Playing Marbles for the Big Blue -03-

Playing Marbles for the Big Blue

03 Mother - Ship

By Jo Dora Webster

Will Celeste escape slavery at the hands of the Alvians?

03 Mother - Ship

"~Celeste we are about to be able to see Greg Hardin's house on the right.~"

"~Thank you Sela. Do you observe anything else?~"

"~Greg has a Tesser set to stun hidden in his left hand. I suggest that you don't react and simply turn your back to him and let him stun you.~"

"~Sela, I will comply. Please send me your perceptions of the sights and sounds around us telepathically.~"

I turned my back on Greg and looked out the window of the minivan that Greg was driving. Greg spoke to me.

"Celeste, sweetheart, please keep looking at the houses on the right. Our house will be in view soon. I hope it begins to jog some memories."

Sela showed me from her perspective what Greg was doing. Greg stopped the minivan on the street just before his home's driveway. He then pulled out the Tesser and shot me with it. I again was aware subconsciously and functional thanks to Sela even though incapacitated outwardly. I fell unconscious and I slumped against the minivan door but did not fall out of my seat. Greg drove the Minivan to the end of the driveway. At the end on a separate slab which merged into the driveway, sat a Mini Cooper. Greg came out his door and went around to mine. He slung me over his shoulder and carried me down a hill around to the back of the house. At the back the full basement wall with windows was exposed and it had it's own entrance. Something sensed his presence and it opened up the door for him and closed it after we were inside. There was a mud room with space to hang coats and store boots. Beyond the mudroom was the entry into a great room but over to the left was a closet. The closet door opened like the back door and behind the ordinary door was another door which opened by disappearing into the top to open and it let us in.

"~Sela, the closet is bigger on the inside than on the outside.~"

"~Celeste, the interior is dimensionally transcendental which is why it is bigger on the inside. This was their escape pod which took the family safely to Earth when their ship was presumably destroyed by the Van Allen Belt.~"

Greg took me deeper into the space pod. I recognized the Alvian design of the interior and had further confirmation that they were Alvans. I supposed that our destination was to their infirmary where Greg would alter my human form to be identical to his dead wife's appearance. I was curious what the Alvan Technology would be able to do to reshape my human body. My destination was revealed a moment later when Greg took me into the infirmary and laid me down on a treatment bed. Greg turned off the disguise emitter and he restrained me on the treatment bed. I could hear Greg talking to me again while I was unconscious.

"Oh Natalie, Natalie, Natalie. Now I am going to hide you in plain sight from that Golram, Makelam. You get your freedom from him and I get a Mother for my children. You can be assured that I will treat you with every kindness and respect due to you as Mother to my children. Even though you did not birth them, you will care for my children as if you did carry them in your womb. I don't know if over time you will fall in love with me and want to have a life as my wife. I shall be content to let us have separate lives and beds. Even though I would never have chosen a human to mate with I will treat you with as much love as I had for Celeste while she lived. For a while you will be ignorant of my family's origin on Alvia. With your spy bands to aid, you will see yourself transformed into an Alvian and with their capabilities you will be able to fly as we do. Then you will be truly one of us and with you sharing our lives and secret, I won't take the risk of you ever leaving us. Your life will be in a cage with us but I shall do my best to make it a pleasant cage. This will be the last time I address you as Natalie. Now you take on my wife's body, in every human detail, that for her was a human simulation but for you will be real. I shall always call you Celeste starting now. Sleep on Celeste, because when you wake you will take on your new life."

Greg programed the medical device, then it began to remake me in Celeste's image. Watching the process was amazing and at the end I was indeed looked the splitting image of the image in the photos of Celeste that I had seen earlier. After the process was completed, Greg scooped me up and again draped me over his shoulder and took us back around the house to the front but this time he took me to the front door. Greg laid me down sitting with my back against the houses exterior wall. He changed the setting on the Tesser to revive and discharged it in my direction. I came out of it and looked up at Greg.

"Greg, what happened to me?"

"Celeste, you feinted as we got to the front door. We need to get you to eat to build up your strength again. Do you think you can stand if I help you up?"

"Greg, I think so. Let's try."

I was indeed able to stand with Dreg's help and then Greg rang the doorbell instead of unlocking it with his key. A pretty and pleasent 18 year old girl answered the door.

She saw Greg and greeted him. "Hello Mr. Hardin. How did your search go with the tip you received?" Then the girl gasped when she saw me, "Mrs. Hardin! It's so good to see you. We thought we had lost you."

"Janey, as you can see Mrs. Hardin is fine. How did the girls do?"

"Mr. Hardin, they were both angels." Janey smiled a mischievous grin since the Alvans looked like human's perception of angels in their native form. Mr. Hardin paid Janey and she left to go to her own home across the street.

