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I had a dream last night that has me questioning me being trans.
In the dream I was at university and sharing a dorm room with a dude.
So when I woke up, I realized that even though I never looked at myself in the dream, I would have to had been a dude too.
Now I'm all mixed up and I want to cry.
your brain
can be a harsh taskmaster. you spent how many years living a fake life. something likely triggered this dream, a wish for a more "normal" life, etc.
Key point, YOU know who you are. Dreams are usually a way to work out things, regrets, confusion, also remember some dorms are coed, although not usually in the same room. maybe he was a boyfriend, or from reading a story? i remember one about someone who transitioned, and their roommate dropped out so they had a room to themselves?
our brains can be hard taskmaster, but they usually have a reason to do so. figuring out that reason is usually NOT simple
Teresa L.
While sometimes dreams can be your subconscious telling you things, other times it's just random stuff. I remember the time I dreamed I invented golf. I don't even like golf.
My Nightmare in Orange
Dreams use our past for material. We find ourselves at jobs we've long since left, or somehow back living in our childhood home, or still in High School, with or without clothes on. These dreams don't mean we secretly want to be in these situations, they're just familiar images dredged up by the dream-generating software in our heads. I'd really be surprised if every trans person who's transitioned doesn't have the occasional dream of presenting as male or having absent and unlamented body parts back. Not pleasant imagery, but they're just dreams, Silly!
Not like the horrible, horrible, horrible horrible nightmare I had last night, where I was sitting at a big desk with a pile of McDonalds hamburgers in front of me that I was working my way through, clutching them in my tiny ratpaw-like age spotted hands. This desk was in a really nice office, which was round, or actually more oval shaped. I noticed a young clean cut man in a suit standing vigilantly next to me, like he was my bodyguard or something. I thought "Wow, he looks like a Secret Service agent-"
Which was when it dawned on me, who and where I was. I rushed over to the mirror and-
Oh God it's too horrible I can't talk about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~executive huggles, Veronica
What borders on stupidity?
Canada and Mexico.
"Dreams use our past for material."
Specifically, for material to torment us with. Sometimes *really* deep into our utterly-forgotten past for some trivial factoid.
I might have been twelve in a dream, and/or I might have been in some kind of cross between elementary school and high school. My mind was making sure that I didn't/couldn't know the answer or definition of something I was supposed to know: the "Cauchy Angle". I was stumped in my dream, and when I awoke, I wondered if my mind had created the "Cauchy Angle" out of whole cloth. Cauchy was a famous mathematician, known for various theorems.
I net-searched the angle. It turns out that the "Cauchy Angle" exists, and is conceptually quite simple. I might have learned about it long ago, and forgotten about it shortly after -- ever after -- until my dream pulled it out.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
I shared a dorm room with a guy in college.
I can confirm that this did nothing to make me any less of a girl. He would probably agree, given the multiple times he walked in on me changing tops and I screeched at him over it.
Yes, I was wearing a bra! I'm not a hussy.
The fact that you never looked at yourself in the dream, makes me think that in the dream it didn't matter. You knew who you were, without having to see yourself, and were comfortable about it.
Maybe you just wanted to be in close quarters with a hot young guy. ;) ;)
Kidding aside, I wouldn't be discouraged about the dream. I had a dream once I was running through my house chasing a dachshund that was wearing a hot dog costume. Sometimes a dream is simply a flight of fancy. Inspiration for a new story maybe?
~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.
Deep breaths, relax, have some tea (or whatever).
Dreams are just dreams. Sometimes, it's just random stuff, or "processing" recent events. I think only when you have a recurring dream, or dreams with a common theme, then maybe it's something to pay attention to. Examples of my random stuff:
= Sometimes I dream of eating meat ... and I'm vegan ...
= I was maybe decades out of school before I stopped dreaming it was exam week, didn't know where the final exam was, or forgotten to attend class for the entire term ...
= Last night I was at a new job, and completely lost, and had no idea what to do, or what the pieces were, and the boss was coming ... and I've been retired for nearly 10 years ..
= Those dreams where I'm with a lover ... those can come back anytime (Hey! Subconscious - you reading this?) :)
Dreams are mostly like taking your cable remote and flipping channels - cooking show, music video, slasher horror flic, cartoon, "True Abdominal Surgery Live", astronomy lecture... and so on.
Relax, huggles, have some more tea.
Sweet Dreams!