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Chapter Eight -- Caputo Kaput
Candi was heartbroken. She lay in bed Saturday morning and refused to answer phone calls from Michelle or John despite their insistent calling. She eventually left the receiver off the hook.
She didn't get up until after twelve noon and when she saw herself in the mirror she cringed.
"Fuck them! Looking good is probably the best revenge!"
Candi painstakingly applied makeup and slipped into the same red leather mini-skirt, white satin blouse, tan pantyhose, red satin knickers and matching bra that she had worn when she had met John at his warehouse the second time. She brushed her hair, accessorised and applied perfume.
"Perfect," she smiled in the mirror.
Her doorbell rang and she slipped into her red high heels and clattered downstairs expecting Michelle or John to be there because she had refused to answer their calls. She was ready to unload her fury on both or either of them.
"Fuck them! I hope they feel guilty as hell!" she wheezed as she descended the staircase.
Candi flung open the door and was very surprised to see Dennis Caputo standing there dressed in a business suit holding his hat.
"Oh! Mister Caputo; it's you?" Candi's surprise registered on her face.
"Yes Miss Pops it is. I'm sorry to call on a weekend but there is something we need to clear up before you return to the Training Academy on Monday."
"May I come inside?" he asked.
"Of course, please come in. Can I get you a cup of tea or something?" Candi was very polite.
"That won't be necessary," he sounded very officious, and uninvited, he walked over to her dining room table and began to shake documents out of a valise.
Candi recognised the valise as the one she had taken to her interview at Goldwing. It had contained her references, passport and records of employment. All of which had been forged or counterfeited by John Benstead.
He fussed about, arranging documents on the table while Candi stood and watched, looking pale and shaking slightly.
"Now if you will just come over here Miss Pops I'd like to show you something," Dennis Caputo waved a hand at her officiously.
Candi stood next to him at the table, his aftershave smelled familiar, maybe she remembered it from the selection day.
"Look at these documents on the left and then look at the documents on the right," he pointed to the letters on the table.
Candi's knees started to shake.
The documents on the left were an application form and a curriculum vitae from a Mr Christopher Nyland and on the right were an application form and a curriculum vitae from a Miss Candace Pops.
You did not need to be a Rhodes Scholar to figure out that the documents were identical except for the names of the applicants and the gender descriptors in the text.
"As you can see these documents are identical except for the names and gender of the applicants. I have multiple applications from Mr Nyland spanning several years but only the one application from yourself."
"You can see why I am here and need an explanation," he said quite pompously.
"Well I don't know this Christopher person so I don't know how I can help you," Candi tried to bluff her way out of it.
"But look closer at your reference here Miss Pops and I think I might have an explanation for the irregularity," Mr Caputo said.
Candi bent over the table to look.
She was shocked when she felt Dennis Caputo's hand slide under her skirt and grab her buttock.
"Did you like the cartoon I put in your exercise book?" Mr Caputo's voice had changed
Candi froze. Now she knew where she recognised the scent of his aftershave from; and she certainly recognised the icy tone of his voice from the pool.
"You are employed by Goldwing Airlines under false circumstances."
"We need to discuss this breach of trust and propriety."
"But first I'm going to fuck you."
Before Candi could react Dennis Caputo stepped behind her, kicked her heels apart and used his considerable weight to press her down on the table. Candi scrambled, kicked and wriggled.
Dennis laughed.
"I love it when you fight. This is just like in the pool. That was so much fun, watching you from the sidelines with Marjorie Deakin and then slipping into the pool as soon as she turned out the lights and ducked outside for a smoke. I'd even purloined the moisturiser from the change room so I had some lubricant."
"Remember this?" he waved the tube of moisturiser under Candi's nose.
"Now. Last time I stopped you struggling by dunking you but as I have no water we will have to use traditional methods."
"Fuck off you creep! Let me go!" Candi squealed.
Dennis lifted her skirt and Candi struggled harder and then Dennis bought his palm down hard on her buttocks. Candi yelped and wriggled harder.
"Stop that Candace," Dennis said and began to spank her hard and fast.
Candi squealed and Dennis pulled down her red satin panties to reveal her rosy pink scalded buttocks encased in the sheer nylon of her pantyhose.
"Do you want any more?" Dennis said unemotionally.
