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Chapter One – Shotgun!
Author’s Note: This is the sequel to my story ‘Consent’ and although the story stands on its own, a better understanding of the characters and their backstory is to be had if you read the prequel. As always I hope you like my little six chapter yarn and if you are inspired to leave feedback it is always appreciated. Michele
Celia Bettany was standing in her walk-in robe deciding what to wear for the day. One side of the wardrobe was hers the other side was Adele's. All of Celia's suits were black as was most of her lingerie.
Celia was British, very British. She had an upper-class London accent and a bespoke sense of class and style preferring short-skirted suits and ridiculously high heels. She changed the colour of her satin blouse daily depending on her mood, the only splash of colour she wore besides her silver jewellery.
One of her previous employers had described her as a British Goth.
Celia was wearing red satin full-cut panties pulled over a red satin and black-lace suspender belt attached to which were black, fifteen-denier, fully-fashioned stockings. Her red satin brassiere held her milky-white globes which pushed against the black satin full-slip she was wearing.
She sucked on a blood-red fingernail while she studied her clothes.
Adele Edwards burst into the small room preceded by a miasma of perfume.
"I don't know why you spend so long picking out your suit, they all look the fucking same anyway," she teased.
"You should talk. You dress like Erin Brockovitch on a bad day," Celia quipped.
Both women had showered, coiffed, applied makeup, dressed in foundation garments and were deciding what to wear for work.
Adele came up behind Celia and pulled her close, pressing against her and nuzzled her neck.
"Stop that. We have work," Celia reached behind and batted at Adele.
"It's our law firm honey we can be a little late," Adele bit Celia's earlobe sensuously.
"Oh for fuck sake Adele, you're not gaffed," Celia could feel Adele's erect penis pushing into the small of her back.
Celia had lived with Adele long enough to know Adele's ritual was to tuck and gaff her genitals before she dressed for the day.
"Why do you have to wait until I've done my hair and makeup and put on my lingerie before you want to fool around?' Celia tried to twist free, but Adele held her close, kissing and nipping at her neck.
"You know why. Because you are irresistible dressed in your sexy undies, whining in your British accent which drives me wild," Adele snuggled up to Celia, rubbing against her.
"Besides; you have wifely duties to perform," Adele brazenly rubbed her cock on Celia's ass.
"Yes I'm your wife and you are mine but I don't remember anywhere in my marriage vows promising you sex whenever you want it," Celia replied curtly.
Adele slipped her fingers under Celia's slip and began to stroke her thigh above the welt of her stocking, her fingertips caressing the soft creamy flesh.
"It was implied. Besides you fell asleep last night before I could pounce on you," Adele voice was thick with lust.
She ground herself against Celia's buttocks and slid her hand to the front of Celia's panties and pressed a finger into her sex.
"Sleep is the new sex," Celia quoted an article she had read to Adele about busy working women with no time for a sex life.
"Sex is the new sex. You know that if you don’t let me fuck you now I'll chase you around the office all day," Adele pressed harder on Celia's vulva and was rewarded when she felt a damp patch present at the front of Celia's panties.
Celia capitulated and spun around and put her arms around Adele and kissed her.
"Make it quick and don't fuck up my clothes and makeup," she sighed.
"You're so romantic honey," Adele smiled around the kiss.
"I want at least an hour's cunnilingus tonight as a reward," Celia said facetiously.
"Are we trading sex now?" Adele gasped when Celia squeezed her penis through her half-slip.
Adele pushed her finger further into Celia's labia and rubbed the satin panty against her sex.
"Take your finger out of my cunt," Celia said authoritatively.
Adele was disappointed but did as she was told.
"Now put your cock in there," Celia grinned up at her beautiful lover.
Celia climbed on Adele, clinging to her, putting her arms around her neck and wrapping her legs around her waist. She kissed Adele passionately.
