Royal Retreat Part 16: Family First

Royal Retreat  

Tammyverse Book 13


Royal Retreat
Part 16 (Finale)
Family First
Shiraz & Snowfall


Please note this is a work of fiction and any references to real people, real institutions or real heavily armed military units are for artistic purposes only!

“Sean, I’m curious, what were you discussing when Maisie and I arrived earlier?”

The girls were sat with Sean and Sir Thomas in a private dining room.

“You, my dear. We were discussing your performance.”

“I see.”

Maisie failed to grasp the reasoning. “Why?”

Her fiancée responded. “There’s definitely no point in just letting me criticise anyone else involved in the deployment, without first asking how I performed? That had to be established first.”

“Correct Tammy.” Sir Thomas had put his whisky down. “We needed to be certain that nothing had been missed or that you took the wrong route to achieve your objectives.”

“With respect, Sir, there’s always an alternate route to the same ends!”

“Indeed, but some may be more correct than others. I believe you know that the direct, obvious, route is not necessarily the best under all circumstances.”

“Absolutely. How did I do, Sir Thomas?”


Maisie shook her head.

Sean responded. “What troubles you Sergeant?”

“Tammy stopped the deployment from going tits-up!”

The Colonel shook his head. “Please mind your language, Sergeant, else you’ll be asked to leave this officers' mess. Regardless, Tammy’s performance was satisfactory because, although her objectives were achieved, she allowed a nasty rumour to take hold which then damaged her authority and credibility. That cannot happen again.”

“Sorry, Sir.”

“Maisie the question was valid. Now how would you see your own performance?”

“I don’t know.”

“Okay, let’s first determine what your role was.”

“To support Tammy.”

“Would you say you did that to the best of your ability?”

“Hmmm, I’m not sure, Sir.”

“Well, let’s look at your individual tasks. Firstly did the Captain keep to her fitness plan?”

“I believe so.”

“Did you watch her back, support her operations?”

“Where I could, but I often didn’t know what was going on.”

“Which is a problem, Sergeant. You should make it your responsibility to know what your Captain is doing and even to predict what her needs are.”

“No-one had explained that.”

“Consider that done. What about your intelligence gathering role?”

“I passed some intel onto Tammy.”

“Could you have done more?”

“Yes, but I haven’t been trained as an intelligence operative. My existing training has covered operational security and counter-intelligence, Sir, so perhaps that isn’t a question you should ask me?”

“Point taken, Sergeant, we’ll consider that for future training. Now, Tammy, what about Miss Harrison?”

“Where do I start?”

“We have a report from AA House so start with the deployment.”

“The best decision I made was to remove her from Ram's Rock Island and place her in Freeport as an observer, but that was also the worst decision.”


“Lizzie is like a puppy who has been kept in a small room with an older dog, but is suddenly allowed out into the yard and then into the countryside. She was unsupervised, but had money and freedom; that’s a dangerous combination.”

“Were you free to supervise her?”


“How did you deal with this?”

“Operationally I needed extra eyes in Freeport so I paired Lizzie up with two female special forces personnel. That calmed her down. I joined them for a night as well.”

“I’m guessing she was fully immersed in her new personal role?”

“She demonstrated that by having more luggage than both myself and Maisie, as a direct consequence of her shopping desires.”

“How did the locals see her?”

“As an airhead with money.”

“So, is that bad?”

“As a temporary role, it could work, but she’s still an airhead. What I mean is that her operational security is pretty awful and that directly impacts me. In short she's a risk.”

“I see.”

“Sean, before we returned to Thurso I had worries, but I followed orders. Those concerns were reinforced within hours of arriving back. I just hope she didn’t learn enough about my work to do any permanent damage.”

“Where is she now?”

“A hotel in Aberdeen, I sent you an email.”

“Ah, yes. Is she on a short leash?”

“No, that puppy is still free, but perhaps the discipline of intensive flight training will provide focus?”

“You don’t sound convinced?”

“No, but I cannot afford to have her at my home, our home, as it impacts my whole environment. Both business and personal.”

“Indeed. What would happen if Paul needed you at short notice?”

“Lizzie couldn’t stay, I won’t give her a key, plus she’s too great a risk to me in Thurso.”


“An apartment in Aberdeen? Get her focussed on being an independent adult again? She’s been institutionalised for the past few years, but is a loose cannon. Perhaps a halfway house, of some sort, is needed?”

“What about supervision?”

“I'd suggest video conferencing at a minimum, plus discrete CCTV in the apartment? I can fly into Aberdeen to see her, so she doesn’t need to come up to me. Unless she’s flying into Wick to collect us.”

“So she’d be close, but at arm’s length.”

“Yes. She still needs military discipline though and I can’t always provide that. There must be a different way?”

“If you had done your research then you'd know that the Gordon Barracks are in Aberdeen; a Signals unit is based there and they have medical facilities.”

“Secure comms?”

“I’m authorising training and psych evaluations.”

“Good call, Sir.”

“Excellent, well done Captain.”


They reconvened the following morning, although John Smith had gone and another familiar, albeit unexpected, face was present by video.

“My apologies, Captain.”

“I’m wanting to say 'stuff your apologies' and am not sure you should be here, Wells. I’ve lost all respect for you.”

“I accept that, but I had concerns.”

“Bollocks, if you had any concerns then you should have raised those with Colonel MacTaggart, not spread them around an operational unit. You betrayed your uniform and your commission.”

