Terry's Song

Terry’s Song

This is a fan fiction for Leslie Moore’s Wildcats. If you haven’t read them, you are missing out. This is a side story of the Wildcat’s.

Terry Nelson was walking with Jenn, his best friend, home from school. He was excited about having his sister home again from her yearly road tour. He loved his only sister Lisa who was 5 years older than Terry. His mom Amy had raised the two of them by herself while working full time as a nurse. Growing up in a nurturing environment with two strong women had given Terry a deep admiration for the struggles that women face. Lisa had excelled in high school and after graduating formed an all-girls band with three of her best friends. The Wildcats were favorites in the Allentown, PA area. Every summer they would take a break from playing on the road to recharge their batteries at home. The Rendezvous was the best dance bar in the Allentown area and the Wildcats filled the house every time they played there.

Jenn and Terry had been best friends ever since they could remember and lived next to each other in a small neighborhood. “Lisa will be home for four whole months.” Terry loved Lisa and her bandmates and occasionally would sit in with them during their rehearsals. “She told me the crowds loved the first two original songs that I wrote for them last summer, ‘Wrong Way’ and ‘Run, Run, Gone’, and they want more!” Jenn enjoyed hanging out with Terry. He was a Senior even though he was the same age as her, but she was comfortable sharing everything with him. Terry was smart and a very, very talented musician. He was also one of the most non-judgmental people she knew. He was a bit introverted but when they talked about music or family, Terry would talk non-stop, almost becoming a whole new person.

School would be out in another 6 weeks and they were talking about finding summer jobs. “I’m applying for a position at Berman’s Department Store at the Mall” Jenn said. “They have an opening as a summer fill-in at the cosmetics counter.” “But you don’t wear much make-up at all Jenn, don’t you need to be an expert to work there?” “If I get the position, they said they would give me lessons. They said my color assessment skills are excellent.” “That’s awesome Jenn” said Terry. “I’m going to be giving music lessons. My sister’s lead guitarist Zoe said she knows several girls that have asked for her for referrals. That will also give me a chance to improve my skills with other instruments.”

Terry got home and read the note on the counter from his mom, Amy. “There are ingredients on the counter for Chicken Divan and the chicken is in the fridge. Lisa is bringing Zoe and Tiffany home after practice today and I could use some help if you have time. After you finish your homework, would you start prepping the chicken around 5pm? The girls will be here by 6:30 but I won’t be home until 6pm.” Terry’s mom Amy had been teaching him to cook for the past few years and he was a fast learner. He was glad to help her, and it meant that they didn’t eat from the slow cooker or fast food very often. Terry hadn’t quite gotten into baking but was good at main dishes and appetizers and loved to help his mom when he could. Being a single mom was exhausting and coming home to a home cooked meal was a real treat for her.

Terry first prepped for his biology exam, then finished his short story for creative writing. He enjoyed writing, his mind was right-brain oriented and he loved writing poems. At 5:00pm Terry went back to the kitchen and started getting things ready for dinner. It would take about a half-hour to get the meal prepped and in the oven. He started by briefly parboiling six chicken breasts in water. Since there would be 5 of them, Terry got out their large casserole dish. After rinsing two large stalks of broccoli, he patted them dry then cut off the stalks and separated them. Once the chicken was done, he let it cool before cutting it into cubes for the dish. He turned on the oven to 350 to preheat while he finished. He cut and arranged the chicken cubes on the bottom then spread the broccoli over the top. He then added mushrooms and water chestnuts, arranging all carefully. Terry took the sauce he made of butter, cream of chicken soup, mayonnaise, lemon juice and curry powder and spread it over the top. He finished up by sprinkling cheese over the entire casserole, then covered it in aluminum foil and put it in the oven to bake. It was 5:30 and he knew it would be ready before his sister and friends got home.

Terry had about a half-hour before his mom got home. He found a couple of bottles of Chardonnay in their basement opened them both, so they could breathe. Terry didn’t drink alcohol, he was more of a coffee and tea person. But his mom enjoyed a glass of wine with dinner after working a stressful day as a nurse. He thought Lisa and her friends could also use a glass or two of wine after their rehearsal.

Terry then went to clean up and changed into his True Religion fatigue jeans and Wildcats t-shirt. He even made sure to brush out his shoulder length hair. He felt like an honorary part of the band since he sometimes practiced with them and had written a couple of songs they now played regularly. He grabbed a glass of ice-water and sat down at the kitchen table with his laptop. He had been working hard for the last few weeks on a couple new songs for the group. He was putting the finishing touches on them and was anxious to show them to the band. He had a notebook full of songs that he had written and when he was inspired he would take one and put it to music.