Adele pushed Celia against the wall and held her there with her bodyweight while she freed her long, thick cock from her panties and slid it inside the leg opening of Celia's panties and found her sex. Celia's cunt was steamy; ready for her and Adele slid inside in one long slow thrust.
"Huh!" Celia gasped when Adele filled her vagina.
"Now fuck me," she whispered.
Adele obliged, fucking Celia while she held her pinned against the wall. Celia's moist passage clung to Adele's turgid phallus as Adele probed deeper into her.
"Oh god!" Celia felt her orgasm approaching.
Adele had the uncanny knack of bringing Celia to the peak of desire and keeping her there for hours, or like this morning, eliciting her orgasm in a few seconds.
Celia bit into Adele's neck to stifle her scream as she peaked, locking her legs harder around Adele and grinding her sex on Adele's pubis to rend out as much pleasure from her tingling clitoris as she could. Adele thrust herself deep inside Celia and ejaculated. She kept still, buried to the hilt in her lover, letting the pulsing of her cock, the gushing of her seed, and the pressure of her pubis wrest Celia's climax from her.
They kissed, passionately, until they were both spent.
Celia dropped to her feet, Adele's penis falling from her cunt.
"Fuck! I'll have to redo my lippy and change my knickers," Celia whined.
"Knickers… you Brits are so funny," Adele slapped Celia on the butt.
"I'm your Brit darling and don't you forget it," Celia cheekily squeezed Adele's slowly diminishing erection and turned away to go back to the bathroom to wash her sex and fix her makeup.
Adele watched her wife walk away admiring Celia’s curves and her rounded buttocks, which Celia hated. Celia thought she was chubby which she certainly was not. Celia had long, well-defined legs, and an ample bosom, all on a five foot frame. She was beautifully proportioned but Celia envied Adele's height and svelte figure.
Their style was different too. Celia wore her jet-black hair in a short bob with bangs cut straight; her skin was pale, accentuated by her dark eye makeup and blood-red lipstick.
Adele was tall, standing five foot seven inches and with her lithe build she seemed to tower over Celia. She had long legs which she liked to show off by wearing her usual uniform of a designer suit with a short skirt and a long jacket and exclusive hosiery. Her hips were narrow and her buttocks pert and firm. She could of course have any size breasts she wanted as they were implants but she had settled on size 16 C-cups. Celia had joked that Adele should have got double Ds and become a tranny porn star. She had lustrous shoulder-length brunette hair which always looked like she had just left her hairdresser.
Adele and Celia were so different but they both exuded style, class and sensuality. Their friends envied the connection they had with each other; they sometimes seemed to read each other's minds. The bond between them was affirmed by absentminded little touches. They seemed to need to constantly caress, stroke and pat each other whenever they were together. They wore their love for each other proudly.
They were partners in the law firm of Edwards and Bettany. Adele had offered to take Celia's last name as her own when they married but Celia wanted them to keep their own surnames. She also wanted to wear black to her wedding which Adele expressly forbade. They both wore white dresses, Adele a fitted backless satin and lace sheath with V-neckline and Celia a sleeveless asymmetric panel dress. Celia claimed a moral victory that night when they consummated their marriage and Adele discovered that Celia had worn black panties under her white wedding dress.
The firm was successful, mainly taking on cases where several plaintiffs wanted to sue the same party but didn't have the numbers required to lodge a class action lawsuit. They also represented a number of small businesses and corporations. Adele headed up the litigation side of the house while Celia had specialised in commercial law.
Their lives would change forever that very morning and their marriage would be tested to its very limits over the next few months.
Tammy Peak was daunted by the minimalist modern layout of the law offices of Edwards and Bettany when she entered with her daughter Kimberly in tow. She was surprised when a receptionist, who Tammy thought looked like a Vogue model, offered her coffee and mineral water for Kimberly while they waited to see a lawyer.
They had turned up unannounced and were even more surprised when Adele Edwards came out to usher them into her office.
