliff in Judge Matthews court, and his wife
Sylvia Matthews.jpg
Trish Anderson.jpg Trish Anderson
Marcia's best friend
Brad Jenkins
Mage's boyfriend before Chet
Brad Jenkins.jpg
Bruce Huff.jpg Bruce Huff
Ron Fraiser
Bruce's brother
Ron Fraiser.jpg
Mel Fraiser.jpg Melissa Fraiser
Ron's wife and former police chief of Palmer. While the book doesn't specify it, she's Native Alaskan
Gregory French
FBI agent assigned to the murder of Lisa Huff
Greg French.jpg
Brandy Coleridge.jpg Brandy Coleridge
FBI agent, Rather unpleasant partner of French, and current
pleasant partner of French
Stephen Winters
Bruce's right hand man on the farm
Stephen Winters.jpg
Bo Borisyuk.jpg Boris Borisyuk
One of the workers on the farm
Wanda Gregory
Real Estate Agent who found the houses for the Chatham and Johnson parents and Getting close to Bruce Huff
Wanda Gregory.jpg

So that's what I have right now. I'll probably add Chet and Mage's kids and the brother and sister of Chet and Marcia before too long.

I hope this makes the story easier to visualize.


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