Royal Retreat Part 3: Loose Lips

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Royal Retreat  

Tammyverse Book 13


Royal Retreat
Part 3
Loose Lips
Shiraz & Snowfall


Please note this is a work of fiction and any references to real people, real institutions or real heavily armed military units are for artistic purposes only!

Friday 9th March 2018

The previous evening had seen the three girls grab some ready meals from Tesco, neither Tammy nor Maisie had felt like cooking and Tammy’s dietary plan was temporarily thrown out of the window. Maisie attended to the necessary reheating whilst Tammy made the spare bedroom ready for their guest.

All three of them were beyond exhausted but one of their number had also been rather emotional, attempting to balance fear and elation at the same time; unfortunately fear had won most of the arguments.

Friday morning hadn't started much differently.

"Right, Lizzie, we have you booked in to see Dr Adi after lunch. But first, let’s get down to the pool, I could do with a swim."

"Swim? I can't!"

"You can't swim?"

"Yes, I can, I mean ..."

"I'm sure that won't be a problem."

"I don't have a swimsuit and, well, what about, um?"

"Then let's head down to my office then make some decisions."

"Office? I thought you worked here?"

"I have a real job, Lizzie. Two actually and I haven't been around for a few days. Hopefully my assistant will have kept it running."

"I thought Maisie was your assistant?"

"No, she's my partner and she has her own business."

"So you're part-timers?"

"Not really, think of us as a unit that gets deployed when necessary."

"Just the two of you?"

"Please, please Lizzie, stop asking questions."

Tammy grabbed her keys and ushered her guest out of the back door. It had been dark when they'd arrived home but Thurso was now bright and, for a change, dry. Traffic was light and she parked in her usual spot before directing Lizzie up the stairs.

"Oh, who are .... ah, she's with you Tammy?"

"Yes, Joey, Lizzie is my unexpected house guest for a few days. How is everything?"

"It's all good, where did you go?"


"Where some of the film and TV studios are?"

"Yes, and we saw plenty of acting but you won't see anything on television."

"Oh, okay. The solicitors have renewed their lease for another year and the place on Priory Street has been vacated."

"Is that the two bed above an office?"


"Can you get that cleaned, any repairs sorted and then hold the upstairs, don't mark it as available."

"What about the office?"

"Treat that as separate and lock the interconnecting door both ways."

"Okay. There's a few bits that need signatures."

Tammy found the sheets on her desk. She checked the pages then signed.

"Is that all?"

"For now, what about my raise?"

"When I get back from my next trip, we’ll be in a new tax year by then."

"When are you leaving?"

"Late next week and we'll be back after Easter."

"Three weeks?"

"'Fraid so."

"You're not getting married without me?"

"No Joey, no we are not."

"Good. I've decided I want to be a bridesmaid at least once."

"Complete with the frills, frocks and hair-do? Okay, Joey, if you feel like closing the office over Easter, go ahead."

"I might go to see mum over a long weekend. She's in therapy today."

"Is she seeing a local therapist or one that the military sent?"

"A local one, I think he's having trouble working out if she's telling the truth or making it up? This is the second session and she wasn't looking forward to it."

"I can try to pull some strings Joey and get her into a lovely house near London for a few days where she can speak to people who are experienced in this sort of thing."

"I'll pass that on, I guess you can't say where it is or what it's called?"

"No, privacy is key."

"Okay, give me one thing that I can tell her?"

"The food is lovely but look for the summer house on the other side of the lake, in there you'll find a freezer loaded with ice cream."


"Strawberry, mint, nutty ... all sorts."

"Okay, what’s the price?”

“Nothing, except possibly some travel costs.”

“That sounds okay, when should I let you know?"

"As soon as possible, it could take a while to set up and remember I won't be here for a few weeks."

"Okay, if you don't mind I'll finish at lunchtime today?"

"That's fine, you deserve it. We have things to do."

"Oh, there was a call from a John Smith for you a couple of days ago. Refused to say where he was calling from or why he needed you?"

"Thanks Joey, I'll deal with that."

The pair made it onto the street, leaving Joey to handle an incoming call regarding a broken window.

"So that's your day job?"

"Yes, Lizzie, I own the business and employ Joey."

"What's this about her mum?"

"She was the one I rescued, two weeks ago."

"And she needs therapy?"

"It was quite traumatic for her."

"Oh, I had no idea, no-one at Benson would say anything and it wasn’t in the newspapers."

They were out in the open, with no-one around, but Tammy still wasn't convinced they had complete privacy. She walked around to the front of the block and into the ladies fashion store.

"Hi Sarah, can I borrow the store room for a minute?"

"Sure, Tammy."

Sarah had customers to handle so Tammy guessed they wouldn't be interrupted for a few minutes. She guided her guest past the racks. Lizzie’s attention wandered as she started to check out the clothing.

"Lizzie, look at me, I'm already regretting giving my agreement to this arrangement. Up until now I have successfully split my personal and professional lives and very few people have seen both sides. Of those that did, many are dead or in prison as they decided to use privileged information to challenge me. Your curiosity has the potential to damage my other work as the two don't, and shouldn’t, mix."