“I understand your anger.”

“You don’t know me well enough to understand anything.”


“Wells, I have no idea why you are here?”

Sean intervened. “That was my decision. Jeremy is receiving training and will be redeployed in due course.”

“Just like that?”

“Yes, Captain.”

“After all he did to me? I wouldn't trust him to inventory paper clips for the secretarial pool.”

“Indeed, but you were almost the only one to submit a complaint. I can’t afford to lose any more experienced officers.”

“So it’s swept under the carpet?”

“Not exactly. Jeremy has been temporarily demoted two ranks. He is already receiving training and will spend some time away from operational duties. He has also been fined, so he didn't get off clean.”


"He may be able to reclaim one rank after satisfactory retraining. The other will take a few years to reclaim."

The screen went dark.

“I sincerely hope I don’t have to work with him again.”

“I can’t guarantee that, but you will not be subordinate to him. The matter is closed, Captain.”

Tammy shrugged. “Aye, Colonel.”

She looked at Maisie and shook her head.

“Good, let us move on. Kevin, what’s your latest?”

“We’ve released Marcus Wade and it’s my understanding that he’s lost his commission.”

“Isn’t he being prosecuted?”

“The Crown Prosecution Service determined that it was not in the public interest to charge him, Tammy.”

“So he gets to retire gracefully? How was this allowed to happen?””

“No, summary court-martial. He's been stripped of rank, clearances, pension and discharged. He can never be involved in government service in any capacity. Essentially all he is allowed is his final pay. He does not 'retire gracefully' as you put it. This will follow him the rest of his life. A life that will be very difficult.”

They broke for coffee but before the session restarted Tammy and Maisie used the Ladies, ending up in adjacent cubicles.

“Damn, Tammy do you have a liner?”

“Oh, sure, never mind – we’ll try again next month.” She passed a liner under the dividing wall.

When they returned to the room a video screen was silently showing an ongoing hearing.

“That’s my dad!”

“Yes, Maisie. If it disturbs you then we’ll kill the feed.”

“No, Colonel, thank you. Can I hear the audio?”

The hearing was just underway.

“How would you describe your recent actions, Staff Sergeant?”

“Foolish, Sir.”

“Would you agree that your actions had the potential to cause great harm to this country’s democracy and to certain individuals?”

“I couldn’t have known that at the time.”

“Staff Sergeant, did you not think that it was a very strange request to install a satellite communications device on the roof of your accommodation and to connect it to your internet router?”

“An officer, a Captain, asked me.”

“Not ordered? No documentation?”

“No, Sir. He said this was to help National Security which was why it was being done in that way.”

“That is no defence, you should have refused.”

“Perhaps, Sir, but he also gave me some information on a personal matter so I trusted him.”

“It is not appropriate for that personal matter to be discussed here, but do you still accept that the information is worthy of that trust?”

“No, Sir, I do not.”

“So, in view of this, how do you describe your actions?”

“I was an idiot, and it’s cost me my career.”

“That is fair. It is the opinion of this hearing that you will be discharged from the Army with immediate effect. Given that you had not, prior to this incident, been the subject of any disciplinary action I will not impose a Dishonourable discharge, loss of pension or benefits.”

“Thank you Sir.”

“Mr Staines, you are dismissed.”

The video screen went dark. Maisie was now crying, but didn’t want Tammy to hold her.

“No, if it wasn’t for you then he wouldn’t have been in this position.”

“And you would be in Afghanistan, or dismissed. You can’t go back in time.”

Maisie suddenly ran out of the room, Tammy went to follow.

“Stay, Tammy, leave her to it.”

“She’s my partner, Sir Thomas.”

“Regardless, give her the space she needs. That was quite emotional for her.”

“That’s an understatement, Sir. We found out just before coming back in here that she’s not pregnant, the insemination failed.”

“Oh, my sympathies. Instead, I suggest we break for lunch early.”

Tammy didn’t wait to be dismissed. She first checked the loo then went up and out of the building, finding her fiancée on a bench some distance away. Tammy sat next to her.

“Have you called your father yet?”

“I’m not supposed to.”

“I don’t think that’s a problem now, but you can’t say where we are, I mean please don’t say anything sensitive.”

“I’ve been so silly.”

“Your hormones are all over the place. We’ll have another go soon.”

“Yeah, I’ll call and book it, after I speak to Dad.”

“Do you want some privacy?”

“No, stay with me. I’m sorry. Do you forgive me?”

“Of course, now and forever.”


It was over an hour before they returned to the room. Paul Dannigan was visible on one of the two screens so Tammy saluted automatically before taking her seat.

“What are we looking at now?” She asked of Sir Thomas Addington.

“We’re examining the earliest known knowledge of True Freedom, based on recently discovered intelligence and assessments. You seem to have featured prominently, whether by accident or design.”

“I suspect some of that was by design. The MI6 agent who wanted to seduce me ended up with my step-sister, that cost her job at Five when it was established that he was a True Freedom mole. I had been telling them about an infiltration, but they wouldn’t have it.”

“That was December 2016, what I want to look at was six months earlier.”

“When Kerri arrived with the intel after breaking the group’s encryption?”

“Yes, Tammy. Before that meeting we had never heard of True Freedom.”

"Something I never understood was how that intel was obtained?” Tammy shook her head.

