Summoned: Book 1 - An Accidental Adventure - Chapter 01

Summoned: An Accidental Adventure –

Chapter 01

Authors Note –

Now that we are done with the Prologue, the POV will shift from individual to individual. As such, it is no longer 3rd person Omniscient but 3rd person narrative. Meaning if the character can’t see it then the story won’t show it.


~ Nicholas~

The room was dark beyond his closed eyes. Something reeked of burnt electronics and charred flesh. He found his head was splitting. Throbbing in tune with a powerfully thumping heart. That was a secondary concern for Nick however. His primary consideration was to figure out what was going on, where he found himself to be.

His whole body felt off. It had an ache, that of not moving for a very long time mixed with a sort of tingling like a limb that had fallen asleep. Very similar to when he had an off road dirt bike accident that had put him in traction because he had broken parts of his neck and back. Though this was an order of magnitude stronger. His thoughts were in disorder. Eventually his near full body migraine began to fade. As it did so he began to track better, his mental acuity once more taking the fore. He hoped beyond hope that he wasn’t a physically shattered wreck again.

When the pain subsided enough to form anything coherent his first thoughts were ‘Wouldn’t that just beat all.’

He waited a bit longer to see if anything changed. It did seem to help with abating the pain, yet his body still felt very ‘off’. After what felt like a half hour of gentle breathing but was likely only a few minutes Nick marshaled himself to get up.

“May as well.” He said. Or tried to that is. Instead something else garbled out. That was bad enough. Worse was that the voice doing the garbling was not the one he was used to. He did not know whose it was. It sounded both more and less than what he was used to. Perhaps a bit higher octave, perhaps a bit lower. He couldn’t quite tell. Though that could just be the damage from whatever accident he had to have been in.

Desperately Nick attempted to remember what had happened. He remembered work and a college campus. He also remembered hanging out and gaming together. For the life of him though he could not remember anything passed that. Definitely nothing that could account for the feeling of being of traction.

‘Alrighty then… Talking worked so well, why not just open my eyes.’

‘yeah… eyes. Those things. C’mon Nick.’

With what felt like a herculean effort he managed to get one eye partially open. Only one for a moment. With a grunt he managed to get the other one. Everything felt disjointed. Even just thinking through the simple process of moving his eyelids. It was almost as if he had forgotten how to move them and needed to just think through even the simplest of movements.

‘Did I have a stroke?’ He was in no small amount of panic. ‘At least I can still see… I think…’

It was a sight indeed. In front, or likely above him, were wire runs and plumbing tubes held in servo styled open shelled robotics mixed with some strange technology. It was recessed into a slightly curved rocklike ceiling. Not a few or even several but a veritable rats nest or spiderweb of materials. He attempted to process it all, as he did so something dawned on him. There wasn’t a visible light source. Sure there was a blinking something like a LED off to his left in his peripheral vision. Something bluish glowed behind one of the wire tangles above. Though those were nowhere near enough to be able to see with any clear definition. It was Dark with a capital D in here. Yet he could see as if it was only just after sundown.

He didn’t even know how he knew it was dark. From his vision it wasn’t. He just knew it was. Just as much as he knew there was something wrong with his body. He felt almost like a foot shoehorned into a stiff boot that was a few sizes too small.

At the edges of his vision Nick could see a lot of equipment of various types. Some were video screens straight out of an office complex, others were old school television tubes without any casing. Sort of like the ancient Magnivox he helped his father tear apart to turn it into a custom entertainment center. Then there the items that he could only categorize under ‘something else’.

Nick took his time to work around his headache and the sort of semi-paralysation he found himself under. He attempted to take stock of everything that he was able to. So far he had trouble moving anything without concentrating very hard as well as a lot of pain. He could not remember any wreck, and as for a stroke… he couldn’t actually rule that on out. In fact he could not remember much before waking up here. When he tried to dial into any specifics of his life he seemed to swim or didge into zones of zip, nada, and zilch. Still he did keep on trying to focus on his past even if it was to minimal avail.