"Let's go inside and see the girls, Sweetheart."

"Of course, Greg."

We entered the house and went to the daughter's room. Greg spoke to them with me hiding behind Greg but I came out as he spoke to them.

"Girls, look who I found!"

Both Gail and Sally, the two girls to which I was now bound in servitude as their mother, came and wrapped me up in a big hug which Greg joined as well. We were joined as one family and I hoped that the lives, especially the girl's lives, would be happy ones. We broke the hug and then Greg spoke to his daughters.

"Gail and Sally, I have something to tell you. Let's sit down in the living room."

Both the girls answered, "Yes, Daddy."

We all sat down in the living room. Greg sat in the recliner facing the sofa and I sat on the sofa with Gail on one side and Sally on the other with the three of us holding hands.

"Girls, your Mother who was lost is now found. She is not as she was since her head was injured somehow. I took her to the hospital and a nice Dr Zha told me that your mother's head being hurt made her forget everything about us. Even though she sees us all now again, she does not know us. The Doctor felt like even though she doesn't remember us that being at home with us may help her regain her memory in our home. I've told her that her name is Celeste and a little about you two, Gail and Sally. Celeste has promised to be your mother and treat you as her very own girls, even though she does not remember you. We'll get back into the routine we had before and hopefully both that and being home will allow her to remember us. If she doesn't ever remember us, we will love her just like we did before she went away. I know that this makes it hard since so many questions on what happened to her will remain without an answer. We'll just have to do the best that we can together as a family. Girls, I'd like for you to play in the living room while I get your mother settled in our home."

"Yes, Daddy" both girls said and they got down from the couch and onto the living room carpet where was a doll house and dolls and various other things scattered on the floor used for their playing. Greg took me from room to room in the house and in each room I saw tasks that had been left undone that a mother would do. In the kitchen I saw a sink full of dirty dishes. Also I saw evidence that the girl's breakfasts had been cereal, their lunches sandwiches, and their dinners either frozen meals or take out food, by the evidence of all the things I saw left out on the counters. Greg gave me a running commentary on all the rooms of the house. Finally the tour was over and we stopped and Greg turned to me.

"Celeste, has seeing the house and the girls given you back any memories?"

"No Greg, It hasn't given me back anything at all. I am so sorry."

"Celeste it will all be alright in time. Let's not let setbacks get us down. Everything will be good in the end. I have a replica of the necklace that I gave to you on the day we first met. You never took it off before you left us and I hope that you will never take it off now. Please let me put it on you."

"Of course, Greg."

Greg put it on me and kissed me. I would have to ask Sela about the necklace later when I could talk telepathically to her out of Greg's presence. Even though Greg could not overhear my thoughts or Sela's, I did not want to forget myself talking to Sela while if he was observing close up. I observed that our tour was over as we stood in the basement.

"Thank you Greg for being so understanding. What shall I do now?"

"Celeste, take it easy and rest. Feel free to look in drawers and closets and cabinets all over over the house. There is one exception is the locked closet that I showed you when we were down in the basement. I would like neither you nor the girls to go in there looking. It has special things in it for my work which I need to be, where I can find them and not broken by accident. Only I have the key and I keep it locked. If you ever find it unlocked, Don't go in nor let the girls into it either. You can lock off the door to the basement from the upstairs and the back door and keep out of the basement until I can lock it again. Can you do that for me, Celeste?"

"Of course, Greg. Shall we begin giving the girls back some boundaries and rules again?"

"Celeste you are correct. The girls need rules and boundaries. I had neglected enforcing the rules that we had, when they had to deal with the loss of their mother. The girls behave well in most things but they have to be prompted to do their chores and I had never done that before. For now, let's wait to discuss it before we reintroduce any rules, boundaries or chores for the girls before restarting them. Is that alright for you, Celeste?"

"That is alright with me, Greg. I'll start exploring the house now. What will you be doing?"

"I'll go back to the living room to be with the girls. Happy exploring!"

Greg and I walked up from the basement where he had ended the tour. Greg turned to go to the living room while I turned to enter the kitchen. I realized that Greg telling me to explore was code for me to get to work. I knew that I would be expected to do all the mother's chores that had been left undone for six months by the looks of the house. The house would be a wonderful place once all the chores that had been put off were done. I was to be a stay at home mother caring for the house, the children, and Greg. When I finally finished all of the chores that had been put off, keeping the house clean and in order would be much easier taking care of chores as they arose instead of them accumulating again. I had been so absorbed into taking all this in that I had neglected to check in with Sela.

