GabyVerse by Maddy Bell

Gaby Book 12+1 Chapter *6* Reflections

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*Chapter 6*


“With us?” I exclaimed.

“You don’t have to shout Gab,” Mand admonished.


“Probably around half term I guess.”


William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 40

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 40. Willies new Home.

Margarita looked around at her new home. She could look across to where Lucy was now living. The younger children only had to go through a gate and past the Catholic church of St Stephen and walk about 100 metres and they where at school. The older girls on the other hand had to travel half a mile to the bus station and there get the school bus that took them directly to their school.

Queen Gaby & raising the Resurgam Chapter 2

Queen Gaby & the Resurgam
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 2 The School Trip to the Land of Angels.

Wendy. “Your majesty it seems you already know about my cousins and their children?”

Alex & Chris Chapter 56

Alex & Chris
A Gabyverse fanfiction
By Shaphawlad

Chapter 56 Home again.

“I will send father along as he has to present my sister and Grandma Endora is senior female so she will present you cousin Iolanthe.”

Jenny, “No her blood sisters should.”

Endora, “Actually I agree while I am the most senior I am not the mother or sisters & they should do the job. Others more suitable outrank me.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 52

Drew and the Half term break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 52 Gaby at Sephton Palace

Gaby awoke the following morning & realised she was back at Sephton Palace on the Isle of Man. All around her were the sleeping bodies of Pixies & Tinie's. Quietly as she could she tiptoed to the bathroom to relieve herself. It was only after she had relieved herself that she noticed Paddy sleeping in the bath. Gaby went across and shook him.

“Paddy where is Inga when I need to get dressed?”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 50

Drew and the Half Term Break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 50 Off to Isle of Man

Drew awoke with a start. He looked round and then realised he was back in his old bedroom back in Warsop and he was Drew again. Still half asleep he tumbled down the stairs and went and sat down in the kitchen. Only after a breakfast of Orange juice and waffles covered in honey did Drew fully awake.

Gaby the begining

Drew The beginning
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

At School

The Headmaster “Drew I have been given consideration to your school problems. Before I tell you then can Drew & Maddy both go with the School nurse to the first aid room.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 48

Drew and the Half Term Break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 48 Davina

Davina was asked to go and see Gaby. She was rather nervous as to why Gaby would want to see her. Rather timidly she knocked on the door and entered the room.

Alex & Chris Chapter 48

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 48 Planning a funeral for the Bond-Peters.

Alexis and the others left Chow Lynn in charge in China & returned to her home in England. A short while later Alexis summoned both Gaby & Maddy's parents.

“Sorry to disturb your routine but I have been thinking about you all. I need you all to think how you wish to die.”

“Pardon Alexis!”

“You will not die of course, but we need to get you all out of the limelight.”

Queen Gaby & raising the Resurgam Chapter 1

Queen Gaby & the Resurgam
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 1 Raising the Resurgam


It was only a few days ago Gaby as queen of Northumbria had decided to re-open the Teeside shipyards and start an underwater archaeological unit. Dr Wendy McCain of this unit stood before Queen with a proposal.

“Yes your majesty it is my dream to raise the Resurgam which went down in Barmouth Bay. Unfortunately I could never get the funding & it is protected now by Welsh heritage.”

Queen Gabriels First Christmas

Queen Gabriel’s first Christmas
By Shaphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

It was Christmas Eve

It was Christmas Eve and it was as black as coal outside for some reason the street lights were not on. Queen Gabriel of Northumbria had moved her court from Scarborough to Skipton the ancient capital of the Dales.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 47

Drew and the Half term break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 47Drew prepares for her Coronation.

It was now only a month to her coronation. Gaby went to speak with her father now known Elizabeth since her transformation. “Dad I wondered if you would like a day out in Leeds. I was thinking you might like to go to the Royal Armoury in Leeds. I know you still like your history although your body has changed. I told you previously that you are still dad to me.”