"Then why am I here?"

"Because I was ordered and because I was asked and I don’t, usually, refuse orders. You haven't even been here for a day, but you've already opened your mouth without judging what comes out of it. I may not be senior to you, but you're in my care and in my territory."

"Sorry. It's just that I've never had a friend."

"Or lived in the real, civilian, world?"

"Yeah, not really."

"Okay, apology accepted, let's see what Sarah can do for your wardrobe?"


Several bags made their way from Sarah's shop to the car before the girls continued to the sports store.

"You'll need a bikini or tankini for the beach work."

"I can't wear those!"

"Why not? Look, get a couple of one piece suits and two sets of bikinis, all in black, plus a wrap if we can."

Their next stop was the bazaar for simple undies, tops and shorts, not that the range was great given that it was still winter in the Highlands.

There was one further stop before lunch.

"Hi Tammy, what can we do for you?"

"Hi Sandy, can we both have the works?"

"I can get one of you in at two this afternoon, your assistant called yesterday but wouldn’t say who needed it."

"Hmm, Lizzie, your doctor's appointment is at three thirty so that should work out fine."

"Me, here?"

Tammy sighed."Yes, Lizzie."

"But ...?"

"Joanne and Sandy will look after you, I'll make sure of it."

Sandy started to scribble in her book. "Right, two this afternoon for Lizzie. What about you, Tammy? We’re fully booked now until Monday? How about ten o’clock? Oh college?"

"Monday at ten is fine."

"Going somewhere?"

"The pool and maybe a hotel next week."

"Ah, okay."

They made it into the hotel bar and Tammy acknowledged a few people as she dragged Lizzie to a semi-private table.

"You know a lot of people."

"It's the downside of being a very public person."

"Public? I wouldn't, couldn't, dare make friends like that - I mean I'm ...."

"You'll do fine Lizzie, but you do need a little experience around strangers. I mean, depending on where you're deployed there will be plenty of civilians and you won't necessarily have the protection of a uniform."

"I won't?"

"No, and that's why you're booked to see Joanne."

"Who is she?"

"The local torturess, she'll remove any body hair."

"But she'll know, she'll find out!"

"And she couldn't give a toss, Lizzie, stop fretting!"

"How would you know?"

"I just do, look, she has TG clients."

"She told you?"

"Yes, a few years ago."

"Did she tell you their names? I mean, that wouldn't be right."

"No, she didn't. Right, the waiter wants our orders."

"What are you having?"

"A Spanish omelette."

"I'll have the same."


Tammy was thankful when she escorted Lizzie to Joanne's door at two, having resisted the urge to do damage to her guest.

"It's her first time, and she's special."

"Okay Tammy, understood."

Despite multiple reassurances Lizzie still wanted to back out and was clearly very unsure of herself, but Joanne was already closing the door.

Tammy made her escape and almost ran back to her car before driving home. She emptied the car of shopping bags and carried them in, Maisie was sorting lunch.

"Done with the girl already? Oh, food?"

"She's in the torture chamber, we ate in the hotel and I have at least one call to make upstairs."

Before she could get out of the kitchen the doorbell sounded, Tammy found an RAF courier waiting outside a minute later.

“Lieutenant Smart?”

“Yes, oh, hang on!”

She retrieved her pass from the kitchen.

“Here you are.”

“Good, I have a package for you. This is the third delivery attempt.”

“We were training.”

“Please make suitable arrangements for the future.”

Tammy guessed correctly that the package was the missing instructions for the previous two days briefing. That needed to be shredded once she’d checked it for any of Marcus’s hidden instructions. She put it on the kitchen table and headed for the kettle.

"Oh, John Smith called for you."

"Let me guess, Maisie, he wouldn't say why?"

"Correct, it's not as if I'm not cleared?"

"To be fair, no-one really knows who we work for any more."


"Yeah, let's find out my fate."

Tammy wasn't surprised to find him at his desk.

"Ah, Miss Smart, I've been expecting you."

"You don't have a white cat there, do you?"

"I see your cultural references are in perfect working order, let's see whether your judgement is as good?"


"Correct, what the hell happened?"

Tammy recounted the events that had led to her suspension. "Very much taken out of context, Sir."

"So where's your report?"

"I was waiting for any developments, my solicitor is handling it."

"Irrelevant, you should have submitted a report immediately. I don't suppose your American friends are waiting for the news?"

"No, Sir."

"So the Security Service is a second class agency that barely deserves your attention?"

"Not at all, Sir, but I was rather pre-occupied with military matters."

"I'm aware of your current secondment, but as your primary employer you must submit a report or you'll be suspended and your security clearance would suffer."

"Yes, Sir, understood."

"Good, now is there anything else you wish to say?"

"Actually, yes. Do you recall the rescue I was involved in?"

"I have a copy of that report, somewhat redacted unfortunately."

"I'd like for Carol Cooper, Joey's mother, to have a week at Abigail Adams House with one of the house shrinks."

"That's not for you to decide, but enlighten me?"