Sir Thomas nodded in agreement. "Indeed. The courier that brought the True Freedom encryption key is one of your people, isn't she?"

Dannigan glanced to the side. "Captain."

The second screen came on and revealed the image of Kimberly. "Tammy. Sir Thomas."

"Greetings Captain." Sir Thomas nodded.

Tammy smiled. "Ma'am."

"Read them in." Dannigan stated.

Kimberly nodded. "True Freedom came to our attention about three months before our operative visited your people."

A small image came up at the bottom of Kimberly's screen. "You may not recognize this man, but he is the reason we learned about them. His name was Terrence Nolan. His alias was Terry Novak. Nolan was MI-6. Sometime during a deployment to the Balkans, he went native. He concealed his disgruntleness. He came up with the idea that the best way to learn how to bring about a revolution was to come to the states and get tips from professional malcontents."

"Malcontents?" Tammy asked.

Kimberly nodded. "That's a watered down classification. Extremists, conspiracy fanatics, military-wannabes."

"Ah, those malcontents." Sir Thomas said.

"Right. Well he made several trips into the states and on the eighth one, he flagged trying to leave. He had residue of explosives on his person. He got kicked from flying out, but they didn't tell him why. This is the devious part. TSA at that particular airport were on alert for domestic threats and since he flagged residue, they alerted the ATF, delayed him for an hour then kicked him from flying out. When he left the terminal, an ATF agent tailed him back and confirmed who he had been with. They now had grounds for a warrant. Instead of doing the smart thing; letting it all go down and fighting back legally, they went full nutjob and tried turning it into another Ruby Ridge slash Waco." Kimberly explained.

Tammy cued to a particular word. "You said tried. Was that a bad thing?"

"Both were bad for federal agencies and incited the malcontents. Goddamned fiascos." Dannigan interjected.

Sir Thomas asked. "What was the outcome of this incident?"

"They died to the last man." Kimberly answered. "Including Nolan. During the forensics sweep, his personal effects gained a lot of attention. Hidden pistol, ammunition, laptop and satellite phone in his luggage sent up red flags all over the place. His travel documents fell apart under close inspection and his true identity came up. A British foreign agent getting all cozy with self-appointed anti-government militia groups is a bad thing for everybody. After a few weeks of back and forth about who to handle it and how, we got it. From there you know the rest."

Tammy certainly did know the rest. Krystel had been able to infiltrate the True Freedom network using the laptop then came calling to Room 40. The items in the bail-out bag they had sent her belonged to Nolan and were sanitized for her use. If the gun was discovered, it would trace back to MI6 and throw them into instant cover-ass mode.

Sir Thomas nodded. "Yes, I believe so. Your operative met with our people, and that set off the whole chain."

"How exactly did the Lavoska twins get involved?" Tammy asked.

Kimberly shook her head. "That's a problem. Nolan was smart enough to not keep full detailed records. Certain people and connections were kept to memory. Some of his contacts were in-person only. That's why we didn't know certain things. Such as your guy; Burgess. We didn't know his involvement. We can hypothesize, but if you want the real truth, you're going to have to get it yourselves. You have the Lavoskas and a slew of others."

"I had hoped for an easier way to know why they came after me." Tammy sighed.

Kimberly shrugged. "You fit a criteria. That's all they needed. When you didn't play, they got hostile. If you want to boil it down, the answer is; you were there."

"Somehow, that doesn't make me feel any better. I had hoped there had been some kind of mix up. That they were after somebody else." Tammy said.

Dannigan spoke up. "Smart, one thing I learned early on, bad things happen to good people. Many times simply because they are there. You have been able to cope most of the time and gotten lucky other times. Someone else might not have. Think of the ones that you know didn't. The ones that suffered their attention. For the ones that fell in with them; they made their decision and those decisions come with ramifications. You did the right thing for yourself."

"I agree." Sir Thomas said encouragingly. "I've admitted before that we've failed you from time to time. I will not deny that painful and embarrassing fact. You, however, held true and prevailed. My dear, do not be down-hearted. I am grateful for your services, others are as well."

"Not afraid. Not alone. We're with you." A voice said over the video.

Tammy smiled at Krystel's reassurance, though she wasn't on screen.

Sir Thomas reached over an patted Tammy's hand. "I now understand that is not just a recognition challenge. It has a deeper meaning from them to you. I am glad they look after you. I'm even a bit envious."

A few seconds of silent thought filled the room.

"OH HOT SHIT! GOTCHA YOU DIRTY FUCK!" Krystel's voice rang out.

Sir Thomas chuckled. "Well that does break a moment!"

A map image appeared at the bottom of Kimberly's screen and Krystel announced. "Your guy, Burgess, is right THERE!"

"Wait. Is that Norway?" Sir Thomas asked.

Kimberly nodded. "Twenty miles outside Kristiansand."

"I thank the lady off-screen for her talents!" Sir Thomas nodded.

Sean, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up. "Paul, I do applaud your people. They really do work wonders."

"Mine found him, but yours has to go get him, Sean. The closest I have is sixteen hours away." Dannigan replied then looked at Tammy. "No you may not. Request denied."

Tammy looked sour. "Just how did you know I was going to ask."

"It was all over your face." Kimberly answered. "Asshole he may be, Burgess isn't a moron. He'll have security. Better than Lavoska's. He'll be prepared. I wouldn't doubt he has some ex-SpecOps running his security. This; you aren't ready for. Leave it to Colonel MacTaggart's team: Lance."

