Mirror Changed Chapter 07

Mirror Changed – Chapter 07



David sat on his couch. An old styled rotary phone in his lap. Not even one from the nineteen nineties. More like something from post world war two era. Coiled cloth phone cord and wooden casing. Old style brass and resinous plastic ear piece located in the proper place.

He picked up the handset and cradled it against his ear and shoulder with an ease of long time use. After a couple deep breaths he dials a long number, international dial code to somewhere in Europe. On the other line a pleasant if cold androgynous voice picked up.

“It pleases us to see one of our North American members still remembers the old numbers.” The person said, no aspect of any emotion to its old voice.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” David’s own tone was neither dark nor brooding. Not it s usual standard late teen slash early twenty year old anti-hero wannabe. Instead his mannerisms and tone was closer to that with some military or police training.

“Do we have the pleasure of a report then? Or is this a social call.”

“I have been watching for signs, as required. One I have been observing has had the dream. I do not yet believe another has found him.” David paused waiting for the person on the other end to respond.

“And the faction? Never mind. You would not report in this nature if you were unsure or if it was not of concern towards the agenda. Observe and verify as needs be.” The person paused for a moment. “And David? You know what to do if we can not use him towards the goal.”

“Alright. I understand. I will keep you posted sir.” He hung up the phone as soon as he finished.

David stood up, holding onto the phone and walked it into his bedroom where he opened a hidden side panel in his antique dresser. He put the phone inside, being careful with the cord to prevent any tangling.

“You’d better be worth it Jayde. I really like this house and don’t want to move.”

A few moments of pacing later and David pulled an old model cell phone off his nightstand. Not any type of smart phone or otherwise. Rather a pre two thousands flip phone from the nineteen nineties. He opened it and waited for it to power up. After it was fully on, which took a bit, David dialed a number much closer to home.

“It’s David. Get over here, there is an Awakening. I may need your help.”

He didn’t wait for a response, just closed the phone and put it down with a sigh.

“I really like this place… damn it…”



I always felt compelled to compare Bryan’s house he rented to David’s place. I had spent so many hours on each of their couches that sometimes I felt it might just be easier if I moved in. However I didn’t want to risk my friendships, and living with friends could do that. Besides David could be so negative and the cutting nature of his comments would probably have driven me to do something drastic within a month.

Also, I think that Suzi and David may be becoming an item. Especially as I think Hernando had left town. I knew I would have to call Suzi and apologize soon, even if the thought of her and Dave getting together turned my stomach. It was bad enough watching Hernando, but he was at least worthwhile for someone as awesome as Suzi.

I shook my head free of that negative though path and back to my current surroundings. Bryan’s furnishings were much newer than Dave’s, yet for all that they were not as comfortable. I think Bryan got them from IKEA or someplace like that.

We sat on the slightly less comfortable couch in a mostly blank living room. Bryan’s only major concession to appearances being some gaming posters and a very large very modern 4k smart TV. Said TV was on a stand made out of two by fours and mason blocks. Bryan would state loudly and proudly when challenged that a gamer had to have priorities and that a proper entertainment mount came secondary to a proper screen. I just think he enjoyed being obtuse.

Currently on deck was a first-person shooter on his Xbox. I’m not sure which one. It was explode and had lots of high tech weapons and armor. My heart just wasn’t in the game. Instead I kept thinking back on some of what the angry red head had said. I mean, ‘Magus’? ‘Changed’? what did she mean by that?

As I roamed about in game I got a good hit on Bryan. Well I think it was a good hit. However when I went over to check if the body was dead it reared up and cut my character in half with some form of energy sword.

“BOOM! That’s what you get Buddy!”

To say that Bryan was pleased with how he killed my virtual self would be an understatement. So far this was the fifth game we had tried today. The futuristic marines was pretty fun, I guess. If my head had been in the game.

And yet…

I sighed quietly and began to go through the motions of dodging the aggressive A.I. units fire while collecting weapons and ammo to take Bryan on. It didn’t take him long to zero in and take me out again.

“Hey man, were you even trying?” I was pretty sure he was looking at me. I just watched the respawn counter on my portion of the screen.

The last several times I had been over we had a blast. No matter the game or movie it had been worth every minute. Truthfully, I usually enjoyed gaming with Bryan more than the larger matches that we had over at David’s. It was probably because Bryan genuinely enjoyed the games and it seemed that David was more into the derogatory and verbal sparring.

“Yeah, I guess I wasn’t.” I tossed the controller down. “Trying that is. I think I’d better go.”

I stood up to go. I don’t think I was showing too much emotion, but Suzi always tole me I was like an open book. Oh, and that I should never play poker. I was just extremely pre-occupied with other thoughts right now.