"The Cooper family were trying to get to her to use her as a bargaining chip, so she was kidnapped in an attempt to get at my assistant, Maisie and myself. I feel she needs some protection and counselling for her PTSD."

"I hope that’s not a personal diagnosis? Why not use somewhere locally?"

"She’s seen the local shrinks but they don't believe most of what she's told them. Unfortunately it’s affecting her personal life badly but the local police don’t believe it’s their responsibility for her safety and I can't provide the level of security that she may require. It doesn’t help that I currently have a house guest."

"I was wondering when that subject would come up."

"She's with me at the Army's request."

"But she, he, is RAF?"

"She. It is my understanding that Flight Lt. Elizabeth Harrison is currently on detached duty to Broadsword. Lizzie's security clearance is fine, but we're not allowing her access to anything she doesn't require."

"I'd like a report. Where is she now?"

"In the beauty salon."

"I see."

"I'll introduce you to the ladies there if you ever visit Thurso, Sir."

"I'll take that under advisement, Miss Smart. Two reports please and I'll pass your request on."


Tammy put the phone down, Maisie had just arrived with a mug of tea.

"Thanks, I have two reports to write: one about the college issue and one concerning Lizzie."

"Why don’t you re-use the report you sent to your solicitor for the first one, while I start the second one as I was there. How long do you have?"

"Damn, there was an email from the solicitor but I have just over half an hour to get back to the salon ... we'd best get cracking as I don't want any of this in view when she gets back."

"I'll meet you at the pool once you’ve collected her, give me a call?"

"Will do, oh, I brought the swimwear back here. It’s in one of the bags."

"Okay, okay, I'll find it."

Tammy was back at the salon as Lizzie was coming out of Sandy's chair. The look was definitely feminine but Tammy had an unanswered question, which would have to wait.

"Okay Lizzie, that's fifty five pounds."

"Oh, sorry, I want to leave a tip but I left my cash in my room.”

Tammy shrugged and used her own cash for the gratuity. Lizzie was now busy thanking everyone but Tammy had to usher her out of the door.

"What's the hurry?"


They arrived at the surgery just in time and Tammy suggested she went in with Lizzie.

"I thought the appointment was for you Tammy?"

"No, Dr Adi, sorry, my assistant didn’t know her name when it was booked and my guest is a little insecure - she's really new at being she, if you get my drift?"

"Another one?"

"Not of my doing."


"Elizabeth Mary Harrison, but you won't find me ...."

"And why not young lady, there you are ... I see there's a request for a full screening?"


"I can't do that today as I'll need you on an empty stomach, you can see the nurse at nine on Monday. Right now I'll just take some bloods, do your weight, height and, Tammy?"



"Yes, Doctor." Tammy drawled.

She sat in the waiting area for a further ten minutes until Lizzie returned, she had clearly been crying. Another patient was being called by Dr Adi before Tammy could demand answers.

"Let's get back to the car."

Tammy decided it would be best to abandon the swimming plan. She sent Maisie a text then turned to her passenger, passing a tissue to dab her eyes.

"Please be honest with me, Lizzie, was the Doctor difficult?"

"No, not at all. She was kind, she understood and believed me. She says she's dealt with girls like me before?"

"That's my understanding."

"Including you?"

Tammy wasn't expecting that. "Why would you say that?"

"It was something the Doctor said, how you'd brought many to her door but you were the only other one whose records had been changed."


"Yes, mine now say I'm female. I think she meant the same about you?"

"Okay, Lizzie, yes."

"You're like me?"

"I'm complete now, I had my surgery two years ago."

"Did that Captain know?"


"And your partner?"

"Yes, but I don't advertise the fact that I'm a transwoman. As far as most of the folk around here and in the military know; I was born female and that's what my records say."

"That explains loads, thank you."

"Lizzie, I need you to promise that you won't start spreading this information now that I've confirmed it?"

"I won't, and I guess you won't tell anyone about me?"

"Not unless it's absolutely essential. Right now, only a chromosome test would confirm my history?"

"Not a medical exam?"

"The gynaecologist who saw me after my surgery said I was good to go if I wanted to become pregnant."

"Now I know you're kidding me!"

"It's true, completely true, Lizzie. Shall we get back home?"

"I thought we were swimming?"

"And I thought you didn't want to?"

"Joanne seemed to know we'd be swimming so talked me into some extra tidying; she cares."

"Well okay, but the schools are out for the day so it could be busy?"

"If not now, when, Tammy?"

"So very true. I just need to send Maisie another text.”


The three girls gathered in the basement lounge and Tammy tried to ignore Lizzie who went to inspect the mural.

"This meeting is top secret."

"Who painted this nude?"

"Come back to the table!"

"Yes, but? Was it you?"

"No, it was Kate and it was a self portrait. Now, please let us find out what our orders are. As it stands we're already a day overdue."

In practice Tammy's insistence on a formal protocol for the meeting was a tad melodramatic and most definitely overkill. They were told to join a flight at Heathrow the following Thursday to Miami with no indication of onward flights.

"I thought we were going to an island?"

