Penny Reed Cardon


Sephy is out of surgery, although still sleeping. I talked with the surgeon, he said everything went very well. Sephy will be a bit sore today, but better tomorrow. We'll be going home in a little while, she'll probably sleep while I drive. She should be back on-line tomorrow, and complaining about Pancake on her keyboard.

Huggs to all


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Everyone needs a good laugh now and then.

Here is something that was sent to me at work, I'm not sure how it got past the filters but I'm glad it did. I found it to be very funny and I'm sure everyoe here will agree. After all what better audience for this very short story, or is it a long joke? Oh well, someone will have to tell me the difference some time.

Enjoy one and all.

Huggs & Giggles

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Education in the Hills - chapter 1

The adventure begins; or an old adventure continues?
The symbols for the International Thespian Society are two masks.
One mask represents comedy and the other represents tragedy.
Why must there be tragedy?

Help I'm being dragged away!

Dear friends;

My alter ego is spending all of next week attending some work related training, some place called Kalamazoo MI.

Of course, I have to go along for the ride. It shouldn't be too bad, because I like flying, especially when someone else is paying for it, hee hee. Also, I get to have the evenings to do some writing or sight seeing.

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Raised in SLC - chapter 8



The things we girls have to go through in order to look good,
Boys just don’t understand, or appreciate.
How does one introduce a Princess?
What does it mean to be a friend?

Raised in SLC - chapter 7


Time flies when you're having fun, if you’re in trouble, or if you're trying to solve a mystery.
What do you mean MY graduation?
By the way, can I take this handsome guy home with me?

Raised in SLC - chapter 4



Re-Edited October 2, 2006

Matilda’s second day out, not as terrifying as her first but definitely filled with challenges.
What will the other girls think of this “Want to Be Girl,” if they find out whom she really is.


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