Cynthia and the Wonderful Corrections - Chapter 10 & Epilogue

Cynthia and the Wonderful Corrections – Chapter 10 & Epilogue

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This story is the fourth and final story in a series within a series. The overall series is the “Cynthia Chronicles”. This story is directly connected to “Simoné and the Second Time Around”, “Marti and the Doppelganger”, and Marti and the Doppelganger – a Follow Up”. Several of the stories in the Cynthia Chronicles left some unanswered questions. In “Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling” two of the antagonists are regressed to childhood. Now we will learn what happened to them. In “Randi and the College Professor” Randi and Frank Deere adopt Betty, a bit of a rogue witch. Betty was regressed to early childhood, but she kept her powers. As it turns out, Betty was a real blessing. We also learn a bit more about Cindy’s first born who is the first new wizard in probably close to a thousand years. Then there is a question that has been floated about. What about death?

Margot, Joann, and Betty couldn’t be happier. They have wonderful families and they have no doubts. Bobbie and Cindy couldn’t be happier. They are happily married, have wonderful families, and are helping the transgender reach their goals without trauma. However, there are lingering questions that will never go away. -->

This work is copyrighted by the author and any publication or distribution without the written consent of the author is strictly prohibited. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of the characters to persons living or dead is coincidental.


Chapter 10

Well, three more years have passed since Margot’s ‘situation’ had been corrected. Her magic had quickly returned, and this time she was getting the instruction she had missed out on before. Joann knew she couldn’t be magic, but she knew if she married someone who carried the magic trait, that she had a fifty percent chance her daughters might be witches. That was enough for her. She was just very grateful that things had turned out so well. She and Margot were very, very lucky girls.

Thirteen years had passed since Bobbie’s victory in the British open, and much had happened. The families had spread out a bit, but there were times when they would get together. This was one of them.

“Bobbie, it just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it?”

“I would certainly have to agree with that. We have been truly blessed,” Bobbie acknowledged.

“Mom, where do you want us to put these dishes?”

Cindy turned to see her twin daughters, Margot and Joann, each with a load of dishes. Well, they hadn’t always been her daughters as we know.

“Just put them on the counter by the sink. We’ll rinse them off, and get the first load washing in the dishwasher. Are they ready for ice cream and cake?”

“Just about, Uncle Andy is giving some lessons in the indoor range,” Joann responded. “Jimmy is getting real good. He hits the ball real well for a ten year old.

“There’re more dishes. We’ll get them for you.” The two fourteen-year olds headed back to the dining room. They were obviously sisters, but most who saw them would not realize they were fraternal twins. Joann was already showing more than hints of the well-endowed, but very attractive figure she would have as an adult. Margot, on the other hand was willowier. She was taller than Joann, and not nearly as well developed. She was what would be called hoydenish; however, she was all girl as was her sister. Margot’s figure would eventually catch up quite a bit.

“They really are very happy, aren’t they? Who would have believed it?” Bobbie said as she and Cindy watched the two. “Andy offered to give them golf lessons the other day. They said they would love to have some, but not right now, as there were some other things they wanted to do. I’m glad they are going to get involved with First Tee, though. I think ‘other things’ are spelled b-o-y-s.

“You’ve had the talk with them?”

“A long time ago,” Cindy replied. They already know how to prevent ovulation, at least Margot does. I taught her that little trick about the same time you taught Cynthia. Joann is a bit tougher because she can’t do the magic like her sister can. I thought she might be upset when she learned she couldn’t do magic, but she really seems to be okay with it. She said when she starts dating, I can turn off the egg production for her. Her experience with her first period was certainly better than mine. She insisted on a menarche party, as you know.”

It had been a beautiful fall day, and Halloween was only a few days off. The families were celebrating Donald Brewer and Cynthia Anderson’s fourteenth birthdays. The two teenagers had had a friendly argument over the years as to who was the oldest. No one really knew for sure. The records showed they were born on October 31st at 6:08PM. No one had been keeping a stopwatch on their birthing process, so for record’s sake, they were born at the same time. They were also born under a rising full moon, the second one of the month.