Kimberly Peak was immediately impressed and envious of the beautiful tall woman dressed in the charcoal grey short-skirted suit, black satin blouse, glistening hosiery and high heels. She smelled so good and Kimberly immediately developed a girl-crush for her.
"Tell me why you're here," Adele said having made them comfortable.
Adele had detected their Southern twang when they introduced themselves in the lobby. They were obviously not well-to-do and had probably put on their 'Sunday going to meeting clothes', the best they had, for the appointment.
Tammy was wearing a plain beige skirt and jacket with frayed cuffs with a simple white blouse under. She was wearing tan hosiery and nice heels and had put on a little makeup. Kimberly was obviously precocious and confident above her years. Her mom had allowed her to put on some pink lipstick and she wore tan nylons with her cheap but stylish twinset skirt and top and Mary Janes.
"They stole our mountain then they stole my husband," Tammy began to weep.
Adele pushed a box of tissues across the table and waited for Tammy to compose herself.
"Dammit! I said I wouldn't cry," she berated herself.
Kimberly reached out and took her mother's hand and squeezed it comfortingly. Adele liked her already. Most pre-teen city girls wouldn't be seen dead in the outfit that Kimberly was wearing and would be appalled if their mother cried in public. Kimberly wore her clothes with pride and unashamedly loved her mother. Her face was pretty and she had blue eyes; Adele saw a little of herself in her.
"Who stole your mountain?" Adele asked when Tammy had composed herself.
"Brindle Coal and Power that's who.”
"They cut the top off Bear Mountain and dumped it into the valleys. They poisoned our water, poisoned the air we breathe and covered everything with dust. They just destroyed Bear Mountain, made it disappear. And what did they give us for it? They gave us a fucking fun-park," Tammy spat.
"Pardon me for blaspheming, I'll put a quarter in the swear box when we get home Kimberly," she patted her daughter's hand reassuringly.
“And your husband?” Adele asked.
“Died of cancer two months ago. He worked at the mine until he got too sick to get outa bed. The doctors said that the cancer was likely caused by either something in our water or some chemical he was using up at the mine. We got ourselves a cancer cluster in Silas County and there aint no one there will do nothing about it,” Tammy Peak said with a croaked voice.
“There isn’t anyone there who will do anything about it,” mom.
“You gotta learn to talk proper,” Kimberly corrected her mother but made a joke about it.
Smart kid, Adele thought.
“No need to correct my speech now honey, I haven’t got enough time left to make it worthwhile,” Tammy said with a pained look on her face.
Adel looked closer at Tammy. She was peaked under her makeup and her clothes hung off her like they might be two sizes too big and her hair was thinning. Adele glanced down at the questionnaire that Tammy had completed while she waited in the foyer. She was forty-two according to the paperwork but Adele had assumed that she was in her early sixties.
There was no need to ask Tammy what she meant by she didn’t have enough time left.
Kimberly leaned into her mother and put her face on her upper arm and rubbed her back reassuringly. The look of love and devotion that she expressed for her mother was heart wrenching. And she’d only just lost her father.
Adele pushed down her emotions. As a lawyer, especially taking the type of cases that Adele took, emotion had no place in her decision making processes.
“Can you prove that Brindle Coal and Power is responsible for your husband’s death?” Adele asked.
“Hell no! That’s why I come all this way to see you. Why else would I need a lawyer?” Tammy snapped.
Adele smiled at her forthrightness.
“Ok but there has to be lawyers in Silas County and certainly there are plenty in Kentucky,” Adele pressed on.
“Aint no one in Silas Country gonna take on Brindle, you don’t bite the hand that feeds you, and I don’t trust them Kentuckian lawyers, Brindle Coal and Power has most of the state legislators in their pockets.
Kimberly rolled her eyes at her mother’s English but said nothing.