“What, you still thinking about Crazy Chick?” His emphasis on the Crazy most likely meant to assure me that it was her problem, not mine. “You’ve got to lighten up Jayde. You don’t know who she was, and you definitely don’t know what she was on. Because, brother, she was absolutely on something. Acid, shrooms, super weed, psychotropics, … life….”

He couldn’t see the reflections though. After Suzi’s making fun of me when I began to open up at Dave’s I had decided I wasn’t going to discuss the reflections with anyone else.

“No, it’ll be fine. Besides I’ve got opening shift tomorrow. I don’t want to be too tired.” I headed to the front door. “I’ll be fine. Why don’t you unlock some new options or weapons for when I come over again? I’ll give you a much better match next time.”

Bryan turned back to the screen and was already getting back to the main menu. “Oh, I’ll have them ALL!”

Ok that made me laugh. A little bit.

He sure was gleeful about his games. I smiled sadly as I left. I wished that things could be that simple for me. The only other person who I have ever known who was as adept at games was Suzi. Unlike her though, Bryan refused to play Alpha or Beta. He wanted the full finished version right out of the box.


~Outside Bryan’s~

In an alleyway nearby, barely in sight of the door her target had entered, the ‘Crazy Chick’ stood watching. She didn’t know much about this young Magus. In fact, she hadn’t even known one was in the area, so when serendipity reared its head she was not about to let her out of her sight. She had never met one so young before though.

Normally when the woman who was a Chosen of Gaia encountered one the other Changed of Balance or Civilization only after they had learned some control of their gifts. Once or twice she had encountered them recently after their very first change. This was the very first one she had ever encountered who didn’t even know what she yet was.

Of course that still left much to be desired about her current situation. That of standing stakeout in a Seattle area alleyway next to a privacy fence in high healed boots and club wear. Though at least the alleyway was drivable and for the most part clear of debris. She still stood out like the proverbial sore thumb. To make matters worse, like most back alleys there were always vagrants and ne’er do wells.

At this moment a pair of these fine examples of humanity had been switching from sitting and watching her to egging each other on to verbally accosting her. Both potentials annoyed her to no end.

“Hey Babe.” One of them said as he walked forward, having finally gained the courage to approach.

“I said, hey Babe.” He continued when she didn’t respond.

His clothes showed some wear and tear but were decent overall. Of course his voice was on the wrong side of decent. The gravely and hoarse type of voice one gets from screaming in too many mosh pits. The type of voice that was just this side of needing a mechanical voice box. The Gaian woman was also sure that if he got close enough his stench would match his voice.

She just ignored him. She had more important fish to fry after all. Or to watch in this case. She had found a new untended chosen, and had her instructions on what she or others of her group were to do if they found any newly awakened. She just wished she could do this from the sky instead of the squalor on the ground.

“Don’t want to freak out the ‘Normals’ Courtney” she sing song whispered to herself. “You what happened last time Courtney.”

“Hey!” The gravely voiced one said and took some steps towards her. Courtney almost snarled as she caught a whiff of what she swore lived in his ratty beard.

“She don’t like you man.” The cleaner of the two stated with a high pitched laugh and elbowed his companion in the ribs.

“Oh, she wouldn’t still be here unless she liked me.” He said to his friend. “What of it Babe? Are you as good in the sack as you are easy on the eyes?” Then back at his friend. “See, she’s just looking for a good lay, and I’m as good as they come.”

Courtney continued to ignore him. Continuing with the sing song chatter of another conversation she had with herself. She knew she could take them both with ease. Even in her weaker birth form. She was infinitely familiar with these types of bottom feeders, scavengers, and parasites of a society that itself was a cancerous plague feeding off of the spirit of the planet. She had dealt with innumerable examples of their filth throughout the years. So ignoring these two in a long line of breeders was only a mild irritation.

After some more time passed, and quite a few more comments from her own personal peanut gallery, the young Magus left the domicile.

She was about to move to follow when the grubbier of the two got too close.

“So, what say we go and grab a cozy corner Babe? So we can work off this nice sexual tension between us.”

The lower life form Dared to place a weatherworn and calloused hand on her almost bare shoulder. Only when he felt the coiled muscles and barely restrained rage did he get a hint of how very close to the razors edge he tread.

Finally the flame haired vixen responded. A simple restrained statement given in an ice cold tone. “The hand. Remove it.”

With the laughter of his buddy ringing in his ears the vagrant backed off. “Yeah, well yer prolyl a dead fish anyway.”

Courtney didn’t really care about them any longer. Her own quarry was on the move. She licked her lips in anticipation of catching the young Magus of Balance alone.

She so loved to deal with the younglings.