“You guys need any help?”

They turned to see Randi and her oldest daughter, seventeen-year-old Betty. Marvin was in his ever-present place on Betty’s shoulder. Twelve-year-old Linda was right behind them.

Betty Deere had kept her head of naturally curly locks that she had had since she was a little girl. Her dark brown eyes sparkled and a genuine smile seemed always to be present. She loved children, and had already made up her mind that she would be an elementary school teacher like her grandmother. She also had a steady boyfriend. At five feet, five inches, she was a bit shorter than she had been in her previous life. Some might consider her a bit plump, but she wasn’t really. Her frame was just a bit stocky. She was still a virgin, and her boyfriend was willing to wait. They had met by accident, but found out early in their relationship that he was a carrier of the witch trait.

Betty didn’t need to experiment with sex. She had done plenty in her previous life. She remembered the good things about a sexual relationship, and losing it just didn’t have much of a priority at the moment. She felt that after her eighteenth birthday would be soon enough.

Linda Deere was as quiet as her mother was outgoing and adventuresome. She was, however, very, very powerful, maybe even more so than her mother and grandmother.

“We will need help passing out the ice cream and cake in a few minutes.

“Has His Wisdom returned yet?”

“Not yet,” Linda said, checking her watch. “He said he would be back at 4:00. There’re a few minutes to go, still.”

The Wizard, with Donald as an assistant, had taken a group of the five to ten-year olds to the La Brea Tar Pits. The thing was, they were going back in time to the Pleistocene, the time of saber tooth tigers, mammoths, and giant sloths.

In spite of the fact that The Wizard and his charges had never apparated into an object or person, Linda made sure the patio was clear. At precisely 4:00, The Wizard, Donald Brewer and their six charges appeared in the middle of the patio. The Wizard was carrying Michael Deere in one arm and a pair of tar covered trainers in his other hand. Sydney Brewer had also managed to get a rather large lump of tar in one of her braids. She was holding it away from her camouflage pattern outfit.

“Young Michael thought he could walk on what appeared to be solid ground in spite of being warned not to leave the group. We’ve had a little talk about following instructions. We didn’t realize he had lost his shoes at first. It wouldn’t have been good for University of Southern California Paleontology Department to find these under a mammoth’s carcass. That could have created quite a stir.”

The Wizard muttered something and the shoes and Sydney’s hair suddenly became tar free. The children couldn’t stop chattering for some time about their adventure. Not only had they seen a saber tooth tiger, they had seen a pack of dire wolves stalking a herd of strange looking deer. A herd of twenty wooly mammoths had crowned the adventure.

Joann and Margot had returned the remaining used dishes to the kitchen before starting to lay the tables for ice cream and cake. The adventurers to ancient southern California had taken a picnic with them, but ice cream and cake was being consumed with everyone else. Finally, it was time for the presents. For the magical, wrapped presents did not present much of a challenge; however, the mothers had cast obscuring spells on each package, and there was an honor code in effect not to peek. It was similar to the one in force during the Christmas season.


So many years had passed. Cindy and Bobbie still continued to do their work as psychiatrist and psychologist. They were grandparents many times over, and now there were more wizards, and even two sorceresses showing up in the family trees. For certain, the wizard gene would not die out. Cindy’s first, Don, was pretty much in charge of things. The original wizard, Aloysius Betancourt, was happily retired as The Wizard Emeritus. He did some consulting, and was frequently a guest lecturer, but spent most of his time basking in the sun with Wolf and Padrona on American Samoa. He and Donald Brewer were seldom out of touch, though.

