Amber pt 21 The conclusion?

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Amber part 21

The conclusion??

She nodded. I quietly entered Paige's room. I looked at her peacefully sleeping. Her bandaged wrists visible. She seemed small for a boy but not for a girl. Looked like she had been growing her hair out but had gotten it hastily chopped off, by someone. Probably someone not liking she was transgender. Her chart had said she had a bed bath just after getting to her room. I checked her closet. I didn't find much a pair of shorts, a t shirt, socks, a worn out pair of panties. I noted her size. A beat pair of sneakers. Also there was a locking diary. I placed it on her night stand by her bed. Figuring she would want to write about all that has happened. Just before I left I gave her a kiss on the head. I whispered. 'Paige, believe it or not. The best is yet to come. Your new foster family will be helping you be the best you.' She stirred a little but stayed asleep. I left as quietly as I came.
“ Thanks, Kristine.” I smiled as I left. Yeah, I believe I have found our new daughter.

“ Have good evening, Dr Reid.” She said.

I headed home. Greg had told mom what was going on. She also thought Tink would be perfect for Paige. She was going to drop her off tomorrow evening. Me and Greg talked about Paige and after the news. We headed to bed.

Greg and I got up and ate as normal. We both went to work. I worked only till noon. Then over to Botsford.

On my way over I called, Kennedy.

“ Hi, Mom.”

“ Paige is a sweetheart. Do me a favor.”

“What is that?”

“At lunch or on your way over to Botsford. Swing by the store and pick up Paige a nice pair of Pjs, maybe a short set. Kind of give her a boost in feeling like the girl she is. She is a size small”

“ Good Idea. I am driving myself so no problems with stopping.”

“ I'll ask her Dr to put in a order for her to get a shower. So she can be clean and put on the Pjs.”

“ Great, I'll see you in a couple hours. Love you, Mom”

“ Love you too.”

Once I got to the hospital. I found Mark Martin as he finished his rounds.
“Hey, Mark.”
“ Hey Amber. What's shaken. Saw that you looked in on one of my patients yesterday.”

“ Yeah, I did. With good reason. Looks like me and Greg will be fostering her. I wanted to look in on her.”

“ Hey, You know I don't mind one bit. Would you like to meet her, you could do rounds with us tomorrow morning?”

“ That would be great. I'll meet you at 8.”

“ It's a date.”

As I walked to the nurses station I saw Kennedy and an older woman come off the elevator. I politely acknowledged them. As I stepped behind the counter. They both entered Paige's room. About a minute later the older woman came out.

As she passed, I thought I heard her mumble good riddance. I was tempted to jump her for that comment about my soon to be daughter but I let it pass.

I saw Kennedy leave Paige's room As she passed the nurses station. I stepped out and walked with her.

“ Well” I asked.

“ Mom, you where right. I think she will be a perfect foster for your first one. She absolutely loved her new Pjs. ”

“ Thanks to you getting our application through so fast. Your father will be ecstatic finally getting kids in the house again.”

“ So what about your grandchildren? Do they not count?”

“ Kennedy Ghost Perkins, me and your father love our grandbabies, to no end. But they are not living with us. They just come visit for a while. Then go home. It was great when Riley and Whitley stayed for the week after Kelsey and Brook finally got officially married. 3 months after they wanted to, no thanks to that drunk driver. He did get his though. 5 years for habitual. Plus Kelsey and your sister in law got a 4.5 million settlement.”

“I know Mom. Even with our deformity we are great mothers.” Kennedy said.

“ I know, all of you are great mothers, Not sure of Kalley, yet. I will make that assumption. So when are you going to formerly introduce me and your father to Paige?”

“ How does tomorrow sound? I am going to put in for the placement, pending the meeting, it is policy. Right now I am going to pick up something for her to wear out of here. I will be taking her shopping before I bring her to the house.”

“I noticed that she does have many cloths, last night I got her size. When I visited her.” I said.

“ Just the one outfit and it is so worn. She'll need everything new. This is going to be my treat. She may become my little sister. I'll see you and Daddy tomorrow at say 11.”

“ Sure, honey. Love you.” I gave her a hug.

Kennedy returned it. “ Love you too. Mom.” She continued to the elevator. I gathered up a few things and headed home also.

