Playing Marbles for the Big Blue -02-

Playing Marbles for the Big Blue

02 Abducted by Alvians

By Jo Dora Webster

How will Roberta make a life for herself on Earth?

02 Abducted by Alvians

Sela did teach me to be a female just as I had asked her. That was just after I had been transformed into a human female. Being human was not a great burden since I looked and functioned almost the same as I had been as a Alban. Being female was jarring. Instead of slowly growing into a adult woman, I had been instantly transformed into one. I also had to get used to the name Roberta which was my second name change from Rasctan when I was an Alban male.

"Sela, do you still have your link to the SETI radio telescope in Ecuador?"

"Roberta, not only do I still have a control link to there, but they also continue to get interesting data when they are receiving data, so they are keeping the antenna pointed in the direction where our space ship can receive it. While they are broadcasting we continue to be able to contact the spaceship."

"Sela, it has been difficult for me to deal with my emergence having been hijacked. I don't even know what the result of the emergence is to be. My parents always took a pre-emergent form except they had gone through puberty and were adults. It is tradition to keep children in the dark like that, but it does not serve me well cut off from my people like I am now."

"Roberta, while I have a great deal of information on Earth, my information on Alban Kai is limited to the information that you had access.
to have. from what I know about Alban behavior, your being human will be the greater oddity. You would be a fully developed adult who was not and could not undergo emergence. Then there is your being the child of the Queen of the Alban Matriarchy and your father being her consort. As a female ordinarily you would become the princess and next in line to be queen. As a human you might be disavowed by your parents. With being denied your rights as an Alban, you could be exiled from Alban and have no home."

"Sela, what can I do to make a life on Earth?".
"Roberta, I dislike mentioning this, but I have one possibility for you to gain a legal identity. It would involve a death of a human in a remote area that we could find the body before the authorities. Of course, it would have to be one who's death that we could not prevent. I could alter your body to be identical to the dead person. In addition, your body would have signs of an accident which could indicate possible memory loss, which would explain your lack of some knowledge."

"Sela, perhaps by successfully taking the person's place, we could delay their loved ones dealing with their death. Sela, I have decided we will stay on Earth. Let me know when the transmitter is pointed in the right direction for transmission to the spacecraft."

"Roberta, the SETI Radio Telescope continues to be pointed in the direction where our spaceship can receive it and the radio telescope is transmitting now."

"Sela, Send the spaceship a sequence of commands to execute. First cloak and proceed on photon drive to the edge of the solar system. Next, set course for Alban Kai orbit outside the planetary cloak and engage Tessaract drive. In transit use Confed standard communication to retransmit all data. Upon arrival maintain position."

"Roberta, the spaceship has received the commands and has started its journey to Alban Kai."

I thought that I would have time to spend moping around feeling sorry for myself that I had lost my home world, yet I had yet to make a home on Earth. But as had happened so often since I began seeking fame and fortune without help for myself, another unexpected event happened.

"Alert: A car on the road at the boundary of our home area has ejected a human female and has left the area at high speed."

"Sela let's go find the woman and render aid if we can. Please teleport me to the exact location that she is now."


It was an ugly sight. A human woman had her life taken from her long before she had been tossed out like garbage along the road. Her body showed the evidence of having been beaten to death. That was all apparent at first sight, Sela would be able to determine more.

"Sela, surround us with a cloaking shield."

"Compliance. She is an ordinary human with an extraordinary implant in her forearms which are of Limoxian manufacture. Unlike the standard illusion implants used for observing quarantine planet restrictions and the like this set was modified for spy work. Instead of the large data collection area, many specialty functions originated there suitable for spying. Elsewhere in the device hidden and password encoded there is a recorder for just the thoughts and actions of the individual. The illusion projection was augmented by a hologram emitter which allowed the new solid form of the person to match their appearance. "

"Sela, If I am to portray an amnesiac human, perhaps it would be better for you to copy the contents of the secret recorder to yourself so that we'll have access to it. Once copied remove both the data and the secret recorder from the devices."


"Sela, Please, make a copy of all that is me, maintain and save it within yourself so that in an emergency I can be rendered a complete amnesiac especially if I am initially examined by medical personnel. Please implant the devices in my forearms and then by magic turn me into her but remove all her trauma except the evidence of one accidental nonlethal head blow sufficient to render her unconscious."