Cindy’s husband and only love had died at 203 years. That was far longer than many had expected. Bobbie’s husband, Andy, had lived just short of 130. Needless to say, at the time, both women were heartbroken; however, they had long before reconciled themselves to the fact their husbands would pre-decease them by centuries. Neither Cindy nor Bobbie would form a significant relationship after their husbands’ deaths. They did not become celibate. They would date infrequently, and if the mood struck them, would take their companion to bed for a night’s enjoyment. There was never any permanence in any of their relationships, and their transitory lovers would quickly forget about them.

In spite of Cindy and Bobbie’s closeness, they never went to bed together. Some would have guessed otherwise. Two women could never be closer, and it wasn’t the fact they were not attracted to each other. They loved each other very much. They just didn’t want to do anything to harm that relationship. They did not want to become reclusive or codependent. After all, they had at least four or five hundred years, maybe more, of life expectancy ahead of them.

At least once a year they would take a vacation to American Samoa, not that they didn’t go there more often than that. Cindy’s mother and aunt had decided they would spend six months together in Samoa, and six months visiting their children, grandchildren and friends all over the world. Never a year would go by when they and Margaret didn’t spend a few weeks in Braşov, Romania with Simoné and Ivana. The hotel and surroundings were so nice. Of course, neither of them had to work, but when they knew they were needed, they were there.

The beach at Lauliifou was a wonderful place. The sands were white, and the water was crystal clear. The Capital City of Pago Pago was not quite visible to the northwest, but the international airport to the southwest was quite noticeable; especially with the air traffic coming and going. Fortunately, they didn’t have to worry about air travel. The island had a population of about 60,000, and that was all it could really handle. The tourist travel easily added another 20 to 30 percent year round.

“Cindy, do you see those two women over there by the ice cream vendor?”


“They were at the restaurant last night. They were by themselves. Do you remember them?”

“Yes, they sat close to the bar. I thought it was a bit unusual that they weren’t accompanied.”

“Can you read them?”

“No, I can’t. I didn’t try last night. I didn’t see any reason to.”

“Cindy, what’s wrong with that picture? Obviously, they’re witches, but I’ve never seen them before. Why are they wearing dark glasses? They were wearing them last night in that dark restaurant, too. They shouldn’t need them, and the dark lenses should be transparent to us, but they’re not. They don’t want us to see their eyes. They have to know we are witches, and they don’t want us to know who they are. I think they’re teasing us.”

“Why would they do that? Besides, where’d they go?”

The two long-time friends looked around. The other two women were nowhere to be seen.

Marissa and Elizabeth had long before made up for the separation they had endured but were never aware of as they grew up. They had been staying with Margaret Vaeaolesau on the other side of the island while Bobbie and Cindy stayed in a posh hotel in Pago Pago. Mature witches learned very early in their lives that they didn’t have to use magic to get along in the world. They could invest wisely and live off their investments. Yes, they could use magic to their advantage, but they didn’t have to hurt others to get ahead. Simoné and Ivana learned that early in their lives. They took advantage of the dishonest, only. They built up their wealth early and made sure they used it to help others; not just themselves. They had saved more than forty families and their lands during the wars and USSR invasion. Simoné had worked her magic during the latter periods.

But back to Cindy and Bobbie. They were a bit mystified about the two disappearing witches. Obviously, they knew Bobbie and Cindy were witches. Why didn’t they just introduce themselves? Witches in general were a pretty sociable group; although there were still some isolationists among the Roma. A few had shown up at the conferences over the years. The two unknown women were not likely to be Roma, but who were they?

Cindy and Bobbie had decided to eat at a very exclusive restaurant in Pago Pago. It was quiet, not too bright, had great Polynesian food, and an excellent bar. There were not any blaring televisions playing football (soccer), rugby, or other sports. It was definitely not a pick up place. Reservations were a must.

“Good evening, do you have reservations?” the nicely gowned greeter asked.

“Yes, I’m Cindy Brewer ….”

“Certainly, the other two in your party arrived just a little while ago. Please follow me.”