"~Hello, Sela. What do you make of things?~"

"~Celeste, you are in for a great bit of labor to get done, all that has been left undone. You'll have to do it all with earth technology, too. You have to keep cover even with Greg and the girls and they have not told you yet about their origins on Alvia.~"

"~Sela, We'll have to keep speaking telepathically. The walls are thin in this house even when we are alone, we might be overheard without even trying. Are there monitors that Greg can use to spy on the children and myself?~"

"~Every part of the house is monitored for sight and sound as well as other sensors monitoring the house systems. We will never be truly alone. Even the vehicles are monitored. The necklace that you are wearing is of Alvian origin and has monitoring equipment inside it. It is made so that once it is put on it becomes sealed so that it can never be taken off without using Alvian technology to unseal it.~"

"Greg, the little sneak, will be able to spy on me anywhere that I am. If Celeste had really been lost, instead of dying, Greg would have been able to track her where ever she went and now he will be able to do the same with me. It is a gilded cage but a cage nonetheless. I've been practicing how to act while talking to you, Sela and being observed. I won't be able to let my guard down since I will be observed all the time.~"

All this time I had been looking inside every cabinet and drawer and those things out in plain sight to familiarize myself with the kitchen's layout. I started with the girl's toys and I gathered them up and put them in a couple of tote bags. Next I took the clean dishes out of the dishwasher and put them away. With the dishwasher empty, I started putting the sink full of dishes into the dishwasher which filled it up and I started it washing. There was enough for another load spread over the counters and on the kitchen and dining room table. I gathered the remaining dishes up and placed them into the sink, which was filled up again. That gave me enough space on the two tables for me to clear all the counters. The counters were a mess with a coating of gunk. Removing the gunk took me several tries and use of a brand new bottle of cleaner which never had been opened. Once the counters were cleaned, I put back everything that belonged on it.

Next I tackled the tables. They were piled up with mostly empty frozen dinner trays and lots of wrappings and bags from fast food. When I glanced back at the living room, noticed most of the same among the toys in there. I guessed when there was no longer any room to eat in the kitchen and dining room that eating started happening in the living room. Having cleared the two tables, I started on the floor. It too had a quarter inch of gunk on it but I had removed all the trash and filled up a second trash bag. Another unopened bottle of floor cleaner was found in the cabinet under the sink. I cleaned the tile floor until it was spotless. Next I looked at the appliances. The dishwasher and the stove had not been used for 6 months and when I cleaned the counters. I had already wiped down the outside of the refrigerator and microwave. The Microwave had the same quarter inch of gunk but after several tries at cleaning it it was as spotless as all the other things that I had cleaned.

I was afraid to see the inside of the refrigerator. Fortunately it was frost free and the freezer was clean but bare except for a stack of frozen dinners. Before I looked inside the refrigerator, Greg checked in on me and I pointed out the 3 bags of garbage that I accumulated so far in the kitchen.

"Hi Celeste. I see you have started cleaning up in the Kitchen. I did the best I could but I don't cook except for microwavable items so frozen Dinners and fast food have been most of our suppers, sandwiches for most of our lunches and cereal for breakfasts. Is there anything I can do for you, besides cleaning? I am allergic to cleaning."

"Greg, I have three bags of trash already accumulated that need to be taken out. I'll have more but they are just in the way of my cleaning. I haven't looked at the refrigerator or the other rooms yet so I have a feeling that there will be more. The plus side is that before the backlog this was a wonderful Kitchen and it will be again."

"Celeste I'll get on that right now. Please listen in on the girls while i am outside. Is there anything else that you need?"

"Just from looking inside the food cabinets, there are a lot of sugary snacks and treats. We should just eat what we have and not buy any more. I can make healthy snacks and treats for everyone. Most of the time you all have not had a real balanced and unprocessed meals. We'll need to get healthy foods for me to prepare for your suppers and for me to prepare for your lunches. So all that means we will need to make a trip to the grocery store to stock up. I'll prepare a list for you to purchase only the things on the list. Do we have a utility cart that we can empty for us to use for the kitchen?."

"Celeste I'm glad that you suggested that. Even with refilling the pantry and refrigerator with nothing left, buying natural foods and not buying processed foods will save us money in the long run. Thank you. I will go to the grocery store and buy exactly what is on your list. There is already a utility cart in the pantry. I guess you haven't has a chance to check on it yet. I emptied the cabinets of all the cooking things that you used before you left. All the food is kept in the Kitchen cabinets now since it was easier for me to prepare food when I became a single father without going to the pantry. The Pantry has been locked up so the most you should see in there is some dust. I am reminded that I need to give you the house keys and the keys to your mini."

"Thank you, Greg. these keys will get me in everywhere except your closet?"

"Yes that is exactly right, Celeste. There are other places that are locked up including the guest room where you will be staying. The whole basement is kept locked and I have been at least been keeping up the cleaning in the basement. There are several rooms in the basement including the children's play room. That is why the girl's toys are found in every upstairs room. I'll go now and get the garbage you already have taken out and I'll be ready to get only what is on the list from the grocery store."

