GabyVerse by Maddy Bell

Alex & Chris Chapter 42

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad
A Gaby fanfiction

Chapter 42 Merling Wood & Team Bond.

“Yes as this place is open to the public. Ariel & Lorelie supervise the water park. Some of the others are in the Hospital & Shopping complex. A few of our senior members are across in Scarborough where we now have a department store up and running called the Poshest of the posh.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 44

Drew and the Half Term Break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 44 Gaby and the Lion Ladies

Gaby was at home in the Castle in Skipton. It had been sometime since it was discovered she was Queen Gaby the 1st of Northumbria and then other states around the World wanted her as their Queen. She was thinking of February 2010 when she would be 21 and officially queen in her own right of several states.

Alex & Chris Chapter 43

Alex & Chris
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 43 Skipton the Battle


Astrid, “Mum remember we have the battle later today.”

“Yes dear I have remembered. Gaby and the others are getting ready for their race later so do not go and pester them. Helen I presume you are still monitoring Gaby?”

“I have no real need she is quite well adjusted. Initially she had a few problems, but those have abated now. Her problems where genetic as they are for all males in this family.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 42d

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 42d Katrinia speaks up for Odin

Galadriel spoke, “Katrina I take it that it is of your own free will you ask to sleep with my Great Granddaughter & your cousin Gaby.”

Grandma Galadriel had I been still a boy I would have been proposing to Gaby and asking if she would be my partner.” Gaby smiled.

Galadriel said, “Exactly what would you have said and done young lady?”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 42c

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 42c Kalley,Halley & Randell

The following day the three of them went to watch the team race in their first American match. Gaby came in first with Maddy & Cat joint second and Jules coming in third place. There was quite a cheer as the team went to collect the winner’s prize.

Alex & Chris Chapter 37

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 37. The Sea Witches Daughter

One of the Fay had been listening, “Empress You need small ones like us to get in the house. We can do that task and release our cousins.”

Alexis, “Well we should have a clear run because Poseidon nearly took him out with the overflow.” Sure enough they got into the house and found the missing Mer.

“Please take me with you and our mother will reward you.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 42b

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 42b Return to Australia

Gaby had to go back to Australia once the winds had abated.
Gaby, “We will all go and see the statue now.” As they approached they could see a city all laid out in front of them.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 42a

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 42a Faith Hope & Charity

Hope came into the room in her wheel chair, “Gaby have you been told I am to go also to America?” “Gaby you have a few extra races to do with me as apparently we have been entered for some races together.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 41

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 41 Crimson returns

The news broadcast stated there had been several simultaneous volcanic eruptions all round the world. Snow smiled, “It looks like more than Crimson survived after all. Keep playing and they will all find their way here as will any others who have not already answered the call?”

“Mum was not telling tall stories then when she said she was a dragon maid.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 40

Chapter 40 Drew’s Northumbria Friends.Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Two red headed girls entered the room & went directly to Gaby. “We have found your friend & his grandfather. He is in the Royal Northumberland hospital in Newcastle & is in rather a bad way. We managed to get all the details from the files & would recommend having him transferred by helicopter to the specialist unit at home.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 39

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 39 Canadian Timber Wolves.

Ariel-Lindi came across, “Hello will you help look after our babies when we have then.” Abigail came across held out her hand. The bitch sniffed & then rolled over again.

Odin burst out laughing. “Some guard-dog you are when you want petting like a puppy.”

Perfecta, “See if she will take these tit bits off your hand.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 37

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanficton

Chapter 37 Olympic Games.

A week before the games, where due to open the President of the Greek Olympic committee called to visit the complex “I have come to see for myself what has been agreed to by Mrs Popadopalis.” He looked over the sites, “Where is Mrs. Popadopalis I expected to see her here?”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 35

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 35 The Regal Hotel Scarborough.

Suzette, “So all you need is the rooms & nothing else? This boss of yours is she ok to work for?”

Sharon, “Well I have had several jobs so far. I started at the Sealife centre. Then I had to oversee the construction in the North & South Bay. Now I am at the Crown-Imperial as Manager.”

Suzette, “I thought that Hotel was owned by the Parish Family.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 34e

Drew & the Half Term Break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 34e Neptune’s Dancing Lesson.

Lyris & cousins where up early & found the swimming pool. Lyris jumped in & said follow me.” The others followed her to a cave. “This is where Uncle lives. Uncle we have come to take you to the beach.”

Neptune rubbed his eyes, “Would you all like a ride on my chariot?”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 34c

Drew & the Half Term Break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 34c Old Salt Again


The old fisherman was near the lifeboat station & noticed the arrival of Robyn & her horde of girls. He greeted Robyn; “Na then Lass tha is fair thronged with lisle lasses. Are yea about t lake on sands.”

Robyn, “I was going to start with a game of Volleyball.”

Old fishermen, “Na lass if I was like those young'uns I would want to get the sand castle built afore the tide comes in.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 34b

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 34b Umbongo & Sydel.