Adele looked at the proforma sitting on her desk. The Peak family’s income consisted of a small pension from Tammy’s deceased husband’s meagre life insurance and twenty five acres of land that Adele guessed was likely worthless given its proximity to the mine.
“Getting back to your husband Mrs Peak. What I meant is; do you have specific evidence that the mine caused your husband to contract cancer?” Adele asked.
“That’s what you gotta do isn’t it. I aint paying a fancy lawyer to sit on her fanny and look pretty,” Tammy snapped.
Adele had to admire her gumption.
“Well here’s the thing Mrs Peak. It costs a lot of money to sue a big company like Brindle Coal and Power and a lot of resources and a lot of time and well…”
Adele left her response hanging.
“Come on Kimbo; let’s get outta here. I knew this was a bad idea when you put it to me,” Tammy hefted herself out of her chair and took Kimberly by the arm and dragged her to the door.
“Don’t call me Kimbo momma you know I hate that name,” Kimberly whined as she was dragged out the door by her mother.
“Mrs Peak wait…” Adel called after Tammy, but she was gone.
“Shithouse mouse!” Adele cursed.
A minute later Kimberly Peak burst back into Adele’s office followed by the firm’s receptionist.
“I tried to stop her,” Michelle DeLong, the firm’s paralegal and girl-Friday apologised.
“That’s ok Michelle. Let her stay and close the door please,” Adele replied.
Adele looked down at Kimberly, but not much. She was going to be a tall girl when she finally finished growing.
“I read about you in an old magazine at mom’s hairdresser and then I Googled you. I know that you don’t take shit from big companies and that you sued those four men who raped that poor girl at that party a few years ago. Those assholes tried to discredit you. I didn’t understand a lot of what was said about you, but then I saw your picture,” Kimberly stood arms crossed, a stern look on her face.
“In the picture you looked smart and attractive and like you wouldn’t take shit. Not like some bimbo in a suit. I also thought you liked to help people, people like us. But I guess like most lawyers it’s all about the money,” Kimberly was red-faced with anger.
“Now I gotta put three quarters in the swear jar and say I’m sorry to momma for wasting her money on this trip,” Kimberly turned and reached for the doorknob.
“Kimberly wait. Go get your mother and bring her back. I didn’t say I wouldn’t take your case, I just need to know more about it,” Adele replied.
Adele was shocked when Kimberly flew at her and hugged her tight.
“I knew that you were the best. I knew that you would take our case. When I saw your picture and read your story I just knew that you and I were going to be best friends,” Kimberly squeezed her tighter.
Adele was dumbfounded. All she could do was pat Kimberly’s back.
“Now I didn’t say…” Adele began, but was cut off when Kimberly let go of Adel and bolted for the door.
“I’ll go get momma. Tell that Michelle lady to get more coffee because it’s a long story,” Kimberly shot out the door at a full run.
Adele sighed. Then she smiled to herself walked down the corridor to Celia's office. She entered without knocking and leaned on the doorjamb.
“Find out everything you can about mountaintop removal mining,” Adele said.
“Why,” Celia looked up speculatively.
“We have a case. We’re suing Bridle Coal and Power,” Adel replied.
Celia took a beat to think about that and then replied.
“You know who isn’t going to be happy about this,” she said.
“Fuck Grantham, Walker and Tate! They fired our asses I couldn’t give a toss about them,” Adele said hotly.
“They fired your ass Adele. I came with you remember,” Celia corrected her.
“’Course you did. Who wouldn’t follow this great ass,” Adele smiled wickedly.
“Are you serious about this? I hope you’ve got a client with deep pockets,” Celia frowned.
“Yeah… well about that…” Adele slid into Celia’s office.
Adele, Michelle and Celia sat in their small conference room while Celia and Michelle updated Adele on the research they had done so far.
Kimberly started.