Candi shook her head vigorously.
"Good. Then we will forgo the preliminaries if you don't mind. I have a busy day."
Dennis pulled down her pantyhose to reveal blushed cheeks and dropped his trousers and freed his erect penis.
Candi gritted her teeth in expectation as Dennis squeezed moisturiser on his cock and in the crevice of her bottom. He positioned his glans in the little starfish of her sphincter and pushed.
Candi screamed as Dennis impaled her on his cock.
"Now, now. We went through this last time and you ended up begging me to fuck you," Dennis said coldheartedly.
He gripped her hips and began to fuck her.
Candi grunted as his thick cock pounded in and out of her tight anus. Unfortunately or fortunately for her, once again Candi felt that stirring inside her as Dennis Caputo hit that special place inside her anus.
She stopped screaming but continued to grunt as Dennis thrust his cock in and out of tight bottom. She couldn't control her response and was soon pushing back against him to meet his thrusts.
"Good girl; now that's what I like," Dennis crooned.
"Shut up and fuck me you creep," Candi hissed.
She felt her orgasm approaching and she wanted Dennis to come with her or even before her so that she wouldn't suffer the indignity of him fucking her after she had climaxed. She knew she would experience the same post-coital self loathing that she'd felt the last time he'd fucked her.
Candi pushed back against Dennis and wriggled her buttocks; she squeezed those muscles deep inside her anus and moaned out load.
"Come in me Dennis. Fuck me, come on, fuck me hard and make me come!" she screamed.
It worked.
Dennis gripped Candi's hips and jackhammered his cock in and out of her firm, tight arse. He plunged his penis deep inside her and came. Candi felt his hot semen wash over her prostate and she ejaculated.
Her sperm splashed into her panties and pantyhose gathered around her knees. She felt so much pleasure that her legs gave out and Dennis had to hold her up as he rutted against her, squirting the last of his seed inside her.
He pushed her face down on the table and extracted his cock from her sphincter with an audible plop and watched his spend run done her thigh. Then he wiped his cock on Candi's skirt and stuffed it back in his underpants and pulled up his trousers.
Candi lay bent over table unable to move. She felt abused and revolted but at the same time sexually gratified.
Dennis scooped up the documents and stuffed them back into the valise.
"We will undoubtedly have to discuss how these documents came into being sometime soon Miss Pops and you should be prepared to offer yourself to me as and when I find the need. We wouldn't want Goldwing to find out that you are employed under false pretences now would we?" he callously snickered.
Dennis left Candi sprawled over the table and departed. It took Candi quite a while to recover from the ordeal but eventually she was able to pull up her pantyhose and knickers and pull down her skirt; they were semen stained and she couldn't wait to take them off.
She kicked off her high heels and stumbled up the stairs, her bowels stung and her legs ached. She stripped off her clothes and washed her thighs and buttocks and then douched away the residue inside her anus.
She wanted to curl up on the bed and cry but she knew that if she didn't do something about Dennis Caputo soon he would continue to use her as his fuck puppet and who knew what other indignities he had in store for her or where the blackmail would lead.
Candi lifted the receiver and called Michelle and then John and demanded they come over; she did not go into detail. She freshened her makeup and pulled on clean knickers and black winter leggings and a woollen top. She slipped into the only pair of flats that she owned and went downstairs and made a large pot of coffee.
John sat in an overstuffed armchair and Michelle sat on the sofa and they glanced guiltily at each other but mostly watched Candi pad around the kitchen pouring coffee. She'd kicked off her shoes as the apartment was starting to warm up. Michelle was dressed in jeans and jumper but as always her makeup was perfect. John wore his usual skin-tight jeans and t-shirt; his fleecy jacket draped over the back of the chair he was sitting in.
"Bit warmer today then Candi?" John tried to start the conversation with an innocuous question.
"Yes it is. I suppose that means you and Michelle won't have to leap on each other and shag yourselves stupid on my sofa to keep warm then," she replied scornfully.
"Hey wait a minute," Steve became defensive.
"Or maybe you can just wank each other off on my throw rug?" she quipped.
Michelle had had enough.
"Oi little miss can't be wrong! Don't come around here, coming around here. Like you're all innocent! What about the lies you told Steve concerning you being Tony's girlfriend then?" Michelle countered.