I didn't feel any different even though my body had changed, in basic form I was the same. I was aware of and because I was born an Alban, I could access the implants and operate them. I had successfully taken over the identity of this woman so three tasks remained. I must find out my new identity and history particularly how did I die. We must dispose of her body. We must drop the cloaking shield after I duplicated her position and Sela made me unconscious while keeping vigil over me.

"Sela, who am I now?"

"You are Natalie Oakley Wellington married to Mark Wellington but also with Golram name Nayika married to Makelan."

"What is the original Natalie's history?"

"The original Natalie's history on the recording begins on their wedding night when Mark inserted the implants prior to their marriage being consummated Mark revealed himself to be a Golram from the planet Confedia named Makelan. He released the illusion and his true appearance reminded Natalie of either a dwarf or troll from earth's legends. He turned on the implants and Natalie found herself looking like a female of Makelan's species. Makelan named her Nayika and told her that she would be in that form whenever they were alone and unobserved. He revealed that the reason he had fallen in love with her was not because of her appearance but because of her inner beauty. He had been marooned on Earth after his spaceship was destroyed in the Van Allen Belt. He entered the escape pod that soft-landed on Earth which was all that remained of the ship after the explosion. They consummated their marriage never suspecting that their species were biologically incompatible and that they could never produce children."

"Sela, Golram's speak Confed, so I guess He had to learn to speak English like I did. It must have been like Confedia all over again for him being marooned on Earth. Confedia is the seat of the Limoxian Confederation or Confed and because of this Golrams became a minority on the planet. Confedia has the governing conclave and appointed Autocracy of the articles of confederation. While most Golram are peaceful people dedicated to Confed government with an ambassadorial fleet of spaceships deployed, this Makelan must be different since he undertook a spy mission on a quarantined planet."

"Makelan had heard that Earth had plenty of desirable untapped resources like it's abundant water. His plan was to covertly find those in power on Earth and augment its technological advancement so that it quickly would be able to join the Confed. With his acquiring rights to Earth's important resources, He could return to Confedia as Earth's representative and join the government as a freshly minted member of the Confed Autocracy. However, he soon found out that there were too many nation states to negotiate with and with Earth's waring nature giving them Confed technology would be hastening Earth becoming a dead planet without resources which they already might do with their fission and fusion weapons."

"Sela, the failure of his plans must have made Makelan a very bitter Golram. It's no wonder that he chose to remake his mate in his own image and have a family even if not full Golrams. It must have upset him year after year that his wife did not bear him children. I guess it upset him that even though she looked and felt like a Golram and spoke Confed with the inner beauty he fell in love with she was only a knockoff in reality. Was that why He killed her?"

"Yes, the year after year of her being a knockoff and not bearing children had turned his love to hatred. His anger became so uncontrolled that he attacked her. Fortunately, the first blow rendered her unconscious, so she was spared the painful and gruesome nature of her death."

"Sela, please augment your function by being able to emit a stunning beam and a disintegration beam. Use the disintegration beam to dispose of Natalie's body. Please aid me in assuming the position that her body was in. Then render me unconscious, communicate with me telepathically and watch over me. Finally drop the cloaking shield so that I may be observed."

"Compliance ~Natalie you are now unconscious, and I am speaking to you telepathically. I am watching over you.~"

"~Sela please give to me telepathically what your visual and audible senses detect.~"


I was now able to see and hear what was going on around me. It was not long afterward that a car drove up and stopped 100 yards from my location. A handsome man got out of the car using a device that was obvious to me had Limoxian technology. He used it to scan the area and it appeared locked on to my implants because using it he became closer and closer to me.

"~Don't worry Natalie, neither this device or any others they have will be able to detect me. I'll take care of you. The man is an Alvian so he should not harm you.~"

"~Sela, The Alvians, as I remember, are a Confed Member just like my original species, the Albans who come from the planet Alvia, they appear like angels from earth's legends which might suggest a visitation in earth's distant past. They have a missionary fleet of spaceships, and they are dedicated to spiritual enrichment over physical needs.~"

~"Natalie, you are correct. In addition, they are pacifists and generally a good species. However, they are not above using coercion, deception, and other such tactics when they feel like it can serve the greater good for them but not to their victim.~"

The man finally stopped near me and stood over me. He used his device to scan me, and I assumed that Sela had interfaced with the device to make it report what we wanted it to reveal. That is that I was an unconscious human woman with a head wound and having Confed implants.