MacTaggart shook his head. "Captain, that's rather naughty of you to know about them."

"It's the bureaucracy, Colonel. It does you in every time. Good day and good hunting." Kimberly smiled.

Dannigan nodded. "Good luck Sean. You owe us big if you get him."

"Indeed we will." Sir Thomas agreed. "Captain, if I might have an extra moment?"

Kimberly nodded. "Something else, Sir Thomas?"

"Yes. Would you pass along a message to Lady Mason from the Duchess?" Sir Thomas asked.

Kimberly nodded. "I can do that, but she's in Freeport at the moment. What's the message?"

Sir Thomas gave a puzzled expression. "The Duchess says that Princess Caroline has been asking when she can see 'that special doggy' again and does not mean Her Majesty's corgis. I have no idea what that is about, could you explain?"

Tammy hid her smile but Kimberly laughed.

"Lyssa has a tactical K9, Sir Thomas. A retired war-dog. When the royals arrived, Lyssa introduced them to him so that he would know their scents and they were to be protected." Kimberly smiled.

Sir Thomas nodded. "Ah. A special doggy; I understand now. That clears that up. I think the princess is a bit young for one of those."

"Perhaps a member of the guard could spend some time with her. Have them assigned to her." Dannigan suggested.

"Hmm, add a dog handler to their detail? That might be an option to explore." Sir Thomas seemed to be thinking it over.

Kimberly chuckled. "Kind of hard to say no to the adorable. Good luck with that."

"I need it." Sir Thomas laughed.

Kimberly looked to Tammy and winked then her feed went black.

"Good day." Dannigan nodded then his feed went black as well.


Tammy and Maisie flew back on Friday morning, by four that afternoon she was in her office searching the commercial property agencies for Aberdeen. A developer was disposing of a show apartment on a new development. A bus stop outside the property served the City Centre and the airport.

The place was also furnished, even if the price was a little more than she wanted, but the listing was three months old. Tammy made an offer one thousand pounds under the price and had a phone call a few minutes later.

“Smart Properties.”

“Ah, Aberdeen Commercials here. We have your offer. What’s your interest?”

“I have a client who wants to move into Aberdeen. I’m looking at a few options, but this place looked to be ideal. Any idea why it wasn’t already sold?”

“There’s an industrial plant near there that makes a racket pretty much from eight to six. Anyone who visited was instantly turned away. The developer didn’t do their research, unfortunately.”

“I see.”

“That plant is due to close down next month, they’re relocating.”

“Fine. I’m sticking with my offer, though.”

“Accepted, I’m just pleased to get rid of it, how will you pay?”

“Give me your account details and I’ll transfer the money this afternoon.”

He did as asked. “We’re closing up, but we’ll confirm on Monday.”

“Understood, cheers.”

Tammy moved funds into her business account then made the transfer, the rest could wait until Monday. Tammy was far from destitute, but she had learned early on, the best way to have money, was to minimize the appearance of it. Unlike her biological mother, who believe money should be enjoyed without reservation.

"Then again; had the stupid woman been more discreet, things wouldn't have gone this way." Tammy said to herself.

The door buzzer seized her attention. A glance to the monitor revealed her father at the door.

Tammy called over the intercom and buzzed him in. "Come up, Dad."

Richard entered a moment later. "Tammy."

Tammy stood up and hugged him. "Hi Dad."

"I've not heard from you in a while. I'm worried." Richard stated.

Tammy poured him a coffee then refilled her own. They sat down facing each other.

"I apologize Dad. I don't mean to worry you. Things became complicated and required a lot of effort to sort out. I can't give much on details." Tammy said.

Richard sipped his coffee. "Much?"

Tammy frowned. "Hardly any."

"How about what you can then?" Richard asked.

"We were on a protection assignment. Out of the country. They had a good time, I had some difficulties. Now I'm home and should be returning to classes soon but I also have some business travel coming up in a few weeks; Maisie and I will be going to Isle of Man for the TT races. I have connection to a team." Tammy listed.

"And Suzie?" Richard asked.

Tammy sipped from her cup. "Once again, someone decided to drag her into something that was not her business because we're related. She refused to be a pawn again. Her job is safe and the message is very clear that she will not turn against family."

"I see." Richard replied.

An email notification caught Tammy's attention. She went over and checked. It was from Ashfield Guesthouse in Douglas, Isle of Man.

Miss Smart,
Please confirm the number of rooms for your party. Your accommodations are secured through Butterfly Racing Innovations, please note that only the one double room has been booked and we are now full. Thank you and good day.
Management; Ashfield Guesthouse

"Important?" Richard asked.

Tammy smiled. "Request to confirm lodging for the race, the place is the Ashfield Guesthouse."

"I've never stayed there but I have heard good things. Charming, I believe was said." Richard commented.

"What about you? Are you going?" Tammy asked.

Richard frowned. "I doubt it. But should I change my mind I can see to myself. Go on, dear, I'm sure you'll find it at least interesting."

Tammy smiled and sent her confirmation for only the one room, if anyone else wanted to join her then they would have to book their own accommodation. Richard left, sensing that Tammy had work to do.

A few minutes later an email arrived from Sean, confirming said that Lizzie was booked for a full psych evaluation on Monday. Tammy called to check her location.

