Cromag Universe

Abnormalies Part 2


Part 2

Back at the base.

“This is a base message for all residents with children between the age of 12 and half and 13. There will be a general meeting in the main conference room in 30 minutes.”

“Oh well, love. Guess this means us and Twitch. They did mention that when she got old enough we would be invited to a meeting with the guardians.”

“I guess we will find out about or baby then. God, I hope they have some good news.”

“So do I love, so do I.”

Abnormalies Part 1


Part 1

The year is 2150, the populace of Earth had to give up fossil fuels years ago due the ozone nearly being depleted. This is where my tails start. My name is Twitchy, yeah really weird name, but I’ll get to reason why shortly. In the late 2000’s when people started to notice it was getting hotter and hotter every month. The scientists discovered the problem with the ozone, their readings were well off and it was nearly gone. The world’s leaders all got together and immediately stopped the extraction of fossil fuels. This meant we had to implement the programmes that was already developed, but the fuel companies did not want them released, as they controlled enough corrupt officials to stop it actually coming to fruition.

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