Once Home I was so excited. I made sure all the girls rooms where clean. I had changed the linen on Kalley and Kelsey's bed. After Riley and Whitley stayed with us. Smokes didn't really know what was going on. He just found a spot and watched me.

I told him that we are going to have another girl for him to watch over. He just talked to me.
I knew I was getting stressed so I changed into a bikini and spent time in the hot tub. Just relaxing. I was only in for about 10 minutes when Greg got home.

“ Hi, Love.” He said as he came out of the house.

“ Hi, Sweetheart. How was your day?” I asked as he came around an gave me a kiss. Of course fireworks.

“ OK, So how is it on the Paige thing?” He asked as he sat on one of the chairs that was around the hot tub.

“I am going to meet her tomorrow, I will pretend to do rounds with Mark Martin. Making up some reason. Kennedy is going to show up shortly after and help her get ready. Paige has only one outfit and it is beat to hell. Kennedy is going to get her something to wear out of the hospital. Then take her shopping for some cloths. We will show up at 11 to meet our foster daughter. Can you drop me off at Botsford in the morning. Are you taking the whole day?”

“ I had planned on it. I may go in for a couple hours while you and your daughters are shopping.”

“ I said, Kennedy is taking Paige not me.”

“You know full well you are going to join them.”

“ Well yeah, I have to spoil my new daughter some.” I said as I got out of the hot tub. I was starting to prune.

“ As always.” He said as he hooked his finger in my bikini bottoms as I walked by. He pulled me into his lap. I put my arms around his neck and we began kissing.

“ I love you, I said coming up for air. He said the same. Next thing I know he is rubbing my crotch.

“ Are you going to take care of what ever comes up.” I said lustfully. I took that as a yes as he carried me to our bedroom. Where we wound up making love for an hour.

I changed into a pair of lounge shorts and a tank. Greg put on a t-shirt and sweat pants. I made dinner afterwards.

Shortly after we did the dishes. Smokes started barking and took off outside. Mom had gotten here to drop off Tinker bell. Tink and Smokes played in the back yard.

“ Hi, Mom.” I said.

“ Hi, Honey, Hi, Greg.”

“ Hi, Ma.”

Sitting on the couch, Mom began. “ So tell me about your foster child?”

“ She is Transgender like me, your granddaughters, and great granddaughters. She lost her parents when she was 5. been in 21 different foster homes. None accepting her as transgender even though it is in her file. She is 11. So she hasn't hit puberty yet.

“ Wow, 21 in 6 years. That is 3+ a year. It seems like the foster system needs an overhaul. How can that much instability be good for a child ” mom said.

“ I wish I knew there reasoning but it's the damn bureaucrats.”

“ Your right. Hopefully you will be able to help, What is her name?”

“ Paige, Ma.” Greg added. “ We are going to start right off treating her as the girl she is. Love and compassion, helping her be who she truly is.”

“Yeah, that is the plan. We may have to be parents sometime but we are not going to treat her any different that our other girls. She gets in trouble she will get disciplined just like the others.”

“ Amber, I am so proud of you two. Helping this young lady giving her a stable and loving home. Letting her be who she truly is.”

“ Thanks, Mom” I said.

Just then a tired Tink and a even more tired Smokes came in. They both laid on the end of the couch.

“ Well the fur kids are getting along. I need to get going. Your father should be home by the time I do. He went to the Grand blanc store to check on things.”

“ OK, Mom.” I said as I walked her to her suburban. “ We will bring Paige over for a visit. Maybe this weekend.”

“ Sure, Bring her up to Oakland on Sunday we have our annual big poker run and bar-b-que.”

“ We just might. Talk to you later. Love You Mom”

“ Love you too. Said Mom as she took off for home.

Me and Greg stayed up to see what the weather was going to be like for tomorrow and the weekend. Being it is Friday tomorrow our normal eat out and cruise day. We will let Paige choose where we eat.
We headed to bed. With both Smokes and Tink laying at the foot. As normal we slept in the nude. We also talked about for a bit we will wear something to bed. Until Paige gets used to the house.

Waking at 6:30 to get ready to meet Mark Martin for 'rounds' at 8. Greg dropped me off at quarter to 8 at the employee/Doctors entrance. I had worn scrubs in a dark maroon with my lab coat over it. Yeah, I did make sure it was well hidden. As always. Scanning in my badge just shows I am in the building. If any Doctor gets a call the switch board can see if we are in the building or not, to be paged for anything.