"thank you, Greg."

I cleaned out the refrigerator filling another trash bag that I had double bagged with most of the refrigerator contents being science experiments 6 months old. The only usable food was some milk, orange juice and condiments. The rest was garbage. I didn't wait for Greg to check on me again to suggest that the trash be taken out again. I took it out myself. There was a list of many other chores that I had do to clean the Kitchen. I have already revealed what the rest of the chores were like, both in the kitchen and in the rest of the house. It took me about a week to get the entire house cleaned as I worked on one room at a time.

I had time to start work on the guest room which I supposed would become where I was to sleep. I would not be sharing the master bedroom with Greg for a while, if even at all. Since it had been locked up the room was in good shape. It only needed dusting and and vacuuming to get it in shape. While I was doing the cleaning, Sela had been planning meal menus. She found out what items were needed to prepare the meals. We tried to keep our communication down so that we would not be discovered. Most of the time when we communicated telepathically it was in my locked bedroom or if there was something that Sela needed to tell me quickly. The next week after the cleanup had concluded and I had a chance to become familiar with my instant daughters.

Over time I found that I had formed a maternal bond with Gail and Sally. My knowledge of adopted families was not due to my Alban background where there were no adoption or surrogates to give a child to a family. There was no death from natural causes for adult Albans who had emerged since I had been told that they no longer required air, food and water to sustain them and instead were tapped into sustenance which was everlasting and plentiful. They left only to a different dimension after all their children had emerged and had settled into their emerged state. There was no crime on Alban Kai because there was no need for money since all were given everything that was needed to sustain themselves. Albans practiced professions where they earned luxuries. The reason that Alban Kai was xenophobic was because anything from outside would introduce all the things that would jeopardize our way of life and even our existence, so we hid behind a cloaking shield that was impenetrable.

Sela informed me about earth culture where it was possible for an adult or child to enter an existing family from outside it. Being adopted into a family as a adult or a child was beyond my understanding but I learned quickly the human virtue of love. Love made all things seem possible. Love took away all the barriers and united once separate elements into a cohesive whole. Love initiated my bond with my girls.

When love happened, my captivity and slavery ended. I know that with my new identity established that I was free to dissolve my bond to Greg's family through something called divorce. Greg and the children would no longer have any claim on me and I would be free to go my own way. With my superior Alban technological skills I could easily get work developing earth technology so I could earn all the money that I would need to exist in their economy. But i chose to stay part of my Alvian family on earth. There was deception on both sides which might cause future challenges but for the moment all was well.

I maintained the home cleaning and cooking, doing laundry and such. It was much easier to clean something when it happened instead of letting the work accumulate like it had before after Celeste left their home. I was concerned that Gail and Sally had no children their age and Limoxian to play with together. I would have to wait until Greg revealed to me that they were Alvian to actually give Gail and Sally playmates. First I had to see if such a search to determine the location and population of all the families who had Limoxian members. Scanning for the disguise devices that anyone who intended to go to a quarantined planet, even if they were okay and not be trapped on the Earth.

"~Sela, can you perform a scan of all the Limoxians on earth and the family members even if thy are human.~"

"Celeste, I can make that happen using a combination of science and magic. Science alone is unable to scan them since they are designed to be undetectable even by superior Limoxian technology. That is why the Limoxians had not been able to find each other before. I begin the scan now.~"

And Sela did find out who and where all the Limoxians families in the world. We even had a family of Limoxians in our neighbor hood about a block away who had two girls the same ages of Gail and Sally. I was pleased with myself that I had done so well with Sela's help in locating all the families who were so far from home. I was also pleased with the wholesome meals that I prepared for Greg and his daughters. Unbeknown to Greg, Sela planed meals that had all the elements that would be beneficial to Alvians. I was pleased that Greg and the girls were thriving.

The only downside was that I was stuck most of the time at home performing needed tasks, not because I was a slave but I did them out of love . I was able to go to the store to get things we had run out of in between shopping trips done by Greg. I was also able to go to the salon to get my hair and nails done. I was prepared for the next step where Greg would reveal that his family was Limoxian. I was attached by love to Greg and his daughters.

I wondered what would happen if my Mommy the queen and my Daddy her consort came to rescue me in her official transport. The name in Alban was mostly unpronounceable by humans but translated to Mother - Ship. That was humorous since the humans labeled any extraterrestrial ship which held more than 10 people to be a mothership. The one thing that I knew was that if they had found a way to correct the emergence and make me an adult Albian female I would no longer have the bland future that I had run away from fulfilling. As a female adult Albian, daughter of the Queen, I would be next in line to the throne when Mommie stepped down. With Alban Kai being very xenophobic, the Alvian family could never live on Alban Kai so I would be free of them. I would be The Princess.

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