“Silas County Kentucky demographics are as follows: It is ninety-seven percent white and per capita income is $12,224 per annum. Twenty six percent of the people live below the poverty line. Male average lifespan is 66.5 years as opposed to the average 76.5 in the USA,” Michelle checked her legal pad.
“Only twenty five percent of the population work directly for Brindle Coal and Power but seventy five percent of the population benefit from the company indirectly. The County earns virtually no taxes from its citizens but takes a healthy stipend from the mine.”
“The mine provides the County with power, water and most of the utilities. Shit, they even provide the cruisers for the police and sheriff’s department,” Michelle summed up her brief.
“So the county is being poisoned by the company that provides them with everything they need to survive. They are pretty much totally dependent on Brindle,” Adele was not really surprised.
“Allegedly poisoned,” Celia corrected her wife.
Adele nodded and looked at Celia for her to take over the briefing.
“Mountaintop removal mining or MTR as they call it involves the removal of the summit to get to the coal beneath it. Brindle dumps the overburden in the valleys below the mountain,” Celia began.
“And that’s legal?” Adele was astonished.
“MTR in most other places is subject to regulation and the mining companies are required to return the overburden back on the ridges of the mountain to approximate the original contours of the mountain but Brindle did a deal with the County and the State,” Celia explained.
“Brindle Coal and Power is the largest donor to a Super PAC that donated a significant amount of money to the election campaign of the incumbent State Government. The PAC also pays the lobbyists who encourage State politicians to favour legislation that supports its endeavours,” Celia went on.
“But…” Adele interjected.
“Yeah I know that it sounds dodgy but as you know there are loopholes that allow companies like Brindle to pretty much do what the hell they like,” Celia answered Adele’s question before she asked it.
“Come on Adele we both worked at Grantham, Walker and Tate, hell it was our job to find the loopholes that these assholes use,” Celia stated the bleeding obvious.
“Ok, moving on. A small law firm, bigger than ours by the way, bought a class action against Brindle Coal and Power trying to prevent any further mining on Bear Mountain until further environmental impact studies could be conducted. They also alleged that Brindle was responsible for the growing cancer clusters and higher than average rate of stillbirths in the County. Grantham, Walker and Tate crushed them before they even got to court,” Celia looked meaning fully at Adele.
“And we still have no real evidence that the mining of Bear Mountain contributed to Maurice Peak’s death. I have some medical and environment experts working on that. That’s what we have to prove to make our case,” Celia put down her notepad.
“Ok so we have got our work cut out for us. Once Brindle finds out we are going after them we are going to have the full weight of their resources turned against us,” Adele sighed.
“One more thing; guess who is Brindle Coal and Power’s most powerful lobbyist and allegedly the controller of their PAC?” Celia looked pointedly at Adele.
“Peter Duffy?” Adele replied when the answer dawned on her.
Celia suspected that Adele had had a short but tempestuous affair with Peter Duffy when she and Adele worked at Grantham, Walker and Tate. There was office gossip that Adele had prostituted herself to entice Peter to the firm as a client. No innocent herself, Celia, although a lesbian, had seduced a male Deputy District Attorney in order to gain access to a file they needed to make a case.
When they married, Celia knew that Adele had an addiction to sex with men of a certain type. She knew that it had something to with the incident that occurred in college where Adele was forced to participate in group sex with four students. Adele used the services of a discreet dating agency to scratch her itch using professional male prostitutes provided by the agency. They had no pre-nuptial agreement but it was tacitly agreed that Adele could continue to serve her obsession this way; Celia just didn’t want to know anything about it.
Their marriage worked very well that way. They both worked long hours during the week but every Friday night they had dinner together at home. Saturday was date night and they went out on the town together and Sunday they slept late and spent the day together, usually outdoors.
Thursday night Celia went to visit her mother and stayed overnight. What Adele did on her Thursday nights Celia didn’t want to know about so long as nothing happened in their home.
“So boss; what’s our action plan?” Celia asked.
