William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 18

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William Church and the Scandanavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 18 Markus Olson's brother

Back on the ship reports filtered through about Markus Olson's brother. Markus informed “Lucy after you and your mother left, GrimShaw was bragging how he was going to finish the job he had started. He attacked my brother for protecting you previously. He came after me, but I got away and he vanished. I called the police and the ambulance. It was a shock to me when I found Grim Shaw in the same unit as me in the army. Lucky for me I was adopted by the big soldier and his friends.”

Willie read one report and decided he had better talk to Markus personally. "Markus your brother is out of his coma and would like to talk to you so I have asked Cousin Louis to take us there in the helicopter. We also need to collect your new uniforms so we will be calling at your old base for them."

At the hospital Markus found his brother talking to the big Soldier. “Hi Markus I have been hearing how you got mistaken for me and had to do my army service it is doubtful though that I will be doing that for some time to come."

The big soldier shot to attention when he saw the three men with Markus. "I got promoted to Captain and now I am on security duty for younger members of the Royal Family. I miss you brother and hope you will be out of here soon."

"Ah Markus I am being moved to another hospital as it was discovered I needed specialist treatment." They have waited until I came out of the coma to tell me so it would not be a total shock to me."

The big soldier, "I have promised your brother I will keep my eye on you although it appears you have plenty looking after you. Markus your brother was very badly injured down below. So following medical advice he will have to become your sister. Regardless of that I and your friends will be visiting him."

Willie spoke both you and Marcus has done us a great service in protecting Princess Lucinda so we have a few medals for you. Marcus will receive his medals, which are the same as yours later today in front of his unit. As will certain other soldiers who have won various medals.

"Sir if possible I would like to see that?”

The big soldier spoke, "I was being asked to get your brother some clothes and I was wondering what to do about it?” The brother moved and Marcus clearly saw his brother had breasts.

"Yes Markus they are all mine & that was why your friend was in a dilemma about getting me clothing. It is also why I decided the doctors would have to finish off the job. Better a live sister than a dead brother.”

Nicholas pressed the button at the side of the bed, "Nurse Can you help? This patient had all their clothing cut off and she has to be transferred to another hospital.”

The nurse returned with a bra and pants set, some tights and a white nurse’s uniform. "Sorry Gentlemen that is the best I can do at short notice. What I can do though is the young ladies hair and makeup before she leaves us.”

A short time later Markus said, "Even I find you attractive so you will be turning heads at the camp." The big soldier pushes the wheelchair to the awaiting ambulance. Markus went in with his brother and said, "I suppose I am going to have to rename you rather than call you Robin."

"Markus my name is still Robyn it is just spelt differently."

Back at the clinic the Girls had been instructed to handcuff GrimShaw to the bed and then come back to camp.

The Captain also had brought Della to see the presentations. The big soldier was pushing Robyn.

Willie, "Most of you already know Markus, and that he was promoted recently to Captain. What some of you do not know was he and his sister tried to prevent an attack on my Grand daughter Empress Lucy and her mother Princess Lucinder. Earlier too day I presented Robyn with her medals she though asked is she could receive them with her brother at what should have been her unit. As you can see like Lucinda Robyn is going to need a long time in hospital so I hope some of you will visit her. Now though it gives me great pleasure to present Sister Oleson with these medals. Now Captain Oleson you may be the youngest recipient of these. Sergeant Ludwig please, "First your rank is reinstated to Captain after what I was informed by Captain Oleson now you and your two fellow officers are also to Receive the order of Lucinda in recognition of you help to Markus.”

Della kept looking at Nicholas and she whispered he reminds me of a boy called Sebastian I once knew. Nicholas came up and asked if he could speak with the young lady privately.

"You knew my son?"

"I know what happened and why he vanished but I am not sure where he actually is these days. Sir do you know of a girl called Anna Marie Kirkham, well she was one of several Girls that was assaulted and raped at the college. The campus police would do nothing for the victims because they knew you were a powerful man. With this in mind the student body created its own police with the task of stopping further rapes. Well Sebastian was caught. I am told Sebastian was injected to calm him down and then sent to a clinic to be rehabilitated.”

Nicholas looked at Della, "Show me your arm young lady?"

"I think Della it is time the death of Prince Sebastian was announced. I also think you have already served your sentence and should be reunited with your family.”

“Father I am getting married to the Captain in six months time if Cousin Louise can create what I need. I would like you to give me away if possible.”

Nicholas, "It looks like I have two girls to give away now and no sons.”

"But father I have a little brother who should be old enough for the army by now."

"Obviously Della you had no idea we carry a faulty gene that starts changing a genetic male to female. There is no way to stop the gene and the transformation can happen over night or gradually as in the case of your brother. I can only presume you were affected in this way and it blew your mind.”

Nicholas, "Captain Do you intend to marry this girl?

"Yes sir we were hoping to get married in about six months time. Della has already asked the nurses from our company if they will be our bridesmaids I would have liked to see some smaller ones as well."

"In that case I think I can help you. As a senior officer Della has asked me to give her away would you object? As I am also playing the father part. I better ask you about your family.”

“Sir I come from a good family my father is Count von Bismarck and I am his youngest George, my mother is Helena of Hess.”

“Captain in that case you had better pack a suitcase as you are also going on prolonged leave of absence. That is a direct order from a senior officer. The officer whom I have just reinstated come here immediately. Captain Bismarck is taking his Fiancée to show her off to his family, and will be away for some time. You are appointed acting Commander of this Garrison & I better increase your rank again to Major.”

"Yes sir"

Della, "The clinic will need somebody to substitute for me while I am away. So they will need to have good secretarial skills.”

The captain grinned, "Well I have one who would fit the requirements, but there is one major problem with Wendy."

In front of the captain stood a soldier dressed in female uniform. “Sir this is Wendy after she was on numerous charges for dressing as a female. I ordered her to hand in her male uniform and collect female uniform. The ladies all have accepted her although she does live in a single room. Since the day I gave Wendy the order to return her uniform there has been no problem with her. As a result I ordered the previous charges removed from her record.”

The helicopter landed on the front lawn at the clinic. The doctor came out to see what the problem was and Nicholas said, "Doctor thank you for looking after my daughter we wondered where she had gone. It was by accident I found her. She is coming on vacation with me and arranging her wedding with her cousins. It also appeared that her brother also died in this clinic and was cremated. I have brought you a new secretary as standing while Della is with the family preparing for her wedding. While Wendy is here perhaps you can help her with a problem she has."

The nurses looked at Della, "Are you a Romanoff Della or is the Field Marshall having a joke at our expense?"

"Young lady this person you are talking to is my Eldest Daughter Princess Della, Victoria, Alexis, Elizabeth, Mary Romanoff. She went away because she kept thinking she was a boy. The doctor here has successfully treated her and now I can announce formally her engagement to General George von Bismarck-Hess.

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