He heard his mom come in the front door and call out, “Something smells wonderful in here!” Amy came into the kitchen and gave her son a big hug and kiss on the forehead. Amy took a lot of pride in her kids. Lisa had led her volleyball team to the state championships her senior year and now was the driving force behind the Wildcats. Terry had a gentle soul and it almost felt like she had a second daughter. He was thin and still hadn’t developed yet, but somehow it suited his personality.

“Dinner will be ready in about 20 minutes and there is some wine on the counter, mom. I’m trying to get these two songs finished for the girls to surprise them.” “Two new songs? The Wildcats have a secret weapon! Your sister will be thrilled, she said this last tour was exhausting. New, original material will help put them over the top.” Amy grabbed a glass of wine and headed upstairs to get out of her nurse scrubs before Lisa got home. Terry was pulling the casserole out of the oven to let it cool off a little before they ate when he heard his sister Lisa come through the door. He put on some coffee in case anyone wanted some after dinner.

“Hi Lisa. Hi ladies. I hope you’re hungry, I just pulled my Chicken Divan out of the oven.” Zoe and Tiffany looked at each other “Wow, our little Wildcat can cook, too? You’re going to make someone a lucky wife!” Terry laughed, he enjoyed their ribbing. Lisa’s friends were amazing, and he couldn’t wait to show them his new work. Amy, Lisa, Zoe and Tiffany all told Terry it was a real treat to come home to a great ‘comfort food’ meal. They each poured a glass of wine and Tiffany told them about starting their gig at The Rendezvous tomorrow. It would be stretching out for the next four weeks from Thursday to Saturday each week. After dinner was done, Terry cleaned off the table, got them coffee (with a little Bailey’s) and told them he had a little surprise for them.

He had printed out the sheet music for the girls to look at and while he held his breath, they reviewed ‘Come Again’ and ‘On a Blue Note’. Lisa looked stunned, “Wow, little brother, how did you know we wanted to tap into that creative genius of yours some more?” Tiffany and Zoe gave him a big hug and then he was soon sandwiched into a big kiss from all of them. Terry said, “I’ve got my guitar in the living room, would you like to hear them?” After running through both songs, the Wildcats’ eyes lit up and the three girls started talking about how great it was to have their own songwriter. Lisa said, “Can you practice with us tomorrow, so we can learn these?” “Sure, do you still practice at Zoe’s?” Lisa said “No, we’ve now got all of our equipment at The Rendezvous and the owner is letting us practice there.” “I’d love to play with you girls, but I’d feel a little out of place playing with an all-girls band in a public setting. What if someone sees me there?”

The girls laughed “Don’t worry, this is just practice, there are only a couple of other people around.” Tiffany said, “I’ll tell you what, since we’re about the same size, I’ll loan you a pair of jeggings and a top. We can do something with your hair and no one will be the wiser.” Terry was scared, but also excited about wearing Tiffany’s clothes. He’d had a crush on her ever since they met. Terry looked at Lisa and Zoe, “Are you guys just kidding me some more?” Tiffany said, “It’s no big deal, Terry. It’s not like you’ll be putting on a dress and heels and playing in front of hundreds of fans. In fact, you’ll probably pass easier than Gina!” Gina was the drummer for the Wildcats and had a more full-figured, androgynous look than these three beauties.

Terry looked at his mom, “Is that ok with you?” Amy said “I told you that you were the Wildcats’ secret weapon. I think you’ll be just fine in these girls’ hands.” The three Wildcats all jumped up and hugged Terry. “You are giving our band the edge it needs to get noticed Terry! It’s fine to play cover songs as an all-girls band but having our own material might even get us on the radio!” The Wildcats started talking about practice tomorrow and Tiffany told Lisa to bring Terry by her house after he got home from school, so they could get him ready. Terry wondered what he had gotten himself into but couldn’t wait for tomorrow.

After Zoe and Tiffany left, Terry was sitting at the kitchen table with his mom. “I’m really excited about helping the Wildcats. I love playing with them and I’m psyched that they like my songs. Sometimes I dream about being a Wildcat. Is that weird? It would be a dream come true to play in my own band like Lisa, doing what I love.”