"I'm still in Aberdeen. There was a chance to go up over the weekend so I agreed. I've kept my room at the hotel."

"Okay, do you know where the barracks are in town?"

"There's a sign, why?"

"You're needed there on Monday at nine for a medical."

"I've just had one!"

"This is the army, the Colonel arranged it. It's an order."

"Understood, Captain but I don't have a uniform with me."

"Where is it?"

"In your guest room."

"Let's hope you aren't put on a charge by being out of uniform?"

"Is that even possible?"

"It's a risk."

"Can you send it to me?"

"You wouldn't get it before Monday. This isn't like the South of England where there's a courier instantly available."

"No, it's colder! I've had to buy vests!"

Back at home she gave Maisie a hug after suspecting something wasn't right.

"Dad called, they are emptying his quarters and he's not allowed to check so he's petrified that things will go missing or get broken."

"I guess you want to go there?"

"Can we?"

Tammy established that the Epic was available for the whole weekend so she asked that it was made ready.

It was approaching six when they flew South, which didn't please Tammy one bit. She was, however, qualified for night and instrument flying and needed some hours in the Epic. Thanks to a decent tail wind, and a little impatience it was well before ten when they approached Bristol Airport, the closest one that Tammy could fly into after dark.

They had booked into the airport Hilton so left the matter of a car until the morning. Maisie established that her father was still in his hotel on the outskirts of Salisbury. They asked for room service and retired for the night.


They collected their hire car after an early breakfast and were on the road shortly after seven. Both were now in uniform as their initial destination was MOD Lyneham. Maisie drove as she was more familiar with the roads.

There was no trouble at the gate but Tammy sensed a problem as they got close to the accommodation blocks. A Jeep was parked outside Maisie's father's former quarters. Tammy asked Maisie to stay in the vehicle and she approached on foot.

"WHAT is going on?"

Tammy could see two squaddies pulling furniture apart, spilling the contents all over the floor. They stopped and saluted.

"We're searching for evidence, Ma'am, as ordered."

"You are to stop immediately and I need to know who gave that order."

"Lieutenant Frost, Ma'am. We only have this morning to search."

"You are damaging personal items, this isn't a search."

"He was a traitor."

"In which case, why is he free and keeping his pension? I saw the hearing on Thursday, my guess is that you didn't?"

"No, Ma'am."

"I'd like to speak to this Lieutenant, go and bring him to me."

The Jeep was gone a minute later, Tammy took the opportunity to photograph the rooms with her phone before sending the images to Sean. Her phone rang a few minutes later.

"What are you doing there, Captain?"

"Righting a wrong, Sir. It was Marcus Wade who created this particular mess, without him Thomas Staines wouldn't be in this situation."

"That may be true but why are you there?"

"Maisie and I had a suspicion, proven correct, that some of the folk here have taken matters into their own hands."

"That's a local matter."

"You forget, Sir, that Maisie lived here, this was her quarters for several years and some of the belongings here are hers. Right now it's being destroyed under misdirected accusations. I could let Maisie handle this through her solicitor, and bring Thomas Staines in as a party?"

"Point taken, let me make a call."

Tammy was aware of someone stood just out of sight.


"Lieutenant Frost, reporting as requested. With respect Captain, I don't know you and why you interfered?"

"Captain Smart from Broadsword. That was my Colonel, we are very concerned with the unwarranted destruction that I found."

"Smart? I believe Captain Wade mentioned your name?"

"Captain Wade has a dishonourable discharge to his name. Thomas Staines left with his pension intact and is effectively retired. Think very carefully before you tell me anything to the contrary."


Tammy walked to the doorway and checked that the Lieutenant had arrived alone. She waved Maisie over.

"Lieutenant Frost, this is Sergeant Staines, also with Broadsword. Thomas Staines is her father. She has personal items here, are you advocating trashing her belongings as well?"

Maisie was putting her head out of the door. "Err, Captain; MPs."

Tammy shot a look at Frost and decided to deal with the issue directly. She exited and stood in front of the doorway.

"Captain Smart?"


"We have orders to secure these premises."

"Where did those orders come from?"

"Our HQ, Ma'am."

"Excellent, carry on. You might ask Lieutenant Frost why he arranged to have the premises trashed? I expect a full list of breakages to be passed back to myself."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Good, I'll leave this in your hands."

Tammy decided that a swift exit was the best option as she didn't want any further questions asked of herself or Maisie. They made it out of the gate without further incident with Maisie driving. Once they were a good distance from the site they pulled over and quickly changed out of their uniforms, before continuing to the Premier Inn to the North East of Salisbury.

It was barely nine in the morning, the girls took a seat in the adjoining restaurant and Tammy ordered coffee. Maisie stepped outside to phone her father. He arrived ten minutes later, in a T-shirt and jeans over army boots.

"They took my uniform as soon as I was dropped back here on Thursday but decided I could keep the boots."

"Dad, we went to the quarters. Things have been damaged."

"Forget it, Maisie."

"Mum's stuff was there, our photos, memories. I'd like to have something to pass onto our daughter."

"Oh, are you pregnant?"

"Not yet, I have another appointment with my doctor soon. This takes time and, in any case, I'd like to be married well before any littl'un arrives so I can still wear a bikini on the beach!"

"You refused to wear a bikini when you were younger."

"It's different now."

"You're tanned?"

"We had an overseas deployment. It was hot."

