Summoned: Book 1 - An Accidental Adventure - Chapter 05

Summoned: An Accidental Adventure –
Chapter 05
Things came slowly into focus as Chris swam up from the realms of unconsciousness. It seemed dark beyond his closed eyelids. Strangely he also felt heavy. Not an exhausted heavy, but rather the difference of being behind the wheel of an economy car versus slamming the gas of a high end Dodge Challenger.

He did not really know what was going on, just that though he had a lot of aches and pains he was non-the-less comfortable. Sort of like being in a nice bed after an all-night bar crawl. The residual headache and body stiffness seemed to be receding and rather than move Chris decided it would be more prudent to just lay there continuing to relax. Things could wait for now.

As he lay there he thought that maybe he could just stay there for the better portion of the day in a semi-conscious dozy blisses. If not for a warm damp cloth that came down onto the left side of his chest that is. He felt a pair of feminine hands that were tenderly moving the cloth around. He mumbled in a sort of sleepy comfort while his brain woke up the rest of the way. One of the hands began to trace patters on his left arm causing him to open his eyes.

There was a pretty young woman in a metallic silver body tube cloth wrap. She had violet hair and seemed to be giving him some sort of ‘sponge’ bath. He was perfectly alright with that. Though he did have a spark of curiosity with the whole punk hair color with slave style dress. He had had worse wake ups however, so who was he to complain. Perhaps he went to an AnimeCon after party and they were still in character or something?

He was about to put his head back down and just enjoy the sensations until something about his skin caught his attention. For some reason something was not clicking with his brain. Facts were not aligning, for instance he knew that there was a difference to him but he could not quite nail it down.

Not fully understanding it Chris came to full consciousness and sat up spilling the slight woman off the bunk. She scrambled back up giving him all sorts of scoldings in an unknown language. At least he thought they were scoldings, the tone was correct as well as her expression. That brought his attention back to her where he noticed a metal collar on her neck against her tan skin. Chris only knew of a few settings where such a thing was considered normal. He hoped this was one of better ones and not one of the worse ones. Except for the niggling thoughts at the back of his mind that focused on her mannerisms and looks. That it was not a costume that she wore.

“What the hell did I do las… the Hell!?”

His voice came back to him. Deep and rumbling. Melodious in a very ominous fashion. Not his voice at all. Sort of like a James Earl Jones rather than the whiney Mark Hamil that he had always considered himself to be in possession of. How the change came about made as much sense as his new surroundings. Meaning, none at all.

That became a secondary consideration as he lifted his hands up to look at them. So large and strong. Not his hands, rather they looked to be made of smoothly carved stone. Malleable as he could move them, yet when he tapped his thigh it sounded like two rocks clacking together.

While he was experimenting the woman was really laying into him with her verbose verbal trouncing.

“Look lady. I do not understand a word you’re saying.” He did not look at her as he talked, he was too busy inspecting his strangely changed form. All of his body looked to be finely finished grey and charcoal granite. Not patchy but whorled and veined as if carved from a single deep earth obelisk. Soft to touch when pushed slowly and rock solid at any faster speed. He was bare of everything but a small cream colored wrap around his waist. He guessed that the stone continued all the way beneath it. Unlike his friend Felix he definitely had no need to verify it visually. The little perv would absolutely had done so regardless of surroundings after all.

Chris was far from finished with figuring himself at this point but he turned his attention to the woman who had been apparently ministering to him while unconscious. She really was a pretty little thing. As long as he was about the same height as before his analytical mind placed her at about five foot two. Maybe five foot three. She was slim and reasonably well built. Long and slightly wild violet hair that had a few pink streaks through it. Large soulful hazel eyes. A good body tan that may be natural rather than from the sun.

As he didn’t really know what was going on he felt it best not to ogle her.

Any other reference points were straight out the window at this point. His hand were much more hamhocked sledgehammers than the slimmer mechanics hands he remembered. His torso had to be at least twice as wide as before and his overly muscled thighs looked as big as his old torso. What he could not tell was his height. Was he six feet tall? Seven? Or was he a pebble to his old self and now of truly Liliputian scale?

“I feel like Atrayu’s friend Rock Crusher.” The woman cocked her head at him as if trying to understand his words. “Never mind, Sebastion would get it.”

His inspections and thoughts were interrupted when another pretty face poked her head around the corner. A brunette with long braided hair blue eyes and pale skin. She rambled something authoritative to them. The violet haired gal nodded and then pushed on his chest to try to get him to lay down again. He felt no reason not to, he was totally relaxed once more after all. A thought tried to force it into his brain and he attempted to resist it a bit, but the relaxation overrode it. He floated into that blissful state once again. His mind comfortably numb on some type of cloud. Body being tended to in a pleasant environment. The details of everything did not matter. Various peoples came and went in the timeless day, the only constant was that nice violet haired girl who was frequently tracing his muscles or massaging him. Sometimes he was poked or prodded but it never really amounted to much. As long as the gal was there then what was the problem.