Amy had raised Terry and Lisa to be independent, loving human beings. Terry was a great student as well as a talented musician. She taught him how to sew, cook, and tackle most home improvement projects. Terry never had a father figure in his life, but Amy felt that may have been a blessing in disguise. It prevented him from developing controlling, masculine traits. Terry hadn’t gone through puberty yet, even though he was almost 17 years old. Sometimes she wished he could stay like this forever. Terry was a sweet, loving son and she didn’t want him to change. What if Terry could become the 5th Wildcat, she thought.

Terry had a restless sleep that night. He was so excited about playing with the Wildcats tomorrow, and especially his first stop at Tiffany’s to get dressed in her clothes. Tiffany was beautiful, and Terry had a crush on her since they first met. He got up early and put Amy’s lunch together of leftover chicken divan. He left the house early and was waiting at Jenn’s door 15 minutes early, daydreaming about playing with the Wildcats when she came out. “What’s up Terry, you seem far, far, away?” “I showed the Wildcats my two new songs last night, and they’ve asked me to help them rehearse with them today.” “That’s awesome! Those girls are lucky to have you writing for them. Guess what? I just got a call back from Berman’s! I got the job and start this weekend!” “That’s great Jenn, you are going to be fantastic!” “I’ll get my start on Saturday, shadowing the other consultants. Then I’ll get my first application training session later in the day at their salon. I’m going to have a blast doing the thing I love, working with people, helping them feel positive about themselves.”

That day at school was the longest Terry had ever remembered. Finally, at 2pm, he put his books in his locker and Lisa picked him up at the front door with Zoe in the back. I’ve got your guitar, and I even grabbed a couple of pairs of mom’s flats for you to wear, I think you are about her size. 20 minutes later they were at Tiffany’s.

“Let’s get going girls, we have a lot to do today.” The girls had a plan starting by having Terry change into Tiffany’s jeggings and an off-the-shoulder pink top. When he came out they looked at each other and knew they needed a couple of additional adjustments. “Terry, you need to change your underwear, those boxers look awful under the tight jeggings. And you need something on top, you look like an anorexic supermodel. Here’s a bra and panties, hurry up and change!” Terry was flustered by the orders but quickly did as he was told. When he came back out, Tiffany put a couple of enhancers in the bra to give him the right shape. Then they had him sit in a chair and immediately Tiffany started in with a curling iron on his shoulder length hair, Lisa filed then painted his nails in a bright pink to match his top. Zoe did a little heavier-than-daytime makeup, using a powder foundation, bronzer, mascara, lid color, then used a brow pencil to define his light brows. Since Terry turned out so good, Zoe added a dark lip liner and a moderate shade of red lip stain, topping it off with lip gloss to complete the look.

It was already 2:30pm when they were all in Lisa’s van headed to The Rendezvous. Zoe and Lisa were talking about Terry’s new songs, how to do the splits, how the instruments fit together, the tempo, harmonies and beat. But all Terry could think about is that instead of just jeggings and a top, he now looked like a full-fledged Wildcat. Tiffany had given him a pair of boots with a chunky three and a half-inch heel to go with his outfit. She also found some sexy, clip-on chandelier earrings. He had often dreamed of being a Wildcat, but now that he looked like one, it was surreal.

When they got to The Rendezvous, Gina was waiting. When they all piled out of Lisa’s van, Gina said, “Where’s Terry?” Terry raised his hand and said somewhat meekly “Hi Gina, it’s me.” “Wow, you’re going to give me a complex Terry. It’s tough enough competing with these three hotties, but now we have a fourth??”

Once they got their equipment ready, Lisa started them off playing Terry’s first song, ‘Wrong Way’. “Terry, Zoe will play lead, you take the backup guitar and backup vocals.” Terry added, “I can also play the keyboards or rhythm guitar if need be.” Gina said, “You can play my rhythm anytime sweetie!” Gina added a unique twist to the band. She handled the drums and didn’t really compete with the three front girls as far as beauty, but she had the most open sexuality of the group and enjoyed flirting with Terry.

Terry had the time of his life for the next two hours. This was his wildest fantasy come true. For those two hours, he was a full-fledged Wildcat!! He was wearing Tiffany’s underwear, clothes, and shoes. He had his hair curled, earrings on, and even had shiny, painted nails. If he didn’t watch himself, he would orgasm right here and now. The Wildcats had been playing his first two songs, ‘Wrong Way’ and ‘Run, Run, Gone’ for the last year and now he was introducing them to two new songs that could take them to another level and separate them from just ‘cover bands.’ The practice session was awesome, but unfortunately, it was over all too soon.