“Wha …?” Bobbie gently nudged Cindy before she could say anything else. She had seen the two women at the table for four that was in a secluded corner.

The two ladies stood as they approached. Both were brunettes, but the shorter of the two had nearly black hair. She also had a naturally dark, almost olive complexion. They were still wearing their glasses.

“I’m sure you’re wondering what this is all about. I’m Felicity and this is Angelina. We met in college a number of years ago. I’m sure you can tell by my accent that I’m Australian. Angelina is from the Philippines. Why don’t we sit and have a drink; we’ve already ordered for you.”

They sat as the waiter brought their drinks. They were margaritas, probably as good as they’d had in many years.

“Angelina and I met in college many years ago. As you obviously know, we are witches. We went to medical school and did our residencies together. We were watching a video one night on the website we grew up with. We’d met Charli at one of our coven’s get togethers a while ago. She certainly has done some amazing things with the website. Anyway, we were looking at a replay of the US National Convention. Being 12 hours or so out of sync and working at the hospital makes it tough to see it live. We did see it and it came to us at the same time. We knew what we had to do.

Suddenly, Cindy knew what it was about. She looked at the shorter of the two brunettes, who at this point hadn’t said a thing. There was a tear running down her face. Cindy reached out and gently took the younger woman’s hand. The feeling of warmth, peace and love was instantaneous. The woman was trembling just slightly. Cindy reached over with her other hand and removed the woman’s glasses. She had a hesitant smile, and her dark brown, flecked with gold eyes brimmed with tears.

“I’ve missed you so much. We missed both of you.”

She didn’t have a chance to say anything else. Cindy grabbed her in a fierce hug and they cried and cried, only stopping to exchange passionate kisses. Bobbie turned to look at Felicity. She had removed her glasses.

“Andy?” Bobbie said quietly.

Felicity nodded. Their reaction was similar.

In a way, things became quite a bit calmer after that. Of course, Felicity had raised a curtain of obscurity very early. Those in the restaurant never had a clue as to what was going on. For many reasons the emotional highs dropped a bit after the initial shock wore off. A sense of peace and certainty washed over all of them. Four people who loved each other very much were back together, and they would be together for many centuries in the future. They would work out the details later.

They were actually able to enjoy their dinner, but they mostly just exchanged loving glances and light touches.

“How did you find us?” Cindy asked.

“We’ve known about you since we were very young. Our previous families are rather famous,” Felicity answered. “After all, the New England Coven is the center of magic these days. All six new wizards work out of that region as do the two sorceresses. We just didn’t remember our previous relationships. ‘You know who’ waited until he thought we were ready before he released the memories. We’ve been in touch with most since then. Don is pretty much in charge of things. Marissa, Beth, and Margaret have known for months.


Felicity and Angelina had been very thorough in their plans for the meeting. After dinner, Felicity led Bobbie back to the room in the other wing of the hotel where she and Angelina, unknown to Bobbie and Cindy, had been staying. Cindy and Angelina, hand in hand went to the other room. They didn’t need to say anything to each other.

It had been a very emotional evening, but the evening was far from over. When two people are in love, and have been in love for a long time, and married for more than 150 years, there are certain things that happen that are pretty much givens. This time it wasn’t two shy virgins who weren’t really too sure what to do. It was two lovers who had been apart for far too long. Cindy took in the woman/man she had loved most of her life. Frankly, she could only see Donna. The resemblance was uncanny. She was very fit. Her breasts stood firmly, high on her chest; just like they did the first time Cindy saw her in the locker room after gym class so many years before. The athleticism was there. They showered together, reacquainting each other with the tactile memories they’d had from so long before. They dried each off with the plush hotel towels before donning their nighties and walking together to the king-sized bed.

One might wonder why they even bothered to put on nighties. After all, they wouldn’t remain on for very long. They did it because of memories of their first time together.