“I’m not your boss Celia, we’re equal partners,” Adele hated when Celia did this, putting Adele in charge.
“It's your case Adele, you’re lead on this,” Celia knew she was right.
“Ok. Celia you see what the law firm that failed in their class action against Brindle is willing to give us. Might save us a lot of research,” Adele tapped her pen against her teeth as the gears turned.
“Michelle, you coordinate everything and start building a case file. Go and light a fire under our medical and environmental experts.”
“To make a case we need to know exactly what caused Maurice Peak to die, link that to his environment, his job, his home etcetera and the kicker… link that to Brindle Coal and Power,” Adele summed up the arduous task ahead of them.
“What about you,” Celia asked.
“Me? I’m going to the scene of the crime. I’m going to Missionville Kentucky,” Adele replied.
“Are you going to buy some bib and brace coveralls, checkered shirts, shit-kicking boots and a straw hat?” Celia couldn’t help taking a dig at Adele.
“No honey, but I might buy a pantsuit,” Adele stuck out her tongue.
“I want pictures! I want lots of pictures. Maybe one of you coming out of the Peak’s thunder-box pulling up your drawers,” Celia began to laugh.
“Maybe one of you coming out of Missionville Hair Boutique and Dog Wash with a Loretta Lyn bouffant,” Celia giggled.
“Or one of you chowing down a big dish of chitlins,” Celia’s English accent couldn’t quite mimic the Southern drawl she was attempting to imitate.
“Adele Edwards out in the boonies; what a hoot!” Celia was nearly doubled over with laughter.
“That’s it… when you two start like this, it always ends in tears. I’m outta here,” Michelle lifted her rather delicious derriere out of the office chair was about to leave the conference room when she stopped abruptly.
Celia continued to hound Adele about going to Kentucky.
“Ladies,” Michelle asserted.
Celia made another quip.
“Ladies,” Michelle raised her voice a little but Celia continued her monologue.
“Ladies!” Michelle finally screeched.
Adele and Celia turned to face her. Michelle was standing in the doorway with Tammy and Kimberly Peak who had been standing in the corridor listening to the whole thing.
Celia knocked her chair over she got out of it so fast, she elbowed aside Michelle and took Tammy Peak’s hand in hers.
“I’m so sorry Mrs Peak, that was very rude and inconsiderate of me,” the look of contrition on Celia’s face was genuine.
Tammy looked at her daughter, gave her wry smile and nodded.
“Do you know what happens when blondes move from Tennessee to Kentucky?” Kimberly asked.
“Both states become smarter!” she dropped the punchline before anyone could answer.
“Us Kentuckians is used to you citified folk looking down on us, that’s why we got scales on our skin,” Tammy smiled, relieving the tension.
Everyone started laughing.
“I collect Kentucky jokes,” Kimberly beamed.
Kimberly sidled up to Adele and took her hand.
“Are you really coming to Missionville Adele?” she looked up at Adele with adoration.
“I sure am, and I tell you what. You and your mom can ride down with me in my car if you want,” Adele smiled at Tammy then Kimberly.
“Shotgun!” Kimberly yelped, making everybody laugh again.
It didn’t end in tears though.
“I’m gonna miss you,” Celia was straddling Adele, her knees either side of her on the sofa.
She leaned down and kissed Adele softly, slipping just the tip of her tongue into Adele’s mouth.
Adele held Celia by the hips and returned the kiss. They were both dressed just in their underwear. They had taken off and hung up their suits and Celia had offered to make them both a drink before they showered. Adele had followed Celia into the lounge having removed her gaff. When Celia bought the drinks over to the couch and reached for the clicker to turn on the news Adele had pulled her into her lap. Celia had climbed onto Adele and here they were.
“I’m gonna miss you too,” Adele kissed the side of Celia’s mouth and then nuzzled her neck.
“I’m gonna miss this too,” Celia snaked her hand down between them squeezed Adele’s thickening penis.