"Like Belize?"

"We were half a day from there, I think?"

"Ah, so it was jungle training, I never did it."

Maisie shrugged and Tammy didn't have the heart to correct him. Thomas Staines was a beaten man who clearly hadn't planned for anything after his army career - he was army and the army was him.

Maisie asked the difficult question. "Where are you going to live?"

"I think they're finding me somewhere."

"Haven't you asked?"

"The army will decide then tell me."

"You're not army any more, Dad. That's over. Are you in touch with any of the welfare teams?"

"I don't need welfare!"

"With respect Dad, yes you do! Who's paying for your room here?"

"I don't know."

Tammy asked the next question. "What about any friends?"

"He doesn't have any. I have an idea but you might not like it?"

"The new place in Aberdeen, Maisie?"

"Isn't it a two bed?"


"What if he monitors Lizzie, as housekeeper?"

"I'm not sure our management would agree. Maybe as a private arrangement?"

"How long is it going to take to get the place finished, ready for Lizzie?"

"A few days."

"Why can't Dad do that for you? Work for you?"

"Maisie, I really don't know."

Thomas finally butted in. "What the hell are you two planning?"

"Tammy has a flat in Aberdeen. She's putting an airhead of a girl in there who needs some discipline. The girl is taking flying lessons at Aberdeen airport."

"That's in Scotland?"

"I don't think Aberdeen has been moved South of Hadrian's Wall."

"Don't be insolent, young lady. I don't know anything about girls."

Tammy answered. "You managed to bring up your daughter, Mr Staines. This one is twenty two, was RAF but is now Army and under my command. She needs training and discipline and would be living on her own. I can't spare the time to check on her every day, it's six hours by train from our home."

"How long is this for?"

"Two or three months. You'll have all your expenses paid so you can save your pension for a deposit for a place of your own somewhere."

"And you wouldn't drop in suddenly?"

"Like I said, it's six hours by rail from home."

"You fly, don't you?"

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I can spare the time very often. I should be at university and I have a business trip coming up in a month or so."

"So I would be able to run the place how I want to?"

"Consider it a partnership, but I'll accept reasonable arrangements. So long as Lizzie doesn't threaten to leave."

"What happens then?"

"She's discharged, the training is cancelled and I sell the apartment. You would be homeless."

"So it's in my best interests to keep her from quitting?"

"Yes. One more thing, she would have been your superior, but now you're a civilian that doesn't apply."

"So what do I do?"

"Let's head into the City and get you some smart clothes."

"I don't want smart clothes?"

"Call it a uniform?"

"Oh, I see."

Tammy wasn't certain she'd made the correct decision but the alternatives weren't good. Left alone in Southern England Thomas Staines might unknowingly become True Freedom fodder again, it was best that he was supervised for the immediate future.

Taking him to Thurso was, although, definitely out of the question, but could they kill two birds with one stone? For Thomas, the transition to civilian life wouldn't be easy but for Lizzie her own transition would have pitfalls and potholes. How much of their pasts could safely be disclosed?

Tammy decided to wait until Thomas Staines had his feet on Scottish soil before passing on anything more about Lizzie. Maisie had kept quiet but the prospect of having her father nearby was clearly considered to be a good plan.


They had returned from shopping and lunch to find a Jeep parked outside the Premier Inn.

"Yes, Corporal?"

"I'm looking for former Staff Sergeant Staines?"

"I'm Captain Smart, do you have his belongings?"

"Yes, Ma'am. There were a few breakages. I have a list."

"Good, let's transfer everything to my hire car."

That necessitated moving her future father-in-law's new wardrobe onto the rear seat. He was now in black denim jeans and a thick plaid shirt in a variety of simple green and black patterns also a medium-weight water-resistant jacket. He refused to wear trainers so Tammy suggested hiking boots in black.

Thomas now had a seven day set of the same clothes and had readily accepted the idea but not the charity. Maisie had dealt with him for now and it had looked as if she was paying for it all. They had used a budget store so Tammy didn't expect the clothes to last for years but it hadn't cost much more than £200 for the clothing.

Thomas had shooed the girls away whilst he purchased socks and underwear for himself, Tammy had noted from a distance that several undershirts were added to his own pile when the cashier had held them up to fold them, much to the man's annoyance.

Simple luggage had also been purchased now that a kit bag was inappropriate and his wardrobe had been packed away flat. As the personal items were transferred Tammy noted that his iron had survived the 'search' of his quarters but the ironing board hadn't.

The breakage list was presented to Thomas but he passed it onto Maisie. "I'm no good with this, you know what's needed."

They decided against doing anything else so decided to empty his room at the Premier Inn then drive to Bristol airport in order to transfer everything sensible onto the plane. An industrial rubbish bin was used to ditch the items that weren't heading North.

"I don't know what I was expecting, Captain, but is this yours?"

"Strictly speaking no, it's owned by KT Flight but I can borrow it."

Stowage wasn't easy but only one seat in the back would be needed. The hire car was returned after Tammy made an appointment with the fuel stand for the following morning. Back at the Hilton Tammy booked Thomas into a room for the night.

"I can't afford this?"

"The army is paying. I won't tell them if you don't."



They landed at Aberdeen Sunday lunchtime. Tammy had reserved rooms at the same Travelodge as Lizzie. It was quite a change from the Hilton but Thomas didn't comment, they'd been hit by a cold wind as they walked across to the hotel and the man was probably considering whether he'd just been railroaded into a bad choice?