Sometime later he came aware of himself again. This time he was standing on a stage looking over a large group of… things. It looked like Jim Hensons Studio had an orgy with J.J. Abrams special effects monsters and their bastard offspring all gathered to form a mosh pit. Up above it all on a stage made of stone he stook naked and strangely calm. He didn’t really understand the serenity as a pair of what he could swear were Skeksi’s argued with a Mogui nearby. Across from them was a slug headed creature with a large woman’s body dressed in a toga with an entourage of men that had their faces in their chest with no head above the shoulders. Near the back was a semi-mechanical giant crab on mechanized birdlike legs instead of the normal spiderlike ones. Only a very few actual human looking beings were present and all of them wore the slave-like garb of the violet haired woman who was standing several feet away. She held a leash which was attached to the collar that he found around his neck.

He observed this all with clinical detachment. Filing as much information as he could for a later as he was sure there was not much he could do standing nude in front of the menage of creatures on a stage as an apparent slave in an auction.

The maelstrom of noise and visuals continued for a time until the sound of a great gong rang over the din of the crowd. A wave of quiet moved over the beings and all of the creatures turned towards the stage. Chris felt a tug on his leash and it seemed a good idea to follow as the girl led him around the stage. He wasn’t concerned about it right now. More important was to continue what felt as a type of a routine to him as he walked in her path. Her point of familiarity provided a comfort to him in the strange world.

Some series of laps later as well as many yelled statements finally found Chris led compliantly off the stage to a small pit. There stood a tall blue skinned being with four spindly arms no hair and four obsidian eyes set above and below its nose, easily half again his current height. He was dropping plastic looking coins into the hands of a green humanoid with patchy brown fur on his visible skin. The green one motioned to Chris and his handler as he had come to think of her.

Whatever it said seemed to really piss her off as she began to argue back. He could now feel anger at this green skinned idiot who had no clue as to real value. For now he stayed his aggression while the violet haired woman yelled and stormed in that strange language of theirs. It was not yet time for violence, but he had a nearly insatiable urge to slap the arrogant slaver. This feeling stayed with him through a few rounds between the two. Then in final resignation he felt a resentful ennui creep in as realization came to him that no matter what he needed to follow. The violet haired girl led him after the tall and gaunt blue skinned monster.

They walked through the city which was strange horrifying and wonderful all at the same time. He took in the sights but still felt that odd resignation tinged with resentment and now disgust. They had to have walked about five or six miles by his reckoning at this point If he was still about six feet tall that is. No matter the distance he didn’t feel any physical weariness or exhaustion as he tromped in his new mountain of a body. He followed after the woman who was the only one showing care to him in this new mystery of a world.

Eventually they got to where they were going when the trio stopped next to a large open metal surfaced platform. The being that had led them here gestured his two thin right arms at the pad and barked out an order. Though it sounded more like a phlegmy cough with some words mixed within.

Resentment rose. How dare this thing order them around. He flexed his muscles and rolled his neck around. The feeling of ill will helping him to prepare to put this… thing… in its place for interrupting his routine.

Another bark out came from it and Chris rose to the balls of his feet in defense of his violet haired companion. Then… Anger fled into fear. He felt the consequences of a poor choice compiling in on everything else. He felt his future compact down to a singular point of horror. The woman came back to him and leaned into his chest. She was crooning something that felt of peace and calm. Her very presence brought the eye of a storm to his troubled waters.

Chris pulled her close to him and leaned down to smell her hair which seemed to remind him of open fields in summer.

The blue skinned thing laughed cruelly at Chris’s comforting of the woman he felt compassion towards. His ire spiked back up at it. How dare this Creature speak this way. He began to move the lady behind him for protection. In the process of doing so he felt himself get control of his anger once again. She continued to pet his chest and croon some strange melody. It was not long until he had his emotions fully back under his control. He needed to be in control. Anything could be coming his way and he didn’t know the landscape.

He felt the cool metal under his stonelike feet as they walked as they walked to its center. The platform was about two dozen feet wide and was cobalt in color. Chris wanted to feel surprise as it rose into the air effortlessly. With everything else that had happened to him since waking up though he just could not must any emotion towards it other than the statement of ‘Neat’. Which he muttered internally because he didn’t yet feel safe talking around these creatures that he seemed to be now enslaved by. The next few hours passed quickly. He felt some of his emotions fray a bit yet the violet haired woman’s presence and voice soothed him back to center each time.