They all piled back into Lisa’s van to take Terry home for the night. Instead of heading to the Nelson home, they pulled into ‘Little Roma’s’ Italian restaurant. “What’s going on Lisa?” “We thought we would at least treat you to dinner for all you’ve done for us. We need to talk to you.” “But like this? People are going to laugh at me.” “If anyone laughs at you, sweetie, they will have me to answer to,” Gina said. The girls touched up Terry’s lipstick and eye-makeup, then went inside and were seated. After ordering, Lisa addressed the group. “Terry, the Wildcats have been together for 4 years and while we’ve had fun, we have bigger aspirations. Your songs are fantastic and have the ability to differentiate us from the crowd. We’d like you to practice with us this summer and help us brainstorm about our arrangements and techniques. Obviously, we are awed by your songwriting abilities. We would like you to consider continuing practicing and honing the Wildcats sound!” Terry told the girls he had a notebook full of songs he needed to put to music and loved the idea of helping them this summer.

Terry could hardly hear a word that Lisa was saying. He was dressed from head to toe as a twenty-something woman and no one that had seen him thought anything different. The girls said they went a bit overboard today but would make sure he would be comfortable being seen as a woman. They said his dressing could be dialed back a bit in the future. The waitress brought their orders and the Wildcats all ordered wine with their meal. Gina raised her glass, “Here’s to our little Wildcat, may her creativity always be fertile!” Terry raised his water glass and toasted to their success. What had he gotten himself into? Whatever it was, he never wanted it to stop.

After dinner, Terry said he needed to use the restroom. Gina said she would go with him, and Terry wondered where they were going. “Come on, little Wildcat, I’ll watch out for you. You can’t use the men’s room looking like a sexy woman. Terry and Gina left the table and went to the lady’s room. Once inside, Gina said, “Make sure you sit down to pee sweetie.” After Terry emptied his bladder, he was a little wobbly from everything that had just happened. “Let me help you freshen up your makeup, sweetie.” Gina gave him a full kiss on the lips, then redid his lipstick, mascara, and added a little blush before the two of them headed back to the table.

The girls dropped Terry off at his house then headed back to the Rendezvous for their opening night. When Terry finally came through his front door Amy was waiting for him. Lisa had called to say they were coming by and that Terry may need some help removing his makeup. Amy took Terry into the kitchen for a much-needed cup of black coffee. She was amazed at how feminine Terry looked and acted. He was wearing three and a half inch heels like a pro after just a few hours. His nails were filed and polished and looked beautiful. His makeup made him look like a twenty-something young lady and not the 13-year-old boy he normally came across as. Terry seemed quite at ease dressed like this and it made Amy think about what might be in store for him in the future. After taking off his nail polish and showing him how to remove his makeup, Amy got him to his room where he changed into one of his t-shirts and a pair of boxer shorts and headed off to bed.

When Terry woke up on Friday, he had a text from Lisa that the Wildcats would be beat from playing Thursday, Friday, and Saturday but asked Terry if they could get together Sunday for another practice session. On the way to school, Terry asked Jenn if she wanted to get together for dinner after work Saturday to celebrate her first day. Jenn said that her parents were going out of town Saturday and suggested they order a pizza and just chill at her house.

Saturday was a very big day for Jenn. She was up early and reported to Berman’s at 8am to get ready for the opening at 10am. She put her white smock on and reported to the Clinique counter to start with. She started out learning their 3-step skin care system and then moved on to their multiple lines of foundation. She then worked the floor with the manager Susan, from 10-2 and by then her head was swimming. Susan sent her home with a large bag full of samples of everything they sold. Susan told Jenn to go to the Salon on the second floor and ask for Connie for her first application lesson.

Terry was right about Jenn, she had hardly ever worn make-up and after being immersed in it for the last 6 hours, she couldn’t believe women went through this every day. Connie was amazing, she knew exactly what to do. After another one and one-half hours with Connie, Jenn felt like she was starting to get a handle on everything. Connie told her it was extremely important that she practiced how to apply everything hands-on. Jenn was scheduled to be back at Bermans the next day, so she had her work cut out. Jenn took a Uber home where Terry was waiting for her.

“Terry, I completely forgot about our pizza date, I am on makeup overload and have homework to do.” Terry could see she was stressed and said, “I understand, I’ll catch up with you on Monday for school.” As Terry started back to his own house, Jenn had a brainstorm. “Terry, wait! I actually could use your help tonight.” “What do you mean Jenn, and why are you looking at me like that?” “Let’s order the pizza and I’ll tell you.” After getting the pizza and sodas, Terry understood he was going to be getting his second makeover in three days. It seemed a little silly, but Terry ready to do whatever he could to help his best friend. Truth be told, he was actually very excited about what Jenn had in mind to do that night.