Lizzie wasn't in her room, or answering her phone, so the trio walked to a restaurant for a roast dinner, finding Lizzie there.

"Oh, Tammy, I wasn't expecting you?"

"Clearly not, who's your friend?"

"Jeremy. He's on the same flight training as me. Oh, Jeremy, this is Tammy my manager."

Tammy glared but said nothing, making a scene wasn't appropriate when families were present.

"Pleased to meet you Jeremy, this is my partner Maisie and her father Thomas. We're staying in town tonight."

Tammy took a seat some distance from the couple but kept her eye on Lizzie so she could follow the girl into the Ladies.

"I thought I told you to keep a low profile?"

"He invited me to lunch when I said I had a free day!"

"I'm guessing that you've never had a relationship before?"

"It's only lunch!"

"It has to start somewhere. Does he know your history?"

"Which bit?"

"Any of it, Lizzie?"

"Only that I'm on a military training programme. That was unavoidable when the guy in the A1 office checked my rank for the invoice."

"Okay. I need to see you after lunch tomorrow. Keep your phone on."

"You're staying?"

"Yes. Mr Staines is also staying in Aberdeen for a day or so."

"Oh, you're telling him to keep an eye on me?"

"Yes, Lizzie, I am. He's just retired from REME."

"Do I get a say in this?"

"Yes, the options are to accept this arrangement, request a relocation into the barracks or perhaps you can resign?"

"So am I staying in that lousy hotel?"

"For a few more days whilst I make other arrangements."

Tammy now needed the loo herself so Lizzie took the opportunity to escape back to her table.

Tammy arrived back at her own table as a large plate was delivered. She sighed, her diet plan was now floating in the harbour.


Lizzie went off to the barracks in her uniform as the other three made their way to Aberdeen Commercials. Tammy signed then took the keys. The next task was to change the lock but she didn't have a toolkit with her.

"I have a multitool in my pocket."

Tammy stared at Thomas, he'd barely said a word that morning.

Armed with a replacement lock they arrived at the apartment and Thomas set about fitting it.

Tammy looked across the road at the industrial unit and could hear a noise but it was easily drowned out by road traffic. Indoors, away from the street it was barely audible.

Now that she could, Tammy did an appraisal of what was needed, noting that the two bedrooms were the same size but only one had a bed and wardrobe space.

Her phone rang.

"I can't get into the office."

"Sorry Joey, I'm not in town and I disabled your card in case it was lost. Take the morning off, I'll be there at two."

She started to put her phone away when it rang again.

"Good morning Colonel."

"What the hell are you up to?"

"Fixing a few issues."

"A lieutenant has put in a complaint about you."

"Good, that means you should now ask him why he advocated destroying those quarters?"

"He said it was a structured search?"

"I have a very long list of breakages. My solicitor will handle that on Mr Staines' behalf. I suspect you only have one half of the story."

"Mr Staines didn't stay for a meeting with a welfare officer?"

"No, Colonel, I made a better proposal."

"Without running it past me?"

"He's not army now. He'll be a part of my life since I'm marrying his daughter so how could I cast him aside?"

"I could bust you for this, Tammy."

"You haven't heard what I'm proposing, Sean."

"I doubt I'll like it."

"Fine, I'll submit a report when I reach my office later."


"My assistant will be waiting for me."

Tammy killed the call, that had not been the best conversation with Sean MacTaggart.

"Was that about me?"

"No Thomas, it was mostly about me. I nearly told a colonel where to shove his questions."

"I'll leave if there's a problem?"

"There won't be a problem as I'll ensure there won't be, in. Any case; there are other, scarier, folk to deal with as well and they don't know a thing yet.

Her phone pinged.

Think so? Set a line and don't cross it. K

"Well, Thomas, we need to make a decision as to how we deal with this place?"

Maisie decided to intervene. "I'll stay with Dad and get all the furniture and fittings organised. Can you leave the credit card?"

"Only I'm allowed to sign, I'll send you some money."

"Hold on, hold on, I'm not skint you know!" Thomas was quite adamant.

"Okay, work it between you. I'll pay for two more nights in the Travelodge for you and Lizzie can stay there for the rest of this week."


"Maisie, get a hire car back at the airport and bring all of your father's stuff here. Did you want to come back with us, Thomas?"

"No, I'll go get some teabags, milk and mugs. There's a kettle in my stuff and a mini fridge, that will be enough to make a cuppa."


Tammy flew out just before midday and was back at her office for two that afternoon. She just had time to reactivate Joey's card before there was a noise downstairs with Joey bouncing into the office a few seconds later, followed by Ben Franklin.

"I found him outside, about to press the buzzer, says he knows you?"

"Thanks Joey. Hi Ben, what can I do for you?"

"Can we walk?"


They took a route towards the quayside.

"Like my text said, I still don't know how you did it?"

"My solicitor handled it. I wasn't even in town."

"You had an exercise, if I recall?"

"Yes. So what is it that you need to say in person?"

"The Chancellor needs until the end of this week to review all the submissions. We're proposing that you make an appearance on the campus next Monday."

"I'll be quite a few weeks behind."

"That's being taken into account, but we'll need to send you some coursework. We start revision on Monday so there's a lighter load leading into the end of year exams."

"And is action being taken against those bullies who think they can make my life a misery?"