I arrived just as Mark Martin and Scott Buckholze was exiting the room next to Paige.

“ Hey, Mark, Scott. Looks like I made it.”

“ Yeah, just in time.” Scott said.
We walked into Paige's room. She seemed bright and cheery this morning.
'Good Morning, Tyler. We have an extra with us this morning. This is Dr. Reid. Scott said.

“ Good Morning, Paige.” I said. “I am doing rounds with Dr Martin and Dr Buckholze. To keep my access here I need to do rounds once a month. I have my own family practice in Farmington.”

“ OK” She answered then it seemed to hit her. A wow she addressed me as the girl I am. I gave her a I know you are a girl smile.

“ How are you doing today, Tyler.” Dr Martin asked.

“ OK, I guess. Mostly board.”

“ Well the nurses say your cuts are healing well. Let's change the bandages. Dr Reid which one would you like to do?”

“ I'll do her left?” I smiled again.
I did it again,I used the feminine pronoun her. She was thrilled and curious at the same time. I unwrapped Paige's left wrist. Closely checking the stitches and for any infection. I then carefully place a new bandage and rewrapped it.

“ She seems to be healing well. No signs of infection.” I said to the other doctors. Then to her, “ Paige are you having any pain?”

“ A little when I bend them. Not to bad.”

“ That is to be expected. With these injuries you inflicted on yourself. Now we won't be seeing you back here for this? I said in a stern Mom voice. Ending with, “ Right, young lady”
Again I referred to her in a feminine way. Mark and Scott knew better that to correct me, We had a discussion.

“ Well what do you think?” Scott asked.
“ I think she will fit in perfect in our family.” I answered.
“ OK, Her wounds seem to be healing nicely. Being she is going to your house I will put in the order to have her released.”
We all nodded.

“ Paige, looks like you are ready to get out of here.” I asked. She nodded.

“ OK, I'll call your case worker and let her know you will be discharged later.” I said. We left.
As soon as they where out of ear shot.
“ Thanks, Guys.” Amber said.
“ Your welcome, Amber. Lest we could do. Yeah, I think she will be a fine addition to your family. Hope everything works out.” Dr. Buckholz said.

“ I like the part about the certification that was great. I had to fight not to laugh.”

“ Well I had to tell her something to throw her off right now. I really couldn't say. I am doing some early recon before I officially meet you. Could I.”

“ Yeah, your right. We have to finish our rounds.” Dr Martin said.

Dr Reid waved and said. “ Thanks again, Guys.” As they walked away.

Pulling out my phone, I quickly dialed Kennedy.

“ Hi, Mom.” Came Kennedy's voice on the other end.
“ You can come anytime. She has been cleared to leave.” I told her.

“ OK, And.”

“ Honey she is a sweetheart. She will be perfect for me and dad to foster. Maybe eventually adopt. We will help her be the girl she needs to be.”

“ I already done my shopping for her leaving the hospital cloths. I got her a cute tennis dress. I will be leaving the office shortly. See you in a bit.”

“ Sound fantastic. See you shortly. Love you, Kennedy. Bye”

“ Bye, Mom. I love you too.” I hung up.

I put in an order to get Paige a shower. One nurse got up to do it. “ I'm going to get Tyler in the shower.

“ Wendy, that would be Paige. She is transgender. SO please refer to her as a girl.”

“ Yes, Doctor. I'm sorry I missed that in her records.” Wendy says to me.

“No problem.” I say. I head down to the cafeteria to get a snack and a water. I meet Kennedy on her way up. Bags in her hands.

“ Hi, Mom.” She says.

“ Hi, Honey. How are you this beautiful morning?”

“ Great, When is Daddy getting here.”

“ He should be here about quarter to 11.”

Looking at her watch, “ Perfect, I have time to get Paige ready.”

We got off the elevator, I waited in the Drs office while Kennedy went straight to Paige's room.

I waited, right at 10:45 Greg showed up.

I give him a kiss. I sit with him.

“ Is Kennedy here?” He asks

“ Yeah, She is in with Paige right now getting her ready to meet us and leave.” Greg nods.