"Oh Natalie, Natalie, Natalie. I begged you to leave that Golram because eventually his rages would kill you. I'm glad that he did not succeed this time. it's been very painful seeing you in the neighborhood and witnessing all the evidence of his physical abuse of you. The implants you have reveal that even though there is no standard recording that he's been using it for you to appear as a Golram. Technically that means that you are Limoxian now and the quarantine does not apply to you. That callous husband of yours has disposed of you, left you for dead if I had not found you, and took off. He obviously won't be back and will be assuming a new life elsewhere. The medscan detects that not only are you unconscious but you have total amnesia. That presents an opportunity for me and protection for you should that Golram come back in search of you."

"~Natalie, I'm detecting that he is changing the programing of your implants. He cannot alter your natural state, but he is programing another appearance mode for you which he just activated. You now appear to be his missing wife, Celeste Hardin. He's replaced the Golram appearance mode with an Alvian appearance mode.~"

"Oh Sweetheart, my Celeste! It is disturbing to see your image again. Our medbay inside the escape pod was unable to stop your death. Since we could not risk a human burial for you lest you be discovered as Alvian, I had to disintegrate your body. After much searching and no evidence of foul play, your status was determined as missing. Now Natalie you will become Celeste. You will be hidden from detection from that Golram and my children will have a mother again. I have no expectation or desire that you will be a wife to me. At least as Celeste, I can protect you from future harm. I need to get you to a medical facility which will be alright since you are human. I will take advantage of your amnesia to give you Celeste's life. I know that makes me an abductor imprisoning you, but I hope it to be benevolent."

"~Fortunately, the implants will present you as an ordinary human to earth technology. Your abductor, Greg Hardin, will get confirmation of your condition via medical records when he takes you to a hospital. They will be able to revive you and they will be able to confirm your new identity as Hardin's wife. He will be able to use his medbay to change your physical body to a copy of his dead wife. I will revive you at the appropriate time.~"

We arrived at Estes Park, CO and stopping at the Estes Park Medical Center. Greg carried my unconscious body inside the E/R where he was led to an exam room where he placed me on the bed. Before they had a chance to inquire about the circumstances Greg spoke to them.

"This is my wife, Celeste Hardin. I'm her husband, Greg. Celeste has been missing for six months. I found her with this headwound and unconscious in the Rocky Mountain National Park. Please help her."

"I'm Doctor Janice Zha, I specialize in head trauma. We'll go ahead and admit your wife. We'll need to do some tests to diagnose her condition and also some tests to confirm her identity for the authorities. Mister Hardin where do you live?"

"We live in Loveland with our two girls. The Loveland police handled Celeste's disappearance. They could not find any evidence of where she went after she left home that day. It's been a real mystery of what happened to her. There wasn't enough to go on that none of those reality shows asked to cover her disappearance."

"I'll alert the Estes Park Police and let them know that your wife disappeared in Loveland. Meanwhile I will get those identification tests done and then send her to get a head MRI to see how much damage she has sustained. Were the Loveland police able to obtain a DNA sample for Celeste?"

"Yes, they took a DNA sample from hair caught in her hairbrush and confirmed it from DNA samples taken from me and my girls. Thank you, Doctor."

Before she left Doctor Zha took a DNA sample and made a fingerprint card to establish Celeste's identity. Then I was sent to get the MRI of my head that the doctor ordered. Sela had given me a temporary total memory loss then I was given the MRI. I was very glad that I was unconscious since the containment would have made me very claustrophobic. When they were through, Sela restored my memory, and I was taken back to a private room. Waiting there for me was Greg and two Estes Park detectives.

"Mr. Hardin, the DNA and fingerprint results have come back and with the data provided by the Loveland police we can confirm that this is your wife, Celeste. With the medical results that the blunt force trauma was accidental, the case can be closed."