Finally the platform landed at the base of a great sone faced building. Something like a mansion made out of huge slabs of rock rather than a castles smaller construction materials. The smallest single piece he could see hat to be at least a dozen feet tall by several feet wide. The thing that seemed to be his new Master yelled out commands in its grating guttural voice. Two human-like women came out.

The first was the closest to human with long legs sporting a second knee reversed from the first, sort of like depictions of werewolf legs from fantasy and anime. Except hers were well shaved and very feminine. Tawny skin, brown hair, and blue eyes completed her looks. The other was a bit less human as she looked very androgenous with four legs. The first two almost like normal and then a thin torso between the front and rear set. Which were had the reverse knee joint like a horses rear legs. All were very feminine looking and with mostly normal human feet. She had short hair in a mohawk that led down her neck and he guessed all the way down her backbone ending in a horse-like hair tail that was off her rear. Would she be some sort of humataur then? Both were dressed in a similar manner to the woman who had come with him from the slave auction.

Upon their gesture he and Violet as he was coming to think of her were led into the building. They followed the buildings skirting outside to a side entrance of course. No one talked and Chris once more settled into a sort of resigned despondency. For some reason it didn’t matter that he couldn’t understand anyone. It felt like being relegated to the bottom run once again.

He was led inside and down to below ground. Through a twisting maze the archaic building gave way to stone tunnels lit by both torch and glowing sconces. Through hallways, tunnels, down twisting ramps, and further, he was eventually let into a cavern deep in the earth. He could see well regardless of whether it was an area that was well lit or an area shrouded in darkness. There were whole tiers of cells along the walls of the large area. The smallest seemed to be hobbit or halfling sized. The largest would easily hold a couple of elephants or so. There didn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason about the size or placement of any of them. One of the largest ones was almost five whole levels above the ground while at the floor level he was still on were several of the tiny cells. The bars were just as different too, not all metal. Some were stone others looked to be made of wood or bamboo. One cell higher up even seemed to be made of some type of energy beams like in a science fiction show.

From there the two led him and Violet further into one of the multitudes of hallways off the cavern holding area. This one off of the second tier, which of course meant they needed to walk up a long ramp to reach it. He didn’t seem interested in paying attention to the pits and devices in the center of the cavern. It just never occurred to him as they walked. He noted it in the back of his mind as he did know it wasn’t normal for him, yet it still was not really worth his while as they walked along. The tunnel they walked down now was very poorly lit. Only by oil lamps with single open flame wicks. Eventually they led him into a very large room carved into the side of the tunnel. It was enclosed with wide spaced stone that seemed to be part of the room, grown like stalactites and stalagmites from the ceiling and floor. Though he was pretty sure they were tougher than normal mineral deposits for some reason.

Violet walked in before him, still holding his leash. A worried feeling began to creep in and she stepped into him, once again crooning her calming song. He felt his caring nature rise once more and reached to bring her close to reaffirm to her that they were safe. That she would be safe as long as he was around. She went up onto tiptoes and whispered something in that still strange language into his ear before kissing him gently on the cheek.

She then removed the leash, but not the collar and stepped backwards retreating out of the room slowly and carefully. Violet made sure to maintain eye contact the whole way with her large soulful eyes that began to shimmer with tears. She turned and fled quickly out of the cave cell as the door to the room slammed shut. His last impression of her was a streamer of violet hair and a bare calf as she vanished around the corner.

Now he was left with the other two standing outside. Immediately everything came clear. Just like that a veil was lifted. He staggered back in confusion as lucidity almost literally hit him in the eyes. For the first time in what had to have been days his mind, his thoughts, his emotions, and his soul were his own.

“That fucking WITCH!” His voice almost seemed to rock the very walls.

“Bitch! Slaving Whoremonger! She was Controlling me!”

Chris was now right damned infuriated. Somehow he had been removed not only from home but also from his very body. He knew that somehow that Violet haired harridan was partially or wholly responsible for his new incarceration.

The two escorts watched him through the bars. The biped with an absence of any emotion and the quadruped with what seemed to be a sharklike hunger. They turned and left him as he looked around the very plain room. Only a small sleeping pallet was off to the side. Worse yet, it looked like it was made of simple bundled straw. Otherwise he was only surrounded by stone that looked as tough as his new flesh.


End Chapter 05

             Here's another chapter y'all.  Also, up to Chapter 8 on my Patreon, working on 9 and 10 today.  Hopefully have them uploaded so I can get Ch 06 uploaded by the end of the week.  I try to stay at least 4 chapters ahead there, so that I don't miss a beat on my regular public postings!  I don't wanna end up as one of those amazing Disappearing, Reappearing, Disappearing authors.

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