"You know I can't say anything, Tammy?"

"Indeed, but please don't expect me to be all polite and to act as if nothing happened. I've had it with them."

"Please don't take any executive action."

Tammy absentmindedly tapped her jacket.

"Damn, are you armed?"

"You know I can't answer that, Ben. I'd best get back, see you on Monday."


Tammy spoke to Maisie every day and had arranged for CCTV and an entryphone to be installed. That was done on Thursday once the place was ready. Tammy contemplated going to visit on Friday but decided against that now that her coursework had arrived.

Maisie returned Friday teatime.

"She's hard work."

"I know, Maisie, I know, but is she getting on okay with your father?"

"I think it'll work, but I warned him not to get attached to her."

"Did you mention her special circumstances?"

"No, Tammy, just that she was under orders from you not to get involved with anyone."

"I never gave such an order?"

"He doesn't know that and she's ditzy enough that she's sure you did order it but can't remember when."

"Have you got the CCTV login?"


Tammy input the code into her phone's app and was pleased that she could see enough to verify the security of the Aberdeen apartment.

She'd just caught up with her coursework so was looking forward to a quiet weekend.

"Hey, Tammy?"


"Has our deployment finished?"

"Of course it did, Maisie."

"No, whenever I went on a deployment we used to have a party when we got back to base."

"And we ended up locked away doing debriefs?"


"Tammy, can we have my father over next weekend?"

"Sorry, his security clearance was cancelled."


"Maisie, how often have my parents been here?"

"Once, plus that time your father was here for a meeting?"

"And he is security cleared. It's not your father, Maisie, it's everyone. We can't take any chances, so I have to draw a line, call it a policy, and stick to it."

"It doesn't seem fair."

"Maybe not, but there's nothing stopping you from going to see him?"

"Six hours on the ruddy train!"

"Yeah, apart from that? Look, he was the length of the country away from you until a few days ago, now he's much closer and you can see him anytime? You must have spoken more to him over the last week than at any time in recent years?"

"True. It turns out he's really proud of me, of us."


"Yeah, he doesn't know much about our deployment, but he knows it's big, plus you're a Captain now."

"If the Colonel doesn't bust me down a rank?"

"What for?"

"For talking back to him. He'll get over it."


Tammy drove to the university early on Monday morning and parked a short distance from the entrance, in case a quick exit was needed. She'd filled a coffee pot before leaving home so she didn't have to linger in the foyer for her caffeine fix; Tammy took a sip as her phone rang.

"Yes, Colonel?"

"Thank you for the report, Captain, it seems I owe you an apology?"

"I stepped out of line and exceeded my authority, you were right to be angry with me."

"But it was my decisions, Tammy, my choice of personnel which created the circumstances that led to the incidents."

"Like Wade and Wells?"

"Yes. I've had to write my own report and I've accepted that I made questionable decisions before the deployment."

"Will anything further happen, Colonel?"

"No, but in my case a future promotion is unlikely."

"I see. Who is replacing Wade?"

"Commander Geoff Traeger is joining Broadsword as my Chief of Staff. You'll report to me but I may pass orders through him."


"For your information, Kyle Fielding is being deported to New Zealand today."

"I hope for his sake it's a direct flight that goes nowhere near the Bermuda Triangle?"

"I'm not privy to that information, Captain Smart."


"Finally, I have Miss Harrison's psych report. It would appear that she's been repressing her emotions for the past few years and that her change of circumstances impacted her."

"Change of circumstances, is that her removal from the RAF barracks or her transition?"

"Both. That means it's essential that discipline is re-established and I approve your idea. She will, however, be given weekly blood tests at the Gordon Barracks and must attend in uniform. I also expect a weekly progress report from her, via yourself."

"I'll ensure that happens."

"Very good, carry on."

Tammy picked up her coffee, exited the car and made her way into the building. The Chancellor decided at that moment to sweep through the foyer and intercepted her.

"So nice to see you have returned, Miss Smart?"

"Thank you Chancellor. I hope to be productive now I'm back. I would appreciate a letter?"

"We wrote to your solicitor? Ah, don't worry, we'll get one directly to you."

"Thank you. If you don't mind I have to go find my tutor now?"

"Of course."

The room looked bigger than when she'd last been there, but that could have been due to the now empty chairs, including her main female antagonist.

Ben walked in behind her. "Ah, good morning Tammy."


"I should tell you off for that coffee?"

"But you won't."

A double beep was heard.

"Is that your phone, Miss Smart?"

Tammy opened her bag and confirmed that her phone wasn't responsible.

"Looks like my assassination services won't be needed, Ben."

Ben looked around the room and spotted one lad tapping furiously at his phone.

"Are you late for your court appearance, Nigel?"

"Yeah ... it seems that the magistrate is pissed off."

"I suggest you go deal with that, if you're not here tomorrow then we'll understand."

"Thank you, I think."

Tammy took a long sip of her coffee, it could be a very long morning but she was, at least, back in class.



Tammy Beginnings follows sixteen year old Tom Smart as he starts his voyage of self discovery. This is an expanded Preludes story, Part 2 soon!
Larry a bullied sophomore in High School finds two new friends in his Home EC. class. Together the boy and two girls design costumes in anime maid style and provide treats for a booth at the mall. The trio discover a real knack for treat-making and win over not only their school, but also the town in a sweet coming of age story.

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