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Hidden Intent Part 6
She walked straight up to Gerry and flung her arms around his neck and gave him a long kiss which he quickly responded to by the way his stance changed. She almost dragged him off to the caravan. I would have said that she led him by his nose but I don’t think that it was his nose that she was thinking of. I just stood next to Lockie and we watched it all happen.
He then turned to me and said that it was the first time he had seen Gerry so smitten with a girl and that she was all he had talked about in the weeks since we had last met. He said he hoped that Gerry was not going to be let down and I looked at him and told him that I thought that being let down would be the last thing that would happen.
He then held me close and kissed me, asking if I was likely to let him down, to which I replied that as I did not have my own caravan, it would be difficult not to, unless he was an outdoors type. He said he did like the country life and I led him to the horse box which had been cleaned out earlier in the day and had new straw on the floor. Saying that I did not want to mess up my dress I got him to unzip me and I slid it off, folding it over one of the rails along the side of the box. It didn’t take long for my underwear and all of his clothes to join it and I had my very first true intercourse with a man. He asked if he needed to wear protection and I said that I was taking pills so we settled into a long session of petting before we ended up rutting like a couple of wild animals.
When we had cooled down we kissed as true lovers do and he told me that he had fallen in love with me on the plane back from Thailand. I said that I had a lot of thoughts about him since then and that tonight had shown me that he was too wonderful for words. We finally stood up and giggled as we brushed each other off, he having to extract some straw from my bum crack. We dressed and then made our way to the caravan where the light was on and the door unlocked. Gerry and Jenny were inside her half still and both snoring quietly. I pulled the door shut, put out the light and pulled Lockie into my half of the van where we undressed and made much slower and quieter love before we fell asleep.
In the morning I loaned him a robe and we both went off to the ablution block. The others met us as we were heading back, Gerry looking very spiffy in one of Jenny’s robes. Back at the caravan we met outside once everyone had dressed and we went to the meals tent where the usual fried breakfast was already hot and ready to serve. We sat at a table and ate with gusto. I think both of the boys needed to regain some energy after last night.
We were sitting and chatting when Melissa came over to us and asked to be introduced. We introduced the boys and, when asked about what they did for a living, I found out that they both were involved with a family-owned importer of wines, spirits and gourmet foodstuffs. When I had met them they were on the way home from a business trip to Asia to organise some new products. It turned out that they knew producers who lived in the same area where Stephano and Melissa grew up and there was a pleasant chat about various points of interest and shared acquaintances. Gerry said that he was due in that area next week and would look up Melissa’s relations and say hello for her.
Jenny and I had to sort out the horses and the boys helped us. They then watched as we went through the act before we rehearsed with our Adonis. He got on quite well with the boys and they were much relieved when they realised that he had no interest in us girls. After lunch the trapeze guys asked me if I could stand in for their flier as she needed to be in the nearby town for a doctors’ visit, having a bad corn that our own circus doctor did not have the facilities to treat. When I had finished the act, Lockie held me close and told me that he was glad I did not do it in the actual performance as he nearly died every time I was in flight.
They stayed for the evening meal and then watched the show again before helping settle the horses and also settling us before they left to head home, both needing to be at a family meeting in the morning. Jenny and I chatted after they had gone, with both of us wondering what we were heading into with them. I knew that with my five year contract I could not leave the circus but Jenny was a free agent. We did the Sunday show and Monday we were off again to another town to do it all again.
The following Saturday the boys turned up after lunch, Gerry bringing some items that Melissa’s relatives had given him. He told her that they would be happy to put us all up if we wanted to bring the circus to their area in the winter. It would be too costly for just one venue and he promised to look for a few more if the bosses were interested. By the look on her face I could see the cogs turning in Melissas’ head and wondered if we would all be getting a winter season in a warm climate this year.
That is the way it worked out. The boys came to the show every Saturday we were near enough for them, staying overnight with us. We were told, near the end of our summer season, that there was an opportunity for a six-week season under a Tuscan sun if we wanted and we took the whole circus overseas between our last show here and Christmas. It was a lot of fun and we enjoyed the sun and the lifestyle. Jenny announced that she was pregnant and that she would be marrying Gerry in the New Year so it looked like I would be doing the horse act by myself next summer.
The wedding was a glamorous affair in church with me as the bridesmaid and Lockie as best man. I finally got to meet all of his family and I think that I made an impact with them, especially with his mother, who latched on to me and grilled me for an hour before starting to call me daughter. Lockie wanted to get married but I told him that I was contracted so we would need to talk to Stephano. We finally worked it out that he could keep his apartment in the city but come and stay with me in the caravan, which I had bought from Jenny, on the weekends. With my bonus and the extra six weeks overseas, I had paid back more than half of the debt and Stephano said that if I just took a subsistence wage next summer I would clear it all.
So I married Locky in early spring and it was another classy affair with Jenny showing a baby bump in her bridesmaids dress. We had a couple of weeks back in a sunny climate before I needed to get back and perfect my solo horse act and train up another girl to help with the fire-eating act. One of the other acts would tow the horses while I towed the caravan. I looked forward to the weekends that summer like I had never looked forward to anything before and we always made up for the days we had been apart. He got quite involved with the circus life as well, helping with the horses and also organising another overseas trip for autumn.
We looked for, and found, a couple of girls who would take over from me on the horse act. I spent a lot of time training them towards the end of summer and they took over the act for the overseas season, with the boss giving his approval while we were there. As part of my repayment I sold the Cruiser and the caravan to the circus for these girls to use and I packed a couple of bags with my things, went around and kissed everyone before Locky and I went off to spend another couple of weeks on our own before going home to our apartment in the city.