"Maisie and I are, Lizzie, but no-one has decided where you're going, or even whether you're going?"

"But, how do you get from Miami? Where is the island?"

"That's a need-to-know, for both questions."

A voice sounded from a corner. "You sure do ask a lot of questions there, Flight Lieutenant Harrison."


Maisie enabled the screen and Krystel's face appeared.

"The voice of doom." Tammy quipped.

"Tammy, do you have some operational security training available from your side?"

"Sure, I think so. Are you familiar with AA House?"


"I'm arranging a placement there for someone who was a kidnap victim, for potential PTSD."

"Right. And you'll see if someone can deliver suitable training while you're there?"

"That would seem to be appropriate, saves on a hotel bill if we all stay there plus I can use the range."

"You up for re-qualification?"

"I think so."

"I'd do it anyway, if they let you. I suggest all three of you get cleared for small arms."

"We're flying commercial."

"I know, leave yours behind in a secure location. Just don't forget your other equipment. Remember operational security is important, even now."

Tammy caught the double meaning in Krystel’s words, and resolved to remember to pack her battle-suit.

"Okay, understood Kerri, I'll pack heavy. Anything else?"

“Flight Lieutenant Harrison?”

“Err, yes, Kerri?”

“I understand you have had communications training?”

“I don’t think I’m allowed to talk about that?”

“That’s fine, we will have a toy for you to test if I see you next week.”

“Oh, thanks, I think. Tammy?”

“That sounds interesting, are we done now?”

"Yes, Tammy. Keep in touch, little cousin."

"Sure, big cousin."

The connection seemed to be cut when the screen went dark.

"Was she listening, Tammy, all the time?"

"Yes, and possibly still is."

"So is she really your cousin?"

Maisie shrugged, having heard it before.

Tammy sighed. "Best friend, worst enemy and, sometimes, my saving grace. Maisie, we need to pack our large and medium suitcases, plus my vanity case. Lizzie, you should do the same. That gives us enough civilian clothes along with our uniforms."

“So what’s this toy she mentioned?”

“I have no idea, Lizzie, and any mention of it really should be on a need-to-know basis. Right now it would seem that I don’t need to know.”

“Operational security again?”

“All the time, all the time.”

Saturday 10th March

Maisie had taken Lizzie out for a full fitness assessment so Tammy was left in the office, seemingly alone. Finally she returned to her emails and finally opened the one from Jeremiah Smith sent two days earlier.

I have an initial response from the university to confirm your suspension. One request is whether you recorded the meeting with your tutor? If so could I have that as a matter of urgency?

Tammy hadn’t recorded the conversation – in a private environment she and Ben could have strayed into confidential matters. She replied to her solicitor with a simple ‘no’.

Her secure phone rang shortly after ten.

"Request approved, report to Abigail Adams House on Tuesday."

"Thank you Sir, is that just for Carol Cooper?"

"No, I've had a separate request for yourself, and your menagerie."

"Understood, Sir."

"I'm glad you do, Miss Smart, as someone seems to know your requirements?"

"I rarely know what my requirements are, Sir, but I'm glad someone is looking out for me."

"Just remember, if you mess with fire, you can expect to get burned. I have no idea where some of these instructions are coming from but it seems that you are playing with some very influential intel officers."

"Only the best, Sir."

"Fine, you're expected for lunch on Tuesday."

"So they know there will be four of us plus luggage and kit, we’ll need to be collected?"

"Are you certain you want Mrs Cooper to see any military equipment?"

"I pointed an Apache in her direction and took out her captors with prejudice."

Tammy immediately regretted her words.

"That was you? The pilot wasn't named in the report?"

"At that point I was in command of the aircraft, although the pilot was able to override any and all of my actions."

"So the hostage was unharmed?"


"And some terrorists died at the scene?"

"Correct, one."

"Then the records need not be amended, Miss Smart."

"Thank you, Sir."

The call ended and now the logistics started - four of them had to get South on Tuesday morning. One option was Monday's sleeper, but did they have time?

She phoned her father.

"Is Petra flying mum today?"

"Correct, with Jim as co-pilot. Did you need her?"

"Four of us need to get to London on Tuesday morning and we'll be carrying certain equipment that rules out a commercial flight."

"So you want to use the Epic?"

"Yes, but one option is to just get us as far as a good rail connection? We'll be away weeks so someone will have to fly it back."

"And Petra's qualified for your plane now."


"Where do you need to go?"

"Hertfordshire in the first instance."

"So why not fly into Stansted or North Weald? If you fly down, for the hours, then she can fly back the same day? That avoids dragging luggage across stations?"

"North Weald sounds good, Suzie can get a vehicle for us?"

"I'll give Jim a call when they land, he'll be bored whilst your mother shops. I don’t think the Epic is booked for anything that day."

"Okay, thanks."

She sent Joey a text asking that her mum go to Wick Airport for eight on Tuesday morning.

The rest of the weekend seemed to pass quickly and Maisie was keeping Lizzie occupied between mealtimes so Tammy could catch up with work., namely the other two hundred emails that had, so far, been ignored. It hadn’t helped that Lizzie’s demands didn’t stop.

