I want to take a moment and thank all of my dear friends.
Two years ago I posted a little story that caught the attention of many of you. Today, two years later, “The Christmas Gift” has been read over 5000 times. This is a very moving little story that I’ve just updated, with the help of my dear friend and adopted mom, Holly H Hart. Thanks Mom. The reason for updating The Christmas Gift is that I feel it’s time to tell my brothers and sisters about me. I will be sending this little story, along with a carefully written letter to them, in a couple of days. Wish me luck.
For someone who three years ago had never even heard the word “Transgender”, let alone realize that I was, being accepted and loved by so many is … an indiscernible feeling. Thank you.
It would be arrogant of me to say that I’m great, far from it. I’m just one of the countless nobodies that go from through this life from day to day, not making any difference to anyone, with only a few exceptions; my children, who next year I’ll probably only see or hear from three out of eight (still working on opening their closed minds), it was for them and for my grandchildren that, in the pre-existence, I made the choices I made. I can’t say that I make a real difference to the people I work with, if I weren’t there to fix the equipment someone else would be, but perhaps some of them will grow a little because of knowing me. Then there are the people here that I’ve grown to know and love. Thank you all for being part of this family. I’ve learned something for everyone.
At this time of brotherly love, I guess that applies to sisterly love as well, I want to thank several people for making a difference in my life;
First, I have to thank Erin. For creating a safe and loving home for all of us, where we can express ourselves, be entertained, and most importantly (at least to me) to be educated.
Second, I must thank Angel O’Hare. She’s to blame for this. She’s the one that posted the first little thing I wrote, without changing a single word. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, I wrote and sent to Angel what was equivalent to an epilog for “A Life Ever Changing”. Thank you Angel for giving me the kick in the butt I needed.
Next is Karen Page, another great author and friend. Thanks for helping me to learn and grow, and for welcoming me into her universe when my story grew in that direction. When I started writing Raised in SLC, it wasn’t with the intention of joining the SPA Universe, it juts grew that way, I just hung on and went for a ride. Thanks Karen, this is a great ride.
And then there's Holly, A more loving soul I've met only once and I used her personality for Matilda's mother. Yes, I'm talking about my mother. Mom died about 7 years ago, but I think she knew about me being different, when I was a youngster (what was that, 4 lifetimes ago?). Holly, through her kindness and compassion has become my adoptive Mom. Thanks mom.
Joni W and Annette, I’ve learned from both of you and hope to continue to do so.
There’s one more person I must thank, someone that none of you know. I’ve never found anyone that’s better at crushing my dreams and keeping me from growing. I have to thank my ex-wife, for leaving me the second time, for giving me back my freedom and the time to discover who I am and why I was messed up all those years. I know that sounds a little vindictive but trust me, it’s not.
Lastly I must thank everyone here. You’ve shown me love and acceptance.
Thank you
Huggs & Giggles
You got it the wrong way round love, It should be us thanking you for your wonderful tales.
So please keep 'em comin'
Good To Have You Here, Hon.
All of us have, at one time or another, suffered those "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" the bard spoke of, and all because we dare to be ourselves.
You are undertaking a really big step in your life, and I hope you know that we are all behind you. I wish you the very best of luck in letting your family know who and what you really are. I know how frightened you must be right now, but stick to your guns hon.
Like me, you've lived a great portion of your life for everyone else. Now it's time for you to live for yourself. Ultimately, YOU are the only one to whom you are responsible, and your life is yours to mold.
huggles 'n love from,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Thank You a Lot
Along with your fellows authors i have enjoyed the stories posted on this site.
I have really enjoye your stories of matilda and friends and i am looking forward to more.
Good Luck in the year to come,
Huggs eliza