
oh wow, this was shock

My mom called yesterday, to tell me she had just re-mailed my birthday card [ she put the wrong address on it and it came back ]. We got to talking and she mentioned that she is planning on coming to Montreal with me when get the operation. [ hasn't been scheduled yet ]

I know I have been lucky in the fact my family didn't freak at my transitioning, but this actually shocked me.

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Sex Change on ID in British Columbia and the Yukon, Canada

With this for, filled by your GP, you can get all your ID changed to show the gender you wish.

With this SECOND form added you can get your bc medical card changed.

With both forms, and application for new Drivers license / BCID / BC Services card(s) completed, you only need to send a letter to ICBC head office requesting they amend all your drivers records to remove old names.


Kelly Comes Out, a snippet.

This is just a small segment of a story / series I'm working on. For some reason this scene demanded to be written, yet timeline wise I'm nowhere near this in the work in progress.

I get the feeling that if I was to just write the scenes that come tto me and edit into the right timeline this would go much faster.


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