"Do I have enough underwear? Can we go shopping or can I go back to my parents place to pick things up?"

"Lizzie, you only have Monday to finalise your wardrobe and any other essentials before we go, effectively, into isolation. Oh, and remember, no breakfast until you're back from seeing the nurse in the morning."

"Where will you be?"

"In my office or in the salon. Please don't go into the hotel or hang around any of the coffee bars."

"You don't trust me?"

"I know the folk around here, they'll see a stranger and they'll talk. Enough of them have seen you with me or Maisie over the past three days so they'll ask about me then they'll dive into your history. I think you know that's potentially damaging for both of us."

"Oh, er, yes."

Monday 12th March

As the new week started all three of the girls had appointments in different places. Tammy dropped a hungry Lizzie off at the surgery before parking behind her office. Joey had obviously seen her parking so had a coffee ready.

"Mum's catching the train this afternoon, she'll stay in Wick tonight."

"Okay, thanks."

"How long should she pack for?"

"Ten days, include two swimsuits. There's laundry on site as well as a pool and gym room."

"Okay, sounds like a hotel spa?"

"In some respects it is, just very select and you won’t find it online."

"Mum's booked two rooms at the Royal for tonight so I'll go over and stay with her."

"Understood. I won't have any input into her stay down there, by the way."

"You won't be there?"

"That wasn't the plan at all, but now I'll be there for a day or so. The only time I might see her is at dinner."

"Is the place safe?"

"It has its own security team. She'll be very safe and no-one will know where she is."

"Good, she's thinking of moving home, finding somewhere for me and her perhaps?"

Tammy wondered if the comment mean that Joey could be moving out of Thurso, where would Tammy find another office manager who didn't ask the wrong questions?

She made it to the salon ten minutes early, partly to avoid Lizzie. Joanne wasn't occupied so Tammy slipped straight in.

"How much, Tammy?"

"Everything. Let's just say that I'm expecting to be in a bikini every day for the next few weeks?"

"Then if you were still in the Highlands tomorrow you'd probably catch hypothermia!"

"True. Anyway, I need to be beach ready."

"The Med?"

"One of the islands."

"Ooooh, nice, Canaries?"

"Somewhere like that, yes."

"Let me guess, it's a business conference?"

Tammy laughed. "You're not far off."

She was in Sandy's chair when Lizzie arrived, laden with bags and luggage. Lizzie simply took a seat and waited, strangely quiet.

"I think the girl is waiting for transport, Tammy?"


“How much longer is she in town?”

“Just tonight.”

Sandy, thankfully, stopped asking questions long enough to finish Tammy’s hair. Another girl had seen to her nails, all twenty of them, so Tammy was now fully beach-ready, just missing the all-over tan.

The pair made it out of the salon and paid a visit to Sarah. At that time on a Monday the store was peacefully quiet.

“Are you here to buy, this time, Tammy?”

“Hopefully, Sarah, I’m after a shawl and I think Lizzie is looking for a tea dress in case she has to go to a function?”

“There’s a rack of new dresses in the storeroom, I was going to put them out later in the week. What size are you?”

“Err, a sixteen.”

“I’ll be back in a minute.”

"Tammy, I don't have enough of anything?"

"Don't worry for now."

“That’s easy for you to say? Does the island have shops?”

Tammy would have loved to have stayed and chatted to Sarah but Lizzie was becoming a liability when she started to ask questions, forgetting where she was. If you spend your entire life on a military base or at home hidden behind a door, then a few inappropriate words wouldn't be a issue; however In Thurso town centre it became a huge problem.

Tammy settled the bill, having selected a Highland wool shawl. None of the frocks seemed to suit Lizzie so she left empty handed and Tammy’s card didn’t get a second hit at Lizzie’s expense. Lizzie had already collected a prescription from Dr Adi so that needed to be filled, Tammy guessed that given Lizzie’s official gender status a contraceptive wouldn’t look amiss on a prescription and certainly wouldn’t require the agreement of multiple shrinks.

Meanwhile Tammy had developed a caffeine deficiency but decided to take Lizzie home, via the pharmacy, then deal with her beverage issue.

Lizzie, at least, knew how to make instant coffee - it wasn't rocket science - and this allowed Tammy to go upstairs and take her small arms out of the lockbox for cleaning and maintenance. Lizzie arrived with drinks as Tammy laid the weapons on a cloth.

"You have guns, but you're not on base?"

"I have special permission. Please don't ask me to justify how I work, it's not open for debate. Bear in mind, Lizzie, I'm probably the only reason you didn't get discharged from the RAF - after a difficult court martial of course."

"My CO had already threatened to suspend me pending dismissal so I don't even know what my status is right now."

"That’s not my concern right now - you wouldn't be here unless certain conditions had been met. The first of these was that you're a special case and I'm uniquely suited to handle you, I don't know if that's a good way of handling it but it's the hand we've been dealt. Please, please accept that things happen for a reason, especially here, and that you don't need to understand how myself and Maisie operate."