Right a 11, We walk hand in hand to Paige's room. Greg knocks softly.
Kennedy opens door. “ OH, you made it. Perfect timing. We just finished getting ready.”
Greg stepped into the room, and gave Kennedy a hug. “ Hi, Honey how's my girl?”

“ Fine, Daddy.” I followed Greg hugging Kennedy as well. “ Hi, Mom.” She said. I notice that Paige has a somewhat shocked expression on her face. I just smile.

“Paige,” Kennedy started. “ This is Mr and Dr. Reid. My parents. Mom, Dad, this is hopefully soon to to be Paige Lynn Holseth. Right?” She looked at Paige. With a scared smile She just nodded.

“Me and Paige met earlier this morning. Right Paige.” I said.

“ Yea,” She meekly said.

Kennedy sat down on the bed next to her, taking her hand in hers. “ I know your nervous. Like I said, these are my parents. No one will hurt you. I hardly got a spanking because I was such good kid.”

I started coughing.”

“ Anything wrong, Mom.” Kennedy said.

“ Just almost swallowed my tongue.” I said. Paige giggled a little, and smiled some more.

Greg squatted in front of her, looking at her. “ Do I see a smile coming to this pretty face.” She smiled yet more. “ I knew it. Their is a pretty smile from a pretty girl.” She giggled and smiled. “ There it is. See I knew it there is a pretty girl smiling, over here. See.”

I joined him, also looking at her. “ You are right, there is a pretty girl here.”

Paige grabbed us both in a hug that almost pushed us over.

“ Well, Paige I take it you are OK, with Mr and Dr Reid being your new foster parents.”
Kennedy asked.

“ Yea,” Paige said through tears. “ more than OK.”

“ Well, if you are ready. We can go?” I said. Both of us standing up.

“ Go shopping?” Paige said eagerly. “ Kennedy can Dr Reid come too. And help.”

“Sure, She can.” Kennedy answered.

“Can I come too.” Greg asked.

“ No, daddy.” Kennedy said. “ it is a girls only shopping trip.”

He kicked at the ground, “ Shuckey darn.” He seemed to pout. Then he started laughing.

“ Daddy!” Kennedy said. Then turning to Paige. “ you see what I had to put up with for 24 years” I just giggled.

Kennedy grabbed Paige's old cloths from the cabinet and threw them in the trash. Grabbed her purse. Held out her hand for her to take. Which She took. We left. As we walked to the elevator Paige was almost skipping. She seemed so happy. In the elevator we stopped at another floor.
And older nurse got on. She looked at us. Then to Paige, “My don't we have a pretty little lady here.” She just smiled, and said “Thank you”.
She got off at the same floor as we did. Greg headed one way and us the other. Saying. “I'll see you girls later at home.”

I thing hearing Greg say that made her smile all the more. Home and especially girls. We are going to treat Paige like the girl she is.

“Paige, Kennedy says that in your file that you want to have a dog.” I ask.

“ Yes, I do” She said as we walked up to Kennedy's brand new Ford Fusion Sport. In a pretty dark red.
“ Well sure hope you do. Our family has 6 Shetland sheepdogs.” Kennedy added. As she unlocked the car doors.

“Wow, that is great.”Paige got in the back seat as Kennedy and I got in front. Kennedy drove out to 12 oaks mall. Paige seemed a little apprehensive about going into such a public place. Being this is the first time she has been out as herself.

“ Paige are you OK?” I asked.

“ I am just a little nervous. What if some one sees me dressed like this.”

“ Honey,” I knelt down in front of her. “you are a young girl. Girls wear dresses. We are taking you shopping. It's just the three of us girls.

“ But I am just a boy in a dress?” She said.

“ Nonsense, You are a pretty young lady pure and simple.” I placed my hand over her heart. “ What do you feel here, and here. Pointing to her head.

“ Like a girl.”

“ So lets go shopping like girls do.”
Smiling she just nodded. She took my hand and we walked into the mall.

The End????

All of my stories are purely fictional, the some places are real, some are not. The names and personnel used in all my stories, are also fictional. They may be based on people I knew but, Any resemblance to anyone living, dead, or un-dead are purely coincidental.

I write my stories as a fantasy. While based on this world. Things in my story could stretch reality. However I write my stories from my mind. I reserve all rights to my work. Any form of duplication without my permission is forbidden. Please enjoy reading them as I have in writing them.

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