"And I asked you to keep me out of the whole forgery thing but now Tony knows that I gave you Steve's number so he ain't exactly pleased as punch with me."
"And it isn't like you haven't fucked both of us yourself," Michelle finished her return serve.
"Hey wait a minute! You girls fuck each other?" John was a little bewildered.
Candi and Michelle looked at John incredulously.
"Really John! You think two gorgeous T-Girls like us could keep our hands off each other?" Michelle looked exasperated.
"Yeah John! Michelle and I like to fuck now and then so what?" Candi joined Michelle in paying out on him.
"So why are you and I in the shit then Michelle?" John asked quizzically.
Candi realised that the worm had turned and she was somehow no longer the aggrieved party.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Candi shouted.
"You two fucking each other on my sofa last night is not why I've asked you here!" Candi explained.
She poured coffee and offered cigarettes and they sat around the kitchen table.
"Ok. This is complicated and more than a little degrading but this is what's been happening," Candi went on to tell them about Dennis Caputo.
When Candi told them about the incident at the pool and at her flat earlier that day they were both astonished.
"Oh babe I'm so sorry," John took Candi in his arms and held her tight.
"Me too," Michelle joined the group hug.
"But we have a bigger issue now than just your dignity or your quest to become an airline steward," Michelle said.
John nodded his head but Candi looked puzzled.
"What could be a bigger problem than some guy who want's to bugger me anytime it suits him and who can ruin my career as a hostie?" Candi asked.
"Fuck me Candi; as always you never see the big picture," Michelle was exasperated.
"One word Candi..."
"What's Tony got to do with it?" Candi was still confused.
"John. Please explain," Michelle was irritated.
"This Caputo guy knows that your documents are forged and counterfeit. He's blackmailing you. So how long until he asks who did the work on the documents? And the answer is me. And who do I work for?" John said, lighting three cigarettes and handing them around.
Michelle poured them all scotch.
"Oh fuck!" Candi exclaimed.
"Exactly! Oh fuck!" Michelle sounded rankled.
"And Tony already has an unhealthy interest in you since the warehouse episode," Michelle took a slug of scotch and topped up her glass again.
"Oh double fuck!" Candi knocked back her own drink and shook her glass at Michelle who topped it off.
"So what the fuck do we do?" John asked.
"We do fuck all John. Candi needs to go and see Tony and tell him about this Dennis Caputo guy," Michelle replied.
"Oh fuck no!" Candi cried.
"Oh fuck yes!" Michelle responded.
"I'll tee up the meeting doll, then its over to you. I told you to leave me out of this," Michelle said, quite infuriated.
"Well it will have to be this afternoon or tonight. Before I go back to the Academy," Candi barked.
Michelle reached for Candi's phone.
Candi entered the ante room of Tony Carlotta's office suite very trepidiciously. She was wearing the red leather mini skirt, cream satin blouse and red patent leather high heels she had worn earlier but had put on clean sheer taupe pantyhose and a red satin bra and panty set. Her makeup was perfect as one had come to expect from a prospective airline hostess.
The secretary's station was vacant, it being Saturday evening.
The door to Tony's office was open and she could hear a murmured conversation and realised he was on the phone. She approached the doorway and Tony waved her into his office and pointed to an overstuffed couch against the wall.
When she sat, her skirt rose higher, right to the top of her thighs and Tony smirked remembering when Panti Pops had sat on that exact same couch not that many years ago. And now he had a Miss Candi Pops sitting there. The irony was not lost him. He finished his conversation and hung up the phone.
"So. The little travisto who I found and fucked in my forger's warehouse has come to visit me. And she is commended to me by my favourite travisto Miss Michelle Murphy. Michelle tells me that it's important that I listen to you" Tony's smile was mirthless.
"Yes Mister Carlotta. It's actually about some documents that I had forged by Mister Benstead that I am here," Candi explained.
"Well I'm a busy man and it's Saturday night. So make it quick. I have places to be and things to do," Tony grinned.
Tony got up from behind his desk and sat beside Candi on the couch; his weight made it creak and Candi was uncomfortable with him being this close to her but she needed to tell Tony what had happened so that hopefully he could fix the problem.