"Okay. It just feels weird to me."

"Yes, Lizzie, it probably does."

"Will I be able to get my hair done where we’re going? Get a top-up wax?"

"Spoken like a true woman, we'll make the request when we reach AA House."


Maisie returned from Inverness mid-afternoon carrying a package, she left it with Tammy then went out for a run.

"Okay Lizzie, let's see what's been done?"


Tammy tipped the contents out onto the desk. "Passport, military ID, a new National Insurance number, a new NHS number, and a debit card. All in your new name."


"Just accept it, then sign."

"The photo, when was it done?"

The passport and ID both bore the same photo and clearly showed that Lizzie's hair had already been done, so that factor restricted when it could have been taken. Tammy guessed that Krystel had used the house cameras to capture the image and send it to whoever needed it.

"Friday, don’t you remember? I sent it to the Security Service and they handled the rest."

"Oh, Friday was a bit of a blur."

"Right, now sign the documents that need your signature, plus the receipt."

"So I'm officially Elizabeth Mary Harrison as far as the government is concerned?"

"So far as the rest of the world is concerned, yes."

"What about, umm?" She pointed to her groin.

"In good time, you haven't had an initial intimate conversation with a shrink yet."


"It'll happen. Right, what about dinner?"

"Dinner? I was thinking about us going out?"

"Well, we won't be here for the next three to four weeks and there's fresh food in the fridge to be used up otherwise it has to be frozen or wasted."

Tuesday 13th March 2018

They flew South with a full load: Tammy piloted, with Petra up front with her, whilst Maisie, Lizzie and Carol were aft along with their luggage. Lizzie had been warned to keep her mouth shut as Carol Cooper wasn't cleared for anything. It didn’t help that Carol wanted to know about their destination but Lizzie had never been there and Maisie had managed just one visit the previous October which was mostly for induction training.

At North Weald they were already climbing into a minibus when Tammy spotted her plane heading for the fuel stand. Their driver was Suzie but Tammy avoided any familiarity in order to keep Carol away from unnecessary matters. That policy continued until after they were in Abigail Adams House and everyone went their own way.

Tammy was a little confused when Suzie had stayed with them after parking the minibus in the subterranean garage.

"John Smith has asked me to be the case officer, reporting to him."

"I wonder if there's a potential conflict of interest, Suzie?"

"In this case no, and it avoids bringing anyone else into your insane little world. I'm still a Small so Carol won't make the connection."

"Plus you have a London accent now?"

"I always did! In any case, John's satisfied it'll be the least worst option. My Head of Unit's not convinced, but it's out of her hands - not that she even knows you were involved!"

"Officially I wasn't."

"Unofficially, you were and that's how it'll stay."

Sandwiches were made available although they had missed lunch. But within half an hour they were needed for their first sessions.

Lizzie was in with Dr Hannah Young whilst another counsellor had taken Carol Cooper down the garden.

"You're needed in the range, Miss Smart, you too Miss Staines."

Tammy thanked the housekeeper and swiped her way into the range.

"Good afternoon Miss Smart, I've been expecting you. What weapons do you have with you?"

"The Glock 19 and a 26."

"Okay, you can re-qualify with both."

"Excellent. What's Maisie doing here?"

"I have a request to qualify the Sgt with the 19. There's room for you both to go, Miss Smart you can have twenty rounds to warm up and then qualifying starts. Miss Staines, you can have longer as I understand you're not experienced with small arms?"

"I'm not."

"Well, as soon as Miss Smart is out of the way you can have this range to yourself."



They reconvened at dinner, although Carol was missing.

"They're bringing a beautician here tomorrow for me, and someone is going to my parents house to select some of my clothes, but I realise now that much of it is inappropriate."

"That sounds positive, Lizzie."

"What have you been up to?"

"Administration and reports, nothing exciting."

Her pass slips were now up in the room she was sharing with Maisie. Tammy hoped that the questioning would stop and was mildly surprised when it did, although the presence of strangers at the table had helped.

Wednesday 14th March

Wednesday started with a swim, which included Carol.

"It's a lovely house, Tammy, and everyone's so kind."

"I'm glad you are comfortable."

"It's silly but I had been jumpy, like when someone slammed a car door or the postman came past. What’s different is that I know no-one can get in here and I don't have to look over my shoulder."

"What are your plans today?"

"Apparently a hair dresser is seeing me this afternoon and I have another session with the counsellor before that. I haven't been to get my hair done since before the, you know, incident."

Tammy nodded. "Best not talk about that here."

"That's what the counsellor said, so did that lovely girl Suzie, she's arranging everything."

Tammy thought it would do to encourage her and hopefully her sister at the same time. "I understand you're in great hands with her. I've heard good things about Suzie."

Tammy hadn't seen her step-sister since a coffee break the previous afternoon so guessed she wasn't staying at the house overnight, very logical given the Epping house was under an hour away.

Maisie was back on the range and Tammy found herself with John Smith.

"I think you are barely an employee of the Security Service, Miss Smart?"

"It's only a secondment to Broadsword, Sir."

"And yet you are working directly with Americans?"