I was sure that I would get myself under control one of these days. It may not be right now. Or even next week. I would figure out a way. Somehow. The encounter on the street, for all its strangeness, did give me a measure of hope. After all, where there was one there had to be others… right?

Had something similar happened to her? A Dream of her own perhaps? Except that the image for her was the Angelic Being rather than that of a small woman? I wondered why mine was what it was then. Was the Dream something that revealed an innermost self? I didn’t like the thought of that if my inner self was a scrawny tomboy.

Obviously, it seemed that people who had the Dream could also see each other’s reflections. I’m not sure that meant anything though. If she hadn’t been so nastily antagonistic I would have been able to ask. She did seem to know something after all.

I wonder. Since she called me a Magus what did that make her?

I probably should also pay attention to where I was going. I now seemed to be heading into a strip mall off course from my place. As I wandered I could see myself in a storefronts television displays. From a central camera pointed out so that the consumer could see how clear the recording and the picture was. I almost cried. It was ME I saw. Not ‘Her’. Just me. Badly groomed, and a couple patches on a cheek where I hadn’t managed to shave very well. But it was Me. It seemed that video wasn’t considered a reflection by whatever had caused this to happen.

Maybe I could invest in a tablet for shaving and checking myself? I thought about the digital revelation. It was probably a good thing about it all things considered. Otherwise wouldn’t all recording devices show ‘Her’ instead of me?

At least my wanderings had taken me here. Close to where Bryan and I had bought the console games earlier today. Most of the stores were now closed and I noticed it was dark outside. When did that happen I wondered.

I was about to turn around and head out when that woman from earlier stepped around the corner behind me. I saw her on the video screens. One of the larger screens was big enough for me to catch her expression. It looked good on her, but the almost predatory snarl to her lips scared the shit out of me.

“Damn...” quietly to myself, “not sure if I should talk or run…”

I think that following the better part of valor may be a great idea right about now. There was just something sinister about the way she was stalking me. I turned to walk away, hoping that like before she would lose interest and walk off. Also hoping that this was just another random encounter and not a case of her stalking me.

Rather than stand there and wait for the crazy angel chick to remove all doubt of her agenda, I moved to go around the other route back to the street. As I walked along I caught brief glances of her when I moved around a parked car or dodged a shopping cart. I didn’t look directly over my shoulder but I was beginning to get genuinely freaked out. This was becoming far to close to one of those slasher horror movies for my taste. So far I hadn’t seen a weapon on her, and could not imagine where she would hide one, but I wouldn’t rule that out yet. Especially as she kept pace with me as I walked.

After I was out of the strip mall area I was only a city block from the street level of the larger mall. I think I would make a beeline into there.

The block passed quickly, my long strides eating up the sidewalk. Once at the doorway entrance I booked it inwards. During the brief time that I was sure I had out of sight of my psychostalker I went into a full out run. Around the kiosks and people. The odd mall cop yelling at me to slow down as I zipped past. Many of the stores were already shuttered for the evening as the last vestiges of the shopping day closed down.

Which also meant I would likely find no solace within any of their walls.

I didn’t glance over my shoulder as I ran. No need or want to slow down. Just focusing on the next steps.

However, for some reason, I was sure that she was keeping pace with me. Even in those murderously ridiculous heeled boots.

There was a movie theater ahead. I slowed to a brisk pace as I came within sight of it. The mirror tinted windows would likely offer me plenty of warning as to anyone following. Namely a red haired vixen with potentially murderous intent. As an added bonus, I was very grateful for my very average appearance now. I hoped that my looks alone would not clue her in. That it was my reflection she was tracking. Well, inside of the glass there was no reflection.

I tried not to pay attention to the movie poster out front, but it was now stuck in my subconscious. It was advertising a really dark slasher flick that Suzi had dragged a few of us to. It had kept me up at night looking over my shoulder for days.

Thanks Suzi. Now it seems like I’m starring in my own version of that movie. On second thought, maybe the movie theater wasn’t the best hiding place to sit this out. Directly across from the theater was a set of public restrooms. Conveniently situated to allow movie goers to get some level of relief after drinking ridiculous levels of soda and eating their body mass of popcorn for two hours.

Hopefully my own stalker wouldn’t enter the men’s side. I also felt that she wouldn’t look for me there first if I was far enough ahead that she didn’t see me enter. Also, when the next movie let out I could disappear with the outgoing crowd.

I left my current area, hastily attempting to reach the relative safety.


End Chapter 07

So, Back to writing semi-regularly. Advanced chapters available on my Patreon. I'm gonna try to be more productive.

Also, I've got my Discord Channel for anyone who wants to join, chatter, discuss, and enjoy general zaniness.

TTFN and good luck to all in their lives and pursuits!

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