He felt like an age or more was passing. He didn’t really know. Right now his internal clock was really messed up. When he focused on it some sort of imagery of figures superimposed themselves into the upper right hand area of his vision.

‘Odd… I think directly on time passing and get something like a clock? But I’ll be damned if that’s English.’ He took a second to focus on it. ‘or any other language I think I’ve ever seen.’

Whatever the figures were they didn’t have any corresponding similarities to anything he was familiar with. Even the sci-fi languages or fantasy shows that he and his friends watched. They were kind of a geometric like shape set in nine distinct places. The ones on the left of the set changing the fastest but felt like they were a bit longer in duration than a full second. With no frame of reference he couldn’t really tell though.

After sixteen changes to the leftmost digit it recycled and the next place shifted on figure.

‘Base sixteen. So a hexadecimal clock? That’ll be a bronze coated bitch to convert on the fly.’

Nicholas did not feel tired, and counting numbers like sheep attempting to brain themselves by jumping over a fence held no interest either. It would be worth the potential pain to get up, if only to figure out what was going on.

“Warlle….” He attempted to speak again, but the unintellectual grunt only proved how hard it was with his tongue still so gluey in his mouth. He cleared his throat and worked his stiff jaw a little. “Wrell.. thart es uh little bettr…”

‘Maybe I just haven’t spoken in a long time. Like my tongue is out of practice or something?’ He was a bit amazed at the concept, after all even when he had awoken in traction after his bike accident it had not been that long he had been unconscious.

With a grunt of discomfort Nick managed to turn his head to the left. Still an odd timbre to his ears but it was definitely from his throat. He closed his eyes for a moment, the distraction of the clock still there even after the room went away. Though it didn’t feel as intrusive as he had initially thought it would.

Eyes open once more he saw that the room was even stranger than he had initially thought. It looked like some the industrial revolution had a bastard offspring with Star Trek while being raised by Frankenstein’s Nanny with a liberal dash of Battlestar Galactica or Farscape for good measure. All of the equipment in the room was exposed in some manner so that the wires or leads shown through and the guts were on full display. None of it made any sense to Nicks trained eye unless it was only there as some strange poor science fiction movie prop. It was like a technophile hoarders dream stash after they had managed to raid the Universal Studio’s special effects dumpster.

Such as the vacuum tube computer. Complete with punch card program file stacks that had a set of heavy duty electrical or data cables leading into a cabinet that resembled a Chinese geared calculation machine. For some reason as confusing as it was he didn’t think it was fake. There seemed to be some actual purpose to the chaotic merging of various technologies. The random screens, cables, pipes, keyboards, pullies, and even a strange set of what looked like accordions that looked functional. Like they had been used a lot over the course of many years.

Though the cybernetic bulls head with a pigs snout that was watching him did kind of freak him out. Only a little bit though. Really.

So far the least bizarre thing in his view was the large granite statue of a man that was on what looked like a surgical examination table. It was only a few feet away and Nick could not really understand why someone would take the time to put it there. It was like someone had decided to carve a dead man and lay him down for a nap. Except that there were wires and tubes coming down from the ceiling or up from the table and leading into the thing. Somewhat like the wires that were above him falling downwards.

“Least there is a privacy towel on you.” His slur was a bit better but still there. “I wouldn’t want a full Statue of David for my only companion.” Something about the tone of his voice still bothered him. Differently though now that he heard more of it. He wasn’t quite sure what it was but it was so he put it to the back of his mind, refusing to resolve it at this time.

“So…. Alien abduction scenario. Check.”

Earlier in his life Nick had gone through a conspiracy nut phase and he still considered himself rather open minded since then. Yet at the end of the day he no longer believed in any of it. However with the evidence of the extra-ordinary in front of him he was beginning to have troubles keeping his breath steady. It took a bit of time and a lot of breathing exercises to pull himself back from the brink of a full on panic attack. Or at least on par enough for the situation he found himself in.

He felt enough less pain to move a bit more. As he sat up he felt his muscles shift and complain. Soreness in places he wasn’t sure he had. Even when he had been on huge benders and woke up afterwards without remembering what had happened he still had never felt the aches and cricks his body was giving him. Yet the most disturbing part was a sort of shifting weight that was pulling him forward a bit located on his chest.

