The Vanilla Cake Club Part 6

The Vanilla Cake Club Part 6
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Here is the exciting conclusion, dot dot dot, ha. And everything does come to an agreeable end of course, I live for a happy ending. Thanks for reading and I hope YOU like it...


In the morning I woke up feeling so euphoric, I was ready to make breakfast. I was ready to take on the world. There was a naked man still in my bed, this was better than Christmas morning.

I tried to make something special every weekend. Mornings were always spent baking or experimenting. Kirsten never liked anything I made, bagels or grilled cheese was the only breakfast food on her list. I always felt a little sad, cleaning off the table and texting the neighbors on each side of us surprising them with breakfast. I loved when what I made was appreciated. Noah was going to love breakfast and love me for making it for him.

I was still in last night's lingerie when we sat down to eat, though I did slip off the lace from my arms. I didn't have too much in the fridge but I did have eggs, cheese, veggies, and pie crust. It had been a couple of weeks since I have been shopping. I couldn't tell if Noah was more interested in the meal or my outfit but I was happy with either one. I wanted to be the hot girl at the table.

I went to clean up while he sat at the bar and checked his phone.

Ding-Ding. There was someone here and Noah called out to me. "There are two women at the door, should I answer it?"

I put on my robe and looked out the window, "Shit."

"Who is it?" He asked.

My 'sweater of dread' and my 'lead coat' took hold of me, I was once again a teenager hiding in the basement of my mother's house, wearing one of the sisters' outfits. I tightened my robe, I was a big 'girl' I could handle this. I checked myself in the mirror by the front and wiped off the red lipstick I just put on, and then, I opened the door. I could tell Noah was tense since it was so quiet. It was even quieter looking at the two women on my front stoop.

"So when were you going to tell us?" The older one had her arms crossed but she didn't seem too surprised. "Kirsten is finally gone?" I smiled, I was a little confused. "You know she couldn't wait to tell everyone... and I mean everyone. She even told the neighbors."

My mother and sister were watching me, I was glad my robe was tight hiding my black lingerie, I just wished I put on more sensible shoes, even though I didn't have any.

"Are you going to invite us in? We haven't been here in ages." My mother and sister, Gia walked in with me. They looked around the barren house, they didn't study me which made me feel better. "This place is so much nicer without Kirsten," Gia laughed. She then pointed to my heels. "Going somewhere?"

I kinda smiled and I kinda cried, they each hugged me. Noah walked in from the kitchen and my mother looked up. "Well, this is an interesting development."

After all the introductions were made Noah and I went to change. Soon I came out in another short flowered dress and Noah had on his clothes from the previous night. I put on my red lipstick.

I served them the rest of the breakfast and flavored coffee. I started to realize it WAS all about me, it was always this way. I tried too hard to be nice to people, I always tried to make everyone's life easier and a little more interesting. I think being with Kirsten, I had to try even harder, I had to be nice for both of us. I think of how I integrated my life with Meg and her family tree. I don't know why I always do that and I wondered if others didn't like it, or was it some sort of veil I hid behind.

I finally spoke. "So I guess now you know a little more about me."

"Yeah," my mother sneered, "Like we didn't know before. How many Halloweens were you Wonder Woman or Black Widow? The red and brown wigs are still in your room in the basement. But, I'm glad you went back to your natural blonde."

We all laughed, it was nice. I didn't care that Kirsten told everyone I dressed like a woman, but I wished she told them I was transgendered instead. Dressing sounds like a hobby while trans sounds like something you get, and then have to be visited in the hospital, I wanted people to bring me flowers. My dysphoria was finally gone, I think, do you ever get rid of it? I would have to ask Ronnie, she would know.

My mother said Kirsten used the most awful words when she called to describe me, but that was to be expected. I asked them to stay for a while and I ordered two mattresses from the place in town. Noah and I set them up in the bigger bedroom, I wanted them to stay for a little while and meet Meg. I haven't really known Meg or Rosalie and Ronnie for too long but I feel like they are part of my extended family. Now, most of my family will be getting together.


A couple of days later, the family went home happier than when they showed up. I knew I was going to get two more calls from the other sisters. My mother took so many pictures and I was glad I had on a nice conservative flower dress. I'm sure her social media accounts were going to be showing off her new 'daughter.'

The rest of the week was pretty wonderful having a new boyfriend to talk to on the phone, or having to visit me here in Meg's house. We could be alone or have wonderful company, the house was so big and had so many areas to hang out. I even gave Noah head in Jonathan's room. I wanted to introduce him to my favorite spot, his grandfather's.