Alex & Chris Chapter 46

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 46 Gaby wants to enter the Tour De France

Alexis called Jenny up and said, “Can you come round we need to talk urgently.”

Jenny turned up,

“I need to ask you some questions Jenny. Do you or did you know two males called John & James Green?”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 46

Drew and the Half term break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 46 The missing Children

The tour round the wildlife parks and Zoos had taken longer than Gaby had anticipated. It also took her mind off her forth coming coronation. She was having a chat with Beatrice when trouble arrived in the form of. Lyris and Lily who had returned home from school. At school in the main hall they had been praying for a little girl not much younger than them who had been missing for over 100 days.

Christmas Calamity Part 3

christmas calamity cover.jpg  
*Part 3*

Gab looked out of the Dormer, no snow but the sky looked pretty full of something, oh well, no escaping the training schedule. Sports bra, thermal bibs, merino socks, jersey, phone – everything else is downstairs. Mum was already in the kitchen similarly attired when she got there, coffee already dripping into the jug.
“I thought you were going out later?”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 45

Drew and the half term break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 45 Gaby and the Plains People.

Once again Gaby left the Plains People and dived down to Longleat House. As the riders landed they transformed to their human form. For a while many of them were stunned as it had been so long since they assumed that form. Gaby was still dressed like a teenage girl when the Lord of the Plains approached her.

Christmas Calamity Part 2

christmas calamity cover.jpg  
*Part 2*

“Herr Sebenschuh?”
“Ja, call me Helmut please, Nena yes?”
“Yes, you really are a lifesaver, Helmut, thank you so much for this.”
“Pleased to help, let’s get the food inside.”
Nena followed out to the van where a trio of teenage girls were unstacking boxes in the back of the elderly minibus.
“Girls, this is Nena the Reisemeisterin.”

Christmas Calamity Part 1

christmas calamity cover.jpg  
*Part 1*

“What do you mean you can’t get anyone out for three days?”
“Its Christmas and the weekend, what can I say,” Bill sighed.
“Grrr, so we’re stuck here in back of beyond until Saturday?”
“I’ve already spoken with the hotel, they’re alright you staying but their chef has already left for the holidays so you’ll need to sort out feeding everyone.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 43

Drew and the Half Term Break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse Fanfiction

Chapter 43 Kaley & Randall & Martha part2.

The doctor turned towards Kaley, “When we get back from the Morgue I can give you a check over but I do not think you will have anything to worry about.”

“Dr are you looking after my mum?”

Alex & Chris Chapter 42

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad
A Gaby fanfiction

Chapter 42 Merling Wood & Team Bond.

“Yes as this place is open to the public. Ariel & Lorelie supervise the water park. Some of the others are in the Hospital & Shopping complex. A few of our senior members are across in Scarborough where we now have a department store up and running called the Poshest of the posh.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 44

Drew and the Half Term Break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 44 Gaby and the Lion Ladies

Gaby was at home in the Castle in Skipton. It had been sometime since it was discovered she was Queen Gaby the 1st of Northumbria and then other states around the World wanted her as their Queen. She was thinking of February 2010 when she would be 21 and officially queen in her own right of several states.

Alex & Chris Chapter 43

Alex & Chris
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 43 Skipton the Battle


Astrid, “Mum remember we have the battle later today.”

“Yes dear I have remembered. Gaby and the others are getting ready for their race later so do not go and pester them. Helen I presume you are still monitoring Gaby?”

“I have no real need she is quite well adjusted. Initially she had a few problems, but those have abated now. Her problems where genetic as they are for all males in this family.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 42d

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 42d Katrinia speaks up for Odin

Galadriel spoke, “Katrina I take it that it is of your own free will you ask to sleep with my Great Granddaughter & your cousin Gaby.”

Grandma Galadriel had I been still a boy I would have been proposing to Gaby and asking if she would be my partner.” Gaby smiled.

Galadriel said, “Exactly what would you have said and done young lady?”


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