“You have enough dildos and vibrators in your bedside table to open your own adult store,” Adele chuckled.
“But they aren’t as good as the real thing,” Celia smiled and squeezed harder.
“You want to go to the bedroom?” Adele whispered in Celia’s ear.
Celia’s response was lift her buttocks up out of Adele’s lap and ease Adele’s penis inside her panties so that it nestled in her sex. She rode up and down slowly, forcing Adele’s penis inside her vaginal lips so that it pressed on her clitoris.
They kissed, Adele content to feel her wife’s hot wet cunt pressing on her hard cock. Celia purred as her pleasure began to build, sprites of intense delight rippled from her sex.
When Celia began to mew, Adele knew that she was close; Adele was working hard to delay her own orgasm. Adel lifted Celia up a little higher and moved her back a fraction so that when Celia lowered herself, Adele’s penis slid into her tight slippery sheath.
They both gasped.
Their kiss became one long, lingering, tongue wrangling, lip crushing smooch. Celia slowly raised and lowered her bottom, ensuring that Adele’s cock fully impaled her, driving it deep inside her. Adele cupped Celia’s buttocks and squeezed.
Celia freed Adele’s breasts from her bra, broke the kiss and lapped and nipped at her engorged nipples. Adele moaned and used her hands on Celia’s breasts leaving Celia to ride up and down on her own, using her knees for support.
Celia came first. Her orgasm was protracted; a continuous tingling that slowly intensified, starting from deep in her vagina and then radiating to her clitoris. Vaginal orgasms were rare and Celia loved it when Adele was able to invoke one from her. Adele felt Celia shudder and she moved her hands back to her hips to help support her as Celia began to shake and moan.
“Yesss!” Celia leaned forward and bit Adele’s lip as her orgasm intensified.
She opened her mouth wide and crushed her lips against Adele’s mouth and drove her tongue inside it.
As Celia was getting close to the summit of her orgasm, Adele allowed herself to come. Her cock throbbed deep inside Celia and filled her with scalding semen. Celia reared back and drove her buttocks into Adele’s crotch.
They rode the wave of Celia’s continuous orgasm until it peaked; Adele continued to ejaculate until it almost hurt. Celia fell forward and Adele wrapped her arms around her. She held Celia until she stopped shuddering and her breathing returned to normal.
“I love you,” Celia sighed into Adele’s ear.
“I love you too. With all my heart,” Adele whispered.
They snuggled together until Adele’s erection subsided and slipped out of Celia’s vagina.
“Oops,” Adele giggled.
“Oops be buggered. Let me get off you before your cum stains our new couch,” Celia slipped the gusset of her panties back in place and lifted herself free of Adele.
“Well whose fault is that? I wanted to go to the bedroom,” Adele chuckled, putting her cock inside her panties.
Celia pulled Adele up off the couch and they fell into each other’s arms.
“I told you we need a throw rug,” Celia nuzzled Adele’s earlobe.
“Then that would get stained,” Adele squeezed Celia’s buttocks.
“Well if we just confined our lovemaking to the bedroom and you stopped chasing me around the house like a horny teenager,” Celia teased.
“I chase you! Who just declined my offer to go to bed?” Adele spanked Celia on the bottom.
“Ok then. We make a pact. We only make love in the bedroom,” Celia grinned.
“You know that is not gonna happen,” Adele smiled back at her.
“Really?” Celia teased; she could feel Adele becoming tumescent again.
“No,” Adele pushed her panty-clad cock against Celia’s belly.
“No?” Celia pressed herself against Adele.
“No. In fact right now I’m going to pick you up and carry you to the kitchen bench top where I’m going to give you a jolly good rogering as you Brits would say,” Adele grinned.
“We never say that,” Celia replied, her voice thick with lust.
“Whatever… anyway you’re getting fucked,” Adele leaned into Celia and kissed her.
To be continued
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