I was in the big kitchen with Noah coordinating the delivery of the new bakery items for this Saturday. Meg and her husband thought I was crazy because I put so much effort into it. They just figured it was just a ruse or little white lie to keep the other partners not guessing what goes on twice a month. But I figured why not eat healthier and better, and some of them knew anyway.

"Um, Wendy," Meg sidled up next to me while I was looking over my list of cakes. "I hate to do this but I have to kick you out of the Devil's Food Club."

I looked up. "Really? I'm sorry what did I do?"

"Well, the two clubs are for partners or couples. We give each member a three-week grace period, that's the rule." I could tell she was teasing me even though it was true. I started to realize that Kirsten made me join after her third 'meeting.'

I gave her a sly grin and grabbed Noah's arm, I was feeling a little sad. "Maybe Noah could join PWC? Then I could stay in the club."

"We'll see." She told us laughing. "Only women are members though, the guys are only in it for the nookie."


It was two weeks later and The Devil's Food Club was meeting later on today. I made appetizers for anyone who got peckish and placed them near the wine bottles. I had to make a quick trip to Noah's to drop off all of the photos and ephemera he had given me. I also packed up the things in my room on the third floor, it was time I went back permanently to my own house. I was going to miss it and Meg said I could still use the office during the day.

Kirsten's vibe was finally completely gone from the house and I couldn't wait to get on with real life.

I was on Noah's steps, the town half a block away was busy for a Saturday afternoon. It reminded me of the first time I came to see him, almost two months ago.

He opened the door, "Hi, do I have you for the day?"

I smiled, he knew I was busy. He hugged me and I gave him all his grandfather's items that I made copies of. It was an interesting couple of months, I was sorry I was finished. I loved learning about him and Meg's families.

We kissed on the top step of his home, I had my arms around him. I loved this part of dating, the saying hello and goodbye. It never lasted as long as I liked but it kept me primed and slightly excited for the next time. Saying goodbye to someone you were falling in love with was so romantic to me.

"I have something for you." Noah gave me a little fancy bag as he smiled at me. I gave him another hug and a kiss. I was never used to getting gifts and I was terrible at saying thank you. I was always so embarrassed, I would rather do the giving. I opened it and smiled up at him, I then put it on, I felt tears starting to form in my eyes. I kissed him again and thanked him. I wouldn't let him walk me to the car, I told him at this rate I would never get back to the Hahn House. I giggled and left.

I was in the car, Noah had given me a bracelet it was gold and thick. It was the most beautiful piece of jewelry I had and it looked great on my wrist. It was also the only non-plastic jewelry I owned too, except for my little rose earrings and the ones Rosalie made for me.

Knock, Knock. I looked out my driver-side window and then slid it down. "Hi, can I help you?" There was a young woman in the street, her arms folded, she wasn't happy to see me.

It took her a while to answer. "I have known Noah since we were kids." She told me.

"Really, that's nice."

"You are ruining this for me." She gripped my window. "You are ruining everything!" I felt her breath on my face. She held on for quite some time. I was glad she finally let go. I left with her fingerprints all over the glass.


By the time I got back to Meg's, I felt terrible. I was thinking of the past the whole ride back. I was sinking deep. It started out as such a wonderful day. I was glad the house was hustling when I went into the kitchen, maybe my mind would be busy. I saw Meg and her husband as I sat at one of the chairs. I was suddenly exhausted.

"Are you okay, you don't look so good." She rubbed my shoulders.

"I ran into Noah's girlfriend," I looked up at them, Meg grabbed a chair and sat next to me. "She told me I ruined everything." I put my palms over my eyes and I started to cry.

I told Meg that over a year ago I came home from the supermarket, I had so many bags it took me four trips to unload the car. Kirsten had her arms crossed as she watched me, I was parked in the driveway. When I was done she stood close to me. "You know, you ruined everything."

"What?" She was very angry, madder than usual. "I'm sorry what did I do?"

"You know what you did." I didn't, I told her. I never knew what would send her over the edge. She left for a week and when she came back we never discussed it.

She told me the same thing the day before she brought her ex, Buddy into the house. "You ruined everything."

That day I was wearing my black bolero jacket and A-line skirt. I just got off the phone with Rosalie and we were making plans to go shopping. I thought everything was fine, well at least fine for us. I felt so good, I was trying to erase Kirsten from my mind.