Back home again I needed to find something to do and that was solved by my mother-in-law. She had decided that I would be perfect to work in the family business as a public relations officer, having picked up a lot about what we did with my time with Locky so far. She also deemed me good looking enough to feature on the advertising brochures as well. I was given a company car and a list of all of our customers with the aim that I visited everyone to sort out any problems they had. Of course, it turned into a company representative sort of job and I was pretty good in turning a discussion into orders so everyone was happy.
It did mean that I would have to spend the odd night away but Locky still needed to do his business trips as well. After a couple of years of this the family started to ask why I had not reproduced and I had to tell them that, due to problems in my childhood, I was unable to carry. The family then started to look around for a suitable male child that we could adopt and, when one was found and approved by the two of us, we were given the run of the family mansion where we could have a live-in nanny for a few years. I insisted that we adopt a girl as well so that they could grow up together and that’s how it worked out.
The mansion already had stables so I was able to get a couple of horses so that the children could learn to ride from an early age. Who knows, they may get to ride bare-back, like their mother, but they would never need to hide themselves away in tents.
The End
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
I thank all those who have read my stories and have offered kind words or advice.
I will be taking some time now to see if I have more stories in me and hope to greet you with something in 2021.
Marianne G 2020
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The Story Was Fine...
...and solidly written as expected. (With extra points, so to speak, for the pun in the title.) I'm not sure how much I like the protagonist, though. She did work her way up from rape victim to living in a country mansion with a presumably loving husband and family, and she wasn't that cold and calculating in getting there, for the most part.
But she lost at least some of my sympathy by seemingly never having any regrets, except for killing her cats. And was there really no other solution there? She managed to get a note to her "best friend", even if it was only misdirection. That said, I'll admit that I haven't thought of one. But if she was killing them just so that her friends would say when asked that "Chris would never do that" -- when there was no reason at all for an apparently remorseful suicidal father to do it -- seems really cold.
OK, there was "a tear in her eye" when they found a home for the growing tiger cubs, and while she and Jenny bonded with the lion cubs initially, that was for the lions' benefit; there didn't seem to be the same depth of feeling on her side.
But as readers, I think we're as invested as 'Tanya' was in a circus life where she'd been expanding her abilities and was prepared for -- indeed, looking forward to -- at least four more years. For her to give it up as soon as she could once she had the reward (surgery) -- well, it was disappointing to me, in large part because she never looked back. (Domestic sales rep for a wine and spirits importer? What a fulfilling life -- not. That's the kind of thing muggles like me had to do for a living.)
Thank You
I've enjoyed all the stories that you've posted here so far. I hope that you have wonderful holidays and find the inspiration for new stories in the future.
My stories
Tend to allow the subjects to do their own thing. If one turns out to be less than nice then that is what life is all about. An abused Chris became a talented performer and took the chance to live a life of a married woman in a rich family - how many would knock that back if the chance was offered, especially if love was in the mix. I do have a couple of 'nice' stories on the way but am trying to keep them to less than ten episodes. With the drop-off in the readers of the Patsy story I have put Book 4 on the back burner.
See you in 2021.
Thank You...
...for the reply. As I may not have made clear, I did enjoy the story.
I realized some time after I wrote the comment that what really bothers me as a general thing in stories is the plot development that reads something like "I was a top nuclear physicist on my way to a discovery that would have won me the Nobel Prize and greatly helped humanity. But I gave it all up for a loving husband, starting a family and standing behind my man as best I could do at home. Besides, I love to cook and clean."
I'm exaggerating, of course, and the "a woman's place is in the home" moral of a story went out of style a half-century ago. But the vestiges of it still turn up more than I'd like, and I think that's lot of what I was reacting to here.
Best, Eric
There was no reason for Tanya to feel any remorse for killing her father, who had abused her, killed her mother, and was in the process of abusing her(him) just as a matter of course. The cats were a pity, they could have been spared. The rest of the tale was a classic "child runs away and joins the circus". She made good and lived to enjoy life. I do agree with Eric that her married life as a sales rep was a bit of a comedown.
However, it was a good story and nobody's perfect.
Things ended well
It was generous of Melissa and her husband to loan Tanys the money needed for her surgery. And Tanya made points by agreeing to the terms of repayment.
It had to happen that the girls found their loves and married. But rather sad Tanya couldn't give Lockie a child.
Going from abused to murder to girl to wife was quite a change to Chris's life. Though it resulted in her having a much happier life.
Because Tanya never grieved because what she did to her father she might felt justified since he killed her mother. Still, at some point Tanya would have to tell Lockie everything if only to ease her conscience.
While this is a very nice story, it brought up questions which were never answered. Such as, when Chris discovered the fresh mound of dirt in the garden, and his mother's partially packed suitcase, and his father told him his mother left, why didn't he call the police? Or when his father went on that trip for work, why didn't he just pack up, give the cats away, and leave as he eventually left? The police would have found his mom's body and his dad would have been arrested and convicted. Granted he might have gone into the system, if his mom's sister didn't take him in. But he wouldn't have a murder on his hands.
Others have feelings too.
Thank you Marianne
I enjoyed the story but didn't really like the heroine who seemed a bit selfish and I think anyone who had had sex with a bio-female would recognise a post op TS. Not sure I liked the American spelling.