"Well it's got to do with this guy called Dennis Caputo who works for Goldwing Airlines," Candi began.
Candi told Tony about how Dennis Caputo had come to her apartment that morning and blackmailed her. She felt no need to provide details of the pool incident or that Dennis had forced himself on her for sex. Just that he intended to expose her to Goldwing if she didn't tell him about the documents and that he intended to find out where she got the documents forged.
"You're not telling me everything are you?" Tony grinned.
"You're blushing. You can't tell me that a sad, fat, functionary, in a dead end job wouldn't use that sort of leverage on a babe like you to get into your pretty pink panties."
Tony placed a hand on Candi's knee and squeezed.
Candi closed her legs and looked at her feet and nodded.
"I thought so," Tony gloated.
"But why come to me?"
"Because, well to quote Dennis Caputo: 'we will undoubtedly have to discuss how these documents came into being sometime soon Miss Pops.'" Candi replied.
"And this concerns me how?"
"Well because John Benstead works for you and if Dennis finds out that John forged my documents, that puts John at risk and you too," Candi reasoned.
"And you were introduced to John by Michelle?" Tony speculated.
"Well sort of. Michelle got John's number from you and then well..."
"Don't play me for idiot you putta! Michelle asks me about counterfeiting and then I find you, her friend, at John's workshop! I can join the dots."
"But what did you tell John to convince him to forge those documents. He works exclusively for me so you must have told him that somehow we had a connection," Tony grinned like a shark.
Candi blushed a deep red.
"You told him that you worked for me or that you were one of my girlfriends didn't you?"
She blushed deeper.
"Well I'll sort out this Caputo guy but it seems to me that you owe me something for it...girlfriend!"
Tony was big and fat but he was lightning quick and he weighed nearly twice as much as Candi.
He stood up quickly and grabbed Candi and flung her towards his big oak desk. She stumbled across the room and grabbed the desk for support, bent over at the waist.
Tony was on her like a flash and used his weight to pin her to the desk. He pushed her feet apart and lifted her skirt.
Tony pawed at Candi's red satin panties with his big hands. He squeezed the globes of her firm buttocks; her panties slithered across her silky pantyhose.
"I figured after the last time we met you would want to do this to me again," Candi sighed, looking over her shoulder.
"Oh yes my pretty; I really liked the last time we did it and I do want to do it again," Tony chuckled.
Candi heard the sound of Tony undoing his fly. Then she felt Tony's hard cock rubbing in the crevice of her buttocks. She heard him groan and then he gripped her hips and began to thrust against her panty-clad buttocks.
Candi thrust back against him.
"Oh yeah that's a good girl you know I like it," he sighed.
He pushed harder against Candi, leaving little trails of pre-cum on her panties as he humped her rump. Candi pushed back to meet him and wriggled her buttocks so she could excite him more.
"Mm that's really good girl," Tony gripped her tighter and thrust harder.
"Turn around baby I want to kiss you while I fuck you," Tony said and dropped his pants.
Tony released Candi's waist and she spun around and faced him. She smiled up at him. He was a big man but he was handsome and he projected power. There was something about him that excited Candi and she felt her knickers getting wet.
Tony's big face closed on hers and then his lips pressed against hers and he wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her, slipping his tongue into her mouth.
She locked her arms around Tony's fat neck and kissed him; softly at first and then she slid her tongue into his mouth.
Tony tasted her sweet breath and inhaled her perfume and he wrapped his arms around her and responded. God this chick was so young, soft and compliant! His cock was pressed against her belly, rubbing on her satin blouse.
Candi pressed her body against Tony, aware of the heat of his erection pressing into her stomach, and kissed him passionately. Tony snaked his hand down and caressed her thigh and Candi gasped; she was becoming highly aroused.
Tony's fingers crept up her thigh, his rough fingers snagging her nylons. He found the front of her panties and began to stroke her between her legs. She opened her legs wider to give him access.
Candi became erect and Tony freed her phallus from between her legs and teased it though the layers of nylon and satin. Candi gasped and thrust against Tony and kissed him amorously.
Tony took Candi's hand guided it to his erection. She found it hard, hot and throbbing and slowly squeezed and then stroked it.
It was Tony's turn to gasp.
"You're getting wet my little flower," Tony smiled as he felt the wet patch growing on the front of her panties.