Sydel, “They can perform magic but it is at a very low level. I tried to persuade them that it was wrong. They said they will only stop casting this way when at least two of their statues walk again. I certainly had not the power to do that so it continued.”

Gaby. “Aunt & cousin shortly you will both revert to the state you where in previously. Ursula we are going to visit the Umbongo.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 34a

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 34a White Bear.

“He is saying mistress please send help urgently.”

“Mary can you and your sisters investigate? If I am needed I will be there with additional help.” The four angels soon found the village. They found a man & a woman both praying.

The woman. “I am sure the Queen of the seas can help.”

The man, “No the Queen of the Heavens will send help.”

Mary, “Sorry to intrude but can we help?”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 32

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 32 Prima & the Hermitage

Prima continues to talk to the dog. Beatrice came & got Prima the great dog growled as Beatrice laid her hand on Prima.

Beatrice, “Calm down I am not going to hurt you.”

Just Another Day.

Just Another Day.



A Gaby fanfic.

“C’mon kiddo, get your bum in gear,” Dave called from downstairs while his sleepy offspring stumbled about upstairs trying to dress himself. He’d been doing it on his own since he was about four years old, so it seemed reasonable for his father to expect him to be able to cope in reasonable time. Obviously he wasn’t, hence a second summons from below.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 31

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 31 Return to China.

Sonita came into the room, “Mum remember that man invited us to China. When are we going there?”

Gaby thought for a while, “Maddy do you know when we can possibly fit it in?”

Darcie, “I do if two weeks will do we could go there at half term. We have to be back here for the 31st October.”

Gaby, “Very well providing the Chinese can accommodate us then that is when we will go.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 30

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 30 Catherine & John

Ally came to see Gaby, “We have been talking it over with the Psychologist. All most all of our old town carried the same genes as us. Until now none of us gave it much thought.”

Justine, “I could arrange for everyone in the country to under go a test if you want. If positive we will have to move them all here.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 29

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 29 Australia & Ayres Rock

Rani, “These Signals are what you already have & these are where we need to put transmitters for the best reception. The best reception for Australia would actually be on Ayres Rock. I cannot see how we could hide one there.”

Gaby, “All we need is the transmitter in a crag or crevice. The rock will act as a transmitter. I know this because I tried it closer to home with a black spot I had & it worked.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 28

Drew & the Half Term Break
A Gabyverse fanfiction
by Sharp

Chapter 28 India.

Amanda, “Gaby I was wondering if we could go to India.”

Gaby, “Have you detected more of us there?”

Amanda, “No but the historians here would like to visit the famous historical sites & then perhaps take Zita & her sisters for a visit to their father.”

Gaby, “In that case we had better take the Guards. Inform Princess Zita to prepare for a visit to the Indian sub continent.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 27

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharp
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 27 East Morton Yorkshire.

Wilma came to see Gaby. “Can I borrow our archaeological team for a personal project?”

Gaby, “What is the Project?”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 26

Drew & the Half Term Break
By Sharphawlad

A Gabyverse fanfiction
Chapter 26 Awakening Astral.

They went into the hospital in-groups of two or three. Gaby, Zelda & some of the others wore long white dresses that could be mistaken for either Doctors or nurses. Anita wore her normal clothing & went up to the nurse’s desk. “My sisters have come with me today to visit mum. How is she?”

The nurse, “There is always hope. I would be praying for a miracle.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 25

Drew & the Half Term Break
A Gabyverse fanfiction
by Sharp

Chapter 25 Lake Titicaca in Peru

Gaby,” First we all go to Lima & then to Arequipa & finally Lake Titicaca in Peru.”

Maddy, “That is on the boarder with Bolivia & is a massive lake.”

Lucy, “Can we go to Machu Picchu?”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 24

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharp

A Gabyverse fanfiction
Chapter 24 Claudia & Celeste.

Both couples looked shocked. Ariel, “My daughters you should remember this is our annual party in the village.”

Claudia, “I clean forgot & last year we had some christenings also.”

Liza, “My Children will be named, Aura, Calista, Demetria, Easter, Frea, Gertrude, Hermione, Imogene, Leda & Myrtle.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 23

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharp
A Gabyverse fanfiction
Chapter 23 Milan again.

Ellen, “Gaby in that case can we all go to Milan for a change.”

Nicole, “Actually that would be a great idea as there is a fashion show starting tomorrow.”

Sarah, “Will they need models.”

Nicole, “I doubt it but I know a late entry designer who might.”

Gaby, “Nicole are we bailing you out yet again”.

Nicole, “It is not me this time but I did promise Miriam & Myra that I would find models for them.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 21

Drew & the Half Term Break
A Gabyverse fanfiction
by Sharp

Chapter 21 Loads of Sea Sprites

Gaby, “Ariel, Lorelei & Robyn. “Will look after you & take you to see Helen & Daisy although they will be very busy. You will have to obey those three as if they where your real mothers.” Helen & Daisy kissed their daughter good-by as they left with the Simone's.


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