Kirsten grabbed my hand. "Look at this fucking plastic crap on your arms." I was wearing my black bangles. I like to wear any jewelry though I didn't own much. "This is what women wear." She told me and flashed her rings in front of my face. She never wore a wedding ring but she was always full of gold and diamonds. I knew she spent all of my money on herself, but I really didn't care. "You dress like a teenager sometimes, and you wear too much makeup. You're a fucking disaster." She let go of my hand and grabbed my cheek. She looked at me again, I could tell she just hated me. I never understood where it came from. "You're a fucking embarrassment." She pushed my face and hurt my neck.

"I don't understand how I could ruin so many things." I told Meg, "Why is everyone always so mad at me?"

Meg moved closer to me, "Only crazy people are mad at you, and who cares about them anyway? Look at this kitchen it is steamrolling along because of you. Look at me." She made me turn around to face her. I had tears on my cheeks. "Everything you touch, and I mean everything, you make better. The only thing you ruined is two people's completely backward way of thinking. Fuck them, fuck both of them."

The room got so quiet after hearing the 'F' word from her lips. She leaned against me. People were moving around us in fast motion while Meg and I drifted into the ether.

"I was thinking, what does she think you ruined? I know the detective said there was an inquiry at the Plumbing place she worked at. They think she is involved in something stupid of course, well let's forget about her."

I then showed her my bracelet, and I cried some more. "Can I go one more time to the club? I want to drink wine with Rosalie." I cried again.

She held my shoulders for another long time. "Go put on one of those new outfits you got last week, then come back down. I have a surprise."


Everything was packed up and ready to go in my room. I had to open my small suitcase to find a dress to wear. I wanted to wear red.

Rosalie and a couple of the girls came early. Meg had hired a couple of women from the salon to come over and paint our nails. Meg and I had new extensions put on. Our nails were longer than ever before, she giggled because I had no problems with them. I also was forgetting that I was feeling a little down, there was only a pinpoint of sorrow somewhere behind my breast forms.

My nails were fire engine red. They were the same color as my toenails, lips, and short dress. I was going to say goodbye to the club.

Rosalie and I went into the foyer to greet the members. I was looking for a couple of them in particular.

When he walked through the door I grabbed his arm, he was happy to see me. We got a couple of glasses of wine and then I grabbed a handful of condoms and put them in my red clutch. I led him into Jonathan's room.

He closed the door. "Wendy you smell wonderful."

I smiled, he was always nice to me. I showed him my nails and he kissed my hand. "Mel, do you remember when we were together last time you wanted me to tell you when I was ready?"

"Ready? Ready to make love?"

"Yes," I got closer to him and moved my body against him. "I'm not a virgin anymore."

'Really? You have a very lucky boyfriend. Today is turning into a perfect day." I tried not to think of Noah as he grabbed me and we kissed, he was hard already. He was the first man I ever gave a blow job to, and it was wonderful. he was older and gentle about it. He would never tell me I ruined anything.

My dress was full but very short, landing right below my feminine-looking crotch. I had on nude thigh highs and tiny red panties. The side of the dress was cut out and I was showing some side boob from my forms. They looked real and I knew they felt fantastic. Mel cupped my breasts.

I made him lose everything from the waist down and had him sit on the bed. I slowly started sucking his cock. He was so hard, he was playing with my hair. I put the condom in my mouth and rolled it down his hard manhood. I found vasoline and slathered it onto him and inside of me, moving the crotch of my panties over to the side. I felt my long nail enter my 'pussy.' Mel was going to love this, being with Noah made me very good at it. We made love so many times and it got better each time. I wiped my hands on tissues and straddled him. His cock was hard and sitting between us as we made out some more.

"I have been fantasizing about this since I met you." He told me between kisses. I didn't want to tell him that I had been dreaming of this position with a faceless man since I was nineteen.

I got up and turned my back to him. He grabbed my hips as I lifted the dress. I descended onto his hard cock. We took it slow, I wasn't that used to men being inside me. He wasn't as long as Noah but he was thicker and I felt him stretch my hole. I moaned as I slid down his cock, balancing on my five-inch heels. He fucked me in this position for a while and then he made me lean on the bed, my ass in the air. His cock made its way inside of me. I felt his balls against me and then he started pumping harder. The bed was squeaking as we fucked and pushed it against the wall.

"Yes, yes, yes..." I begged as he plowed into me. I felt his cock throb and I wished he didn't have on the condom but it didn't matter, I was still so excited and I started having my own orgasm. I came all over the inside of my dress as Mel filled up the condom. He gave one last roar and push and we fell onto the bed exhausted.