Candi smiled and used her thumb to tease a globule of pre-seminal fluid from his glans and worked it into the sensitive flesh of his penis.
Tony lifted her onto the desk and Candi lay back and let Tony remove her panties. He couldn't be bothered removing her pantyhose and simply tore a hole in the gusset.
He nestled the head of his cock against her little pink bud and Candi wrapped her legs around Tony's waist and drew herself forward until his cock was fully embedded in her tight anus.
"Oh god that's so good!" she sighed.
She lifted herself up with Tony's assistance so they could kiss while they fucked. Tony fucked her with long slow strokes, he really liked the feel of her nylons on his body as she clung to him with her legs and she enjoyed the power of him as slid that huge cock in and out of well-greased arse.
"Mmm, you are one good fuck my little hostie putta," Tony smiled at her and then he began to fuck her harder and faster.
As Tony drove his cock deeper in her anus Candi felt it pressing on her prostate and her pleasure intensified. She could feel that Tony's cock was fully engorged and was pulsating. He was close to coming and she rode him hard, pushing her bottom into his groin.
Candi gasped with pleasure as Tony gripped her throbbing member through her pantyhose and squeezed and caressed it. Her legs started to shake and she moaned as she felt her orgasm approaching. She clung to Tony and pushed against him, arching her back.
She flooded the front of her pantyhose with hot semen and she felt Tony ejaculate deep inside her as the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced washed over her.
They continued to kiss and caress until they were sated.
"Oh my god you're beautiful. You remind me of another young pretty transvestite I once deflowered in this very office" Tony smirked.
Tony pulled his cock out of Candi's anus and helped her to her feet on shaky legs.
"Thanks babe that was great. Here, clean up," Tony snatched a handful of Kleenex from a box on his desk and wiped at his cock.
Candi dabbed at her pantyhose and wiped away any of her semen that had not already been absorbed by the fabric. Then she pulled up her panties and smoothed out her skirt.
Tony pulled up his underpants and trousers and went to a small bar and opened the fridge and took out a bottle of chilled Chianti. He poured two glasses and gave one to Candi who had seated herself back on the overstuffed lounge. Candi took a sip of the icy cold Chianti and accepted the lighted cigarette that Tony offered her.
Tony lit his own cigarette and dropped down beside her.
"So this Caputo guy? He's a big deal at Goldwing? I think not? Like I said, I think he's a functionary," Tony said, all business again.
"Yes he's some sort of executive but not high up. He sits on the employee selection committee is all I know," Candi gulped more wine and Tony topped off her glass.
"Don't worry sweetheart. He won't bother you again."
It was obvious that Tony was being polite but also that he was impatient to leave. Candi took the hint and drank down her wine and snubbed out her cigarette.
Tony stood up and held out his hand. Candi put down her glass and reached for the proffered palm. Tony eased Candi up from the lounge and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her on the lips affectionately and then led her to the door.
"This airline hostess thing? You really like it, I can tell. I think I will keep an eye on you because I think you will do well at it," he smiled.
Tony kissed Candi's cheek as he opened the door for her and guided her out. As she passed through the doorway he playfully smacked her behind.
Candi had Michelle and John over for Sunday dinner and she told them all about her visit to Tony's office. Michelle asked the obvious question.
"I've never had a favour from Tony where he didn't want something in return, she smirked."
"Well yes I gave him a little something," she winked wickedly.
John started to pout but Candi cheered him up. She squeezed his cock through his tight jeans under the table and leaned in and bit his earlobe.
"You can stay the night," she whispered in his ear.
John broke into a grin.
First thing on Monday morning at the Academy, Candi went into the break room for a cup of tea and found it buzzing with excitement.
"What's going on?" she asked Katie Jones.
"Dennis Caputo. They found him drowned in the pool this morning. He was face down in the water with his trousers around his ankles and a broom handle shoved up his arse."
To be continued...
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You Got Me
I hadn't picked Dennis Caputo as the man in the pool. Well, he got an overdose of vengeance so his days as a sexual predator are finished.
Candi's rear is soon going to be more capacious than the Channel Tunnel as she is getting serviced a couple of times a day. By the time she finishes training school she'll be able to accommodate a jumbo jet.