“Mmmmmm, you smell nice,” Angelina said.

“So do you, my love.”

“I’ve missed you so much.”

“Shhh, we’ll talk about that later” Cindy said, gently touching Angelina’s lips with her index finger. Then she leaned forward and gently kissed the lips she had kissed so many times before. Angelina’s response was immediate. Cindy gently pulled her nightie over her head and lost hers quickly afterwards.

“Now, where was I?” Soon their tongues were gently dueling. Their nipples were like hot daggers pressing into each other's breasts. The feeling of their breasts pressing into each other was something that brought back wonderful memories. Cindy could resist no longer. She let her lips trail down to the base of Angelina’s throat, and then on to her breasts, those gravity defying cones she had fallen in love with the so many years before. She drew a hard nipple into her mouth and teased the point with her tongue.

“Ohmygod,” Angelina gasped as she gently pressed Cindy’s head into her chest. Cindy continued her journey across her hard belly to her sparsely furred mound. She was bringing back memories from a long time ago. In the back of her mind was one thing. This was the person she loved so much. It didn’t matter what form she was in.

“Please. I need you now,” Angelina begged.

Unlike the first time they’d made love, there was no hesitation on the part of either. Memories, especially good memories, can make love making very easy. Cindy gently paid homage to her pretty folds. She found the right spot and gently teased her. For a while Angelina lay still, then Cindy’s ministrations began to elicit a response. She could feel the muscles in Angelina’s belly start to twitch and contract. Her hips started to thrust upward meeting Cindy’s gentle probing. Suddenly, she started vibrating and little moans escaped her clenched jaws. It hit her very hard. She did nothing to stifle her screams. Finally, the spasms ceased; then the sobs began.

Cindy cradled her to her breasts, gently rocking her back and forth. “It’s okay, my love, it’s okay. I will be here for you forever. I will never leave you.”

Angelina’s sobs gradually subsided. “My life was empty. Our lives were empty. We couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Felicity and I love each other very much. We always will. We couldn’t figure it out, though. Something was missing. Then we saw you in that replay of the US Convention. It hit us simultaneously. We knew who you were. Then The Wizard told us you were going to be in Samoa.”

“He does things like that,” Cindy replied. “He plays by his own rules. We just have to get used to it. I know you understand that.

“I think back to that first time I made love to you. It was so right. Then you disappeared. I thought about killing myself. Thank god Bobbie and my mother knew what was going on. I know Mom knows what’s been going on this time. It really doesn’t matter, though. You are here.”

Then it was a repeat of their first time. “I have no complaints, but one. This will never be a one-sided relationship, and I think I am one up on you. Cindy, do you realize how incredibly beautiful you are; inside and outside?

“These lips for instance: they are so soft and pouty.”

“Ummmm ….”

“And these breasts; I’ve never seen any more perfect. I mean, look how these beautiful nipples pucker when I do this. They look like little strawberries, and they are just as sweet.”

“Yesss, oh yes. Please do the other one, too. God, you’re making my toes curl.”

“And this delightful little innie navel; my tongue fits in there just like this.”

“That tickles so good.”

“This golden forest is just waiting for me to pass through it. And, look what it leads to. This is so sweet, just like an orchid, dew covered and opening to the sun. I may linger here for a while.”

“Please do.”

They slept entwined in each other’s arms.

Four cats, one the most intelligent and beautiful cat in the world, were getting acquainted in the US. The Wizard had seen to it.


At this point, I think we will leave the lovers alone. Ever after is a long time, suffice it to say. There would be many more reunions over the centuries. Some would be surprises, and some would not. The archivist has probably recorded many more stories; however, she is not sure whether or not she will be releasing them. We know when Randi, Charli, Ginny, Lucy and others were in their teens, they did some pretty ‘naughty’ things. Randi did allude to some past experiences; however, I’m not sure it is necessary to go there, either.

Does anyone remember Andy’s first name?

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