"Thank you, detectives. I am so glad to get her back and her daughters will be too. Now hopefully the doctors here will treat her so that she will make a full recovery."

"Mr. Hardin, I believe our work here is done. We'll report our findings to the Loveland police so that they can close the missing person's case on your wife. We'll be going now and give our regards to your wife when she recovers."

The detectives left and Dr. Zha returned to give Greg a report on my condition.

"Mr. Hardin, I have the results from the MRI. Celeste sustained a blunt force trauma sufficient for memory loss. She has a concussion and no real medical reason for her to remain unconscious. Her brain and head seem okay aside from the external damage which should heal completely. She should make a total recovery. I'm going to try to wake her with smelling salts."

Dr. Zha introduced the smelling salts and Sela woke me. I opened my eyes and spoke.

"Where am I?"

"Darling, you are in Estes Park Medical Center. Celeste, I have missed you so much."

"I don't remember that name. I don't remember anything at all. I'm afraid."

"I'm Doctor Zha, your attending physician. Even though you don't remember being named Celeste, we are going to call you that. We have confirmed medically that you are Celeste Hardin. You disappeared sis months ago from your home in Loveland. You are wife to Greg Hardin, the man here, and mother to two children. Celeste we are going to give you a few more tests and if they look good you will be released from the hospital into Greg Hardin's care. We don't have any way of knowing when or if your memory will return. It is best that you be in familiar surroundings as that might trigger memory recovery. Also, even though you don't know Greg or your daughters, they all love you dearly and they will take good care of you. Is that okay with you, Celeste?"

"Yes, Doctor Zha. that sounds great. Greg, when they release me, I will be glad to go home with you so that hopefully I will regain my memory, and everything can go back to the way that things were before I disappeared."

Greg excused himself while I was being wheeled away to call and check up on his daughters who were being looked after by a neighbor girl. Sela intercepted the conversation with the sitter then with his oldest daughter. Greg told her that her mother had been found alive, but she had total memory loss and that she believed she was a human. He told her to let her sisters know and to keep secret that Mother was an Alvian until he thought she could handle being told.

They put me through a few more tests and confirmed that my body was okay. I was able to walk and function normally. Finally, they released me into Greg's care, and they transported me to the hospital entrance in a wheelchair even thought I did not need it. Greg had pulled the car up to the entrance and they helped me into the car. Greg got into the car then drove us away from the hospital and on the road to Loveland.

"Sweetheart, I'd like to remind you of a few things before we get to the house. We have two daughters and you being missing has hurt them deeply. I'll help you learn about them, and they understand that you don't remember them. I hope that once you see them you will be able to tell that they are your genuine daughters even though you don't remember giving birth to them. For their sake, please love them and treat them as your own daughters. I don't expect you to be a wife to me when you don't remember loving me, but please be a mother to them."

"Greg, I will be a mother to my daughters even though I don't remember them. I will love them because they are my children. Greg, please tell me more about them?"

"Celeste. your oldest daughter is Gail. She's 10 years old. She takes ballet lessons, and she wants to be a ballerina when she grows up. She loves hearing stories She want s to be an episcopal priest when she grows up just like me. Your youngest daughter is Sally. She's six years old. She loves horses and we take her to an equestrian stable where she rides a pony. She loves science and wants to be an astronaut when she grows up. "

"Greg, they are far enough apart in age that I should not have any problem calling them by their names. I am so excited to meet them! I'm going to go over in my mind everything that I have been told so hopefully I won't make many mistakes."

"Celeste, I will leave you to your thoughts and let you rest. Goodness knows that you'll have plenty of activity when we arrive home soon."

I didn't really have to memorize everything about my new life that I had been told. I had Sela to telepathically prompt me of all the things I had been told. I had yet another new life on Earth. I had the longest time as Robert. I had a short time as Roberta. I had an even shorter time as Natalie, the victim of a Golram. Now I had a new life as Celeste, an Alvian mother.

I felt it was ironic that I am now a human who was abducted by an alien Alvian and was his captive. My plan was to take the place of a human woman and now I had twice over. Hopefully my Alvian abductor will never find out who I really am and will be kind to me for the sake of his children. It is fortunate that Alvians are not telepathic. So now I go to meet his children and be the best mother to them that I could be.

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