"I believe that has already been made clear and no further discussion is warranted."

"It's a rogue intelligence agency with heavy weaponry!"

"That sounds like a biased opinion."

"Under normal circumstances your security clearance would be in question."

"But I'm not normal."

"It seems someone in Westminster likes you and we're under instructions to give you whatever support you need. I'm not comfortable with that, Miss Smart, as there's no oversight."

"I have oversight, Sir, plenty of it, and I get brought to task if needed."

"You took out criminals with prejudice and haven't asked for counselling?"

"Circumstances dictated that was the most expedient method after due consideration. Therefore, no counselling is warranted."

"There's a lady receiving counselling for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder because of your actions."

"Excuse me Sir, she had been kidnapped at gunpoint and put, blindfolded, in a van before I arrived on the scene. I am not responsible for that. The van was stopped and she was handed over to Police Scotland for safe keeping. That was the end of my involvement with Mrs Cooper until this morning."

"That's what the report said."

"Good, because it's the truth."

"What are you doing when you leave here?"

"With respect, Sir, that’s a military matter and therefore; Need-to-know."

"I see. I trust that you'll maintain suitable decorum whilst you're in this house?"

"Of course."

“Good, now I believe you, Miss Staines and Miss Harrison have an appointment with the doctor.”

That was for another round of bloods plus the usual numbers being taken for each of them.

All four ladies were at the dinner table that evening, Maisie now had two pass slips and Lizzie had separately been on the range but no weapons would be going with them. Carol was looking stunning and was enjoying the attention, Lizzie equally was looking better and her hair had been lightened. Maisie had taken advantage of the beautician and now had a low maintenance cut.

Thursday 15th March

Thursday morning sent all four, plus Suzie as driver, to Brent Cross. Their brief was to dress for business in similar but different styles. This was new for Lizzie and Tammy wondered about the inclusion of Carol, but it seemed even Suzie was getting in on the act.

"There's a budget, I was told I might be asked to be a case officer again and I should have more of appropriate attire in my wardrobe."

"That budget might spread a little wider as I have shareholder discount in one of the department stores." Tammy said with a wink.

"I should have known!"

The five of them built a set of separates based on a single colour scheme so none of them clashed. Tammy also steered Maisie and Lizzie to some lighter weight apparel to include in their luggage.

They had lunch in the Fenwicks restaurant before Suzie drove them back. Maisie, Lizzie and Tammy were then needed in the library for a video-conferenced briefing.

"Ladies, you are on an early flight tomorrow, Miami at lunchtime on BA. As you may already know, you should not take weapons or military equipment, other than uniforms, with you. You travel as civilians." Jeremy Wells informed them.

"Yes Sir." All three answered.

"Sgt Staines, what of your gym outfit?"

"I have an issued outfit plus my business gear."

"A civilian fitness business?"

"Yes, Sir. MS Fitness."

"Very good, you will be needing it."

"Thank you, Sir."

"Flight Lieutenant, for the duration of this deployment you are to assume the civilian rank of a government communications contractor. Please give your military ID to Lt Smart. A reminder that you will not have diplomatic cover and won't be accredited military with the US Military Command for the time being."

"Understood, Sir."

Tammy wasn't convinced Lizzie did understand but at least the girl hadn't questioned the senior officer.

"Finally, for operational reasons, you won't be given detailed orders until arrival, and that'll be as and when needed. Please don't annoy the American Immigration and Customs, we'd like you all to have an incident free flight. Lt Smart, do you have satellite facility with your cellphone?"

"Yes, Sir. With encryption."

"Very good. I wasn't aware of that and it was only speculated of the satellite capability. You will be in charge of your group until the command team arrives. That will be all."

All three saluted. "Sir!"

The next hour was spent repacking luggage and hanging their new outfits ready for an early start. Suzie came to Tammy's room with their tickets

"Business Class?"

"And an eight o'clock flight!"

"Damn, Suzie, that means checking in by six in the morning."

"I'm staying here tonight so I can drive you there, be ready at four thirty."

"Great, who tells the other two?"

"You do. Tell me, is Lizzie another one of your conversions?"

"No, but she was almost a blank canvas. I've had five days to sort her out."

"Under orders?"


"Well, you are the local expert?"

"Thanks, sis."

"No, thank you."

"For what?"

"The nice things you said to Carol."

"I told the truth, although I kept away from admitting I knew those truths first hand."

Suzie smiled as they left for the dining room.

Dinner was subdued but Tammy suggested the three partook of the wine on offer to help them sleep - alarms had been set for three in the morning and one of the party might need help with presentation whilst still half asleep.


Tammy Spycraft is a full reworking of Moving On and is now available on Kindle. Tammy's increasingly unhappy with the Security Service and Suzie's just plain bored. Tammy needs a change of direction and Suzie needs to get back to a proper job.
Don wants to pursue a career in Voice Acting and has been training himself. He's even developed some feminine character voices. What not even his closest friends or Dad know is: the latest feminine voice is destined for higher purpose. Opportunity and one strange chance change his life forever. Not all things in the night go 'bump'. Sometimes you find a voice of light, when you change your dial!
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It's All Go

joannebarbarella's picture

And with the added impediment of security requirements!