“The first thing I need to do is a color match for your skin.” It turned out that Terry had a similar coloring to Jenn. Both had light brown hair and deep hazel eyes, Terry was going to be the perfect model for her homework! Terry had little to no facial hair, but Jenn had him shave anyway. After starting out with a Moisturizing Gel, Jenn decided to try a flawless foundation on Terry to go with an evening look. Terry tried to remain as still as possible but was getting increasingly excited with every touch from Jenn. The first attempt looked fabulous to Terry, but Jenn knew she could do better and showed Terry how to use the makeup removers to take everything off. On her second try, Jenn went for an everyday office business look, and Terry couldn’t believe how he turned out and how Jenn had picked this up so quickly.

Terry told Jenn he was going to be practicing with the Wildcats tomorrow and asked her if she would help him pull a prank on them. Jenn didn’t have to be at Bermans until noon on Sunday, so she agreed to do his makeup for him in the morning. Jenn said she could do him one better. She had him wash his hair and then put in setting jell and put scrunchie rollers in his hair. Since Terry’s hair was longer than hers, she often kidding him about letting her style it. Jenn thought this could be weird, but she was excited about spending the night doing girl things with her male best friend. Since Terry had come this far, when Jenn pulled out a needle and ice cube and told him she needed to pierce his ears, he didn’t object. Terry texted his mom and told her he was going to spend the night at Jenn’s because her parents were gone. This was not an uncommon occurrence for these two and Amy thanked him for letting her know. He said that he was going to meet Lisa at the house tomorrow at 10:30am to be ready to head out for more Wildcat practice.

Jenn and Terry got up Sunday morning and Terry cooked Greek omelets for them and made coffee. After cleaning up, Jenn first put Clinique two coats of ‘Go-Go Pop’ red nail polish on Terry, and although they wouldn’t show, completed the look by also painting his toe nails and finished with a high gloss finish. Jenn went for the polished, office look again complete with smoky-eyes and upturned wings for his eyeliner. She finished his look with a dark red lipliner outside his lips, and dark red, ‘Happy Heart’ longwearing lipstain, finished with a high gloss look. Jenn sent him home with a small gift bag with the makeup samples she used on him. She then carefully took his rollers out giving him a tight, very curly look, then sprayed his hair to ensure his hair kept the curls all day. When he looked in the mirror, Terry felt that his look was 10 times as good as the girls did on Thursday and couldn’t wait to see the look on their faces when they saw him. Terry texted his mom he was coming home and asked her if she could help him to complete his prank. He asked her if she would pick out a sexy outfit of Lisa’s for him to wear today.

Terry’s mom smiled and decided to help her son look ‘her’ best. Terry still had Tiffany’s 3 1/2-inch boots, so Amy found a tight, stretchy denim skirt that came about mid-thigh. Terry didn’t have any more hair on his legs, so Amy decided that dark, patterned tights would highlight his slim legs. Amy pulled out one of her own Bali 34-C bras and some shoulder pads to stuff them with. She found a tight, ruched turtleneck of Lisa’s that had cutout shoulders. Amy laid everything out on Terry’s bed. When ‘she’ came through the front door, Amy audibly gasped. “What the… how did you get that look?” Terry told her, “Jenn is now working in cosmetics at Bermans and I was her make-up model. How do I look?” Amy told Terry she couldn’t believe how beautiful ‘she’ looked. She said she had laid out an outfit for her on Lisa’s bed and to get dressed. She told ‘her’ that she would need to help her get the turtleneck on without messing up her hair and makeup. Terry showed his mom the studs in his ears, and she marveled at this total transformation of her son. Amy said she had something better in mind for his ears. Knowing that Terry needed to stay simple with earring until they healed, she got some simple silver drop earrings for Terry to wear. She said that Lisa left to pick up Tiffany a little while ago and they would be back soon. After seeing Terry presenting as an early twenty hottie, Amy also grabbed one of Lisa’s crossbody purses for him to use.

Terry was totally excited and was primping in the living room facing away from the door when Lisa and Tiffany returned 10 minutes later. Lisa saw the back of Terry with his hair all curled in the chair and said, “Mom, is Terry back yet?” Terry stood up, turned around and said “I’m ready. I hope I’m not overdressed!” Lisa yelled, “Mom, what did you do to Terry?” Amy came out of the kitchen and said, “Don’t blame me, Terry was Jenn’s makeup model for her new job at Bermans. Tiffany couldn’t believe her eyes. Before her stood a tall, beautiful, supermodel. “You’re awesome, girl! You’ve certainly gotten into the spirit of things! Let’s go!”