With some trepidation he looked downwards.

“Well, those are new.”



“Oooooo……… Do Not want to do that again.” A female voice complained somewhere nearby bringing Malachai to awareness. Also it brought no small amount of pain. Wanting to move or otherwise seemed a bit out of his control at this time. His brainfog was just too much to overcome what seemed to be wrong.

‘That must have been one hell of bender.’ He thought to himself. He had been in the United States long enough to encounter its bizarre culture. Especially its college culture. It had given the youth quite an education on Benders. He made an attempt to reach his hand up to his head so as to massage his temples. Or maybe at least to discover how bad it really was.

Apparently that wasn’t on the agenda for him. For some reason though his arm twitched, as well as any other part he attempted to move, nothing seemed properly connected. It was all thee, the residual pain told him that if nothing else. It was just that he was misfiring. Like the chemicals running his nervous system were being derailed somewhere between his conscious thoughts and the actual implementation of them.

“Take it easy there.” The same voice as before said as he felt a hand on his shoulder. “I’m not sure where you’re from, why they took us, or even if you understand me… but it is best to start slow. Whatever happened we may only have each other to lean on.”

Malachai found he liked the husky alto voice. He would be happy to listen to her as long as he could. Then what she said got through. ‘Took Us’ resonated with much of the problems of his youth. Being from a country so close to both Russia and the Middle East meant that kidnapping and abduction was a very real thing and not just a Hollywood plot or nationwide news event. Something that can and did happen to people you knew.

He tried to sit up. Muscles still rebellious, still aching. A couple false starts and he was panting laying on his back once more with eyes pinched shut.

“Mrrmmrrnnn…” His voice and throat felt dusty from lack of use.

Talking would be out of it for a bit he felt, but it managed to focus him enough to open up his eyes. To see one of the most strikingly attractive women he had ever seen. He wasn’t sure but she also looked to be built of Amazonian proportions. Shoulder length strawberry red hair, fair skin, the perfect amount of freckles. With some type of metallic body paint that did nothing to cover anything. Instead it enhanced her femininity as well as to her lethality more than just the well toned muscles alone. She had deep emerald eyes, pure like gems of the highest grade. These pulled him in, capturing his attention away from all other aspects. Including her nudity.

“Ingerul meu…” He tone was breathless as he called her his Angel in Romanian. For the sight of her not only stole his breath but made what was left only a sultry whisper.

She smiled, the sort of grin of a woman enjoying humor at an inside joke. “So, I guess you can’t understand me then.”

Her face and expression captivated Malachai. Completely. He tried to sit up once more, if only so that he could view her better.

“Hold on miss. You’re connected to the bed. Trust me, you don’t want to get out of the bed or even sit up until some of it is removed.” The Angel still had one warm palm on his shoulder. The other was helping to restrain as well as cover a rather ample bosom.

“For you I wait.” He said in the same breathless whisper. His voice wasn’t just weak. It was off. That didn’t matter too much to him, at least he could still talk.

“Good. You do speak English.” She said with a smirk. “I was worried we wouldn’t be able to communicate.” She looked down at Malachai’s body then back up to his face. “I am going to begin getting some of these tubes and wires out of you. Is that alright? It may feel a bit… different.”

Malachai nodded his consent. The red head leaned forward, her posture one that he found most attractive. He felt a tightening in his core at the sight, but different than normal. One that stemmed in his belly, behind and below his naval rather than in his groin. As he was attempting to figure the warmth out the Angel tugged on something and Malachai’s eyes bulged as something like a jagged metal splinter being pulled out between the muscles in his neck.

His scream was probably the girliest scream that the youth from Romania had ever shouted out in his life.



End Chapter 01

So! Finally on to the main event! Also, I'm pretty sure many of you figured where each person who end up in. But the reaction's half the fun, ne?

As a side note (And shameless plug): For anyone who wants to get ahead I have up to chapter 06 on my Patreon and I generally post 1 or two chapters a week there or more! (I really enjoy writing, plus your support will give me more time to devote to it!)

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