I can't wait until they get to the island.


Carol being mentioned is unexpected. I don't think Shiraz would have included her unless it was important to the story. Interesting times ahead.

And still we don't know what communication training that Lizzie had ... mmm, onto the next.


WillowD's picture

Carol seems to be level headed and reasonably competent. As a military wife she may be good with concepts like operational security and situational awareness. (Yes, I know her husband was terrible but she still would have spent time socially with other military.)

Frankly, at this point I could easily see Carol remaining a minor character or of her becoming civilian support for team Tammy. Joey seems to be working out quite nicely too, save for that one comment that may hint she will be leaving.

This is a really great chapter, with so many plot threads in it.

Joey Leaving?

I read it differently. I thought it was Carol moving to Thurso and her with Joey get a place together. Perhaps I missread.

Oh, and who is Petra?!

Lizzy seems like a liability

she really doesn't belong in Tammy's world, and I wonder if she was put on the team in the hopes she would cause the team to fail.


re: liability

My thoughts were that she was a plant ... find out more on who Tammy is working for. John Smith's comments make me concerned - that seems quite an attitude change since Christmas.

I think Lizzie will be going on her own path

Julia Miller's picture

I can remember in chapter one during a briefing that mention was made for a position with the British consulate.

"We have a suggestion."

"Go ahead."

"The nearest British Consulate will need additional help in case the media become aware of our operation. It would be useful to place a friendly face there. One who is untainted and otherwise unknown?"

"A physical channel?"


"I approve, but some operational training is appropriate."

"We'll address that, and there's an available training facility."

I think this is the position that Flight Lt Harrison will be doing. She will also be getting training for it, perhaps the piece of hardware they wanted her to look at on Ram Rock. She also has training in communications too.


Hi Shiraz,

I’m QUITE enjoying this story.

Lizzie seems to be a work-in-progress. (Lots of work needed.)

Has it missed my notice? Whatever happened to the Ilse of Mann races?

An Avid Reader

Ilse of Mann races

WillowD's picture

They occur this summer. I think they start soon after the royal visit ends.


After reading of these races in stories here, I checked out ‘UTube’ sites. Those riders MUST be totally bonkers.

An Avid Reader

You've Got Me

At the begging stage. Please continue.

I'm guessing

NoraAdrienne's picture

There's going to be a "Family" reunion on the island with Maisie being introduced to her new family.

The only question I can think of, is...

Julia Miller's picture

Who will be writing the chapter on the island? Shiraz, or Snowfall? I think Liz has a different future from Tammy now in communications, but we will see what happens.

An Aha Moment About Tammy

The posting of Royal Retreat motivated me to do a binge re-read of the Tammyverse. When I got to Tammy's meeting with John Smith in this chapter, the proverbial lightbulb went off as regards many of her problems with people and organizations. The problem is that Tammy is Tammy, period full stop. She doesn't conform to whatever people perceive her place in society/ the security services/ the military/ the university, etc. ad nauseum to be. She is who she is and that makes people uncomfortable. They her expect to fit their ideas of who she should be.

John Smith is clearly unhappy because she is nominally affiliated with his organization, but they have no effective control over her and she doesn't act like she should- she didn't need therapy after taking out the True Freedom kidnapper using the machine gun in the Apache. The Chancellor at the university is unhappy with her because she isn't a normal student. Marcus- his possible transphobic and homophobic views aside- isn't comfortable with her because she doesn't conform to his idea of a soldier. And on it goes.

The OICA recognized Tammy's talent and iconoclastic nature; they are an organization of idiosyncratic personalities and Tammy fits in just fine with that. On the UK side, Sir Thomas Addington and Sean MacTaggert get it, and since both of them understand the capabilities of the OICA, having Tammy under Dannigan's auspices is a plus for them.

Tammy's refusal to conform to arbitrary expectations reminds me of the title character of a 1944 novel/ 1946 movie, Cluny Brown. The story, set in 1938 is a coming of age romantic comedy about an orphaned girl living with her widowed Uncle who doesn't know her place in pre-war English society, nor does she see people as members of classes, rather as individuals.

That is an awesome summation.

WillowD's picture

And you are quite right. Barring recent stuff I have read Tammyverse at least 4 times, and the early stuff many more times. You made a very nice summary of what motivates Tammy. Thank you for posting. I hope you decide to create an account here.

Too many questions

Jamie Lee's picture

It would seem hard to believe how Lizzie being military, she hasn't learned not to ask questions. That she will be told if and when she needs to know. And, not to discuss anything of a military nature, or any other nature, in the open where ears might hear. That slip about the island is a prime example of ears listening, and given the tongues in that town, give the wrong people a hint where they are going.

Once again, there are plots within plots. Tammy being sent to Ram Rock in order to help protect the Royals, when reality is she's there for another, extremely important, matter.

How Tammy keeps from going ga-ga due to lack of information, but still doing her job, is amazing.

Others have feelings too.