On the way to The Rendezvous, Terry told them about the sleepover at Jenn’s house and helping her out with her new job. Lisa and Tiffany kept looking at Terry like he was an apparition. “You are now a high maintenance girl, Terry. Now you know what we go through to get ready for our shows,” Tiffany added. Terry said, “This was over a 2-hour process, you ladies are amazing.” Lisa was still staring at him and saw the silver hoop earrings in his ears, “Did you get your ears pierced too? Does mom know about this?” “Jenn thought that would help my look and those clip earrings are painful.” “We appreciate you getting into the role Terry, but in the future, all of this isn’t really necessary just to practice.” “Believe me Lisa, this is a one-time thing. But you should’ve seen the look on your faces when I turned around. It was priceless!” They all had a good laugh as they exited the van.

When they walked inside, Gina and Zoe were waiting for them, along with a couple of teenage girls. Gina was busy getting her drums set up, but Zoe walked up and greeted them with the girls close behind. “Hi ladies.” She had a look of astonishment on her face and she couldn’t stop staring at Terry. “Terry, this is Carol Jones and Stephanie Cross, the two potential students I was telling your sister about.” Without thinking, Terry moved forward and stuck out his hand with his newly polished red nails to greet the girls. Then it dawned on him, what was he going to do about the way he was now dressed. Given that these girl’s initial music interests led them to Zoe, he wondered what the girls would think about taking lessons from another girl? He spoke to them in his perfect pitch female voice, “It’s nice to meet you, what instruments are you two interested in?” “We would like to start out with acoustic guitar, Carol said. Is it ok if we stay to watch you practice?” “Sure, but we need to get started. Why don’t you grab a seat?”

As they headed over to the stage, Zoe walked over to Terry. “You look beautiful Terry, I didn’t realize you were planning on dressing up all the time when you practiced with us.” Terry responded, “I didn’t plan on it, but one of my friends did all of this to help me give you ladies a surprise today. I guess I was the one who was surprised. What am I going to do about Carol and Stephanie?” Zoe was laughing out loud “I think we can figure it out. I’ll talk to them after practice.” When Gina saw Terry, she ran up and gave him a big hug, “Wow, look at you! Are you trying to impress me, sweetie? You’re getting me all hot and bothered before we even get started!” Terry was blushing, “I know the Wildcats have very high standards Gina, I didn’t want to let the band down.”

Once the ladies got settled in, they ran through the four songs Terry had written for them. It was just a start, but the band was developing an edgy sound of their own utilizing Terry’s songwriting. The Wildcats had developed a regional base, but if they could develop a totally unique Wildcat sound, they could do so much more. As they played, there were a million thoughts running through each of their minds. They were all amazed at Terry’s amazing sexy woman look, but his musical talent was off the charts. When they headed out on the road with their first 2 original ‘T. Nelson’ songs last fall they were well received at every venue they played. Adding two more songs that had ‘hit’ potential was electrifying. Lisa’s sexy little brother/sister was someone they definitely wanted to take good care of.

Lisa was concerned that she started something she shouldn’t have with Terry dressing like a woman, but now it had taken a life of its own. Tiffany thought it was spectacular to have another female guitarist that looked like a supermodel and played like a rock goddess. She also welcomed the opportunity to have an excellent musician that could take some pressure off her. Zoe had known Terry for quite a while, especially after her mom died and wondered if this wasn’t the real Terry. He was such a sweet boy and seemed to come out of his shell dressed as a rock-n-roll goddess. Zoe was the lead guitarist but had no problem adding someone as talented at Terry to their sound. Gina just wanted to jump his bones.

Terry was in ‘the zone’ as they played his old songs and learned new ones. He had a whole binder full of potential songs to complete for the band. As he looked at the Wildcats playing alongside him, he wondered what it would be like to do this full-time. He was excited dressed as one of them, feeling accepted an honorary Wildcat. He was helping his sister and her friends achieve what they had worked so hard for and was thoroughly enjoying himself dressed up like them.

Authors Note:
This is a fanfiction for the awesome story “The Wildcats” by Leslie Moore published on Amazon. It is one of my favorite stories and I wanted to add a little backstory of my own. If you haven’t read it yet, look up Wildcats on Amazon and read the story, it is amazing.

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