I left Mel in the room to relax a little and I went into the hall to look for another man. I was on a mission. If this was my last day in the club then I was going to enjoy myself being a whore. The landing above the stairs was quite busy with girls and men kissing and fondling. I was quite happy everyone was having fun.

I made it halfway down the stairs when I met someone new. I took him into one of the empty rooms. He was quite handsome and younger than the others. I made him lose his pants. First I showed him the tops of my stockings and my tiny panties. My dress was still a little wet from the fucking I received from Mel just next door.

"Wow, you look great in that dress," He told me. "I noticed you in the kitchen. I figured you were the cook."

I smiled, I wondered if he originally thought I was a genetic woman. It turned me on thinking that he did, though he was in the wrong place if that's what he wanted. I got on my knees, I wasn't going to inform him otherwise.

"Mmm," I licked his cock. I gave him a wonderfully sexy grin as I ticked his balls with my nails. I started to lick the length of his cock as his fingers made their way into my longer hair. I slid him completely into my mouth and started sucking making all the appropriate sexual sounds. I then led him closer to the bed while guiding him with his cock in my hand. I opened my mouth wide while he entered me. He held my hands as he fucked my mouth and I leaned against the bed. Noah was never this rough with me and he always asked if I was okay, but sometimes I didn't mind someone being a little manic in my mouth.

"Oh, I'm ready to cum."

"Mmm mmm," I told him between licks.

"Can I cum on your face?"

"Only if you tell me your name." I smiled and fluffed up my hair. He started jerking off and touching my face with his wet cock. I tried to look as sexy and wanting as I could. It didn't take long until he was praising me and cumming all over my face. I rolled him around, I had cum in my eyes and on my cheeks. He moaned and breathed heavily the whole time. When he was done I let him watch as I moved every drop into my mouth.

"Thank you, my name is Gerald and you were wonderful." I winked and cleaned his cock before cleaning myself up in the bathroom.

As I was about to leave he grabbed my hand. "Can we do this again sometime?"

I smiled. My lips were perfect again in their redness. "Maybe. I might have a boyfriend."

"You don't know?" He laughed. But I didn't know and I gave him my number anyway. I wasn't a member anymore.


I reconnected with Rosalie and we told each other of our conquests, she was always good for at least two men. Me, usually only one, but today I needed one more. I wanted to find Rick. He was Meg's friend and the first man that I had ever made cum. He was my introduction to the club and I wanted him to be my last.

I found him pouring bourbon into a rock glass. I touched his back, he was so tall. He turned around and I clinked his glass with mine.

"Hello beautiful, what magazine have you walked out of today?" He asked.

"Mmm, National Geographic?"

"Ha, are you sure it's not Vogue?"

I giggled as we went upstairs, passed all the lovely girls and the men trying to get them into one of the rooms. He took my hand and we entered a small room on the whole other side of the landing. I didn't even notice it before. I thought it was a closet.

"This is actually my favorite room," Rick told me as we entered the door. It was dark and he turned on a switch. The room was filled with TV monitors and they all came on at once. We sat on a couch facing them. I was a little confused and I had to wait until my eyes adjusted to the dark.

"Almost every room up here has a camera." He told me. "We can watch." He looked at me. I was a little uncomfortable. That meant that someone might have seen me with the men today. He took my glass and put it on the table, he pulled me close as I watched over his shoulder. There was a girl giving head to a naked man, another one spanking a very hairy man while he screamed. I could hear him through the walls. I stopped looking, I realized I didn't like to watch. I wanted to leave but first I would make him cum.

"I want to play with you," I told him as cute as I could. I took out his cock and he played with my silicone breasts and then legs.

We talked, he told me he watched me have sex with Mel. "You were very sexy. You are a completely different woman than when you first came here. I have been keeping an eye on you. Do you feel different?"

"I feel better, but I don't think I've changed. I think my world has but I have stayed the same." I played with his cock, it didn't take long until he was cumming into my hand. I bent down and took him into my mouth. I sucked and played with him some more and I swallowed it all. I even milked out a couple of drops that were hiding. After I fixed his crotch and tucked him back into his pants I told him, "This is it for me. You are the last man I will have at the club."

"Are you going somewhere?" He looked concerned.

"No, I am definitely staying. I can't believe how I ingratiated myself here. I feel like I tricked Meg into keeping me." He laughed. I made him shut the monitors and we stayed holding each other in the dark. I needed time to reflect and think.


Almost all of the cakes were gone. I was helping everyone clean up the kitchen when Rosalie came in to pick out her cake.

She walked up and took my hand. "What's this?"

"Noah gave it to me this morning."

"It's beautiful." I loved her, she was my best friend. She would never tell me I ruined everything.

"After he gave it to me I met his girlfriend." I looked at her quickly I wanted to see her reaction.

"What? Are you sure?" I just shrugged. "Give me your phone." I got it out of my clutch and gave it to her. She had an intense look on her face. "Noah? This is Rosalie. Do you have a girlfriend?" She looked at me. "Besides Wendy, oof."

She put the phone on her breasts and shook her head.

"He says you are the only one." She handed the phone back to me. I wasn't ready to talk to him.

"Hi," I said feeling a little sheepish, I went into the corner and told him what happened with the girl on his block. She had been his neighbor since they were young. We talked, I didn't tell him what I had been up to at the club, I would tell him in the future. I needed to put this part of my life behind me, I was ready to move on. We hung up, he was coming over.


The three of us were talking at the table. A man came to get the rest of the cake for the soup kitchen. Meg, Rosalie, and I were waiting for Noah, I would have him help me with my things, and then hopefully we can relax the rest of the night. It would be a mild one I was sore in a couple of places.

And then he called. "Wendy, the police are at your house. I'll be at the Hahn House in a couple of minutes.

When he got here the three of us hopped into his car.

There were two police cars and the detective in front of the house, the neighbors next door were watching. I was thinking Kirsten must have done something nasty. I didn't care I was with my friends I was prepared for it. One of the policemen showed me a warrant and he opened Kirsten's shed that she had someone build at the end of my driveway. It was too big and I was always blocking the door with my car. Kirsten was usually furious, and I never knew why. I never used it and I have never seen it open.

They cut the lock off of the shed. When they opened the door it was filled with porcelain. Toilet, sinks, water heaters. Seems Kirsten had a collection.

"We have a Buddy and Kirsten Rannet, in custody." The detective told us. "We are going to have to confiscate everything." He then looked towards the house next door. "The neighbors tipped us off."

I was confused but not really surprised. I looked up at him "Can you take the shed too?"

I checked my phone and I had a missed call from Buddy's fake wife. She wanted money to bail out Buddy and Kirsten. I showed Rosalie and Meg and we laughed. I was going to have to get a new number, I couldn't have my fake wife's, husband's fake wife calling me. I have never felt better. I took them inside my house and the three of us girls sat at the bar while Noah went to pick up Ronnie. I made drinks all night. I used the appropriate glass for each one. First, we had margaritas, then dark and stormy's, then some craft beer. We ended with a little glass of freezing Lemoncello. I felt a little misty as I poured the drink.

"My mother and sisters brought these back for me from Italy, and I can't believe Kirsten has never broken them. I just turned twenty-one and my mother asked if I wanted to go." I shrugged. "I told them I wanted to stay home and bake."

"And did you?"

"Some of the time."

They laughed and everyone stayed over, which meant breakfast for six people in the morning when Meg's husband arrived. Everyone was going to love breakfast and love me even more for making it for them.


3 Months Later

Rosalie and I were standing on the outside patio looking toward the gardens at the Hahn House. The sun was out and everyone was in the backyard enjoying the weather. Noah was learning a little more of the history of the club from Meg and some of the girls, it's funny but he wasn't that surprised.

"I hope you share that recipe for the pineapple upside-down cake, Ronnie absolutely loved it when you made it for us last weekend."

"I'm sure I'll get to it, I can come over whenever you want and make whatever you want, you and Ronnie are my favorite people." I hugged her.

I loved every Sunday here, we all got together, we relaxed, and I got to see all the people I cared about.

"You know," Rosalie gave me a sly grin, "last Sunday one of the girls asked Noah why he was the only man here. He pointed to you and said, 'That's... my girlfriend', haha."

"I just love him."

I then walked closer to the garden to call everyone in. It was time to get things started. All of us were in the kitchen, there were exactly thirteen 'girls,' plus Meg and Noah. We had nice support for a summer Sunday.

"Hi everybody, today we will be making pie, peach pie."

It will be the first Sunday we didn't make a cake. We always made cakes at 'The Vanilla Cake Club.'


{Hello self, I won't be writing in this diary anymore. It was a good idea that just sort of fizzled out. maybe one day I will read it again. I would print out the last couple of entries but I can't now, I don't have enough red ink. Oh well.}


The End


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